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Rohan's Governor Application [Waived]


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Head Admin

Steam Name
SpongeBob SquarePants | Synr.gg

RP Name
Guild LT Rohan

RP Rank
Guild LT

Steam ID
76561198271617941 | STEAM_0:1:155676106

Why should you become Governor?

Work Ethic & Dedication
     I have put much time and energy into the Guild and enjoy it. Since coming back to play on the server from the start of February until now, I have thoroughly enjoyed the Guild. I have gotten into leadership and tried to improve its systems. Some examples of these are the rule document (as it was heavily outdated), a new contracting system that is a temporary solution until the in-game (dev side) things are ready for the main server, new events for BH (such as the Rako Hardeen box & clan heists), and some more minor changes here and there.

     I’m very open and willing to discuss and address situations should they arise. I listen to people’s opinions and constructively react to them. I’m also very open to criticism, always asking for an honest opinion, whether good or bad and utilizing that to improve on whatever it may be. I can address situations with a level head and, most importantly, be unbiased.

Conflict Resolution
     As in any leadership position, you will have to eventually get into situations where you need to resolve conflicts between people, whether within the Guild, between Guild and clones, or a general concern on the server. The position as Governor will be different than in my current role as I would first delegate it to the leadership under me with their respective side (Senate or Guild) before stepping in.

Management & Leadership
     In both current & past positions, I have held some leadership roles. With this, I always lead by example rather than telling people what to do. Currently and in the past as Guild Marshal, I have done the duties expected of me, such as: handling rules, guild evaluations, whitelists, cloaking certifications, and all other duties required of the position. Then when promoted to Guild LT, I still upheld these duties because I like to lead by example. I want to maintain this mentality as much as I can during my time as Governor.
Throughout those various positions, I have learned a range of skills and improved my existing ones to a level that grants me great confidence in what I do. The critical skills I have learned in these past positions and improved upon are leading by example (like mentioned above), individual man management, relation, and interpersonal skills, as well as how to properly manage a group (such as a battalion or in this case, the Guild.)


In-game Availability
Monday - Thursday; 12 PM EST - 8 PM EST
Friday - Saturday; 6 AM EST - 9 PM EST (Free days, so can be on whenever really)
Sunday; 6 AM EST - 8 PM EST

Out Of Game
Discord: I can use my phone whenever and can reply through Discord if needed at any time.

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server.

Senator Bail Organa/Aang (Under Forseen & Qal)
HA, GMM, TRO, Server ITM
327th JTO CPT Obama
HS XO Locke
SGM Trauma
Null-12 SGT A’den (current)
Guild Lieutenant (current)
VA, GMO (Current)

What do you feel the role of the Governor is?:

     The role of the Governor is to act as a direct voice and HC representative for both the Guild & the Senate. Representing them for any changes pushed forward by HC and supporting it in their best interest. Besides the HC duties, the Governor should take care of inner-senate and guild systems. Ensure the leadership is doing what they’re supposed to, advising them, and stepping in where help is needed. With those leadership positions, it is up to the Governor to fill them when needed. These members of leadership, if open, should be up to par and possess qualities that the Governor is looking for. 
    I stated earlier in the application that I want to lead by example and intend to do so. If there ever is a situation where there is no one able to step up due to any reason, such as no competent leadership, lack of leadership, or a mass LOA/ROA wave, then as Governor, my duty would be to step in and fill in the spots till they can be given to the proper leadership positions again.
Furthermore, as Governor, there is a lot of roleplay potential on the server with any faction. As you are the Governor of the only town/city/village in the area, I would be roleplaying on all sides and involving myself with the Senate, Guild, clones, and even Jedi.
With this, as Governor, I would involve myself with all projects that either the Senate or Guild undertakes. Ensure there is an excellent final product from the projects, that everyone involved does their part, and that it is efficiently done. Hands-on while also being there to help with any problems 

Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I do

Do you understand that you will be removed from your position if you go inactive?
Yes, I do

How do you plan to improve relations between the Guild and the server?:

Civilian Faction - Navy & Jedi

     Starting with Jedi. Currently, we have two separate programs within the civilian faction to incorporate Jedi. One of those for the Guild: Rahm Kota. I want to continue to ensure that this system runs smoothly, as it is the most unique form of contracting the Guild offers. This means that the satisfaction of the current Rahm Kota and the hunters under his charge are all happy with the current way it is set up. 
    The second system operates between the Senate and the Jedi, and I believe that this unique program of Jedi Diplomats has excellent potential for further improvement. It is essential to ensure that all parties involved are satisfied with the way this system is managed, and I am eager to explore ways to enhance its effectiveness.
    The base pass system is our primary system between the Navy and the Guild. I have developed a system outside the game that utilizes contracts, and I intend to continue doing so for the base pass system in collaboration with the Navy. I am committed to ensuring this system operates smoothly and efficiently for all parties involved.
    The current system between the Navy and the Senate is the Naval Representative program, which allows naval members to represent themselves by joining a committee in the Senate or leading Senate/naval relations. Moving forward, I am committed to maximizing the potential of this system and encouraging its increased usage. By doing so, we can ensure that all parties benefit from a strong and effective collaboration between the Navy and the Senate.
Guild - Server
     Pushing for more RP amongst the server through various activities. Small things such as inviting the GAR to Izada village for an in-game “festival” of the sorts, having regulated base raids with appropriate reasoning (example of successful gm/staff regulated base raid: https://synergyroleplay.com/forums/topic/36037-raiding-and-more-raiding-rohan/) so* people actually can enjoy them rather than things getting unfair and triggering. Furthermore, moving away from only having “Data Heist RP” and pushing more towards working together in events as contractors.
    After collaborating with the Coruscant Guard and consulting their BCMD, we have decided to work on a public violation log for roleplay purposes. The log will keep track of the number of detainments and identified violations committed against the Republic by in-character individuals, and these violations will have corresponding repercussions. This new system will benefit hunters, CG, and the most wanted system.

Senate - Server
     With the Senate already being in a decent state, I would, like with the Guild, like to push for more RP. As significant political figures within the lore and the server, there is so much potential from doing public Senate discussions over bills to interacting with the village inhabitants and gathering their RP perspective on the current situation on both Onderon and its impact on Izada as a whole.
    As I work to address various issues, I want to focus on increasing the activity within the Senate. Although the current requirements are not high, we could benefit from extra encouragement in certain areas. The Senate Guard is in an excellent position, but they depend on the Senate itself. Therefore, I would like to initiate projects that give senators more opportunities to get involved. This will include collaborating with the Guild on bounties and the village and/or engaging in roleplay with clones. I intend to refine this concept in collaboration with Senate leadership.


Internal Civilian Relations
     Within the Guild, there are, of course, going to be different factions/clans that will form. With this partially completed on the dupe side, I want to introduce some internal guild changes that will affect these relationships. While I have already worked out some ways to do this, I want to see what the clans themself want. After pushing the clan restructuring, reintroducing the most desired system with some tweaks. This would go hand in hand with everything in this Picture, which currently is a draft for ideas [Picture]
    Regarding the Senate’s relationship with the Guild, I would like to introduce a new type of roleplay. This concept will be experimental and subject to trial and error. Specifically, I propose using senators to work on bills that concern Izada Village and incorporating roleplay into the process. This would involve implementing a system where senators publicly post and discuss their bills with citizens and hunters, who can observe the proceedings. However, as I mentioned earlier, this is still a developing concept that will require further refinement shortly.
    In conclusion, I want to address the relationship between myself and my leadership team, which includes Senior Senators, Mas Amedda, Guild Marshal, Guild Lieutenant, and Guild Leader. I strongly believe in transparency first and foremost and expect the same from my leadership team. Any conflicts, issues, or problems must be brought to my attention and be addressed right away. I will enforce this heavily and ensure everyone works together to resolve any issues collaboratively and constructively without overstepping boundaries.

Do you understand that your position has a three-month term?
Yes, I do

Edited by Rohan
*didnt copy properly from my doc
  • Pay Respect 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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@Hanzis swinging at the air rn

I have no qualms with either of the people interested in Governor. 

just make sure between GM/VA/Null and Jedi you find time to actually take care of yourself and your other lives. 

Reading tomorrow and then ill repost my vote


Edited by Mystic
  • Informative 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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Head Admin

Your availability is fantastic in my experience and you're a great pick for this position. 

Often times when players get in high leadership positions outside of clone, they often show favoritism towards people they've known for a while. With Bounty Hunter being a branch that's often skirting along the rules, do you think you can make hard decisions against your friends, especially those that you're currently in a battalion with? 

  • Informative 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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So im doing this off of my phone because if I didn't truthfully I'd forget to so bare with me.


But Rohan I've seen how you ran things inside of different parts of the server how you calculate your descions and how biast isn't a thing that effect you 99% of the time. Your leadership skills and other qualitys is something the guild has needed for a long time in my opion. As well as some other things I'm sure you will be a great fit for it and have good intentions with it. Especially if you intened to push for more rp I think that's a part of the sever that lacks heavily due to people really just knowing how to point and shoot. Not being able to interact with each other like actual brothers. Or this this instance a faction of loyalty and devotion to a guild that has been brought down and up and further down and further up so many times from my time on the server. thats why I support the descion on making you governor.



  • Friendly 1
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Head Admin
2 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

Your availability is fantastic in my experience and you're a great pick for this position. 

