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Re: Parjai Models


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Name: Leche | Cody


Suggestion: I would like to add a model for parjai squad

Implementation: adding a body group that is a re-skin of the current model to the 2ndAC officer, support, and medic whitelist

Lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Parjai_Squad 

Require Development: they've been done for a while now (jayarr made them and sent the file)

Add or Change: Add a body group to the 2ndAC officer, support, and medic whitelist that is a reskin of the current model 
(Any job modification requires all this information)


["2nd_officer"]  2ndAC Officer

["2nd_support"] 2ndAC Support

["2nd_medic"] 2ndAC Medic

Slots: keep as is

Description: keep as is

Model: Have a dropbox of them and pictures are down below

Other: I have the dropbox for the file 

Parjai Medic:


Parjai Officer:


Parjai Trooper/Support:


Edited by Leche
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All of 212th support it, from the previous suggestion almost everyone supported it, they are done all they need is the file! We would really really love this!
Not to mention, since Parjai is the elite subunit of 2ndAC, they are expected to do the daring jumps like night drops, the dark armor would make sense to hide us

Edited by Atark

RIP Family of Euphoria

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Forum Admin

These were originally denied for the reason "the server isn't looking to commission models right now", even through they are completed.

Shoulda been accepted a while ago lol, +1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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The models are already made, just let us have this

  • Agree 1

Current: Deviant

Former: ITD 21stKU Commander Paladin, TRO | Alpha-66 Captain Muzzle, Wolfpack Commander Warthog/BCMD WolffeParjai SUPO 1stLT Four, Doom's Unit ARFL Commander Cloves, Spec Ops Captain ARFL Paladin, 41stEC HVYL Buzz, TRM, 2x HA

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Models are sick. No reason not to. Unless of course it’s a ploy to take over the Czech Republic or something

  • Funny 2

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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I didn't support the last suggestion and I'm gonna stick with my original reasons as well.

1) 212th already has so much more in terms of jobs and models than every other battalion and group on the server. I do not believe a sub-unit within a sub-unit deserves their own models as they are not a server recognized group but rather a inner battalion group.

2) Parjai in lore looked exactly like the rest of 2ndAC. White and orange. I can understand wanting to make different designs on the armor instead of the generic two orange lines that 2ndAC have but making the armor black just doesn't fit in and is exactly why I -1'd the pumpkin Ghost Company models. 

3) Models don't make groups elite. Once Parjai get's models, soon enough they will ask for jobs. If Parjai get these models more are gonna follow suit. Who's next, Foxtrot? Do they wanna be even more elite and have Night Ops armor? These models just aren't necessary and they don't follow lore or the 212th's uniform.

Like I said I would much rather see different designs rather than black spec ops like armor. I also genuinely do not believe that a subunit of a subunit deserve their own models.

Edited by Marvel
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i am literally captain tukk

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1 minute ago, Marvel said:


I didn't support the last suggestion and I'm gonna stick with my original reasons as well.

1) 212th already has so much more in terms of jobs and models than every other battalion and group on the server. I do not believe a sub-unit within a sub-unit deserves their own models as they are not a server recognized group but rather a inner battalion group.

2) Parjai in lore looked exactly like the rest of 2ndAC. White and orange. I can understand wanting to make different designs on the armor instead of the generic two orange lines that 2ndAC have but making the armor black just doesn't fit in and is exactly why I -1'd the pumpkin Ghost Company models. 

3) Models don't make groups elite. Once Parjai get's models, soon enough they will ask for jobs. If Parjai get these models more are gonna follow suit. Who's next, Foxtrot? Do they wanna be even more elite and have Night Ops armor? These models just aren't necessary and they don't follow lore or the 212th's uniform.

Like I said I would much rather see different designs rather than black spec ops like armor.

I'm going to say the same thing as last time too. I respect your opinion but I'm going to say a couple of things. I agree with your point with models don't make someone elite and I never said its what these are for. The models are there to drive rp within the group, battalion, and possibly the server at times. There's also nowhere saying 2ndAC has jetpacks. In fact, 2ndAC are paratroopers; however, due to server lag we don't get parachutes and we revolve around our jetpack usage. I will also say that the 1st point isn't entirely true to my understanding. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure that 501st have more models and possibly more jobs than us. This isn't a bad thing at all and I'm not suggesting that they get rid of something. If someone wants a new job or model, it makes since, and they are excited about it I'm happy to see it being suggested and possibly added. With that being said, I appreciate your response again and would like to hear more back.

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18 minutes ago, Marvel said:


I didn't support the last suggestion and I'm gonna stick with my original reasons as well.

