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Comics' Cody Application [Waived]


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[This Application was Waived by the Directors]
Steam Name:
Mr. Comics

RP Name: GCXO HVYL 2ndLT Boil/Comics

RP Rank: 2nd Lieutenant

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:151046311

Battalion or squad you are applying for:
212th Commander Cody

I spent a while in the 212th under multiple Cody's (Billiam -> Perri). I saw real leadership and garnered huge respect for my higher ups. I didn’t need to be told to respect them as it was natural to their character and actions. Officers felt important and I felt important as an NCO, as if we were the blood keeping the battalion running. These are the qualities I wish to restore to the battalion as they are essential to the upkeep of any unit.
I spend a lot of time doing proper work. I served Under: Baller -> Essit -[Skeeti]-> Maymay->Alfa. Getting documents in order. Learning to be an officer. I even got to work side by side with some of the most key members of the community. It taught me to enjoy my job and to not take myself too seriously, you can’t have fun if you turn it into a job.
I served within many other battalions. I did the most work within Doom’s Unit (Jayarr) gaining 2ndLT and HVL from the rank of SGT. Over all the battalions I served in I just learnt to have fun and try something new but I learnt that I don’t enjoy battalion hopping, I much prefer devoting my time to one cause and sticking to it.
I have gained many roles within 212th: WO, 2ndLT-1stLT, HVYL, GCXO. They’ve all taught me invaluable lessons. I know to disregard preference as work should come above all, friend or not, if they don’t do their job they don’t deserve their position. I have made many docs, proposed and made many changes (mainly within Nade’s and Jagger’s terms). I have assisted Carson in reconstructing GC (I process I shall have to step away from if I assume the position of Cody), I revived HVY from a horrible drought and am having to re-revive due to burnout and me losing interest in the branch (which I am now beginning to intervene and become an active leader). But most importantly WO has taught me that being an active leader makes change, there are things you can do which will sort out issues, you just need to find the right solution.
I have spent a while in Naval, again. It’s a more relaxed job which I enjoy using to escape from the stresses of 212th. A quiet job with my good friends. I can sit back, call DEFCONs, host DBs, and relax. I find it enjoyable due to the lessened responsibilities on myself. It’s a fun break from my main focus, 212th.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I personally believe the battalion has been on a steady decline over a large period of time, becoming more apparent within the last few months. This is demonstrated by the increasing lack of organisation, structure, stability, and a general disinterest of battalion members, leading to many examples of drama being handled improperly: signs of favourtism and discrimination; and other such issues. The battalion has shifted towards tending to it’s outwards appearance  rather than dealing with issues within the battalion. The mass increase of complications has led to the creation of inadequate leaders who don’t understand their position and cannot identify many of the issues which continue to plague the battalion and destroy the previous work of those who’ve done so much for our 212th.

I feel that we’ve already stood too long accepting subpar leaders and lacklustre change. I want to make some real reform and the current position I am in has left me with really only one solution: To apply for Cody. I’m not doing this as a rank grab or a way to make myself more important; I see issues everywhere and have suggested solutions which have only ever gotten shot down or will get acknowledged and then forgotten. I am sick of no one caring or putting in the effort, I’ve tried my damn hardest (as well as many others) while who we are supposed to look up to sit idly by ignorant to what goes on below. The battalion is in a state where you fear properly asserting yourself as you may be rank locked and never allowed to progress and the current leaders have never addressed this while pretending to be open to new ideas which they have proved they are not.

We need some real change and what we have will not cut it. We need someone who has the gall and will to push their ideas and make people move. Someone who will utilise the whole battalion and wake everyone up to the issues which lay unaddressed. This is not something that I wanted to do but seeing the direction we are heading I found myself forced to make this choice. I am in no means the perfect applicant but, personally, I believe I am the best man willing to pursue and hold the said position

I would rather continue being Boil, helping Ghost Company and eventually taking Waxer’s position to continue what we started together but I believe those desires come second to helping the battalion when it’s needed. I am willing to devote my time and whatever else I need to if I want to ensure a better battalion and experience for those within it. I will sacrifice doing what I enjoy the most to help save a battalion I care so deeply for.

I also want to address my previous grievances within the community. I have caused issues in the past and I used to be a more toxic and less mature member of the server. I know I have grown into an actually productive member of the community. I have been targeted multiple times for unknown reasons but I can say with confidence i haven’t had any serious behavioural issues for 4-6 months. I will sometimes get passionate about certain topics however this is only when I have strong opinions and or feel unheard/ignored.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:
7th Sky Corps, under the command of Marshal Commander Cody and High Jedi general Obi Wan Kenobi, was a large military unit within the G.A.R. which focused on aerial assault and creating landing grounds for mass invasion of planets.