Often times when players get in high leadership positions outside of clone, they often show favoritism towards people they've known for a while. With Bounty Hunter being a branch that's often skirting along the rules, do you think you can make hard decisions against your friends, especially those that you're currently in a battalion with? 

Thank you for the question. I know actions will speak louder than words, but unfortunately I have no examples currently to give you other than staff situations. In which I have always hold unbiased decisions regarding what needs to happen. And yes, I will be able to make those decisions. In the end everything has to be fair and justly handled. However, for these decisions I will always first have it delegated in the way of: BH breaking rules -> Marshal/LT/Leader handles it unless they need me. Senator breaking rules -> Senior Senator/Mas Amedda will handle it before I step in if need be. 

Hope it answers your question, if not, please send a follow up question or even contact me outside of this for clarification. :)

  • Informative 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Head Admin
Just now, Rohan said:

Thank you for the question. I know actions will speak louder than words, but unfortunately I have no examples currently to give you other than staff situations. In which I have always hold unbiased decisions regarding what needs to happen. And yes, I will be able to make those decisions. In the end everything has to be fair and justly handled. However, for these decisions I will always first have it delegated in the way of: BH breaking rules -> Marshal/LT/Leader handles it unless they need me. Senator breaking rules -> Senior Senator/Mas Amedda will handle it before I step in if need be. 

Hope it answers your question, if not, please send a follow up question or even contact me outside of this for clarification. :)

No this actually answers pretty well. I have faith in you and I hope that you come down hard on staff members that skirt the rules as bounty hunters. +1 and good luck on your interview. 

  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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TL;DR: We, the Senate Leadership encompassing Senior Senators Vasco and Cheez, and Vice Chair Keegan, do not believe Rohan is the correct fit for this position given the ideas, his personality, and the complete backstabbing that has just occurred, which we had honestly hoped would be completely over with at this point as we are sick of drama. We do not believe Senate Leadership or some of the Guild Leadership will be able to properly work with Rohan to get anything productive done.

Regarding work ethic and dedication, you have been a Marshal for 2 months, and a LT for around 20 days. During this time, while the Guild has been in a good state and the things you say you worked on did happen, we cannot attribute them fairly to you as an individual as you neglect to state the other people who put in time to work on these things. In particular to the new Guild Rules document, this is something that many people have wanted to do for a long time, and while you kickstarted working on it, it is something that we know Hanz (the Guild LT at the time) did the majority of the work and actually completed the document itself. After you stopped in the initial stages, Hanz completed the project itself.

Regarding the contracting system you say you made as a temporary solution, this is something that isn't worth being mentioned as an accomplishment. All that happened was someone else linked the Discords to the BH Permits, and a channel was created in the BH Discord to log when a contract was put in. These are good things, however not anything of any major value or major change. As a group who has contracted more people than anyone since we got our positions, we can say completely that the system before worked just fine and adding a channel didn't change anything.

Regarding approachability and conflict resolution, we honestly do not believe in your abilities with this or trust to manage it. On several occasions we have felt disrespected and felt we have not had the chance to fully say or allow a proper amount of time for people to consider what we have had to say. While on these occasions this is not necessarily something in which our opinion is necessarily required, as someone potentially going into the Governor position, we feel as if Mas Amedda and the Guild Leader should be able to give feedback and feel welcomed when discussing things with the other faction, rather than their input being thrown aside. We have felt disrespected and treated like nothing before by others in this position as well. Given how you couldn't wait a day to post this to give us a chance to talk to you and explain our goals and what we want to see in the Senate to you, we see this problem only continuing and not getting any better.

Regarding the role of the Governor, if you had given us a chance to actually speak to you, you would know that a lot of the Senate is looking for someone to actively RP with them in-game as a Governor would, not via changes that could occur without the Governor’s involvement. Most of the Senate, its leadership, and its long-term members, absolutely despise the position of Governor due to total neglect of roleplay since its addition with potentially the most RP-involved faction on the server, the Senate. In fact, for our Senate Selections, one of our Senators' tryouts revolves around the concept of the position of the Governor, and that is the most roleplay we get regarding the Sector Governance Decree, despite the fact there is an established position for the Governor. The absolute neglect of including solid plans and communicating them to us regarding roleplay as a Governor, and not just "roleplaying on all sides and involving myself with the Senate, Guild, clones, and even Jedi", completely neglecting the RP reasoning for what a Governor is, that it is someone imposed by the Chancellor to take powers away from the Senators themselves, is abhorrent and fails to address this concern to us.

Regarding relations, the concept of a "public violation log" is absurd. Not only is this implying there will be some sort of law system for a violation to be under, which was suggested in the past few months by a member of HC and shut down by Mas Amedda and a Governor due to how it would only limit RP, but we have serious doubts as to if it would be used by the server after around a week's time has passed. This is similar to what RSB had in the past which failed as well and just limited BHs and annoyed them to the point of getting off the job. Furthermore, this completely goes against what you know we (Keegan in particular) do not want to see from the Citizen faction's interactions with clones, complicated systems. The entire server has to come to understand these systems that BH uses, and if they are something of this nature, such as some Google Form and Sheet system, it will not be used, go out of date, or fall into irrelevance and see total apathy from almost every member of the server, similar to how the base pass has worked, and still does work to an extent (even with an in-game system). No matter how "self-evident" these systems are, you still rely on the player-base to be able to understand them and memorize the information. This puts further burden on your average player who wants to join CG or any clone battalion to know of this system and know to a basic extent how it operates. 

Regarding relations from the Senate to the server, the concept of public bill discussions has been pushed many a time but always fails due to fundamentally changing how the bill system works. Senators first prepare their concept, and pitch it to some people around the server, then publish it in the bills channel in the Discord (which has been public for some time for people to view), which gathers feedback from the Senators, then after any initial changes are made there is then a vote. This is asynchronous to allow for people with varying schedules to get their thoughts out there, rather than the votes being unfairly affected by who is present at said discussion which is inherently going to be "won" by one side. 

Between the Senate and the Citizen faction, saying that the Senate will collaborate on bounties is something that is already a potential, however, simply no Senators can work on a hostile bounty outside of Gume Saam and Mas Amedda, and for the friendly bounties, most of those are quite frankly boring to discuss and the interaction is done better through the implementation of bills like our recent one which gave a system for setting up public clinics with the citizens. Most of those bounties just make boring, repetitive RP.

If you truly understood the current state of Senate (or had waited to let us give you a full understanding of it, as we were willing to do), you would understand that the Senate Guard's position is much more fragile than you believe it to be, but its reliance on the Senators is something that it has lived through for quite some time. Regarding Senator involvement, there is great opportunity just around the corner that resolves a great deal of these concerns, and you know it. Keegan sent you two documents a bit ago that add immense RP back to the Senate, and you don't even mention the existence of our committees at all or wanting to help them succeed given they are new. Regarding the discussion of bills with Civilians or having bills related to the village, there are actually several bills relating to the village or the citizens as a whole spanning back years, it is just the case that these things are not often applied because nobody likes having a certain type of RP forced upon them.

We also see you as a sly and dishonest person, given your past with leaking IP addresses on another server abusing the powers given to you, and how you post this today, not even a few hours after telling your clear other opponent you would give him a chance to be able to post his own application, since he is unable to post it right now due to a frankly silly ban reason. This application feels rushed due not only to its content, but it being posted not even a few hours after your one attempt to reach out to Keegan, and zero attempts to reach out to the rest of us, and even posted less than 24 hours after the position opened suddenly without any planning behind it. It's actually fucked up that you'd apply after telling someone you'd give them a chance to post their own app in an attempt to get the position before they can even post any kind of response.

-1 if it wasn’t clear enough.

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 2
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 1
  • Confused 1
  • Dumb 2

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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11 minutes ago, Keegan said:

TL;DR: We, the Senate Leadership encompassing Senior Senators Vasco and Cheez, and Vice Chair Keegan, do not believe Rohan is the correct fit for this position given the ideas, his personality, and the complete backstabbing that has just occurred, which we had honestly hoped would be completely over with at this point as we are sick of drama. We do not believe Senate Leadership or some of the Guild Leadership will be able to properly work with Rohan to get anything productive done.

Regarding work ethic and dedication, you have been a Marshal for 2 months, and a LT for around 20 days. During this time, while the Guild has been in a good state and the things you say you worked on did happen, we cannot attribute them fairly to you as an individual as you neglect to state the other people who put in time to work on these things. In particular to the new Guild Rules document, this is something that many people have wanted to do for a long time, and while you kickstarted working on it, it is something that we know Hanz (the Guild LT at the time) did the majority of the work and actually completed the document itself. After you stopped in the initial stages, Hanz completed the project itself.

Regarding the contracting system you say you made as a temporary solution, this is something that isn't worth being mentioned as an accomplishment. All that happened was someone else linked the Discords to the BH Permits, and a channel was created in the BH Discord to log when a contract was put in. These are good things, however not anything of any major value or major change. As a group who has contracted more people than anyone since we got our positions, we can say completely that the system before worked just fine and adding a channel didn't change anything.

