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  1. Hello all, for the past year and a half I’ve had the opportunity to serve as a member of management, and TRD for three years before that. I appreciate all of you who have assisted me and helped innovate what Synergy is today, I hope I did a good job. Unfortunately life just gets busy and I dont want to stifle new ideas by being idle or not as attentive and hands on as I have previously been. I will still be around on TS occasionally as I doubt CT Headquarters will come to an end, but I will be ‘resigning’ from Clone advisor as well as forfeiting any discussion of the Legend tag, I just would like to become a normal player again. Thank you all for playing a big part in my life :)
    51 points
  2. Name of Staff member: Dennis Comments/Concerns: This will be controversial. I don't care who sees this, I would say this to his face if he was in my channel. This is about Dennis. I try to remain calm and polite in every possible situation and to give everyone the respect that every human deserves intrinsically. But this here is a man who I have lost almost all respect for. I'll write this towards Dennis from here on out, because I know he can see it, and I think he should read this. Dennis, your attitude is not the attitude of someone who should represent our community. You are at the top eschelons of our staff ladder, which is a position that multiple people over the course of my year on synergy have described as a position that requires and expects a high level of maturity, confidence, ability to handle situations well, and ability to take feedback to heart. The only one of these things I have seen from you, Dennis, in the last months, has been confidence. Confidence in yourself. I understand that you have many people who are your close friends- and that I will most likely make all of them angry with this submission, but that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that you understand that you have made a very large amount of people unhappy in your current positions, and have represented the community horribly as a result during those times. Some examples; now I'll preface this by saying that no, I do not have evidence for all of these and no, I do not always have the full story- but what I do have are a LOT of perspectives from different situations and my own experiences with you. For one, there was an incident a while back involving RSB Director Trevor being slighted by a jedi on base. Trevor (Naval Character) contacted a member of the CCS, the BH clan, hiring the clan to assassinate this BCMD. Later, there were multiple reports of Trevor disappearing and Kevin Colt reappearing, being made aware of said bounty and attempting to assassinate the target jedi. This was a shitty thing to do. The reason why this was a shitty thing to do was not because it broke any rules, because technically it did not. Technically being the key word. What this was, was a power-gaming scenario of someone wanting to kill someone who had talked badly about you. No matter how you spin that situation, the bounty hunter clan which you LEAD was contracted to assassinate someone who YOU had an argument with. It doesn't matter whether or not it was against the rules, that's awful behavior that someone who is supposedly a role model to every single staff member should NOT put forth publicly. Furthermore, another situation; something that happened a long time ago, connected to your previous denied commander report. A community member named Aaron (Who, by the way, I do not enjoy the presence of- this is not because he is my friend, this is because there was awful behavior.) reported you for a multitude of reasons. The reasons and the report have been put in the past, for fine reason. The issue was your initial response. Your first response on the post started with the line "Alright Aaron since you wanna be the perfect little church boy let's begin". You then proceedeed to try and undermine every single point in the report by shifting the focus towards Aaron, bringing up multiple examples of his bad behavior. I don't support anything that Aaron did, and yes- he was not the best person. The problem is that you attacked someone who tried to bring attention to your shortcomings. That is a telltale sign of understanding that you did something wrong and immediately trying to shift focus away from yourself in order to lessen the impact of any punishment you would recieve. That is a deplorable thing to do, to attack someone because they brought something up about you and completely ignore the actual points brought up in the report. You later admitted that you "fucked up". It's good that you admitted that- but it does nothing to change the degree to which you fucked up without remorse. The action was still done, an admission of slight guilt does not change that. That's not the only occasion of this behavior. Just today, (12/11), a dispute involving /CCing in BvB was called to the front stage during DU's match with 212th. Whatever conclusion was reached, whatever the BvB rules were clarified to be, one of the very first things you said were that it had been done all season by battalions like Rancor and SOBDE. (A lie- even if they were just examples thrown out, that's a dangerous accusation to make.) One of the first things. A reference to something bad done by another group in the past in order to shift the focus off of yourself and possibly reduce the degree to which you are possibly punished. Again, it does not matter to me whether or not DU exploited- what matters here is how you handled the issue. Something else presents a problem. The multitude of examples of you becoming exemptions to rules, or rule clarifications. For instance, the rule being put in place that Dooku does not count as a 24/7 RP position and as such the person holding Dooku can also apply to another applicable position. Another example of this is a rematch in the BvB match talked about above^ and a re-clarification of the rules, despite the certainty that doing such an act IS considered exploitation. Both of these are instances of you riding the line of a rule and benefitting from said line, pushing the rule to such an extent that they need to be clarified even further. The behavior of one who is supposed to uphold rules is NOT to test them, to bend them, or to break them. You know this. If you don't know this, you SHOULD know this. There is no reason not to. It is almost certainly conscious of you to make these decisions after multiple incidents; even our rule about what channels are considered "Private" was created because of something you said in a teamspeak channel. I know I am not the only one who holds this train of thought. Another issue arises from your (Dennis') blatant lack of respect for your peers and other fellow community members. There is nothing inherently wrong with insulting someone or doing so in a joking way- nor is there anything inherently wrong with having bias- everyone has bias. But to say so publicly and strongly is a problem for someone who, again, serves as a role model to EVERY staff member. Especially one who has even reported other members of staff for a lack of professionalism in the past. The constant gossip, shit-talking, spreading of rumors over the last months even just surrounding you has been astounding, and only serves to bring negativity to the server. You are a Head Admin. People look up to you. People look to you to make decisions. You are a clan leader. The BH guild accepts your opinions, feedback, and advice because of your experience in the guild. You are a Captain in the Navy and the director of RSB. Naval members look to you for decisions, leadership, and maturituty. Now, I am not the be-all-end-all of a good person. I don't consider myself to be too smart or talented, but I am confident that my moral compass is at least slightly reflected by MANY other players on Synergy. I understand that I might sever some connections, even with you, as I write this. Just understand that the reason I'm writing this is because I believe you need to read this, Dennis. I think you need to hear this from someone. I think you've done a lot of good work for the staff team, and your time in the GM team and rank of GMM speaks for itself to the positivity of your presence in the GM team, even if you claimed that BvB would 'count for 5 events worth of time' (a claim which has been vehemently disagreed with by every single person involved with the running of BvB I have spoken too), but you are a representative of the community. And this is not the behavior of a person who represents hundreds of people, nor manages them. I am writing this as feedback. This is not a report. Please do not treat it as such. The end-goal of me writing this is to show Dennis the way that many people regard him, and to elaborate on specific issues. I hope Dennis sees this. I hope he understands this, even if he does not agree. Do I think he should be demoted from HA? Not really. I don't really think he should be demoted from anything, but what does need to happen is an improvement. A serious improvement. What I see right now is a person who is not trusted by the community. A person who has not made any effort to earn the community's trust. I am posting this publicly on the forums. This is because I want other people to tell my why they either disagree or agree. I don't think something like this should be one-on-one, because I mentioned other people in this and it isn't fair to them to say those things without them having the chance to elaborate or point out inaccuracies. If this counts as Witch-Hunting, please tell me. I will gladly amend this post or take it down if it breaks any rules. I wanted to post this on the Community Feedback form originally, but for the reasons above, I want to put it here. If the staff team would rather I put this in the community feedback form instead of here, I will gladly do so. This just needs to be read. Evidence: It would be a stream of pictures/other things if this section was used here. If some information was innacurate, I will remove or change said information in the post. Do you want this to be reported to high staff (Negative or Positive): They'll almost certainly see this, and it's not a specific event, so sure. This did not feel good to write. I am not happy about posting this. But I am more unhappy with the way things have been recently involving you. Please look this over. Please keep some of it in mind. I say this to you as a friend and a fellow Synergy member, and someone who is not afraid to give you criticism that can be acted upon.
    31 points
  3. Just tryna do some other stuff especially with spring and summer coming up, along with some cool games. So I feel like playing some other things for a while and not being on the server. So as this is my last day as Regimental I was like it's a good time to do this haha I'm also dipping from Liaison too, sorry if you thought I was the best but if I'm not finna be around as much I can't be taking up that space!!! Whomever reads this just be kind and compassionate to other players and always lookin on the bright side of things. Got some shoutouts for now Shoutout to all tha people in High Command with me through the last six months @Stix@Conrad@Jovanovic@Sixta@Katy@Finn@Guac@Deku @Willyworm1 @Bro(I think you were palp at Recon Reg.) @Brooklyn@Bitter@Freck Shoutout to the Siege & Recon BCMD's @Bird @Turtle@Dennis@Stroodle @Maddoxx @Gadget@Brooklyn @BigZach@Shpack Liaison Team @Bbstine @Pythin@Sock Monkey Lastly to all the new and old friends throughout my term @Fyi @Maddoxx @Mavelle @Grecko @Daytona211 @coochisniper @Sixta @Poker @Baron @Babatunde @Noodles @Jhonathon @MetalRaptorTTV @Misfit @Whataburger @Bleach@Sina @Eagle @SEXICO @CooterScooter @Maestro@Naffen@Luther @Xylops @Deathtiger @Cannon @Strobbery @Mystic @Qal @Omalic @Dono @Tec @Malore @Lyonaxis @GuyonaWhim@Xaze @Ratthew @Mike@CloneWick@kenzer@Phaser@Valakyth @Tomm@Slak @Bacta @Rohan @Cox@Hanz @Claw @Blank @Banzai @Golben @BlackPink @Dingle @Goda@MrNeptoon@Mystik@Arcadius @Jayarr Oh yeah if I missed you and you think I did sorry lml I couldn't find your name on the website fr 💀
    29 points
  4. The time has come that I say goodbye to the community. Unfortunately, as some of you may already be away, I have gotten some real life work that has got me working roughly 40 hours a week and because of this and timezones, I can't really be around when anyone from the community is online anymore. It's due to this that I mast step away as I am just sitting in the position being a Founder where I've done nothing for over 6 months now and that's purely because I haven't been able to find the time and/or the motivation right now due to the major fatigue from work. That being said. I hope that you all continue to enjoy and appreciate the huge amount of work and dedication that comes from the people that work on this community. Synergy wouldn't exist or be where it is at today without the long nights of work and care that these people put into the community. I will always have the utmost respect for these people as they have worked tirelessly to keep the fever-dream that this community is alive for so long. @Jad@Square - You guys were, are, and always will be like brothers to me from the other side of the world. You guys have always been completely honest with me, regardless of how harsh and it would be. People like you are rare and hard to find. @Woeny - You've always done everything you could for not just the higher echelon of the community, but mainly brought the voice of the players to the team and always kept up with everything, even whilst balancing other games and real life shit. @Xaze - I know that since you've come along you've never really seen me as someone that is above you within the community and probably rightfully so. You're an extremely talented, knowledgeable and self-motivated individual that I believe you are the catalyst to the communities success at the current time and in the foreseeable future. You're an amazing human being and I have huge amounts of respect for you and always will. Thanks for your passion in keeping this community going, it wouldn't be here without you. Honorable Mentions - @Fizzik @Bbstine @Tomas @Maverick @Marvel @Bacta @Fyi @Naffen @Daytona211 @Baron @Brooklyn @Dennis @Maddoxx @Kurt @Conrad @Pythin @Ron @Gears @Enzyme @Freck @Jayarr @Heart and anyone else I may have missed. It has been a pleasure being in this community with you all. Nihil perpetuum, pauca diuturna sunt; aliud alio modo fragile est, rerum exitus variantur, ceterum quicquid coepit et desinit. Translated: Nothing lasts forever, few things even last for long: all are susceptible of decay in one way or another; moreover all that begins also ends.
