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Everything posted by Ollie_

  1. Name: Ollie Staff Rank: Director Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 7/17/2024 Reason for leaving: If I am being honest this has been coming for a while, I feel I have done practically everything I could on the server other than go for applicable positions and I am overwhelmingly happy with where I ended up after it all. I feel like I need to get out of the way so that other people have a chance to push the server into the next era and keep it progressing the way it has been since the whole team got it moving in a upward fashion. I feel like I have done my part(as little as it may have been) to help out where and when I could and I am happy I was able to see how much progress we made since I joined in 2022. There were a lot of times I thought about leaving but the things that kept me going to inevitably staying was the community, I have never seen a place like it, everyone here seems to generally care for each other and wants everyone here to have as much fun as possible. I never thought that when my buddies who are long gone messaged me about a gmod server that I would be here 2 years later writing this and being sad that I am leaving. I have had a incredible amount of fun on this server and I hope you all have more fun then I did. I have met some absolutely amazing people along the way and I hope that we will all stay in contact. Farewells: @Brooklyn you took me under your wing when I joined and I think we have become very close friends. @BlueBeetle your my day one. @Pythin I will always be the better Niner. @blazin You already know @Slump I'm going to be in the same home as you @Zeros You are a homie gunna miss killing people in your events @Rizzo You drove me insane and I think I did the same to you <3 @Tec Your a Idiot @Woenyyour cute If I didn't @ you don't take it the wrong way, if I were to @ everyone I was gunna miss or have had conversations with I would be typing this up forever. I love this community and want to see it progress and keep evolving, this has been a great time and maybe one day I will be back. In any case I hope you all have a great time and keep having fun without me! @Xaze@Jad@Marvel Thank you guys for the opportunity and the chance to be a Director, it taught me alot about myself and I hope we can stay in contact.
  2. Name: Ollie Staff Rank: Director Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 2 weeks, so end on 6/19 Reason: New DLC in a game came out and I want to play and enjoy that, and life been busy so just need a break :) Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position? yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: yes
  3. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  4. I would say there are times people put a lot of effort into RP, and I know there are certain groups of people that really enjoy it. This in all honesty can be a hard question to give a definitive answer for.
  5. Unfortunately your application has been DENIED. You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason. You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - DENIED
  6. Unfortunately your application has been DENIED. You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason. You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - DENIED
  7. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  8. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  9. Unfortunately your application has been DENIED. You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason. You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - DENIED
  10. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  11. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  12. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  13. o7 my guy, I will miss having you around and I really appreciate all the work and dedication that you had. You are part of the reason the server has become as successful as it has again. Don't be a stranger and my DM's are always open. Sad I didn't get a @
  14. Who got Battalion of the Month for March 2024? Coruscant Guard This month CG went off with their trainings and activity thought the month, CG's activity and interaction with the rest of the server has improved drastically in the last month and we are all happy to see them achieving what they have been. Hopefully getting BOTM doesn't slow them down as they have been killing it. This month CG recruited 40 people to their battalion, did 43 Trainings, 10 Battalion Specific Trainings, and 20 Joint Trainings. Overall as stated above CG has had a massive improvement from last month and we are exited to see what they can do over the next month! Joint Trainings Joint trainings are a great way for battalions to work together and learn different ways to complete a goal or a objective. When your battalion hosts these trainings it makes sticks out a lot in High Commands eyes and shows that you and your battalion are outgoing and trying to interact more with everyone else in the community. Battalion Specific Trainings Hosting these trainings are a great way of standing out where you go above and beyond to make sure that your battalion is giving out specific trainings, so that everyone that needs and wants them actually trained. Overall you all did great with hosting your Battalion Specific trainings, and for the most part you all were very close in numbers to each other. But if you want to stand out over the next month keep it up and continue to help out newer or returning players get their trainings!
  15. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  16. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  17. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  18. Unfortunately your ban appeal has been DENIED. For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or any Director+. // LOCKED // MOVED TO BAN APPEALS - DENIED
  19. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  20. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  21. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  22. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  23. Results of Battalion Competition First of all we wanna start by saying thank you to each and everyone one of you guys that participated in the competition. This is the end of Battalion Competition and we are going to introduce Battalion Of The Year Battalion of the Year is the following. Me and @Gohnare going to be hosting different kinds of competition throughout the year that will be similar to this one. First place of each competition will be rewarded with 8 points, second place 7 points ETC. BOTM Will give out a total of 4 points RPOTW Will give out a total of 1 point The results are the following SOBDE placing first with 59 points 41st placing second with 35 points and beat Rancor in a tie breaking 2v2 Rancor placing third with 35 points 212th 4th CG5th 501st 6th 104th 7th 21st 8th It was very close between all the battalions if you wish to know the result of your battalion have the CMD+ from said battalion to reach out. Thanks again for everyone that was able to attend, we hope to see you at the next event! The points for Battalion of the Year is the following 212th : 11 points 501st: 7 points 104th: 3 point 41st: 19 points 21st: 8 points CG: 6 points Rancor: 12 points SOBDE: 13 points
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