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Beetle's Wolffe Application

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Steam Name:
Beetle | Synr.gg


RP Name:
104th WP XO Comet


RP Rank:
Executive Officer


Steam ID:


Battalion You Are Applying For:
104th Mechanized Assault Battalion



Doom's Unit (PVT - CSM | MEDO) [January 2020 - February 2020]
I had first joined this server eager to play on SWRP after a long amount of time not playing. Once I came in, I used my dedication to grow, and my very little experience and leadership on other servers into here. It was here that I learned what Synergy was about, and how the players work and act. I was easily able to fit in just fine, and while not being well-known, I still got a lot of work done. I helped with trainings and patrols, worked with some of the officers at the time as an NCO and SNCO, and devoted a lot of time to MEDRP and work through that branch.

Jedi Order (Consular Manager, Sage Manager, ACE Manager, Consular Lead, Eeth Koth) [March 2022 - Current]
While this application focuses on a Clone battalion rather than the Jedi Order, I feel as if the manager work can still be applied here. As the Consular Lead and ACE Manager, I would conduct trainings and manage responsibilities, all while helping the members of the branches. The Jedi Order helped my spark my roleplay side of Synergy, as well as giving me responsibilities a little more unique than that of clone. It gave me a new perspective on leadership, and I continued to have fun all the while.

104th (PVT - XO | MEDO, Sinker/HVYL, Dash-44/MEDL, Comet/WPL) [March 2022 - Current]
After losing motivation and the stress of the pandemic, I came back after two years ready to try my best once again. This time, however, things had changed, but I had no problem fitting back in. It was at this time that I was able to truly learn what it meant to be a leader in Synergy, and how to be the best I could. In a short amount of time, I had gone from PVT to CSM, working closely with the officers as best as I could. As MEDO, I was able to strengthen medical roleplay both in me, and other members of the 104th Medical Branch. I hosted many unique and entertaining trainings that strengthened the battle comms, teamwork, and tactics of the NCO corps both as CSM and as Sinker. During my few weeks as Sinker and Heavy Lead, I was successful in reviving the Heavy Branch of the battalion, turning it from one active member and a few in numbers to at least one or two Heavy Troopers on at a time, active and strong Heavy Officers, and a full roster. I even created a new tryout document and a training dupe for Heavies to work on their spread control and precision. As Dash-44, I have been able to do the same as I did when I was Sinker and CSM. Implementing fun and entertaining trainings that strengthen Medical roleplay, and ways to quickly perform actions such as medical revives. Currently, as Comet and XO of the battalion, my focus has been with internal disputes and issues within the battalion. I’ve helped to make sure no issues have risen between people and that everyone works together without problems. In addition, I have worked to improve the professionalism with the battalion during events, however, I know that I can go further with what I can do.


Why Should You Become a Battalion Commander?
I believe that I have the leadership and strength needed to lead this battalion further. I have already shown my compassion and dedication to the battalion as well, going all the way from Private to Executive Officer without a loss of interest or burn out. People of all ranks, including those in other battalions, have come to me for advice, insight, or questions regarding leadership, and I have always been happy to help them. In addition, I have been able to prove that I can improve not only myself, but those I help lead. I never back down from a challenge, and I have been able to prove that I can take the huge responsibilities given to me. Jumping from MEDO to HVYL was a completely new experience, but I was able to succeed, and now being the lead of the 104th sub-unit and being its Executive Officer. Even through hardships of losing members and low morale, I was still able to help lead my battalion, and keep it active when all seemed lost to others.


Do You Understand the Lore of Your Battalion or Squad?:
The 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion is led by CC-3636, commonly known as Commander Wolffe, and Jedi General Plo Koon. The 104th Battalion, also known as the “Wolfpack Battalion,” fought in many battles during the Clone Wars, such as the First and Second Battles of Felucia, the Battle of Kadavo, and the Siege of Hisseen. The 104th Battalion is distinguished by their gray markings on their white clone armor, as well as the wolf insignia, symbolizing the Wolfpack. Being the “Mechanized Assault” battalion, the 104th utilized AT-RTs, AT-TE Walkers, TX-130 Tanks, and LAAT/i Gunships.


Currently, I am free every day from 10 AM to 12 AM EST. However, my job in real life affects day-to-day activity. Once school starts up again in September, my availability will stick to this until the end of the term:

Monday: 3 PM - 12 AM
Tuesday: 3 PM - 12 AM
Wednesday: 10 AM - 12 PM, 4 PM - 12 AM
Thursday: 3 PM - 12 AM
Friday-Sunday: 10 AM - 12 AM


Estimate of How Long You've Played on Synergy Roleplay?:
A little over 1400 hours.