    26 points
  5. As of the update of July 3rd, the founders were very actively hands-on and you’d spot them in groups for weeks at a time. This was the last time we’d see it in such an active state, before its very inevitable decline. Why do I say inevitable? Because of how you all are as founders. This post may come across as toxic at times, but it is sincerely heartfelt, and spoken from the eyes of a player in synergy. Someone who’s watching this server die at a second hand rate, and wants someone to acknowledge what’s wrong. At no point is there intended offense, and this post should be read in a more concerned tone than an angry keyboard warrior tone. Community figure heading None of you have the time to dedicate to fully assisting and aid in anything this community would actively need at a moment's notice. It’s a lot to ask of someone to be readily available at any moment, especially with real lives at play, but that’s just the root of the problem. Your guys’ life. All of you are very very busy with your careers, and that’s excellent and all, but it has obviously shown that you as a founder team cannot act as you would before. Oftentimes, the community would be looking up to you as a team to do what’s right and to take initiative. But what do we get to watch instead? You promote Xaze to development coordinator and dump everything development related onto his shoulders, when we’re at our lowest we have been. This is just a spit in the face to the community. Having talked to the developers, I know they appreciate this promotion, but they are also aware that this hasn’t changed anything. There power has been the excat same, they have even been able to do stuff without you guys even being aware. Hell, did you guys know that there are some models that have been added to the server for specific events, like the imperial one? This was in fact the opposite of harmful, so don’t get mad at this fact. Infact, the player base was at a consistent 50-60+ players for the weekend it lasted, and everyone loved the two models that were slid in. Your lack of involvement as a team as a whole has left the community with a sour and bitter taste for you all. It’s actually by the day that certain people get called the real founder team over you guys, in OOC. OOC of all places. Now you guys can do what you normally do, which is brushing this off your shoulders and saying that the community doesn’t know what they want, etc etc. But it’s become clear that a good chunk, at least half, of the community don’t trust the judgment coming out of you all as a team anymore. This leads into the next point. Step up, or step down Take a look at all the top communities. All their owners started as no-lifers, constantly grinding out what’s best for their community and doing what they thought was right at that moment. Even still, top dogs like corvezo and scott don’t even have any out of house jobs because they can rely on the steady income their server is making.Which brings me to our next topic, which I’ll go over in just a minute. With what I mentioned just prior, I’m curious how willing any four of you would be in stepping down from your positions. It’s obvious you get free income, and maybe you’ll fight to stay purely based on your past in the community and how deserving you think you are of the spot due to your past deeds, but even if you think you don’t want to step down, take a moment to think. Are you capable of maintaining the old workflow you sought out prior? Is your time valued enough to be wasting away at a garry’s mod server, when your real career demands so much more? The dilemma this post brings up is almost immeasurable on your end, but you have to realize where you are as people in our eyes. The fact that any one of you could step down, and not so much as a blink would happen on how the community is being ran right now, should say heaps to you. This has happened once in the past, and it seems to have come time again, for things to change. Drastically, at that, with who is in charge of the community. If none of you are willing to step up once again and show your face, then there is no reason for you to keep your positions. The longer you sit uptop and do nothing, the more angry your community will be. Server income Any player, and at all, can look at the store page you yourselves made very accessible to track, and that’s a good choice. Because we can see that you get at least $100-$200 a week, maybe even more. At what point is the line drawn between how much of this you will be pocketing? There is no chance in any way, shape, or form that this all goes into development and server upkeep. If we had someone actively track how much income is made from that page alone, and compile it all into a monthly over-all, would you confidently say you're still putting that money back into the community? I would beg to differ. If you are going to pocket money like it’s a business, then at least treat it like one. With that, I’d like to ask for it to be publicly stated. In what scenarios do you pay your developers? Is it just for things like those big battalion packs? That map? Some of xaze’s code? Do people like woeny get paid? Someone who’s been a very active figure and overall leader in the community these past few months? Someone who truthfully is doing the job you all should be doing in a community sense, someone who people respect and look up to? Server status We all know how it is. This community is so unmotivated and unwilling to get on, it’s crazy. The demotivation, in part, comes down to how you as a founder team are acting. With not a peep from your mouths but occasional “update” community meetings or Q/As, how are we to find any motivation at all. Development is not the problem, and that’s very very clear to anyone. Xaze and jayarr push their asses to get updates out at a constant rate, and no one can say development is at a low. It actually has peaked at this. So what are you as the founder team going to do? Push for a big update? What’ll that do? Absolutely nothing. Two days of hype, then several weeks/months of downtime. There’s nothing more to say about the stats, it’s just sad. Each month we drop about 5-10 players in population, and it just keeps going down the more silent you get. Take a look at this chart https://i.gyazo.com/38f2accfc49e0d5f5afafb13f2b99cb9.png Notice those peaks? Those are all community held events. We have to push, every day we can, to make major events happen, just for a hope, a little spark that maybe people can have fun on the server. Fun is subjective, and not fully your fault as the founder team, but god damn if this just hasn’t been acknowledged publicly or talked about with any form of a solid plan at all. What are you going to do? So with all of that said, what is your course of action? Will you step up and change your ways? Do you have any plans at all devised on what you’re going to do to make things better? Everyone's confidence is low, and we don’t need another beat around the bush answer. Please just tell us what you have in mind, we need to know. If not just for knowledge sake, then for the sake of the community. Don’t just hit us with “Oh, you all have so much to complain about but no solutions!!!!”. That’s not our job. It has never been our job. This only falls on people who are either management+ or the developers. We as the community are not in charge of longevity and health, we simply maintain the balance by doing something we occasionally have fun with in this video game. I hope this post got the point across, it may have been passive aggressive at times, but there’s no other way to seemingly get the message to you all. If it’s not publicly made, it’s easily disregarded. Please just take a step back and understand where we’re at right now, and don’t take on the defensive in a heart beat. I know this does not seem it but i will always have mad respect for the Founder team, I love Square/Jad/Dragon/Forseen and have looked up to them, but i see no other way at this point to convey suggestions or to push you guys to do the server justice. Put that same effort you guys put in when you first got the server, when it was bouncing back and at its best, seeing Jayarr/Xaze/Woeny/Maddoxx putting in 200%,without these 4 people the server would die, I cant say the same for you 4.
    26 points
  6. I understand the need to institute change in what is seen as a failing system. But don't you think it's a tad cruel to completely drop this on top of a bunch of unknowing 21st who were expecting some of their people to gain positions. Like you could've closed off applications to begin with but let them all run just to deny all of them? and the fact you removed the most unique subunit to replace it with a plaster of a 2nd havoc squad. You sapped a lot of the unique structures and made it almost just 212th. It has the main battalion GM/212th, a jetpack sub unit 44nd/2ndAC, a elite subunit focus on special ops KU/GC, they even both have removed sub units SO/Foxtrot. These changes sort of fundamentally flipped a batt upside down and tell all the officers to leave by wednesday and expect it to be popular? Don't you think you could've made people more aware, maybe had some sympathy for the people of the battalion? And now it's all dropped on Bacta's head like he's the one and only head of this and the pioneer when it probably was a proposal from HC he just accepted. And there was 0 input from the actual fucking battalion. Why would you lead them on like this just to fuck them this hard? You kill 21st, make it purple 212th and just tell the officers to fuck off? What happened the last 2 times this shit was tried? Is it hard to learn from your mistakes?
    25 points
  7. A little message to @Xaze
    24 points
  8. So this is going to be hard for me to write, and is going to be a long post as I am going to be stepping away from Synergy. Synergy has been a great place for me for a long time. I joined the server about 4 1/2 years ago and I have some great moments a part of this community. I started my time in CG, worked to 41st, worked to Rancor, then to SOBDE and Jedi. I like to think that I have tried to accomplish all I could have accomplished on the Server. I can probably say one of my most favorite moments of being on the server is when I got to be a Liaison. I had such a great time helping people, and being to do good for a community. I wont say I was the best member of the community, I had my fair share of mistakes and fuck-ups made along the way, and I like to think I tried to fix them, and make it better However, I think it is time for me to finally put my hat down and let go. Recently one of my friends talked to me about how I never do things with them anymore, and how they always see me on discord when we are out, and how I feel like I am always in a rush. Another thing is one of my friends Pronto, who recently left, Resigned because he realized there is so much more to do in life then be Focused on Gmod. This got to me a lot, and I had to realize that I am spending too much time playing the game, and not focusing on getting my life started. Shit it has gotten to the point were instead of my Name I hear all the time its Pythin. Literally nightmare right there. This realization made me get to thinking that I need to fix something, and to fix that it means I need to leave. I need to resign and to work on my own life. Even tho it sound like I am regretting the time I spending countless ours on Synergy, it doesn't mean I regret the people. I have met so many people on the server, many which I am so happy to have called my friends. I'd like to give them there respects here for the moment @Bbstine You are a great person, and I cant wait to be there as a homie on your special day. You never stopped believing in me , and in someone's helped shaped me to be a better person @FyiNGL That SOBDE Reg position thing did piss me off , but That will never discount the fun I had with you. People like to think you aren't the best person in the community. I like to think you are an amazing person, and poured your heart and soul into this community. @Mazen We didn't see eye to Eye sometimes, but you are a great person who only wants to help Synergy grow. Keep it up and I believe you will make it places someday. the way you manage stuff in this community is a good skill to have and help IRL @MavelleYou only care about the growth of Synergy and have done so much for it. You are brillant at GM stuff, and keep it up cause your talent for creating entertainment can get you places in the Entertainment industry. @MarvelBoy do I miss the times we had back when we were in Delta Squad. It was such a great time working with you, and to now you are always fun to be around and a rounded person @Sock Monkey You never gave up on me, and always pushed me to be a better person. I'd like to say that you were one of the best people to come out of this Community. I hope everything goes well for you, and I hope you keep in touch. @Daytona211Even tho you treat me like Dirt all the time I know its all games. You always give the best advice to me, even tho I might not listen to it sometimes. Keep it up man, and sorry for doing this earlier then I said. BB will fix itself, it always does. @ForseenHas had my back for as long as I can remember. People like to give you crap for whats going on, but I know you are doing the most you can for the server. You are a good friend, and I hope all goes well in University @Finn@Spieler@Guac@A-a-ronI am so glad to have met you guys. Keep doing what you are doing, and you will make it to places @XazeYou were literally my Day 1. You trained me, brought me into CG, and brought me up to be a good Trooper. You are a great friend, and I know you will do your hardest to develop things for the server @ToasterBath@Cox@Teaa@Caidoon@Eclipse@Metro@Naffen Y'all the Homies FR. Stay in touch, and stay awesome @ConradGreat guy, and amazing personality. I love how you always have something great to say. Been a friend for a while, and I hope you'll keep in touch @SOBDE I love you all. If there is anything I will never forget it is my time in SOBDE. I love you guys, and don't worry, SOBDE always bounce backs. If you need my advice on anything dont be afraid to ask @Sixta@Stockings Y'all funny af. Keep it up @BrooklynI know you got a lot on your plate, but If I can give any advice, don't do too much. You will burn yourself out way too much, and you will have to choose eventually. You are a great person, and always keeps it real. Dont ever change @Oldies You know who you are. All my old boys I love the time I spent with all of you, and cherished every moment of it. @ThorpyVEVOFavorite British person. Keep being based and not like standard british people @shroud On god you stuck up for me in the Council, and for the shit people give you. You were a good council member, and a good friend. I hope you'll keep in touch and play some games with me in my free time. @Deku <3 @Maddoxx You is a amazing person for the Job of Management. Keep it up, and you will definitely shape the community in a good way @WoenyWe have known each other for a while. So glad to have met you back in the day, and got to be friends with you. @Maxwells Fellow Aerospace Enginneer. I hope you keep going with it, and finish strong. Cant to hang with you next august. @Ratio @JadI no longer have you in my back pocket @Dragon I hope all thats going in your Job is going well. Keep it up. The way you are I know you'll make it far. @Luther On God. You will enjoy your time in the military. I am glad to have met you If I left you out I am sorry. I am sure that We have had our fair share of interactions, and I hope to have left a mark on you as you all have left a mark on me. I just believe it is time to take a leave, and focus on my life ahead of me. College will be back up soon, I am about to become an Uncle, and Tailgate Saturday's are about to get real. If I have any advice to give to you all. Enjoy your time you have on the Server. It's not really about the game, but about the People you meet along the way. Thats what got me to come back all those times, because Its were my friends are. Make friends, and have good times. Remember at the end of the day its a game, and not to get sucked into it. AND NO I WONT BE THAT GUY AND COMEBACK. Too much is going on for me to come back on the Clone wars. I will still be active in TS playin games with the homies when I want to chill, or in Discord if anyone wants to chat. This is Pythin signing off for the last time Thank you Synergy for all the memories I have made
