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[Accepted] [CW] Docs Ban Appeal


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Name: Doc

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82802199

Ban Reason: I think causing drama? (Has been quite a while not entirely sure)

Date of Ban: January 31st, 2020

Length of Ban: permanent

Staff Member(s) Involved: I believe general high staff / owners

Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: the ban was, frankly, over a joke post made on the forums comparing current synergy to icefuse because of at the time recent events. Albeit, it was a baseless joke made because of a group just making a laugh, but it was a joke post. I do recognize the error that I put it in the wrong section of the forums, leading people to believe that my claims were serious. I do also acknowledge that because I had not played on the server for more than 20 minutes in months, and all my info was instead second hand from players and again, pretty baseless. I’ve realized that there’s nothing to gain from just talking shit and as you can see by me moving on and not messing with anything, I’ve moved on from that aspect of viewing the server and have done nothing to harm the server other than this joke. This is my first and only ban I’ve ever received. I genuinely would like to return to help out my old battalion and be a positive member of the community and help it improve, whether i see something as positive or negative. As I have my forum account banner and have not made an alternate, if you have any questions for me, feel free to message me at Doc#4464 on discord

Evidence to support your claims: there is little evidence I can give here. The post I made was delete it soon after and after a brief talk with founders and directors I was banned.

Note, this is a ban appeal Made for Doc, not for me. I'm posting it due to him being banned on the forums

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I have had my disagreements with doc over the time that we have both played on the server, but eventually grew to be friends and comrades leading the 41st and 91st together and trying to build a lasting bond between our two battalions. Some drama has been kicked up by him but, all things considered, I do not believe it is entirely deserving of a permanent ban from the server. Doc has for the most part been a very upstanding, but blunt and sometimes a bit controversial in terms of humor and memery on the server and forums, member of the community from leading a rather successful neyo term and actually doing the 91st justice to helping out in many other positions. I have talked with doc personally about his ban and in his time away genuinely has changed his attitude and I believe that he deserves this second chance. +1

Edited by Egg
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4 hours ago, Alec said:

I believe general high staff / owners

I believe it was Ron. 

Now I was there during the whole conversation about the incident that happened. It wasn’t much of a conversation as Doc locked up and was trying to end the situation.

In my experience yes he can be a hard headed dumby, yes he can piss people off, but who doesn’t it’s the internet.

Doc was my neyo and did a lot of good for the community, and helped me cement myself comfortably here.

+1 it’s been a while for him to simmer down. 

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
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+1 omegawho 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Ex wants you back exes ex's no let go move on forward motion n d ...

To this day I still will never understand you people who talk immense shit out of your ass about the server and then proceed to continue playing or in this case ask to come back. I think you people need Jesus. 

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1 hour ago, Square said:

Ex wants you back exes ex's no let go move on forward motion n d ...

To this day I still will never understand you people who talk immense shit out of your ass about the server and then proceed to continue playing or in this case ask to come back. I think you people need Jesus. 

We could send them to my Camp. It did wonders



+1 I really want Jb to come back. He did a lot back in the day, and was never a “really” bad member of the community 

Former: Liaison


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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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4 hours ago, Square said:

Ex wants you back exes ex's no let go move on forward motion n d ...

To this day I still will never understand you people who talk immense shit out of your ass about the server and then proceed to continue playing or in this case ask to come back. I think you people need Jesus. 

The reason for this is because a lot of the time, the criticism comes from a place of care for the server and a vision that things could be better or have declined in such a way that things are worse than previously or can be improved. The good times that were had or vision of the server had strayed from what had originally been set. Without criticism, things cannot improve and things get stagnant, which no offense, has happened quite a few times but to different things such as naval or jedi. And in this appeal and my own personal talks with him, he has realized the error of his ways and held no ill will towards the server. And in my opinion, i think the people who do end up leaving the server on not particularly great terms should be looked at and talked to as to why they think the things that they do. Instead of just casting them out and never hearing why they decided to leave or giving them a chance to possibly better themselves or the server with their ideas. 

