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Bricks Wolffe App


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Note if there are some spelling or grammar errors I am sorry writing is not my forte 

Another note if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! You can reply here or message me on discord my name is Arabic Steve Harvey#9898


Steam Name: John F Kennedy with waves

RP Name: WPL Executive Officer Comet

RP Rank: Executive Officer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:169542529

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 104th BCMD


Note: Color coating things for different battalions i.e. Green is DU purple is 21st and grey is 104th

All though not much happened in my time in DU I remember spending a lot of time doing the requirements like recruiting and learning how to host good sims that can actually help the battalion members in the future. After a while in DU I started to feel out of place with all the things happening and I wanted to try new things so I transferred to 21st and went from SGM to 1SG. During my time in 21st I did the same thing I was doing in DU which was being active, taking lead, and hosting trainings. Eventually I was taken under the wing of Merrill as his ARCO so I could start seeing how to run a functional regiment, it was also around this time that I was chosen to be WO by the BCMD at the time Claw. I spent much of my time as WO teaching enlisted and NCOs how to get promoted and get your requirements done so that they too can become an officer someday. Once my WO term was over I granted the rank 1stLT. Sadly my days as an officer were cut short at the time because I ended up leaving after the whole situation with the commander report, as it was as if I was in DU again when there were removals and bans. I ended up looking around and I saw 104th a battalion I always liked and it had lots of people I knew and got a long with in it from DU so I decided to transfer there as a 2ndLT. Once I had joined the battalion I remember hades getting dash-29 and making me his ARCO, I spent much of my time as ARCO doing ARC tryouts, hosting trainings, and advertising to show people how cool it is to be an ARC. I ended up recruiting 3 people into ARC but after a while I started to realize that maybe I should direct this focus of branches into another branch, it was at that moment where I saw jet. See jet at the time had 2 inactive members and that's it, so I talked to our current BCMD at the time Sina about going for it, I then made my application got it and immediately started working on Jet. I created new tryout docs body grouper rules and I even advertised jet in my tryout bind. My mission in jet was to revive and put it in a stable place where the next couple Boost's wouldn't have a hard time like I did getting it off the ground and that was exactly what I did. I even had max slots in jet at one point except for one JTO spot which was never filled, sadly however those max slots were open soon after because I had to wipe 5 JT's for inactivity and in the end Jet was exactly where I wanted it to be, revived. Another thing that I have done in 104th is the most Negotiation, AT-TE, and TX trainings out of anyone in the battalion, in total I have done 46 TX-130 trainings, 55 AT-TE trainings, and 31 negotiation trainings, it got to the point where I knew these trainings like the back of my hand like a lot of things in the battalion. Now because of doing all this I ended up getting to the rank of Colonel from taking event leads, hosting those trainings, and working on jet non stop, but I started to think to myself that I want to get Commander, so I talked to our Current BCMD/Deku at the time who was Comet about what I could do to be commander, he said to me that I need to take event leads and show my leadership potential, and once I was told that it was almost every event or deployment me asking to take lead for it if hades wasn't because at the time he was also going for commander. Eventually however my hard worked payed off and the day finally came where I got commander in the battalion that I have done the most work in then any other one. Now a few months go by, and Sina's term finally ends and Deku puts one up and get it, he then told me and hades that we were being looked at for Comet and we both agreed best of luck to each other as it was going to be an interview. Hades ended up getting it and I congratulated him and deep down sure I was upset but I had to move on you cant change the past and we both agreed to act mature about it so we did. About a month after however I was picked for Comet after him after having support from the entire battalion. Now during my time as Comet I have tried to work with every single regiment to get there numbers up with meetings, checking in and helping them, and sadly making changes two times to the current personal of Wolfpack and even though I didnt want to make those changes to those people since I knew them well, I knew I had to for the long run. I worked very closely with are ARFL Nova and now ARF is an active regiment with the work he did and the little things I helped him with, I am currently working with heavy and they have just gotten two new recruits into there branch, and that leads us to now where I am writing this app.


21st 1SG - 1stLT

21st ARCO

21st WO

104th 2ndLT - XO

Unnamed Wolfpack

104th ARCO

Wolfpack Boost (JTL)

Wolfpack XO Comet 


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I feel as if I should be Battalion Commander Wolffe because over the 170 days I have been in the battalion I've gotten to understand the culture, the people, and how everything operates on a day to day basis because like I said before I know this battalion like the back of my hand. Not only this but I have the support of all of the active members of the battalion. I also feel that I can bring activity to the table as I am on everyday for 4 - 6 hours, I can bring leader ship as in most events if no one steps up to lead I take over to be an example for all the battalion members,  professionalism to not be going around in game doing dumb stuff, and getting things done because if you look back I dont give up on anything until its done.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes

Availability: Pretty much everyday if I'm not at my dads house but even them I'm available on discord

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since July or August of 2020, my hours are 2162:35:09 

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

Where I want 104th to be by the end of my term is like it is now, the only thing I want to do is build on what is already placed down for me by past BCMD's for instance the first thing I want to happen by the end of my term is to reinstate DISL as a Senior Officer position as it will show us HC who could be ready for CMD or any other promotion, it will also show us who can do hard work as a DISL whether that be administering PT or coming up with new ideas on the DISL guide, for example coming up with a new PT or making a new section on the doc. I also feel that this will up 104th's public image by stopping anything stupid people are doing in game which some members have been Pted or removed from positions because of there actions in TS or in game.