212th was the main unit within the corps. It consisted of many sub-units, which included but was not limited to: Ghost company, the elite spec ops unit which focused on stealth recon, EOD, and rescue and recovery of key individuals; 2ndAC, the para-trooping regiment who would drop in to create a landing zone for the main force; Foxtrot, the unique RC unit within 212th under the command of Captain Gregor.

They fought in many battles such as: Utapau, Geonosis II, Christophsis, Ryloth, Mandalore, Anaxes, Umbara, ECT

Everyday (rough average)
10am - 2am
(I’m always available on Discord)


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
Since its creation till November 2018 (move with Billiam’s 212th)
Banned for a year (Resolved)
From November 2019 till the present.
I would say around 3 years

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
I want to create structure for the battalion. All brackets have no idea what they are supposed to do; we are all provided a large list of our powers but never a guide we can refer to on how we should utilise these powers. WO has had to become a HC position to fill in the lack of leaders we have, I would like to work with WOs to repair it’s position and move it back to being the leader and role model for all NCOs.

Senior officers are a key part of a battalion, the most trusted members outside HC, but they have no role. Seniors merely serve as Junior Officers who can perma blacklist, promote officers (with permission), and train officers.Officers are a huge step up from NCO and due to a lack of proper training of SNCOs we end up with under-prepared officers who don’t really understand the role. HC have even stated themselves they don’t really know what people expect of them as CMDs. This is why I will be revising all rank training docs and focusing on creating distinct differences between each rank. I will provide more responsibilities to SNCOs such as disciplinary powers, priority over Event lead, and a few other things. Officers will be kept about the same but with more emphasis on them training and keeping track of all the NCOs. Senior Officers will be given more background responsibilities, they will be the main force dealing with officers, they will keep HC informed of only what they need to, they will also have more of a say over promotions being encouraged to suggest and put up people for promotion. HC will be moved to an even more important position, as they are the leaders of everything they will be expected to never really intervene with many small issues, they will deal with battalion wide problems, large drama, and sweeping changes. Creating more defined roles will help actually push CoC and ensure that no-one is involved with what they don’t need to be in.

I believe activity is a thing which, as a BCMD, you have some level of control over. By being active yourself you can set the example for those below you. You can also prevent burn out by promoting relaxation and time off the server. Being an advocate for LOAs/ROAs when necessary is integral to upkeep of battalion wide activity. If people fear backlash for a lack of activity they will remain in a limbo of semi-activity with an unwillingness to go on ROA. An officer presence is also essential to having an active battalion as if Enlisted and NCOs believe their leaders don’t like going on the server they’ll get second hand boredom on the server. Engaging with lower ranks in-game will not only set a good example of how to RP but will also make members feel welcome and more likely to maintain strong activity.

I will not wipe HC as it’s small and already suffering. Obviously, I will keep current HC close as they will do a good job limiting any extreme actions I might take. Big changes can be stopped and evaluated to ensure they are for the greater good. Keeping them close will allow me to make sure my decisions are actually fully thought through. HC is important and I assure you I will preserve it. I also plan to give CMDs more jobs: foreign relations, active and quality promotion of role-play,

CSMs have been a tough problem but I believe there is a way to slow down the stream of, effectively, rank locked CSMs (this goes hand in hand with the SNCO changes). I will introduce an interview system where once you spend sufficient time within the rank of CSM a SO will offer you an interview which will show your true leadership qualities and how you tackle tough situations without a clear, simple solution. I will also change the rank transfers so that all NCOs drop down at least 1 rank (this is up for change but I will ensure it has a minimum of 1 rank drop off), this will make sure NCOs get a proper grasp of their position and don’t get stuck as a CSM wishing for the chance to be an officer. This will also bring more value to the rank of 2ndLT which it has lost over time. I could also see about introducing a SNCO training which would give a condensed way to show SNCOs their role within the battalion, showing them how to lead events and better deal with NCOs and how they can move towards becoming an officer.

I feel another set of half-arsed officer evals will do nothing but create fake value with ranks and constructs a facade of safety. If I were to do officer evals I would ensure that no one is let off. All will be expected to be held to all their actions and inaction. Nothing is really off the table and while I don’t feel officer evals really work with a reorganised battalion I think some evaluations may work to make people do work they previously could not be bothered to do.

I also plan to make changes the regiments by giving more power to the individual Leaders: allowing them to get an overseer removed through a vote of no-confidence, getting rid of the mandatory training as it’s mainly just a bother and makes people look active, create more positions above to strive for and to rely on for assistance. I want to possibly run the regiments through a restructure. I would begin by re-organising the overseer positions as 1 person is often unreliable as they will only ever have 1 view point, by introducing regimental Officers (4-5) who serve directly under the REGL and act as overseers for all. They will have to get less invested with individual branches and act more as general leaders to look for advice. They can be assigned to specific regiments if the REGL deems so but that’s up to their discretion and what they believe is needed. This new role would not only cut out unnecessary specialisation but also give more opinions for those who might be struggling with a prevalent issue they cannot solve by themselves. 
Also revision of the pilot program is needed, because right now it does not exist. Giving them priority over ground vehicles could be effective. Last resort is a merger with ENG.

