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SquishyFishy Yoda App (Waived)

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Steam Name: SquishyFishy

RP Name: Squishy | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Senator Aang

RP Rank: Senior General | Council Member | 212th COL

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:62093210


41st PVT - Captain - So I joined 41st within my first 3 days on the server and enjoyed it very much. People may remember me as the 41st trooper who would thank everyone for coming to debrief. I didn’t really do a whole lot as enlisted but once I reached SFC I swapped to Jedi and rejoined the battalion as a Jedi maining Jedi ever since.  as a SFC I got Intel trained and was doing things that officers are supposed to do in my opinion fairly early.


Improcco Jedi Lead - I was given the position of Improcco Jedi Lead at the rank of SGM and at the time it came with the rank of 2LT so I skipped CSM and WO because of the effort I was putting in and my activity in the battalion but more than likely it was my activity but not sure. I put in effort in Improcco and was working on the Jedi Tryouts with clutch while they were Luminara. While in the position I worked with the team and tried to increase activity in Improcco.


Green Company Jedi Lead / Green Company Officer / Barriss Offee - After I achieved the Lore Character of Barriss Offee I personally believed that her lore/RP would not fit in well with Improcco and in the past Barriss had always been Green Company Jedi Lead so I wanted to keep that tradition and swapped out of Improcco Company to help there. I worked on getting Jedi into Green Company and helped with regular clone tryouts as well. But in this position I honestly did not change anything and just tried to help with activity and getting new people in the battalion.


41st Jedi Lead - So I was starting to realize that we probably were not going to get a Luminara for a while and I started speaking to the BCMD about getting Jedi Lead and I understand the reasoning that only Luminara can be Jedi Lead however I honestly wanted to change a few things to 41st Jedi as a whole so I pushed for it. Eventually I got the green light after a week of asking to be Jedi Lead. Once I was Jedi Lead I changed the 41st Jedi Tryout and worked on activity with everyone. I was working with Meow quite a bit at this time and I felt like we worked well together. I felt like I got Jedi to a fairly decent spot with what I had as far as active jedi went but other than that there really was not a lot.


212th Ghost Company XO - I was given the rank of XO with Big Zach as GCC because after a few discussions of removing GCXO and GCO I brought up a couple reasonings on why GCXO should stay and after a long and productive talk, they decided that since I am opinionated in a good way he stated and was the only one that was able to go out of meetings and telling him why I thought it was bad he decided we could counter each other very well and I was given the rank of GCXO. I have been helping with trials and trying to actively help GC when people want tryouts


212th Jedi Lead - So I joined 212th Jedi as A'Sharad Hett and was GC Jedi Lead for a very short time because Mason had real life issues come up and was not able to keep the position for very long while I was in the battalion. After he stepped down from Master and Obi-Wan I was given the position of Jedi Lead. So far I have been actively attempting to keep activity up. I have given the Jedi different types of incentives and actively trying my best to keep Jedi in a good spot that it was before I got it. The only thing at the moment in 212th Jedi that is being worked on is the Jedi Trial due to the new map not working with the old trial. I am taking a bit longer because I don’t want it to be something much cooler and fun. So I have been using a small replacement in the meantime. I have remade the Ghost Company Jedi Tryout as well which I personally believe meshes well with the regular dupe. Activity in 212th Jedi is at a low spot but I am actively trying my best to get Jedi in the battalion.


212th Senior Officer - As I have recently become a 212th Senior Officer I have put in work that I feel should be necessary regardless of position. Most people hold Jedi to a lower standard with less work required but I have tried my best to hold myself to a standard that the clones in the battalion are held to. I train Junior Officers and NCOs regardless of Jedi or Clone just like everyone else. I make sure things are getting done even if others don’t want to do it.


Consular Manager, Sage Manager, Sage Manager Lead - So This is probably going to be a bulk of my Jedi Experience. When I became a Consular at the beginning I was just focused on becoming a Sage but I fell in love with the branch and have a passion for it to this day. I really enjoy RP and have a lot of fun with it even if I struggle with voices like Obi-Wans (I am sorry) I still try my best to RP as he would. The Consular Branch when I joined wasn’t having trials hosted or anything of the such. I waited a week before I finally asked in OOC chat to have a trial. Consular even since I joined has gone up and is in a much better spot than it was in the past. I had put in and held myself to the idea of 1 trial per day and for the most part and since March 25th I have hosted and helped with 77 Consular Trials and 10 Sage Trials since April 8th as of writing this 7/22/2022. I will also state that not many people have shown up; however, I actively host them at all different times to ensure all timezones have a chance to attend a trial.


Consular Master/ Jedi Master - I have been actively trying my best to revive and keep the branch alive to the best of my ability. We have Managers that are actually trying which is good and we are trying to add more passive RP for the branch. I have been working very closely with Dono on the Sage Trial and we have combined the most recent trial with the trial prior to make it better overall. I have been actively trying to make sure we can fill the manager slots which has been hard but progress has been made. I really like how far Consular has come since I have joined and hoping it only continues to grow from here. While being a Jedi Master I have taken my attempts at doing a bit more roleplay than previously. I have been trying to work my way into helping with roleplay for those that are not the most confident and helping people that go through consular trials if they may need help with nuanced RP such as that.


Why should you become Grand Master?: So I believe that I can help the order by being an unbiased person who can help fix some of the current issues in the order. I am a very opinionated person which a lot of people see as bad however it can be good. I am not a yes man and I am not afraid to bring my opinion in when I think something is a bad idea even to friends. I can also work around other people's opinions as well. I would like to continue what the yoda’s before me have set in place because the overall Jedi Order is doing fairly well with the systems in place but I feel like I can help work on fixing the extreme cliqueness and bias that is in the order. I have my friends but I still hold them to the same standards as the rest of the server. I will not shy away from a conversation and I have been working really hard on not getting angry/upset when debates come up and personally believe I have become much better at not arguing. Some people may see me as argumentative when it comes to bringing my opinion into things but I am not mad and I am very open to hearing both sides and changing my idea to mold with others if they give a good idea as well. I want to help push the order into being a more roleplay friendly place. There are good systems in place to create passive roleplay but it can still be worked on a bit more. I want to work with ALL branches which personally I feel would be weird to do currently as a Consular Master and create some events that they would enjoy every so often and are catered towards their branch.

I believe that I have the work ethic that needs to be behind someone such as Grand Master of the Order. There is a lot of work that needs to be started and it isn't going to be an easy process. However, I truly believe that with the time allotted to me in one term I can use the time I have available and my work ethic to push, work with the order, and actually create an RP friendly area. The server as a whole feels very anti RP and if I can show the order that RP is fun and at the end of the day we have no reason to be embarrassed of roleplay because we all play on the same server, then that is going to be a small win towards pushing the rest of the order into a really good spot for the future.

