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Vipers (Razen) 41st BCMD Application


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Steam Name:


RP Name: 

Green Company REGL Executive Officer Viper / Base Ops ATCL Colonel Burner




Battalion you are applying for: 

41st Elite Corps Commander Gree





I have a ton of experience within Star Wars RP, I'll start from the beginning.

-Superior Servers: 187th PVT-BCMD (2015-2016)-

Superior was the first ever Star Wars RP server I joined. I was a simple wanderer exploring GMOD servers. I had a thing for Star Wars, so I went ahead and joined the first server that popped up. I was a lost soul when I joined, looking for Battalions and trying to make a decision on which Battalion to join. Finally, I joined the 187th Paratrooper Battalion. They welcomed me as a family member and I fit in perfectly. I was constantly on holding training's, recruiting members and helping with Intel work. I rose through the ranks quite quickly, and after about 6 weeks of being in the Battalion, I received the position of SMB (Warrant Officer). I was very happy with how things were going. We had the most active Battalion on the server. Over the time I kept working hard, helping NCO’s and doing non stop doc work. Eventually, after playing on the server for about 3.5 Months I reached the position of the Battalion CXO (Commanding Executive Officer). I was the hardest working Officer, managing the roster and all the officer branches. Eventually, I applied for Clone Commander Razen and I got the position! I ran a very steady and smooth Battalion, and unfortunately after being a Battalion Commander for 2.5 months, I had to resign. I had to resign because of personal reasons but I never stopped helping with Doc Work and Intel until I joined Icefuse.

-Icefuse: 501st Legion PVT-SSG (2016-2017)-


Eventually, about 3 months after my resignation from Star Wars RP itself, I decided to come back. I joined a server named Icefuse with the same intentions of Looking for a Battalion to join. I looked around for quite a decent amount of time, and stumbled upon 501st. I joined did good work and made my way up to SSG. At this point there wasn't a lot of people on, and I felt kind of lonely. The Battalion that I thought would be fun had some seriously mingey troopers. I ended up finding the 187th and joining back to my roots.

-Icefuse: 187th Legion SSG-MAJ (2016-2017-


When I joined 187th, my first goal was to make it the most active Battalion on the server. We constantly recruited and held training's, which attracted people to our Battalion. I worked alongside Sugga and BCNS, and as we worked our way up the ranks we always kept close to each other. It felt like a family and the NCO’s were always helping each other out. I eventually made my way up to 2ndLT! We had plenty of assignments, including Paratrooper training, Intel Management, and Regimental work. I pushed for a new beginning, rewriting all of the sharpshooter and jet trooper documents. I made huge changes to the Battalion that benefited in ways that gave us anywhere from 15 to 20 active people a day. As a senior officer, I was one of the most active Officer and Intel Members in the Battalion. We had a real family, and a fun time every day. Most of my memories of Star Wars RP come from this amazing group of people, including BCMD Faeoea, XO Beb, XO Minty, COL Sugga, CPT Savit, CPT Ginyu, and many more officers who were outstanding troopers.


-Icefuse: 187th Legion CPT-XO (2 Months Later) (2017- EARLY 2018)-


I took a long LOA after reaching the rank of Major, to take some time for exams and to move out of my moms. After I returned I was put down a rank because of Inactivity, being a 2 month LOA. I had full determination that this time I would reach the rank of XO for a second time. I pushed slowly through the Senior Officer ranks, gaining experience with a new group of people who didn't really know me. After I became Colonel, I introduced tons of changes to the all the regiments. I revised all the docs and brought in new versions of Paratrooper trainings. Eventually after putting in all the work in as a Colonel for about a month, I was promoted to XO. It felt amazing, I was doing everything for the Battalion and having fun in the time I was doing it. Under BCMD Reaper, I worked my way up the ranks and had full dedication to the Battalion.




-Icefuse: 327th COL-XO (2017- EARLY 2018)-


After my time in 187th, I decided to transfer to 327th. I became a huge help with documentation and recruitment. I proved my leadership through the advanced siege program. I made it up to XO, but at this point I had been playing for a good 8-9 hours a day, and I was completely burnt out.


-Synergy: 501st Legion (PVT-SGM) (SUMMER 2018)-


After all my time with 187th, I decided it was time to check out other servers. There were big changes coming to icefuse which I did not want to be involved in. I was told by Ginyu to join a server called Synergy Roleplay. I decided I would check it out, and no doubt Ginyu was the dam Marshall Commander! One of my closest friends from 187th had one of the highest positions, and he recommended 501st as a good Battalion to join. After consideration I was a 501st trooper again. I rose up through the ranks quickly, earning the rank of SGM in 3 weeks. After a while, the 501st still didn't seem like home to me, and Ginyu wasnt MCMD anymore. I didnt really know anyone in 501st except Elijah (Del) and I got really bored. I took a 3-4 month break from GMOD. I decided I would focus on other things and family.


