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Brooklyn's Admiral Application

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Steam Name: Brooklyn
RP Name: Ninety-Nine
RP Rank: Lieutenant
Steam ID: 76561198352656846

Why should you become Admiral?:

I will try to keep this section to the point.

First off, I have dealt with the inner workings of Naval previously during my Marshal Commander Term. I worked directly with Tec, who was Admiral at the time. I assisted with getting a plan together to bring the Navy back to decent activity, which succeeded in the month I worked on it. I understand a lot of issues are purely minor or lack of effort based. Which will be easy to work on with prior knowledge on what gets the Navy going.

Secondly, I can quickly switch up on a dime to ensure everything gets done in the most efficient way possible. I have a pretty good reputation for being about to fix problems. I am not saying the Navy is a problem, but currently it is not running at a good enough capacity. It is heavily reliant on 2-3 people. That isn’t healthy for them or the Faction. I have a good eye for potential and I can get people motivated and moving quickly.

Now I want to touch on what I have currently been doing for the Navy, to show that I’m not all talk. I have pushed for job changes / updates to make naval a bit more useful outside of granting ability. I have pushed for the reorganization of rank ability to give everyone a clear and defined task to work more effectively. Done a decent amount of recruiting and training. Not to mention going into ts and trying to get people to join. Anything to boost numbers up. Finally, coordinating with a few Gamemaster’s to allow Naval to Brief Clones for Main Server Events.

Lastly, High Command Experience. I know the job expected of me. I am able to work with the current members and I am able to hold an unbiased view in those areas. I won’t dive too deep into this, as I want to keep it short and sweet. Basically stated, I have the traits and experience to back my ability to be trusted in this position.

Do you understand the purpose of Naval on the server?:

The Navy has many different purposes on the server. Not only are they in charge of 3 of the most important RP Trainings that Synergy has, but they are also one of the first points of contact when it comes to passive RP and Civilian interaction. 


In Game:

Monday - Friday:  5pm - 11:30pm EST

Saturday & Sunday: 9am - 12am EST


My job allows me to be on my phone pretty much all day. So I am basically available 17 hours a day for 7 days a week. Only time I am not is when I am sleeping. 

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:

41st Battalion Commander Gree

104th Battalion Commander Wolffe (Twice)

Rancor Battalion Commander  Blitz

Helping the rebuild of 21st

Captain Keller
Navy Lieutenant Special Agent Jan Dodonna

Recon Regimental Commander

Guild Leader (Two Terms)

Governor of Onderon

Marshal Commander

RC XO Master Arligan Zey

Head Admin (For an hour) 

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want the Navy to be at the end of your term?:

I intend for the Navy to be sustainable with more than 3 officer+ at the helm. A little bit of faction restructuring will also be necessary as Naval has been stagnant in it’s position for quite some time (Topics detailed below). Also to be more well-respected and forward during interactions with other factions or during events. I also will have the RSB Branch up and running with a new way of interaction with the server. This would be moving away from the unlimited power they once possessed with Base Passes, Hunter Detainment, and base ability. Lastly, I intend to work on how Ranks in the Navy are defined to create a self sustaining system like I have done within Rancor. How I plan to do these things will be laid out in the next question. 

How do you plan to change the Naval under your command?: 

The Officer Core Restructure:

  • Officer ranks within the Navy follow more of a seniority guideline instead of a responsibility set up. I intend to go rank by rank what the responsibilities in-game and out of game are. Ensuring that everyone knows exactly what they are supposed to be doing in both settings.

    • I do not intend to fast promote anyone to the Officer Core unless it is a Defcon 1 scenario and the people that would be promoted are 100% trustworthy.

    • This is currently something being worked on, as our Officer Training Doc has been updated to include these changes to get Officers into gear quicker.

Republic Security Bureau Re-Introduction:

  • I have a rough plan that I drafted up for RSB. The general premise of this that I will gladly share is shaping them away from secret service members, and instead bringing them in as Field Agents meant to collect data.

    • One of the biggest peeves with RSB in the past was its complete control of a hunter's time on base. This time around, the only thing RSB members can do is conduct body searches on suspicious persons. 

    • I also want to state that RSB isn’t something that will be worked on right away. Until Naval has sustainable numbers it will stay closed.

  • Adding on this, they will primarily go undercover to gather intelligence on personnel that may turn hostile to the Republic. For this, I intend to create an updated RP database that is accessible in game and out of game to store Hunter Data. While also following PID rules set by the Guild, instead of permanent PID like in the past.

  • I have also had it brought up that a name change would help rebuild the reputation of this Unit. As currently it is scorned.

