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*WAVIED* Bitter's Spec Reg Application


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Waived by Gears and Crimson, Deku and Bro
Steam Name: Bitter

RP Name: Bitter

RP Rank: WO

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43580258

Regiment you are applying for: Specialized


21st WO and ARCO and ARCL

501st Captain Dogma

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:  I was lucky enough to come back to this server after basically taking about a 2 year break from Garrys Mod as a whole. Coming back to the server and back to the community that sparked my interest into SWRP I wanted to see how I could best give back to the server I enjoyed so much. In my 2 year hiatus I was able to start a server and have some fun learning about SWRP from the top down allowing me some valuable insight into how a server runs from the top down. When I came back to synergy I wanted to challenge myself to take on responsibility by getting into a position to make a difference in anyway I can. I am hard working and can set goals that I will always accomplish and make sure to come out on top. I am dedicated to a fault and will make sure that the regiments are running smoother and more effectively. 

I am a people person and I enjoy helping others solving their problems in anyway that I can. I can look at a situation objectively and break it down so that I can better understand both sides and make a logical and informed decision when required. I am easy to approach about anything from a serious inquiry to a casual conversation so that it doesn't feel like I am unreachable. I can adapt myself to the situation at hand and know when to have a firm hand or a gentler touch when necessary. I feel that I have the aptitude to learn and help Spec Reg as a whole to face their problems.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes

Availability: I work a 9-5 job so during the day my contact is limited. If the help you are needing is a quick question I can answer it throughout the day however it if is longer it would have to wait till I got home for the day. My Weekends which vary during the week I am available all day over messages if you cannot contact me in game.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: 

Throughout my 501st days I was able to help revive the regiments throughout the battalion. Working closely with the REGO's and the REGL I was happy to place any of the troopers interested in different branches in contact with the officers and the Lead to get them started on the path that they wanted to be on. 

In 21st I was able to finally specialize into the ARC branch of the battalion. With that I had the ability to to move from regular trooper to ARCO to ARCL with that I changed the training structure for the whole branch and created trainings for the battalion as a whole using the trainings I used for my ARC troopers as a model. 

Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: 

At the end of my term I'd hope to have the regiments looking like this.

Adding more officers to the officer core to help run and maintain the battalion when the BCMD is not present.

Help to restructure the branches in the battalion to create fun and interesting challenges for the troopers trying to get trained for these branches.

Help to create a more engaging and structured sets of weekly trainings for the battalion to help to increase activity throughout


Help to improve CG's presence by increasing officer activity

Creating joint trainings and SIM's structured around the CG's ability to either defend or capture a target location to create a more CG friendly RP

Give CG the opportunity to engage in more interesting RP then just being police officers by having them solve mysteries around the base and crimes around the planet


Help to bring more members into DU as activity is lacking at the moment besides the officer core.

Helping to create SIM's and Missions based on the DU's aptitude to siege and defend highly contested areas.

Help add more troopers into the officer core to allow more oversight of the battalion when the other officers are not available.


Create more RP situations involving the whole battalion to help promote activity throughout.

Help to induct more members and recommend troopers to the BCMD to increase membership.

Help SOBDE with problems regarding Grey RC and its role on the server.


These are few of the main goals I will be attempting to accomplish during my term. This is only where I want to start I hope to achieve even more goals during my term.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: 

I plan to increase the amount of joint missions/deployments that allow for the use of Spec Regs skills. Hosting meetings between the BCMD's to discus missions and SIM's that will utilize the Battalions specific strengths and where the other battalions can help to remedy the others shortcomings. Encouraging the battalions to interact and host trainings and SIM's involving each other. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes

If there are any questions regarding my application or myself feel free to comment here or message me on discord @BitterCold#0500. I'd be happy to help clear anything up.

Edited by Bitter
Changing the wording


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Hey. It's Opa. 

Spec Reg is a very responsible position with high rate of people not finishing their term. So I have  a few questions.

1. Do you feel like you have what it takes to be consistent with your activity as a spec reg ?

2.You named  3 things on each batallion that you hope to achieve by the end of your term. Have you done your research and talked with the respective BCMD's about these points ?

Last : I don't know about other batallions, but for CG I personally think that  lack of officers is not an existing problem. If you worded it 'increase officer presence/activity within CG', I would 100% agree with you.