1) 212th already has so much more in terms of jobs and models than every other battalion and group on the server. I do not believe a sub-unit within a sub-unit deserves their own models as they are not a server recognized group but rather a inner battalion group.

2) Parjai in lore looked exactly like the rest of 2ndAC. White and orange. I can understand wanting to make different designs on the armor instead of the generic two orange lines that 2ndAC have but making the armor black just doesn't fit in and is exactly why I -1'd the pumpkin Ghost Company models. 

3) Models don't make groups elite. Once Parjai get's models, soon enough they will ask for jobs. If Parjai get these models more are gonna follow suit. Who's next, Foxtrot? Do they wanna be even more elite and have Night Ops armor? These models just aren't necessary and they don't follow lore or the 212th's uniform.

Like I said I would much rather see different designs rather than black spec ops like armor. I also genuinely do not believe that a subunit of a subunit deserve their own models.

If I can just say a few things to this.
The third point you posted is entirely theoretical. From someone in Parjai, we havent talked about getting new jobs. We dont want new jobs. We just want the bodygroupers.
The first point, the 212th is one of the biggest battalions in the ENTIRE clone wars era, meaning it technically should have a lot of jobs.
Lore wise, there is quite a handful of things in the server that aren't entirely lore accurate. All of High Command models,  Havoc Squad, Fives would be dead, Thorn would be dead, A LOT of Jedi would be dead, all of DS models, a lot of the Rancor would be dead, etc etc
My last point, its just models, the 212th all support it and its for the 212th. We arent asking to be known as elite, we just want a model to show that we are part of Parjai, we are one of the very few people who have made it into Parjai.

Either way, we appreciate the feedback

Edited by Atark

RIP Family of Euphoria

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21 minutes ago, Leche said:

I'm going to say the same thing as last time too. I respect your opinion but I'm going to say a couple of things. I agree with your point with models don't make someone elite and I never said its what these are for. The models are there to drive rp within the group, battalion, and possibly the server at times. 

I cannot see these models creating any RP whatsoever with any group. They're legit just the 2ndAC models but black... 

21 minutes ago, Leche said:

There's also nowhere saying 2ndAC has jetpacks. In fact, 2ndAC are paratroopers; however, due to server lag we don't get parachutes and we revolve around our jetpack usage.

2ndAC receiving jetpacks is a direct result of the inability to add any type of parachute to the server or anyways to effectively use them on the server. If 2ndAC didn't have jetpacks there would be almost no reason for having them. This is just a buff for the subunit to make them actually different then the mainline battalion and is one of the reasons the 212th decided to get rid of their Jet Trooper job.

21 minutes ago, Leche said:

 I will also say that the 1st point isn't entirely true to my understanding. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure that 501st have more models and possibly more jobs than us. This isn't a bad thing at all and I'm not suggesting that they get rid of something. If someone wants a new job or model, it makes since, and they are excited about it I'm happy to see it being suggested and possibly added. With that being said, I appreciate your response again and would like to hear more back.

I've done the math and the 212th and 501st (Since that's who we are comparing) have the exact amount of jobs at 20 each. I'm also not saying anyone should lose anything because they have more than others however I know that both the 212th and 501st have more than everyone else is because they have triple the lore than everyone else. The 212th has a total of 28 models already whilst the 501st only has 20. This is entirely because you already have a set of different models for your mainline battalion and now you're asking for your other subunit to get two sets of models so that a fraction of the subunit can look different than the rest. I mean you guys already got three subunits and this just solidifies Parjai almost as their own subunit as well making it 4 which is way more than everyone else.

17 minutes ago, Atark said:

If I can just say a few things to this.
The third point you posted is entirely theoretical. From someone in Parjai, we havent talked about getting new jobs. We dont want new jobs. We just want the bodygroupers.
The first point, the 212th is one of the biggest battalions in the ENTIRE clone wars era, meaning it technically should have a lot of jobs.
Lore wise, there is quite a handful of things in the server that aren't entirely lore accurate. All of High Command models,  Havoc Squad, Fives would be dead, Thorn would be dead, A LOT of Jedi would be dead, all of DS models, a lot of the Rancor would be dead, etc etc
My last point, its just models, the 212th all support it and its for the 212th. We arent asking to be known as elite, we just want a model to show that we are part of Parjai, we are one of the very few people who have made it into Parjai.

Either way, we appreciate the feedback

For my third point I added that on because it's happened in the past. Not with 212th but with other groups. I also understand that the 212th has a lot of lore. Y'all are basically more or less the 7th Sky Corps since you have 2ndAC and Parjai however that doesn't justify a small group with an already small group getting non-accurate models and just because we have some lore inaccuracies doesn't mean we should keep adding onto that already huge list.