Regarding approachability and conflict resolution, we honestly do not believe in your abilities with this or trust to manage it. On several occasions we have felt disrespected and felt we have not had the chance to fully say or allow a proper amount of time for people to consider what we have had to say. While on these occasions this is not necessarily something in which our opinion is necessarily required, as someone potentially going into the Governor position, we feel as if Mas Amedda and the Guild Leader should be able to give feedback and feel welcomed when discussing things with the other faction, rather than their input being thrown aside. We have felt disrespected and treated like nothing before by others in this position as well. Given how you couldn't wait a day to post this to give us a chance to talk to you and explain our goals and what we want to see in the Senate to you, we see this problem only continuing and not getting any better.

Regarding the role of the Governor, if you had given us a chance to actually speak to you, you would know that a lot of the Senate is looking for someone to actively RP with them in-game as a Governor would, not via changes that could occur without the Governor’s involvement. Most of the Senate, its leadership, and its long-term members, absolutely despise the position of Governor due to total neglect of roleplay since its addition with potentially the most RP-involved faction on the server, the Senate. In fact, for our Senate Selections, one of our Senators' tryouts revolves around the concept of the position of the Governor, and that is the most roleplay we get regarding the Sector Governance Decree, despite the fact there is an established position for the Governor. The absolute neglect of including solid plans and communicating them to us regarding roleplay as a Governor, and not just "roleplaying on all sides and involving myself with the Senate, Guild, clones, and even Jedi", completely neglecting the RP reasoning for what a Governor is, that it is someone imposed by the Chancellor to take powers away from the Senators themselves, is abhorrent and fails to address this concern to us.

Regarding relations, the concept of a "public violation log" is absurd. Not only is this implying there will be some sort of law system for a violation to be under, which was suggested in the past few months by a member of HC and shut down by Mas Amedda and a Governor due to how it would only limit RP, but we have serious doubts as to if it would be used by the server after around a week's time has passed. This is similar to what RSB had in the past which failed as well and just limited BHs and annoyed them to the point of getting off the job. Furthermore, this completely goes against what you know we (Keegan in particular) do not want to see from the Citizen faction's interactions with clones, complicated systems. The entire server has to come to understand these systems that BH uses, and if they are something of this nature, such as some Google Form and Sheet system, it will not be used, go out of date, or fall into irrelevance and see total apathy from almost every member of the server, similar to how the base pass has worked, and still does work to an extent (even with an in-game system). No matter how "self-evident" these systems are, you still rely on the player-base to be able to understand them and memorize the information. This puts further burden on your average player who wants to join CG or any clone battalion to know of this system and know to a basic extent how it operates. 

Regarding relations from the Senate to the server, the concept of public bill discussions has been pushed many a time but always fails due to fundamentally changing how the bill system works. Senators first prepare their concept, and pitch it to some people around the server, then publish it in the bills channel in the Discord (which has been public for some time for people to view), which gathers feedback from the Senators, then after any initial changes are made there is then a vote. This is asynchronous to allow for people with varying schedules to get their thoughts out there, rather than the votes being unfairly affected by who is present at said discussion which is inherently going to be "won" by one side. 

Between the Senate and the Citizen faction, saying that the Senate will collaborate on bounties is something that is already a potential, however, simply no Senators can work on a hostile bounty outside of Gume Saam and Mas Amedda, and for the friendly bounties, most of those are quite frankly boring to discuss and the interaction is done better through the implementation of bills like our recent one which gave a system for setting up public clinics with the citizens. Most of those bounties just make boring, repetitive RP.

If you truly understood the current state of Senate (or had waited to let us give you a full understanding of it, as we were willing to do), you would understand that the Senate Guard's position is much more fragile than you believe it to be, but its reliance on the Senators is something that it has lived through for quite some time. Regarding Senator involvement, there is great opportunity just around the corner that resolves a great deal of these concerns, and you know it. Keegan sent you two documents a bit ago that add immense RP back to the Senate, and you don't even mention the existence of our committees at all or wanting to help them succeed given they are new. Regarding the discussion of bills with Civilians or having bills related to the village, there are actually several bills relating to the village or the citizens as a whole spanning back years, it is just the case that these things are not often applied because nobody likes having a certain type of RP forced upon them.

We also see you as a sly and dishonest person, given your past with leaking IP addresses on another server abusing the powers given to you, and how you post this today, not even a few hours after telling your clear other opponent you would give him a chance to be able to post his own application, since he is unable to post it right now due to a frankly silly ban reason. This application feels rushed due not only to its content, but it being posted not even a few hours after your one attempt to reach out to Keegan, and zero attempts to reach out to the rest of us, and even posted less than 24 hours after the position opened suddenly without any planning behind it. It's actually fucked up that you'd apply after telling someone you'd give them a chance to post their own app in an attempt to get the position before they can even post any kind of response.

-1 if it wasn’t clear enough.


  • Agree 1
  • Dumb 7
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20 minutes ago, Keegan said:

TL;DR: We, the Senate Leadership encompassing Senior Senators Vasco and Cheez, and Vice Chair Keegan, do not believe Rohan is the correct fit for this position given the ideas, his personality, and the complete backstabbing that has just occurred, which we had honestly hoped would be completely over with at this point as we are sick of drama. We do not believe Senate Leadership or some of the Guild Leadership will be able to properly work with Rohan to get anything productive done.

Regarding work ethic and dedication, you have been a Marshal for 2 months, and a LT for around 20 days. During this time, while the Guild has been in a good state and the things you say you worked on did happen, we cannot attribute them fairly to you as an individual as you neglect to state the other people who put in time to work on these things. In particular to the new Guild Rules document, this is something that many people have wanted to do for a long time, and while you kickstarted working on it, it is something that we know Hanz (the Guild LT at the time) did the majority of the work and actually completed the document itself. After you stopped in the initial stages, Hanz completed the project itself.

Regarding the contracting system you say you made as a temporary solution, this is something that isn't worth being mentioned as an accomplishment. All that happened was someone else linked the Discords to the BH Permits, and a channel was created in the BH Discord to log when a contract was put in. These are good things, however not anything of any major value or major change. As a group who has contracted more people than anyone since we got our positions, we can say completely that the system before worked just fine and adding a channel didn't change anything.

Regarding approachability and conflict resolution, we honestly do not believe in your abilities with this or trust to manage it. On several occasions we have felt disrespected and felt we have not had the chance to fully say or allow a proper amount of time for people to consider what we have had to say. While on these occasions this is not necessarily something in which our opinion is necessarily required, as someone potentially going into the Governor position, we feel as if Mas Amedda and the Guild Leader should be able to give feedback and feel welcomed when discussing things with the other faction, rather than their input being thrown aside. We have felt disrespected and treated like nothing before by others in this position as well. Given how you couldn't wait a day to post this to give us a chance to talk to you and explain our goals and what we want to see in the Senate to you, we see this problem only continuing and not getting any better.

Regarding the role of the Governor, if you had given us a chance to actually speak to you, you would know that a lot of the Senate is looking for someone to actively RP with them in-game as a Governor would, not via changes that could occur without the Governor’s involvement. Most of the Senate, its leadership, and its long-term members, absolutely despise the position of Governor due to total neglect of roleplay since its addition with potentially the most RP-involved faction on the server, the Senate. In fact, for our Senate Selections, one of our Senators' tryouts revolves around the concept of the position of the Governor, and that is the most roleplay we get regarding the Sector Governance Decree, despite the fact there is an established position for the Governor. The absolute neglect of including solid plans and communicating them to us regarding roleplay as a Governor, and not just "roleplaying on all sides and involving myself with the Senate, Guild, clones, and even Jedi", completely neglecting the RP reasoning for what a Governor is, that it is someone imposed by the Chancellor to take powers away from the Senators themselves, is abhorrent and fails to address this concern to us.

Regarding relations, the concept of a "public violation log" is absurd. Not only is this implying there will be some sort of law system for a violation to be under, which was suggested in the past few months by a member of HC and shut down by Mas Amedda and a Governor due to how it would only limit RP, but we have serious doubts as to if it would be used by the server after around a week's time has passed. This is similar to what RSB had in the past which failed as well and just limited BHs and annoyed them to the point of getting off the job. Furthermore, this completely goes against what you know we (Keegan in particular) do not want to see from the Citizen faction's interactions with clones, complicated systems. The entire server has to come to understand these systems that BH uses, and if they are something of this nature, such as some Google Form and Sheet system, it will not be used, go out of date, or fall into irrelevance and see total apathy from almost every member of the server, similar to how the base pass has worked, and still does work to an extent (even with an in-game system). No matter how "self-evident" these systems are, you still rely on the player-base to be able to understand them and memorize the information. This puts further burden on your average player who wants to join CG or any clone battalion to know of this system and know to a basic extent how it operates. 

Regarding relations from the Senate to the server, the concept of public bill discussions has been pushed many a time but always fails due to fundamentally changing how the bill system works. Senators first prepare their concept, and pitch it to some people around the server, then publish it in the bills channel in the Discord (which has been public for some time for people to view), which gathers feedback from the Senators, then after any initial changes are made there is then a vote. This is asynchronous to allow for people with varying schedules to get their thoughts out there, rather than the votes being unfairly affected by who is present at said discussion which is inherently going to be "won" by one side. 

Between the Senate and the Citizen faction, saying that the Senate will collaborate on bounties is something that is already a potential, however, simply no Senators can work on a hostile bounty outside of Gume Saam and Mas Amedda, and for the friendly bounties, most of those are quite frankly boring to discuss and the interaction is done better through the implementation of bills like our recent one which gave a system for setting up public clinics with the citizens. Most of those bounties just make boring, repetitive RP.