  • Informative 1
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  • Funny 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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You have only recently gotten officer in 21st and I have yet to gauge how you are in stressful or powerful position.  So fat you haven't done anything good or bad as WO  which you have had for a 4 days (promoted 3rd of July).

What experience do you have with dealing with disciplinary actions, problem and important discussions?


What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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So starting off:

- This is a very weak application to be honest,
- It looks like your only fix for improving relations within the Specialized Regiment is just hosting trainings.

- "This is only where I want to start I hope to achieve even more goals during my term." - can u tell us something more about this plans? Any specifics or is it something you are not certain about yet?
- Some of the issues you are talking about is something I must disagree with. For example "Help to add more officers into their ranks to improve activity" - Is this your opinion on the regiment? Or is it a statement received from the current Battalion Commander of CG? Personally I have to disagree with this. Every time I am on the server I almost always see at least 1 CG Officer active, of course they probably could use some more hands on deck, but I don't see this as an Issue from an outsider point of view
- You have very little of experience if I am to be honest. You have never been in a Commander Position or even a Senior Officer one, its not something that determines if you would be a good REG, but in a case like this I wouldn't make a big jump over rank straight into High Command position on the server. 

I have a couple questions however:

-Have you talked with any BCMDs/Members of CG,21st,DU,SOBDE before applying?

-What is Regimental Commanders job in your eyes?

-Do you plan to fix the relations any other way than just trainings?

-"Help SOBDE with problems regarding Grey RC and its role on the server"  - can you give us more insight on this? What are the problems and have are you going to fix them?

For now I will not support this application, however I might update my vote after I see a response to the Questions above. Good Luck!

( Questions , Quotes


First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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I know this man has come around and talked to the command of sobde, because well I was there. He talked to both metro and myself and was genuinely curious about us and getting to know more about the battalion. His enthusiasm and the positive interactions I’ve had with him so far are enough for me to believe he should get to the interview and sway the directors and high command. 

  • Agree 1
  • Informative 1


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+1. Let me make this clear, those who aren’t dropping +1’s only know about Bitter’s fun side and NOT his dedication to this server and his leadership position. This man was waived by two high ranking admins, the sitting palpatine, and a founder for a reason. Bitter is being modest when he says he “specialized” arc. He created specific trainings to complete change the way his branch worked, because when he found it the branch was as being used as an assault force with cool armor. He takes time out of his day to talk to the people under them without hesitation. Just last night he sat with me for almost an hour figuring out a heated debate about RP between two players, then sat in for almost half an hour above and beyond that while I was having a conversation with one of the people involved to make them understand why their reaction to the situation was wrong. Bitter goes above and beyond in his duties as staff, our warrant officer, our ARCL, and as a TRO. He went around to all of the Battalions in Spec, talked to their leaders before even getting waived for his application. If you think his plans for SPEC all seem the same or redundant, consider this: ALL OF OUR BATTALIONS SUFFER FROM THE SAME ISSUES. 21st was wiped in january and STILL HASNT RECOVERED. We have an 80(Enlisted and NCO)-20(Officer) split because we have massive organizational problems. CH lost a significant portion of its NCO corps because, at the time, they didn’t have enough active officers to fulfill the needs of their battalion. I could go on, the Spec battalions need major overhauls and a cohesive force to bring us together in coordination. Bitter has been a wonder leader in the 21st and it feels like I am endorsing giving away not just a great resource, but a great friend to everyone in 21st. It, however, would be selfish not to encourage him to do the best good he can for Spec.

  • Disagree 1


Former: A lot of shit dude

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+1 He's got a clear plan on what he wants to do... I've talked to him about issues within spec. reg. I often see him talking to different members and high ranking officers within the spec reg. getting insight and different opinions... I believe he's got what it takes


Current: Alpha-12 | Former: GMO | Mr.Built Different | RC-1136 Darman | RC-3222 Atin

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Black and Opa have brought up some pretty good point / questions. I have some of my own but would also like to hear the response for them before I vote

1. For SOBDE your points seem off.

10 hours ago, Bitter said:

Help to induct more members and recommend troopers to the BCMD to increase membership.

Gray RC is restricted to 8 members and currently they have 5/8. Im confused on how you plan to help them when all they have to do is host tryouts. The recommendation thing is minor poaching but who doesn't do that. But also on that point, recommending people won't help someone get into SOBDE with the way it is set up. To eliminate all favoritism and ANY bias possible.