So for some of you that may know I may have stated that I do not have any intentions of going for Yoda but I feel like at this point it may be time to put any differences aside that I may have and attempt to fix and salvage what I can. I have heard from active masters that if there is no yoda then it may be time for them to step down. I do not want the master team to fall apart. I personally feel I have the best interest of the order in an attempt to make sure it does not die out.


Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?: Yes there is a lot of lore to cover but if questioned I can give a run down but it's not like a battalion with a small amount to write out but yes I do understand the lore of the Jedi Order.

Availability: During the time of this term I will be available all the time LITERALLY unless I am sleeping. However my goal will be a minimum of 3-4 hours per day on the server, more likely 4. But I have no life and will be attending college full time online so I will more than likely be around a lot. My Current Activity I have held over 100 hours every 2 weeks fairly consistently since I joined the server but am slowly going down to sitting around 60-80 hours per two week. But here is a more official Schedule of times that I can and probably could be on except for sleep.

Mon - Fri: 12PM - 12AM

Saturday & Sunday: 10AM - 12AM

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


41st PVT - Captain

104th Wolfpack Sinker

104th Heavy Lead

ARC Trooper



Barriss Offee

Green Company Officer

41st Improcco Company Jedi Lead

41st Green Company Jedi Lead

41st Jedi Lead

Intel Officer


212th Colonel

212th Ghost Company XO

212th Ghost Company Jedi Lead

212th Jedi Lead

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Intel Officer


A’Sharad Hett

Consular Manager

Sage Manager

Sage Manager Lead

Jedi Master

Jedi Council Member

Consular Master


Senator Aang



Senior Admin



Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:


Cliques - I want to preface this by saying I have no plans to change or remove anyone from anything. But the order is extremely Cliquey and people show who they are fans of and such and  it's really not a secret who doesn't like who. I understand that not everyone is going to like everyone which is fine but the order should still be able to work together and RP together without avoiding each other. I know that I can be responsible for this because truthfully there are people who just ignore me when I try to RP with them which makes it hard to know who you can and can't RP with. I want the order to all in all put their differences aside and realize that RP is in character and regardless of if you dislike the person that is playing that character you should still be ok with at least RPing with them.

Classes - I want to work with branches and claw to continue what Willy started because currently no one hosts their bi-weekly class and yes I am a culprit in the past. I would like to have branches host either a class for their branch or a class for the order. I want to promote fun in the order. Things like force push sumo wrestling, teaching people how to fight antlion guards, saber throw dodgeball (Since hitboxes work with saber throw now). Just random fun things for the order to do that can teach them things about their kit, lore, anything as long as people are learning or having fun. In general my plan is to just enforce the original rule a bit more than it already is which is not at all. Working with Claw to push that out and it will in the end give the Jedi something extra to do and possibly look forward to.

Master Requirements - So currently we have the master requirements of 1 trial a week or 2 trials every 2 weeks. That means that every month if every master was active and not on LOA they would in total have to accomplish 28 trials per month collectively. I was given a really good idea that I 100% agree with. There is a concern that there are too many trials we are running and no one shows up to most of them. This idea that I really want to bring forward is creating a system where the only thing required is 4 trials per week (2 Knight and 2 Youngling the amount also inspired by Pythin's Idea). The main requirement for each council member will be 1 Knight or 1 Youngling trial per month and once you have done one of those you are no longer allowed to do one for the rest of the month until everyone has done one trial. In addition to the 1 trial per month, each week there will be 2 additional tasks that must be completed at least once per week by someone on the council. These two tasks are: 1 (in character) RP class and 1 branch trial (which can be any branch). Lastly I would like to push for once a month, someone in the jedi council who is capable of doing so, to run a jedi deployment (this Jedi deployment does not need to be the entire order and instead can just be a strike team or branch deployment). I am more than willing to listen to any feedback on this idea to get this working over time.

Roleplay / Mission Board - I don’t know what you would like to call it but the merit/bounty board was a really good way for people to get merits and increase their passive role play giving them something to do. I don’t know what exactly happened to that but I haven't seen it used or even know if it can be used. I have heard from some people that we can’t use it and that it needs to get reworked before we can use it again. I want to help remake and rework it to get it in a state where we can actually create this passive roleplay. Creating bounties that may happen just from roleplaying passively and things you don’t need to go out of your way to do. Vice Versa as well giving people things to go out of their way to do and keeping them occupied. Having stuff to do is what keeps people from getting bored for the most part and I feel the bounty board is a great way to handle that. The bounty board feels like a missed opportunity and just needs to have some time to take care of it and get it off the ground.

Achieving the rank of master - I want to rework how that happens because currently the way it is set up is the biggest popularity contest. We have had debates in the council that we want to put people up for master and no one is required to give a reason why or even their opinion. Sometimes we just see blind +1/-1 and I don’t think that is helpful at all to the cause. I would like to work towards enacting some sort of program where we can work with those who express interest in getting the rank of master. I want to create something not like a knight watch where we just vote on who to watch. I want this process to be more involved or at the very least require opinions in the votes if we can't get anything off the ground. The systems we have in place can be used to get your friends into high places because sometimes people just +1 to +1 because they have no issues but when issues are presented they are ignored. The Order should be able to work together and communicate together properly. I understand that some arguments/debates can become heated but sometimes things need to be worked out and talked about.


How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?: Branches currently are very very disconnected from each other and I do not like that at all. I want to work towards something like a program where 2 branches will be tasked bi-weekly to create a training together. We currently have 4 total branches which I believe you can alternate fairly well to have the Managers+ create trainings that work well for both or even just a class for them to hold.

I would say every few consular's I get into the branch tell me they were told by other jedi various things such as “Don’t join a dead branch like consular” and other things very similar to this. I want to emphasize that it should not be normal or accepted to be saying such things. I would like to make sure that no branch is trash talking the other, it is only a Jedi ORDER when all 4 branches can coexist.

When it comes to the Branches there are plenty of opportunities that can be taken to further push the ORDER aspect of the Jedi Order and get everyone to work together and not be divided.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: Yes

Edited by SquishyFishyy
Fixed spelling errors
  • Informative 1
  • Optimistic 1


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Squishy has been heavily mistreated within this community for some pretty petty reasons. I have seen this man put more effort in than any other person to revitalize the consular branch as a jedi master. Even through the times where the branch and order have become heavily inactive, squishy never really stopped the train within the consular branch and kept putting forth effort to improving it. I think squishy deserves without a shadow of a doubt the chance to go to into the interview and prove himself to members of high command that he is ready for this position. 

I fully support squishy for Yoda and I hope he is given a fair chance within this community for once.