-Synergy: 104th Mechanized Battalion (PVT-CMD) (1/22/19-5/23/19)-


I finally made my return to Synergy Early 2019, around the end of January. I joined and realized the server had completely changed. There were constant events happening, training's everywhere, and many opportunities for a CT PVT Razen. I looked around at tons of Battalions, feeling the same feeling I felt back when I first joined both Superior and Icefuse. I finally found 104th, where I met the 2 funniest people Ive ever encountered on a Star Wars RP server, WPL Commander Comet (aka Skunk) and Wolfpack JTA MAJ Boost (Rover). He taught me the ins and outs and guided me through the Battalion. At the rank of MSG I achieved the rank of Support Lead, where I had my 2 SUP Officers, FM And Dagger. Me and FM made new versions of al the documents and kept a strict eye on all the 104th Support. I proved my leadership through constant training's and simulations with the Support, and then going out on the Battlefield and positioning them perfectly. While under the Support Advisor, Mortar (Agent) I was very active and determined to make the regiment shine as the best regiment. I rose through the ranks and got up to CSM. Then, the Wolfpack position of “Mortar” opened up. I immediately applied, knowing I had the requirements and leadership to take on the position. After going through Wolfpack Trials, I passed and achieved the position of Wolfpack 2ndLT Support Adviser Mortar. I slowly worked my way up the Officer ranks, under the guidance of Commander Comet pointing me in the right direction and helping with documentation. I eventually reached the rank of Commander, where my final moments in 104th were made. I managed all the regiments perfectly, working to improve all of them with anything that needed to be done. I felt it was at the point where I could leave with everything in perfect position. I had done all the work that needed to be done, so I made my way on over to the 41st bunks. After a ton of amazing memories in 104th, I called the end of the journey. I felt as if there were multiple factors that decreased my enjoyment of 104th, including the loss of Skunk and Rover. There were many other factors that decided my resignation, but Ill include the fact that 41st was a very small and inactive Battalion, I really wanted to help out the 41st.



-Base Ops: PVT-Colonel (2/28/19-Present)-


 When I joined Base Ops, I didnt really think I was going to do much. My experience from PVT-SFC doesn't tell much of a story. I helped a lot in the Engineer branch, hosting trainings here and there. When I reached MSG, I wanted to expand my line of work. I transferred over to the ATC Branch and ended up achieving the position of ATC Lead and the rank of 2ndLT. I had a big responsibility to take over, and I think I fit right in perfectly. I rewrote every single doc for ATC. Me and Twig stayed up hours upon hours revising the ATC Roster, Procedures, and ATC Training. We made one of the biggest and greatest changes to both the ATC Branch and the Pilot Branch. We created the Pilot discord, where all ATC and Pilots would come together to form a mutual understanding and work together on events and trainings. I was active enough to balance both my Major position in 104th and my Captain position in Base Ops. I did tons of work for Base Ops, even going outside the box with Engineer trainings and Medical trainings. To this day I am still working hard with the ATC Members to make it the best regiment in Base Ops and have equal rules and decisions with the Pilots.


-Synergy: 41st Elite Corps LTC-CMD (5/23/19-Present)-


I came to 41st bunks, as Commander Bacta and asked XO Zeik for a tryout. He transferred me in as a LTC and there my journey began. A few of the other officers that were previously in 104th felt unfairly treated in 104th, so they decided to join me on my journey. My goals when I joined the Battalion were to make 41st the most active RECON Battalion and have everything organized in place. After a few days of my transfer, I achieved the position of Regimental Leader. I realized that the 41st I joined didn't have too much document work, and everything was a bit sloppy. I made 14 Documents, Including 7 tryout documents and 7 handbooks for each regiment in the matter of 12 days. I worked non stop putting these docs up for the new 41st that we had. I stayed up late nights, hour upon hour, writing documents and trying my best to shape the Battalion in the correct direction. The work definitely did not stop there. I continued to push hard and ended getting one of the 3 Intel Director positions. I constantly organized the roster, putting things where they needed to be and logging a ton of recruitments and requirements. My everyday routine consisted of holding tons of trainings, tryouts, patrols and fun events for the 41st. I worked hard to make sure everyone was having fun in 41st. I have authored a ton of training documents for the Battalion to use. All this work went recognized and gained me the position of Commander.




Why should you become a Battalion Commander?

I think I should become a Battalion Commander for multiple reasons. I have tons of experience for the position. I have seen about every single issue and type of document that can be thought of over the past few years. I have seen all the issues that were stopping 41st from shining as an amazing Battalion. I have been appointed as the Regimental Lead and Intel Overseer. I proved to my commanding officers that I could hold both the positions perfectly. I did three times the amount of work I was asked to do as a Regimental Lead, rewriting every single tryout doc to satisfy the Regimental Officers and adding in tons of training docs. As a Regimental Lead, I made a total of 27 documents, all owned by myself. I am fully aware of the responsibilities that come with being a BCMD. I am more than ready to take them on. I also think that I have proved myself with constant leadership in events and training's. I have shown my troopers that I am fully serious about my current position, and that I know what it takes. I am always assigning jobs and roles to people. I also constantly offer help to those in need. In my opinion, it doesn't matter what rank you are, Private or Commander. If you need help, or you are falling back I will always be there to help you. As a current Commander I am the most active officer in the Battalion. I would be on every single day to overlook and manage the Battalion. I know how to guide people in the right direction. We have made a family here in 41st, with all the members being very familiar with each other. My goal as Battalion Commander would be to continue running this amazing prosperous Battalion. I would continue to support people and help keep everything balanced. I would also be the same person I have always been, kind and approachable. I have always been able to deal with any kind of issue pretty easily, and when issues come up they would get dealt with quite quickly under my leadership.





Do you understand the lore of your Battalion?

Yes, I fully understand the lore of 41st.

The 41st was a Battalion in the Republic that served under CT-1004 Clone Commander Gree and Jedi General Luminara Unduli. They were tasked with many missions, Including serving on the Venator “Tranquility”, serving in the Battle of Rishii, fighting in the Second Battle of Geonosis, and the Attack of Kachiryo, Kashyyyk.





Monday-Friday: 3pm EST to 4am EST


Weekends: 1pm EST to 4am EST

I am usually online around 11 to 14 hours a day. When I am not online I am either sleeping or doing doc work. I am unemployed at the moment.



Estimate how long you have played on Synergy Roleplay:


I have been playing synergy for around 10 months.