Do You Have a Microphone?:


Where Do You Want Your Battalion or Squad to be at the End of Your Term?:
I would love to see 104th be the strongest it can be, with many active members on daily, constant trainings, and overall professionalism and helpfulness towards the entire server. I would like to state the ideas for the battalion that I would like to accomplish if made BCMD:

Currently, 104th is borderlining between professionalism and minginess. In addition, there has been a bit of internal conflict between members of the battalion. Most of our officers know the line between when to be professional, and when to mess around. Some of those who are in the NCO corps, do not. I want to help the NCO corps become more professional within events, whether that be through giving them more opportunities to lead in encounters and events, or catching more problems that occur, and act accordingly. Now, this does not imply that I will make the 104th toxic through means of professionalism or overly militaristic, however, more professionalism within events, and even helping others to acknowledge the borderline of messing around and minging, will help the battalion a lot.

Officer Corps:
The 104th officer corps is currently in a rough state. All of our officers currently are Junior Officers, with no Senior Officer Corps. I have two ideas for improving the officer corps. First, I will work with our current officers to help them grow and learn what it means to be an officer, and help them push forward within the battalion. Second, for the NCOs I know could be great officers, I will work with them in helping them push through that barrier between SNCO and Officer. For those who show a drive to continue further in the battalion of become an officer, I will also work with them and guide them in the right direction. I know that reaching a goal such as this takes time, patience, and observation. This is a long-term goal rather than a short one, and I am content with that.

The communication between officers and NCO is not the best currently. In addition, the Officer Corps has struggled a little in the past to communicate to High Command. As a Warrant Officer, I strived to be the communicator between NCOs and Officers, helping to get the issues and opinions of NCOs up to the officers. I know there are issues that some members may have with others, and sometimes are too afraid to step up and speak. A battalion is like a brotherhood, in which everyone should work well with each other without issues. Following the chain of command, of course, but at the very least voicing your issues and not letting bottled up issues get to you. I want to implement two things that will help communication. First, a monthly/bi-weekly officer evaluation form that all NCOs can and should fill out. This can help communicate anything they wish to say about the officers. Second is an anonymous complaint form, where members can give issues they have, and either anonymously or openly state who they are and who is causing trouble. These two ideas can easily be implemented into one, allowing for the name of the member filling the evaluation form to be optional rather than mandatory. This lets high command see issues, and help work with NCOs and Officers alike to communicate. It also allows High Command to see any issues they may see in themselves. For Officers, I plan to encourage them to continue to communicate and spend time with NCOs in and out of game, through trainings or hanging out in Teamspeak.

Recruitment within 104th is not the main issue. While we get new recruits or transfers here and there, our main issue is retention within the battalion. Very rarely do we have newer enlisted members stay continuously active, for one reason or another. Ideas to keep retention are both in and out of game events. As a Veteran Admin, I will give 104th things to do in game, whether that be small deployments, patrols, or events. Out of game, events such as movie nights, game nights, and more could help the bond and retention strengthen within the battalion.

If there’s one thing 104th currently struggles with, it’s trainings. As an NCO, I worked to do at least one to two trainings a week, all while making them effective and informative. Whether they were regimental specific, battalion specific, or joint training, I always made it a priority to host trainings. I want to help push NCOs to do the same, getting at least two to three trainings a week led by the NCO corps. If they are ever confused on how to host or lead a training, I will make sure to help them and guide them throughout the process. Trainings strengthen many aspects; creativity, leadership practice, teamwork, and communication. Without trainings, the only time these aspects are used is in deployments or large scale events.

The Wolfpack subunit is in a decent state right now. We currently have a few positions open. Regarding the recent split of branch lead positions and Wolfpack positions, there have been no issues. Some things I would love to see being worked on with Wolfpack is the inclusion of roleplay, more teamwork between both themselves and between them and the normal 104th Troopers, and a sense of mentorship, helping the newer members whenever they can, and directing them in a helpful way.

Dire Squad:
Now for the newest inclusion of 104th, Dire Squad. With this subunit, my main goal is to have Dire Squad be strong, active, and professional during its first few months. I also want for Dire Squad to act as mentors just like Wolfpack, and to set a good example in and out of game. I will work with 104th High Command on choosing someone who we believe will be a perfect fit as Wildfire when the times come, along with working alongside said Wildfire in leading the tryouts and helping the squad work together.

Currently, 104th is in a middle ground state with Jedi. We are not in desperate need of Jedi, as we currently have a strong Officer as Jedi and many semi-active padawans and knights. However, numbers mean nothing if the true purpose of battalion Jedi isn’t used. On my Jedi, I have worked closely under and with Mason, former Obi-Wan and Saesee Tiin, with our goal being to give Jedi a stronger purpose within the battalion. Using tactics made, roleplay initiative, and teamwork training, we continue to strengthen the Jedis within 212th. Using that experience, I wish to do the same for 104th.

At the end of my term, I want to see 104th back where I saw it before when I first joined: Thriving with strong numbers, a large number of officers who are always online, and a lot of professionalism. I want 104th to be the battalion people see and find inspiring. I want 104th to be self-sustainable, having the officer corps run the battalion smoothly if I am ever absent. I want 104th to constantly host trainings and recruitment, as well as keep retention. While you can never call a battalion fully perfect, I would like to see 104th in a state where people, in their eyes, can call it something close to perfection.


