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Snadvich's Yoda App


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Steam Name: Snadvich

RP Name: Direk Vhaun/Rahm Kota

RP Rank: Overseer 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:115518545


GM (2018-2019) (2020)
Worked my way into Galactic Marines under Oxen and stuck around as a SGT trying to give out as many training sessions as possible while trying to maintain numbers. I became Bacara a good while afterward where I worked on improving our nascent officer corp and introducing some new blood into GM. Alongside this, I worked with my HC team to revamp all of our training to be more open for roleplay options while keeping the information concise. Later on, we worked on improving our NCO’s to maintain a serious standard while also knowing when to chill. A few years later, I'd return to the 21st as Mundi and helped revamp our Jedi system for GM and KU which boosted our Jedi numbers during the days on Felucia. Alongside this, I continued to push for players to roleplay more based off how they perceive their characters instead of just “Bhop and click”
Jedi [Mace Windu, General] (2019-2022)
When we switched to Endor base alongside and Sith was added to Jedi, I came back initially to assist Medic with Naval Jedi, Healer Branch, and Lore Keepers. Soon after, I  joined CG to help improve Ratios and Bbstines new Shock Jedi program. I worked to help get the project off the ground when Bbstine had to take a step back and led Shock Jedi to a very healthy playerbase which reached our player limit of around 4-5 active players. Alongside this, I'd become a Consular manager and worked with my fellow managers to bring Consular back from the dead. For my work within the Branches and Battalions, I was able to become a Master under Scribble’s council. From there, Bbstine, Thexan and I worked together to maintain our standards for our masters regarding activity. Around this time, I reached Jedi General and Hett for my continued work within Shock Jedi. I worked with CG and TG to ensure our standards were universal for all Jedi including Masters. We worked closely with the Sith order at the time to ensure both sides were balanced in the grand scheme of things. When Scarecrow became Yoda, I was given Mace Windu. From there, we tried to focus the Order on standards for conduct and roleplay.
I’d come back to Jedi under Gears and focused on the Branches this time as Consular and Sage were struggling once again and alongside Crimson and Metro, we helped bring it back again. Alongside this, I'd assist TG leadership in reviving their branch on Felucia. Under the council of 13, I noticed the growing divide between HC Jedi and Masters and attempted to close the divide between the two by pushing more Masters into HC Jedi matters where it mattered for them. Soon after, I became Anakin Skywalker within 501st, revamp their Jedi docs and help Shockpoint push 501st into a RP focused battalion and lead the battalion during the application processes for 501st.

I’ve come back again after I noticed Jedi’s standard for roleplay lacking and joined up with Rancor to promote roleplay with Jedi in all branches by hosting RP lessons and pushing knights into the limelight during events. Alongside this, I’ve assisted in trials where I can alongside providing opportunities for Jedi to develop their characters on Main and help maintain standards within Jedi

Why should you become Grand Master?:
I’ve got the experience to handle what Jedi needs as Jedi are extremely different from running a battalion. I've worked directly alongside all our Yoda’s from Scribbles to Jabuku and implemented many of our previous systems such as the old standardized documents and trials. I’ve worked in every part of the Jedi system whether through assisting in rebuilding individual Jedi Branches, creating new trials which play to the strong suit of the sub branches and branches, assisting in Jedi battalion programs to boost the active Jedi cooperating with the Clones, or outright leading them. I'm very familiar with the inner workings of the Jedi order and understand what needs to be done to maintain enjoyment that players have with order, not just keeping numbers high.
A player’s first experience in Jedi roleplay is fundamental to them staying within the order and the server as a whole. Yoda is the penultimate example of Jedi mentorship and I believe is the most important aspect in the drive of the order. If you have a Yoda that incentivizes roleplay, you’ll increase roleplay as seen with Scarecrow and Katy. I would focus on Yoda as the mentor and pillar of the Clone Wars Jedi that he is in the show where every Jedi respects his judgment and power. Alongside this, I'm very knowledgeable with the ideas and thought process of the Jedi order during the clone wars through their depictions in Canon and Legends with the good and bad examples. I fucking love Jedi roleplay. Watching players make their own unique Jedi through role playing with their fellow Jedi and Clones is what I live for. I’ve noticed that while we’ve had improvements in those aspects, we’ve had a dip when it comes to professionalism when interacting with the Clones themselves. Some battalions are usually cut off from their own Jedi general or jaded from a very bad general in the past. Through focusing on the Jedi's relationship with their battalions, OOC and IN character, I’ll want to increase the cooperation between both parties by prompting roleplay, sims and trials to include both parties to further the interdependence between Clones as a whole and Jedi. Alongside boosting roleplay and relationships between both parties, I’m able to balance the standard between the Clones Wars ERA Jedi while still allowing players to act like their own unique character. 