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I'm gonna have to give this a +1. Outside of being a person that always thinks towards people getting a second chance, some of the things egg brought up solidifies my +1 even more. People say negative things about the server when they want those negative things to change.


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22 hours ago, Egg said:

The reason for this is because a lot of the time, the criticism comes from a place of care for the server and a vision that things could be better or have declined in such a way that things are worse than previously or can be improved. The good times that were had or vision of the server had strayed from what had originally been set. Without criticism, things cannot improve and things get stagnant, which no offense, has happened quite a few times but to different things such as naval or jedi. And in this appeal and my own personal talks with him, he has realized the error of his ways and held no ill will towards the server. And in my opinion, i think the people who do end up leaving the server on not particularly great terms should be looked at and talked to as to why they think the things that they do. Instead of just casting them out and never hearing why they decided to leave or giving them a chance to possibly better themselves or the server with their ideas. 

There is a large difference between constructive criticism and shitposting for the sole reason of creating conflict or even seeking attention. There has been many times in this community where I and other server leadership have seen legitimate constructive criticism and taken it to thought/implemented strategies to improve/ensure the success of the server. This however was not one of those cases. This particular case was someone who wanted to leave the server because they were bored and cause as much of a shitstorm as they could on their way out. I don't see how that falls into the category of criticism that would help at all or provides any sort of benefit to the server. Feel free to explain it to me. 

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-1 I'm not sure what entirely happened but from what I gathered, the dude did something intentional via posting on the forums, he knew what he was doing, and it was bad enough that the FOUNDERS had to be involved with perma-banning him. If you want to go out with a bang by being silly, you can do that without getting perma-banned. Heck, my own BCMD acted dumb before he left and all he managed to do was get arrested. Sometimes, things aren't worth a second chance.



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-1 Thats a big yikes for me. Personally I feel this is more of a founders needs to decide. However I do know this community is build by the player, but for something this serious, it should all go down to the founders.

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Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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18 minutes ago, Ignis said:

-1 I'm not sure what entirely happened but from what I gathered, the dude did something intentional via posting on the forums, he knew what he was doing, and it was bad enough that the FOUNDERS had to be involved with perma-banning him. If you want to go out with a bang by being silly, you can do that without getting perma-banned. Heck, my own BCMD acted dumb before he left and all he managed to do was get arrested. Sometimes, things aren't worth a second chance.



The post is now hidden because his account was perma’d it was a stupid post in shitposting about Synergy being Icefuse V2.

He called out people and issues but he did it the wrong way, which other people have done and play on the server right now. While it was stupid it’s just something to think about.

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Heard worse from people who never got banned. Not saying its an excuse for being stupid, but I don't think his punishment should be perma by any means.  

+1 - Evens if its just a reduction of time for the punishment. 

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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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-1 How would one think comparing the two would come off as a joke and not as an insult to the people who made this community, that’s kinda small brain if you ask me.

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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18 hours ago, Square said:

There is a large difference between constructive criticism and shitposting for the sole reason of creating conflict or even seeking attention. There has been many times in this community where I and other server leadership have seen legitimate constructive criticism and taken it to thought/implemented strategies to improve/ensure the success of the server. This however was not one of those cases. This particular case was someone who wanted to leave the server because they were bored and cause as much of a shitstorm as they could on their way out. I don't see how that falls into the category of criticism that would help at all or provides any sort of benefit to the server. Feel free to explain it to me.

