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New main map!


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Name: Korm | Thire | Trykk

RP Rank: Oldman | 2ndLT | Jedi Adept

Suggestion: Either switching the main map to this, or adding it as an event map for some epic city siege events. I'd prefer the first.

Implementation: Making this the main map or a sweet event map (which would feel like a waste)

Lore:  Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was a terrestrial planet covered with mountains. During the waning decades of the Galactic Republic, it was ruled by Queen Breha Organa and represented in the Galactic Senate by her husband, Senator Bail Organa.

Workshop content if applicable:

Other: I absolutely love this map. It’s epic. It’s huge. It’s gorgeous, it has cool stuff everywhere. I only have 1 concern on spawn points, since there isn’t any room in the ‘main’ base but there is some to the side. I’ve recorded everything. Here is a video. Excuse the quality, I don’t record in 1080p and excuse my voice and stuff, I was super tired when doing this.


Credit to @Forseen for the original idea a few months ago before it was taken down but it's back now. The skybox is huge so Pilots can fly. The map is huge so vehicles won't feel absolutely useless. There's literally tons of things that can be epic on this map in my opinion, I showed the video to @Freck and he loves it. There's a sweet spot for BH's. A nice little underwater base for some cool RP to happen, A senate building for some more passive RP. My only issue, again, is bunks. The only place I can see legit for them is the big building with multiple floors, but it'll take some battalions ages to get down, unless we let them have their tacs down on the bottom floor or inside the building.  The Jedi temple is absolutely lovely. It's yuge, has multiple rooms for things. The brig in the Jedi temple can be used for RP so temple guards feel useful again. Gates require two people to open them. I recommend checking it out via singleplayer if you don't wanna listen to my idiot voice. We can also get the VMF from the main author to make edits, or ask/pay him to do it. I'm personally willing to chip in about 50-100 dollars to get some edits made.



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I would like to put some perspective on this before hand, as this could be very good, yes.
However, looking at it from a development point of view, eh. I'll play devils advocate here for food for thought.

- Lots of space for anything you wish to do
- Everything the server usually uses to function
- Looks pretty in some places

- Really really big. We are a 110 pop server that can barely push 90 players. In perspective, could be bad.
- Judging by the developer, the map is not optimized for multiplayer. This is his first map. I will elaborate further later
- Baren as can be at most parts


Now, we have even cons and pros here, but I will move on to the topic of optimization to equal this out in another perspective.

Maps with displacements (the terrain) often are unoptimized and laggy as displacements work on a sort of polygon-like basis. The average resolution for displacements is typically laggy after covering more the half the grid if paired alongside all sorts of props and brushes (walls/floors, etc), so this could be problematic.
Area portals
I cannot tell if these exist because they could be done properly, and they might not be. First off, what area portals do is decide what is rendered for the player depending on where they are standing/looking. These are often put in doorways or hatches. This can help heaps, but if overused, can only make optimization worse. If you could do me a favor @Kormand go into singleplayer and type mat_wireframe 1, then move back and forth between a doorway to see if  anything beyond it disappears, that would be super useful.
There are no area portals, so basically everything will be rendered even if you don't see it

Render distance
This is the most simple and effective means of improving performance. Render distance comes in two ways. One, in the shape of props. I can tell by the video, his props either have a super high render distance or he just made it so they don't disappear at all. Very bad. And two, there is visual render distance. This will cut everything out of your view the further you move away, to say the least. I'm not seeing much of that.
There is render distance, so that's good. Should save a bit of FPS, but backed with these top two, maybe not.
Brushes are basically the basics of a map, like the walls, the floor, the ceiling, etc. Everything that can be made in hammer. There are multiple ways of optimizing them after there starts to be too many. The most common is turning a handful of brushes into a single entity. You can figure out that these existed by physgunning a wall and it ends up moving or glowing. These may be persistent though, which means you'd have to hold C to see them. Regardless, I don't know if he included these or not, but it's for the best that he did as brushes are the most commonly used object that need optimization over time.