Do you understand the lore of the Clone Wars as it relates to your character: Yes

Availability:  7AM-11PM Weekdays, All Day weekends, Contactable at any time through Discord


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: 

Clone: 21st 2ndLT-BCMD
Jedi: Consular Lead
Shock Jedi Lead
Consular Manager x3
A'sharad Hett
Mace Windu
Mundi x2

Anakin Skywalker
Rahm Kota

Chief Instructor

BH: Clan Lead (Silves lol)
GMO x3
VA x2

Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:  


I want Jedi to be more Roleplay oriented with passive roleplay occurring often during the ofttimes. Usually Yoda’s focus is on getting the numbers high which is also important, I want to ensure that we do have high numbers that are fun. To help promote RP within the Jedi, the mission system shall be revamped so that most masters can do them without too much help with staff as that has always been a barrier when it came to hosting the missions. Alongside this, Masters will be further pushed into the role of mentorship OOC and IC with masters hosting lessons to improve their saber skills and allowing them to develop their characters. 

High Jedi Rework
High Jedi Generals have been pushed into google doc jobs where most of the activity spent is working on their respective jedi documents. This needs to change as alongside Yoda, they’re the pillars of the Jedi order and help promote roleplay when Yoda is not online. I want their role to be shifting away from Doc work towards helping push roleplay while online as they’re the face of Jedi HC. 

Jedi Mission Board 

The mission board is a great idea that could help push for the RP without events that Jedi so desperately lacks. However we all underutilized it and we’re gonna have to do better so it just doesn’t become another pointless addon none of us use. The missions will all be looked at to make them more interesting and numerous such that a master on the server could provide missions for bored Jedi/Clones to undertake for credit/Merit rewards. The merit system given out will be looked at for the upcoming rework to ensure that they actually mean something and aren’t the equivalent of the Zimbawanian dollar. Missions will be given out similarly to the BH system where specific player focused missions will be given out and repeatable quests given. Alongside this, specific characters may become the focus on missions from the Guild, Jedi HC, and GAR HC. These missions, given out by Masters, will be the main provider of merit points which will become a currency that can be spent for specific rewards.

Deployments/Strike Teams

Lore characters with notable relationships in Star Wars media (EX Anakin, Kenobi, Ahsoka) will be encouraged to RP with and allowed to accompany on deployments with the other. Alongside this, a strike team system will be implemented where 1-3 Jedi will be sent on side missions during event server deployments or however the Gamemaster wants to use them for. I intend to work with the GM Branch to ensure that this change will not be disruptive towards a GM’s plans.

Addressing Jedi Combat

Speaking of events, new rules will be brought in to help ensure that combat is fair for everyone as we’ve had issues with Masters or Lore Characters just running into a fight with EJ’s spamming force reflect, leaving a very boring conflict as it becomes whose force power recharges faster. This also leaves Clone on Jedi combat infuriating to deal with as anyone who doesn’t have force reflect deals with a shoddy hit system as the clone bhops away or anyone who has reflect just pressing one button and winning. I want it to become more of a defensive tool to REFLECT (im funny) the inhuman speeds of a Jedi master/notable character. Masters will work to ensure that movement stunning powers like Stasis and Whirlwind’s restrictions will be followed to ensure a fair fight on both sides. 

Duties of a Master

Alongside this, I plan on reimplementing the weekly branch assignments for masters to assist struggling branches. At each council meeting, masters will be assigned a branch to assist until the next meeting. Similarly, every month, Jedi HC will delegate themselves to differing battalions to assist in their Jedi programs to ensure there's at least 2-3 active Jedi per Battalion. To address activity concerns, hours for masters will be made available to the public once again and Jedi HC will be working closely to ensure that everyone follows the same requirements our knights do. 


Biweekly Meetings

Biweekly, I plan on introducing a Jedi wide meeting to ensure we’re as transparent as possible with the rest of the order on our plans. While they won't be mandatory, it’ll be similar to the community meetings undertaken by the founders to address our plans and goals for the next two weeks


Trial Changes

The trials will be redone to ensure that they can be done IF NEEDED without staff, this doesn’t mean we’ll cut staff off from helping with Jedi but to ensure that a trial can get done if no staff is available to assist. Alongside this, each of the trials (Knight/Youngling/Lore Characters) will be looked at to ensure that they rely on RP FIRST, with everything else being second to varying degrees.