You are correct about there being a difference between the two things. But sometimes they can also be the same thing, and by making the claim that synergy had fallen into the same pitfalls as icefuse and become something that we never wanted to be was true for many people at the time. Nobody voiced out about it out of fear of it being 100% true, but many of us who had come from icefuse and been here since the beginning felt the same way. People have even been making the same meme for long before doc ever did. The banning of doc because of saying that synergy was icefuse v2 all but confirmed suspicions and fears that many people did not want to happen. Calling people retards and nwords and telling the founders to go die, is just someone trying to kick up dirt for the sake of it. Pointing out the flaws of the server that many people shared at the time (some even still today), while may not entirely be constructive criticism but it that doesn't mean it can't be. As I said before, people who make claims like this should not be forced away like some sort of leper, but instead talked to and listen to them and try to improve things from a foundational level by making that criticism into something constructive. In regards to pointing out how something had become the something that it fled from in the first place is one of the most important criticisms that can be made. From all of my experiences with doc, and many of the og 104th is that they are brutally honest and not afraid to stand up against something that they think is wrong and always wanted what was best for all the other gamers on the server, which is something that I personally really respect. This server was born out of the fires of icefuse but with the goal and some of those same values because getting gamered on for standing up for what you believed was right was one of the reasons we left that place, but here we are today. Making criticisms and claims, yes should be well thought out and put in the correct areas, but sometimes anger and strong feelings can cause people to act a bit without thinking.

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1 hour ago, Egg said:

You are correct about there being a difference between the two things. But sometimes they can also be the same thing, and by making the claim that synergy had fallen into the same pitfalls as icefuse and become something that we never wanted to be was true for many people at the time. Nobody voiced out about it out of fear of it being 100% true, but many of us who had come from icefuse and been here since the beginning felt the same way. People have even been making the same meme for long before doc ever did. The banning of doc because of saying that synergy was icefuse v2 all but confirmed suspicions and fears that many people did not want to happen. Calling people retards and nwords and telling the founders to go die, is just someone trying to kick up dirt for the sake of it. Pointing out the flaws of the server that many people shared at the time (some even still today), while may not entirely be constructive criticism but it that doesn't mean it can't be. As I said before, people who make claims like this should not be forced away like some sort of leper, but instead talked to and listen to them and try to improve things from a foundational level by making that criticism into something constructive. In regards to pointing out how something had become the something that it fled from in the first place is one of the most important criticisms that can be made. From all of my experiences with doc, and many of the og 104th is that they are brutally honest and not afraid to stand up against something that they think is wrong and always wanted what was best for all the other gamers on the server, which is something that I personally really respect. This server was born out of the fires of icefuse but with the goal and some of those same values because getting gamered on for standing up for what you believed was right was one of the reasons we left that place, but here we are today. Making criticisms and claims, yes should be well thought out and put in the correct areas, but sometimes anger and strong feelings can cause people to act a bit without thinking.

It seems like we are remembering the situation much differently which is totally fine I would just hope you would be more informed on the situation before you hard stick and argue to one side. A vast majority of the community despised the post and the unprofessional manner in which it was written in addition to the actions of the individual after the post was made. I also value and understand your point as you've been a long term and influential player in this community, however, you are severely giving him the benefit of the doubt with his intentions of the post in which you believe to be much different from what they actually were. I would know as I communicated with the individual before his ban along with the other founders. 

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2 hours ago, Egg said:

From all of my experiences with doc, and many of the og 104th is that they are brutally honest and not afraid to stand up against something that they think is wrong and always wanted what was best for all the other gamers on the server, which is something that I personally really respect.

I guess I qualify as an OG 104th, and this is pretty true ngl


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2 hours ago, Square said:

A vast majority of the community despised the post and the unprofessional manner in which it was written in addition to the actions of the individual after the post was made

I agree with the many people opposed the unprofessional manner that it was brought up and I am one of them, i thought just throwing a meme on the forums isn't really the way to go about that. I thought I touched on that, but im sorry if I didn't (im kind of at work and can't type the stuff in 1 go). I'm not saying no punishment was deserved at all (he's been banned for 6 months already), I am making my argument that his permanent ban was not entirely warranted. Maybe I am giving him some benefit of the doubt, but I had also talked to him before and after it had all happened as well, and spent quite a lot of time together discussing things while we were both bcmds of 91st and 41st. Maybe the intention was to kick up some dust, but I believe the intentions were not all bad and after talking to him much more recently about this appeal and his previous actions that led to this ban in question, I believe that he should be given another chance to be a contributing member of the community. At least in game and TeamSpeak.


I dont really want to clog up this appeal more than we already have, so we can continue this discussion in another setting if you really want to. 