The second thing I want to happen by the end of my term is to push for more recruiting, as of now we have a system where you have to do two hours of recruiting a week and you get merits for it, what I want to do is up the merit worth for doing it, as to give people even more reason to do it, but with that I also want to make the punishment more severe for not doing it as a trade off.


The third thing that I want to do in the 104th by the end of my term is streamline communication between the battalion by having weekly battalion meetings where we talk about upcoming things to the battalion, what we should add, and brainstorming for what other people can think of.


The fourth thing I want to happen by the end of my term is to push for more trainings to happen, as of now not that many trainings are hosted that often whether it be TX-130, AT-TE, Negotiations, or even a battalion training. The reason I would like to do this, is because we are excepted to host these trainings frequently as we are some of the main group of people in charge of them, and as far as battalion trainings go I want to push people to do it so that more PVT's will see how fun the server is and be less likely to just go inactive immediately, because they will see these trainings and participate and realize how much fun you can actually have. Now how i'm going to do this is by having our officers and NCO's host these trainings more by pushing them to do so when we have lots of people on, whether that be pinging all of them in the officer chat to do a training or by just hosting one myself, and as far as the AT-TE, TX-130, and Negotiations go I want to make it sort of like a requirement where every 7 days (Monday to Sunday) You expected to host those trainings at least 2 times a week, and no that does not mean actually train someone because I have had times where no one shows, I just mean put the advert in chat for TX-130 AT-TE training in SHB.


The fifth and final thing I would like to do by the end of my term as Battalion Commander Wolffe is create a stable officer corps, I would like to do this by having Senior Officers keep an eye on the NCO's and let us HC know who could be a good candidate for officer some day, while us HC keep an eye on the officers to see who could be ready for Senior Officer.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes


Edited by Cox
  • Dumb 1

Certified Giga Chad


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+1, A lot of people may find themselves wondering whether or not Brick can handle the position, but I fully support his decision in going for Wolffe. I know that he'll be able to lead 104th in a steady direction and I'll always be there for you Brick if you ever have any questions or you are unsure about something. Best of luck my friend.

Full-time Server Boomer



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+1 From what I've personally witnessed and seen you have become an amazing Commander and now XO, and I believe you have what it takes to take up the reins of 104th just remember if you need any help there is lots of us around. Good luck Brother.


 Current:  Nothing                                                                                                                                                                        

Former: 104th BCMD Wolffe | 212th GCO ARFL Switchblade | 501st ARCO CPT Sina | Knight Etain Tur-Mukan  | Alpha-98 Nate 

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1 minute ago, Crimson said:

TLDR I have not seen good interactions or professionalism from the 104th

Well maybe if you could tell me who these people are so I can act on it instead of bringing it up now that could help. 

Certified Giga Chad


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1 minute ago, Cox said:

Well maybe if you could tell me who these people are so I can act on it instead of bringing it up now that could help. 

These people were brought during my time as High command to Deku. If they were not brought to you then I can resend the list.

  • Disagree 1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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8 minutes ago, Crimson said:

These people were brought during my time as High command to Deku. If they were not brought to you then I can resend the list.

I'd like to know as well, unless my memory is just poor. My only interaction with you as when I was asking you about being able to kick out people in tanks because of a recent issue with one of the management at the time, so I'm not sure when you brought this to my attention at all.

Edited by Deku
  • Informative 3

Full-time Server Boomer



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So Brick, before I vote on this. I have a question for you.

The majority of your app is dedicated to your experience, and plans you have laid out are very generic or just flat out stuff that you should already be doing as XO.

How have you, as XO, been pushing for these changes that you have listed?

  • Informative 1



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1 minute ago, Mitchell said:

How have you, as XO, been pushing for these changes that you have listed?

Well mitchell when I am on and I realize that nothing is happening I will tell people to host trainings, just yesterday I had the battalion do an attack and defense sim that rook hosted and then some trigger discipline, that also goes with recruiting as well, if there is a high sever pop ill tell people to get there 2 hours a week done and even if it is done to host it so we can try and get more people. Now with the observing officers and such if you look in past officer chats of the battalion you can see I either tell people to keep an eye on someone because they are doing good and if they are doing bad same thing I am pushing people to do it. Now with the negotiations I tell wolfpack to host it and while they aren't hosting it as much as I want them to I am trying to get them to more often but a lot of them are on ROA and get on at night or early morning, and in no way am I using this as an excuse on why they aren't hosting it but if some of you don't see it that is why. Now for the next thing of pushing for more PT when someone does bad things in game or doesn't listen I am sending off my senior officers to deal with it so I can also see who could be a good candidate for DISL if I get the chance to reinstate it, And as for the making sure PVTs don't go inactive immediately and boosting numbers up I am starting to push more people to ping when there is an encounter or event on main because I've seen in another battalions how well it works so if there is one ill remind everyone in TS to ping in the discord.