I, personally, am sick of the mistrust and feeling of disease there is in the battalion. I have been targeted before and since have never felt safe within the battalion. I want to stomp on this behaviour by ensuring more strict regulations and more clear disciplinary guidelines. Leaving the punishments so up-to-personal-interpretation has meant many go under or over punished which will always lead to anxiety for other members and may even inspire cliques to form (assisted to poor monitoring of the battalion). Drama will not be tolerated and will be dealt with harshly, I cannot standby and watch those who have ruined the experience for many others trample over the fun and be slapped on the wrist. I want my troops to feel safe. By setting up a “Drill unit” (acting as leaders of discipline) I will be able to form a team who can deal with a majority of disciplinary affairs. This will create a standard to refer to and also a team who can be relied on to deal with tough situations from an unbiased and more trained perspective. This would be led by a senior officer and a team of who they’d assign. I may also introduce a Disciplinary training available for all SNCOs so they can properly administer it to lower ranks (this would be a requirement to join the Office corps).

Overall I want to be able to (by the end of the term) step back from my battalion and have it work with little to no intervening from high Command. A battalion which properly educates and trains it’s Enlisted, NCOs, Officers and Senior Officers. A battalion with structure and a strong CoC which gives work to those who need it and doesn’t put too much pressure on lower ranks.
All my ideas are up for discussion and I strongly advise my battalion to help me decide what should be implemented and why. I think my battalion as a whole will always make better decisions than me by myself so I will make sure that all opinions are considered and that any ridicule of ideas is no longer tolerated especially by Officers and HC. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

If you +1 or -1 I’d really appreciate some reasoning behind your choice so I can know what I’m doing well and what I need to work on. No feedback even on +1’s, even though I greatly appreciate support, will not help me advance as much as proper constructed feedback will.
And please try to form your own opinion, no one likes a sheep.
And I will respond to questions.
Thanks for at least giving me a shot, and may the best Cody win.

  • Winner 3
  • Informative 3

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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After reading some of the other messages posted on this app imma change my +1


To a  -1.

Im super sorry Comics, but these reasons posted above this comment and below this comment have made me change my mind.


Super sorry my British pal. 

Edited by Bleach
  • Friendly 1

I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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There might be issues in 212th, but the mentality that you have - Which Ratio stated perfectly - Is not going to help anything, you have reasonable concerns but instead of running prematurely for Cody, bring it up to your High Command, and if you feel that you cant do that you can always go to the Attack Regimental, or a Director. I see a lot of issues with what you are stating you are saying that there are issues within the battalion that has been plauging it for a long time, yet you dont say which the only stuff that I can make out from what you are saying is: Our leadership is bad, you dont state how you plan to fix any of this. I also dont believe its healthy to run for Cody if you feel forced to do it as you stated, I have seen that happen before and people normally get burned or dont do anything at all.

Edited by Life-
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Gotta give this a -1.

I don't doubt your loyalty to the battalion, but you don't have the leadership skills, nor the temperment to lead. 

I'd rather not go into a rant about why I personally don't see you as a leader, but your actions during your time in the 212th that I've seen are troubling, to say the least. Your additude, temper, and arrogance are indredibly out of line for the position of Cody. Adding to this, is the fact you've never been a Senior Officer, and you're had more than a few disciplinary issues during your time here (to the point where Jagger almost booted you from the battalion).


I wish you the best, but I can't find any reason to why you'd be a good Cody. 

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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-1, Imma be real, you are not fit to be in a high position, you were demoted 3 times in a few months.You are toxic,refuse to listen to other people especially higher ups.Argue with other members,Make fun of people. You were a big reason on why i left 212th. I've seen your past and present i know how you behave.You say you try to behave better which you do for a short time. You've been banned from the forums before for trying to flame a founder. You act like your above rules because you've been here since 2017. there are so many other things to add but i wont. to blaint i don think your fit for the position FYI has experience leading. Take it how ever you want. 

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-1 reasons stated above.


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7 minutes ago, Life- said:


Besides 212th got a lot of heat recently due to toxicity and shit like that, and from what I heard you have been at the center of most of it.

To add context to this message.

This situation lead to the removal of the Kal at the time because he was purposefully pushing Comics on and on.
He also wasn't as Kal Skirata at the time, he was acting as a legacy member of the 212th.

Comics did say some stuff that he probably shouldn't of, but that situation was at fault of the other person.

  • Agree 4
  • Funny 1
  • Friendly 2



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Just now, Mitchell said:

To add context to this message.