Outward Appearance:

  • The Navy has had the hardest time primarily with the way the server views them. “Button Ops” / “Never any Naval on to grant” / “ATC never managed”. The list goes on. At the very minimum, Naval personnel must be doing these things. A lot of this slack is picked up from SUPL’s in other Battalions, and their CPT+.

  • For the time being, I intend to spend most of my effort on this section, as getting Navy to grant 85% of all PTL’s and ATC is my goal.

    • The way I will go about this is by shifting the gears of what NCO’s should be focusing on. Right now they do pretty much all the grunt work in the Navy, so much so that a lot is forgotten about. Instead of managing events and communication, they will instead focus on the day to day experience for others in a timely fashion. Grant PTL’s and ATC allow others to have an enjoyable time without waiting on someone else to grant them 3 minutes later. 

Civilian Interaction:

  • Some of the civilian interaction was stated with RSB, but the rest of it falls under it’s own topic.

    • Senate: Senate is a big part of the Civilian Faction, so working with them while they are our direct neighbors across the hall is vital. Working in RP to make sure Senators are safe and are able to access what they need is crucial. Recently there was a bill passed that allowed Naval representation in the Senate, and I think this is a great step in the right direction.

    • Coruscant Guard: Working with CG to better base security is a must. Right now, SOBDE has been carrying on the “Data Heist” quest. I would like to see CG shine as the base security force we all know it is. I would like to work with Knight to create almost a patrol pattern for them that can keep CG busy in downtime, but also insure Republic data isn’t stolen as often!

    • Civilians: I would like to see Civilians be given work on base through the Navy. Basically granting them a 1 Day Contract that will allow them to walk around on base, interact with others, and make some money while doing it. This will include RP Tasks like fixing things, working in the cafeteria, helping with bunk inspections. That kind of thing. Working with Kirara on this would help greatly to get Civilians bumping a bit.

Naval Structuring

This section is going to outline some miscellaneous things that affect Naval as a whole.

  • 5th Fleet: I would like to see the 5th Fleet return to the server, but as part of the Naval Faction. Below are a couple ways I would want to have them implemented

    • Bring in 5th Fleet as a small combat unit for Naval that can be branched into. Not acting as Naval Protection like CG handles, but the eyes and ears on the ground for general personnel. Kit wise, something along the lines that follows the MED / ENG branch, such as medkit, armor, and fusion cutter. Meaning this would be 2 whitelists. 1 for each branch. But only with the DC-15A & DC-15S. No other special things. Should this be the accepted option, RSB would not make a return, as this would be the 3rd Branch. That being said, we would find something for them outside of combat. Maybe tossing that in Flight. Still working on this.

    • The other way is to add 5th Fleet models to MED / ENG / Officer whitelists and allow it to be utilized as combat armor. This would just give Naval something neat to swap to while in combat or on a deployment. Prerequisites being out of base or on deployment (Not Venator map).

      • With these two options, it would not take away the job of CG, but would give Naval either a small unit or model to utilize for combat. Somewhat quality of life.

  • Kit Changes: There are currently suggestions on the forums to add/change some of the Naval jobs, but I’ll gloss over what they are.

    • Fortification Builder for Naval Engineer: It’s a tool that allows buildable / destroyable barriers that can be deployed in combat. Giving Naval more of a combat presence / purpose.

    • Naval Medic becoming Naval Support Officer: This would change the name of the “Naval Medic” Job into “Naval Support Officer” and would allow them to use a bacta kit AND Armor Drop. Just like the job In Battlefront 2.

  • Trainings: This is a rough topic to approach as it has tried and failed many times, but I want to touch on the trainings that Naval holds. For a long time we have relied on the Branch Leads of other battalions to do all the training. So I want to institute a minimum requirement for ATC / MED / ENG / PLT Trainings. I want to do this one of two ways, so I’ll lay it out:

    • Plan #1: Institute a minimal requirement each training must be hosted by each branch. Each one must be hosted between 1-2 times in a weekly period. Overachievers are welcome.

    • Plan #2: Put out a training schedule following a 2 week period that would stay relatively the same. This will allow some planning ahead, but also hold people to these days and times to make sure it gets done.

      • Just because Naval owns the trainings, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t host them in a sufficient amount.

  • Other ideas include a Medal System that would be fun for the Navy. Helped by Gohn with Woods as inspiration. Maybe diving into other job updates or lore character job additions. For example: Tarkin, Krennic, etc.

I intend to save a little time for anything else that could go wrong so I don’t clutter or lose track of the goal.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Admiral rank?: Yes

  • Winner 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Not gonna meat ride, but Homie did really well as Blitz. Held the battalion in shape for a while, and did all, or almost all, he set out to do. 

I think his plans for Admiral are good, and if anyone can help out navy I think brooklyn can do it.

