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Pog's Battalion Commander Cody App


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Steam Name: [SR] Pog


RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:127385491

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 212th Commander Cody


501st / PVT - SPC

Although my time in the 501st was very short lived it was a great introduction to the server and I learned a lot here. It taught me the standards of the server and looking back on it there were some great leaders in there that I was able to learn from. I learned many aspects of the server rules and how to operate as a good trooper, and my time in 501st set me up for much more success in 212th.

212th / PVT - CMD

212th ARFO

212th Intel

Ghost Company Sergeant

212th Drill Sergeant

212th ARO (Assault Recon Overseer)

212th REGL

Ghost Company Executive Officer

212th Commander

After my time in 501st I joined the 212th and immediately felt at home in the battalion. I got to experience a different part of Synergy within the attack battalions, and I had a great time. I joined the 212th to be better than I was in 501st and aimed to be the best that I could possibly be. I started as a PVT and have worked my way up to the rank of commander throughout my time in the battalion. My first achievement was becoming an ARF Officer and assisting Gaster in reviving the ARF regiment. Upon reaching the rank of MSG I joined intel and then tried out for Ghost Company and took the lore character Longshot. This is a character that I have enjoyed a lot and have been for the last 200+ days. Soon after this I became a GCS within Ghost Company and was able to host tryouts and trainings for Ghost Company. I continued doing consistent work as an NCO and applied for WO at the rank of CSM. I ended up becoming WO after being in the battalion for a little over a month. Some people had concerns about my short time in the battalion, but I ended up having a successful WO term and was granted the rank of 1stLT after my 30 day term. I also became a drill sergeant during my WO term which taught me how to properly uphold standards within the battalion. While I was a 1stLT I applied to be the next ARO (Assault Recon Overseer) which oversees ARC, ARF, and HVY. At the start of my time as ARO the assault regiment had very few members and the ARC regiment was practically empty. These 3 regiments grew in numbers under my leadership, but I also got to see the effects of being too hands on and appointing people too quickly which set me up for more success down the road as REGL. I later became the Ghost Company XO which gave me the experience of how to lead a subunit. I became REGL as a COL and and the 5 regiments have become much closer to balanced and are generally set up for success. Most recently, I have become a commander which has provided me a lot of insight into how the battalion operates and is what I see as the final piece of experience that I needed in order to be a successful BCMD. 



Throughout my time in naval I have learned important skills in how to run a large part of the server and I have enjoyed my time here. I’m currently a CPO in naval and it is one of my favorite positions to play on outside of 212th.

Jedi C/S Padawan

 My time in Jedi as a Consular and Sentinel were not the most eventful and did not necessarily go towards my experience as a clone but it has definitely allowed me to make some additional friendships and add to my enjoyment of the server. 

Tactical Droid

I was not a tactical droid for the longest time but it was a great additional perspective and experience to help the CIS faction get off its feet when it had first been added. 

Staff / NA-SA



Game Helper

Game Master


Staff has always been my biggest focus outside of clone. My first time going from NA to SA I got staff of the week, staff of the month, GH of the week, GM of the week, and I always loved helping and improving people's enjoyment of the server and I aim to continue this. Being a GMO was a great experience and allowed me to be able to not only create events but also help others improve their events. Most recently I have become a TRO and have greatly enjoyed the position. These experiences have helped me as a clone and with my preparation for the position of Commander Cody and I believe my accomplishments in staff are a strong representation of my attributes and skills. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I am confident that I would be a great fit for Battalion Commander for a few reasons. My experience, dedication and personality can be seen in almost everything I do. I work hard and often to keep the battalion at its best and I have gained the positions and opportunities that I have not only as a result of my hard work but also due to an excellent and supportive 212th. This battalion has been great to me from day one and I plan to pay them back. Additionally, due to my personality and me already being a well known and liked member of the battalion, many members of the 212th regardless of rank have been able to come to me for any support whenever and wherever it is needed and this can go even further in a BCMD position. My leadership skills and ability to get things done has been noticed by others and these skills are necessary for a BCMD and I fully believe I have the correct attributes for this position. I have a strong sense of what this battalion needs and what works and what doesn’t because I have seen many positive and negative things from various experiences with different Cody’s, and throughout my time in the battalion as a whole. I have the support of the battalion, indicating that I am trustworthy and a reliable choice for this position and I fully believe I can finish and build off of everything that Leche planned to do, and more. I am confident in myself and in this battalion and I plan to take the 212th to another level of excellence.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:


The 212th Attack Battalion was led by Marshal CC-2224 Commander Cody and Jedi General Obi-wan Kenobi. The 212th was split up into several subunits including 2ndAC, Ghost Company and Foxtrot Group. A few notable clones within these groups are Waxer, Boil, Bear, Barlex, and Gregor. Notable battles include The battle of Teth, Christophsis, Anaxes, The two battles of Geonosis, the battle of Utapau, and Umbara.


In-Game: 2pm EST - 12am EST

Discord: 8am EST - 12am EST 

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Playtime as of posting application: TRO GCXO Commander Longshot has played for 1804:20:12.

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

Overall, the 212th is in a very good spot, but there will always be room for improvement


The activity in this battalion at the moment is excellent, we have many people spread throughout many time zones doing many different jobs and working on projects of their own for the battalion, and there is not much that needs to be improved in terms of activity. The main focus for activity will simply be maintaining the current level and continuing to grow it. I am also a strong believer that activity is not simply logging onto the server for hours on end, it is what you do with that time. People should be having fun and trying to contribute, not AFKing until an event starts. 212th’s current high level of activity is largely due to the culture that the officer corps promotes, and I believe this can go even further. Right now people in the battalion have many strong connections to one another and we have a very strong environment because of this. I will continue to maintain and promote this culture whether I am chosen to be the next BCMD or not, but allowing for new members to see someone like Cody actively promoting this can help make these relationships even stronger.


Roleplay is an area that could be used to be improved within 212th. Generally, the people within subunits in 212th such as Ghost Company have very strong RP skills but those that are newer to the battalion are not exposed to it to the same extent as those who have been in the battalion for a while. This is largely due to less new members having many friends within the battalion to RP with, but we can easily promote a high level of RP. Comms RP can really go a long way into making you feel like a trooper in the clone wars which is why most people join, and will let people have a more enjoyable experience more early on, and show people that there is much more to the server than just events and encounters. This understanding has led to us being a very good down-time battalion and being able to enjoy ourselves no matter how much or how little it appears is happening in game. Everyone in the battalion should understand that in-game you should create a character that you can roleplay as and develop as you progress within the battalion. Early in my time in the battalion I thought there wasn’t much you could do with a character like Longshot that doesn’t have much lore, but people like Mason have allowed me to see firsthand the effects of personalities for both named and unnamed clones that may not have as much lore as ones like Gregor or Boil. It will be very good for the newer members of the battalion if they see Cody come on base and expect troops to roleplay and act as if they are troopers in 212th due to the leadership personality not only from me but also the rest of the battalion. 

Work rate + Structure

Work rate is already in a great position and things are running very efficiently. However, there is currently not a ton of structure between officer ranks and sometimes it seems that the wrong people are doing the wrong jobs and CoC isn’t being followed to its full extent. Although this is not currently causing any major issues, I want to make sure that the battalion is set up for long term success after my term. Right now there will be a few people working on major projects of their own within the battalion while others feel that they don’t have much to do so I want to make sure there is a stronger sense of balance and structure. The main issue at the moment is the lack of direction at each rank, and many people have pointed out that the role of WO has shifted into a spot that just feels like a Junior Officer with higher expectations. The main difference between WO and JO at the moment is that WO hosts the NCO meeting, but I think the role of WO can be greatly expanded. There are many ways that this could be done and if I am selected for BCMD I will work with my HC as well as the Senior Officers to get changes made to the position to make it play a larger role. I have several ideas of how to fix this issue, but I am not going to stick to one until they have all been discussed with 212th HC and SO’s. By the end of my term, the responsibility of each rank will be clearly defined and there will be a stronger sense of structure throughout the battalion to ensure a good future for the 212th.

