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Everything posted by Crossout

  1. 6/10 you spawned droids on us several times.
  2. 9/10 Pretty fun our boys has fun with 21st.
  3. Title of Thread: CWRP - (Name) Staff Application RP Name: Crossout Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:227101271 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 14 Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Tell us why you wish to be an administrator: I would like to be a staff because of how much I enjoy this community. I have been playing on the server for about 6 months, and I think this would be a good way of meeting new people in the Clone Wars scene. While being an administrator I can also help out with any task such as white-lists, droid spawns, and even going into the game master scene. I have also heard from some of the owners that we need more staff, so I think if we had more staff it would benefit the server. Staff also will have me more engaged into the server with tickets to take and soon trying to work my way up through the ranks. I see the importance of staff in the server and I would like to be one for synergy. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a kid from the US who enjoys playing GMOD RP, I was a big military RP player back about a year ago. I played that for about 3 months till I got burnt out but that was mostly because of inactive command. I took a bit of time off of GMOD and decided to hop back on for some SWRP about 6 months ago. I joined synergy role play which was and still is my first real experience on a clone wars server. I have not had this much fun in GMOD in a while, and can't stop playing it every day. Do you have any previous staff experience? No staff experience and hope I can learn from this community. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 41stGCO ARCO 1stLT Crossout has played for 882:14:32. Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: No
  4. 8/10 good for a late night shootem up tho
  5. 9/10 great event keep up the good work.
  6. 10 but there a ton of friendly fire
  7. -1 He literally joined back for 3 days, was active for 1 day, then goes into general and applies. Many people have left since he was last within the battalion. Its crazy to think someone can just waltz back in and apply for Gree. What I think is he should've got to know us and the new battalion before he started to apply.
  8. You were a member of the officer core that kept me in the 41st. +1
  9. It is truly amazing what happens when we band together for a collective goal. I didn't know Slate, but to the guys of 104th it seems like a guy that I could connect with. I hope can always remember who he was and the lasting impact he had on this community. If the afterlife is real, he's smiling upon us right now. o7
  10. @BigZachI'm not the one being toxic friend.
  11. @Zeik I used to look up to you man and now your putting dumb on my posts. Do you remember talking to me in the morning in the 41st channel? Before the 104th exodus? You were a CSM and I was a SFC. I thought you were my friend. Well I'm just defending a real friend and that may make you mad because we may see things differently. But the damage you had done to me is done.
  12. I'm just about tired of hearing about what Razen did to the 104th. it was three months ago and you just bring it up to slander him?! It's complete bullshit you are only doing just to bring another person down. Is this the toxicity and hate we want between the 41st and 104th if he does get this position? As a member of the 41st at this time I cannot understand why so many people believe they are worried if they may not be accepted back from an LOA. This is not something I would like to see on this server and please, Razen is perfectly capable of running this battalion and I don't understand why 104th is bringing up this issue just to put him and his application in a bad place.
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