All and all, I want to change maps too, but I can't certainly say that this is it. It could be, but who knows. Even the most barebones map can lag on this server, so you gotta be careful with what you pick. 

Big edit:
So I did a bit of testing with a friend on a private server with a cap of 128 players.

We basically spawned around 60 NPCs, which simulates you (as a user) having to recieve the information of looking at their models/textures. After such, we took a hit of about
20 FPS. Not the worst, not the best.
We then sat there and spawned what we thought would be the normal amount of NPCs in an event, and this obviously lowered the FPS by another
30. That's to be expected, however this is excluding the packets being sent from players to server, ping, sims, as well the the variables of entities and effects being spawned/fired from guns, etc.


After spawning the NPCs, we stuck around after doing an admin cleanup to see how much the FPS was effected. We started with around 200, ended with barely hitting 100. Doesn't sound too good.

As an end result, I will conclude that performance will be an issue.

However. We have had plenty of maps with performance issues in the past, and we came to love them regardless, like extensive. It's all a matter of what you guys think/would define as fun.

Ultimately, testing the server pop on it is whats needed, but we'll see how it goes.. This was more of an info dump more then an actual vote. Just thought I'd give you some perspective, nothing else. If anything, I'd lean to a +1, but I'll keep it for now.

Edited by Jayarr
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So i took the liberty of doing a large screenshot collage for this map. There are numerous areas to do trials, maps, evals, trainings. There are a lot of pros and a few cons which i will be happy to list for you all.  See the above post by me for screenshot link.

I will start with the cons first, as it's important to get that out of the way. 

1. There are multiple world entity props (Ex: tents that can be deleted VIA remover tool) but this shouldn't be too much of an issue if we can get map owner permission to make a separate one to delete these tents. You will see in the screen shots that there are a lot of tents in the City Center area.

2.  The main City center area is where the majority of flight is going to take place as opposed  to the Simulation/planetary rooms. The good news to this is that there is a fuck ton of air space so you can go high and have a decently sized ship battle.

3. GMACT. So there is a lake which contains 2 (subnautica buildings for you sea boys) Moonpools with Observation rooms under the water. I think however that Gmact can definitely be rebuilt to include these rooms and make it easier to use less props if need be and should be far more entertaining.

4. The Base itself does not have a "Bunk AREA" so to speak. It does have offices and special section right next to BCC but the pathway leading to GR is on the BCC level as well. High command offices will probably be located here and this is where BCC will be. There are no Wee Woo's for you boys.

5. the map is so fucking massive that it will take time to get around ( thank god for speed boosts amirite?) 1/5 debrief calls anyone? :P
Those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head. Now on to some good pros.

1. The map is so fucking massive that who cares if it takes time to get around, there will be fuck tons of things to do and interaction will be amazing.

2. There is a Senate Look alike building that can be used as bunks for the battalions and guess what? they are big as fuck.

3. The Jedi library(AKA TEMPLE) which can be seen anywhere really is huge and contains a massive library inside with 2 bunk sections, a Jail for jedi prisoners and a Dark Room for questioning/trials and so on. There is a Council room with a beautiful view.

4. There are multiple simulation/planetary rooms and on top of that there is a OBSERVATIONLOUNGE that extends (the purple light room) across all three rooms. There is snow, forest and Military simulation which contain breach and clear sections as well as PT. There is also a SEPARATE ROOM that contains a Citadel (i think it spawns npcs but not sure.)

5. The Generator room contains a 3 button reactor for messing with the power, ENG rp can be simple but fun.

6. The Brig system is very straight forward but does not contain a lot of buttons. this will make CG RP and guarding more prevalent and important to maintain.

7. There is a huge medbay that contains multiple bacta tanks for medical roleplay. 

8. The main area outside the gates as well as the forest sim room can be ideal for BARC speeder training. There should be no issue as to getting it done.