Certified Giga Chad


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15 minutes ago, Cox said:

Well mitchell when I am on and I realize that nothing is happening I will tell people to host trainings, just yesterday I had the battalion do an attack and defense sim that rook hosted and then some trigger discipline, that also goes with recruiting as well, if there is a high sever pop ill tell people to get there 2 hours a week done and even if it is done to host it so we can try and get more people. Now with the observing officers and such if you look in past officer chats of the battalion you can see I either tell people to keep an eye on someone because they are doing good and if they are doing bad same thing I am pushing people to do it. Now with the negotiations I tell wolfpack to host it and while they aren't hosting it as much as I want them to I am trying to get them to more often but a lot of them are on ROA and get on at night or early morning, and in no way am I using this as an excuse on why they aren't hosting it but if some of you don't see it that is why. Now for the next thing of pushing for more PT when someone does bad things in game or doesn't listen I am sending off my senior officers to deal with it so I can also see who could be a good candidate for DISL if I get the chance to reinstate it, And as for the making sure PVTs don't go inactive immediately and boosting numbers up I am starting to push more people to ping when there is an encounter or event on main because I've seen in another battalions how well it works so if there is one ill remind everyone in TS to ping in the discord.

While I believe you are on the right track, I don't think that you're quite ready for BCMD.
My criticism: The current state of the 104th is very mixed in my opinion, you guys are fairly active but have had several issues, ranging from mingy officers to the fact that you guys tend to act hostile towards other clones anytime there is negotiations going on.

This, is on top of the fact that alot of the ways in which you intend to improve things are very generic and/or lack any real specific solutions to specific problems. As alot of the things you wanted to improve are, again, very generic and not specific enough to where I can support you running for BCMD.

I believe that, given some more experience, you can do good work. I just don't think you are ready at the current time.
-1. Best of luck on your app however

Edited by Mitchell



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3 minutes ago, Mitchell said:

guys are incredibly hostile to everyone anytime there is negotiations going on.

Could you give me an example of this so I can fix it?


Edited by Cox

Certified Giga Chad


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7 minutes ago, Cox said:

Could you give me an example of this so I can fix it?


While I can't give too many specifics, in general alot of interactions I see tend to be like this.
A hostage situation occurs
104th is called or they are present when it happens.
During the negotiations people outside of the room don't know what's going on, so when something goes down there is a lot of confusion in which leads to 104th being hostile towards people cause they weren't aware of the terms / situation.

The fix: Just communicate better, and make sure the people that are able to do negotiations in your battalion know that at the end of the day its a video game and mistakes will happen with people outside of the active negotiations. But a lot of these bad interactions that I've seen mostly happen due to lack of communication and the 104th then yelling at people for 'interfering' with the situation.

This isn't one of the bigger issues that I've seen, but its small things like this that can affect battalion image and server interaction.

Edit: @Dinaric was more in reference to the way that 104th act to other clones in them, I'll reword my original statement to reflect my meaning better.

Edited by Mitchell



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1 minute ago, Mitchell said:

104th being hostile towards people cause they weren't aware of the terms / situation.

Now to this and the mingy officers what im going to say about that is the two mingy officers we had were removed there positions and one of them was even blacklisted and the other one was close to getting blacklisted. It was also these two who would pull shit like this but we haven't been letting it fly anymore as we are trying to up our public image as those two people did make us look bad a lot of the times and im not going to list names since that is toxic and that's what I am against if I do get BCMD but if you figure out who good for you

Certified Giga Chad


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Forum Admin



🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Without a doubt a +1, you're a strong and dedicated leader. I don't think there's anyone better to take the position. Thank you for all the fun times you've entertained the 212th and I look forward to working right next to you if you gain this position 

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+1. Good luck

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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I've known you basically since you joined the server and have kinda watched you grow like a little baby. My only issue with this application is that you have been considered very immature in many aspects. There have been multiple situations where you've done RP that encourages people to do stupid actions or in general not put forth a very professional attitude. HOWEVER, I have never personally seen this behavior be intentionally harmful or disruptive to the server. My only advice for you going into this position is to do your best to remain professional and display a professional attitude. Additionally, a minor critism but something I think is worth mentioning, allow people underneath you to be able to display their skills and potentially let yourself take a backseat role instead of an incredibly hands-on role. This will let promising people display their potential and help you decide their aptitude for being in certain positions.

I don't really vote on apps much but I think in this one I will. You have my +1 and I hope that your term is for the best in 104th.


I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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+1 Brick is generally a good person. Just take some of the criticism provided on the app and you'll do fine.

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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