Overall my entire argument is that this is a tiny group with a sub-unit. I don't see why they need extra models even if it's to stand out from the rest of their group. Not tryna hate or anything and I respect your opinions and willingness to talk this out like normal people unlike a lot of others so I appreciate it. I just am not a fan of this suggestion so I do apologize if that upsets any of you.

spacer.png I'm just a big nerd and a huge stickler for lore.

Also I don't really see my mind being changed on the subject and would prefer for the sake of your suggestion that any further points be brought up in dms and not here on the Forums. 

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i am literally captain tukk

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GM Leadership

-1 Doesn't really seem necessary. Same reason as last time more or less.

  • Optimistic 1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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6 minutes ago, Crimson said:

-1 Doesn't really seem necessary. Same reason as last time more or less.

I'm going to agree with you saying that the majority of the things on the server are not "necessary" and are added to provide a better quality of life and overall appeal towards the server. Thank you for leaving your opinion again 

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1 hour ago, Marvel said:

2) Parjai in lore looked exactly like the rest of 2ndAC. White and orange. I can understand wanting to make different designs on the armor instead of the generic two orange lines that 2ndAC have but making the armor black just doesn't fit in and is exactly why I -1'd the pumpkin Ghost Company models. 

Should we just write fanfiction to justify it like everyone else does?

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|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Thigh High Connoisseur|


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Im really torn on this cuz like on the one hand i dont care cuz who fucking cares lmao look at what we have already *cough cough* Havoc Squad *cough Cough* but any ways. 

Personally i don't see the need i feel that these would either

a) replace all current ones and just become the "normal" standard ones they use replacing the current ones.

b) used on a very limited basis and kinda be pointless

I think that while yes it would make a nice addition and whatnot i don't believe that while we still have other battalions that in comparison have worse models to the whole of 212th that y'all should get them now. Let others get new models first cuz lets be real a few battalions do be lookin like poopoo. 

-1 and +1 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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1) Models look cool

2) 212th want them, and they make some sense to be added

3) It doesn’t harm anything. 

I’m tired of people gatekeeping others. Let ‘em have some fun and add something cool to their regiment. 

  • Winner 4

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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This seems familiar

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Who the fuck care if someone else wants models. Bet 10 in one if it was for your battalion you would +1 in it. But if they want it then let them be



my vote +1

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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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  • Coordinator

212th has something going for the pumpkin look 


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21 hours ago, Dennis said:

Im really torn on this cuz like on the one hand i dont care cuz who fucking cares lmao look at what we have already *cough cough* Havoc Squad *cough Cough* but any ways. 

Personally i don't see the need i feel that these would either

a) replace all current ones and just become the "normal" standard ones they use replacing the current ones.

b) used on a very limited basis and kinda be pointless

I think that while yes it would make a nice addition and whatnot i don't believe that while we still have other battalions that in comparison have worse models to the whole of 212th that y'all should get them now. Let others get new models first cuz lets be real a few battalions do be lookin like poopoo. 

-1 and +1 

Appreciate the response and I'll clear some things up just to give you and possibly others a better understanding. These will by no means be the standard models Airborne/Parjai use, they'll be strictly used during missions (which ill make sure they know when and when not to use them), and by no means am i making an announcement to put these on a higher list than others. Not too sure which other battalions look bad, I personally think other battalions have some pretty sick models (Like 104th), sure some may not look entirely polished but I don't think that these models take priority. One of the biggest reasons I''m putting this back up is because they were denied due to the server not wanting to commission models; however, there was no commissioning needed to be done. The models were already made and Jayarr didn't want money. Again, I appreciate the response

2 hours ago, Jayarr said:

This seems familiar

The mad lad himself 

  • Winner 1
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14 hours ago, Leche said:

These will by no means be the standard models Airborne/Parjai use, they'll be strictly used during missions

That means that you want them for cosmetics but only certain contexts that makes your argument for them even worse.  if you want it for Parjai and they wont even use it full time, what next a faction that only exists in events?

But on a more serious note seeing as you haven't provided a link to the size of the models only screen shots of them.So the file size cost is currently unknown the 501st when they last wanted a model/job being added they had to loose a job and model that being Echo to add Vaughn and seeing as you both have the same amount of jobs and models maybe more already.

So would you be willing to loose access to some other models or jobs if it came down to it for these models like the 501st did?  Regardless if there on a new job or just the standard ones they are still going to take up extra space on the sever. Truthfully we really do need to justify this addition when weighed against what is currently there vs other battalions and factions.