9. Optimization of the map is really decent from my perspective, even with all those props i dont lagg but then again it was on single player so thats another factor to consider.

10. Oh im not forgetting you bounty hunters, there is a special place in hell for yall as well...*cough* i mean, Swag dives, Bars and joints and of course the only place that has a fucking bathroom! *toilets dont work, Wink*

11. So in the city center itself, the orange buildings do have rooms but some of the others don't. Keep that in mind that not all will have something available.

12. The gate has 2 fences that need 2 people or just 1 to turn off the fences.

And so much more that i am forgetting. I strongly urge people to try this out and get a feel for it and i would love nothing more than to change the scenary for everyone. Give pilots new meaning. There are a lot of areas to do trainings/tryouts/trials.

Edited by [SR] Maverick
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Just now, Korm said:

@Jayarr Nothing seems to be dissapearing when I run in and out of the "bunks" door way" with mat_wireframe 1 on

Then there are no area portals. That can be very strenuous. I'll edit my post, thanks for checking

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1 minute ago, Korm said:

Nah, that's just fog I believe.
However, spawn a fog editor for me, remove fog, and check if it stops rendering that big tower. We can check if it has render distance.

Edited by Jayarr
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I'm not trying to sound like a negative nancy, but whats wrong with the current map we are on?? 

The GM program is defiantly benefiting from our current map since we can get deployed to other worlds without actually going to the event server, and (from what I have heard) people actually aren't complaining about the current map. 


I can see this happening from a mile away: We switch maps, people like it for a month or two, a new maps comes out and a new suggestion goes up "OMG THIS ONE IS PERFECT WE NEED TO SWITCH TO THIS REE, OUR CURRENT MAP IS POO POO... blah blah blah" 

Our map has plenty of sim rooms, OK sized bunks, plenty of RP potential with waste management and the GR and all that stuff, and most importantly: people aren't crashing and suffering like we have in previous maps.


Please for the love of god, please lets stick with what we have and enjoy it... for once.


Edit: (Forgot to put this in) I'm going to be blunt, we've tried a map rotation multiple times and it ends up just not working either because people consistently complain about being on a certain map or server pop DROPS when we go onto certain maps. A map rotation is unlikely.



Edited by Carvis
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Could maybe be a great thing to add to a rotation. +1 assuming it pasess some stress tests. But rotation of 3 maps please. Current, maybe this one, and another one. IDK which three but this could be a good one.


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6 minutes ago, Carvis said:

I'm not trying to sound like a negative nancy, but whats wrong with the current map we are on?? 

The GM program is defiantly benefiting from our current map since we can get deployed to other worlds without actually going to the event server, and (from what I have heard) people actually aren't complaining about the current map. 


I can see this happening from a mile away: We switch maps, people like it for a month or two, a new maps comes out and a new suggestion goes up "OMG THIS ONE IS PERFECT WE NEED TO SWITCH TO THIS REE, OUR CURRENT MAP IS POO POO... blah blah blah" 

Our map has plenty of sim rooms, OK sized bunks, plenty of RP potential with waste management and the GR and all that stuff, and most importantly: people aren't crashing and suffering like we have in previous maps.


Please for the love of god, please lets stick with what we have and enjoy it... for once.


Edit: (Forgot to put this in) I'm going to be blunt, we've tried a map rotation multiple times and it ends up just not working either because people consistently complain about being on a certain map or server pop DROPS when we go onto certain maps. A map rotation is unlikely.



This isn't going to be added for awhile. So we'll be here on Titan base for like another 3-6 months, then it's a good time for a change.

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20 minutes ago, Carvis said:

I'm not trying to sound like a negative nancy, but whats wrong with the current map we are on?? 

The GM program is defiantly benefiting from our current map since we can get deployed to other worlds without actually going to the event server, and (from what I have heard) people actually aren't complaining about the current map. 


