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Re-brand to semi-serious RP


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Name: Quill Khan | Versock

RP Rank: 41st EC SGT JT Quill

Suggestion: Re-brand to the way it was, Semi-serious RP.

Implementation: Revert server rules that were implemented to create a "serious RP" environment. The server rn is just not that fun tbh, most of the comments on the recent post made about this show that people want things back to the way it was. If anything this is a mentality switch. The server needs to go back to not being so up tight and realize not everything needs to be by the book. I am being the martyr for this movement, I am not directly involved with the server as much as I once was, but I will say that semi-serious does not mean degeneracy. Back in the day we didn't just go around and be murder hobos, but the people who wanted to RP could and the others could choose to just play to play. Please leave your thoughts below and lets see if we can make a change happen.



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2 minutes ago, BigZach said:

-1 even with the rules added this shit's still semi serious rp.

I'm not sure why we have to brand either way, the seriousness comes from how the players act not the name of the server.


True, but the fact the rule changes and implementations are all focused around the fact that we are "serious RP". Also, I said it was a mentality change mainly.


Edited by Quill Khan
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Wasn't there a suggestion once made about rebranding to serious? Is this just going to become a continuous loop of old and new generations wanting different levels of rp? 


Regardless, does this even matter? It's a game that's supposed to be enjoyed.


Anyway, this isnt me going at quill, I love quill. I just find it funny I guess, never had this when I was the champ that ran this camp. 

Oh how times have changed

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Everyone treats Serious RP on the server as Semi-Serious anyway.

But if you were to label it as Semi-Serious, everyone would just be under the mentality that it means "minge server".

Since I can't neutral, I'll -1 this, just because it's going to turn into everyone telling cringy jokes and then complaining when they go too far and get punished for it.

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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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24 minutes ago, Quill Khan said:


True, but the fact the rule changes and implementations are all focused around the fact that we are "serious RP". Also, I said it was a mentality change mainly.


And the new rules and implementations don't change much to do with RP. They're usually extremely small changes.


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3 hours ago, Ratio said:

Everyone treats Serious RP on the server as Semi-Serious anyway.

But if you were to label it as Semi-Serious, everyone would just be under the mentality that it means "minge server".

Since I can't neutral, I'll -1 this, just because it's going to turn into everyone telling cringy jokes and then complaining when they go too far and get punished for it.

agreed. -1

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I've never put stock into whether an RP server should do Serious RP or Semi-Serious because those who minge will always try to minge, and those that want to pretend that they are someone else in a video game will always try. Whether you want to play this game for fun, to let out your anger or to escape reality in search of what you can pretend to be, you will always choose in favor of your lifestyle. 

The point i am making from this is that mild minges get blacklisted from battalions anyways regardless and extreme minges get yeeted off the server. As a staff i think that either way, we will have to deal with people being retarded, but if more minges decide to show up and be cancer, then we still have shock and staff to deal with them. 


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3rd time I think Serious RP has failed. Stop switching +1 Semi Serious is better and more fun for the community

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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You know what, heres my opinions

When i first joined in 2017 the server did have a more serious approach even though it was labelled as Semi-Serious you could almost just change it to serious thats how it ran and bloody hell it was fun.

I think what caused that though was the old community we had around. People who could influence the roleplay and mentality of people in a certain way to create the feel of a serious server on a semi serious level.

At this point I think its safe to say after the mass fails of switching to serious, that it was the people that made it feel serious and fun imo, now I personaly dont actually have heaps of fun with the newer members of the community, but find joy playing with the old ones cause we all shared the same mentality, and yes I find the odd new member that fits in quite well, but I have the +1 this post, those people are gone, and with that I just think we need to settle down and accept the fact that we cant achieve that anymore, its evident in the numbers of synergy.

I used to wait 20 minutes a day and have to ask every admin for a AFK check to clear the 128 max limit while constantly spamming join on the server to get in during prime time. Now I have literally no worries trying to get in no matter the time of day. I think this is a change that needs to happen tbh just to see if it can bring some life back to the community.

That is my opinion, thank you for reading my ted talk.

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Alright boys and girls let me hit you with these facts and logic, semi-serious is a good thing I mean if it's 3 am why can't I be an asshole? If we get too serious when nothing is going on I'll get arrested for calling my friend assface because I'm ruining some tart's "immersion" now in defense of the server I haven't been on since like August but my point still stands because when I was on I wanted to crouch walk around and had 72 tarts run up to interrogate me because I was being "suspicious" so just do what you gotta do

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+1 from me on this Chief, the server was fun back in the days of old and from what I've seen the past few times I've been on...we just need to bring the good times back. Also this may bring older players who moved to other servers back to enjoy some fond memories, like medical RP involving ripping your karma and stuffing it into a leg to stop the Marshal Commander from bleeding and rolling a 💯  

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17 minutes ago, Arcantus said:

+1 from me on this Chief, the server was fun back in the days of old and from what I've seen the past few times I've been on...we just need to bring the good times back. Also this may bring older players who moved to other servers back to enjoy some fond memories, like medical RP involving ripping your karma and stuffing it into a leg to stop the Marshal Commander from bleeding and rolling a 💯  

Tf I do that type of shit all the time lmao +1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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30 minutes ago, Arcantus said:

+1 from me on this Chief, the server was fun back in the days of old and from what I've seen the past few times I've been on...we just need to bring the good times back. Also this may bring older players who moved to other servers back to enjoy some fond memories, like medical RP involving ripping your karma and stuffing it into a leg to stop the Marshal Commander from bleeding and rolling a 💯  

SeriousRP got rid of MedicalRP?? I’m so confused...