Especially when you are trying to justify it for "Victory Squad" who make a cameo in a Republic Commando novel and who has a passing mention they that are being deployed to Utapau who were pretty much described as standard looking 2ndAC. if you where after making a argument for all 2ndAC to look like that sure I'd complain lore but cest la vie we have havoc squad to hurt that argument. 

ThIs is just as the server does not unlimited in terms of space and the devs, founders and what now to my knowledge have a allocated amount of space any battalion has in terms of sever allocated resources and each addition means they need to re-evaluate what is currently there and what would need to go to justify the change.

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2 hours ago, Scarecrow said:

That means that you want them for cosmetics but only certain contexts that makes your argument for them even worse.  if you want it for Parjai and they wont even use it full time, what next a faction that only exists in events?

But on a more serious note seeing as you haven't provided a link to the size of the models only screen shots of them.So the file size cost is currently unknown the 501st when they last wanted a model/job being added they had to loose a job and model that being Echo to add Vaughn and seeing as you both have the same amount of jobs and models maybe more already.

So would you be willing to loose access to some other models or jobs if it came down to it for these models like the 501st did?  Regardless if there on a new job or just the standard ones they are still going to take up extra space on the sever. Truthfully we really do need to justify this addition when weighed against what is currently there vs other battalions and factions.

Especially when you are trying to justify it for "Victory Squad" who make a cameo in a Republic Commando novel and who has a passing mention they that are being deployed to Utapau who were pretty much described as standard looking 2ndAC. if you where after making a argument for all 2ndAC to look like that sure I'd complain lore but cest la vie we have havoc squad to hurt that argument. 

ThIs is just as the server does not unlimited in terms of space and the devs, founders and what now to my knowledge have a allocated amount of space any battalion has in terms of sever allocated resources and each addition means they need to re-evaluate what is currently there and what would need to go to justify the change.

As I stated, It's in a dropbox and its a separate bodygrouper/reskin not a completely new model. Also, it's not going to only be used like once a month which is what everyone may misunderstanding. I guess the best way to describe it is, if its on a reasonably dark map they switch to it. If you really think about it, parjai is an elite squad within Airborne and they are to conduct missions that are a bit more difficult. For example, doing any sort of night op parjai has a higher chance of being used more efficiently, seeing anything white on a black background is easy. With other sets of armor (you can kind of compare it to omega having a lot of colors) this would be a bit better. You can easily argue "now one cares what color your armor is, ai will still shoot you" or something along the lines of that; however, It's more of a rp kind of situation and I truly think that I can start something with this to further the rp in the server considering 2ndAC are a very RP heavy subunit especially parjai. With the last thing you brought up, I already stated that this is by no means something that's high priority and I'm not saying that these should be added over everything else. This is truely to improve the quality of life within battalion especially 2ndAC because all of us want them and are hyping them up. I dont mean to be rude but I really don't understand the "not necessary" argument. What's the definition on necessary? Nothing is really necessary on the server but is added to make the players happy and hopefully make others more interested in the server. If we got rid of everything that didnt improve the server integrity then I truly believe that it wouldn't be as populated as it is today. With all of that being said, thank you for responding!

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On 2/27/2021 at 9:01 PM, Leche said:

RP heavy subunit especially parjai.

Other than RP with Omega what can they explicitly do with RP that no on else can do or that they add specially without it being something that is a gameplay function like negotiations? I am on this point only because in regards to their lore  there isn't anything special about them other than they hate mandalorian's and that's about it. So I'm fine with saying that the people in 2ndAC care about RP and may be really good at it but that would be a thing independent of Parjai not because of it.

On 2/27/2021 at 9:01 PM, Leche said:

As I stated, It's in a dropbox and its a separate bodygrouper/reskin not a completely new model.

That is a new model as it may be a reskin it will still take up space because it is still a model and requires textures it would function like the bounty hunter "skins" sure they use the same base model but they are still individual models too and if they need to be compatible with the previous body groups or it would need to have them all added to the reskin. Unless a dev wants to explain that more.


On 2/27/2021 at 9:01 PM, Leche said:

For example, doing any sort of night op parjai has a higher chance of being used more efficiently, seeing anything white on a black background is easy. With other sets of armor (you can kind of compare it to omega having a lot of colors)

Omega have their nights ops and their lore colours sure do they only really need one set sure but they have lore to support it plus they so little resources go into their squad. Night ops armour for your unit why? why should the 212th in that regard be so special because if you want contextual use armour why shouldn't then everyone else not then request something like that for themselves.