I can see this happening from a mile away: We switch maps, people like it for a month or two, a new maps comes out and a new suggestion goes up "OMG THIS ONE IS PERFECT WE NEED TO SWITCH TO THIS REE, OUR CURRENT MAP IS POO POO... blah blah blah" 

Our map has plenty of sim rooms, OK sized bunks, plenty of RP potential with waste management and the GR and all that stuff, and most importantly: people aren't crashing and suffering like we have in previous maps.


Please for the love of god, please lets stick with what we have and enjoy it... for once.


Edit: (Forgot to put this in) I'm going to be blunt, we've tried a map rotation multiple times and it ends up just not working either because people consistently complain about being on a certain map or server pop DROPS when we go onto certain maps. A map rotation is unlikely.



My biggest concern is the low hitbox, felucia not having much space infront of the main gate, the planets are cool i guess but its not drasticly entertaining.

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Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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I mean I'm one of those people who +1d rotations ages ago and the only real attempts we've had at map rotations are a few switches to a venator that are undone permanently a few days later. 

This map looks cool, but we have already found a good map- so rotations maybe? Chuck in the Venator Extensive that's sitting in pending... That'll be good fun.
The rotation could be super short if the founders are up to it tbh. I think a lot of people would enjoy spending even just 3 days on a Venator over a period of about two weeks if that's all we can get. Maybe that'd alleviate people's problems about whining about map switches?

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There is nothing wrong with a little change here and there. The long period on Anaxes was just so boring and I do not believe we need to settle down on just one map. Some of the best times on the server was during map changes. This is why I was always a huge fan of rotations but yeah that worked out.


i am literally captain tukk

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2 hours ago, Carvis said:

I'm not trying to sound like a negative nancy, but whats wrong with the current map we are on?? 

The GM program is defiantly benefiting from our current map since we can get deployed to other worlds without actually going to the event server, and (from what I have heard) people actually aren't complaining about the current map. 


I can see this happening from a mile away: We switch maps, people like it for a month or two, a new maps comes out and a new suggestion goes up "OMG THIS ONE IS PERFECT WE NEED TO SWITCH TO THIS REE, OUR CURRENT MAP IS POO POO... blah blah blah" 

Our map has plenty of sim rooms, OK sized bunks, plenty of RP potential with waste management and the GR and all that stuff, and most importantly: people aren't crashing and suffering like we have in previous maps.


Please for the love of god, please lets stick with what we have and enjoy it... for once.


Edit: (Forgot to put this in) I'm going to be blunt, we've tried a map rotation multiple times and it ends up just not working either because people consistently complain about being on a certain map or server pop DROPS when we go onto certain maps. A map rotation is unlikely.



Our current map's skybox is extremely low, this is considering Felucia and the other planets. Felucia is depressing to look at outside the base because of how dark the color palette is, and there isn't actually much space on Felucia due to most of the map space being dedicated to having multiple planets. 

I personally think our current map is one of the worst we've had, it's just drab and uninteresting. (And I personally don't think the extra tiny ass planets make it worth it). 

As for the vote on this map Korm suggested, +1.

Performance frame-wise is always gonna be an issue, let's be real we're playing Gmod. The game isn't optimized very well, and definitely isn't optimized to support 100+ players plus a ton of entities and other shit happening at the same time. 

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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I love it. Only thing i dislike on this map is the fact that the decon room before the engines THEY ARE NOT CENTERED GOD DAMNIT

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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Alderaan is also the HQ for the 4th sector army  aka the 21st Nova Corp



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What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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The whole point of going to titan base was a small skybox for reduced lag.

With that said we have very few good encounter ideas on titan base. Lore wise it doesn't make sense to have Alderaan be attacked at all which hurts our RP opportunities. 

I also initially disliked this map at launch 

I -1 if we call it Alderaan in RP

I +1 if we can mitigate any for of significant lag, and refer to it as a outer rim planet (Dantooine, lotahl, etc) which has either little CW lore, or is known to be a battlefront in the war.