If you truly understood the current state of Senate (or had waited to let us give you a full understanding of it, as we were willing to do), you would understand that the Senate Guard's position is much more fragile than you believe it to be, but its reliance on the Senators is something that it has lived through for quite some time. Regarding Senator involvement, there is great opportunity just around the corner that resolves a great deal of these concerns, and you know it. Keegan sent you two documents a bit ago that add immense RP back to the Senate, and you don't even mention the existence of our committees at all or wanting to help them succeed given they are new. Regarding the discussion of bills with Civilians or having bills related to the village, there are actually several bills relating to the village or the citizens as a whole spanning back years, it is just the case that these things are not often applied because nobody likes having a certain type of RP forced upon them.

We also see you as a sly and dishonest person, given your past with leaking IP addresses on another server abusing the powers given to you, and how you post this today, not even a few hours after telling your clear other opponent you would give him a chance to be able to post his own application, since he is unable to post it right now due to a frankly silly ban reason. This application feels rushed due not only to its content, but it being posted not even a few hours after your one attempt to reach out to Keegan, and zero attempts to reach out to the rest of us, and even posted less than 24 hours after the position opened suddenly without any planning behind it. It's actually fucked up that you'd apply after telling someone you'd give them a chance to post their own app in an attempt to get the position before they can even post any kind of response.



  • Agree 1
  • Dumb 7
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4 hours ago, Mystic said:

@Hanzis swinging at the air rn

I have no qualms with either of the people interested in Governor. 

+1 just make sure between GM/VA/Null and Jedi you find time to actually take care of yourself and your other lives. 


ill be revoking my vote for the time being. I wish to read over what Keegan stated tomorrow when im not tired as hell. 

  • Informative 2

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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Im just going to speak on some points to clear somethings up.

2 hours ago, Keegan said:

In particular to the new Guild Rules document, this is something that many people have wanted to do for a long time, and while you kickstarted working on it, it is something that we know Hanz (the Guild LT at the time) did the majority of the work and actually completed the document itself. After you stopped in the initial stages, Hanz completed the project itself.

From looking at the edit history of the rule document; not in regards to any recent changes that might have occurred; the documents is primarily a copy and paste of the old one with addition of other documents to combine them. There was an even amount of work done between Hanz and Rohan in regards to reordering/reformating/removing any rules. there was one addition by you and one by zeros. Edit History from creation to post: https://prnt.sc/8nu7FAWUbWmg To April 9th
Blue: Hanz 4 Edits. Primarily copy and paste over from other docs. 
Green: Rohan 4 Edits. Primarily copy and paste over from other docs. Some small changes to order and reorganization
Purple: Keegan
Yellow: Zeros


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

Regarding the contracting system you say you made as a temporary solution, this is something that isn't worth being mentioned as an accomplishment. All that happened was someone else linked the Discords to the BH Permits, and a channel was created in the BH Discord to log when a contract was put in. These are good things, however not anything of any major value or major change. As a group who has contracted more people than anyone since we got our positions, we can say completely that the system before worked just fine and adding a channel didn't change anything.

It may have worked fine for the senate but from my perspective everyone was questioned whether a base permit was valid or not. This gave people a reassuring way and maintained log of who has an active contract. This is primarily just a reimplementation of the log that was in the previous commander discord which was archived due to being added to the main discord. TL;DR The system was always a thing it just got moved to the BH discord.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

Regarding approachability and conflict resolution, we honestly do not believe in your abilities with this or trust to manage it. On several occasions we have felt disrespected and felt we have not had the chance to fully say or allow a proper amount of time for people to consider what we have had to say. While on these occasions this is not necessarily something in which our opinion is necessarily required, as someone potentially going into the Governor position, we feel as if Mas Amedda and the Guild Leader should be able to give feedback and feel welcomed when discussing things with the other faction, rather than their input being thrown aside. We have felt disrespected and treated like nothing before by others in this position as well. Given how you couldn't wait a day to post this to give us a chance to talk to you and explain our goals and what we want to see in the Senate to you, we see this problem only continuing and not getting any better.

Kirara? This kind of sounds like the problems guild HC and senate HC collectively had with her. If you can explain more in-depth about how specifically you have not felt heard or a conflict was resolved with Rohan explicitly that would be much appreciated. 

On to the last sentence, I would like to speak on this with past apps. There is no requirement to talk to anyone in positions directly under the applicable position. While I do agree that there should be some talk between them I whole heartedly don't agree that this should be a primary reason for a -1.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

Regarding relations, the concept of a "public violation log" is absurd. Not only is this implying there will be some sort of law system for a violation to be under, which was suggested in the past few months by a member of HC and shut down by Mas Amedda and a Governor due to how it would only limit RP, but we have serious doubts as to if it would be used by the server after around a week's time has passed. This is similar to what RSB had in the past which failed as well and just limited BHs and annoyed them to the point of getting off the job. Furthermore, this completely goes against what you know we (Keegan in particular) do not want to see from the Citizen faction's interactions with clones, complicated systems. The entire server has to come to understand these systems that BH uses, and if they are something of this nature, such as some Google Form and Sheet system, it will not be used, go out of date, or fall into irrelevance and see total apathy from almost every member of the server, similar to how the base pass has worked, and still does work to an extent (even with an in-game system). No matter how "self-evident" these systems are, you still rely on the player-base to be able to understand them and memorize the information. This puts further burden on your average player who wants to join CG or any clone battalion to know of this system and know to a basic extent how it operates. 

From my understanding with the post, it seems that he will just be using pre-exisiting offences, ie. tresspassing, data heist, etc and they will be logged to keep a record. Not sure if any new things will come but there are already a lot of way to get a violation so to speak. 

This system seems like a way to keep BH in check with consequences in regards to doing hostile actions towards the republic. Frankly speaking this does seem like it could be an effective way if it was more ironed out and he could talk about it more.



2 hours ago, Keegan said:

Between the Senate and the Citizen faction, saying that the Senate will collaborate on bounties is something that is already a potential, however, simply no Senators can work on a hostile bounty outside of Gume Saam and Mas Amedda, and for the friendly bounties, most of those are quite frankly boring to discuss and the interaction is done better through the implementation of bills like our recent one which gave a system for setting up public clinics with the citizens. Most of those bounties just make boring, repetitive RP.

IDK about this one chief. I'm confused just seems like he wants to allow you to discuss your bills publicly.  Maybe this could also be a way for senate to infect some sort of diplomatic status in the village to make you more apart of the faction. Doing this could allow for senate to have a greater presence in the primary facility where the faction is located. This isn't a diss that senate isn't apart of the faction but more of a comment on how they seem to operate almost separately from each other. I agree with the sentiment of bringing them closer just might not be the right idea in order to do it.



2 hours ago, Keegan said:

We also see you as a sly and dishonest person, given your past with leaking IP addresses on another server abusing the powers given to you, and how you post this today, not even a few hours after telling your clear other opponent you would give him a chance to be able to post his own application, since he is unable to post it right now due to a frankly silly ban reason. This application feels rushed due not only to its content, but it being posted not even a few hours after your one attempt to reach out to Keegan, and zero attempts to reach out to the rest of us, and even posted less than 24 hours after the position opened suddenly without any planning behind it. It's actually fucked up that you'd apply after telling someone you'd give them a chance to post their own app in an attempt to get the position before they can even post any kind of response.

For the first part I think it would be greatly appreciated to back this up with some evidence at least, otherwise this just seems like a baseless defamatory statement towards him. 

For the second part about him posting without having a way for @Hanz to post. This is something that is out of Rohan's control. The position is open for anyone that is able to apply, he should not have to wait for someone else to get out of a punishment that was given to them from above. 

This is not a vote. This post is to clarify some points made in the original post by Keegan as well as to ask for evidence to support said claims.

Edited by Satan
  • Winner 2
  • Informative 9
  • Dumb 3
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3 minutes ago, Satan said:

From looking at the edit history of the rule document; not in regards to any recent changes that might have occurred; the documents is primarily a copy and paste of the old one with addition of other documents to combine them. There was an even amount of work done between Hanz and Rohan in regards to reordering/reformating/removing any rules. there was one addition by you and one by zeros. Edit History from creation to post: https://prnt.sc/8nu7FAWUbWmg

The document was put out publicly April 9th, meaning anything up to that point was the actual finishing touches for the document to be put out officially. Hanz completed it and sent it out, he is the blue one in the pic.

6 minutes ago, Satan said:

It may have worked fine for the senate but from my perspective everyone was questioned whether a base permit was valid or not. This gave people a reassuring way and maintained log of who has an active contract. This is primarily just a reimplementation of the log that was in the previous commander discord which was archived due to being added to the main discord. TL;DR The system was always a thing it just got moved to the BH discord.

Trying to call the BH-permits some system that is an accomplishment to do on an application is disingenuous when all it entailed was getting a server leadership to re-link the channels. It takes all of 5 minutes to actually complete. When I talk of the old system, I refer to how it was done simply by just messaging or pinging a Guild LT to tell them to approve a contract with a document. Making a new channel for it really isn't some major accomplishment or something really "new".

8 minutes ago, Satan said:

Kirara? This kind of sounds like the problems guild HC and senate HC collectively had with her. If you can explain more in-depth about how specifically you have not felt heard or a conflict was resolved with Rohan explicitly that would be much appreciated. 