High Command

Running a battalion is not a one person job and I will look to fill my high command fairly early in my term. High command will be held to very high standards and it should always be obvious to the battalion that all members of HC are actively contributing. Lack of HC presence is a huge issue that I’ve seen in the past within the battalion and I want my high command to be excellent examples for the rest of the battalion. High command should have a strong presence and be great leaders for the rest of the battalion, and I will ensure that every member of HC is held accountable.


The officer core is currently very strong and we have more than 20+ officers constantly working to maintain and improve the battalion. The whole battalion is one huge team and we make decisions together and run this battalion together. The final decision will come down to high command, but no opinion or idea will go unheard, regardless of rank or their amount of time in the battalion. The majority of final decisions will be made by a team made up of HC and SO’s along with the Warrant Officer, and no decisions will be made by me alone. Every new idea or will go to a discussion and the team will ultimately make a decision with the battalion's opinions playing a large role in the  final decision. I have a few proposals that I plan to discuss if I am selected for this position, but I will not be going into these now because the only change that I see as absolutely necessary is a more balanced level of work as well as structure, which I have already touched on.


The NCO corps is doing an excellent level of work, and the majority of the SNCO’s are great examples for the rest of the NCO core. However, I believe that the NCO corps is the single group that is most negatively affected by the lack of communication. When asked for general thoughts on the 212th officer core on a recent officer evaluation document several NCO’s said that they  have no idea what goes on in the inside of the Officer corps, and thus can’t form real opinions on them. This is not how it should be, and is something that has already begun to improve since that evaluation. However, I think we can take this further and plan to improve it in a few ways. Firstly, by redefining and clearing up the role of WO, communication to the NCO corps will improve. Next, by adding more structure to the officer corps as a whole it should be much more clear what the responsibilities of an officer are, rather than seeing 5 different officers doing vastly different levels and types of work. One other thing that I want to do for the NCO’s is to make the game as enjoyable as possible and make sure that they are playing the game to have fun. I do not want NCO’s to be getting online with the mindset of getting on to recruit or to get their merits, I want them to genuinely get on to have fun and help the battalion, which will be accomplished by maintaining the strong relationships within the battalion and increasing the level of RP.


Communication is a problem in many battalions, and 212th is no exception. Although it has not yet led to any real adverse effects, leaving the level of communication how it is could be detrimental down the road. A way this will change is the communication of ranks between the battalion. Structure and communication will be improved and no ideas or changes that officers come up with or suggest will go unheard of because of confusion, lack of confidence, or any other reason. I want communication to improve on a battalion wide level. Also related to communication, improving relations with the other two attack battalions would be excellent, and I understand that a couple quickly put together joint trainings is not how battalions grow to enjoy working together. I think that the battalions need to be able to naturally RP and joke with one another in order to develop a strong relationship. An example of this would be 212th and DU over the past couple of months growing from hardly interacting to working closely together quite often, especially during Slak’s term.


I plan to set very clear standards and have it so that every officer rank knows exactly what they need to be doing at all times when they haven’t been assigned projects of their own. This way, there will be no miscommunication and no officers feeling lost or confused as to what they can do naturally to help the battalion in any way. However, this is a game and not a job, so I want officers to be able to come on to have fun and interact with their friends in the battalion. Of course, upholding responsibilities is key to running this battalion, but having it begin to feel more like a chore instead of a game is the last thing I want. To prevent this, I will try and push my activity in-game to the maximum and encourage others to do the same. The more leadership that is online, the more that others also tend to be online and stay online.