10 hours ago, Bitter said:

Help SOBDE with problems regarding Grey RC and its role on the server.

Good luck. That's a Founder & Metro thing.


2. CG:

10 hours ago, Bitter said:

Help to add more officers into their ranks to improve activity



3. 21st

10 hours ago, Bitter said:

Adding more officers to the officer core to help run and maintain the battalion when the BCMD is not present.


  • Agree 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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-1 Ima be honest this is a pretty weak application, mostly because your lack of previous experience. Being a Regimental Commander isn't easy and before I like to +1 anyone going for a regimental position, I would like to see at least some Commander experience in their past and you don't have that, the jump from your highest rank being CPT to a Regimental Commander is just far too much. Also your plans are kind of lackluster for what you are going to be doing with each battalion. This position oversees 4 battalions at a time, making it a very hard position and you have barely any previous experience. There is people with way more experience who have gotten denied for this position than you. I wish you the best but I don't think you are ready for this position.

Edited by Luther
Added a few more things
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In case it comes up again, I'll point out that he has indeed come talk to 21st command as well before posting the app. Though I will say some of the details noted seemed to had been missing that I will ask about below as a 21st rep.


11 hours ago, Bitter said:

Adding more officers to the officer core to help run and maintain the battalion when the BCMD is not present.


I'm honestly not sure what this means? We already have a pretty nice base for officers currently and we also have a few others who are sitting ready to be moved up when their time comes. Or is this meant literally where you intend to promote people into the core instead of us? The phrasing is a bit confusing here.

11 hours ago, Bitter said:

Help to restructure the branches in the battalion to create fun and interesting challenges for the troopers trying to get trained for these branches.

This seems more like the responsibilities of the branch officers/lead or in lieu of such, the acting REGOs/REGL (such as myself). What kind of restructures of challenges did you have intended?


Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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Forum Admin

Your responses and things you want to do, can all be done as a GM. You don't seem to have a good grasp as to the purpose of the position, nor the needs of any of the battalions. These reasons, coupled with a lackluster app and a general lack of experience will lead me to -1. 

With all of that being said, I truly appreciate your attempt to achieve such a high position, and wish you the best in the 21st!

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Hi Opa, 
I really appreciate the questions and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. If you have any extra questions feel free to ask anything else. 


17 hours ago, Opa said:

1. Do you feel like you have what it takes to be consistent with your activity as a spec reg ?

To answer your question regarding activity and the high resignation rate, yes I feel that I can give the activity required to be in this position. I won't always be on server as I have to work however I am always reachable by a discord ping.

17 hours ago, Opa said:

2.You named  3 things on each batallion that you hope to achieve by the end of your term. Have you done your research and talked with the respective BCMD's about these points ?

I got to sit down with all of the BCMD's of each battalion of Spec Reg and talked it over with them on possible problems that they are facing at the moment and based the 3 things on those talking points. I definitely should have done more research and have asked more questions to different members of the battalion. I strive to learn and adapt to new ways of thinking so that I can better serve the battalions I'd be in-charge of. These three things are only starting points and are the minimum of what I want to do for Spec Reg as a whole. As time goes on and I accomplish these goals new ones will be added and others following others to ensure that I don't waste anytime in this position.

17 hours ago, Opa said:

Last : I don't know about other batallions, but for CG I personally think that  lack of officers is not an existing problem. If you worded it 'increase officer presence/activity within CG', I would 100% agree with you.


Looking back on the wording of my own app I do believe I was attempting to make that point and I am sorry for the miscommunication. I should have reread over my application a third time and looked at the wording much closer I will be appending my app to correctly reflect what I was trying to say and I'll leave it here for reference. 

Thank you so much for all of the questions.

Help to add more officers into their ranks to improve activity (Previous Statement)

Help to improve CG's presence by increasing officer activity (Current Statement)


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Yeah, so all and all, Bitter is a great guy, ive seen him around the server a ton, and i feel that this man genuinely deserves a higher rank in synergy.

He has a clear, and set out plan on what he wants to do, hes showing that he has no bias when it comes to regiments, and has described exactly what he wants to do with each of them. He wants to  make Spec. Reg. More known, popular, and active on the server, and i love it.