While those were issues with former people as well, I see similar coming from Rohan as I already and have some examples which are not proper to be placing here and I can provide to High Command if questioned.

11 minutes ago, Satan said:

On to the last sentence, I would like to speak on this with past apps. There is no requirement to talk to anyone in positions directly under the applicable position. While I do agree that there should be some talk between them I whole heartedly don't agree that this should be a primary reason for a -1.

I'm sorry we disagree, but for a High Command position overseeing our faction, and with a bad record of it representing us well, it's fair if we have concerns that someone doesn't communicate with us before trying to get it and making a bunch of uninformed statements that miss a lot of context for how we currently operate.

15 minutes ago, Satan said:

From my understanding with the post, it seems that he will just be using pre-exisiting offences, ie. tresspassing, data heist, etc and they will be logged to keep a record. Not sure if any new things will come but there are already a lot of way to get a violation so to speak. 
This system seems like a way to keep BH in check with consequences in regards to doing hostile actions towards the republic. Frankly speaking this does seem like it could be an effective way if it was more ironed out and he could talk about it more.

Do you really think people will be caught often enough for this to be used, and even then caught a second time to reference their prior offenses? What if they're using an alias? This is simply not going to function well and is just going to make people want to run away even more than presently if they get caught by someone, rather than try to do any RP with it. Any punishment that would result of this would just be putting them in a jail cell for X time, which is boring as fuck, or making them pay some fine which just encourages people to hit people with the book every single time. It's another system that people will forget how to use.

28 minutes ago, Satan said:

For the first part I think it would be greatly appreciated to back this up with some evidence at least, otherwise this just seems like a baseless defamatory statement towards him. 

Due to the content of my receipts for this (including locations, IP, and so on) I will send it to any Server Leadership who request it, but I am not sending it publicly as doing so is not appropriate or respectful to the privacy of the person affected. I would love to be able to send it to Server Leadership upon request because this behavior has bothered me for some time and has stuck to me as a defining factor for how I view Rohan, as someone who cannot be trusted with power. If they don't see any evidence from me, I would of course edit my post or just take a ban for lying about such a thing.

30 minutes ago, Satan said:

For the second part about him posting without having a way for @Hanz to post. This is something that is out of Rohan's control. The position is open for anyone that is able to apply, he should not have to wait for someone else to get out of a punishment that was given to them from above. 

I want someone in the position who is capable of not lying directly to the person who would be becoming their seconds-in-command in order to get a leg up.

  • Agree 1
  • Dumb 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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9 minutes ago, Keegan said:

The document was put out publicly April 9th, meaning anything up to that point was the actual finishing touches for the document to be put out officially. Hanz completed it and sent it out, he is the blue one in the pic.

Trying to call the BH-permits some system that is an accomplishment to do on an application is disingenuous when all it entailed was getting a server leadership to re-link the channels. It takes all of 5 minutes to actually complete. When I talk of the old system, I refer to how it was done simply by just messaging or pinging a Guild LT to tell them to approve a contract with a document. Making a new channel for it really isn't some major accomplishment or something really "new".

While those were issues with former people as well, I see similar coming from Rohan as I already and have some examples which are not proper to be placing here and I can provide to High Command if questioned.

I'm sorry we disagree, but for a High Command position overseeing our faction, and with a bad record of it representing us well, it's fair if we have concerns that someone doesn't communicate with us before trying to get it and making a bunch of uninformed statements that miss a lot of context for how we currently operate.

Do you really think people will be caught often enough for this to be used, and even then caught a second time to reference their prior offenses? What if they're using an alias? This is simply not going to function well and is just going to make people want to run away even more than presently if they get caught by someone, rather than try to do any RP with it. Any punishment that would result of this would just be putting them in a jail cell for X time, which is boring as fuck, or making them pay some fine which just encourages people to hit people with the book every single time. It's another system that people will forget how to use.

Due to the content of my receipts for this (including locations, IP, and so on) I will send it to any Server Leadership who request it, but I am not sending it publicly as doing so is not appropriate or respectful to the privacy of the person affected. I would love to be able to send it to Server Leadership upon request because this behavior has bothered me for some time and has stuck to me as a defining factor for how I view Rohan, as someone who cannot be trusted with power. If they don't see any evidence from me, I would of course edit my post or just take a ban for lying about such a thing.

I want someone in the position who is capable of not lying directly to the person who would be becoming their seconds-in-command in order to get a leg up.

1. There is equal work between Hanz and Rohan from an overall perspective in changes done for the rules till April 9th. Hanz was the one to send it out as he was the Guild LT at the time and Rohan was a marshal. Does not make sense for a marshal to push out a document of this nature.

2. The old system also entailed the upkeep of the post but was just done in the commander discord. This was a way of moving away from them having to go to a separate document to look at valid contracts. The upkeep was managed by the Guild HC. (I should know I did the upkeep when I was GL)

3. This does not address the concern I have raised. Claims should be backed up to a certain extent whether that be some kind of proof that you tried to reach out and he didn't respond all the way to leaving mid convo without going into full details.

5. Speaking from internally rancor in the last month alone. Over 6-7 people were stopped from the Data heist as this was tracked during Brooklyn's last term. This was only one of the many ways that someone can cause a violation as mentioned and from a single battalion. 
I also did not mention any types of punishment nor fines that would be paid. We have already seen this with RSB and it did not go well. To add to my point is that I can see, in conjunction with @KnightVRwho has done amazing work in CG, this can be made an applicable and realistic system to put in place. As of now everyone is aware that BH do not have much repercussions for their actions besides death. This could be a way for senate to hold more jury trials. (Haven't seen one in a while. They use to be fun.)

6. Again this doesn't address the concern of it being baseless, as all personal information can be withheld from said receipts. What I am asking for is definitive proof of a claim, that you made publicly, that defames the character Rohan has on the server.

  • Informative 1
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-1, being a former core member of CCS is already a  pretty bad start but being in the bad graces of both the people who would be your 2nd in command is just another level of awful. You've got a lot of awful actions in your past that you seem to not really have moved on from so just don't think you can be trusted to run the guild and senate.

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1
  • Funny 1
  • Confused 1
  • Dumb 3
  • Bruh 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Trying to claim a project as something you did when you just started the project and many others worked on it and were the ones who finished it after you didn't work on it after the first day comes across as dishonest to me. Furthermore, looking at the timestamps there, you can clearly see it was finished by Hanz (as I said). And the information that any other people helped on that project, myself included to the limited extent I did, is omitted from this post. 

Now clearly there are differences in opinion regarding if a public violation log is something manageable for the faction as a whole, but personally I do not see it as doable, and if there is no punishment for it, what is the point? The only thing I could see would be for helping figure out who is most hostile, but really it just shows who gets caught the most and isn't cautious enough as to escape and succeed.

Now I believe I have censored all identifying information on here, and have labelled each spot where that info is removed. I ran this by forums staff as well so it should be fine. Both people from this screenshot obviously do something wrong, but Rohan as a position of power of developer in the server this was from should not have stooped to such levels as to go grab someone's info and send it to them. I have brought this incident forward in the past months ago to Server Leadership, it is not something new or that I just remembered happened now.


I don't want someone who does things like this to have any sort of access to my location, no matter how general (even though it could be made to be very specific if someone wanted to), via things like the Senate email account's settings.

Edited by Keegan
  • Disagree 1
  • Dumb 2

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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Head Admin
6 hours ago, Keegan said:

Trying to claim a project as something you did when you just started the project and many others worked on it and were the ones who finished it after you didn't work on it after the first day comes across as dishonest to me. Furthermore, looking at the timestamps there, you can clearly see it was finished by Hanz (as I said). And the information that any other people helped on that project, myself included to the limited extent I did, is omitted from this post. 

Now clearly there are differences in opinion regarding if a public violation log is something manageable for the faction as a whole, but personally I do not see it as doable, and if there is no punishment for it, what is the point? The only thing I could see would be for helping figure out who is most hostile, but really it just shows who gets caught the most and isn't cautious enough as to escape and succeed.

Now I believe I have censored all identifying information on here, and have labelled each spot where that info is removed. I ran this by forums staff as well so it should be fine. Both people from this screenshot obviously do something wrong, but Rohan as a position of power of developer in the server this was from should not have stooped to such levels as to go grab someone's info and send it to them. I have brought this incident forward in the past months ago to Server Leadership, it is not something new or that I just remembered happened now.



Just woke up and was gomma address everything as a whole, but before this gets blown out of proportion: If you’re gonna show screenshots show the ENTIRE conversation. Not the ones where the other person in this conversation has deleted part of their messages and you have also very conveniently deleted your messages in our dms. I’ll get to my pc and write a proper reply.

Marked in red what was to be crossed out as Keegan adressed that part

Edited by Rohan

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Just now, Rohan said:

Just woke up and was gomma address everything as a whole, but before this gets blown out of proportion: If you’re gonna show screenshots show the ENTIRE conversation. Not the ones where the other person in this conversation has deleted part of their messages and you have also very conveniently deleted your messages in our dms. I’ll get to my pc and write a proper reply.

Those would've been deleted ages ago as I try to delete all my messages with people I don't intend to speak with anymore or from Discord servers I'm about to leave on a frequent basis using this program https://github.com/victornpb/undiscord to reduce the footprint on my Discord account that I otherwise can't get rid of. You can literally tell since I had deleted stuff from before our messages about that situation too. People that speak with me often know I do this.