  • Agree 2
  • Friendly 1
  • Confused 1


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but you didn't help rancor win bvb did you?

+1 im sure you can do this.

  • Funny 1
  • Winner 2

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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There's a lot to unpack here.

39 minutes ago, SquishyFishyy said:

Cliques - I want to preface this by saying I have no plans to change or remove anyone from anything. But the order is extremely Cliquey and people show who they are fans of and such and  it's really not a secret who doesn't like who. I understand that not everyone is going to like everyone which is fine but the order should still be able to work together and RP together without avoiding each other. I know that I can be responsible for this because truthfully there are people who just ignore me when I try to RP with them which makes it hard to know who you can and can't RP with. I want the order to all in all put their differences aside and realize that RP is in character and regardless of if you dislike the person that is playing that character you should still be ok with at least RPing with them.

This is certainly a way to put it... But I don't neccesarily disagree. It's all throughout Synergy, honestly. Groups of friends usually stick around their groups. I agree we should all be able to work together, and I like that your goal is to make that happen within Jedi.


39 minutes ago, SquishyFishyy said:

Achieving the rank of master - I want to rework how that happens because currently the way it is set up is the biggest popularity contest. We have had debates in the council that we want to put people up for master and no one is required to give a reason why or even their opinion. Sometimes we just see blind +1/-1 and I don’t think that is helpful at all to the cause. I would like to work towards enacting some sort of program where we can work with those who express interest in getting the rank of master. I want to create something not like a knight watch where we just vote on who to watch. I want this process to be more involved or at the very least require opinions in the votes if we can't get anything off the ground. The systems we have in place can be used to get your friends into high places because sometimes people just +1 to +1 because they have no issues but when issues are presented they are ignored. The Order should be able to work together and communicate together properly. I understand that some arguments/debates can become heated but sometimes things need to be worked out and talked about.

FINALLY, SOMEBODY SAID IT! No one gives input! I also think changing the process/method to promoting Masters is a good idea if done right. My question is, do you plan to keep the putting-up system? Or do you have something else in mind?


39 minutes ago, SquishyFishyy said:

Master Requirements - So currently we have the master requirements of 1 trial a week or 2 trials every 2 weeks. That means that every month if every master was active and not on LOA they would in total have to accomplish 28 trials per month collectively. I was given a really good idea that I 100% agree with. There is a concern that there are too many trials we are running and no one shows up to most of them. This idea that I really want to bring forward is creating a system where the only thing required is 4 trials per week (2 Knight and 2 Youngling the amount also inspired by Pythin's Idea). The main requirement for each council member will be 1 Knight or 1 Youngling trial per month and once you have done one of those you are no longer allowed to do one for the rest of the month until everyone has done one trial. In addition to the 1 trial per month, each week there will be 2 additional tasks that must be completed at least once per week by someone on the council. These two tasks are: 1 (in character) RP class and 1 branch trial (which can be any branch). Lastly I would like to push for once a month, someone in the jedi council who is capable of doing so, to run a jedi deployment (this Jedi deployment does not need to be the entire order and instead can just be a strike team or branch deployment). I am more than willing to listen to any feedback on this idea to get this working over time.


Changing the quota is good, but I still don't like the idea of lessening the amount of trials. People count on the variety throughout the week. 
Do you think this is a good idea? To lessen the amount of trials now, with the excess of Masters and the struggling of Jedi? This may slow people's progression, and slow your intake of members.


39 minutes ago, SquishyFishyy said:



41st PVT - Captain - So I joined 41st within my first 3 days on the server and enjoyed it very much. People may remember me as the 41st trooper who would thank everyone for coming to debrief. I didn’t really do a whole lot as enlisted but once I reached SFC I swapped to Jedi and rejoined the battalion as a Jedi maining Jedi ever since.  as a SFC I got Intel trained and was doing things that officers are supposed to do in my opinion fairly early.


Improcco Jedi Lead - I was given the position of Improcco Jedi Lead at the rank of SGM and at the time it came with the rank of 2LT so I skipped CSM and WO because of the effort I was putting in and my activity in the battalion but more than likely it was my activity but not sure. I put in effort in Improcco and was working on the Jedi Tryouts with clutch while they were Luminara. While in the position I worked with the team and tried to increase activity in Improcco.


Green Company Jedi Lead / Green Company Officer / Barriss Offee - After I achieved the Lore Character of Barriss Offee I personally believed that her lore/RP would not fit in well with Improcco and in the past Barriss had always been Green Company Jedi Lead so I wanted to keep that tradition and swapped out of Improcco Company to help there. I worked on getting Jedi into Green Company and helped with regular clone tryouts as well. But in this position I honestly did not change anything and just tried to help with activity and getting new people in the battalion.


41st Jedi Lead - So I was starting to realize that we probably were not going to get a Luminara for a while and I started speaking to the BCMD about getting Jedi Lead and I understand the reasoning that only Luminara can be Jedi Lead however I honestly wanted to change a few things to 41st Jedi as a whole so I pushed for it. Eventually I got the green light after a week of asking to be Jedi Lead. Once I was Jedi Lead I changed the 41st Jedi Tryout and worked on activity with everyone. I was working with Meow quite a bit at this time and I felt like we worked well together. I felt like I got Jedi to a fairly decent spot with what I had as far as active jedi went but other than that there really was not a lot.


212th Ghost Company XO - I was given the rank of XO with Big Zach as GCC because after a few discussions of removing GCXO and GCO I brought up a couple reasonings on why GCXO should stay and after a long and productive talk, they decided that since I am opinionated in a good way he stated and was the only one that was able to go out of meetings and telling him why I thought it was bad he decided we could counter each other very well and I was given the rank of GCXO. I have been helping with trials and trying to actively help GC when people want tryouts


212th Jedi Lead - So I joined 212th Jedi as A'Sharad Hett and was GC Jedi Lead for a very short time because Mason had real life issues come up and was not able to keep the position for very long while I was in the battalion. After he stepped down from Master and Obi-Wan I was given the position of Jedi Lead. So far I have been actively attempting to keep activity up. I have given the Jedi different types of incentives and actively trying my best to keep Jedi in a good spot that it was before I got it. The only thing at the moment in 212th Jedi that is being worked on is the Jedi Trial due to the new map not working with the old trial. I am taking a bit longer because I don’t want it to be something much cooler and fun. So I have been using a small replacement in the meantime. I have remade the Ghost Company Jedi Tryout as well which I personally believe meshes well with the regular dupe. Activity in 212th Jedi is at a low spot but I am actively trying my best to get Jedi in the battalion.