Edited by Egg
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On 7/8/2020 at 5:06 PM, Square said:

Ex wants you back exes ex's no let go move on forward motion n d ...

To this day I still will never understand you people who talk immense shit out of your ass about the server and then proceed to continue playing or in this case ask to come back. I think you people need Jesus. 

I'm here to talk shit

Ur gay 


+1 Doc is a good dude bring em back 

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If i recall correctly everyone was a bit uptight during that period anyways. Was it in poor taste sure. Should it of been handled a different way since it was obviously a joke, yes. Either way there was poor handling on both sides. Doc was always a good member and one of the more honest members which we all know what happens to those from time to time lol +1

Edited by Baelfire
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Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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On 7/10/2020 at 3:56 PM, Square said:

It seems like we are remembering the situation much differently which is totally fine I would just hope you would be more informed on the situation before you hard stick and argue to one side. A vast majority of the community despised the post and the unprofessional manner in which it was written in addition to the actions of the individual after the post was made. I also value and understand your point as you've been a long term and influential player in this community, however, you are severely giving him the benefit of the doubt with his intentions of the post in which you believe to be much different from what they actually were. I would know as I communicated with the individual before his ban along with the other founders. 

Alright easy there with the lying @Square. The community barely knew about the post because it was removed from the forums within 5 minutes of being posted, It was posted later at night, only a few people saw it because both MYSELF and DOC were in the TS together while he posted it and we both were watching it. Also what actions could Doc have taken after the post was made when the founders instantly joined the TS channel once the post was removed and spoke with Doc and Myself. During our discussion Doc made it clear it was a joke post and he was venting out frustration with the server and I will say props to @Forseen for actually listening to Doc while it SEEMED like the rest yall had already made up your minds.

Edited by Old Spartan
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6 hours ago, Old Spartan said:

Alright easy there with the lying @Square. The community barely knew about the post because it was removed from the forums within 5 minutes of being posted, It was posted later at night, only a few people saw it because both MYSELF and DOC were in the TS together while he posted it and we both were watching it. Also what actions could Doc have taken after the post was made when the founders instantly joined the TS channel once the post was removed and spoke with Doc and Myself. During our discussion Doc made it clear it was a joke post and he was venting out frustration with the server and I will say props to @Forseen for actually listening to Doc while it SEEMED like the rest yall had already made up your minds.

I'm simply stating facts that were reported to me as well as my own personal experience from actually being there but you are more than welcome to be entitled to your own opinion buddy. Also, the fact that he officially fully resigned from the server about a month before the post was made demonstrates a blatant lack of maturity and ill intent while failing to provide actual constructive criticism for the server in which you are labeling as "simply venting and or letting off frustration". The post was intentionally slandering the servers creation, mission, and operation with direct intent of getting a rise out of people. Joah, Jackson, Zim, myself and Ron have dedicated an immense amount of time within our lives to build and maintain this community for you players. Seeing blatant shitposts that are factually incorrect from uninformed players (especially the ones who resign and maintain their status as a keyboard warrior on the forums) is something that we have dealt with time and time again. Players that hate the server and want to stir the pot on their way out have no place in this community and I can't even fathom the mindset of wanting to come back to something that you hate but here we are I guess. I would also like to make my position clear. This is not me denying his ban appeal. This is simply me standing up for not only myself and my fellow leadership, but the community in general. If Doc truly valued his experience here, he wouldn't have conjured toxic behavior on his way out and lets be real here, this community already has enough toxicity as is. This is simply my opinion and I will no longer be replying to this thread unless absolutely necessary.

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If the owners took offense to this joke then he should have apologized given opportunity to do so before you banned him, if you did ask him to do so and he refused then yes he deserves a ban but not a permanent one and since it has already been half a year since he got his banned I'll vote +1.