    23 points
  9. After a few weeks full of contemplation, I sit here now writing this out with confidence and a calm mind. It was a was year ago this month that I made my return to this server. But it wasn't quite what I was expecting. I didn't know anyone, and barely anyone knew me. Times had changed so drastically from when I first made my mark on star wars RP all those years ago, and it was something I wasn't quite ready to face up to. That hesitance wasn't something I lived up to, though. As I caught up with one of the few familiar faces, that being the founders, I realized that maybe a different approach was laid out before me then I had initially thought. Through talks with @Square, and after having already started working on a new map, I was picked up into the development team, where nothing short of an amazing journey started, and is now ending here today, on a much lesser note might I add. People like @Mazen when he was cody were quick to pick up on me becoming a Developer, and while I didn't quite know who bacta was at the time, he ended up forging into one of my strongest connections and one of my closest friends on the server. I have a whole group of friends now, which I quite frankly lacked coming into this server. That is what I will take away from all of this, and what I can strongly familiarize myself as an accomplishment. As for my time as developer, it was nothing short of a rollercoaster. I've faced some hardships, but too few to count as an experience I won't remember. Things got caught on the upswing only four or so months after I got developer, where the team started coming together, starting with @Xaze. There is no better partner I could have asked for when it comes to development, and often times we were able to see eye to eye on things we both agreed and disagreed with. It feels unjust to leave the team at the current state the server is in, but I've played my hand long enough and delayed this resignation for months, as I'm sure @Jadremembers from one conversation. I likely wouldn't still be here if he didn't convince me to stay. As for the position I hold on the server at the moment, I quite frankly do not care. I've become palpatine to implement changes, and I've seen some of them through. I had bigger plans, and I regret that I couldn't quite touch up on all the factions to the extreme I wanted to, but all things considered, I'm not going to be holding an in game position higher over how I feel in general. Life's a hard game to play, and I've been out of it for too long. I could surround myself with the fantasy that is star wars RP for much longer, but I've dumped seven, nearly eight years into this. I don't want to reflect on that when I grow to be older, I don't want to ponder in a saddened way about how I wasted near a decade my life doing something the inevitably never lead to anything for me as a person. It's a harsh reality, and while I've not been able to come to acceptance about it before, I've forced myself to this conclusion for the betterment of both my health, and for me as a person. What ill-will I may have will stay out of this post, as I've said it loud and clear in the places I think matter. I don't tend to shout people out, because those who matter most to me will still be hearing from me often enough through discord and likely TeamSpeak. I wish you all luck. I'm glad to have helped where and when I could have. "Regrets, I've had a few But then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do And saw it through without exemption I planned each charted course Each careful step along the byway And more, much more than this I did it my way"
    22 points
  10. This is a post I never thought I'd make, but here it is. I've decided this is it for me. I ask myself all the time how people could just drop this place with the snap of their fingers. I took a good minute to think and damn. It kind of is that easy. I've been here 5 years 4 months 26 days. My longest break was 17 days. Sad, I know. I think only Square and Jad beat me right now in terms of being a constant part of the community. Anyways I have some @'s to do. @Ollie_ @Agua @Dennis @Vango day ones. @blazin I never had more fun teaching someone about the servers history. Lifelong right there. @Crimson My only regret is I couldn't perma blacklist you from SOBDE so you would leave with me. @Baron @Scarecrow @Ratio Scarecrow was my first BCMD btw. Love that man. Baron, I'm following your lead. Stage 3 of Leven Tryouts: Resign. Ratio, dumb this post. @Gohn@Rohan@Gurk Best EUs. Gurk go for BCMD. Gohn thanks for valuing me. Rohan plz don't leak the clips. Let me resign in peace. @Marvel I appreciate you taking time out of your day to talk to me about anything I was rambling about. You helped me out and understand a lot. So thanks for being a good support line. Also my forum signature go HARD. @Gears I'm glad we could fight side by side for a bit. I have a great deal of respect for you. @Jad@Square@Xaze I haven't held any positions high enough for me to fully understand the work you all do. But I know that Synergy wouldn't be alive without the things y'all had to sacrifice. I appreciate you all immensely for making this a place I wanted to be in and work on for the last 5 years. This is my clone advisor request. @KaiserNeiner Honestly dude, I didn't expect you to still be HA after all the stuff brought up to Gohn / Ollie / Marvel. But damn. You resilient as fuck. I respect that. That medal storage drive must be full as fuck. @Gohn@Marvel@Ollie_ Y'all crazy as fuck for not doing a single thing to this guy. @Mystic I will still be in TS to support your eventual Yoda term. @ Null. All of my current members and past members. It was a pleasure. @ SOBDE. I hate all of you. Except Null. If you weren't listed, don't worry. DM me I'll give you a farewell message. Well this is it. Thanks for the memories. Thanks for the laughs.
    21 points
  11. Hello everyone, my time on the server has come to a real end. I know I am only a month and a half into my term and it pains me to be typing this right now but due to some IRL events in my life I will have to be leaving earlier then I would have wanted to. My life has gone on a roller coaster recently, some of you do not know but about a month ago I lost my grandfather, my best friend, my tutor. He taught me to be kind and loving to everyone I meet and never, ever take anything for granted. My vehicle that I drive has given out on me and I still owe money on it even though it no longer is working, I have to now get a Job because I am essentially paying two car payments now and it is time I walk into the real world. (Don't worry I'll make it). So my life has kind of turned upside down. I find myself playing other games and not getting on the server as much as I would like. All that is doing is hurting me and the battalion I promised to help. @SEXICOwill now be leading the 41st and should be the one who gets Gree so he will be fine. I will still be playing other games and in my free time (if I ever have any lol) will be streaming the games I am playing on Twitch. No I am not going to publicly put out my twitch but if you want to add me on Discord to stay in touch or ask what it is I will be willing to let you guys know! (Discord: ImmTyler#2179). I am truly sorry to the 41st if doing this upsets you guys just like they say IRL takes precedent and I hope I wasn't too much of a let down for you guys and you truly understand where my heart was when I applied for Gree. I hope you guys can lead as an example and become the battalion I have always wanted you to be. Thank you to everyone who helped me out when I was running for Gree and everyone who believe in me, it truly meant so much. I hope that I made a solid impact on the server and truly showed to people, as long as you keep it on your mind anything is truly possible. I have made some amazing friends on this server and I will cherish those moments. I love you all, it is time I take my Improcco free thinking into the wild and get myself out of the mud I now stand it. Thank you for a wonderful time and I truly wish everyone the best. From the best Fit Fisto there ever was, Tomm (yes with 2 M's) PS, when times get tough never forget to...Just Breathe ;
    21 points
  12. This departure has come at last. Today I take a well needed break after a long stint in staff and commander positions. Im here to say ill dissapear. but honestly.. I really need to go and find some new hobby. My time here has been completely unforgettable to the fact that i saw it irreplacable in my own personal life. Ive met some people that I would truly call friends and can shoot the shit with. This community had alot of highs that i feel people ignore cause "hurr durr gmod server", I think people really dont get it, the world is really doom and gloom out there and this place is a massive escape for people who just wanna forget about it. Theres some things i wanna layout, I had this whole thing in my mind how i was gonna do this, such as saying all the things I had issues with.. but lets be honest, Nobody fucking cares and ill look like a massive twat. I do wanna mention that alot of people need to really chill the fuck out sometimes, ask yourself this.. "is this really as big of a deal that I think it is". I look back at what ive done. Yoda, HA, Director, Management and i hope at the very least i left my own mark on this community. It might be a bit egotistical to say i wanna be remembered. But I just dont wanna be forgotten.. Final Note before I list all the people that I like and go all sobby. There are definitely some people who are gonna be jumping for joy and suddenly coming back.. and to I that i say.. Keep me living rent free in your head. So lets do this @SquareNot enough respect given to you. I dont think people see the work you do behind the scenes and how much you actually do. @JadI absolutely dont know what I would of done if it wasnt for the guidance and advise. I am forever thankful and wish you luck in life @ForseenSame goes with you, When a certain incident happened (everyone knows what im talking about), you put down the hammer on me and yet still was one of the only people that came to me and was willing to work with genuinely kept me sane. You really gave belief in myself and I truely a great person. @DragonGood guy, genuinely does alot of great work behind the scenes. Deserves high praise. @Sock MonkeySame goes with you. Big insight on the community and deserves credit. You still need to give me TRM btw. @WoenyGreat guidance and someone who Ive loved to hang about with. deserves what he has. @FyiKeep going, Keep pushing. You WILL get where you want. I assure you will, prove the people of this community wrong and dont change yourself. @WolfroLove you brother. such a wholesome guy and genuine gent. @CrimsonWe butted heads alot but you were a great Director Partner, I hope your doing fine whatever your doing currently. Theres alot of HAs i would like to shoutout but there is Way.. WAY too many for me to try find them all. But they all did good jobs in there own way, ill shout out a few individuals @ConradChrist you have been everywhere.. Keep doing it. @Dekuget palpy @BrooklynGreat guy. Knows when to get a job done @Freck Go get Director 2 Days after getting HA again. Genuinely great guy and fucking love him. @JovanovicKeep going at it @Willyworm1It was genuinely one of by biggest regrets denying you for Spec Reg back then and i truly apologise for it. But im really happy you are in high command now. Ill always remember you and me doing Jocasta Nu and 327th RP. @StormzyGood job being yoda and keep in contact. @skylurgamestook balls to put a app up for Yoda and i respect that @MaverickI sucessor for Yoda, Times we didnt see eye to eye but atleast you had a backbone to tell me when i was wrong @JaBakuput some fucking life in the order. great yoda @SixtaKeep the wheel turning. @BactaOne of best Codys out there. Hes a big memer but he truly had a heart for this server. @DennisYea we went at eachother alot but I cant really say anything bad about it.. im sure some people want me to tho ;) @StixDoes a good job as HA and positions hes in @MaddoxxMy Pick @TurtleBig Dub right! Nah your a fine HA @StroodleGood Ha aswell @Bbstinehell of a liaison and kept my sanity alot and just a wholesome guy overall @ClutchYou were by far the biggest opposer to me for 2nd term but by god you were an amazing Windu under me. Quite franky you were my only Windu @Finn@CarvisThe best gays on the server @BudMiss you @MavelleKeep that GM Program running, You have a good mind and you and me have talked, you know what your doing. Cant find tyennochs account but im glad hes back and doing well, same goes with Jagger, Amazing guy. @Elijahbig backbone for the High Staff when he was HA @Comicsalright... heart to heart buddy. Sometimes shit happens and it sucks, I get it. Soemtimes you just gotta get on with it and learn as you go on and im sure you will get to where you want in the end. @EagleGenuine person. Lastly.. @TazRemember that time i fingerbanged ahsoka I could go on and on about this. You really couldnt get me to stop. But lets be honest. Its long enough. If you feel you deserved an @ im sure ill get round to you. Other than that... Im free.. at last.
    21 points
  13. I have been in this community for 7 years, and it's time for me to take a long break from gmod as a whole. I have meet new people and old. I love all of you with the goodness of my heart. #SynergyRPforever.