212th Senior Officer - As I have recently become a 212th Senior Officer I have put in work that I feel should be necessary regardless of position. Most people hold Jedi to a lower standard with less work required but I have tried my best to hold myself to a standard that the clones in the battalion are held to. I train Junior Officers and NCOs regardless of Jedi or Clone just like everyone else. I make sure things are getting done even if others don’t want to do it.


Consular Manager, Sage Manager, Sage Manager Lead - So This is probably going to be a bulk of my Jedi Experience. When I became a Consular at the beginning I was just focused on becoming a Sage but I fell in love with the branch and have a passion for it to this day. I really enjoy RP and have a lot of fun with it even if I struggle with voices like Obi-Wans (I am sorry) I still try my best to RP as he would. The Consular Branch when I joined wasn’t having trials hosted or anything of the such. I waited a week before I finally asked in OOC chat to have a trial. Consular even since I joined has gone up and is in a much better spot than it was in the past. I had put in and held myself to the idea of 1 trial per day and for the most part and since March 25th I have hosted and helped with 77 Consular Trials and 10 Sage Trials since April 8th as of writing this 7/22/2022. I will also state that not many people have shown up; however, I actively host them at all different times to ensure all timezones have a chance to attend a trial.


Consular Master/ Jedi Master - I have been actively trying my best to revive and keep the branch alive to the best of my ability. We have Managers that are actually trying which is good and we are trying to add more passive RP for the branch. I have been working very closely with Dono on the Sage Trial and we have combined the most recent trial with the trial prior to make it better overall. I have been actively trying to make sure we can fill the manager slots which has been hard but progress has been made. I really like how far Consular has come since I have joined and hoping it only continues to grow from here. While being a Jedi Master I have taken my attempts at doing a bit more roleplay than previously. I have been trying to work my way into helping with roleplay for those that are not the most confident and helping people that go through consular trials if they may need help with nuanced RP such as that.

Holy god, man. We get it, you have experience.


Overall, I've worked with you for a long time. You are solid, you are dedicated, and I know that if you do HALF as much work for Jedi that I've seen you put into Consular and 212th, it will thrive. 

BIG +1

I do have one question, though. There have been a few times where you've gotten noticeably angry or frustrated when certain decisions, conversations, or other events weren't going in your favor. It had come up a few times in the Council. Do you think this will be a problem if you were to become Yoda, and a member of High Command?

Edited by Lovestruck
  • Agree 2

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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11 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

Changing the quota is good, but I still don't like the idea of lessening the amount of trials. People count on the variety throughout the week. 
Do you think this is a good idea? To lessen the amount of trials now, with the excess of Masters and the struggling of Jedi? This may slow people's progression, and slow your intake of members

So I am putting up a suggestion to try and rework the requirements for emergency trials and make it less than 3 or 4 I can't remember which it is. I believe that if we make these changes to trials AND change the rules for emergency trials we can get more people in and promoted to where they need to be overall handling trials better.



11 minutes ago, Lovestruck said:

I do have one question, though. There have been a few times where you've gotten noticeably angry or frustrated when certain decisions, conversations, or other events weren't going in your favor. It had come up a few times in the Council. Do you think this will be a problem if you were to become Yoda, and a member of High Command?

Yes, This is a concern people have brought up and I have heard it plenty so don't you worry. I also briefly mentioned it in my app if I am not mistaken but I will cover this again. I personally have been working on containing my anger and frustration and keeping things to myself when I get angry. I don't know where the idea that I don't like when I don't get my way came in because after I didn't get Barriss as an example I stayed up all night and sparred practicing to get better. I didn't sit there cry and throw a fit. 

But as stated previously I can get heated but I believe I have come a great distance since when I first started on the server and handle myself much better than I used to and have been practicing with how I word things as well and not speaking before I think. I slip up time to time but for the most part im thinking about what I say and how I say it before it comes out.

Edited by SquishyFishyy


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@Pythinnice successor       -1.  fix ur app idk if they are typos (when u contradict ur self). Reply if they are!

Edited by ThorpyVEVO
  • Agree 2
  • Funny 1
  • Confused 2
  • Dumb 2

Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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56 minutes ago, SquishyFishyy said:

So I believe that I can help the order by being an unbiased person who can help fix some of the current issues in the order. I am a very opinionated person which a lot of people see as bad however it can be good

How do you contradict yourself that bad, if you cant even proofread this and see whats wrong with saying one than the other then you gotta take a long look at what you're saying,  and this plan for the order is just a rewording of literally every past plan made and usually nothing gets done, i have a lack of faith with what i'm reading even tho i dont indulge myself in the order since you know its always been a dogshit place ngl.


Edited by Piff
  • Agree 2
  • Funny 3
  • Confused 4
  • Dumb 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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57 minutes ago, Dono said:

Squishy has been heavily mistreated within this community for some pretty petty reasons

How so, or if @SquishyFishyy would want to explain or if anyone else than these two would like to explain that'd be dope

  • Agree 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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8 minutes ago, Piff said:

How do you contradict yourself that bad, if you cant even proofread this and see whats wrong with saying one than the other,


6 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:

Explain please?

So I will respond to both of you equally as you both have the same concern.

Opinionated was the word that I thought of at the time but it may have not been the best word I could have used. What I meant is that I have an opinion of my own but I am still more than willing to always take criticism and adjust my opinions as well. There are many people who I see do not form their own opinion and kind of just take words of others as their own. I don't mean in anyway that my opinions will always be in favor of people that I know and even if I do know you and disagree with your ideas I will bring it up to you and explain why. The order is supposed to be ran as a team and I intend to keep that momentum going forward.

  • Informative 1


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I need to word this in possibly the best way possible, so you can understand it. 

I don’t believe you would make a Great Yoda at all, and I can go into detail on a few points. 

1. You think every is out to get you literally all the time. Most of my interactions I have had with you, you end with things like. “This person doesn’t like”, or “ I wasn’t only saying my opinion don’t get mad at me. You also immediately assumed I was mad at you like last week because I responded to your message in one word answers. As Yoda, you can’t assume theses, and need to act mature. Work with you council, and sure people may not agree with you, but who cares. 

2. You talk about Cliques and wanting to fix them, when you yourself were in your own clique on the council. Cliques are inevitable as people becomes friends and tend to work better together after becoming friends. 

3. When things don’t go your way you tend to freak out and lose it. Whenever your council suggestions didn’t go your way. You would act immature, and assume  the 1. Thing I put. A Yoda shouldn’t be immature, and act this way. 

4.  When I was on the council you acted like you were the only one doing anything, yet you would take and do peoples trials for them, without letting them know before hand. People have lives and things to do that may get in the way. As Yoda you need to assume this, and maybe host an emergency trial later, yet I don’t believe you’d do that 


53 minutes ago, SquishyFishyy said:

So I believe that I can help the order by being an unbiased person who can help fix some of the current issues in the order. I am a very opinionated person which a lot of people see as bad however it can be good




56 minutes ago, SquishyFishyy said:

I want to work with ALL branches which personally I feel would be weird to do currently as a Consular Master and create some events that they would enjoy every so often and are catered towards their branch.