So we all know that certain Jedi programs do better than others. SOBDE is consistently full while Batts like DU and GM have waves of activity. To offset drought periods where a Jedi Battalion Branch isn’t doing well. Yoda and Mace will temporarily join those Jedi Battalion branches to help bring in new blood and numbers and help create permanent members

How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:

What's the deal with Jedi Branches?

Thanks to Katy’s and Sixta’s previous work, Guardian, Sentinel, and Guardian sub branches are doing well. However, Consular has once again been struggling and TG has been running into issues between their goal and having fun. 


Consular needs to be revamped to be more in line with the role of the force users of the Jedi instead of the branch for role-players' want to work with addressing the current force powers base consular have access to help put them up to similar standing when dueling other branches and EJ’s. 

Temple Guards

While TGs main job in their appearances within Star Wars Media is no different than a bog standard emotionless guard and their arrival back into Sentinel has caused some decline within their numbers. This isn’t very interesting for the players themselves for a long term period and I want to work on allowing TG more flexibility within their roles such as bringing back investigators and exotics weapons without adding more subbranches. Ideally, each TG would also double as one of these (What they have may be changed to maintain the balance between the branches) to allow the players themselves more opportunity to further make their Jedi unique. 

Tournaments and Such

Jedi wide competitions will be common where every week, teams of Jedi with different branches will compete for a large prize pool to help boost cooperation between the other branches. Alongside this, our branch roster docs will be standardized onto one larger roster doc to help alleviate the issue of needing to scour multiple different branch documents just to find Joe Schmo, the former TG manager coming back to help. 

ACE Changes
As stated earlier, Master branch assignments will be used to help bring in passionate members into struggling branches. ACE will be revamped into a Jedi-wide given out by existing managers and masters while we work closely with Naval to ensure we produce quality pilots.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: Yes

Edited by Snadvich
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easy +1 bro good luck

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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We have spoken. You are finally dealing with the actual issues. Good luck +1 

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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I can say with confidence that Snad is a fantastic candidate. I have seen him do a lot of work for the Order, both for roleplay and in leadership. I have seen what he can do for Passive Roleplay within the Jedi Order, as well as his ideas for Jedi Strike Teams. Not to mention Snad is very charismatic, friendly, and easy-going despite how he may act in game. His ideas for the Order are well-fleshed out and I know can be accomplished.

Huge +1!

I was the leader of the Dogma Balls movement

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  • Director


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Records I hold: Fastest time to return and resign 4 minutes | Most returns and resignations 6 Times 

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2 hours ago, Snadvich said:


Consular needs to be revamped to be more in line with the role of the force users of the Jedi instead of the branch for role-players' want to work with addressing the current force powers base consular have access to help put them up to similar standing when dueling other branches and EJ’s. 

As a Consular main and someone who joined the branch specifically because they enjoy roleplay and are in fact very bad at PVP. I am curious your ideas on how to fix this issue. Most people do join consular because theyre not good at PVP and it is known there is not a PVP section of the trial. Some people also join because of the roleplay opportunities as a consular that are not presented in the other branches. What are your ideas for this and fixing this instead of being a branch for roleplayers.... Truthfully really weird in my mind.. its a roleplay server and every branch should be a branch for roleplayers but I understand what youre saying here. 

Edited by SquishyFishyy
reworded something


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Just now, SquishyFishyy said:

As a Consular main and someone who joined the branch specifically because they enjoy roleplay and are in fact very bad at PVP. I am curious your ideas on how to fix this issue. Most people do join consular because theyre not good at PVP and it is known there is not a PVP section of the trial. Some people also join because of the roleplay opportunities as a consular that are not presented in the other branches. What are your ideas for this and fixing this instead of being a branch for roleplayers.... Truthfully really weird in my mind.. its a roleplayer and every branch should be a branch for roleplayers but I understand what youre saying here. 

I want to remove the stigma of consular being the place to go to roleplay. Its a double edged sword, you have the people who go to consular to roleplay exclusivily and you've got people who disregard it enterily due to the idea that people see it as the /me branch where you just roleplay alone. I want all branches to be able to be more accessible to roleplay opportunities in their own respective fields, however this does not mean that Consular should be not competent in a standup fight. There strength should lie in their ability to use the force and should be applied in combat. To help this out, I want to move Burnout and Overdrive beam, two force powers that aren't OP but can still provide an advantage in a fight to throw off an attacker. 