    20 points
  14. I have sat down, written, and rewritten this several times. This is one of the most difficult things I have had to write in my entire life. There are just so many emotions that I have had to try and process and overall, I'm just so disappointed. For those of you who do not know, I am currently Mace Windu. I have known Par Par (Super) for a very long time. We never really used to communicate a lot, but over the past half year, we have gotten to know each other pretty well. I remember when he first put effort into rising up in Jedi, when he became a member of High Council. We worked together as equals, from Lulu's term, into Entity's term, and beyond. Which is why it is heartbreaking for me to write what I am about to, as within the past month or so Super seems to have become someone I do not recognize at all. The first two months of his term were amazing. We, the High Council, myself, and Super, met almost every night to discuss changes that we were planning to the Order, things that we were noticing, issues that we wanted to improve upon. We were all treated as equals; not one person acted as though they were better than any other, and things ran smoothly. After those two months, however, things started to slowly change. We met less and less, Super started to spend more and more time in the SOBDE channels or just with SOBDE members overall and the High Council heard less and less from him unless he wanted something done. Instead of being requested to assist with plans as an equal, the things he infrequently needed done became a demand. The person before me has changed in the past month, and not in a way that I think positively benefits Jedi. The High Council started hearing from him less and less. Any time we wanted to speak with him or we searched for where he was, the answer was always a locked channel that very few people had access to, most often the SOBDE channels. Sure, he was always available via DMs or could be pulled away, but you never had his full attention. Most of the time, within the past month or so, whenever I did need to speak to him, he was always engrossed in some other game, even when we had a pre-arranged meeting. I understand that I don't get on as early, EST, as others do and he is completely valid in playing other games with friends, but just as many people say they never see me on Windu, I never see him interacting with the Order because he is always in a locked channel. Speaking of meetings, there we so many times that I had to bring things up multiple times before they got done. For example, the rule rewrites he brings up in his app. I would bring a rule to his attention or something that needed further clarification, and would state that we would need to sit down and just go through the entire rule set to make sure everything was up-to-date. He would say "Yeah, we do need to get that taken care of." A few days later, I would have to remind him again that we needed to set up a time to get things taken care of. Almost everything that needed to be done required me reminding him several times that they needed to be done before we actually set a time to work on it, usually last minute. Half of those times that we set up a meeting, he would show up late and distracted. The High Council and I would usually do most of the writing and revising and he would just say "Yeah, that sounds good." We would discuss ideas and his biggest input would be "yeah." Some of you have asked why some of these concerns weren't brought up before today. They have. I have talked to Super personally about a lot of the issues with the current rank system. His reaction was to brush me aside stating that it was a work in progress and could always change later. My original idea for this ranking system was to allow Padawans to attend the trials in any order that they wanted, so that if there was a trial they struggled with, they could still see progress while they worked on their "skill issue" i.e. fighting the best sparrers in the Order. The original plan also included using merits as a way to progress further in the Order with maybe some kind of way to bypass a trial for outstanding performance in an event or tournament, as long as the action was related to the trial. After finding out that we weren't swapping to the new map, I brought up my concerns on needing to get dupes created for the rest of the trials so that they wouldn't be held up. Here it is, a month later, and they are "being worked on." I have not seen any of these new dupes, I don't know what the plans are for these new dupes, and I don't know how many people are involved in the creation of these new dupes. I've just been told that one is done and the rest are being worked on. A lot of the other requirements that are listed, I did not agree with and I voiced my concerns before they went live. "Work in progress. Can always change later." I don't doubt their quality and no offense is meant to the admin working hard on them. It's just nothing is really being communicated at this point in time. When Super has issues with someone, he doesn't really communicate those issues to the parties directly involved. He keeps lists of the issues he has with someone. He lets those issues fester and when he doesn't see improvement to behaviors that haven't been communicated, he either removes them or has someone else remove them. Often times, we as the High Council wouldn't even hear about these issues through him directly, instead they ended up communicated to us by third party individuals afterwards, many of whom shouldn't have even been involved. He dislikes directly confronting the individuals unless he is the only one that is able to. Sometimes, he has even removed someone without communicating why and that person then finds out from someone else the reasons. He was there when the Jedi Disciplinary Guide was written, when we stressed that when someone is removed, they need to be communicated the reason why and it needs to be clearly documented because of issues that have come up in the past. We have always stressed communication and no removal without warnings unless the reason is really egregious, in which case the reason for removal should still be stated. He throws that out the window. Let's talk about this shadowing system that Super brought up in an earlier post. One day, out of nowhere, this form was posted for shadowing High Council Members. No one in High Council knew this was coming out. I didn't know this was coming out. There was no discussion about it. A few hours after the form was posted, a message went out saying that it was full. The first two people to put in a response were the only ones being allowed to "shadow" the current High Council members. Those High Council members weren't given any input on who was chosen or why they were chosen. What if they wanted more than one person to shadow them at a time? Needless to say, concerns have still not gone anywhere even after bringing them up. I think it should speak volumes when the majority of +1s on this app are from people who aren't part of the Order and contain very little substance, but the majority of the -1s are from current Masters and Council Members who have at least attempted to explain their positions. A majority of the people who spend time in the SOBDE channels know more about what is happening in the Order than the people who are actually in it, including the High Council and myself. And I had DMs with Super almost EVERY DAY. This is plain to see when you look at the individuals who have responded to this app. If they aren't current Masters or Council Members, the majority are members of SOBDE or were recently members of SOBDE, the channels where he is seen more often than his own faction. To summarize, there are a lot of things that need fixing, things that have been brought up to him previously only to be brushed aside. Lack of communication has only further pushed the Order apart and I am worried about the future it will have. He has done some things that I believe will benefit the Order in the long run and I liked who Super was. I wish him the best, but I do not believe he is the best person to move the Order forward into a successful future without him relying heavily on those around him. -1.
    18 points
  15. I joined back the community during the summer of 2021, initally I was simply bored and thought I'd come back and try playing Jedi.. I joined 212th since that was my first battalion and I still had some friends in there... From there on it was a wild wild journey.. I would've never expected to reach the rank of Commander yet alone go even further and eventually become Regimental Commander, I've never thought highly of myself but somehow I managed to do it. But throughout this journey I've seen one too many people leave.. Synergy will always have a place in my heart but at some point real life become more important and intrests head elsewhere. @Mazen@Spieler If it wasn't for you two I don't think i'd been able to half of the things I ended up doing.. Not only are you great friends but you've also meant alot to me on this server. It feels awkward to @ you since in no way am I gonna stop talking to either of you but I just wanted you two to know I am extremely thankful that I managed to meet you two. @Katy@Lovestruck@JuniperI highly treasure the time I spent with you 3 during Katy's Yoda term, I had a lot of fun hanging out with you and it truly meant a lot to me. @JayarrIn many ways you've been a role model for me and I wanted you to know that.. Wanna play insurgency later? @Guac@ColMy time in SOBDE would have been nothing if it wasn't for you two. Col, the time I spent as your Fixer is a time I hold very dear.. It was some of the best roleplay I've had on the server and I've held on to it for a while struggling to recreate it.. Guac, I am very happy that you trusted me to become the BCMD of SOBDE.. I think in the end my SOBDE Term went very well and it wouldn't even have happened if it wasn't for you. @Conrad@StixThe time I spent with Obi-wan was extremely enjoyable and you 2 had a major factor in that, I treasure almost every moment I spent roleplaying as your Obi-wan while you went on to do Anakin things. @TessaKitty@Keegan@BleachI know I spent a decent bit of time talking with you 3 about running for Regimental and it meant a lot to me.. It saddens me that I didn't end up doing close to anything that was talked about but it truly was fun. @Cubby@Bane and I guess @ all of Galactic Marines, I am still very sorry about my Bacara term.. I'm ashamed of how bad I did and I wish I pushed on and tried more.. But I will say at the very least I had a lot of fun roleplaying as the leader of the marines. @Finn@meowthemeowerI am very thankful I got the chance to be a regimental with you two, I know it barley lasted 2 weeks but It still meant a lot to me. @XazeNext time I get on if I ever do.. please at least execute me one more time. I suck at these type of things.. I missed a lot of people but writing this pains me as it is and I can not continue on.
    18 points
  16. Hey guys. Ill be very upfront about what has happened. On Saturday July 16th, One of my best friends fell off a boat. He never surfaced. We setup search parties on water, air and teams on land. My partner and I found him and carried him back to the staging area away, long deceased. The walk to an area he could be airlifted out took forever with him on my back. The details of that are pretty much as nasty as you would think. I still don't think its fully cleaned off me yet. Since then, I haven't been able to log on. I feel guilty every single time I touch the computer if its not work related, like I'm wasting life because I seem to have forgotten that tomorrow is never promised and life is precious. I tried to play today and it just didn't go well. I want to thank each and every one of you for building the experiences I had over the last 7.5 months. Between the Jedi, the sentinels and shadows I spent my time with, the council I got to spend my car rides to work with every weekend. To the members of SOBDE who have built my home for the last few months. All the players who attended my trainings (because those were my favorite thing to do). To the staff team, the GMs, the Devs and all my other little homies out there that didn't fall into any of those aforementioned categories. I appreciate every one of you. This was really hard to do today, but I know this is my wakeup call to focus on my business, my relationship and my health. Words cannot describe how sad this makes me feel. I truly do care for all you guys and I wont lie, I feel like I'm letting some people down, but I know you do understand. So here's my final words. Never take life for granted. Never underestimate how much further you can push your life forward if you show some self discipline and take those leaps of faith. Each and every one of you has wonderful qualities and will achieve something amazing in your lives if you allow it. Make time for those who care for you. Spend time with family, spend time with friends. When you look at someone you care about, ask yourself what you would do differently if you knew that person was going to be gone by tomorrow and then make it happen. Life is precious, especially your own. Treat every human with kindness, think outside the box and spend a little of every day working on your plan to be successful. o7 Take care, Synergy.
    18 points
  17. Holy shit, what a journey my return has been. Joining my home in the 104th, returning to staff to becoming HA. 104th Private to Wolffe? What a great ride it has been, and I hope that you all enjoyed my presence as much as I did yours. @Slak and @Deku I cannot thank you both enough from the bottom of my heart for being my command team. Having the support and knowledge from two experienced individuals, definitely makes my job a lot easier. I gained so much knowledge and a new way to look at things that might not be apparent at first sight. I thank you both again. @Hanz what I said above but like 1/3 is kinda accurate while the rest isn’t at all. Deku's puppet. But in all honesty it was a lot of fun to have you around. @Xaze0 days, thanks for all your help and guidance during my time, your term is going amazing and it’s only gonna get better from here. @Mater @Abraham @Razen @Gadget @Tomm and @SEXICO @Claw @Noodles and @Jhonathon and any SOBDE, the people I have been able to join among the ranks in of “up there”, you guys have been excellent and amazing to work with. Love you all, P.S, saw Abraham grow up into a BCMD 🥹 @Lyonaxis 😉 @Stix @Mavelle @Maddoxx @Fyi @Dennis @Freck @Stroodle @Bacta@traditional an amazing high staff team I got to work with. Once again, gained so much knowledge and had an amazing time while doing so. I tried my best to be the most non biased HA and I would like to say i achieved that goal. Thank you so much for the opportunity. @Wolfpack, it has been such an amazing time with you guys, many of you came and left, and others have flourished. I am so happy with the work and effort you have all put in to your branch, and the battalion itself. Thank you all so much @104th to the rest of you, you guys are all amazing and I couldn’t have asked for a better battalion. You will all do great things in the future. I’m really high right now so if I forgot you, I’ll respond back when I’m not
    18 points
  18. Its been a blast boys but unfortunately my time has come to an end. I have made many memories and great friends on synergy roleplay and will always cherish those memories I have, its been a blast being your Wrecker and Hunter on synergy and I hope to return sometime in the future! take care boys o7!
    18 points
  19. Thought I'd do a check in, how are we all doing? Missing you all ofcourse, stay cool gamers <3 Enjoy some of my recent pictures:)
    17 points
  20. Name: Brooklyn Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:196195559 Staff Rank: SA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 6/15/22 Reason for leaving: Staff is volunteer work. I'm choosing to no longer volunteer. I refuse to have Synr.gg in my name. Farewells: @MavelleIt's a quota @MaddoxxYou already know it's a quota @Satan I appreciate the support @LutherThanks for the pep talk @Mazen*Insert something that I can get banned for saying here* I spawned in so much kyber rifle ammo it's fucking ridiculous.