And regardless of what the other person said, it doesn't change what YOU did as someone with that power. You had the opportunity to just block them and ban them, but you kept going and let the situation continue and then sent their information. I'm not interested in what you have to say to defend yourself as we already had that conversation a long time ago, I do not trust you.

  • Funny 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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Forum Admin

Being a Forum Admin, I am someone who has access to very personal and sensitive information of the users on this site. As such, I am disgusted by this conduct. There is no situation nor conversation, in which threatening someone with their IP address is warranted. I don't care if you weren't associated with Synergy at the time, this is not something I would want to see from anyone in a position of power.


  • Agree 1
  • Confused 3

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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+1 Very professional, trustworthy, good leadership skills, cares a lot about BH and the guild, Nothing but good interactions

  • Friendly 1

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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+1 Rohan is him

  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Head Admin

I'll address this piece by piece for everyone's convenience. If I have not quoted or replied to a certain part then it means I don't have anything to or say about that particulair section of the comments or Satan already addressed it sufficiently when he replied to the comments.

Also in advance, English is not my primary language and it may be possible I use words in the incorrect context, if you need clarification highlight it and ask me what I mean.

7 hours ago, Keegan said:

During this time, while the Guild has been in a good state and the things you say you worked on did happen, we cannot attribute them fairly to you as an individual as you neglect to state the other people who put in time to work on these things.

I stated in my application, if you read the "Work Ethic and Dedication" section that I got into leadership and wanted to improve the systems. Further stating the rule document, which I did kickstart and made quite some changes to it. Removing stuff as old as Anaxes, copying over the doc, removing said Anaxes stuff, merging multiple sections, and some other tweaks. I am in no way or shape mentioning that no one else did anything. Matter of fact, once I called them out, because it was not a question at that point anymore, they started working on it. With that, everything was handed off to LT+ because as Marshal I don't have any authority over that. Only thing I could do was mention it, call them out, kickstart it, and eventually have to keep bothering them to release it. Sure, credit is due where it's due and Satan already mentioned who did what with the screenshot provided.

Next up, there is not a single system that I put forward where others have helped me. I have asked input now and then, especially from Satan as he knows what the past states of the Guild have been and if it has already been implemented or not. With that, he is the main person I talked to and made sure what I was doing wasn't a mistake that was already made in the past.

7 hours ago, Keegan said:

Regarding the contracting system you say you made as a temporary solution, this is something that isn't worth being mentioned as an accomplishment. All that happened was someone else linked the Discords to the BH Permits, and a channel was created in the BH Discord to log when a contract was put in. These are good things, however not anything of any major value or major change. As a group who has contracted more people than anyone since we got our positions, we can say completely that the system before worked just fine and adding a channel didn't change anything.

I think it is, and it may be subjective or not. However, this is not a 5 minute change. Going back and forward with clone HC, specifically Naz as he was the one I saw the most and went to for the document he provided me (for the rules on contracts). A main thing BH can do to increase their own and the server's RP experiences in having a contract. Seeing as the /contract menu is busted as of now and a new one is in the works, I was not gonna sit around and wait for a fix when we don't have an ETA, and quite frankly it is not any of our business when that does come out. This system I put in place is a clear, direct system that works. Some stuff that anyone in the position of Guild LT+ could have done but was never done was relinking the BH-permit channel from the old, outdated command discord, to the current Citizens of Onderon discord bh-permit channel which I consistently update. Not anyone else, credit to Satan for teaching me the way of the JSON embed stuff. 
     You do mention it is no major value, however it changes quite a lot. Here is what I believe everyone benefits from with the system changes:
- When a hunter does /me shows basepass/contract it can be verified with the permit channel and with the specific BCMD+ in question if need be where as before, such as with senate, it was only stated on their roster or with a discord role.
- Promotes the actual contract type and assignment with any Guild Marshal+ to view in case there is a dispute.
     - Example; Getsu DeHaan was contracted for BH elimination which is allowed by our rules, but not everyone would know he is contracted with the up-to-date information in the channel for it. There was a dispute of him killing other BHs. It could be backtracked and easily resolved by showing the rules, contract, and no need to involve anyone else to confirm it. 

Attached here will be any and all proof of me taking initiative of this system, suggesting it, making it, and getting all the permissions to do so. Therefore, my work ethic to get shit done.
Initial ping to Lieutenant+ (this was also seen by Marshal+ as I put it in the leadership hall which is Marshal+) [Picture]
The system being put into place + 1 contract shown in the channel as it happened to be in the screenshot [Picture1] [Picture2]
Me updating said system at any point a change gets added and adding the preset of last message to this channel (as Satan taught me) [Picture]
Actively reaching out to any and all BCMD+ on my own to inform them of the system they have been made part of (DM with RCMD Naz as he provided the rulings for the contracting stuff from HC as we do not decide it all.) [Picture]
Additional innitiave taking for the system [Picture]

11 hours ago, Rohan said:


Now, I already thought I attached this picture, but copying it over from the document I forgot to hyperlink it again so I will now. This again, is regarding my work ethic. I have been pushing for clan changes to Hanz since he got GL and prior to it. However, not a lot came from it. We did sit down and draft a plan. Again, credit due where it's due: https://prnt.sc/vSLs2mzyTE7q (crossed out some stuff as it's a draft like it says at the top and don't need that out there yet.). While pushing for it since beginning April. I believe I was still a Marshal even at this time as my promo date was 4/12. [Picture] And even earlier touched on it [Picture]. Talked it over in TS here and there and after said draft was done I have started creating all the dupes for those events/missions in the draft. [Picture] Even interacted directly with clans to test run it, in this case I contacted the biggest clan as it seems the best option to have as many people test it prior to release. [Picture].

To say my work ethic and/or "not giving credit" is not there, it's because it was my work and my ideas. I have had input from people, but I ended up doing it myself with the exception where it's stated.

7 hours ago, Keegan said:

Regarding approachability and conflict resolution, we honestly do not believe in your abilities with this or trust to manage it.

First of the approachability, this may be from my own experiences, but people are always open to come to for their issues. Therefore, I see myself as approachable for that reason. Maybe there is a better wording for it and a minor language barrier here, but that's how I meant it. As for conflict resolution, both in BH, Staff, GM, and past battalion situations I have sticked to what needs to be done when whatever conflict arised. Against people I like and against people I have no relation with. Prime example being staff. In the past looking at objective information and dealing with conflicts in that way. I guess a better way to word it is on how to handle with issues.

7 hours ago, Keegan said:

We have felt disrespected and treated like nothing before by others in this position as well. Given how you couldn't wait a day to post this to give us a chance to talk to you and explain our goals and what we want to see in the Senate to you, we see this problem only continuing and not getting any better.

I will be straight with you, there is a reason I have only told a handful of people I would be running. I am not gonna put that reason on the forums, however if you'd still like to know contact me in TeamSpeak or discord as it seems to be bothering you. And as Satan said: "There is no requirement to talk to anyone in positions directly under the applicable position." Could I have come to you earlier and spoken to you? Yes. I told Hanz AFTER I got my waive as I didn't see a reason that if the waive was denied for whatever reason to tell him and then not be able to actually apply due to it's denial. 
     As for the first sentence here "We have felt disrespected and treat like nothing before by others in this position as well". That is not an issue from my side, that is from past people who have held the position. I don't intend to just come and be like "hey change this, change that" all things noted down are ideas. I am not an insane man who will come and change everything I see fit without consulting you with the ideas I have. 


8 hours ago, Keegan said:

Senate is looking for someone to actively RP with them in-game as a Governor would

I don't understand what the problem is in that case. I put in my app that there is a whole lot of RP potential as governor. I do intend to take the opportunity to do so in the position with the in-game presence I have. You mentioned the following:

8 hours ago, Keegan said:

and not just "roleplaying on all sides and involving myself with the Senate, Guild, clones, and even Jedi", completely neglecting the RP reasoning for what a Governor is, that it is someone imposed by the Chancellor to take powers away from the Senators themselves, is abhorrent and fails to address this concern to us.

I have never mentioned that what exact RP I would or would not do as that is completely up to what RP is also created around myself by players. Therefore mentioning all the factions and including everyone as it's part of the RP experience on the server. Would you rather have me put a detailed, in-depth explanation of what I intend to do specifically in roleplay? If so, let me know and I'll happily send you it.

8 hours ago, Keegan said:

Regarding relations from the Senate to the server, the concept of public bill discussions has been pushed many a time but always fails due to fundamentally changing how the bill system works. Senators first prepare their concept, and pitch it to some people around the server, then publish it in the bills channel in the Discord (which has been public for some time for people to view), which gathers feedback from the Senators, then after any initial changes are made there is then a vote. This is asynchronous to allow for people with varying schedules to get their thoughts out there, rather than the votes being unfairly affected by who is present at said discussion which is inherently going to be "won" by one side. 

To clarify, when mentioning making it public I am not talking about it being public in the discord, rather doing actual senate RP within the game. The characters of the senate are RP heavy, more than anything else. Doing it through a discord while being able to take the opportunity to do it in RP and with that in-game would give a bigger understanding of these bills and how they work to the average player. Something you could host within the DB (seeing as there isn't a specific senate-like room as on coruscant). Again it's an idea and all ideas need refinement, trial & error for it to work.