Do You have a Microphone?

Yes, I use it all the time.


Where do you want your Battalion to be at the end of your term?



I would like the Battalion to be at a perfect place at the end of my term. I also want documents to be perfectly organized, and a fully updated roster.

I also want all the Officer branches to be filled. At the end of my term, I want to have a full Discipline Team, a full 3-man Intel Director Team, and a Regimental Lead with Leads in every regiment. I would also want the Battalion to be at a mutual agreement with each other. I want everyone to be on the same page and have all documents and training's balanced in between each officer and SNCO. I want to continue to have a very active and healthy battalion.


Here are some Main Goals I have:


  • Fix the requirement and tryouts, making it a bit simplified but still decently hard.

  • Have all 3 Green Company lore spots filled.

  • Have a Lead and an Executive for all 7 Regiments

  • Find a good Green Company Lead and organize GC Tryouts differently.

  • Have an active High Command with 3 Commanders and an Executive

  • Finish all training docs for Green Company

  • Remove any Inactive Officers

  • Mentor Officers and continue to develop the Mentorship program

  • Continue to develop new Officers and assign different positions.

  • Maintain an ACTIVE and HEALTHY Battalion.

  • Help everyone to come along as a family and have fun together.



Do you Understand that if you go inactive you will be removed from your position?


Yes I understand. I plan on being an active BCMD in the Battalion through all three months of my term. 


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?


Yes, I Understand.

Edited by Razen
  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1

Doom the Boom

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+1 / I knew you since I was a PVT in the 104th, you’ve helped me grow into the trooper I am today, and helped me achieve my goals with your help and guidance. No one is more qualified for this position than you. You got the skills to pay the bills. Go get ‘em bro!

Edited by Slender
  • Winner 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 This man deserves the position

  • Friendly 1

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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New factors. Neutral 


Edited by Sixta


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+1 That's a heccin +1000000 from me, I know you would be one of, if not the greatest BCMD the 41st has ever seen. You are so involved with the battalion, so friendly and considerate, and all around a great guy. You deserve this buddy.

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- Many will not know this and I can understand thoroughly as this was poorly dealt with by high command and should of been dealt with more seriousness and authority. 
You had many problems with the 104th when you were residing in the battalion, which is perfectly fine. But what you did was spread lies and inaccurate knowledge around to many of the 104th. You did never once bring up the complaints to the higher ups and caused them to not notice these so called "problems". You spread lies and misinformed information to many of the 104th which led to over 15 people leaving the battalion within one night. 

Your selfish and ignorant actions led to a huge void in the 104th and what really fucking annoyed me was the lack of courtesy to even talk to the BCMD about your so called problems before you brought over 15 people onto your side and left 104th. What you did to Moros I will never forgive, you made an aspiring and new BCMD not want to play because of your selfish, ignorant and childish scheme. 

I've seen many applicants who do not deserve a position what so ever, you sit on the top of that list. You caused grief for many and continued to fill your egotistical power hungry mindset.  


  • Agree 6

Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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I apologize for telling people to go +1 his application, it was a lack of judgement on my part, I realize my mistake and have tried to fix this, and I hope my actions don't cast any bad light on this application. If I have offended anyone or have had any harmful effect on anyone I feel truly sorry.

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1 hour ago, Razen said:
















+1 I've been with Razen for a long time he's a great leader always there to help he leads very well and he one of the most active people on the sever he the best look at the mans history he is the best for the job by far 

Edited by yaaaaaboiiii
Done messed up
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-1 Chop put it perfectly. 


EDIT: from recent juice I can safelt bet this man has a huge Ego and doesn't seem to be right for a position like this. After the juice it's clear that both were kinda not suitable. 

Edited by BigZach


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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 You're a good guy. Really chill to hang around with and It was a blast while you were in 104th. You did do an Amazing Job as a CMD with us. You would've been the next wolffe I felt. 

However, even though I haven't heard your side of the story (which I need to do). When you left 104th with 15-20+ people who left with you didn't leave a good taste in my mouth. I just don't know how I feel about someone who can do a complete 180 with a battalion like you did. Also when someone goes around and spreads your app in discords etc. saying "He deserves it" Really sets a bad example. I know people have their own opinions and I know you said you dealt with it, but it seems kind of snakey ngl. Imagine if you had a competitor and he started saying "go and -1 this guy". I know you said you dealt with it, which is why I'm neutral and not -1 right now. 

With all that being said I'm more than willing to have a meaningful conversation with you in TS about stuff, and I'll change my response based on the outcome of it. 

(Also I saw a "dumb" reaction on Chop's post, don't dumb people becuase they don't +1 and app that you agree with. Just fucking stupid tbh)




After talking to Razen it seems both sides are at fault for the drama with 104th etc. Shit happens and he has made mistakes like anyone else on the server. Let the past be in the past. While Razen was in 104th he did do some good work there, you can't deny that. I feel like he is one of the best candidates for BCMD as he has some interesting stuff planned for the future of 41st and GC. 

Good Luck o7, please don't make me regret my decision to change to a +1. 

Edited by Anders0n
  • Agree 3
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This guy might be a goofball but he is a dedicated member of the 41st and I like the previous leadership experience from the 104th.



  • Agree 1
  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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First I'm not good at long messages like this so it will be brief.
I'm fully aware of his past in the 104th, however, I have seen a change from what he was as a person from back then. 
Also, he is fully capable of leading groups of people which puts him in a proper position to lead a battalion.
Again, I'm bad at long messages so that's why this was short. Also, I feel like this covers the main things that need to be covered.