    17 points
  21. Yes. The wiki is being created now
    17 points
  22. Name: Clutch Staff Rank: VA Are you VIP?: Yes and Sub Date: 3/29/2024 Reason for leaving: In my 435 days as staff and 278 days as VA I've never experienced burn out like I have in the past 3 weeks. I get on the server and instantly want to get off to avoid doing staff work. I figured taking an LOA for a week would help but it just made me want to resign the more time I took off. My main push during my VA time was pushing to HA and with Kaiser taking the last spot and seeing the current HA team they aren't going anywhere and I don't have another 9 months in me to give it my all. It isn't fair to my battalion to continue with staff because staff is only killing my drive to continue playing. Any time I get in teamspeak and get a message like "hey can you help with an event" or "can you do my staff interview?" it kills my entire mood and like I said it's not fair to my battalion. I'm sure I'll be back to staff eventually just not right now. Farewells: I'm not leaving the server so I have no need for goodbyes, but thank you to everyone that helped me get to this point and to my peers for working along side me.
    16 points
  23. Battalion: SOBDE RP Name: Executive Officer Naz Date: 9/16/2022 Reason: I've been a part of the server on and off for a very long time. (About 4 years) I never took any leadership commitments during my collective time spent because I knew how it felt to lead and didn't want any headaches. That was the way it always was for me until 7 months ago when I was allowed to finally lead Omega Squad myself after the squad was empty for some time. With the state of SOBDE at that time being a low point on morale and activity I struggled to spend my days optimistically. This was also the time when I was having to take up the mantle of responsibility as an Executive Officer. My only saving grace was having Brooklyn as a supportive and active commander to help me recruit 2 instrumental members Void and Ollie to this commando generation. The battalion, although looked very meek, was "saved" in 3 months and I have finally chosen to step down because I can no longer meet the standards of the battalion as a commander as a whole. At the end of the day, I'm very content with my choices and wish SOBDE and the server a promising future. Goodbyes: @Brooklyn marching on. @Ganar Good luck with whatever choices you make for your server career @Void don't die @Daytona211 you're so close to 365 days @Finn I completed my service o7
    16 points
  24. as much i hate doing this, i have to. this is not a sob story, this is simply an explanation of what’s going on. ive ended up in a bad spot in my life, i’ve lost everything and don’t have a pc anymore, and my mental state is fucked. my parents just genuinely don’t like my and decided to sell my shit. so until i can afford a new setup, this is my goodbye. @Mavelle i’ve already told you what you mean to me, and how much i appreciate you, but you still get a tag. @Abrahamill miss you buddy. @Snadvichyou finally got me gone 🙀 @Conrad best of luck man, i’ll miss all the dumb shit we did together. @Spielerthank you for everything man, you’re one of the main reasons i met all these cool ass people.
    16 points
  25. This 44th business is a joke. 21st cannot sustain the numbers to support two subunits. I can understand axing one of them but getting rid of one of the few subunits on the server that are fairly unique for a Havoc Squad esque 2ndAC is laughable at best. KU is quite literally white GM. KU has been nothing but a joke from an outsider's perspective because they took 21st's superior attitude and upped it by 10. They should have been removed in favor of SO being the only subunit in 21st. Actually wild.
    16 points
  26. Hello Everyone. The past weeks after i came out off surgery has put my mind to work, Synergy, The server i have spent the past 5 years on playing. Do i still wanna continue can i still continue. In these 5 years i have seen faces come and go, alot of the old heads from the old days are gone [Retired] from the server. some are still here but most are gone. The past Months ive slowly been fading from synergy and Gmod, to the point wich im at now. I tried my best to commit myself to any Battalion or Faction i became apart off. The 501st, my Very first Battalion, in command at that time @Omalic. god ive had fun with the boys back than on Endor. a year of consistant service to that battalion till i moved on. The Corusant Guard, i loved beating the shit out off people with the stick. god that was fun. So i can name a few other Battalions ive played with in the past 5 years. But i think the Major one people know me from is the Following. The Navy [Naval] [Base ops]. 3 Years Of service. 3 Years in the Navy, god what fun times i had with people. For the Navy my final goal would have been to become Yularen, but after a while i realised. Practicly ive been Yularen already 3 times. ive lead the Navy on my own for months after former Yularens were gone and noone wanted to join the Navy. I tried my best for the Navy in the end i hope it was worth it, else i would have been for nothing. But Ive come a far way under the command of @Brace @Freck @Brooklyn @Drone @Tec and @Fyi, under all these Admirals ive served, and im proud to have served them. With my biggest gratitude to the Folowing people: @Ollie_ @Brace @Brooklyn @Freck @Tec @Drone @Fyi @Omalic @gohn @Rohan @Soccer @Egert @Gears @Xaze @Baron @Hysterical @Kirara @Enigma @Conrad @KaiserWilhelm @Gadget @Clutchhhx @Deathtiger @Mystic @Black @Cronis @BlueBeetle @Brak/Mainstay @Woods @Zeros @Marvel @Deku @IceMan @Tetra @KnightVR @Arizona. Thank all of you, im glad to have met you all. Date: 7/13/2023 Time: 12:59 EST From this point on im standing down from all my functions within Synergy, The times has come for Retirement. The wind has changed course, off into the sunset we go. My watch has Ended. fair seas. -Your favorite naval -The Dao -Navy main -Warmac Im out.
    15 points
  27. It's time for me to take my leave! I'm busy with so many things in real life, and I don't have the time nor motivation to play GMOD actively right now. This server has been such a huge part of my life for the last year and a half, and I'll genuinely never forget it. I've spent so many late nights just talking to people. I never considered myself to be too much of a "people person", but this server really changed that. I've gained so much confidence on the tiniest fucking things, and this server is the reason why. I've met so many people that have made a permanent impact on my life, and I love every single one of them. I wanted to leave much later than I am now, but too many things have piled up and led this moment to being the best time. I never expected myself to get into a server, or even community, like this, and I definitely didn't expect to get so hooked at 5 AM on a Sunday night, 525 days ago. I've had a lot of really emotional moments on this server. I've had times where I wanted to cry, times where I wanted to break something, and even times where I wanted to just leave it all. At the end of the day, I'm glad I joined this server. The memories and friends I've made outweigh the negatives entirely, and I never would think otherwise. Thank you all, whether you hate me, don't care about me, or even consider me a friend. I might come back if I have more free time in the future, but only time will tell whether I do or not. Some farewells: @Pog Literally my day one. You are the reason me and @Mavelle stayed so long ago, and I'll never forget it. @Mazen You have been such an inspiration for me. You've always wanted the best for me, even before I was a "name". You saw potential in me, and tried your absolute hardest to bring it out of me. You've done so much for me, and it hurts me to know that I can't repay the favor. Thank you so much. @Caidoon You're the most genuine person I've ever met. The amount of kindness you pour out just by existing is amazing. I've always been able to look to you when I needed someone to talk to, and I really appreciate it. @Katy I won't ever forget our time with 2ndAC and 212th. I've learned a lot from you, and had so many great laughs from being around you. Everything about our time in 212th makes me smile. @Lyonaxis !!!!!!! Genuinely the nicest person I've ever met. Ever since my first interaction with you I've admired you and your huge heart. I never thought I'd get so close to you with my time in SOBDE, but I'm so glad I did. @Shockpoint The BEST Gregor. You and Bacta were the first people to make me feel like people truly cared about me on the server. I will genuinely never forget the day I got your tag and how happy it made me. I really do miss our Parjai. @Jovanovic I never expected an ATK REG to matter much to me ever, but that was before I met you. You shattered my expectations and more, and it all started that day I did your 2ndAC tryout. @Mater My Bear!!! Parjai and 2ndAC was so fun with you around. I've made so many fun memories with you, and I'm so proud to have seen you grow into BCMD eventually. Try not to eat too many Kraft dinners while you're gone 😉 @Bitter Late nights with you as SPEC REG was so fun. I'm glad I got to interact with you as Sev, and I'm really glad that you're going places. Good luck with SOBDE!! @Sriracha Playing games with you has always been so fun. Everything you do is so entertaining. I never thought I'd have so much fun with you but ever since you got REG and we separated ourselves from our positions, I've had so much fucking fun with you. @Jayarr You've been awesome to interact with you. I haven't gotten super close with you, but the serious moments I've had with you are all important to me. @Daytona211 Seeing you join SOBDE and BB was so fun. I'm sad that half of our time together was spent disagreeing on changes, but I really enjoyed being around you and learning about you. @Marvel Funny guy!!!! I'm so glad you came back, genuinely. I loved you as Bardan, and I'm so fucking happy that you're back on a clone job. @Whataburger be yourself please (stay away from mazen zwin, he's a bad influence) @Mavelle GET OUT OF MY HEAD SHUT UP GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD SHUT UP GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD SHUT UP GET OUT OF MY HEAD To those of you I didn't mention, please don't take it personally. There are so many people I care about and appreciate, and I'd run out of space if I mentioned you all. Bye!
    15 points
  28. Battalion: Synergy HC RP Name: Bacter Date: 5/6/2023 Reason: I don't enjoy GMOD anymore at all, and burnt out Goodbyes: I was gonna put in 2 week notice but i literally just cant lol, regardless synergy will be fine and do even better with what @Xazeis cooking up so end of the day im just making excuses for me to stay longer, i did everything i wanted to do as Marshal and had a cool term in my opinion, while i know gettign another marshal will be hard end of the day synergy will be fine, both directors are goats To the haters that prayed on my downfall i appreciate yall! @Dennis10% of the reason i went for a 2nd term is because i found out you were praying on my downfall so had to prove you wrong GG EZ get more dirt next time I will stay in contact with the people i actually enjoy on synergy so your chill, there is a 20% chance i may relapse but i think i did what i needed to do on the server.
    15 points
  29. Well, its getting to be that time for me. Just feeling really burnt out of trying to get on the server. Its no ones fault, I've just been playing pretty consistently for like 22months straight. Its been my longest run of activity on the server by far and during this time I've done so much, had so much fun, and achieved pretty much every hope I had on the server when I started out all those years ago. I got to be a good consistent Anakin, worked in a couple of battalions outside of 501st, Got windu/Echo/hunter, got advisor, and the crowning jewel of being palpatine for 9 months straight. Hell I've achieved everything I've ever wanted short of being a founder, and i doubt that would ever happen. During all this I've had so much fun and met so many people who I care deeply for, even if they're no longer playing. And honestly thats one of the biggest things that I is burning me out. When you've been around for so long so continuously everyone else feels like a revolving door. People come and go and it feels like you lose so many close friends it just has killed my drive to be on the server. I'm not gonna never connect again, i might even come back and play majorly one day, but I'm gonna take a well deserved break. Time for some goodbyes. Most of these will be for people that aren't playing anymore, but thats kind of the point of why i'm leaving. @Mavelle@MaddoxxNo time has ever been as fun as being with you two. Theres a lot I would trade to be able to go back and do it all again. I miss you both immensely. @XazeYou put more effort at a leadership level then I think I've seen from anyone else, both current or previous founder. This is not meant as a dig at them, but as a celebration of just how much it feels like you've done. You have literally made synergy 2.0 with all these improvements/advancements. Just make sure you go outside every once and a while. @Brooklyn Don't feel like i need to say much for you, you know. You've been a great friend when I've needed one. Thank you. @Woeny One of the golden oldies. Honestly don't know how you're still kicking, but its good to see you still manage to enjoy yourself. @Gears I know we had a falling out during the whole HC meeting thing, but i'm glad we've been able to talk again over our love of the order. Thanks for letting me be palpatine, it really meant everything. ( I will continue to run jedi intel stuff for you if you need. ) @Jayarr I hope the focusing on real life thing is working out for you, and you're not just playing swtor lol. Honestly the downward spiral all started when you left, and just hasn't been the same since. I'll miss our early morning hangs. This map you've made is magical, i hope you know that. @Caidoon@Eclipse@Col You guys really where such standout guys during my time in SOBDE. You made it so great. @JaBakuWe changed the order in such a way that the changes are still in effect and going strong. Its something I'm very proud of and i loved hashing things out with you. You took a chance on me for windu and it meant the world. @Daytona211Someone that loves the game for the same reason I do. The interactions, roleplay, and star wars of it all. I hope we can come back to a place where the event server gets the respect it deserves, the respect you showed it every time. @Mazen YOU COULD HAVE CHANGED IT ALL. But you abandoned us we we needed you most! @NissanMikli Take good care of the batt, she means something special to me. @Guac @KayPBest ERP partner. @ Founder Its a pretty good server you got here. Its meant a lot to a lot of people. Heres to hoping it can keep doing that for years to come. And lastly to all the other people I've met along the way, its been a hell of a ride and I've loved (almost) every second of it. Thanks for the memories. If anyone has any pictures/videos of me doing stuff on the server and posts them i'll love you forever.
