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Everything posted by KaiserWilhelm

  1. -1 We didn't get to drop nukes on Baghdad in our last session
  2. +1 Much needed changes for KU
  3. So the objective for this change is to shift KU towards more of an CQB Assault Unit. Recon at the current moment is in an awkward spot, see their objective is to do Reconnaissance stuff (Obviously) but the problem at hand is the fact that 21st has a subunit dedicated that does Intel Gathering, Forward Observation, and general Reconnaissance work thus making KU Recon redundant. The idea for KU Support and their role within the unit ties in with my goals of turning KU into a Spearhead Unit, with each member armed to the teeth with the Westar, Medics keeping us in the battlefield, and Supports increasing our survivability with their armor drops, all of which synergizes with what we currently have. With that being said, I believe Recon (ARF) is taking up a slot when something that could impact the battlefield could take it's place, as the job only entails you with the DC15X but you already have one of the best weapon on the server so what's the point of using it. The grand scheme of things is creating an identity for KU being a Shock Unit with a couple small changes, sure we may be already be portrayed as one but I'd like for us to at the very least impact the battlefield even if it's small. My bad if I got a little side tracked here and there.
  4. Name: Wilhelm RP Rank: CMD Suggestion: Replacing KU Recon in favor for KU Support Implementation: Removing the DC15X from KU Recon (ARF) and changing the WL to KU Support and giving the standard Support loadout. Lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Keller's_unit Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following if not, leave it out. Add or Change: Change the current loadout to a standard Support loadout including the Westar. (Any job modification requires all this information) Job: Keller's Unit Support Slots: 5 Description: N/A Model: (Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu) Weapons: weapon_hands rw_sw_dc15a_o rw_sw_dc15s rw_sw_dc17 rw_sw_westarm5 rw_sw_dp23 alydus_fusioncutter comlink_swep Other:
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