You don’t need to be master to do that. 

7. l

58 minutes ago, SquishyFishyy said:

So for some of you that may know I may have stated that I do not have any intentions of going for Yoda but I feel like at this point it may be time to put any differences aside that I may have and attempt to fix and salvage what I can.

Weird when You stated you’d only go for Yoda if Claw went for it? If you never had any intentions to go for Yoda, why go now, when most of things you suggest can literally be made and fixed as a Council Member. 


there is definitely more that could be said,  but I don’t think you’d be a good Yoda. 

The way you are, and the way I know you handle situations. I think their are better candidates. Best of luck


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Former: Liaison


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1 minute ago, Piff said:

How so, or if @SquishyFishyy would want to explain or if anyone else than these two would like to explain that'd be dope

Squishy by nature of the question cannot personally respond to that question since it would be unprofessional. I have known squishy for some time and personally seen his time in the 41st mistreated as 41st leadership outright threw away all of his effort and refused to acknowledge any of his work he did for the battalion after he left. I have seen more mistreatments but I do not think it to be the right place to open upon all of such things publicly just because I dont want to turn this application into a war zone. The people who are involved know, and I know I am not the only one who understands how squishy has been mistreated.

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7 minutes ago, Pythin said:

I need to word this in possibly the best way possible, so you can understand it. 

I don’t believe you would make a Great Yoda at all, and I can go into detail on a few points. 

1. You think every is out to get you literally all the time. Most of my interactions I have had with you, you end with things like. “This person doesn’t like”, or “ I wasn’t only saying my opinion don’t get mad at me. You also immediately assumed I was mad at you like last week because I responded to your message in one word answers. As Yoda, you can’t assume theses, and need to act mature. Work with you council, and sure people may not agree with you, but who cares. 

2. You talk about Cliques and wanting to fix them, when you yourself were in your own clique on the council. Cliques are inevitable as people becomes friends and tend to work better together after becoming friends. 

3. When things don’t go your way you tend to freak out and lose it. Whenever your council suggestions didn’t go your way. You would act immature, and assume  the 1. Thing I put. A Yoda shouldn’t be immature, and act this way. 

4.  When I was on the council you acted like you were the only one doing anything, yet you would take and do peoples trials for them, without letting them know before hand. People have lives and things to do that may get in the way. As Yoda you need to assume this, and maybe host an emergency trial later, yet I don’t believe you’d do that 





You don’t need to be master to do that. 

7. l

Weird when You stated you’d only go for Yoda if Claw went for it? If you never had any intentions to go for Yoda, why go now, when most of things you suggest can literally be made and fixed as a Council Member. 


there is definitely more that could be said,  but I don’t think you’d be a good Yoda. 

The way you are, and the way I know you handle situations. I think their are better candidates. Best of luck


Python brings up a great many points here and I do agree with many of them, including having personally witnessed the 1 and 3 quite a bit. I think these things need to be worked on to prevent having an unstable & unhinged Yoda.



Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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10 minutes ago, Pythin said:

1. You think every is out to get you literally all the time. Most of my interactions I have had with you, you end with things like. “This person doesn’t like”, or “ I wasn’t only saying my opinion don’t get mad at me. You also immediately assumed I was mad at you like last week because I responded to your message in one word answers. As Yoda, you can’t assume theses, and need to act mature. Work with you council, and sure people may not agree with you, but who cares. 

This is correct because for the most part people do disagree and dislike me and have stated that they dislike me. I hear from plenty of people the things people say about me behind my back. And you are correct I did assume you got mad for the one word answers because you have been short with me in voice before in the past and you have really not given me the time of day and I have tried.


10 minutes ago, Pythin said:

2. You talk about Cliques and wanting to fix them, when you yourself were in your own clique on the council. Cliques are inevitable as people becomes friends and tend to work better together after becoming friends. 

I don't exactly know what clique I am in within the order. I have people I get along with but I still go against them and go outside of that group. I still look outside of those 1 or 2 people I get along with in the council. I don't surround myself by just them and still work with everyone else if possible.


10 minutes ago, Pythin said:

3. When things don’t go your way you tend to freak out and lose it. Whenever your council suggestions didn’t go your way. You would act immature, and assume  the 1. Thing I put. A Yoda shouldn’t be immature, and act this way. 

I did not make many council suggestions at all and truthfully I don't think I created an issues or freak out or lose it. I may have maybe gotten a bit frustrated which is entirely possible but I never "lost it" or "freaked out" and this is an overexaggeration.


10 minutes ago, Pythin said:

4.  When I was on the council you acted like you were the only one doing anything, yet you would take and do peoples trials for them, without letting them know before hand. People have lives and things to do that may get in the way. As Yoda you need to assume this, and maybe host an emergency trial later, yet I don’t believe you’d do that 

So this is also misconstrued. I never acted like I was the only person doing anything and I would state that I needed help at times because I was claiming too many trials that week to pick up the missed trials. I never once said that I am doing everything and would just ask for people to take trials. As for the "take peoples trials" I would like to explain this. There were 2 trials I took one being yours and one being willy's if I remember correctly. Those 2 trials you both said in master chat you would not make it and I said I would do it for you. The trial you are probably referring to your right I did not let them know because Clutch had come up to me saying the trial was supposed to be hosted an hour and 45 minutes prior and he needed to help with 1 more trial that week to become an active master so I was going to host it. 


10 minutes ago, Pythin said:

You don’t need to be master to do that.

You're right you don't however if you are a knight doing this then you're an SA just hosting events. As a Knight you are also not really able to work with branches you are not in to my knowledge seeing as even in your own branch you can really only do stuff as a manager. As Yoda pushing for this I feel that it can get fully into gear and get more people on the ball.

  • Confused 1
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29 minutes ago, Pythin said:

Weird when You stated you’d only go for Yoda if Claw went for it? If you never had any intentions to go for Yoda, why go now, when most of things you suggest can literally be made and fixed as a Council Member. 

Also this part I didnt respond to this but I will here. You are right I did state that and that is why I created my app. However in my app I also stated that I was going for it now and putting my differences aside because there are people wanting to step down if we don't get a Yoda and I don't want the order to crash and burn. Also the most things can be fixed as a Council Member is in my opinion not as easy to do in the slightest because I believe that you can create a little bit more of a push as Yoda to get these systems into place if they do get voted on and pass. Once they pass as a council member you kind of just have to wait for someone else to get it going depending on the overseer that system would go to. As Yoda you can get things pushed through quicker and even work on it yourself. 