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1
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Head Admin

Gonna  have to give this small -1 and a big +2 so if my calculations are right that means my vote is +10

Hope you get it Razen :D

Edited by Rohan |

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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16 hours ago, Razen said:

ribs is gonna get big PT

I'm sorry but nah chief.. a past 212th BCMD almost got full denied because their officer told a few people to +1 their app for support. Originally that person got denied BCMD, but after a lot of communication between high staff/owners and the people involved, settled for a full demotion to NCO on the officer that caused the problem. Advertisement is advertisement, no matter who did it for you.

That being said, I never really comment on any commander apps. I knew you from the old days way back on Icefuse and you were a decent 187th leader (didn't really pay attention to them), and you were overall chill. But seeing what people have said I'm remaining neutral.

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+1 Drama is Drama it happened and razen wasn't in the wrong to think how he did and made a choice and most people realized it themselves and decided to join him. He moved on and made a home within the 41st and in my opinion is the main person keeping the 41st from driving into the deep water most people seen it going into. Since then Razen hadn't brought up the issues with the 104th it is always others who were there so it shows how he can mange to put things asides and let bygones be bygones. He has great talents with big battalions to make them great. I don't know what ribs did but it shouldn't affect the application as I am aware razen had nothing to do with it. Overall this application is great and my man over here will bring 41st to the best it has been in awhile.

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10 minutes ago, Agent said:

+1 Drama is Drama it happened and razen wasn't in the wrong to think how he did and made a choice and most people realized it themselves and decided to join him

Razen misinformed many of the so called problems in 104th and this has been confirmed by high command. Stop trying to make it out better then it is just because you were also involved in the spreading of misinformed lies and the causing of a mass loss for 104th. 

  • Agree 1

Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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4 minutes ago, Chop said:

Razen misinformed many of the so called problems in 104th and this has been confirmed by high command. Stop trying to make it out better then it is just because you were also involved in the spreading of misinformed lies and the causing of a mass loss for 104th. 

If it were lies nobody would have left chop. People have their own brains to make decisions. You need to stop thinking you know everything as you weren't even there when it happened.

Edited by Agent
  • Disagree 2
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Just now, Agent said:

If it were lies nobody would have left chop. People have their own brains to make decisions. You need to stop thinking because you know everything as you weren't even there when it happened.

First off, I'm having a hard time reading what you have typed, try to proof read it and check for grammar/spelling mistakes. Secondly, they left because of the misinformed lies in which you and Razen had told many 104th. That is a fact and has been confirmed by high command and higher ups in 104th at the time of its occurrence. 

  • Funny 2

Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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So, there are good and bad qualities to you but I simply can't see you making a great BCMD my reasoning:

So, thinking about the time I spent with you as BCMD I've noticed that yes you may have made 27 docs but the majority were unused and pointless as well as you not even showing me a total of 27 documents (I could count 7-10 if I go through my email). As for the unused pointless documents you tried to implement things such as "Speed EOD" and "Speed TECH"? With that being said it isn't me saying you don't do work it is me saying you do loads of unnecessary things such as certain documents to make it seem like you do more work.

As well as this, when joining the Battalion with the 15 or so other people you even lied to me to begin with as well as 104th so we had to speak to High Command to gain a greater understanding and to piece together the situation as you wouldn't speak to Moros at all before you left.

Now you have a good mindset but, I don't agree with the things you want to change I have stated to you before that some things are the way they are for a reason but you still don't seem to listen to me. You feel need to change anything and everything for no clear reason.

Oh and you also had someone promote your app in the medical discord as well as PM it to someone... 

Now this is not me trying to tarnish your name I just don't believe you would make a better Battalion Commander than others.

  • Agree 1
  • Current: GAY
  • Former: 41st BCMD Gree | 41st XO | 41st Green Company Draa | Delta Squad Fixer
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Where as I don't deny your work effort or your leadership qualities, I simply believe Kronos would be a better Gree. Although, Good luck chief. 
-1 from me.

As it would seem both candidates are being slandered from their mistakes, I do understand that things happen. Though who wish to remain clouded under the past and shroud their better judgement a fleeing moment of drama and mistakes can be often naive. Where as some believe whatever happened was wrong or,  unorthodox. People should be given the chance. Not everyone's going to like or hate you, Some will try to see you fail and others will see you succeed. As for Razen, he as done both. Failed and succeeded. Though, he continues to put his effort into whatever needs done. That's admirable. You are indeed, a great leader. I think that both Candidates are good picks. Therefore, I am changing this to a + 1.

-1, Sorry bro. Heard some recent shit.

Edited by Tinovious
changed to a -1 again

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Oh my Big Bird.. with the resignation of our previous commander, new obstacles have been created for us to overcome. You were the reason I had joined 104th to begin with, and the reason to leave, but it pains me to know both sides of the story. It seems that you intentionally did not explain the whole story to us, and for those that have a strong bond with you this doesn't matter. You and I were very close prior to our migration, and yet now I feel as if you are further away than ever. Maybe this has to do with us playing on different time zones, so be it. But, due to this, you seem to gravitate towards a select few birds. From the outside looking in, this clique mentality that seems to be present within the battalion should not persist. Should I return from LOA as a 41st, I fear that I would feel excluded - especially if you were to become the battalion commander. You have massive amounts of experience, and I know that you are qualified, but this point of contention that I am feeling is not something that I can continue to sit on. With this sentiment, and the points that Chop brought up, along with advertising jackassery in several discords, my opinion sits at a -1. That being said, I hope that this doesn't create toxicity within our relationship moving forward, in or out of the 41st.

Best of luck to you, and should you be selected for this position, I know you'll do your best.