Our Jedi program has operated very well under Luther’s leadership, but I am interested in expanding it and working to get a larger amount of our Jedi more engaged with the battalion. Rather than just being a battalion that they are attached to, I want the 212th Jedi to have that similar culture that we have created throughout the rest of the battalion and make it as enjoyable as possible to be a 212th Jedi. This will help grow our already large Jedi program, get more people interested in the battalion, and create more opportunities for the battalion to work and build relationships with new people.

Ultimately, I want this battalion to be in an even better place than it already is and I believe these things can heavily contribute to that. I want to make the 212th an even more enjoyable place than it already is while setting some additional structure to ensure the wellness of the future of the battalion. I want the BCMD after me to be able to build off of what I do and I want to leave a lasting impression that sets the battalion up for a strong future.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:



This application is being posted 1 week before the end of Leche’s term in an effort to limit the amount of time that the battalion has without a BCMD.

Applications for positions with term limits open one week prior to the termination date of the term.”

Thank you for the opportunity and for reading this application. I would appreciate anyone who -1’s to provide some feedback, and I will answer as many questions as I can. I am also happy to talk to anyone who has any questions in TS or discord (Ermias2#4316)

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Jedi Youngling

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+1 Finally! Pog, you have been an inspiration to me every single second I've been in this battalion. You are quite literally what I strive to be as an officer daily. At this moment in 212th, I truly believe that there is no one more fit for this position than you. I can't wait to see how your term unfolds. 

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GMD HA / Guild LT / Dev. Assistant Mavelle 

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+1 Known you since day 1 of joining this battalion and you trully have been a homie,  dont fall for the same mistakes all the previous codys we have been under did they were all great but shared very simaler problems with all their terms that I think you can fix take what they did best to make the 212th the best it can

Edited by Bacta
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+1 seems like a good lad also he could keep the 212th Numbers up. I mean Goddamn what ever 212th HC did worked to be the Top Number Battalion at almost any time of the day. Keep up the Good Shit 

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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Pog may be one of the servers greatest success stories. I remember the first time I met this dude. Conrad was fucking blacklisting him from 501st because he came onto synergy to minge and was spamming the intercom in one of my earliest events. When he joined 212th I figured he would be trouble. Man did that age poorly. 
Pog has charisma, he has drive, he has a great foundation, and he has great goals. He hit the ground running faster than I have seen since Jagger. There is no doubt in my mind he is fit for this position, and he could set up 212th to be the biggest it has ever been. If you want a nail to hammer down on, I think roleplay would be a great start. Get Mavelle doing what he does in events all the time, encourage it, set up patrols every day, shit like that. The world is your oyster, Pog. You have the resources, Officers, and culture to really make 212th something special. If you ever want to roleplay with Rex ol' boy, you know where to find me.

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If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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+1 cool dude and really good at trying to have fun with other people and battalions, i woulds say this in arabic, but people dont like other languages else than english

Edited by Piff
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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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+1 this dude is so sus he stole the boost speeder but in all seriousness pog from what I have heard is a great candidate and works hard he deserves this especially with what he is going to do 

Certified Giga Chad


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5 hours ago, Shockpoint said:

Pog may be one of the servers greatest success stories. I remember the first time I met this dude. Conrad was fucking blacklisting him from 501st because he came onto synergy to minge and was spamming the intercom in one of my earliest events. When he joined 212th I figured he would be trouble. Man did that age poorly. 
Pog has charisma, he has drive, he has a great foundation, and he has great goals. He hit the ground running faster than I have seen since Jagger. There is no doubt in my mind he is fit for this position, and he could set up 212th to be the biggest it has ever been. If you want a nail to hammer down on, I think roleplay would be a great start. Get Mavelle doing what he does in events all the time, encourage it, set up patrols every day, shit like that. The world is your oyster, Pog. You have the resources, Officers, and culture to really make 212th something special. If you ever want to roleplay with Rex ol' boy, you know where to find me.