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24 minutes ago, Dono said:

Squishy by nature of the question cannot personally respond to that question since it would be unprofessional. I have known squishy for some time and personally seen his time in the 41st mistreated as 41st leadership outright threw away all of his effort and refused to acknowledge any of his work he did for the battalion after he left. I have seen more mistreatments but I do not think it to be the right place to open upon all of such things publicly just because I dont want to turn this application into a war zone. The people who are involved know, and I know I am not the only one who understands how squishy has been mistreated.

If by mistreatment in 41st means denied suggestions then i would not see that as mistreatment. Other than me ranting ab squishy leaving the battalion in which I personally apologized to him personally  there was no mistreatment from 41st. Please refrain from making the whole battalion look like a bad guy here.

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Certified G

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-1, you don't seem even close to capable enough to hold this position. Other people have brought up good points I just find you personally hard to deal with because you feel very dishonest with others. You've always got a report to make but you've never got something to say to people's faces, personally it just can't go well for yoda

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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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21 minutes ago, Comics said:

-1, you don't seem even close to capable enough to hold this position. Other people have brought up good points I just find you personally hard to deal with because you feel very dishonest with others. You've always got a report to make but you've never got something to say to people's faces, personally it just can't go well for yoda

I have plenty of times brought up things to the people that I don't get along with. There are people that dislike me and avoid me and that makes it hard to talk to those people. You say I don't have things to say to peoples faces but I plenty of times have said straight to peoples faces that I do not agree with them. I brought up to Pythin some things I disagreed with before his app was even up for example. I have even apologized to people who are mad at me for things that I don't know what I did and one of those people to this day have not responded and the other did respond. I don't know where this comes from that I am dishonest. I have straight up said to you that I don't agree with you most of the time. If there is anything I am bad at its being dishonest and people will know that I dislike them. In the comments of this app I have responded to people who have brought things up and if its correct I have stated its correct or even explained my side of it because people do have one side of a story and have never asked for my side.

Edited by SquishyFishyy
spelling errors


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13 hours ago, Pythin said:

I need to word this in possibly the best way possible, so you can understand it. 

I don’t believe you would make a Great Yoda at all, and I can go into detail on a few points. 

1. You think every is out to get you literally all the time. Most of my interactions I have had with you, you end with things like. “This person doesn’t like”, or “ I wasn’t only saying my opinion don’t get mad at me. You also immediately assumed I was mad at you like last week because I responded to your message in one word answers. As Yoda, you can’t assume theses, and need to act mature. Work with you council, and sure people may not agree with you, but who cares. 

2. You talk about Cliques and wanting to fix them, when you yourself were in your own clique on the council. Cliques are inevitable as people becomes friends and tend to work better together after becoming friends. 

3. When things don’t go your way you tend to freak out and lose it. Whenever your council suggestions didn’t go your way. You would act immature, and assume  the 1. Thing I put. A Yoda shouldn’t be immature, and act this way. 

4.  When I was on the council you acted like you were the only one doing anything, yet you would take and do peoples trials for them, without letting them know before hand. People have lives and things to do that may get in the way. As Yoda you need to assume this, and maybe host an emergency trial later, yet I don’t believe you’d do that 





You don’t need to be master to do that. 

7. l

Weird when You stated you’d only go for Yoda if Claw went for it? If you never had any intentions to go for Yoda, why go now, when most of things you suggest can literally be made and fixed as a Council Member. 


there is definitely more that could be said,  but I don’t think you’d be a good Yoda. 

The way you are, and the way I know you handle situations. I think their are better candidates. Best of luck


Since my last one got deleted... I agree with Pythin. From my past experience you would take peoples trials/tryouts/trainings whatever and then a meeting would be hosted and you would complain about how you do everything. I personally wouldnt like to work under a unhinged Yoda. -1

:monkaMEGA:Yea I'm Joe's son :POGGERS:

(Thanks Naffen for the pepe stuff)

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38 minutes ago, CooterScooter said:

From my past experience you would take peoples trials/tryouts/trainings

Can I please ask when this was in your experience because I have already brought this up and explained the 3 times that I have done this all 3 being as a master for knight and youngling trials. Only 1 of them being that I actually took the trial without mentioning it to the person


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1 hour ago, SquishyFishyy said:

Can I please ask when this was in your experience because I have already brought this up and explained the 3 times that I have done this all 3 being as a master for knight and youngling trials. Only 1 of them being that I actually took the trial without mentioning it to the person

Ah yes, I may! Back when Sage was getting started again you had times here and there when people would complain to me for whatever reason. I cannot speak on council's behalf for obvious reasons, but I can speak on tryouts. You did this multiple times in 41st and whenever people would volunteer you would make up excuses as to why you should be the one doing them. You also would complain to HC if things did not go your way but that's not the point! Tryouts you would also take from our lower ranked troopers (A lot from 41st but he included it) that would say they were getting on and would be on in under 2 minutes and you would say "don't worry I got it for you ill log it for you" and I don't remember a single time when you did. Oh, while I'm at it you also think everyone is here to get you. They could've spawned an extra droid on you in an event and all's it is is "They must hate me or something" Thats not how that works nobody is out to get you man. The "I just feel like nobody does anything in this battalion/branch and I'm just doing everything. It's starting to feel like a job." That stuff? If everything is starting to feel like a job, then I wouldn't recommend going for Yoda especially if you don't want to be handling everyone at once. 

Edited by CooterScooter
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:monkaMEGA:Yea I'm Joe's son :POGGERS:

(Thanks Naffen for the pepe stuff)

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3 hours ago, CooterScooter said:

Back when Sage was getting started again you had times here and there when people would complain to me for whatever reason.

So in Sage I was the only manager at the time with Lie Ren (who I hosted trials WITH at like 2am and was there to help them) and both heart and lovestruck were there and I was just hosting trials and we still to this day have it on a system of not hosting trials not often at all. I would never steal Sage trials from anyone because my starting trials were hosted with other people as well. Also I don't know how you can steal Sage trials from people if we have never had a quota for the week for the entire sub branch. We would just host these trials as we see fit back then.



3 hours ago, CooterScooter said:

You did this multiple times in 41st and whenever people would volunteer you would make up excuses as to why you should be the one doing them.

So lets talk about this for a second. There are multiple times where I would be sitting in the channel and I did NOT want to do a tryout but we had staff joining the channel saying that someone needs to do the tryout because no one else would. I have never once told someone no I will do it because truthfully I dislike doing tryouts and never once WANTED to do them in 41st and to this day still dislike doing them in 212th however I still do when needed. 