This situation lead to the removal of the Kal at the time because he was pushing Comics on and on.
He also wasn't as Kal Skirata at the time, he was acting as a legacy member of the 212th.

Comics did say some stuff that he probably shouldn't of, but that situation was at fault of the other person.

Yes, I was informed. I changed my point.

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I see Comics as a person who knows what needs to be done, is able to do things that are needed, has a broad view of what he would like to do, how he would like to do it, and why he would like to do it, is open to people talking to him, and etc.

People have said he is toxic which may have been their interactions with them specifically, but Comics was never toxic to me and was an all around great person to surround myself with. He truly is a gamer legend and, although there are some issues you could overcome, I feel as though if you got it you would do good.

also this application is BEEFY

(THIS +1 COMES FROM A MEMBER OF 212TH ON AND OFF SINCE 2017. I have been through the rodeo)

Edited by Eclipse
  • Friendly 1

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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From what I have seen, attitude with comics has been on a downward slope. And always, a leader who is willing to accept their faults is a good one. 

He has a plan for the battalion. Where he wants the battalion to be is fleshed out and waiting to be implemented. Although he is not a Senior Officer, he is a person who has been around for some time to pick up on the skills needed to lead effectively. Sometimes, having a mind lower in the CoC is something the battalion needs



  • Friendly 1

"A word from the Navy..."

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I have worked closely with comics for months now and I have to say that he is one of the most hard working people I have ever met in this community. Yes people may say he is toxic but after working with him for a long time I can confidently say that he is getting much better and is making lots of progress with that stuff and really trying to as well. If Comics would get the position I truly believe that he will get everything done he has listed in his application above.



  • Friendly 1
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So this may surprise most but I am actually going to +1. Comics is the definition of loyalty. This man has been through thick and thin with the 212th for as long as I have seen him on the server. Through everything demotions, general bad states for 212th he has been there and never discouraged. He started off as someone I would get frustrated with when I first joined due to behavior and just general disagreements but one thing I have learned and seen is progress. Comics has progressed quite a bit and deserves a chance at an interview for the battalion he has worked with since the beginning. I have seen this first hand working with 212th and through conversations I have had with him. Best of luck @Comics, I think you could be a great leader within this battalion.

Edited by Metro
  • Friendly 1

"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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ima +1 this but its been stated alot my dude, you got alot to work on if your gonna be BCMD ready, as someone who was shooting for a BCMD spot before i know how this can be, but i wish you the best of luck and will be looking forward to all of this, good luck my friend.

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Head Admin

As far as I can tell from the application, you have identified a few problems in your application and with that a solution. You deserve the chance of Cody. You're also really passionate about the 212th. A few days, near a week or so, ago you were just talking how you loved the 212th etc. I truly wish you good luck. +1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Im close to a neutral but im gonna +1. I've seen comics and he's a very passionate worker in the 212th and yes he can be a bit toxic of times he still has a passion for improving the battalion. Like Metro said I believe Comics deserves an interview so the directors can see what he was to say about his attitude and how he will improve both himself and the 212th.

Hi, I'm Neptune

winkwink- Tumblr posts - Tumbig.com

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Forum Admin

One of the few people in this battalion who have things to contribute. You have outlined a plan within this application to bring 212th back to its former glory. Many of the recent situations you have been in have been complete BS. You continuously show your dedication and love for this battalion and the people within it. You have clearly made it known you are not going for this position because its the "next step", its because you want this. Which I can admire.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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I'll give a bit more of a detailed reason since you requested as such.

In your application you're saying that you've improved on your attitude. As someone who has never seen how you were before, I can safely say that you're still teetering on the line a bit.

Your attitude is especially geared towards SOBDE which is why a lot of them are -1'ing you. You even said yourself (to me I think) that you refuse to roleplay with SOBDE because you dislike them that much.

The claim that you've been chill for 4-6 months is a false one. I've been in channels with one of your superiors before and your potential disciplinary issues come up enough to put that label of "tOxIC" on you. This whole "I'm a cunt and proud of it" attitude that runs rampant in this community needs to stop. And you yourself need to put a cap on your attitude.


  • Agree 2
  • Winner 5

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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2 hours ago, Metro said:

So this may surprise most but I am actually going to +1. Comics is the definition of loyalty. This man has been through thick and thin with the 212th for as long as I have seen him on the server. Through everything demotions, general bad states for 212th he has been there and never discouraged. He started off as someone I would get frustrated with when I first joined due to behavior and just general disagreements but one thing I have learned and seen is progress. Comics has progressed quite a bit and deserves a chance at an interview for the battalion he has worked with since the beginning. I have seen this first hand working with 212th and through conversations I have had with him. Best of luck @Comics, I think you could be a great leader within this battalion.

+1 ^


1 hour ago, Neptune said:

Im close to a neutral but im gonna +1. I've seen comics and he's a very passionate worker in the 212th and yes he can be a bit toxic of times he still has a passion for improving the battalion. Like Metro said I believe Comics deserves an interview so the directors can see what he was to say about his attitude and how he will improve both himself and the 212th.