Below is some of the only lore Parjai has and they interaction with Omega and how they feel about the night ops armour 

In 21 BBY, the 2nd Airborne Company was stationed aboard the Republic auxiliary ship Core Conveyor, along with the Republic commandos of Omega Squad. The paratroopers resented Omega Squad because of their Mandalorian heritage - the 2nd Airborne had lost many battles to the Mandalorians. They outfitted Omega Squad with jet packs, which led to some disagreements because the commandos had black armor but the jet packs were orange and white.


"Couldn't you at least get us matte-black ones? I don't want to plunge to my doom with uncoordinated accessories. People will talk."
"You'll have white, and like it."
―Fi appeals to Barlex for black winged jet packs
"Nice of you to join us, Omega, and may I be the first to say that you look like a bunch of complete prats?"
―Barlex greets Omega Squad
On 2/27/2021 at 9:01 PM, Leche said:

If you really think about it, parjai is an elite squad within Airborne

I have not really found this anywhere within their lore. Sure the page you posted say "elite unit" as a describer but no actual source to what makes them elite in the book they appear in they are just a squad in the 2nd airborne company nothing special.  Most lore pages that talk about units call them elite because its a nice descriptive tool I confirmed this with a few people who know that lore better than myself.

To talk about the not necessary point I did not say that at any point although  do agree with the sentiment as I want a good justification for it as I am with all suggestions I see that just say add this because I think x thing is just neat.  The truth is this body group just plainly isn't necessary and especially if its only use is going to be used for night ops as that just reeks of entitlement.

If you want something then you need to justify it and be honest about why you want it as you don't want these models for the "roleplay" or anything like that its because well they exist and personally you and the 212th think they look neat and thats perfectly fine as a position to have but thats the only real argument for these Ive been trying to point out logistics of adding things blindly and if they do nothing really for RP.

Also if you get these models then the next time the 104th wants something or the Jedi/Sith/CIS/BH want something we then need to give it the same credence as this post I am not trying to be awkward but I am expressing fair scrutiny i feel

  • Winner 2
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+1 looks nice

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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On 2/26/2021 at 7:42 PM, Jayarr said:

This seems familiar

He’s alive and has come to take back his place of power

Ima be real people who bring up lore at this point make me want to die, it’s like bro, we literally have a entire squad on the server with made up lore and we don’t follow lore most of the time and it just seems to be used when it’s beneficial for someone’s argument, +1 


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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Why u no like what u have?


Why always want more?


Why u here?


Naw dog, y'all have the most customized bodygroups as is, no offense but pumpkin heads are not the way to go. Find another look and then maybe...

Sorry Mr. Jayarr but imo pumpkin heads a no for me.


Not hating on anyone but black and 212th orange don't mix very well imo.

-1 on the color layout

+1 make them look different even tho I don't see any half the time i'm on so who cares right?

  • Confused 2

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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Forum Admin
7 hours ago, Buzz said:

Why u no like what u have?


Why always want more?


Why u here?


Naw dog, y'all have the most customized bodygroups as is, no offense but pumpkin heads are not the way to go. Find another look and then maybe...

Sorry Mr. Jayarr but imo pumpkin heads a no for me.


Not hating on anyone but black and 212th orange don't mix very well imo.

-1 on the color layout

+1 make them look different even tho I don't see any half the time i'm on so who cares right?

Hey, first I'd like to thank you for your response. Wasn't planning on replying until I saw the last sentence. With that being said, Parjai is by far the most active members of 212th alongside GC as of right now. Their contributions to the whole of the battalion are amazing. If we didn't think that they 1000% deserved these models, we wouldn't of suggested them. 

Edited by Guac
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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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13 hours ago, Guac said:

Hey, first I'd like to thank you for your response. Wasn't planning on replying until I saw the last sentence. With that being said, Parjai is by far the most active members of 212th alongside GC as of right now. Their contributions to the whole of the battalion are amazing. If we didn't think that they 1000% deserved these models, we wouldn't of suggested them. 

I am usually on late night, I don't really get to see a lot of people and don't read people's names half the time.

I like the suggestion that way people know the visual difference but that color scheme isn't my taste. But again, it is my opinion.

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Retired Founder

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED.

If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied.



Denial reasons:
(These are some reasons that your suggestion might get denied for.)

  • Not providing sufficient information.
    Ex: Just linking the workshop and not giving us the actual model path you want to use.
  • The addon's size is way too big compared to its content(s).
    Ex: 35MB for one model.
  • Majority negative feedback.
  • Bad optimization and/or causes bad performance on the server.
  • Having multiple suggestions within one thread.
  • Bothering leadership/development team regarding a suggestion.
  • Suggesting a previously denied suggestion within 60 days of denial.


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