  • Agree 5

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Im going to -1 although I love to have new maps this one is WAY too big and yes theirs a lot of detail but with the current server pop ranging from 60-100 I think this is still way too big and I rather not have another Anaxes issue where people complained on the size of the map. Although if its possible to make edits for it to be more realistic in size then by all means but for now this is too massive for what we have rn

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9 minutes ago, Matt-Matthos said:

Im going to -1 although I love to have new maps this one is WAY too big and yes theirs a lot of detail but with the current server pop ranging from 60-100 I think this is still way too big and I rather not have another Anaxes issue where people complained on the size of the map. Although if its possible to make edits for it to be more realistic in size then by all means but for now this is too massive for what we have rn

So a - 1 for main man, how about event map? it is in the post.

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+1 to the map Idea I believe from the video I seen it looked very good and from the posts I have read we could always test the waters by putting it on event server and just try it out with a full server deployment and use that time to collect data see how it works and operates from top to bottom.

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My intention isn't to sound like I'm complaining about what we have at the moment. It's just that if I'm being honest, this map to me is pretty boring and as JB said, rather bleak in color. The base is a bit bland and I even find it boring and hard to look at at times. At least this map's pretty and vibrant. Only complaint is that it would take years to walk to and from places around the map, but other than that it seems really nice. Our current map is also pretty small, even for the amount of people we average nowadays. I'm appreciative of what we have but that's not to say things couldn't be better. Just my opinion.

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14 hours ago, Freck said:

Dude I hate constantly going to new maps but I GOD. DAMN. LOVE. THIS. MAP.

It's more attractive than @Enzyme and that's saying something! 


Freck you goofer enzyme is a legend my dude nah but for real in terms of map I would suggest map rotation have directors or management do it so that way founders can do coding i thought about that not sure how relevant that would be though +1 if rotation and founders give perms for main server rotation unless its already their

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13 hours ago, Korm said:

So a - 1 for main man, how about event map? it is in the post.

mannnn fuck event maps, I bet if this was added to the event server mfs would use it for a week and it would die down way too hard.

  • Agree 2

The only Wrecker that embraced his largeness. 

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+1, I like what I've seen and heard, and if this is something that'll be 3-6 months away as korm said, then I think that's a good wait time to pay for a few small edits and then get it out there later in the year, could be a good Christmas update.


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+1 our map is better than anaxes, but i honestly believe that the best map was extensive.

i'd prefer if a couple of the consoles were updated to look like SWRP stuff and not half life stuff


Edited by Lix
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-1 I hate the map we are on but this is not much better

Edited by Jaydon
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The main base part of it is small and cramped 

We could build a base on the Alderaan part of the map, but that would require a lot of props. 


I just don't see how this can be implemented beyond having simulations on the other planets. 

Don't get me wrong, we need a rotation schedule. But this is not the map for it

Edited by Brass

"A word from the Navy..."

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-1 Map is extremely laggy with many people on it.  We had it suggested before as an event Map and I remember testing it for the intel team.  It was not very good whatsoever.  

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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I fully support a map change as the current map is just not it as it has killed the pilot program and removes the whole things about doing recon missions. I just feel like this map is not the map that will work with the server as multiple people has said it is not optimized and has bad FPS with that being said i feel like Anaxes, Endor or even a venator map would be a better pick. I am going to have to give it a -1.


The Wannabe's Corner | qipaos: Knightfall trailer aesthetics (x) ...

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-1, all in the reason that there are never any action seen on the planet of alderan. Where as other planets see more activity, therefor giving a military base a reason to be there. For example, anaxes was good for the base, and good for interactions with the civilians.

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+1 Excited to see a new map


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-1 I really like the current map and how GMs can use it for events.
I also like that currently planets can be claimed to conduct different trainings in different enviroments. 
The current map is also really well optimized.

I think there are better picks for a map change.

Edited by Eagle


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I have very conflicting opinions regarding this but let me just say this.