"Neutral" :FeelsWeirdMan:

Edited by Lucky
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very very hesitant +1

yes you may have issues and i may get dumbed for this 


but the fact that you point out many of the battalions issues and have the drive and dedication to fix them could make you a very succsesful Cody

but with that being said, and it has been said repeatadly by just about everyone who has -1'd you.

You have to fix your attitude and be more openminded to people who you may not like. 

ive said my piece, 

good luck

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All subjectivity aside, as comics is a good friend of mine..

I have never seen someone love and care for a battalion like comics has in my time on synergy and the dedication this twat has is very very appealing. This love and care has never died and will probably show through his time being in the BCMD position. I do have to say, a while ago, i didn't think comics had the mentality, maturity or attitude to make it into higher ranks of the 212th, but as comics suggests, he has changed tremendously. Someone should not be held back or judged for their past, some controversies were unfair and unjust and some were dealt with but i think some people are putting a '-1' for the reason that they simply don't get along or dislike comics.

The points you make about the battalion are true with the state it is in, and i think you understand the pressure and role you will undergo to fix these issues, and make the battalion better. Your attitude and responses to situations has got better over the years and i think is in a good place for you to take this role. As long as you practice what you preach with the points you make and the fixes you will endure, i believe you will be a good fit to be Cody. You're hard-working, dedicated and i think you will create a great structure. 

Keep a good attitude, remain objective in ALL circumstances, and keep working.

Good luck. - A hefty +1

Discord: Mason#2710

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Oh wow @Comics what an app. I think this application shows your dedication and strong will on its own. You are very good at spotting things that can be improved in the battalion and you have a well thought out plan. I personally agree with most of it, but not all of it.

I like:

- Your plan for Officers, Senior officers and High Command. 

- The fact that HC will look through your ideas before it is getting implemented. This to make sure that the changes are for the better. I know from personal experience that your solutions can be a bit to much and need to be toned down. You are willing to consider the ideas of others and to change your own plan if needed. I know this from personal experience where we would discuss different ideas and possible solutions for problems we were seeing. 

- The fact that you want to make sure that CSMs will be ready for an officer position in the 212th. Currently there is a big difference in what is expected from CSMs and 2ndLTs in behavior and actions within the battalion. I hope your plan works to fix that gap.

I have something I dont fully agree with.

- I don't agree with reshaping the regimental structure, It is a big change and I don't think it will become better. I personally don't see a big issue with the current structure and I do feel like it can become worse, because it is a big constructive and destructive change in the battalion.

After a lot of words from me I am going to give you a +1 I know that you want the best for the battalion and that you are dedicated to make it better for everyone. Just make sure to surround yourself with a good high command and you will be fine. 

Edited by Eagle
  • Informative 1


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Let me explain why im giving you a -1 Every time ive talked to you its been for a bad reason or you doing something or calling someone out. And no offense i see you complain a lot and i dont think that very good for a BCMD. And i have nothing but bad exspearescences with you. You seem like a good guy but your attitude is terrible. Also let me say this when i was a major in 212th i had to deal with you many times and you sadly made the battlion unijoyble for me and thats part of the reason why i went to 41st when i did. Comics i would love to +1 this but you have been flat out toxic twords me many times outside of game and inside and i personanly see you not getting cody this time because of the ways that you have acted in the past and current. And the way you handle things that bother you are flat out childish you either go to somone higher up or go wine in a chat and the way that you act when you dont get what you want is flat out terrible and i dont respect it.


Edited by DracoOdinson
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most people who have given this app a -1 have not been below comics in rank and above. I am and I can say that he clearly cares for those below him and makes them feel like a needed part of the battalion no matter what. and the respect he shows to his higher ups is great. he puts in the effort no matter what rank in order to better the battalion he is in. yes he gets mad at times but never for no reason.

but I will say Comics is a cringe ass nae nae baby

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  • Disagree 2
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To me comics always sticks up for the poor people of synergy. He doesn’t just suck up to his superiors and actually listens to what everyone is saying and doesn’t jump to conclusions like a large majority of commanders+ in a battalion have. Through the month I spent in 212th or something comics showed he could be a fantastic leader and despite the fact he wasn’t WO he still acted like one. His only set back has been toxicity, but that’s just because he says it straight.


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GM Leadership

Honestly thinking on it, Imma give this a +1. Fuck it why not, lets spread some shit



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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Okay. Of my time when I was an admin/Attack Regimental there was rarely a week that would go by where I did not hear your name, even one instance when I almost permabanned you. The things I hear is that you're super dedicated to making the Battalion better which is fine.. but you do not interact positively outside the battalion, which is paramount for someone going for a BCMD+ Position. You need to be able to get along with other battalions, SOBDE, and Staff in order for you to be able to enact the changes you're going for. I would not say you'd be a bad Cody, but not this term. Spend time interacting with 501st, Recon, and Specialized, get to know those battalions and the community better, become a positive influence. Next term that goes around you will receive a lot more positive feedback on your App and people will KNOW you mean what you say and aren't just giving the application what people Want to hear. 