8 hours ago, Keegan said:

Regarding relations, the concept of a "public violation log" is absurd. Not only is this implying there will be some sort of law system for a violation to be under, which was suggested in the past few months by a member of HC and shut down by Mas Amedda and a Governor due to how it would only limit RP, but we have serious doubts as to if it would be used by the server after around a week's time has passed.

This is an idea coming from the CG BCMD, and with his permission I put it on the app. Now to make sure you understand this idea. This is not a "Law" system. This system would be used to track prior offenses in RP such as any military police/law enforcement unit would do. This is not something all of the server has to know from the top of their head at all time nor something that would be handled outside of CG. 
     Again, this is a concept, and every concept will see it's trial run and eventual decision to stay or not. With this log we would be able to better determine things for the most wanted board for clan or individual which then moves over to the system mentioned before in this reply with the various missions for most wanted. 

8 hours ago, Keegan said:

We also see you as a sly and dishonest person, given your past with leaking IP addresses on another server abusing the powers given to you

While this was already known throughout the community by members I'll touch on this. Yes, did this happen outside of Synergy. A group, including yourself and some community banned members such as Nalon, Royan, Seabass etc. In hindsight this was a dumb decision on my end of course. I moved on from it after that. Was it the right thing to do at the time? Probably not. However when people start threatening, trolling, and being a general nuisance at that time it got the better of me and I acted in a wrong way. Either way, with this being from June 2022 when completely seperated from Synergy in it's entirety and it being it's own situation between me and the person in the picture which, no clue why they're censored as it's Royan, I feel like it's an irrelevant matter for this.

  • Informative 1
  • Dumb 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Head Admin
5 hours ago, Comics said:

-1, being a former core member of CCS is already a  pretty bad start but being in the bad graces of both the people who would be your 2nd in command is just another level of awful. You've got a lot of awful actions in your past that you seem to not really have moved on from so just don't think you can be trusted to run the guild and senate.

If you don't mind, could you explain how being a former member of a clan within the guild reflects on me? I am sure that if you ask anyone that in the absence of all the people playing Gohn, Brooklyn, Black, Flip, and I actually did RP as opposed to being a terrorist as most people viewed the CCS. 
     Furthermore, what do you mean with "A lot of awful actions in your past"? I can think of my ban, which is resolved from 3 years ago at this point and the IP problem which I addressed in my reply to Keegan.

  • Dumb 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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8 hours ago, Keegan said:

We also see you as a sly and dishonest person, given your past with leaking IP addresses on another server abusing the powers given to you, and how you post this today, not even a few hours after telling your clear other opponent you would give him a chance to be able to post his own application, since he is unable to post it right now due to a frankly silly ban reason. This application feels rushed due not only to its content, but it being posted not even a few hours after your one attempt to reach out to Keegan, and zero attempts to reach out to the rest of us, and even posted less than 24 hours after the position opened suddenly without any planning behind it. It's actually fucked up that you'd apply after telling someone you'd give them a chance to post their own app in an attempt to get the position before they can even post any kind of response.

Lmao you are acting like Rohan was the one who banned him, it is completely out of Rohan's control if Hanz can or cannot apply, he was banned because of his own fault and everything that Rohan did is completely fair and right. Also during the IP situation you are referring to Rohan didn't hold any positions on Synergy and wasn't even affiliated with it so it doesn't change anything in my eyes. 

Also from what I've noticed "Senate Leadership" doesn't support anyone for governor that is outside of Senate, as much as I do appreciate you guys for the work you do and the amount of RP you create on the server, some of the things u say on the forums slowly start to look like targeting to me, especially after seeing how you strike people within the senate, not gonna go more into detail on here as it is not you who is applying for the position, if you wish to talk about it, feel free to DM me.

Anyways now for the vote part:

Rohan is a hard working and a proactive member of not only the guild but the whole community, He is more than fit to be a Governor and is the best option as of right now. 


  • Agree 1
  • Friendly 2
  • Dumb 1

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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  • Director

Love Rohan with all of my heart. Good friend of mine and have been for a very long time, always going 100% into whatever he does.
I hope you get the position +1

  • Friendly 1



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+1 I believe you have what it takes to help with BHs and always thriving to change something in it for the better. You’ve talked to me many times before even thinking about being Governor and I totally think you would be a good choice for this position.

  • Friendly 1

Current: None | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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+1 - Despite the applicant's previous actions against the community, obviously they have been allowed back in and hasn't conducted any breach of misconduct ever since their re-entry. Digging up the past won't be enough to change my mind imo. I also, believe that this applicant would be better suited for the position based on their carefulness and I've also previously worked with Rohan. 

Nothing but positives in my mind. You got this man, I believe in you. 

  • Agree 1
  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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-1 Although I respect you as a person, I personally don't believe your capable of holding a reg position.

9 hours ago, Keegan said:

Trying to claim a project as something you did when you just started the project and many others worked on it and were the ones who finished it after you didn't work on it after the first day comes across as dishonest to me. Furthermore, looking at the timestamps there, you can clearly see it was finished by Hanz (as I said). And the information that any other people helped on that project, myself included to the limited extent I did, is omitted from this post. 

Now clearly there are differences in opinion regarding if a public violation log is something manageable for the faction as a whole, but personally I do not see it as doable, and if there is no punishment for it, what is the point? The only thing I could see would be for helping figure out who is most hostile, but really it just shows who gets caught the most and isn't cautious enough as to escape and succeed.

Now I believe I have censored all identifying information on here, and have labelled each spot where that info is removed. I ran this by forums staff as well so it should be fine. Both people from this screenshot obviously do something wrong, but Rohan as a position of power of developer in the server this was from should not have stooped to such levels as to go grab someone's info and send it to them. I have brought this incident forward in the past months ago to Server Leadership, it is not something new or that I just remembered happened now.


I don't want someone who does things like this to have any sort of access to my location, no matter how general (even though it could be made to be very specific if someone wanted to), via things like the Senate email account's settings.

I cant trust someone to be a reg if their response to someone threatening them is to retaliate with their own DDoS threat, let alone saying their town/general location. Although they are a former member of the community and they did initiate, it still shows what kind of person you are when it comes to conflicts like this. I wish the best for you, but this is just insane to see from someone who wants to hold a regimental position.

  • Pay Respect 1

Future Dev. Assistant

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+1 Rohan is a great guy who I've had good dealings with in staff and out of it during RP, he's never seemed "dishonest" to me, in fact he seems like a quite honest fellow from my point of view. The whole IP situation I don't think can be brought into Synergy fairly, since if you dig up every single person's past I'm sure you'll find some bad things that they've said or done. However I could be wrong and that's just my 2 cents, I know I have had my own fair share of bad moments in life before that I regret.

  • Winner 3
  • Optimistic 1

Current: Dumbass, Omega 15 CPL Fi (Again...)

Former: 501st ARFL LTC Boomer, 104th WP HVYL COL Sinker, Doom's Unit MEDL 1stLT Kortnul, 212th Ghost Company ARCL CPT Reed, Omega 15 CPT Fi, Omega 22 SGM Atin , Omega 09 CPT Niner , Veteran Admin x2

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Head Admin
13 minutes ago, ToasterBath said:

-1 Although I respect you as a person, I personally don't believe your capable of holding a reg position.

I cant trust someone to be a reg if their response to someone threatening them is to retaliate with their own DDoS threat, let alone saying their town/general location. Although they are a former member of the community and they did initiate, it still shows what kind of person you are when it comes to conflicts like this. I wish the best for you, but this is just insane to see from someone who wants to hold a regimental position.

There is no DDoS threat here or anywhere. It might be confusion with IP and the actual definition of a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) which is completely different. Appreciate the honest feedback either way.

  • Informative 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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13 hours ago, Mystic said:

ill be revoking my vote for the time being. I wish to read over what Keegan stated tomorrow when im not tired as hell. 


I have read the thread. I don't think its justifiable to -1. I appreciate the work you do in staff and i think youre an awesome person to talk to, Though i also can't +1 you if some of these are true so i plan to refrain from voting. 

With that being said i wish you the absolute best of luck Rohan! I think the interview should dictate the winner in this case <3

  • Funny 1
  • Confused 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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+1 Rohan and I go pretty far back, and I can say I've only had good experiences with him personally and the application seems solid.

Sorry I'm not reading this thread..

  • Friendly 1

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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+1, Rohan has been a godly help to BH. Since I've joined, he's helped me with understanding BH to the best of his ability, as well has been the only guy hosting evals from what I've seen. The other applicant has only just started being active prior to their application, while Rohan has stayed active. Rohan also is wayyyy more involved than the other applicant. Sure, maybe Rohan has made alleged mistakes in the past, we're human we do that shit. But something I like to go by is that

"You can judge people all you want, but you can't assume things. People can have a rocky past but be the best person for the position and truly blow people's minds with what they do in that position. You can't truly judge someone, until you've seen them in the role."

However, when going for a position and the applicants intentions/current issues are brought up, that's different, judge them if you'd like. 

I'm not going to judge someone from Discord messages that have context scratched or left out, and could easily be altered. Post the full conversation, or don't comment. Rohan has proven to me that he's fully capable of running for the role he's applying for and I see no PRESENT issue that he may be unfit. 

Side note: if you're gonna post discord messages between you and the applicant from 2022, at least include some shit that's at least from this year as well to further prove your point. Nobody actually cares about people's pasts, present is what matters.

Good Luck.