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-1 just because its my personal preferance I'm sure more people would prefer a less serious enviroment but I prefer it more serious.

Plus I like never breaking character in voice, with semi serious rp I'll just look like a idiot.

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Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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This community needs to make up its fucking mind, holy Christ. No matter the labeling on the server list, the server has mic enabled, it's never going to be as serious as maybe some want it. The most you can do is enforce RP, especially if you're in a position of power and can influence people's behavior. In my opinion, RP can only be truly immersive and well done in text, never voice (as nobody is a voice actor, and everyone is tempted to crack jokes and meme no matter the situation), but you can only do your best with what you got, I suppose. 

In the end, who fuckin' cares, it's Synergy roleplay. I don't even if the people who say they want better RP truly do or not.


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𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓡𝓲𝓶 𝓒𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓻 𝟝𝟘𝟝𝟚 🢩

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11 hours ago, NootNoot said:

Server is basically still semi serious even after the switch but fuckin imagine how worst it would get if we went back to semi -1 

That doesn't make sense mate. There would still be rules. The people who use the label as an excuse would be dealt with. Back in the day the server wasn't a mingecon. People gave a fuck just like they do now. Hope this helps.

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2 hours ago, Nade Jones said:

-1 just because its my personal preferance I'm sure more people would prefer a less serious enviroment but I prefer it more serious.

Plus I like never breaking character in voice, with semi serious rp I'll just look like a idiot.

Fair. ly ❤️

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Who cares. Serious or not I still minge just go with the flow and be sneaky and you wont get arrested and it will just cause more mingeyness from the noobs so like I dont see a point but tbh it has got more boring. Like endor compared to now. 👎👎👎👎 +1

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I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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It was the communities decision to switch to "Serious RP". Re cannot keep bouncing between one decision or another. We made the choice, we need to stick by it.

It comes down to people not wanting to abide by such and those not wanting to enforce it or refusing to enforce it. There has been relative inaction because of this other than regarding OOC talk with your classic "What are you talking about?" line.

Almost nothing has really been done to enforce it. Right now you might as well call this "Semi-Serious". Half the stuff I see would have no logical sense happening at any point from any given person in the situation. If it's going to stay as "Serious", guidelines need to be made in stone and these would need to be enforced.

Either way, this is what the people wanted. I'm only guessing they didn't know how to actually react when they got it though.

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Semi-Serious RP is where I had the most fun. It was a time where people could have out of RP conversations with whomever they chose. Although sure you could just go into teamspeak, but why not have it in game? People could RP whenever they want, and for the most part events and actual RP scenarios within game was serious. But there was always that fun aspect of the game. And that's what it was, a time when people could RP if they really wanted, but people could always have fun. There was restrictions, but it was always acceptable and for the majority common sense. There was the ability to enforce the rules, but allow people the leniency to do whatever they want within reason. Offering fun for those that are looking for an RP experience, but also gives the option for people to just chill and have fun.

People should be given the ability to express themselves within game. Whether it be a character that's a bit odd (that would break serious RP stuff), or somebody who acts like a real clone. I feel as if semi-serious RP was one of the best iterations of the server. With so many other servers, I felt as if it set us apart. A breath of fresh air for new people to truly express themselves, and not be locked down by a bunch of random rules. Personally, it was when I had the most fun on synergy, and I know it's the same for many others.

Bring back Fun!


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327th Papa


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I feel like this server is a semi-semi-serious server if that makes sense to any of you (leaning to the more serious side) because while it’s fun to muck around and it was good in the ‘old days’ maybe things have changed by now and it won’t be as good as it will be last time. I just think that we could maybe be Less serious but still have the majority of the serious rules in place.

Edited by Sn3akyboi
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Semi-Serious is what the server was when I joined not that long ago. The unique feel and environment is what kept me around. It's not too serious, and yet it can be serious enough. Roleplay boils down to the people; and it's just more likely for more people to enjoy themselves in a semi-serious environment. The people that I want to RP with and enjoy RPing with will still RP the same, it just loosens things up for everyone else. There are times where I don't have it in me to RP and so I don't even bother connecting to the server anymore. And I know a lot of others who feel the same way...