3 hours ago, CooterScooter said:

Tryouts you would also take from our lower ranked troopers (A lot from 41st but he included it) that would say they were getting on and would be on in under 2 minutes and you would say "don't worry I got it for you ill log it for you" and I don't remember a single time when you did.

I don't remember any time I said I would log things for people after doing something for them. As a matter of fact even after doing those 2 trials that I stated I would be doing for Pythin and Willy as a master I logged them because I hosted them. I don't know why I would give people credit for work they did not do and why I would take work from people that I honestly did not want to do in the first place. In 212th I will go out of my way to ask if people want to do something that counts for merits. I will still complete my tasks when needed and do what I have to do if no one does want to take it but this is again something that never happened.


3 hours ago, CooterScooter said:

They could've spawned an extra droid on you in an event and all's it is is "They must hate me or something" Thats not how that works nobody is out to get you man.

This is really an extremely absurd over exaggeration and truthfully why would I think someone dislikes me for something as small as this.


3 hours ago, CooterScooter said:

The "I just feel like nobody does anything in this battalion/branch and I'm just doing everything. It's starting to feel like a job." That stuff?

This was back in 41st and I know what you're referring to here. I would state that I needed help because yes I was doing a lot of the work back then. To the point where I was getting frustrated and burned out. I would actually leave things to get done to watch and see how long it would take and sometimes it would not get touched for a day and in very rare cases 2 days. I made a post asking for help because I wanted 41st to be a family that did everything together and split the workload across the entire battalion and not just the 3 or 4 people that were doing stuff. I have never done that since because I feel like the work load everywhere else since then is split very evenly and everyone handles their own weight. 41st may have changed since then and I am not using this time to air out dirty laundry but I am using this time to clarify that yes I did say something similar to that in 41st and I am here giving my reasons why.

Edited by SquishyFishyy
forgot Lie Ren was a sage so i added that
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1 hour ago, SquishyFishyy said:

So, let's talk about this for a second. There are multiple times where I would be sitting in the channel, and I did NOT want to do a tryout, but we had staff joining the channel saying that someone needs to do the tryout because no one else would. I have never once told someone no I will do it because truthfully, I dislike doing tryouts and never once WANTED to do them in 41st and to this day still dislike doing them in 212th however I still do when needed. 

Ok so what's different between your jedi youngling tryouts compared to trooper stuff. I understand the jedi thing but if you don't like doing one of the main ways to get people to join why should I believe, you will try it as Yoda. Also, if you disliked doing them nobody FORCED you too and especially with people in the channel. When you where 41st we had people on no matter what time it was wether it was 1 or 5 people so you were never sitting in a channel alone. 


I don't remember any time I said I would log things for people after doing something for them. As a matter of fact even after doing those 2 trials that I stated I would be doing for Pythin and Willy as a master I logged them because I hosted them. I don't know why I would give people credit for work they did not do and why I would take work from people that I honestly did not want to do in the first place. In 212th I will go out of my way to ask if people want to do something that counts for merits. I will still complete my tasks when needed and do what I have to do if no one does want to take it but this is again something that never happened.

Its not your work if you don't tell them you're doing them and then take the credit for it which you have done. Quite frankly I don't care Abt 212th rn because I'm not a part of them good tie in though I'll give it to you! Oh P.S. some of them have told me things aswell about how they dislike you and your leadership which is cruel but oh well. 


This is really an extremely absurd over exaggeration and truthfully why would I think someone dislikes me for something as small as this.

If its exaggerated how come I've seen it before. Many others have to. Oh, and the time you got mad because someone was in a channel saying your name and you instantly thought they hated you. I remember that too!


This was back in 41st and I know what you're referring to here. I would state that I needed help because yes, I was doing a lot of the work back then. To the point where I was getting frustrated and burned out. I would actually leave things to get done to watch and see how long it would take and sometimes it would not get touched for a day and in very rare cases 2 days. I made a post asking for help because I wanted 41st to be a family that did everything together and split the workload across the entire battalion and not just the 3 or 4 people that were doing stuff. I have never done that since because I feel like the workload everywhere else since then is split very evenly and everyone handles their own weight. 41st may have changed since then and I am not using this time to air out dirty laundry, but I am using this time to clarify that yes, I did say something similar to that in 41st and I am here giving my reasons why.

But thats all i dont want to be too childish.

You may have asked for help but didn't give people time to help you. I remember during our meetings you would be so disappointed in everything we did. Not only once but twice did you argue with Meow abt making a decision that quite frankly was better than any of ours. You also went of your way too complain that you weren't getting promoted even though sometimes you didn't even hit the TIG so you would cry to HC (Which i have proof of). Then you would bring up to Server HC. Thats where shit got complicated because then we had people that had a higher TIG then you and where a SNCO not getting promo'd. Back to you arguing, you would nonstop find a way to wine Abt every little thing we did. Not only that but you tried canceling something Mexico has done for half a year now which wasnt so bad (Improcco tactics). 

Also, you going behind people's backs? I got proof of that too! Honestly I wouldn't want Yoda that would talk shit behind their councils back. I also have a clip of one of your friends telling me what you said about council. But who am I to talk I'm only "Exagerating" 


Edited by CooterScooter

:monkaMEGA:Yea I'm Joe's son :POGGERS:

(Thanks Naffen for the pepe stuff)

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1 minute ago, CooterScooter said:

Not only once but twice did you argue with Meow abt making a decision that quite frankly was better than any of ours.

I don't think I argued with meow about making any decisions and if I did I am sorry but I honestly don't remember arguing about decisions with meow at all. He was a regular jedi who I was willing to work with. 



2 minutes ago, CooterScooter said:

You also went of your way too complain that you weren't getting promoted even though sometimes you didn't even hit the TIG so you would cry to HC (Which i have proof of).

Ok so this right here I will explain in front of everyone why I would "complain" about rank. There was no consistency in promotions. People were getting promoted without being TIG themselves and people were getting promoted without doing anything. There was a clear sign of favoritism here and I would question the consistency of promotions. This is all I was doing and was never complaining that I was not getting promoted. 


4 minutes ago, CooterScooter said:

you would nonstop find a way to wine Abt every little thing we did. Not only that but you tried canceling something Mexico has done for half a year now which wasnt so bad (Improcco tactics). 

6 minutes ago, CooterScooter said:

Then you would bring up to Server HC. Thats where shit got complicated because then we had people that had a higher TIG then you and where a SNCO not getting promo'd.


I never tried cancelling improcco tactics. I just personally did not agree with them because all it really was was powergaming. "Improcco Tactics" were used to void inhibiter chips, find any gun you wanted in crates during events, and even zipline completely across maps. A lot of things that just did not make sense and created a sense of main character syndrome. I just didn't agree with it never did I go out of my way to cancel it. 