Going how you are seeing "signs of favourtism and discrimination" When i was 212th XO and moved on to Attack Reg there were reports of the same to get you INTO ghost company where you rapidly climbed the ranks within the sub unit. Which led to the Removal of a Commander from the 212th due to the issue when it was raised with the Current Cody(Striker). You are also someone whom many in the Battalion would refer to as a "Old Member" the 212th is not the same as it was back in the day of Billiam and worked very hard to get the negative stigma off of its reputation. With your current attitude being extremely abrasive towards people you do not like or get along with leads me to believe that until that is corrected then your Cody term(Should it be accepted and go through) will end with a Commander report and removal.

"The battalion is in a state where you fear properly asserting yourself as you may be rank locked and never allowed to progress and the current leaders have never addressed this while pretending to be open to new ideas which they have proved they are not." If you believe this is an Issue why have you not stepped forward with those individuals to Staff? If you wanted to improve the situation of the 212th there are ways to go about it NO MATTER THE RANK. If you see an issue make sure people are knowing about it and help make steps to improving it, you do NOT have to be a BCMD to bring up issues to people who can help change it.

+1, Comics seems to be open to critism and handled it well, listing to my points and responding in kind in a professional manner, he has turned away from his prior reputation and is working to rebuild his Rapport with the server. This would be a good oppurtunity for Comics to prove himself and put actions to his words. We had a lengthy discussion on my concerns of the past and how he is planning to move the battalion forward.

Edited by Tyennoch
Had a Chat
  • Agree 1
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7 minutes ago, Tyennoch said:

Okay. Of my time when I was an admin/Attack Regimental there was rarely a week that would go by where I did not hear your name, even one instance when I almost permabanned you. The things I hear is that you're super dedicated to making the Battalion better which is fine.. but you do not interact positively outside the battalion, which is paramount for someone going for a BCMD+ Position. You need to be able to get along with other battalions, SOBDE, and Staff in order for you to be able to enact the changes you're going for. I would not say you'd be a bad Cody, but not this term. Spend time interacting with 501st, Recon, and Specialized, get to know those battalions and the community better, become a positive influence. Next term that goes around you will receive a lot more positive feedback on your App and people will KNOW you mean what you say and aren't just giving the application what people Want to hear. 

Going how you are seeing "signs of favourtism and discrimination" When i was 212th XO and moved on to Attack Reg there were reports of the same to get you INTO ghost company where you rapidly climbed the ranks within the sub unit. Which led to the Removal of a Commander from the 212th due to the issue when it was raised with the Current Cody(Striker). You are also someone whom many in the Battalion would refer to as a "Old Member" the 212th is not the same as it was back in the day of Billiam and worked very hard to get the negative stigma off of its reputation. With your current attitude being extremely abrasive towards people you do not like or get along with leads me to believe that until that is corrected then your Cody term(Should it be accepted and go through) will end with a Commander report and removal.

"The battalion is in a state where you fear properly asserting yourself as you may be rank locked and never allowed to progress and the current leaders have never addressed this while pretending to be open to new ideas which they have proved they are not." If you believe this is an Issue why have you not stepped forward with those individuals to Staff? If you wanted to improve the situation of the 212th there are ways to go about it NO MATTER THE RANK. If you see an issue make sure people are knowing about it and help make steps to improving it, you do NOT have to be a BCMD to bring up issues to people who can help change it.

-1 Until issues addressed and I feel you are not doing the best you can for your Battalion at your current Position.


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i am literally captain tukk

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Now i'm impressed first off someone who wants to voice his opinion and says he wants change and is attempting to try to make it, so i'm impressed. 

I believe you have the right heart and mind for the job however, as someone who went into a BCMD term in a near similar situation it can strain a lot of things. I will be the first person to say that i don't like you, you are / have been a toxic cuck to anyone who isn't in the battalion, however, an attitude like that at the BCMD level only leads to bad things. There have been many great concerns brought up by others and i wish to see your reply to them. As someone who hasnt had the best community rep and has had to work hard to repair it, i can tell you it isn't an easy road you have ahead. However, i don't believe this should bar you from applying or making the interview. You have a solid plan, and have the vision to execute on it, i truly am a firm believe that large change is needed to make a battalion thrive, use Dooms Unit as an example, everything was reworked and is always being looked at to see if its effective, being satisfied will only lead to bad things and it seems that battalions that are "to large to fail" fail, best of luck with the application.