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| Another one of those pesky OGs |

| Forums residentsleeper |

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On 7/11/2020 at 9:53 PM, Old Spartan said:

Alright easy there with the lying @Square. The community barely knew about the post because it was removed from the forums within 5 minutes of being posted, It was posted later at night, only a few people saw it because both MYSELF and DOC were in the TS together while he posted it and we both were watching it. Also what actions could Doc have taken after the post was made when the founders instantly joined the TS channel once the post was removed and spoke with Doc and Myself. During our discussion Doc made it clear it was a joke post and he was venting out frustration with the server and I will say props to @Forseen for actually listening to Doc while it SEEMED like the rest yall had already made up your minds.

Was not going to reply but this "Alright easy there with the lying @Square." really tweaked my gizzard.
if you really want to vindicate this opinion you should just post the "recording" that you told us you were making of the TS conversation :PepoThink:

90% of conversation was conducted by you (Speaking on the behalf of Doc or not whatever the flip floping that kept happening)  as Doc went either went AFK or refused to speak to the Founders when they tried to have a conversation about why the post (I think the entire Convo lasted over 30-40mins not a
"brief "coversation) was made but the reason boiled down to this.

Yes, Doc was frustrated with some of the processes or things on the server (All heard 2nd hand as he didn't play at the time or only hopped on a couple times) 

Was the post designed to highlight this? Hell no it was specfically designed to get a rise out of the Founders and was basically admitted to as such during the start of the connversation in TS.


Now for the appeal itself because Doc is an opinionated retard that caused so much shit that I had to deal with  but never actually broke any rules until he decided to go in the toxic cesspool that all members join at one point or another.

Even though this appeal is a very onesided and interesting intepretation of the facts I will say this:

+1 he can come back and if he slips back into old habits we can just bean him again and say "Well we tried forgiveness" 

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On 7/11/2020 at 10:53 PM, Old Spartan said:

Alright easy there with the lying @Square. The community barely knew about the post because it was removed from the forums within 5 minutes of being posted, It was posted later at night, only a few people saw it because both MYSELF and DOC were in the TS together while he posted it and we both were watching it. Also what actions could Doc have taken after the post was made when the founders instantly joined the TS channel once the post was removed and spoke with Doc and Myself. During our discussion Doc made it clear it was a joke post and he was venting out frustration with the server and I will say props to @Forseen for actually listening to Doc while it SEEMED like the rest yall had already made up your minds.

Bro you dead ass lied k. Doc barely talked during the conversation like come bro. He was alittle mouse while his big strong man was talking for him. Don't say that square is lying when you're going to do it yourself. I'm sure everyone in that call would of listened to doc if he fucking said something and not hide behind you the entire time. 

Edited by Sanchez
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8 minutes ago, Sanchez said:


Bro you dead ass lied k. Doc barely talked during the conversation like come bro. He was alittle mouse while his big strong man was talking for him. Don't say that square is lying when you're going to do it yourself. I'm sure everyone in that call would of listened to doc if he fucking said something and not hide behind you the entire time. 


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  • Retired Founder

My two cents on this.

Doc was incredibly ignorant during the entire situation, and allowed someone else to do the talking for him. When confronted, we got silence, and half assed attitude.

I do remember exactly what Square is referring to.

I'm not putting my hand in this decision, my answer is obvious. I'll allow a more mature audience to decide it. 


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I heard doc was just talked over by some kids or something, idk 

Kinda 4weird to insult his masculinity ngl like that though, come on manchez grow up or something 

Edited by BigZach


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Hmmmm, I am not aware of this situation as I was gone for some time, but that being said let's examine what we know.

-Someone made a shit post on the forums degrading the community in the sense of comparing it to a less desirable one. 

-In turn, for this mistake the person was handed a permanent punishment.

From my point of view a singular mistake shouldn't merit permanent action. It is obvious he wants to return and has said to have learned from his mistake. I push for an unban. If he is disingenuous about learning from his mistake and proceeds to continue his erroneous ways then by all means drop that ban hammer.