    15 points
  30. Name: Marvel RP Rank: Major pain in development’s ass Suggestion: Recreate or bring back the old f4 menu with all the battalions and faction jobs so people can view them all again. Implementation: Not sure about all the technicalities but could we not just put them back on the f4 menu and delete the ‘Select Job’ button 😅 Lore: RSB? Workshop content if applicable: N/A (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") Other: I think losing the ability to view all the different jobs we offer on the server was a huge loss. I know myself and plenty of other people enjoyed being able to browse through all the options we had and not having that menu also makes it more difficult for newer players to learn about all the groups we offer on the server. I also think it would be cool to add more details to the menu like what each kit offers and what not but really I just want the menu back. THIS IS NOT ME ASKING TO REVERT THE WHITELISTING SYSTEM I JUST WANT A MENU IN GAME THAT LISTS ALL OF OUR BATTALIONS, SUBUNITS, FACTIONS, AND THE JOBS WITHIN THEM!
    15 points
  31. LMAO Call me crazy but rank climbing on gmod swrp servers is what incentivizes 60% of new players to join a battalion and play on the server. No amount of super epic events and broken 100 dollar store bought weapons will make a new player interested in joining a community. Your forgetting the importance of the fluff that exists to generate a larger amount of creative freedom within battalions on how they function. Battalion culture does revolve around ranks one way or another. Not every battalion can be like SOBDE, where nobody cares about rank inside the battalion. 50% cut off of ranks which is the most influential system in the entire server which serves as a basis for all roleplay to occur... without any community consolation on the change before being done???? Another massive change that will cause more problems than it fixes.
    15 points
  32. I should’ve done this months ago as I’ve been burnt out and focused on bigger and better things than gmod for quite a while. With college quickly approaching my time on Synergy is officially coming to an end, at least for now. When I joined the server with @Hanzalmost 2 years ago I joined to minge and ruined one of @Shockpoint's deployments and was quickly blacklisted from 501st by @Conrad. I set off to join ARF in any battalion and blow up a debrief before quitting the server, but instead I ended up having a change in perspective after finishing my tryout for 212th with @BadDog. I decided to give the server a chance which I had never done on any other server. With me staying I met some great people and became hooked on the server during the pandemic and stuck around much longer than I would've ever imagined. I don't expect to ever fully come back, but I will absolutely stick around in TS to some extent. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Goodbyes: Only going to type out some of these, the rest will be an @ @Mazen You have a great ability to make any conversation or channel interesting and its been great knowing you from Titan Base until now. The drive you have for this server is insane to me, long live The Earth Kingdom. @Hanz I thought she was 12! @StrikerGood luck with university, doing a double major in league of legends and fortnite is ambitious but nothing you can't handle @MaterYou came a long way from the days of causing terror as CT PVT Darthsaderkiller, best Canadian on Synergy @Finn You were a great shadow BCMD and friend, our time working together in 212th are some of my favorite memories from the server @Sixta 212th legend. @CarsonGC was hella fun when you were GCC @Luther Congrats on director, good to see you doing well @Whisper You helped me a lot in my early days on the server @Conrad 12 days away from the anniversary of the blacklist, glad I got to know you after that @MasonA Your Cody term was one of my favorites and 212th couldn't ask for a better leader right now @Spieler @Mavelle The best dynamic duo on Synergy, glad I stayed up until 4am the night you two joined the server @DennisKeep up the great work @BabatundeCertified Titan base OG, we certainly made the most of the days of me you and Bacta being the only people in TS @Marvel Meeting you talking about that disgusting creature at 2am was almost as awesome as your vulture droid events @Jovanovic Working with you as ATK REG was a good experience, hope you're doing well @Maddoxxone hundred and ninety two @FyiWe don't sound like each other. @DonoCongrats on GMD, big shoes to fill but I'm confident you'll do well @A-a-ron Why were you smiling??? @LecheThanks for believing in me and trusting me to be your successor @Comics Most misunderstood player on Synergy!!! @Shockpoint One of the people I'm most glad to have met, get in TS a little more often @Katy Please resign from staff its been way too long, thanks for being a good friend from my first couple days in 212th @NazerinoSorry for not being able to put my all into my time in SOBDE but I'm glad that I've been a part of it. You're doing a great job, keep doing what you're doing @Caidoon One of the coolest mfs on this server. Don't do drugs kids! @Vicodin See you at OSU at some point @Gaster @Slak @Wren @Leche @Sarius @Carson @Pythin @Jack @Alien @Moose @Bitter @Orion @BigZach @Lyonaxis@Guac @Eagle @Mantis@GlizzyGlock0@Whataburger @ToasterBath @Cox @jacobfyfe @Maxwells @Donut @Dilqui @Sriracha I absolutely forgot a ton of people so don't take it personally :) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I didn't save many screenshots or videos but here are a few moments I could easily find @Conrad Moments before disaster @Mazen @Comics @Carson @Whisper @Axar @[SR] Frank @MasonAyou're all the bomb, glad to have met you Making the hard decision to leave 212th after more than a year Why is my ping so high? One of the most fun 2am nights on Synergy with @Jovanovic "Yoo whats up guys its your boy LaFlame back again just wanna let you guys know that Longshot is the GOAT and Commander Doom @Slakis the greatest clone on this whole base" _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Goodbye for now!
    15 points
  33. FINALLY this day has come. Ive been waiting for some good fucking drama. Firstly, I find it funny that there are people here talking about the Jedi Order dispite being no where near it. So as Mace Windu for 4 Months now and being under soon to be 3 Yodas, Allow me to actually talk about that later in this post, instead some bullshit lying and theorys that is going on here. If my vote pisses you off then I couldnt care less. The amount of slander and bollocks that is being shown here is honestly amazing and shows how certain people are stunting the growth of synergy. Allow me to start with fellow community member pythin. Who ive worked in many departments and do respect on a personal level. Ok. Firstly, You are clearly ill informed on the Jedi side of this. In no way, in ABSOLUTELY no way, Has Bacta ever forced a change on the Jedi order within the Jedi order itself? No. The only things that have effected the Jedi order are server wide changes, such as PTS changes, PTL Changes. Some of which I disagree but not firmly disagree to say it has negatively impacted the Jedi Order. If anyone is gonna call out micromanaging, its going to be the Jedi High Command, Last i checked you aint that. I got in a shouting fight with Bacta due to my disagreements with him having oversight, I too had fear of micromanaging and radical changes. But thats all it was, Fear, I was down right stupid in the way I reacted but can somewhat be understood due to how passionate I am with the Jedi Order. If anything hes helped the Jedi Order, For the Jedi Side he was the most positive about getting Rahm Kota started and while it was rough on the edges, It was partly on our side. You have the Grand Master Of the Order currently. Who Ive known to have to take breaks due to the stress High Command has caused... and hes +1d.. I was waiting for his response. I was curious how he was gonna vote, But both of us had somewhat of the same general consensus of how Bacta was as an advisor. As if this is exclusively Bacta doing this. If this is an issue then maybe we should be talking as a community, Not going after a single person for it. Does he advert too much, Does he have a bit of a main character syndrome, Yes and Yes. But I dont think this is a issue that would warrant someones Marshal Commander to be questioned. Ive seen these screenshots and honestly I dont see anything of major unprofessionalism. The Harassment here is disputable. Dont get me wrong. Bactas "Schizo tick's" or whatever he wants to call them are fucking stupid. But damn is it the lowest on the totem pole for reasons for denial. Now lets move on to Dennis, Oh boy have we had disagreements and slander. Dont fucking even. It is rich for you to claim targeting of yourself. This here is the guy that gathered fellow HAs at the time to create a document and threaten to resign if Bacta wasnt removed for HA. A move that almost got you removed from HA entirely. Only for the founders to stop the Community Coordinator Woeny from executing it. Then when you left in a fit, you started PMing Directors any time Bacta did the smallest thing wrong. So forgive me in having doubts in your claims due to your history of Witchhunting and consistent bashing of Bacta. Now people here could claim.. this was 1-2 years ago, this isnt really relevant and hasnt done it recently. Well, you would be wrong. You literally just came back and you were already back to trying to get Bacta removed from a position. You even went as far as attempting to get waived for Palpatine, to which The Jedi Order, Civilian factions turned that down in an instant. You always have an issue with particular individuals. You were very much open about it when we were both High Staff. The many times that ive had reports of you and your fire nation discord, vote bombing, Witch hunting and harrassing. So again... forgive me for having a bit of doubt here. this is a stretch... a fucking big one as well. Dennis, It seems like you are trying to add alot of Padding to your response here. Finding any dirt you can get on bacta to throw into your post. Its very clear you have been gathering and keeping this for a while. Its kinda shameful. The more and more i read this the more pathetic this is becoming. HE SAID CUM, OH MY GOD HES A CRIMINAL! Its a fucking gmod server, Not the Senate of the United States. Calm down, How can you get easily offended over the smallest thing here. Lets not talk about breaking rules Dennis, You broke a rule so hard you took a fit left and made and killed a community. Welcome back by the way. Well, The Name "Defacto-Palpatine" is a bit much.. If he said it then its laughable. Technically he is but idk man thats weird. also over stepping in High Council Meetings. I didnt know you were a Master Dennis, Im gonna need you to pick your trial times mate... No he didnt over step the High Council, Hes been positive with Masters, Praising the progression and also helped in my own issues. "faction leaders may be hesitant to voice their opinions due to their reputation on the server." This is an a weird accusation. "Factions leaders +1d.. but really they didnt cause they scared".. Shut up lol, Me and Silvian had arguments with the DevCo about this and I have been very vocal about my issues. So if you could please... Leave it to the Factions leads to speak on their own. Also another interesting accusation that Bacta was the one denying your progression in Bounty Hunter, To which is a weird lie cause I know Civilian Leadership have been gathering opinions from people and likely came to a conclusion. There are many reasons why you were likely denied and saying you should cause "3x High Staff" is laughable due to the many positions you have taken up and almost all of them were covered in drama and issues and many reports... I dont think we need to go back to your Commander Report and how I as Director disregarded the communitys opinion to pass you for Bacara. With what Ive said, The only one thats holding personal grudges is you Dennis. Bacta took a gamble and it didnt work. Bounty Hunter was being very hostile in RP and maybe the KoS was warrented. I think Bacta will openly take the L for this. It was a experiment and it failed. Maybe the KoS was warrented due to the Colt Crime Syndicate cosplaying as ISIS and doing a decapitation video... I dont know.. maybe thats just me. This is a blatant lie. Since your entire VA/HA stint was during my time as Director and Management. I can say you are lying out your ass here, we had no plans for this. These are so trivial, None of these changes have negatively impacted the server. They are just adjustments and a different view point on how things are run. Personally im against Jedi being removed from PTS' and the PTL Rules are a bit rough. But this istn anything Major. Well allow me to speak on this myself. He was a big pusher for this. But id say the slowness of its implementing is on the Jedi side. Not Bactas. When we were discussing this in High Council Meeting, It was fairly quiet on if we wanted to do it. But Bacta went to bat for it and so far its turning out to be successful in the Jedi Order. So id say he helped alot :D Id thought you would be a big advocate of Battalion Emails, But you probs right its not that impactful. Jury is still out for Role-player of the week. The Office of HC Bi Weekly is a godsend. Ive been asking for them to be back for ages. This drives community discussion, votes on matters and gathers opinion. 2 of these posts have had votes with 1 of them passing into the server. your cherry picking is interesting. If someone getting Marshal Commander marks the end of the server then im a multi billionaire. What a ridiculous statement. "Permanent Alienation"... Yea we alienated the server every time we gave you a 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Chance. Im not gonna take an opinion like this from someone who failed at making a SWRP Server itself Lol. We are not going to defcon 3 cause some guy is making a re-app... Jesus Christ. What a insult to those who have worked so hard to get the server back in a good position. What a insult to Xaze, To Woeny, To the battalion commanders, The faction leads. your entire hatred for 1 person is pathetic and makes you look like a right ass. Get out of here. Now. Bacta.. There are issues I have with you, Your random ticks of turning main character. Your lack of hesistance when coming into the Jedi Order. I think the way you approached it came across as a takeover, in the end it wasnt. You have the server in mind all the time. You throughout your time as Marshal have worked on your own improvement, such looking at how people see you. 1 month into your term this would of been a instant -1.. But you have worked hard to get in a reasonable position... You have alot more work to do... Ignore these fucking idiots. +1
    14 points