You seem to have a good plan and a solid grip on how to do it, now a few questions for you @Comics

1. How do you plan on executing this large plan while keeping people around to help?

2. How do you plan on fixing your community image?

3. How do you plan on fixing your relations with SOBDE?

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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8 hours ago, Spaghetti said:

most people who have given this app a -1 have not been below comics in rank and above. I am and I can say that he clearly cares for those below him and makes them feel like a needed part of the battalion no matter what. and the respect he shows to his higher ups is great. he puts in the effort no matter what rank in order to better the battalion he is in. yes he gets mad at times but never for no reason.

but I will say Comics is a cringe ass nae nae baby

damn bro 3 dumbs on my +1 didn't realize people had a problem with different opinions. I am sorry that I called Comics a cringe ass nae nae baby geez 

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3 hours ago, Dennis said:

1. How do you plan on executing this large plan while keeping people around to help?

I'm not going to actively go around shitting on people or anything like that. I plan to keep every where they are as long as they do what they need to. I don't really expect anyone to leave just by the changes I will implement, especially since I will spend a lot of time heavily promoting forming your own opinions and actually being confident your input will matter. I have a lot of drive but one man cannot make this change. I will host a meeting thanks all the battalion for giving me this opportunity and will list of what I want to do and why the battalion needs to work together. If people want to leave I can only do so much: I can try to convince them to stay, I will deal with their issues if needs be but I cannot force someone to stay if they dislike me that much. All I can do is thank whose stayed and work with the to improve the battalion. 

My aim to eliminate discrimination and favourtism, I believe, will make people feel more welcome and safe in the battalion. I'm going to be working on inner quality the most as to build the best environment for future 212th. If I achieve this I think people will feel more inclined to stay as they'll feel more important to the battalion and will get more value out of devoting time towards our beautiful orange boys.

3 hours ago, Dennis said:

2. How do you plan on fixing your community image?

We both suffer from this issues. Many people have preconceptions they like the pin faces to. I can reach out and try to convince them differently but ultimately it is to their own transgression. If someone hates you enough they will keep up that preconception no matter how wrong it might be they can't be convinced. Many people prefer to stay ignorant than admit they were wrong. We've all done this and I don't blame them. 

I personally feel as if I get along quite well with a lot of the community and just don't with the rest. It's unfortunate but you can't be everyone's friend. I will act professional and won't allow feelings to dictate my interactions but I won't stand for blatant disrespect and over stepping of boundaries. Respect for yourself comes before respect for others. I'm willing to be nice to those whom I may not get along with but I'm not willing to let people step on me and shit over my image publicly. 

My focus will be on internal matters. Outwards appearance comes second to work, for me. So, while I will be working hard to improve the perception of myself and the battalion I aim to lead, I will be spending a good amount of time on the inner workings. I cannot fix everything about the battalion and myself. As a BCMD my first responsibility is my battalion not myself. If I leave the position as the most loved member of the community but at the expense of my own battalion what was the point. I'd rather be hated by outsiders and have a perfect battalion than be admired by all and a half-arsed revival of what I love so much.

3 hours ago, Dennis said:

3. How do you plan on fixing your relations with SOBDE?

I don't have issues with SOBDE themselves. I used to really not like them but I've changed. I used to be pretty prejudice against them and it was pretty shitty of me but I had some awful experiences with them before 2019. I've grown fond of many of SOBDEs members, I'd say I was friends with quite a few of them. I will never get along with everyone in SOBDE but that's not anything to do with them being SOBDE; some people will never get along and that's just how it is. I am willing to work with people I don't like because it's my job, if they don't want to work with me due to personal reasons I'm sure my CMDs would be happy to work with them instead. I don't want to be doing all the work a swell, if the other doesn't want to try to resolve things there is no reason to try. If they don't want to fix things then wasting time fixing things would be pointless.

Once again I cannot promise to fix my relationship with all outsiders, it's just not what I need to put my time into. I put the battalion first, my server needs aren't as important. 

I am not the perfect candidate and I never will be. But I think I am the best option right now. I will never please everyone but that's not what it's about. Being BCMD is about serving your battalion and leaving it in the best shape it can be. If I don't get along with some members of the community that's just how it has to be. I can only do so much, I'm happy to talk to anyone if they're willing to talk to me.