Maybe after he can finally rest

  • Optimistic 1

Former: Liaison


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Head Admin
22 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

5th Fleet:

This is actually a sick idea. Like a field unit that goes and shoots! Seems like a very fun idea for the Navy. 

I think Brooklyn is very good choice. In his officer position it seems he has already done quite a bit and I have listened to his plans for navy previously here and there when he got an idea. On top of that Brooklyn is one of the best BCMDs I have been under and generally my go to if I need advice or a second or third opinion on anything. I think he would be an amazing fit for the position of Admiral and can steer it in the correct direction with whatever he decides to do.

If you get Yularen you can get another BCMD+ position ticked off the checklist! :Pepega:


Edited by Rohan
Forgot the actual +1 part
  • Funny 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Brooklyn's Road to Advisor Pt. 190


I've had faith in you for every position you've applied for, and you never let me down.

  • Winner 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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You've done a lot with the internal side of things and have great ideas that would help make the Navy unique. I've had nothing but good experiences with you during any of your commander terms so it really isn't much of a reason for you not to be given the chance. I think you'll do more than great as Admiral and have full faith in you.


Best of luck.

  • Winner 1

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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Im ngl, I legit never saw any navy, for a wile I thought navy was an EC job. But as I've came back seen navy slowly been going up and really think you'd make an absolute great admiral 


  • Friendly 1

Bicep in the backwood that bitch too strong."

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  • Director

Huge +1 he is just doing suggestion after suggestion both inside Navy and the forums. He never stops with his giant brain of imaginagtion. If we just look at what he has done with Rancor, currently one of the most active battalions and he achived battalion of the month. Imagine what he can do with Yularen. 
If anyone it should be Brooklyn that get's the position. 

  • Friendly 1



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+1 Good RP as a Naval

  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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  • Friendly 1


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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Head Admin

+1 you have a lot of good ideas for Naval and you're one of the more active and interactive individuals in the branch. I have a lot of faith based on your success in Rancor recently that you'd lead Naval towards the promised land. 

  • Winner 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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+1. I have no doubts in this man's abilities or capabilities. You could see his hard work and dedication when he was Gree, and you could still see it when he was Blitz. Man is a legend, for real.

  • Winner 1

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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On 5/1/2023 at 8:45 PM, Rohan said:

This is actually a sick idea. Like a field unit that goes and shoots! Seems like a very fun idea for the Navy. 

I think Brooklyn is very good choice. In his officer position it seems he has already done quite a bit and I have listened to his plans for navy previously here and there when he got an idea. On top of that Brooklyn is one of the best BCMDs I have been under and generally my go to if I need advice or a second or third opinion on anything. I think he would be an amazing fit for the position of Admiral and can steer it in the correct direction with whatever he decides to do.

If you get Yularen you can get another BCMD+ position ticked off the checklist! :Pepega:



  • Friendly 1

Formerly: Coruscant Guard Snow, Temple Guard Gatekeeper V


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I've always found Naval to be in a odd spot whenever I've been around but with you I'm confident you can work it into shape as a good admiral. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Dumbass, Omega 15 CPL Fi (Again...)

Former: 501st ARFL LTC Boomer, 104th WP HVYL COL Sinker, Doom's Unit MEDL 1stLT Kortnul, 212th Ghost Company ARCL CPT Reed, Omega 15 CPT Fi, Omega 22 SGM Atin , Omega 09 CPT Niner , Veteran Admin x2

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  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Big +1

When I was told Brooklyn was interested in Admiral, I got excited. This man has put countless hours into Naval and working on new ideas for the Faction. He's been open in his communication and has answered any questions relating to it. He's had very good communication, very easy to talk to, and very dedicated. It's clear he wants best for Naval.

I do ask though, if you do get Admiral, will you take over Yularen or another lore character? If you do get Yularen, would you be open to some roleplay aspects with 501st, such as the interactions between Anakin, Rex, and Yularen?

  • Winner 1
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18 minutes ago, Wood said:

Big +1

When I was told Brooklyn was interested in Admiral, I got excited. This man has put countless hours into Naval and working on new ideas for the Faction. He's been open in his communication and has answered any questions relating to it. He's had very good communication, very easy to talk to, and very dedicated. It's clear he wants best for Naval.

I do ask though, if you do get Admiral, will you take over Yularen or another lore character? If you do get Yularen, would you be open to some roleplay aspects with 501st, such as the interactions between Anakin, Rex, and Yularen?

I would be Yularen, and yes, I would love the RP dynamic as we are ship buddies

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1, no contest. It's sad to see you leave Rancor, but you have been pretty dedicated to Naval and if this is what you want to pursue, i'm supportive of you. 

  • Winner 1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!



i am literally captain tukk

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