Mama Bird

Edited by Dream
  • Winner 1
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50 minutes ago, Dream said:

but it pains me to know both sides of the story. It seems that you intentionally did not explain the whole story to us, and for those that have a strong bond with you this doesn't matter.


Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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I am going to chime in on this because of the time that I interacted with you while I was trying to manage intel and docs. You always seemed to be very condescending and hostile to ANYONE that was a lower rank than you and happened to also disagree with you. You failed to listen to other points of view or even make an attempt to listen as to why some things could be good, helpful, or detrimental to the battalion. I am not giving you a -1 because you almost singlehandedly, in my opinion destroyed everything that the 41st ever was by creating it just another edgy, copy paste cookie cutter battalion that this server did not need, but because I believe that you are unable to take in other ideas that contradict your own views and understand why or how they can be adapted or improved to better the lives of everyone that you lead. I believe that you are a good supporting officer, but a poor leader. Also, the advertising guy should get straight yeeted, no matter who they are, and also the sheer amount of drama that has surrounded your personal 104th departure and the following exodus of people sure doesn't help either. Take this post to heart or completely disregard it as the ramblings of some autistic retard online, but any criticisms that are being given to you on this application should seriously be taken to heart and try to understand how to fix them and improve yourself. -1

  • Agree 7
  • Disagree 1
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17 hours ago, Chop said:

Razen misinformed many of the so called problems in 104th and this has been confirmed by high command. Stop trying to make it out better then it is just because you were also involved in the spreading of misinformed lies and the causing of a mass loss for 104th. 

Alright bud. First of all, until hearing both Marion/Moros and Razen’s side. Your points are pretty invalid. You are currently being misinformed if you thought Razen was spreading lies to get people to leave, which isn’t true. But to each their own. Secondly, Agent had absolutely no idea what was going on or why everyone left until AFTER everyone left. So big yikes for you there. And then being able to reply to everyone’s statements about the 104th, basically slandering, isn’t really setting a good example for someone who is ARC. If you have an issue with what happened. PM Razen. He is always available. Good day.

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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I don't know why some people dislike this man, These comments are harsh and he doesn't deserve this. +1 .

Viper has made the 41st into something beautiful and I respect the decisions he makes. Perhaps you should all learn to forgive and forget. Also i'm surprised out of all the expected people to cry about the past and be immature, An ARC? As an ARC myself i'm disappointed to call you my brother. Again, Forgive and forget, don't dwell on the past.

Edited by Oblivion
  • Winner 2
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1 hour ago, Slender said:

Alright bud. First of all, until hearing both Marion/Moros and Razen’s side. Your points are pretty invalid. You are currently being misinformed if you thought Razen was spreading lies to get people to leave, which isn’t true. But to each their own. Secondly, Agent had absolutely no idea what was going on or why everyone left until AFTER everyone left. So big yikes for you there. And then being able to reply to everyone’s statements about the 104th, basically slandering, isn’t really setting a good example for someone who is ARC. If you have an issue with what happened. PM Razen. He is always available. Good day.

I talked to High command + Marion + Moros (BCMD at the time). I received both sides via high command, 104th and people who left who have also stated the full story had not been told to them by Razen regarding the issues. Just because he's your friend doesn't mean you have to defend him even if he himself states he "fucked up in 104th" - Said by Razen. 

I liked Razen as much as the next man until the decisions he made affected Moros badly. I will never respect a man who gives so little of a shit for anybody. 

So big yikes for you there? 

Also to all those out there stating, "its the past" you seem to zero knowledge on how people should be based. If a man fucked up and entire battalion one night due to his extreme and misinforming actions, he should be remembered and called out for that at a later date. If this was to happen to anyone else's battalion, they would for fucking sure call it out. 

Also Slender, Razen has still not responded to my criticisms. As he is being accused I would expect him to reply in some sort of way, yet it has not happened. Almost like he does not want to respond, almost like he himself stated "I obviously fucked up in 104th".

Edited by Chop
  • Funny 1

Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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1 hour ago, Oblivion said:

Also i'm surprised out of all the expected people to cry about the past and be immature

Aren't you the guy who constantly talks about OOC stuff in game, in many ways I can view that as "immature". People have a right to talk about the past, because the past affected both an entire battalion and a many individuals, badly. 


1 hour ago, Oblivion said:

n ARC? As an ARC myself i'm disappointed to call you my brother. Again, Forgive and forget, don't dwell on the past.


1 hour ago, Slender said:

isn’t really setting a good example for someone who is ARC

An whats all this shit about being an ARC lmao. If anything, if you guys wanna fanboy over ARC's, my attitude is more similar to one due to my decision to not be a sheep following a +1 train because he was nice to you. I stated an unpopular fact which should be brought up.

  I'm disappointed to see both of you blatantly support a lier just because he's your friend.

Slender, I had been 104th for nearly 2 years and I can thoroughly say you have set a bad example for someone who used to 104th. I'm disappointed.

Following Thexans advice I shan't be posting anymore on here. Feel free to PM me.

Edited by Chop
  • Agree 1
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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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-1   I read through your app and you said you "fixed" all the issues and "seen all the issues that were stopping 41st from shining as an amazing battalion" I think the mass 104th exodus to 41st  killed the battalion and made it lose its identity you and your friends just made it into 104th. I like someone who does something different and actually gives his battalion an identity.

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  • Management



i am literally captain tukk

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Okay here is the thing, I think that the people running for Gree do want to help 41st and I think you can do it. I am going to remain Neutral, having met you I liked mt interactions with you but I'm just not sure yet. I wish all candidates the best of luck!