For those of you saying this map we currently use (Felucia) is good for events then I want to tell you that you are pretty wrong.

The main part of the map (clone base) is really nice and we do have multiple planets BUT the planets are very small and do not have good layouts. The maps are practically just small boxes with a few plants/structures. Not to mention the lighting is horrible and everything is hard to see. 

Ilum is the only exception as it has an interesting layout and is easy to see but is often super repetitive. 

TLDR: Won't give opinion, current map is too small outside and is not fun for events.

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On 8/7/2020 at 1:04 AM, Ping said:

-1, all in the reason that there are never any action seen on the planet of alderan. Where as other planets see more activity, therefor giving a military base a reason to be there. For example, anaxes was good for the base, and good for interactions with the civilians.

I know I -1ed but this is a kinda silly reason, yes Alderan didnt have really any clones on it but if we're pulling the lore card then all of us should be 327th rn lol. Also how would Anaxes be good with civis if Alderan is a populated planet and the map has little tent areas so what you said doesnt make much sense

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Just Finished a Trilogy Marathon so here are some Lord of the Rings  Reaction Gifs - Album on Imgur

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Yeah I see where the planet being Alderaan can be a issue because they were such a ''pacifist'' world i.e putting all their arms onto a frigate to eternally hyperspace around until recalled lol. We would have to call it something else obviously. 

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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55 minutes ago, Baelfire said:

Yeah I see where the planet being Alderaan can be a issue because they were such a ''pacifist'' world i.e putting all their arms onto a frigate to eternally hyperspace around until recalled lol. We would have to call it something else obviously. 

That's perfectly fine.

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Forum Admin

We need a map change but this aint it cheif


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+1 Looks really good and I'd love a map rotation, felucia has gotten boring with not much to do for events/encounters, same ones keep happening over and over, no matter how creative you attempt to be BUT THIS MAP IS SO BEAUTIFUL

Edited by Camm

Former: 501st Commander, REGL, and ARCL,  Senior Admin

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I know I dont have a lot of say in what goes around in synergy because I am gone, but I think a map change can work out for the better, for a few reasons.

1. TBH We just got brand new vehicles to use, and with this map it is almost impossible for pilots to fly unless for an event, where you use it for short use, or during Event Server events. With this map and the skybox it can allow us to use them for more scenarios, and more types of events can take place on main to stray away from the day to day attack, to maybe the CIS using vehicles to attack us, and us returning the favor with ours. It would really help that out

2. TBH I feel bad for Bounty Hunters. The Design layout of the map makes it really hard for them to do the things they do unless an event is happening. With this map they could get their own town made, and have it just it was on Anaxes, and bring them back from the Dead, hopefully. 

3. I kinda touched on this in Point one, but It can really help out the GM's. It would give them new Ideas to use in their events, and honestly might be a hell of a blast for everyone. 

Honestly I understand where people come from when they say, just stick here, or Nothing ever happened on Aldeeran. Let me just remind you of the time we lived on Endor ( A planet that was used for absolutly nothing till the time of the GCW), but we made it fun. We made our own Lore on it, and that's kinda what we need to do in order to survive. 

So to finish up I am gonna +1 

Good map choice Korm, and maybe later down the line we can find new maps to use.

  • Agree 1

Former: Liaison


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+1. Maybe have the server go to this map for about two weeks to test the water and if it does not work out then rotate back to our current one. Your video didn't really show how big the skybox is so that makes me a little iffy since the current map has killed any need for pilots.

 Former: Alpha-78 (x2) | Colt | Havoc | Alpha-77(x2) Alpha-17 (x2) Alpha-66 Alpha-98 | Boil | GCC Nova

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The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Played on the current map and did an encounter, helped with an event on it.

Base is cool but the complete lack of any large open spaces around the base and the generic nature of the other planets made it stale really quick, I imagine that it's pretty difficult to utilize the planets without warp abuse, small map sizes and prop limitations. 



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