If ya'll don't know Pog is my irl friend and joined the server to mess with me. He then ended up loving it and working his ass off. Pog has a drive like no other and I am so proud of him for reaching the position where he is at now. This is a +1 from me and a Good Luck to one of my best friends.spacer.png

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Naval main. +1

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+1. Succesful guy that can progress 212th into something greater than it already is

Current: Deviant

Former: ITD 21stKU Commander Paladin, TRO | Alpha-66 Captain Muzzle, Wolfpack Commander Warthog/BCMD WolffeParjai SUPO 1stLT Four, Doom's Unit ARFL Commander Cloves, Spec Ops Captain ARFL Paladin, 41stEC HVYL Buzz, TRM, 2x HA

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i am literally captain tukk

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+1, during the past 4 months of being in the 212th and working alongside Pog, I can tell you that without a doubt he is one of the hardest working members in the community and truly has the drive and passion to hold this position and do great things in the 212th and nobody is more deserving of this position than him.

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Guess it's my turn to jerk off Pog now. I'll keep this short, I've been in 212th since before synergy and I have never seen anyone do this amount of work in all that time (Except Jagger). He's done more work than anyone can comprehend and has the mindset that can lead the battalion down the right path. 

  • Funny 1

I've been here too long

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BigFloppa would be proud of you. I am shedding a tear for him. Good luck if you get the interview! 


  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Forum Admin

Pog my boy, I realized during the waning days as a 212th member that you deserved cody far more than me. I believe you will be able to uphold the standards and have 212th continue to be the best battalion on the server. With that being said, I have seen an issue, time and time again of a lack of prioritization from HC. I attempted to assist in every way I could but I'd like to urge you as BCMD to ensure that the importance of issues is looked at before pursuing them. Good luck.

  • Friendly 3

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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There is much to be repaired and lots of work to do. You've got a large task to deal with and an even bigger battalion to keep happy.
It's a large task with a lot of responsibility tied to it. I can't see anyone more fit to hold the position, currently.

You're a great leader, one who I think can lead to 212th in a good direction. You must remember to think for yourself and be strong in your own ideas while not being afraid to adopt the ideas of others. Great your own legacy and make changes which will have you remembered, the only way to be remembered as a good Cody is to do the work it requires to be written down.
Lastly, don't let pressure get to you. People see you as a great leader & someone to listen to but that in no way means you've to do it alone. Utilise your whole battalion & make sure you're not doing all the work. These are some monumental expectations people have for you so try to remain the same. Keep down to earth, remain apart of your battalion/officer corps and you should be good to go.

You'll do great, kid

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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The most anticipated application for me. This dude came all the way from the bottom. Private to Commander. Grinded his way up, and is now one of the most respected people in the battalion. I think you'll do a great job, provided you stay on top of things and make sure you're making changes to benefit not only the current playerbase, but the future playerbase as well.


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Here we go, in complete honesty one of my biggest reasons for becoming Cody initially was because I didn't feel pog was ready at the time. He was a people pleaser and constantly advocated for the addition to things into the battalion. This came with a draw back, he would advocate for things he didnt entirely understand and didnt have as much experience in. That could lead to confusion and later frustration when we denied suggestions along those guidelines This isnt in any way me disrespecting pog in any way but more of saying how much he grew. During my term he changed by looking at things at every angle possible to get the full picture and would give his opinion about the topic. Overall, his communication skills are on point, dedication is above anyone else's ive seen, and his overall attitude is always positive. There's no one else in this battalion that I could see myself handing over the mantle to other than Pog. With that being said +1 

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I remember blacklisting you from my battalion because you and a group of two other minges completly ruined an event server deployment that shockpoint was doing for us at the time.

You where the only one apologetic. Glad you turned yourself around.

+1 would blacklist again.

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I remember when we blacklisted you from 501st and then you join 212th And got like 12 ppl in a week and I tried to fish you back. Honestly tho best candidate +1

  • Funny 2


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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+1 I have nothing but good things to say about you. Good luck my dude.

  • Friendly 1


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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