  34. I want to preface this stating that this is a full-resignation. I'm resigning from BCMD and any other positions I may hold. It's been over a year since I've made a return to the server after two years of not having time for Synergy. It seems that I've found my way back at that position. After weeks of contemplation, along with a week of trying to clear my mind of everything during the break, I've come to the realization that I just do not have the time to focus on the server anymore. My classes have continued to hit me with an intense amount of work week after week, and it’s not close to finals season. I thought I would be able to balance it all like I did last semester when running 104th, but it’s not the case this semester. I am currently starting LSAT prep as well, which will take up a lot of free time I once had to play on the server. In addition, I am starting an internship soon in a Criminal Defense Law Firm. Life is moving quickly for me, and I can’t push everything back anymore. I’m moving onto bigger and better things. I've had a lot of great memories on this server with a lot of great people. Those memories will continue to stay with me. I've had a wonderful ride in my year here, and I'm leaving knowing that everyone here will continue to do great things in their lives. I can't thank some of you enough for all the great times, experiences, and guidance in my year, from 104th PVT to Commander Wolffe, from NA to Head Admin, and even in my short-lived time as BCMD Boss. Everyone here has made an impact on my life in a positive way. For my goodbyes: @Ollie_ @Zeros - To the only two people who somehow were able to keep me sane throughout all this time, I can't thank you enough for all the memories. You two are the reason why I stayed, even after my most stressful moments in every position. Without you, I'd probably have a Joker Arc. Thank you for being my closest friends on here. @Xaze @Tec @Turtle @Deku - My biggest supporters in 104th, and the people I originally looked up to. I couldn't have started my line of leadership and responsibilities on the server without your help. You all taught me a lot, and I wouldn't have wanted anyone else. @Mavelle @Daytona211 @Stockings @Conrad @Brooklyn @Guac - Piling you all together solely because you're my D&D Pals, but because you all have done so much to help and support me, whether you know it or not. From helping me to break out of my shell and passively roleplaying a lot more, to guidance in both staff and position leadership, you've all been some of the most insightful motherfuckers ever. I promise I'll be at more sessions once things slowly die down again in real life. @Crisp - You get a special place you pea-brained idiot. Somehow you've managed to support me in every battalion I've been in. You always say you're done but you're a great leader and you hold responsibility very well. I trust you to do great things both in and out of the server, and I hope to prosecute you one day in court for your eventual crimes against humanity. @shroud - Love you man. Do great things. To my SOBDE brothers, sorry it was short lived. I wish I could've done more. If I were to leave with a single quote, it would be this: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." It's been one hell of a ride, and I'm glad to have called this place home for a year. Farwell, and I wish you all best of luck wherever you go, whatever you do.
    14 points
  35. I want to completely phase out /me RP with as many mini-game esque interactable systems similar to the sadly underutilized rayshield/console hacking addon we have. We used to have a bomb defusal one that was fun as well. Flesh out the current TECH addon we have. Rn there are small issues for GMs where they can't setup multiple rayshields and idk if anyone can spawn hack tools rn. Replace EOD /me with physical bombs to defuse. Something where you can see the interior of the bomb and have to cut wires in a certain order. Fuck up you and anyone near you die. Imagine a medical menu for MED RP that was literally just a game of Operation the medical troopers can do when they do checkups rather than all of it being /me RP. You fuck up and the player you were working on receives like a health deduction for the rest of that life lol Also defibs really need to return for medical revives. I know they haven't had a great track record but I think when they were around they improved events for both the players and GMs. Something where engineers have to physically repair things like the Engine Room or even vehicles. Not just left click with fusion cutters but that's fine rn but a cool interactable system for ER would be awesome. Even something for Alien Translation for 41st and Tech would be sick. A physical way for troopers to actually rearm vehicles outside of maintenence stations I don't have an idea for everything or if it's all even possible but interactable systems are so much better than typing simulator. It is my life long dream to phase out /me RP. We could probably look at plenty of other games for examples of minigames/puzzles they implement into their games for ideas but honestly fuck /me RP I said it. I just feel like it's more engaging to actually be doing something rather than typing up a storm with nobody watching 9 times out of 10. All the times I did the TECH rayshields or consoles or the bomb defusal mingames I felt way more engaged with what I was doing compared to following a script which is most trainings. Here is some rankings of minigames/puzzles in video games that we can take inspiration from: https://twinfinite.net/2016/11/best-video-game-hacking/ or minigames like the lab puzzles from spiderman ps4 for example Think we start with the more common Clone trainings then we can move onto Factions. Civilian is gonna need a ton of interactable systems if they ever want to get on their feet.
    14 points
  36. This is a resignation from all positions I hold on the server currently. Ima be honest this is really hard for me, I have been apart of this community since August of 2017 and I've loved every single second of it. I've met so many amazing people and had so many amazing memories on this server. Normally I would say I will return sometime in the future but to be honest I have no clue what the future holds for me right now. I'm starting a new chapter in my life, finally getting out in the world and hopefully getting the opportunity to travel around the world and see places I would have never thought I would have seen before. I wish I had more time to spend here and help the community grow and prosper but it's time for me to leave. I am shipping out on September 13th but it's time for me to fully prepare for what's ahead. I'll stop by in TS from time to time to say what's up. There's too many people to say goodbye to so ima just say goodbye to everyone, I love you all.
    14 points
  37. Orion Resignation from server Reason: I had my share of fun with the community but its time for me to take more time for myself and resign its pretty hard to be writing this Farewells: @212th @501st Just wanted to say to all of you that im really thankful for all the oportunity and good times that we shared with you guys i always considered this battalions to be part of a family. I really had the most fun and never regret joining and never leaving Here we go hopefully i can get everyone: @Mavelle This guy right here joined around the same time i did in 212th, you are an amazing person and never let no one tell you otherwise really enjoyed playing music with you. @Finn You have been really supportive and im glad i had the chance to meet you @Katy During my grind you have been a great mentor and especially a great friend aswell im really grateful @Jovanovic Met you when you were a youngling and look at you now being a Marshall CMD, imma miss you man @Stix Man i had so much fun with ya best Ahsoka and Bariss combo for me, Glad you can be anakin @Atlex Really glad you made it to Rex im sorry i wasnt there for Anakin but you did great work in 501st and im really glad where you left it at. @Deku Met you at the wierdest of time but i really glad to be ur friend you are a really understandable person and really helped me out when i needed i appreciate that, imma miss you @Conrad Im thankful for the oportunity you gave me. Best anakin i had while i was ahsoka you keep doing great @Phaser You stinky you keep care of 501st (she beat my longest ahsoka term gg) i always loved you and keep watch then for me i know you will do great and better to come im gonna miss you <3 hit me up if u wanna play RL @Babatunde Cant forget my homie, im glad that we could build Red Squadron and leave our mark better take care of it or imma hunt you @Bacta You’ve been a great person since i met you in foxtrot(212th), you’ve grown since then and became a great friend im gonna miss ya Flower Boy > IGOR just @Hanz Imma miss your annoying ass <3 @Shpack @Pog @Mater @Silly @SEXICO @shroud @Drage @Cuzzo @Abraham@Pythin@Sock Monkey @Forseen @Maxwells @Jad @Square Keep doing great work with the server and thanks for making it a great experience for everyone Alright im doing this on my phone and im definitely missing a shit ton of people just gonna say for everyone thank you for making me part of this community and i dont regret nothing its been a good ride for me so this is farewells feel free to text me in discord or anything. Much love for everyone Here you go @Tazsrry i forgot my slow ass brain of course imma mention u
    14 points
  38. I'm Leaving. That's the update :) This is not an ‘I’m going to say it…” post. Cliche music outro: Well, everyone, the time has come. I’ve spent many years here, seeing the worst of it and seeing it at its best. But there comes a time when it’s time to move on. I’ve done what I can for the community, and I ain’t got no gas anymore. For those who can’t read or have the attention span of a gerbil; yappervile XD LMFAO, fortnite dance, skibbidy toilet, womp womp, loud = funny meme compilation. Split video mobile game/family guy. Moving on… I stuck around when the community was in its death throes. But I stayed with it and supported @Xaze, the development team, and @Jad. The community climbed out of its hole. And as far as I am aware, I don’t recall any gaming server, let alone a Gmod one, going to the brink of death to recover as we have. I am proud of the work we put in to get here. And I am proud of all of you for sticking around and supporting us. However, I’ve reached a point where I don’t see myself contributing healthily or productively. I am quite open with my opinions, and I’ve never shied away from sharing them with the community or server leadership. So, I am not going to reiterate those points. Instead, I’d like to remember all my good times. I will address the community with one point; This is a community of people who are trying to create a cooperative experience. These petty inter-battalion/faction squabbles, vying for power (whatever that’s worth), stabbing each other in the back, and ruining friendships because you disagreed are the worst part of you all. Holding people to standards you do not uphold yourself. The worst possible thing you can do is break trust. I know you can be better because some of you have shown how to be better. Grow up. It’s a game, an RP server where you must work together to create a fun experience. Don’t be a shitter. There are many good memories, and I’ve made many lifelong friends here. Just to highlight a few as I can’t name every moment but; Helped rebuild Special Operations from the ground up when it was its battalion. Back then, things were a lot more stupid regarding how things were done back in the day. You new guys got it easy. Mainly playing as a CT to change the perspective of how CTs can roleplay and how they should be perceived and treated. They are new community members; we should show them a good time and positively interact with them. I’m happy that things are much better than they were back in the day. I will not shout out an individual battalion, but some do it far better than others, and you can all learn from them. CTism is real. The Navy is underrated. I enjoyed playing in the faction every time, as you have a lot of creative freedom if you just push and try. But it’s mostly passive, which is fine. Please stop bullying the Navy; they are walking nerd emojis and have it hard enough as it is. Bounty Hunting, just all of it. This faction has so much potential for RP, creating small stories amongst friends, which can affect the community. Even today, I still get asked about bringing Clan Leven back because of its impact on the Guild and Community (it’s not coming back, so stop asking; you know who you are). My bounty hunter experience was the same as playing KOTR, with how in-depth and fun it can be if you put enough effort into it. For those who say BH is bad, or boring or “let's bring back X faction and replace BH” because you just want something to shoot, just play as a clone. You’re already dull, so don’t make it worse for the rest of us. It’s 100% a skill issue if you can’t make BH fun for yourself, as it requires creativity and thinking outside the box; yes, I know thinking is hard, but some of you can figure it out. Jedi is the worst faction. Toxic labels should be put around the temple on jah. Development. Jad asked me if I wanted to work alongside him and I do not regret that decision. Helping sculpt the community and its future was a worthwhile project, and I enjoyed all of it most of it. Would I do it again? Yes. For as much pain and stress it has caused, from internal disagreements to the aneurysms the community has given me. It was all worth it. I enjoyed working alongside Xaze, Jad and the other developers. As much shit as you all give Xaze, I give him 10x more shit. Catchup. But the team is passionate, and they care, so ease up on them. They are only human and try their best for something they volunteer to do for you all. Blocking all of VA+ for a while. You’re annoying. #Fuckstaff Lastly, the community. Um, you’re honestly a bunch of shitters at times. You don’t know you’re ass from your elbow. Unless I looked into a septic tank, I don’t think I’ve met a more toxic cesspool (looking at you forum goblins and people who don’t play anymore but think their opinion matters). Now, for those who didn’t just jump to reacting or replying with a comment before they finished reading, this is for you. Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage I still love this community. Despite all of the faults and issues, there are good people here who genuinely care for others and want to have fun—just shooting droids, playing a character, and creating stories for others to enjoy. I’ve seen the community be wholesome and genuinely want to work together. I just wish it had occurred more. I just wish we all could be better. Don’t be evil. Be kind. So this is it. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavours. One last thing. This video is my favourite clip on Synergy that lives rent-free in my head, and I need to watch it now and then. Oh and if you think to or comment “where’s my @” then you didn’t deserve it. This is the same energy of “Where’s my hug.” Don’t pretend that you did. Everyone knows why you weren’t. PS: I’ll be in TS for the rest of the day to chat after this is posted.