Do You Understand That if You Go Inactive That You Will Be Removed from Your Position?:


Do You Understand That Your Position Has a Three Month Term Limit, And You Must Reapply After Three Months to Maintain Your Commander Rank?:

I was the leader of the Dogma Balls movement

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@BlueBeetle, you are probably one of the most friendly and level-headed people I have had the opportunity in talking and meeting inside the community. I think you will be potentially an excellent Battalion Commander for the 104th and press the battalion forward. Please do not stress yourself out with all your other commitments in the community and if you manage it all correctly, you will be amazing in the position. Good luck in the interview. 

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+1. I don't see anyone else.

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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+1 what else is there to say

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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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This might be a controversial opinion, Or maybe so to people outside 104th and NCO core.

104th has so many active, willing to grow and exceptional talents for this spot. Most of the training, roleplay and communication happens with our officers and NCO's. 

My first few weeks on the server I didn't even know we had a comet, To this day I still only communicate for the most part with my fellow NCOs and officers, as they are the ones who lead and are there for you when you have an issue.

At times his activity has scared me, but I will agree he has significantly stepped it up as of late. I believe 104th is an active and strong battalion but I personally believe its strength comes from the NCO core. I rarely see our higher command hold training, patrols, etc. and that is what worries me about letting the already high command take a spot that could be used for genuine and necessary change. I and many others in the 104th want to see real change, and more activities for us to do when we are on and our numbers are high. 

I believe Beetle has a lot of responsibility already staff wise and I'm unsure how that will balance out with the role of BCMD, and how he'll make time for both. 

I do like Beetle, and I think he is good as an XO, and by far one of the most level headed people I know on the server and by no means am I saying he would make a bad Wolffe. but i do believe the 104th has more active and less tied up talents for this role. We desperately need a leader in 104th to keep this battalion active and alive, and need them to be just as active as we want the battalion. If he gets this position hopefully he makes me eat my words and I look forward to him doing so if he is to get this role.

Edited by Parmesan
Beetle gave a fair and well structured response.
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+1 best pick or BCMD hell yeah hoorah

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Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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43 minutes ago, Parmesan said:


This might be a controversial opinion, Or maybe so to people outside 104th and NCO core.

104th has so many active, willing to grow and exceptional talents for this spot. Most of the training, roleplay and communication happens with our officers and NCO's. 

My first few weeks on the server I didn't even know we had a comet, To this day I still only communicate for the most part with my fellow NCOs and officers, as they are the ones who lead and are there for you when you have an issue.

At times his activity has scared me, but I will agree he has significantly stepped it up as of late. I believe 104th is an active and strong battalion but I personally believe its strength comes from the NCO core. I rarely see our higher command hold training, patrols, etc. and that is what worries me about letting the already high command take a spot that could be used for genuine and necessary change. I and many others in the 104th want to see real change, and more activities for us to do when we are on and our numbers are high. 

I believe Beetle has a lot of responsibility already staff wise and I'm unsure how that will balance out with the role of BCMD, and how he'll make time for both. 

I do like Beetle, and I think he is good as an XO, and by far one of the most level headed people I know on the server and by no means am I saying he would make a bad Wolffe. but i do believe the 104th has more active and less tied up talents for this role. We desperately need a leader in 104th to keep this battalion active and alive, and need them to be just as active as we want the battalion. If he gets this position hopefully he makes me eat my words and I look forward to him doing so if he is to get this role.

I appreciate the feedback. I understand that my activity can worry you, but as I said, my activity is affected by my job, as it is with other people. I unfortunately do not work a 9-5 job. Some days could be 10-2 or 5-8, while others could be 12-9:30 or 11-7. As for responsibilities balancing out high staff and BCMD, I have been able to successfully balance being XO, Veteran Admin, and GMM, all while still doing some work here and there in Jedi. Being BCMD will cause no issue with activity or balancing responsibility. 104th is my top priority, always has been, and always will be. If things need to be dropped, I can assure you 104th will not be one of those positions.

Regarding trainings, I have hosted trainings throughout my time, from SGT onwards. Even as an officer, I made time to host trainings to strengthen both our battalion, and to strengthen the bonds between our fellow siege battalions. Other BCMDs in the past have also continued to host trainings and patrols. This will not stop if I am given this opportunity.

I understand your concerns, Parmesan. I want to help the battalion just as much as you do. I can assure you that my current responsibilities and activities will not affect my leadership if given BCMD.

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I was the leader of the Dogma Balls movement

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Deadass, Beetle is genuinely one of the handful of people on server I can just talk to for no reason. I've always loved interacting in game and the times we've talked about our battalions (ie asking about opinions on how things are being ran), it's been incredible. Beetle is fuckin amazing bro. My favorite.  I LOVE THIS MAN!

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i carried onderon events


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This is a very easy choice, Beetle is a great member of the 104th and I am very pleased to see where he’s come since I was Siege Reg.  I would be glad to see him as Wolffe.

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People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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+1 Great XO, Good Plans, Great leader, good person. Beetle is 100% ready for this position

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Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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+1 Beetle is by far the best candidate for this position. You have the dedication to the battalion like no other and have great ideas for the direction of the battalion in its current state. I am very excited for the possibility for you to get this position. Best of luck, Beetle.

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Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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