  • Friendly 1

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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I have been downed for multiple reasons, and I will list a few points here. In no way is this an attack or me being toxic towards anyone, just me expressing myself over some of the things said.
1. As what Chop has said, you have never attempted to contact me about the situation. I feel as if I had a lot of arguements against moros and marion, and after they met with directors they denied most of it. This situation could have flipped and turned into something WAY bigger then it was. I was strictly told to drop the situation before punishments were handed out to myself. I felt as if yes I did go overboard but also did bring valid issues to the table. I do admit to losing myself in a moment of weakness, and getting a bit overheated. If anybody is still offended by this, I am truly sorry. I definitely know I didnt kill the Battalion in anyway, as they are still the most active Battalion on the server. I dont feel as if my actions ruined Moros as a Commander though, because after it was just dropped and left behind we became friends again. We played a few games together and had a few laughs. Chop, If you want to talk Im totally down man. I really didnt want the 104th situation to go completely public like this, but if anyone would like to talk about it, feel free to PM me on discord, Razen#3026.
2. I would like to address that in no way at all did I poach the entirety of 104th and made it into the new 41st. Out of the 21 people that resigned, only 13 of those people actually joined 41st. Arty was the first person that wanted to leave, simply saying that he wanted to tryout something else. This sparked up some arguments with NCO’s and eventually I kinda wanted to join him. I saw zeik, and shroomie sitting in 41st, needing some help. I joined with intentions to make the Battalion the BEST Recon Battalion! I always had that mind set day in and day out. In the day, I was helping NCOs and Officers hold trainings and sims, and we all worked together coming up with new regimental documents and training documents. I think the fact to let an NCO express their creativity with docs and trainings is amazing. If you asked any of the 41st that were there when I got there, they would have told you I did amazing. We worked together, AS A TEAM! I have seen a ton of good people in 41st that have taken serious positions and do outstanding at the job they hold. I feel as if I worked hard for this Battalion in both aspects, Documentation and RP Situations. When I transferred in, some of these 41st NCOs didnt really know who I was. Over the first week of being in 41st I made a special connection with all the members, really trying to prove to them that Im honestly a hard working, fun officer. Yes I did make changes to 41st, but it will never stop being the funniest and littest Battalion! I will tell you that only about 5 guys from 104th are still here, and I still perfectly relate to the Battalion, as well as 90% of the Battalion having my back, while I have theres. BTW, As witnesses you can pretty much ask anybody in the Battalion about my performance, leadership, activity, hard work. Whatever it may be, you will find what your looking for.
3. I also have already addressed the advertisement issue, it was taken care of it immediately. In no way was I involved with that. Ribs didnt  know application rules and slipped, but it was fixed quickly and he was immediately talked to about it.
In no way is this me trying to get everyone to +1 me. This is me simply addressing the issues that were brought up, thanks for your time guys.
Edited by Razen

Doom the Boom

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Okay, so I see that this BCMD app is all over the place with reasonings and stuff however for the time that I have been back I have noticed this person on the server who seems to take his responsibilities well. Again this is just what I have seen so far. I have yet to have a negative encounter with Razen | Burner | Viper. He helps a lot with ATC as a PLTL. He helps a lot with Intel in the 187th Discord. And last night during the cross-training we had with the 187th and 41st it went really well. He was a good leader as well as a good listener. So I hope that this +1 carries at least a little weight. 

Edited by Camilo
Big Reasoning
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5 minutes ago, Razen said:
3. I also have already addressed the advertisement issue, it was taken care of it immediately. In no way was I involved with that. Ribs didnt  know application rules and slipped, but it was fixed quickly and he was immediately talked to about it.

Why was he promoted to Major at 3 am. You'd think after such a big fuck up the discipline would go further. I was also under the impression Ribs was on LOA or just inactive. I have heard multiple claims of favouritism and I think that this doesn't look to good in that sense.

I'd like to hear from you, Razen.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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@BigZach He was promoted to major because he had already done such good work. Clearly he didnt know about application rules, he was very excited about it and wanted other people to pay attention to it. After careful conversation with him, I am fully aware that he fucked up hard. He made a mistake, he didnt even realize what he did until it was addressed. It was his "moment of weakness" if you would. And adding on to the activity part, YES Ribs has taken a good amount of LOAs in the past. The past 2 weeks he has been very active, getting on around 10PM and being on for a good 5 hours every night. He takes care of things on the night shift, and has helped a ton with medical documents and trainings. While he was on LOA, he still put in work with helping me finish the Medical Combat training and helping Sabre (Our MEDX) with tons of Medical docs to make the regiment itself shine at its greatest light. We have good numbers during the night, and Ribs is on, guiding people, I have seen him about 6 or 7 times mentoring our NCO's. Needless to say he has been in the Battalion for a very long time, I think he well deserved it. He has the maturity, leadership, work ethic, activity, and IQ to be an amazing Senior Officer.


Doom the Boom

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You promoted the kid who almost dicked your app? Nice. There is been a bunch of people who have done similar things and gotten demoted heavily, no matter what he did in the battalion I feel as if his punishment should've been stricter instead of a slap on the wrist.

I feel that the 104th situation has been touched on enough here, so I don't feel the need to reiterate it.

I've heard from around from a few people within the internal structure of the battalion that you play some favoritism games, I can't be too sure on the validity of this as I can't see it for my self, but based on some of your previous actions but I don't exactly trust your side of things. I've heard from some people I find to be reliable and have no reason to have a bias against you,, and its things like pushing for a small group of people to get promoted repeatedly despite their work not exactly being superb or beyond.

Also imma be real and some people will disagree: 90% of doc work outside of rosters and a few basic things isn't real work, it's something everyone does to get promoted and say "Look how much docs I'm working on!". So it doesn't really impress me, and creating a bunch of docs for ez promotions is kinda shady. IMO theres no reason to have that much. I genuinely disagree with how battalions over-document nowadays and make a form and sheet for everything, but thats another story for a different time.