Ultimately, I support this simply because it was fine before. More people liked it than didn't. And while I can agree the community constantly switching back and forth is a hassle, it won't be necessary if we just get semi-serious right. 

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Semi-serious RP always ends up causing a spike in minging,   we have quite strict arrest rules but that seems to be the only issue people seem to have with serious RP. Lots of people don't even pay attention to how it's serious RP and tend to be really lazy. Semi-serious usually translates to Non-serious RP and with the current RP levels of the server I dunno how we'd cope.

Lots of members of the server are genuinely shocking at RP, if we wanna address how people behave in the server and how they RP how about we teach people how to fucking RP because rn there is only training for specific RP (like ENG) no general RP shit. Get battalions to promote passive RP so people can learn to properly interact and we don't have to cover it up with the title of Semi-serious RP.
I think CG should be more lax too because the rules that seem to be attached to serious rp can be strange at times, almost unnecessary. 

Just my opinion, prolly just seems like empty rambling


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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Don't know if i replied to this already but, +1   People come on this server to chill and have fun. Not to come home from work, get yelled at by children on a game about "not wearing a helment while taking a walk" Also, when we push this "Serious-RP" manner, we also push uptight people who overall ruin the experience for players.

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 I never really cared which we were on, we've tried both and nothing seems to change despite all of our best efforts.

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We need to just choose ONE we did this vote before and if we went back everything would be confusing with shock and rules and all that. Keep it the way it is serious RP on synergy isnt TRUE serious RP and it also helps to weed out minges and crap. so thats gonna have to be a big -1 from me. sorry. 

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No one even really takes note of serious vs semi-serious it's GMOD people are going to do what they want until they either get bored, or banned. 

But to hit both markets of semi serious and serious why not?

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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On 12/1/2019 at 10:31 PM, Comics said:


Semi-serious RP always ends up causing a spike in minging,  


Minges makes the server more fun. Come on. you know its true.

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Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Oh boy! Can't wait for absolutely nothing to change at all and then for someone to suggest to change the server back to serious RP in a couple months.

In all honesty though, I don't particularly care. Just means people have an excuse to talk OOC whenever they want, which people do anyway. I doubt any rules will change and it will be exactly how it has been for months now. People can still have fun on a serious RP server its just that no one wants to put in the effort to RP seriously, or people lack creativity to do anything but shoot at NPCs all day. 

Personally its a -1 from me.

Nothing will change on the server no matter what its designated as. People will continue to do as they wish. However, I feel it is better for advertisement of the server if it is designated as Serious RP. More people with join to RP or to minge and some minges stay for good.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/26/2019 at 2:43 PM, Freck said:

Wasn't there a suggestion once made about rebranding to serious? Is this just going to become a continuous loop of old and new generations wanting different levels of rp? 


Regardless, does this even matter? It's a game that's supposed to be enjoyed.


Anyway, this isnt me going at quill, I love quill. I just find it funny I guess, never had this when I was the champ that ran this camp. 

Oh how times have changed

There will always be a cycle of newer members wanting things that we've already discussed years before. 
SeriousRP doesn't mean having a stick up your arse 24/7, but there are people (myself included) that enjoy the finer details that only come with taking things seriously. There is a section of the base (Mess Hall) where Semi Serious RP can take place. Furthermore, some battalions are more relaxed in their RP, some battalions (like my 104th or my Shock, were extremely serious) part of the enjoyment is having those guidelines to RP within, they help our RP grow and things become more unique, complex, and enjoyable

Yes, I am that Sparks.
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tbh what this server considers SeriousRP isn't really that serious anyways. I never understood why people tried to make it super serious, when at it's core the gamemode isn't a SeriousRP gamemode. I think relaxing the rules/mindset of the server will allow for more creative opprotunities for roleplay or events, which will be good. 



|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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It's garry's mod; in my opinion, roleplay can only be monitored and maintained to a certain degree of "seriousness" before it becomes extremely dry and/or just not fun entirely. Semi-Serious RP is the proper balance of serious events, battalion management, base management, ranks, etc. along with random RP scenarios like Square's casino and other fun activities that would currently be deemed as "FailRP"

For example, why can people jetpack around the inside of a closed base but you're not allowed to jump over a railing...

Or shock just stands by and watches random clones scream into their "speaking device", circling a general/r2-d2/anylorecharacter like a pigeon, as if this is perfectly sane clone behavior, but soon as someone slips over a railing batons come out...

Not to mention there is literally not enough shock troopers online at off-peak hours to warrant any type of "serious rp" rules, regularly do I see 80+ players on the server with one ST, he's busy with one thing there's 4 other clones running around doing god knows what, and 2 waiting to be trained (no offense to anyone in particular it's simply a point to consider)



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8 minutes ago, PunishedDrayyen said:

So, uhh, any word on this? Or do staff just wanna let people forget about it :V

Shhh were deciding what battalions to boot and if were gonna change the TS icons and forum icons more. 

Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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