The only TWO times that I brought up my rank were people being promoted with SAME TIG at a higher rank or Less TIG at same rank. This literally only happened 2 times and again just goes back to the thing where I was questioning consistency and not anything about the promotion itself.


8 minutes ago, CooterScooter said:

Also, you going behind people's backs? I got proof of that too! Honestly I wouldn't want Yoda that would talk shit behind their councils back. I also have a clip of one of your friends telling me what you said about council. But who am I to talk I'm only "Exagerating" 

The council knows I do not agree with some of their stuff it's not exactly a secret.

As far as you exaggerating there are points that you have listed that are over exaggerated quite a bit.


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+1  A very solid application!  I think Squishy would make a great Yoda!!  I love his work on the server and he deserves a promotion of this caliber!

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People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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Something I feel you should know before you get into these kind of things, you can't eliminate bias. It's an ever-prevalent factor that's always going to be looming over you in some shape or form, and to claim you can eliminate it is very improbable. The position of Yoda has you running an entire faction in which various people will be in and out of on a regular basis, and from what I know (being good friends with two different past Yoda's and listening to the rants of several masters) it can get really, really stressful and people will test your patience constantly.

My recommendation for you is to get people beneath that can make up for your shortcomings. The reality is that you can be presumptuous and you can have this mentality that people are out to get you, but you also have very promising strengths demonstrated by the fact that you're willing to talk with just about anyone and the few interactions I've had with you have shown you to be a very nice, approachable person overall--not to mention, you actually have pretty decent ideas. Play to your strengths and don't be afraid to get help for your weaknesses.


I think you should at least have a chance at the interview. If the big men don't see you as fit for the position, then use it as an opportunity to address concerns that others may have. Good luck to you.

  • Winner 4
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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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On 7/27/2022 at 7:03 PM, SquishyFishyy said:

Achieving the rank of master - I want to rework how that happens because currently the way it is set up is the biggest popularity contest. We have had debates in the council that we want to put people up for master and no one is required to give a reason why or even their opinion. Sometimes we just see blind +1/-1 and I don’t think that is helpful at all to the cause. I would like to work towards enacting some sort of program where we can work with those who express interest in getting the rank of master. I want to create something not like a knight watch where we just vote on who to watch. I want this process to be more involved or at the very least require opinions in the votes if we can't get anything off the ground. The systems we have in place can be used to get your friends into high places because sometimes people just +1 to +1 because they have no issues but when issues are presented they are ignored. The Order should be able to work together and communicate together properly. I understand that some arguments/debates can become heated but sometimes things need to be worked out and talked about.

If this is true,  then this needs to be determined on branch work, leadership, and RP.  I know some people are going to say "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, LOOK AT PEOPLE LIKE BRO AND CONRAD".   Not saying those were wrong exactly. 

What speaks volumes is that Ratio is willing to come out of hiding and give you a shot.    He's honest and hates bias in general.     I will agree that you should be given a shot as well.

Good luck boyo.  +1

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Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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This app is a interesting one. Just by the comments and the reactions alone. it shows Squishy is right about cliques and bias. For the past year the Council has got softer and softer, getting annoyed at the slightest mistake or any attitude problems, forgetting that this is a fucking gmod server and they are expecting the most professional people. 

The replies here are so nit picky, with loads a varying of opinions and their own side of things, where I dont know whats true and what isnt. What is true is that Squishy has a strong and ambitious plan, too ambitious i would think, but hes the only one here standing up and attempting to take it on, which I admire.

Squishy, If you are to get Yoda, this is going to be no easy task. You will always have people going to hate you and you are always going to have people actively working against you. What matters is you stick to your guns and your plan and see it out. If you do fail, then it should be acknowledged that you tried and gave your best shot.

I hope High Command see your case out and prove the people wrong, cause you may be by far the most interesting and intrigueing choice for yoda, dispite peoples opposition. (which some dont even play anymore, shocker).

+1 Give them hell.

Edited by Gears
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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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+1 Everyone got their opinions, but I still think Squishy makes good points. Let's see what the man can accomplish with Yoda +1

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Currently: Jedi Master Kit Fisto

Former:  21stGM Commander Ganar | 41st Commander Barriss Offee | 41st Jedi General A'Sharad Hett | Shock Captain Jay | Jedi Battlemaster Cin Drallig | Omega Niner

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Although I do understand some people's concerns, I do believe that Squishy could possibly make a great Yoda. So far, in the time that I've been working with him, I have nothing but good comments. This man is on pretty much every time I get on the server and I get on everyday. And his leadership is pretty great as well. Squishy is nothing but a great person and unfortunately, his app has given people the wrong idea about it. Making apps is obviously not his strength but it doesn't mean that he's incapable of being Yoda.


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Current: Obi-Wan Kenobi (x2), Guardian Master (x2)
Ex: Rex, Tup, Kix, and Appo, Bultar Swan


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Even though i didn't have time to interact with you alot, i read a solid application and it looks promosing, sure there are some type errors but no'one is perfect. Sure you possibly made mistakes somewhere in the year and i hope you learned from them.


You deserve an interview at most. And i hope it goes well

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I can only speak to the behavior I have personally seen from Squishy. I know he is dedicated and thorough, and that he strongly believes in Jedi and wishes them as a branch to succeed. I have read Pythin's post, but I have to say I have not personally seen any of the negative behavior he has described. I'm not saying it hasn't maybe occurred in the past, but I do not believe I have seen that behavior during Squishy's time as Obi-Wan.

While I personally think he would make a fine Yoda, I am worried about how much will be able to be done if there is even half of the disagreement in this thread. As such, I will give a +1, but I highly encourage the Directors to ask in the interview how he intends to bridge the gap between those he disagrees with. No man rules alone, which means that even as Yoda Squishy still needs the support and goodwill of people to get any policy approvals through.

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I have known squishy since I got back into synergy this year didn't like him at first but I grew to like him. Does he complain about bias and being targeted I mean yes but it isn't all unfounded I don't think its targeting its more like people don't like him and they are in positions to get in the way so ig that is targeting in a way lmao. But moving past that I have seen him grow and grow in Jedi and in 41st as I was by his side for most of this part. A few things I can say about this man is he is active I hevent had a insanely active Yoda since I got back into the server and this man would do just that and he gets insulted and talked down to more then I ever have in my life but he is still kicking aint he? This tells me he will be able to handle stress that comes with this type of job. From when I met this man till now he hasnt been beat by his peers and IDK about council meetings but he must keep pushing for his ideas one after another when/if they get denied and that tells ya he aint giving up on things easily.

+1 because I want a yoda that's active, that IK will put in work, and that IK can handle the stress this position comes with +no other JEDI masters will probably apply

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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