In summary, -1

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On 7/6/2019 at 6:43 PM, Chop said:

What you did to Moros I will never forgive, you made an aspiring and new BCMD not want to play because of your selfish, ignorant and childish scheme. 


On 7/6/2019 at 6:43 PM, Chop said:

You did never once bring up the complaints to the higher ups and caused them to not notice these so called "problems". You spread lies and misinformed information to many of the 104th which led to over 15 people leaving the battalion within one night.


Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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I'm just about tired of hearing about what Razen did to the 104th. it was three months ago and you just bring it up to slander him?! It's complete bullshit you are only doing just to bring another person down. Is this the toxicity and hate we want between the 41st and 104th if he does get this position? As a member of the 41st at this time  I cannot understand why so many people believe they are worried if they may not be accepted back from an LOA. This is not something I would like to see on this server and please, Razen is perfectly capable of running this battalion and I don't understand why 104th is bringing up this issue just to put him and his application in a bad place.

  • Friendly 4
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-1 The whole 104th exodus that occurred happened after I had left the specialised regimental position and I was called back in to help deal with the whole situation to try a sift through the hearsay missing information drama then the overall long lasting effects than then happened due to this incident as a whole just makes me worry about your judgement in future situations if something or someone isn't swaying your way and history would repeat itself.

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Quite honestly,  I haven't spoken to many people outside of 212th but those who have came from 41st or 104th in the past spoke negative about you.   I've don't think I have ever heard anything postive about you at all recently either.

Also the fact the kid promoting your application got a promotion instead of punishment leaves a huge sour taste in my mouth.   That's a big red flag.



Changing to a neutral.   Wish you luck in this with whatever happens,  I just cannot +1 with some of the negativity I heard in the past from former 41st/104th members.        

Edited by Zensras
  • Agree 1

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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As I have stated, Ribs was not aware at all of application rules. He thought it was okay, and had not been told otherwise. After it was done he was talked to, strictly. Either way I wont let that simple accident ruin all the work he has put in, as said so many times before nobody is perfect. If he knew it was against the rules and still did it he would be a CSM right now.  Its not fair to take it out on somebody for doing something he didnt even know was bad, and he thought it would be the best thing to do to put it out there for other people. Obviously yes, I had a long talk with him about it, but that is literally the first mistake I have seen him make. It would be unfair to trash somebodys hard work and leadership just because of a simple accident. He even apologized in the dam app earlier on. This shouldn't be something thats being considered an issue, cuz this was already addressed and talked about too many times.

Doom the Boom

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@Zeik I used to look up to you man and now your putting dumb on my posts. Do you remember talking to me in the morning in the 41st channel? Before the  104th exodus? You were a CSM and I was a SFC. I thought you were my friend. Well I'm just defending a real friend and that may make you mad because we may see things differently. But the damage you had done to me is done.

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3 minutes ago, JustPotatoMan said:

@Zeik I used to look up to you man and now your putting dumb on my posts. Do you remember talking to me in the morning in the 41st channel? Before the  104th exodus? You were a CSM and I was a SFC. I thought you were my friend. Well I'm just defending a real friend and that may make you mad because we may see things differently. But the damage you had done to me is done.

Keep your relationship issues off this post. There are forum messages.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Keep it +1's and -1's (or neutral)
Gettin' wild out here.

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1 minute ago, JustPotatoMan said:

@ChopYour hilarious man :)

Can you stop being toxic and cluttering up this application. As I said there are forum messages and discord of you want to say unneeded stuff there.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Please guys, there is too much drama under my post. I feel as if people really need to speak to me personally, (DISCORD: Razen#3026) to address certain issues that were brought up. I never thought my post would be an all out warfare between people, and it is very frustrating. I feel as if there is always two sides to any story. Yes I have made mistake, and yes I have admitted to those mistakes. If I could take it all back I really would. But in the end, we're all imperfect. I feel as if it is a bit unfair if that is not noticed. I have done everything for this Battalion, and I have the entire Battalion behind my back supporting me. I am the person these people want to lead, and I have made a close family here in 41st. Yes there were things that happened in the past, but in the end, my performance in 41st was outstanding. If you think otherwise feel free to refer to any of the officers in 41st, and any of the NCO's. I treat Sergeants no differently then I would treat a dam Captain. AS A FRIEND! I have been through the ups and downs, and obviously I am not here to tempt people to +1 me. But at this point, it feels like an attack. I have evidence behind how good I did in 41st during my time here. I feel like the past situations that were ALREADY DROPPED should be DROPPED! You cant take something out on someone for the rest of their life for making one mistake. Thats like completely cutting your best friend out of your life if he missed the game winning shot in a Basketball game. It happened, and he messed up, but you cant take that issue against him for the rest of your life now can you? No. I have made equal grounds with all the officers and NCO's in this Battalion.


All the work I have done has been a team effort, not just with people who came from 104th, but with the ENTIRE BATTALION

Doom the Boom

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@JustPotatoMan I would advise you stop. You are doing more damage than you are good.

You may not realize it, but the constant comments are hurting the applicant more than helping.

Unless it's relevant to the applicant, it's better left unsaid or in PMs. Keep the replies to +1s, neutrals, or -1s for now on.


  • Agree 3

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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Again, I really do apologize for my lack of judgement on this matter, and have had a meaningful and enlightening conversation with BigZach, if you would like to ask about that conversation, I have no problem with him saying exactly what transpired in that conversation or give anyone that conversation in full. If you would like to hear from me, I will also be fully transparent about what has transpired.