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HD blue lightsaber wallpapers | Peakpx

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This ban appeal has been on-going for a while now and there should be a verdict at this point. Look, we all make mistakes in our lives, we're not perfect in any shape or form but this guy really wants to come back. I got permad off the forums for being extremely toxic and was absolutely horrible towards certain individuals, but I came back a year later saying that I am sorry (Which I am). Maybe his ban was justified but maybe we all could try and look at this differently and see what's on the other side. I remember when I got unbanned from the forums I was told that if I was to get 1 more strike within a certain time frame then I would be permad again without the ability to appeal. So what's my solution to this? Basically, give the guy a chance to prove himself, If he breaks any rules then he can be straight up permad again without appealing. That to me seems very fair to the lad.   

Seems like people here have very strong opinions on this guy but as a person that has no clue of the guy, he seems like he messed up big time but has totally regretted what he did. Lets turn the other cheek and try and see what he has installed for us, to prove himself to us. We're synergy! We are the refuge of IFN, we allow second chances.  I say we make the verdict today, to get this out of the way. No matter what the management decides, I will truly back them regardless of what decision they made.  

Please think about this ban appeal with a good heart. 

+1 You have my support but please prove to us that you have changed and that you will never make the same mistake again. 

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17 hours ago, Sanchez said:


Bro you dead ass lied k. Doc barely talked during the conversation like come bro. He was alittle mouse while his big strong man was talking for him. Don't say that square is lying when you're going to do it yourself. I'm sure everyone in that call would of listened to doc if he fucking said something and not hide behind you the entire time. 


10 hours ago, Joah said:

Doc was incredibly ignorant during the entire situation, and allowed someone else to do the talking for him. When confronted, we got silence, and half assed attitude.

I do remember exactly what Square is referring to.


I agree with both Sanchez and Joah, during the conversation other people were speaking for Doc and every time Doc did actually speak it was just to make a shitty comment or just acted like he didn't care. 


On 7/11/2020 at 8:53 PM, Old Spartan said:

Alright easy there with the lying @Square. The community barely knew about the post because it was removed from the forums within 5 minutes of being posted, It was posted later at night, only a few people saw it because both MYSELF and DOC were in the TS together while he posted it and we both were watching it. Also what actions could Doc have taken after the post was made when the founders instantly joined the TS channel once the post was removed and spoke with Doc and Myself. During our discussion Doc made it clear it was a joke post and he was venting out frustration with the server and I will say props to @Forseen for actually listening to Doc while it SEEMED like the rest yall had already made up your minds.

my brain hurts from this...





Edited by Carvis
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@Carvis Said it perfectly.

I'd also like to clarify, this is not the only issue we've had with this particular individual in the past. 
Jackson, Myself, the founders as a whole have had issues about Doc brought up multiple times.
Doc was given an opportunity to speak like an adult then. Instead we were greeted with someone else to speak for him and an immediate attitude issue from Doc himself. (When you're given the opportunity to speak to the owners thats your time to speak up and talk like a human being) If you wish to remain silent and give a negative attitude, you're not going to go far.


Again (I am not making a decision on this period) AKA. Doc I'm giving you a chance through other staff members decision. (Directors +) I have not even spoken to them in regards to this issue. They are able to make their own decision on this.

The fate of his ban rests in their hands. My opinion of Doc is severely biased. I'd immediately vote no.
I've had multiple issues (Personally) with doc in the past. A lot of behind the scenes shit and public. 
My opinion is extremely negative of Doc, and I feel my vote would be emotionally pressed and not logically.

Good luck on your appeal.

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10 hours ago, BigZach said:

I heard doc was just talked over by some kids or something, idk 

Kinda 4weird to insult his masculinity ngl like that though, come on manchez grow up or something 

Having a big strong man doesn't make you not masculine, but it does mean that he didn't say anything. 

Also, no he was given ample chances to speak in very long awkward pauses. 

Carvis would know lol 

Edited by Sanchez
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  • Retired Founder


Hello, after a few discussion with the Directors, Dragon and the Founders, a majority decision was reached on this appeal.


Doc - You will be on final warning for 60 days, after 60 days you may appeal these warning points. If you create issues for high staff or break any rule within these 60 days you will be immediately banned again. If you are banned again you will be withheld to a ban appeal restriction for 8 months.

During this period you also will be unable to joint he staff team.

Appeal Accepted
Signed - Forseen (Head of Administration)

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