Thank you for asking me these important questions before voting. It is greatly appreciated,

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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After reading your reply i can say that i belive you have what it takes

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Big -1. Im sorry but during my Cody term and Jaggers term you have been nothing but trouble within the 212th which is why you have stayed as a 2ndLT. The constant problems and drama and overall SUPER toxicity that always involved you almost got you removed all together. You are not fit for Cody trust me. Yes you have done a lot for the battalion with work n such but you are FAR from Cody material. There is no way in hell you should become Cody with how you have behaved within the battalion and everything we have been through with you. Yes you have been improving slowly but you haven't improved enough to even think about going for a position like a BCMD

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Your application is detailed and your goals are steady but I will have to put a -1. In the battalion you point out what’s wrong which is a great trait but usually the people who see it first should be the ones to try and fix it first or come up with ideas to fix it. That’s not the case with you however, there’s been times where you tell me a problem within the battalion and I’d agree then we bring it up in officer meeting or to hc and then once it’s announced and dealt  with you don’t touch on it until it’s a problem again and that’s not how things should run. Same with heavy as HEVL at the beginning of my term as SUPO you did great with heavy and was the most active branch but you didn’t try and make it better, you let it sit there, and quite frankly it’s now one of if not the worst branch at the moment in the battalion (I’m willing to talk more on this in dm, I was going to bring it up to you but I’m away from my pc). There’s also the issue with attitude, I don’t see thst much of a problem with it at time due to the fact that you’re joking but unfortunately others don’t see it like this and they often talk to hc about it. Regardless I hope this doesn’t sour our friendship at all bc I still would like to see you strive alongside me in the officer core as well as the 212th. Continue to grow as a leader and I see you as a Cody eventually just not right now.

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+1 Comies this man has been here from the start with this battalion on this server he has been here for this battalion  even the split of icefuse and as always done his work The dedication and the time this man has put into this battalion is outstanding and that should be noticed that his full loyalty is for this battalion and making it great and giving it the name it deserves, from someone who has been through the ranks with this man and 

Has seen this man grow into a leader that is worthy of having the Cody as former Commander Barlex i can say personally that he always gets his work done no matter what every task he was set he done to 100% and was always up for helping the battalion out 

This man has my full respect and full support that he will make a great Cody.

Yes he has issues like not being too serious at some point but we all have issues and i’m sure if you give this man a change he will be successful at making 212th as great as it should be.

When comics was under me as heavy trainer he was always coming up with new and bright ideas to make the branch better and more useful coming up with new tactics and new training docs to make heavy's more elite

Edited by BadDog
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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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+1 i Really Don't like are past. but we are past that i i feel like i can trust you and i feel like you would be a good cody Comics o7. i want you or FYI to Fix this Hell hole is getting worst and worst it goes up and then down i know that you could be a good cody you changed form the day that you might have disrespected me but i forgave you for that and i trust you now make the 212th proud and prove the people that think you cant do that you can 

Edited by Trapper-Jr
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This decision took me awhile to decide what I should give.

First off, your goals are...ambitious. Not saying they're (for lack of better word) unrealistic, but definitely gonna take more work and time than expected. Half of them seem really good, the rest not so much. Though regardless of how I feel of them, I am actually looking forward into seeing how that's going to happen and the effect of that. 

Second off, I've had mixed views of you (I'm not gonna get into detail since everyone else clearly did that already, both positives and negatives), most of the time though it's positive views, and I've had good interactions with you. 

Third, you've made some mistakes in the past. But I'm gonna look past that since the past is the past and I believe in second chances, and that you've kind of redeemed yourself. You've proven that you can lead and fix things such as the HVY Regiment which is steadily well thanks to you, as well as improving and working hard in Ghost Company, as well as being a good officer. Your really compassionate about things that are dear to you and will fight for those regardless of public opinion which I quite respect. 

There's more I want to say, but those are the main ones. So with all that, I'm concluding to +1 you. Since I can't pick and choose as you both are fantastic candidates with near opposite leadership styles (in my view at least) that I respect, I'm +1'ing both and wishing the both you the best in this race. 


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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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As another "old" member of 212th (since 6/5/2018, and after surviving two commas and a major identity theft), I can say your dedication is admirable. You plans and proposals sound hefty, and well thought, your goals are very ambitious, and driven by the same loyalty I have for the battalion, which I also have. I can proudly say I've never been in other battalion in this server apart from Naval, and have dedicated hundreds of my free hours to bring knowledge and encougarment to the fellow orangeberries, which makes your dedication completely realatable and understandable to me. Everything peachy up to this point. 

My gut as someone who probably doubles you in age is telling me you're in the rails heading for a trainwreck with all the big plans and words. I see you as someone who isn't even ready to be XO. You're rude, abrasive, even insulting to an extent, have little regard for your behaviour towards lower ranks and have a ceratain attitude with has gained you the title of "the people's champion" for fighting for the causes you believe in. Commander Cody cannot have any of those traits. My gut rarely fails me. I should vote against you. Yet there is potential in your plans.

I'll give you a vote of confidence and +1 your application, but make no mistake. If and when you fuck something up I will be there to chew you out. Even worse than any director, reg, XO, SO, JO or NCO can. And you very well know I will.

Prove me wrong. 

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You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview

Please contact one of the Server Directors to organize your interview before 07/10/2020 or your application will be DENIED

// Locked

// moved to Commander Applications - Pending

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Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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