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12 hours ago, Nightmare said:

-1   I read through your app and you said you "fixed" all the issues and "seen all the issues that were stopping 41st from shining as an amazing battalion" I think the mass 104th exodus to 41st  killed the battalion and made it lose its identity you and your friends just made it into 104th. I like someone who does something different and actually gives his battalion an identity.

Completely agree I have nothing against viper but this statement is completely true

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May I Chime in here,

When Burner/Razen first came into BO He showed me, and all the other higher-ups that he could be a great addition to the battalion, and when he proved us right by leading, and running things smoothly, and making documents. Let alone him and another person single handily helped me reform, and re master the intel team, and did a SHIT ton of work, and when I say shit ton. I mean SHIT ton. With out him I probably would be struggling in BO with Intel, and with being a 41st Vet. I can say he is not the worst of all the XO/CMDS/Senior Officers I have come across. *cough* Jefferson *cough* Grief.  

He had good intentions, and I think him or Kronos would make a good gree. Stop looking at past mistakes and look at what he can do for the future of the battalion.

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Former: Liaison


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WELL since it seems we are going to act like 12-year-old girls here I am simply going to state a few things.

1. I don't know what happened in the 104th shit or care to know all I know that was almost 2 months ago, he left because he thought things were going in a bad direction, he could have done what people tried to do to my self and squee and go off and try to destroy the next app, he left and did things pretty well for the most part, people make mistakes deal with it. 

2. When I first met Razen he seemed like a good guy and I still believe he is HOWEVER I'm going NETURAL this has nothing to do with him and the 104th stuff I just don't think he is ready and mature enough yet. I feel that you need more time to grow as a person and get better leadership skills to help improve. While I have no doubt that he wants to help the 41st I don't believe he can do so right now

3. Why is it when someone goes for a commander spot on the forums that people come out of the woodwork to shit on people and bring up drama that is 2 months old. I've seen it time and time again in my 7 months here and I find it funny. If you have a problem with someone go and talk to them don't wait for them to post something and then shit on them because you have a grudge against them. 

  • Agree 3
  • Winner 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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3 minutes ago, Dennis said:

WELL since it seems we are going to act like 12-year-old girls here I am simply going to state a few things.

1. I don't know what happened in the 104th shit or care to know all I know that was almost 2 months ago, he left because he thought things were going in a bad direction, he could have done what people tried to do to my self and squee and go off and try to destroy the next app, he left and did things pretty well for the most part, people make mistakes deal with it. 

2. When I first met Razen he seemed like a good guy and I still believe he is HOWEVER I'm going NETURAL this has nothing to do with him and the 104th stuff I just don't think he is ready and mature enough yet. I feel that you need more time to grow as a person and get better leadership skills to help improve. While I have no doubt that he wants to help the 41st I don't believe he can do so right now

3. Why is it when someone goes for a commander spot on the forums that people come out of the woodwork to shit on people and bring up drama that is 2 months old. I've seen it time and time again in my 7 months here and I find it funny. If you have a problem with someone go and talk to them don't wait for them to post something and then shit on them because you have a grudge against them. 

I completely agree, and people just need to calm the fuck down. Like what if we exposed things that they did. Not so cool. Like why can’t people be nice every once and a while

  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1

Former: Liaison


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I have seen a lot of work Razen has done. He went out of his way to help the 187th with our roster and documents, while he was working with base ops documents. Razen is probably one of the most kind hearted player on the server. I am reading a lot of these comments, why must we expose people when they want to do something to help. I agree with Dennis, why must we bring up dirt that has happened a long time ago, and why must we hold grudges. People change, and you can clearly see Razen wants to continue to help out the 41st and fill the role that needs to be filled. I believe he has leadership skills, I believe he is mature. Everyone has freedom to express their opinions, but if you don't know something or you are unsure if something may be true, instead of basing it off of what other people are saying, go and message.

All in all I will be +1ing this application.

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I have had my disputes with razen but this 104th stuff I could care less about People change and Razen May not have had the best choices in this batt but he is still a great leader with amazing skills.  He is better than all other candidates. This is very stupid on how this page is dwelling on the past. He gud leader/doc make/atcl. I think he deserves this spot. 1+    Zero out

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I don't care about a few moments of drama tbh, all i care about is the dedication and hard work. This guy puts up so much work and effort for the battalions he's in, the funny thing is this guy isn't trying to start drama on his own app so that just proves to me that he's learned from the past drama (even said sorrylmao) but from what i see from Razen is pure dedication. and some people tend to forget every single good thing that you have done, Just to satisfy their grudge. 

I know you'll do incredible work as BCMD. +1

  • Winner 1
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Razen, you were one of the first people I interacted with in base ops. You were genuinely nice and I respected you.

Then I joined 104th.

After my first week It seemed like something was broken. There was a minuscule officer corps, with Xain Anderson Chop and FM anchoring the battalion together. Moros seemed much less energetic then my previous encounters with him, and seemed kinda empty. Wolfpack was Practically empty, and it seemed like half the members of 104th had gone. It was but a shard of its former glory that it had been prior, and while we bounced back, it took a lot. 

I don't want that to happen to 41st. Once my sanctuary from drama in 212th, 41st was the battalion I had the most fun in and made many memories in. 


Im not going to -1

everyone should be given a chance to make amends and do better. 

41st has been in an odd spot on the server for quite some time, and if you bring it back and make it strong, you will have proved you have made up for your mistakes, and I will look at you a changed and better person.

But if you kill my sanctuary, my home, I will never forgive you, as we will have given you a second chance and should you have fucked it up, I could never forgive you. 

Please don't ruin your second chance, and I'll be watching to see if you do.


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If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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