  • Disagree 2
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After talking with Bitter I feel he has definitely what it takes and the mindset to be a good SPEC REG. His interest in learning more about SOBDE to better help the battalion when he would be REG really proved to me that he is dedicated to it and that he truly believes that he can help improve the battalion and the regiment. He also said to me that he is more of a talker than a writer so I can excuse some of the miscommunications from the application. 
Overall +1 from me good luck Bitter!

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+1 like I said it’s the toughest job on the server. Good luck you’ll need it, as I have always said if he fucks up bad enough he will just get removed.

  • Funny 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Hi Gadget thanks for the question.

I've had a good bit of experience with those topics working with the 501st I had to serve out a branch wide punishment for not complying with orders given by commanding officers. 

As for problems and important discussions I am no stranger to talking over problems with higher ranks to make sure that criticism and problems are heard.
I hope this answers your question.

On 7/7/2021 at 4:32 AM, Gadget said:

What experience do you have with dealing with disciplinary actions, problem and important discussions?


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3 hours ago, Bitter said:

Hi Gadget thanks for the question.

I've had a good bit of experience with those topics working with the 501st I had to serve out a branch wide punishment for not complying with orders given by commanding officers. 

As for problems and important discussions I am no stranger to talking over problems with higher ranks to make sure that criticism and problems are heard.
I hope this answers your question.

Bit of a luck warm/politicians answer there.


I will wait for others to vote and gauge from there.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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On 7/7/2021 at 2:47 AM, Bitter said:

Adding more officers to the officer core to help run and maintain the battalion when the BCMD is not present.

Help to restructure the branches in the battalion to create fun and interesting challenges for the troopers trying to get trained for these branches.

Help to create a more engaging and structured sets of weekly trainings for the battalion to help to increase activity throughout


Help to improve CG's presence by increasing officer activity

Creating joint trainings and SIM's structured around the CG's ability to either defend or capture a target location to create a more CG friendly RP

Give CG the opportunity to engage in more interesting RP then just being police officers by having them solve mysteries around the base and crimes around the planet


Help to bring more members into DU as activity is lacking at the moment besides the officer core.

Helping to create SIM's and Missions based on the DU's aptitude to siege and defend highly contested areas.

Help add more troopers into the officer core to allow more oversight of the battalion when the other officers are not available.


Create more RP situations involving the whole battalion to help promote activity throughout.

Help to induct more members and recommend troopers to the BCMD to increase membership.

Help SOBDE with problems regarding Grey RC and its role on the server.

I like this list. Since I barely know you but have seen you trying to talk to these groups, I want to provide my opinion on these statements here (as, in my opinion, what you want to do for the battalions is the most important).

1. 21st. 

1.1: Adding more officers to the officer core to help run and maintain the battalion when the BCMD is not present.
Im sorry but this is a classic example of throwing "buzz words" to sound better. What this statement is telling me is 21st needs more officers and you want to add more officers. As Spec Reg and overseeing 4 regiments, how do you believe that you can accomplish that? I've never seen a Reg go down and promote SNCOs to Officers and I doubt that is what 21st needs. In actuality, you are the 21st WO and you can accomplish this goal of "Run and Maintain the battalion" as the WO! 

1.2: Help to restructure the branches in the battalion to create fun and interesting challenges for the troopers trying to get trained for these branches.
A good idea. In my belief, if you want to do this, do it *now* within the 21st. Test this in your battalion and then you can advocate for its success or know to stay away from it in the future. This is a good idea so show how you can implement this now and this can take you places.

1.3: Help to create a more engaging and structured sets of weekly trainings for the battalion to help to increase activity throughout
Everyone says they want to do "weekly trainings" or "joint trainings". You can organize these as the 21st WO, hell you can do that as a 21st SGT if you tried. Weak point here.

2. CG

2.1: Help to improve CG's presence by increasing officer activity
Basically the exact same thing as I said in your point about 21st Officers, except that you're not a current CG officer. CG has a decent officer core and to be frank I see no reason to over bloat the CG Officers (Speaking as a very recent CG Major).

2.2: Creating joint trainings and SIM's structured around the CG's ability to either defend or capture a target location to create a more CG friendly RP
Let's bring ourselves to the ground for a second. CG doesn't have unique RP, CG has batons. CG's unique RP happens once in a blue moon and that is restricting Brig access for prisoners. Literally everyone hates CG when this happens. What I would have rather you said is to rethink and restructure how CG would manage certain jobs and allow what people in. Alas, it's another "join trainings" moment.