  • Winner 2
  • Informative 1
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3 hours ago, Snadvich said:

Deployments/Strike Teams

Lore characters with notable relationships in Star Wars media (EX Anakin, Kenobi, Ahsoka) will be encouraged to RP with and allowed to accompany on deployments with the other. Alongside this, a strike team system will be implemented where 1-3 Jedi will be sent on side missions during event server deployments or however the Gamemaster wants to use them for. I intend to work with the GM Branch to ensure that this change will not be disruptive towards a GM’s plans.

Gets my +1

All these plans seem pretty solid, personally a fan of this one the most though

Once again, Snadvich is a great dude and I really am excited to see what he can bring to the order.


Why is my reputation so low?

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Head Admin

+1, good luck snadvich


Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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You did horrible as Anakin, and really threw a wrench in TC when I was leading it. And set the 501st back even more than it was. You have no care for people you lead with and bulldoze over things set in place.

What happened:

Me and @Bleachhad just finished revamping Torrent Company tryouts. I was really proud of what we had accomplished. You got Anakin and all seemed well until you started making up your own rules for TC. Then you went and held your own tryouts not even using the tryouts me and Bleach spent hours working on. 3 troopers that had just spent 3 hours on a bullshit tryout you made up on the spot that I had to deal with. It was extremely embarrassing and a total punch in the gut of all the work that was put in to the tryouts. This was also at a time where 501st leadership was at an all time low and we looked to you for some guidance for Jedi. 

Of course you mentioned none of this. Not even a single mention of TC. He quit Anakin because of this. Which fucked over the 501st even more. You didn’t even attempt to fix it, you just ran.



  • Disagree 1
  • Informative 5
  • Dumb 4


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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Very passionate, creative roleplayer and great person overall. My only advice for you while you're in this role is to watch out for peer pressure and don't let people back you into a wall when trying to make a change you deem necessary. That's my only fear that I really have for you being in "big" leadership positions like this. In any sense, wish you luck.

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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+1 Honestly read your plans, goals, and future of the Jedi order and I believe you are a strong candidate. You have the experience and your goals set in place lets just hope we can get you a team to put it together. 

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Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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15 hours ago, Rizzo said:

You did horrible as Anakin, and really threw a wrench in TC when I was leading it. And set the 501st back even more than it was. You have no care for people you lead with and bulldoze over things set in place.

What happened:

Me and @Bleachhad just finished revamping Torrent Company tryouts. I was really proud of what we had accomplished. You got Anakin and all seemed well until you started making up your own rules for TC. Then you went and held your own tryouts not even using the tryouts me and Bleach spent hours working on. 3 troopers that had just spent 3 hours on a bullshit tryout you made up on the spot that I had to deal with. It was extremely embarrassing and a total punch in the gut of all the work that was put in to the tryouts. This was also at a time where 501st leadership was at an all time low and we looked to you for some guidance for Jedi. 

Of course you mentioned none of this. Not even a single mention of TC. He quit Anakin because of this. Which fucked over the 501st even more. You didn’t even attempt to fix it, you just ran.



This is from what I remember is completely true, however, I had resigned from 501st already during this whole build-a-tryout thing so I cannot back that accusation seeing as though I was not present. However, this was over a year ago, And I have known Snad for a very very long time, he definitely has had some bad ideas like what you mentioned in your post, however the Good definitely outweighs the bad ideas that Snad has had. 

Now, the application. I for sure have no say when it comes to Jedi seeing as I haven't played on my Jedi properly since I was a Shadow Manager under Skylur, but after reading where you want to see the Jedi at the end of time as Yoda, I certainly enjoy all of the thoughts and ideas and I think that this will better the Jedi Order in the long run.

So I will be going to +1 this application. However, do not gloss over what Rizzo has said because he is making some very valid points. Good Luck with the Interview.

  • Informative 2

I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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What might’ve happened a year ago is something to look at but only briefly. People have quite the capacity to grow and undergo change as they make mistakes and learn from them, sometimes harshly. All of what you proposed in your app are things I have found to be disgruntled with my entire time I have been a player on this server and had a Jedi. 

Consular has been the rp branch of the order for the entire time I have been here. There is no reason the other branches cannot excel in rp other then because of the stigma that if your a Jedi and not a consular, you don’t need / get to rp.


  • Agree 2


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  • Director




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+1 now this is an old head moment I 

  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Management

+1 Katy still hasn't promoted me to master so don't forget to do it if you get Yoda Snad! Also fr Snad will make a great Yoda!


i am literally captain tukk

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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