    13 points
  39. +1 finally someone with fucking balls of steels can finally get this guy. Here is some of the lessons i learned that i hope kaiser can learn. @KaiserNeiner No fucking warnings on this server, this is a hardcore fucking GMOD server for people like us, dont try to ruin it with your mingy behavior dude. No fucking getting into LAAT, your barely trained and frankly just a bad driver let real fucking pilots get it, not only do you take over CG you wanan take Pilot job next? No fucking spawning in lightsabers at all, we get it bro you were rahm kota! but no one fucking cares geek, how about you use your ARREST BATON and stop being biased/favortism I have had personal issues with kaiser before so im glad someone can finanly speak out against him, during high staff meeting kaiser would constantly talk about "Making Synergy Great Again" he made it such a hostile work enviorment one meeting i screamed and cried @JamesBrentthe silent minority stands with you brother
    13 points
  40. Babe it’s time for your daily post about the founders!
    13 points
  41. Watch the video, its a fantastic song, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7wr2FBxcyI I tried to write this message like 15 times and every time i just close the google doc in annoyance cause its so hard for me actually to write this out I joined synergy at the worst time, officially, i joined at the tail end of Joah leaving, the server was depressing, everything was stagnant and the player base was at an all-time low, but in that low, i meet some of the best people in my time on GMOD, people like Pog,Finn, Mason, Leche,Katy,Naz I remember just running around with 212th talking to some Russian guy about how Russia has the new vaccine (we never saw him again legit scared for that MF), being competitive, and trying to get 212th to be the best battalion as that was my battalion, being proud of having that gold on me. My going-up arc was so fun, i remember FYI telling me you would make a good staff member, Gears telling me I could make a good HA, and Bro telling me that you most likely going to be Cody cause of the gearshift curse. Met all the new people and talking shop about SWRP, learned about the systems of ARC, Staff, tried to figure out who the higher-ups were, and was a bit timid when the new founders were so active during our channels. This was around the time the server boomed again, meeting newer generation people like Mavelle, Spieler, Caidoon. I put almost 125% of my shit into this server, at every turn at every drama and course, I wanted to see Synergy be #1, to be dominant, and to be king. I fought with everything i had and burned bridges cause of it. I look around and realize was it worth it? I got kicked to the curve when demoted from HA for a day, I got denied from ATK REG, denied from the director twice, but i still wanted to see the server boom, every day at any moment of time. It was addicting to see the numbers shoot up. I think the tipping point was realizing when was the last time i was hyped to do an event, hyped to rush in head first with a project and find enjoyment. Do I have more fun just chilling playing pulsar or playing GMOD? I always vowed to not be an inactive high staff member and that promise is coming true. Im so scared to resign cause i keep thinking im gonna get that addiction again, but why wait when i can just resign. I'm so grateful for almost every person in synergy, that laughed at my shitty jokes, that gave me a chance if that even prayed on my downfall to make sure my ego was on check! But its over, there isn't much for me to do anymore on the server, I feel complete and content of what i did and achieved, I want to move on and thrive, go to San Fran, focus on college, get away from this addiction.
    13 points
  42. Hey Korm, I think about you alot, way more than I ever expected. I hope you're doing well. I miss you man, and I have alot of Star Wars lore that you never got to see, I hope to one day share it all with you. Your memory lives on, with me, and many others. I hope you're resting easy. Thanks again for everything brother.
    13 points
  43. Well this is a very tough thing for me to write right now. I’ve been with 501st for over a year now and I’ve loved every moment of it. But sadly my time here has come to an end with the boys in blue. Term is up next week on the 1st but I am leaving for a trip tomorrow till the 6th so might as well resign now. Just wanted to shout out a few people who have made my time a blast. @Drage Man we’ve been through a lot together this past year, it’s been a pleasure and I can’t wait to see what you do with the 501st! Keep in touch brotha! @Silly You are a freaking genius man and I’ve loved working with you and seeing you advance through to commander, if you ever just wanna chill and play some shit i’m always down. @Kryptos Life long Jesse right here, you are amazing man and I love how much you do to help out. Mma miss the hell outta you man! @Corey My favorite person to get drunk with and play SOT. You are always a good time to be around and an amazing role model to all around you. Good luck with everything you got going for you and I still owe you a shot night. @Hansen @Seabass You 2 are the people I am most proud of in this battalion. I remember blacklisting you guys when you first came around and now look at yall, huge members in the 501st! Wouldn’t be where we are today without you guys. Keep up all the work you guys do. @Deku Man you’re the goat. Thanks for all the chill talks and having amazing ideas and being one of the most helpful people I’ve met. @Shrimp I see so much out of you man. You really are amazing at anything you set your mind to. I can’t wait to see your future in the 501st! @shroud Man I’ve seen you go from padawan and saying that you’re gonna be Anakin one day to becoming Anakin during my time as Rex. I loved seeing the growth you’ve had and just hanging out with ya. @Phaser Goated Ahsoka man, really a good leader and helpful to me all the time. I miss your sick MC builds. @Finn Thanks for being an amazing ATK Reg during my time as Rex. It’s been such a pleasure. @Xaze You are an amazing Regimental and I am sad I won’t be Siege Deputy Commander Rex anymore :( @Atlex Man I miss seeing you around all the time, hope you are enjoying retirement! @Marvel Without you 501st wouldn’t be where it is today and I can’t thank you enough for the work you did for this battalion. @Bane Man I've loved seeing you as Cody and am sad that we didn't get to do as much as I wanted together, but you are a great guy! @Mystic Imma miss my XO Pit droid :( I definitely missed a whole bunch of people but I can’t think at the moment. Gonna miss the 501st very much, may be back one day who knows!
    13 points
  44. There is some lack of information on the situation involving the Mass RDM that several people have referred to; I'd like to clear some things up so that people do not make application decisions based on something that is possibly false. The entire Veteran Admin team, myself, and both directors viewed video evidence of an RDM situation in which an ammo box was spawned underneath Hanz on a landmine, killing multiple people. The team investigated and reviewed the video closely and determined that there was not enough evidence to determine that Hanz spawned that ammo box, because of both physical aspects of the video and the statements of the people surrounding Hanz at the time. I recommend not including that specific aspect of that situation in your reasonings here, as there was not enough evidence to come to a clear conclusion on whether or not there was guilt. (This is not a vote nor an opinion, merely information pertinent to comments on the application.)
    13 points
  45. The Kanye West of Synergy I wasn't suspended or punished because I made a port threat and the member of the community thought I was gonna do anything, I am willing to bet my car, my house, my job, my phone, and much more that the person or ANYONE that is "scared" of an IP will be using this as an easy way to fuck over other members of the community, pushing this rule will only make the server have this as a taboo idea, and more issues will come as a result. I can assure you the person who reported me simply said Bacta just said an IP JOKE, and it resulted in a suspension from staff. IP Jokes will continue to be made because it's such a microscopic view on it, this is doing the opposite of limiting the jokes, the efforts being made by the people pushing this rule could be used on other situations on the server that need help. I was suspended from SA, a position that I have held and maintained being a staff member for almost a year now, possible removal from GMM, and I have been dedicated countless hours to helping Synergy, I will continue to help synergy even after i get banned for the 5th time for a joke, after denial from director, ATK REG, i will still be here, (unless this post results in my community unban)
    13 points
  46. Battalion: G.A.R RP Name: Marshal Commander Cyris Date: 12/24/2021 Reason: Term is up, just had a few words for some people. Goodbyes: I'll try to keep it brief without listing every possible person that's made an impact on my MCMD terms lol, I'm still going to be around of course! @BroCouldn't write this without putting you first man. You helped me out so much more then you realize during my first term as MCMD, and just as a human being. I've matured into my positions and as a man because of some of the knowledge you left with me. And for that I'm forever grateful. Appreciate you Bro, and I hope we can talk to each other some more, miss you. @GearsMy man. We often didn't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things but I knew I could look to you for honest and genuine feedback, even if I didn't agree with it sometimes. I appreciate all you've done for Synergy as well as myself. We made quite the team in HC. @CrimsonAnother lad, just like Gears, we didn't always see eye-to-eye. But god damn we got shit done, appreciate your work ethic and honest, zero-bullshit mentality. @JovanovicMy BOY, it's been a hell of a ride. I still wish things didn't go down this way but damn it's been a pleasure working with you in HC. I appreciate you being my "punching bag" after some heated HC situations. Aka just being someone I vented to lol, a real one man and we're for sure not gonna stop talking so don't think you got away from me that easily. @ConradI've been blessed with a series of good Palpatine's to work alongside of, which of course you're apart of that. I appreciate you for everything you've done for me, I wish our time as a duo was longer. Keep HC together for me, will ya? And for god sakes please never stop with the "From the Office of High Command" document, as tough as it was to get them out sometimes, I genuinely love the idea and was happy to be apart of it. @StockingsKeep at it man, you've been a serious threat in your position. The first Siege RCMD, and definitely one of the best RCMDs I've had the pleasure of working with, keep it up man. @BrooklynAnd who can forget this dipshit, it was always a fucking blast whenever we were in the channel together. (Even during interviews ) But you've been with me for a long time, similar to Jova but in different ways. Guild has got itself a great leader, and it's going to continue to strive under you. @Sixtayou're ok i guess. (Love you man, a true memer but a great Yoda so far, I'll be with you every step of the way) @BlackRetired drunk! Nah but seriously similar to Gears & Crimson, we didnt always have the same opinion but it was a pleasure working with you, enjoy your Synergy Retirement and have a drink for me! @JaBakudon't be a stranger, miss you man. Polo G enthusiast right here @Freckall troops, report to debrief <3 @GuacI've got high hopes for you, if you fuck up I'm personally going to come to your house and commit crimes, that's a promise. :) @Willyworm1Just want to say, no harsh feelings. I had a great time working with you and you've been a great Mas Amedda. One of my favourite "Senate Speakers" @Bactaoh yeah and thanks for giving me a place to stay in between MCMD terms, fuck your long ass battalion meetings btw. But still enjoyed my time in 212th <3 @Bracei knew I was forgetting someone when I first posted it. Actual perma Yularen lol, love you man and working along side you as ATK Reg and for a moment when I was MCMD was really fun. One of my favourite Yularens for sure @Fyi& @MaddoxxGood Luck you guys, make sure these idiots in HC don't fuck up too bad while I'm gone. Thanks for everything you guys do that people don't see. Thanks you all for helping me with my journey as ATK Reg and 2x MCMD. My time within HC has been some of the best times of my Synergy Career. I'm sure I'll be back eventually, you won't truly be able to get rid of me :) And to the rest of ya, whether you're one of the short few who love me, or you're one of many who hate me, just know I'm coming back for the position eventually. All in due time
    13 points
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