2.3: Give CG the opportunity to engage in more interesting RP then just being police officers by having them solve mysteries around the base and crimes around the planet
Sounds pretty dope and your strongest CG point. I wish this was replaced with things like, encourage baton trainings, revolve CG mindset about stingy AOSs, Not being afraid to use staff for NITRP AOSs, etc. but this is interesting and if you really do this it'll be a fun activity for CG. 

3. DU

3.1: Help to bring more members into DU as activity is lacking at the moment besides the officer core.
All I have to say is *how*?

3.2: Helping to create SIM's and Missions based on the DU's aptitude to siege and defend highly contested areas.
Ok, not bad. However, is this the type of this the Reg should be doing? And by "creating SIMs" that you mention very often in the app, are you going to implement a regular training rotation? Will these happen when you feel like it or on the same days? Do you have the ability to create these yourself or do you need to use already existing dupes? These are all questions that can be answered rather than throwing out "Make SIMs". Just feedback.

3.3: Help add more troopers into the officer core to allow more oversight of the battalion when the other officers are not available.
This is the type of thing that is ALWAYS a concern to a battalion, so I don't see this as a valid point to really make. Additionally, in your first DU point you allude to the fact that officer activity is fine and the attention should be placed on the Enlisted-SNCO core. So is the issue enlisted activity, officer activity, or both?


4.1: Create more RP situations involving the whole battalion to help promote activity throughout.
I don't want to be mean however I will be honest, this is my least favorite point that you've made. As someone who was recently in SOBDE as Bardan, I can tell you that SOBDE not only gets deployed, however, them being their highly developed characters already provides a large well of RP for the SOBDE characters to create. SOBDE, from what I've seen, doesn't have an activity issue more than it has a identity issue. In my own personal belief and as not dig to anyone specific but SOBDE underwent a giant change. Honestly, if I were you, my only SOBDE point would be is to see how sustainable their system is long term. How does the battalion do in the absence of leadership? How does the leadership positions positively or negatively impact the highly unique structure that SOBDE has? These are all concerns that I see are more pressing than RP.

4.2: Help to induct more members and recommend troopers to the BCMD to increase membership.
I'm sure that after talking to SOBDE and reading your apps comments you're aware that Grey RC is limited to 8. Again, from what I have personally seen Grey RC activity and numbers has never been a real issue. Actually, the largest issue that I believe presents itself with Grey RC is how long the members stay there and the high resignation rate. Since the change a few months back, Grey RC has gone through a good bit of people that have joined and left due to no lore characters opening or boredom. Do you see this as an issue? Should Grey RC be restructured? 

4.3: Help SOBDE with problems regarding Grey RC and its role on the server.
I almost can't even comment because you don't list what these problems are nor how you would address them. Would you personally be a proactive force for SOBDE or would you let the SOBDE BCMD take the reigns on solving his battalion's issues? This point is super vauge and I feel you app would be stronger if you explained/went into depth.

In my personal opinion, I will put my vote as a -1 for now. 

Edited by TheCyan
It posted 3 times
  • Informative 1

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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Before I actually give my vote, did you even talk with Jay or myself? I don't recall that at all.

Communication with the people you want to be in charge of would be very helpful.

And if you did talk with him then he didnt tell me, and if you talked with me then it had to have been almost a month ago in which case alot has changed.

  • Agree 1


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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I’ll start this off by saying I’ve been Gone for about 3 weeks now but the fact I barely knew who you were and it took a bit to remember you is a bit troubling to me and to +1 this (Maybe he did a ton in those 3 weeks). Also, Your lack of experience is troubling to me as someone else who lacks a lot of experience. Similar to what Cyan, Bacta, and Luther said, a lot of these changes you pointed out can be made in your battalion and would be a lot easier to change as a WO than as a HC position who has a lot of other responsibilities. The other points that Brooklyn pointed out for CG and DU also make 0 sense. Your answers to questions also seem very lackluster and political. If I could vote neutral I would but it’s Gonna be a -1 but others in Spec Reg support you so good luck if you get accepted. 


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I can give you multiple reason's why I think you are right for the job. You are serious when the times need it, but fun and relaxed with friends. I know for a valid fact that you are smarter than you take yourself for and with that +1 on this app.