Edited by Nescoh
new rating + reason
  • Winner 1
  • Dumb 1

Formerly: Coruscant Guard Snow, Temple Guard Gatekeeper V


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21 hours ago, ToasterBath said:

I cant trust someone to be a reg if their response to someone threatening them is to retaliate with their own DDoS threat, let alone saying their town/general location. Although they are a former member of the community and they did initiate, it still shows what kind of person you are when it comes to conflicts like this. I wish the best for you, but this is just insane to see from someone who wants to hold a regimental position.

I agree with a lot of what Toaster said, I think Rohan is a fine person but it's hard to look past some of things he's done. It also doesn't sound like he has much support from senate leadership which could be problematic.



Jedi Youngling

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On 5/3/2023 at 3:00 AM, Keegan said:

TL;DR: We, the Senate Leadership encompassing Senior Senators Vasco and Cheez, and Vice Chair Keegan, do not believe Rohan is the correct fit for this position given the ideas, his personality, and the complete backstabbing that has just occurred, which we had honestly hoped would be completely over with at this point as we are sick of drama. We do not believe Senate Leadership or some of the Guild Leadership will be able to properly work with Rohan to get anything productive done.

Regarding work ethic and dedication, you have been a Marshal for 2 months, and a LT for around 20 days. During this time, while the Guild has been in a good state and the things you say you worked on did happen, we cannot attribute them fairly to you as an individual as you neglect to state the other people who put in time to work on these things. In particular to the new Guild Rules document, this is something that many people have wanted to do for a long time, and while you kickstarted working on it, it is something that we know Hanz (the Guild LT at the time) did the majority of the work and actually completed the document itself. After you stopped in the initial stages, Hanz completed the project itself.

Regarding the contracting system you say you made as a temporary solution, this is something that isn't worth being mentioned as an accomplishment. All that happened was someone else linked the Discords to the BH Permits, and a channel was created in the BH Discord to log when a contract was put in. These are good things, however not anything of any major value or major change. As a group who has contracted more people than anyone since we got our positions, we can say completely that the system before worked just fine and adding a channel didn't change anything.

Regarding approachability and conflict resolution, we honestly do not believe in your abilities with this or trust to manage it. On several occasions we have felt disrespected and felt we have not had the chance to fully say or allow a proper amount of time for people to consider what we have had to say. While on these occasions this is not necessarily something in which our opinion is necessarily required, as someone potentially going into the Governor position, we feel as if Mas Amedda and the Guild Leader should be able to give feedback and feel welcomed when discussing things with the other faction, rather than their input being thrown aside. We have felt disrespected and treated like nothing before by others in this position as well. Given how you couldn't wait a day to post this to give us a chance to talk to you and explain our goals and what we want to see in the Senate to you, we see this problem only continuing and not getting any better.

Regarding the role of the Governor, if you had given us a chance to actually speak to you, you would know that a lot of the Senate is looking for someone to actively RP with them in-game as a Governor would, not via changes that could occur without the Governor’s involvement. Most of the Senate, its leadership, and its long-term members, absolutely despise the position of Governor due to total neglect of roleplay since its addition with potentially the most RP-involved faction on the server, the Senate. In fact, for our Senate Selections, one of our Senators' tryouts revolves around the concept of the position of the Governor, and that is the most roleplay we get regarding the Sector Governance Decree, despite the fact there is an established position for the Governor. The absolute neglect of including solid plans and communicating them to us regarding roleplay as a Governor, and not just "roleplaying on all sides and involving myself with the Senate, Guild, clones, and even Jedi", completely neglecting the RP reasoning for what a Governor is, that it is someone imposed by the Chancellor to take powers away from the Senators themselves, is abhorrent and fails to address this concern to us.

Regarding relations, the concept of a "public violation log" is absurd. Not only is this implying there will be some sort of law system for a violation to be under, which was suggested in the past few months by a member of HC and shut down by Mas Amedda and a Governor due to how it would only limit RP, but we have serious doubts as to if it would be used by the server after around a week's time has passed. This is similar to what RSB had in the past which failed as well and just limited BHs and annoyed them to the point of getting off the job. Furthermore, this completely goes against what you know we (Keegan in particular) do not want to see from the Citizen faction's interactions with clones, complicated systems. The entire server has to come to understand these systems that BH uses, and if they are something of this nature, such as some Google Form and Sheet system, it will not be used, go out of date, or fall into irrelevance and see total apathy from almost every member of the server, similar to how the base pass has worked, and still does work to an extent (even with an in-game system). No matter how "self-evident" these systems are, you still rely on the player-base to be able to understand them and memorize the information. This puts further burden on your average player who wants to join CG or any clone battalion to know of this system and know to a basic extent how it operates. 

Regarding relations from the Senate to the server, the concept of public bill discussions has been pushed many a time but always fails due to fundamentally changing how the bill system works. Senators first prepare their concept, and pitch it to some people around the server, then publish it in the bills channel in the Discord (which has been public for some time for people to view), which gathers feedback from the Senators, then after any initial changes are made there is then a vote. This is asynchronous to allow for people with varying schedules to get their thoughts out there, rather than the votes being unfairly affected by who is present at said discussion which is inherently going to be "won" by one side. 

Between the Senate and the Citizen faction, saying that the Senate will collaborate on bounties is something that is already a potential, however, simply no Senators can work on a hostile bounty outside of Gume Saam and Mas Amedda, and for the friendly bounties, most of those are quite frankly boring to discuss and the interaction is done better through the implementation of bills like our recent one which gave a system for setting up public clinics with the citizens. Most of those bounties just make boring, repetitive RP.

If you truly understood the current state of Senate (or had waited to let us give you a full understanding of it, as we were willing to do), you would understand that the Senate Guard's position is much more fragile than you believe it to be, but its reliance on the Senators is something that it has lived through for quite some time. Regarding Senator involvement, there is great opportunity just around the corner that resolves a great deal of these concerns, and you know it. Keegan sent you two documents a bit ago that add immense RP back to the Senate, and you don't even mention the existence of our committees at all or wanting to help them succeed given they are new. Regarding the discussion of bills with Civilians or having bills related to the village, there are actually several bills relating to the village or the citizens as a whole spanning back years, it is just the case that these things are not often applied because nobody likes having a certain type of RP forced upon them.

We also see you as a sly and dishonest person, given your past with leaking IP addresses on another server abusing the powers given to you, and how you post this today, not even a few hours after telling your clear other opponent you would give him a chance to be able to post his own application, since he is unable to post it right now due to a frankly silly ban reason. This application feels rushed due not only to its content, but it being posted not even a few hours after your one attempt to reach out to Keegan, and zero attempts to reach out to the rest of us, and even posted less than 24 hours after the position opened suddenly without any planning behind it. It's actually fucked up that you'd apply after telling someone you'd give them a chance to post their own app in an attempt to get the position before they can even post any kind of response.

-1 if it wasn’t clear enough.

no shot any the people quoting this with a -1 actually read it :skull:


Don't know much about guild workings and how it runs but from what other people that I trust have been saying, you seem like a great fit brother, good luck.

  • Friendly 1
  • Dumb 1

Bicep in the backwood that bitch too strong."

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28 minutes ago, Rudy said:

no shot any the people quoting this with a -1 actually read it :skull:

@ONlyCheez and @Ryang are the Senior Senators who helped me write it

Edited by Keegan
  • Informative 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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Rohan spoke to me about what had happened and I am going to +1 this application. He might have messed up in the past but I feel he has the change to be a really great leader.

  • Friendly 1

Former: Warrant Officer Appo | Jedi Commander Barriss Offee | 212th SGT Zin Senior Administrator


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Head Admin
17 hours ago, DripChungu said:

-1 Not the best guy


No clue who you are, may be the forums name so I can't say I have had any interactions with you ever. Is there an actual reason you have regarding the -1?

4 hours ago, Whataburger said:

-1, nah.

Same question as above, is there any specific reason you got for the -1? 
Appreciate it in advance if any reasoning is given :)

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Head Admin
On 5/3/2023 at 6:27 AM, Keegan said:

Trying to claim a project as something you did when you just started the project and many others worked on it and were the ones who finished it after you didn't work on it after the first day comes across as dishonest to me. Furthermore, looking at the timestamps there, you can clearly see it was finished by Hanz (as I said). And the information that any other people helped on that project, myself included to the limited extent I did, is omitted from this post. 

Now clearly there are differences in opinion regarding if a public violation log is something manageable for the faction as a whole, but personally I do not see it as doable, and if there is no punishment for it, what is the point? The only thing I could see would be for helping figure out who is most hostile, but really it just shows who gets caught the most and isn't cautious enough as to escape and succeed.

Now I believe I have censored all identifying information on here, and have labelled each spot where that info is removed. I ran this by forums staff as well so it should be fine. Both people from this screenshot obviously do something wrong, but Rohan as a position of power of developer in the server this was from should not have stooped to such levels as to go grab someone's info and send it to them. I have brought this incident forward in the past months ago to Server Leadership, it is not something new or that I just remembered happened now.


I don't want someone who does things like this to have any sort of access to my location, no matter how general (even though it could be made to be very specific if someone wanted to), via things like the Senate email account's settings.

How long ago was this?

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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Head Admin
3 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

How long ago was this?

June 30th, 2022

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Forum Admin

+1 will do well

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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i am literally captain tukk

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i am literally captain tukk

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