  • Confused 1

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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I'm concerned that you have no Senior Officer, Commander, or BCMD experience, and being REGL requires more than good ideas and being liked. You might want to consider getting more experience under your belt. -1

  • Confused 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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1 hour ago, Finn said:

I'm concerned that you have no Senior Officer, Commander, or BCMD experience, and being REGL requires more than good ideas and being liked. You might want to consider getting more experience under your belt. -1

not important, experience means nothing as long as they have the plans & ideas. It's good to back up as proof but it's not a requirement at all, not even close.
There are some people with more experience than you could ever wish to have and they are still dog shit

but I will -1, you don't seem to have genuine idea about the RCMD position or any plans for any battalion besides 21st
I don't see you really have any relevance within SOBDE, DU, or CG so I can't really see you being a good leader for these 4 drastically different battalions

I don't really know you but your app seems good in some parts but plans just fall apart and you seem to not really know what you're doing. I'm sorry but I just cannot see you doing a fantastic job in keeping such a fractured regiment together
Spec need a really active and hands on Reg who is really gonna push for it to be protected and unified

Sorry, you've got the balls but you just don't seem to have the plan

Edited by Comics
  • Agree 3
  • Disagree 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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+1, This man will do good trust the word of Marshh!

  • Disagree 1
  • Winner 1

Hi, I'm Marsh, I'm 19, I work at Disney Land as a Mickey Mouse Actor and get paid minimum wage. My mother kicked me out the house so I live with my Grandma. Hit me up on discord for some gaming times!

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Your app is pretty weak. You say what you want to accomplish but you don't explain how you plan on getting there. You also lack the command experience that most people going for the position have.
I've spoken to you about this however and you sound pretty sincere that you would give it your best effort. I think you should have a chance like anyone else.


Battalion Commander Doom (Former)

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Hi Black, 

I appreciate all of the questions you have asked,

On 7/7/2021 at 4:40 AM, Black said:

can u tell us something more about this plans? Any specifics or is it something you are not certain about yet?

At the moment that was more said for the future. The 3 things for each battalion were things at the very minimum I wanted to help each battalion with. I want to do as much as I can to help out in anyway I can. I more stated that in the intent that I was ready for future problems and would love to help and give insight anyway I can.

On 7/7/2021 at 4:40 AM, Black said:

Is this your opinion on the regiment? Or is it a statement received from the current Battalion Commander of CG?

It was a mixture of my opinion and others that expressed issues regarding the CG. With my reply to Opa I did clarify my point to more be on the presence of CG officers on the server rather than adding more officers to CG.

On 7/7/2021 at 4:40 AM, Black said:

-Have you talked with any BCMDs/Members of CG,21st,DU,SOBDE before applying?

Yes I got to sit down with all of the BCMD's and talked to members of each battalion before I decided to put up my application.

On 7/7/2021 at 4:40 AM, Black said:

-What is Regimental Commanders job in your eyes?

I feel that a RCMD's job is multifaceted and the person who has it has to be able to move from one issue to the next. They have to be mature and responsible to be a representative of all of the battalions. Giving helpful outside opinions on important internal questions and alike. 

On 7/7/2021 at 4:40 AM, Black said:

-Do you plan to fix the relations any other way than just trainings?

Yes, I plan on helping to increase visibility between the different battalions so that we aren't all strangers. Done of course by just talking between battalion members, hosting game nights so that people can just relax and play games with the regiment. 

On 7/7/2021 at 4:40 AM, Black said:

-"Help SOBDE with problems regarding Grey RC and its role on the server"  - can you give us more insight on this? What are the problems and have are you going to fix them?

SOBDE is a battalion in which before I had written this app I didn't have much knowledge of how it ran and how it operated. Talking with SOBDE members and learning more about the battalion has allowed me a better understanding of it. Regarding the problem that I had stated, I sat down with Metro and Conrad about Appling for Spec Reg and was talking to them about the battalion and how it is running and what I could do to help. One of the points brought up was the current problems with Grey RC, Its essentially a CT whitelist with flashy guns and People are expected to move from it to a lore job. I was more of something for me to help in giving a outside opinion on how to deal with it as I felt I could give some good insight if asked.

I hope this answers everything. Thanks again for all of the awesome questions


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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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GM Leadership

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!




I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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