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Bane’s CMD Cody app


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Steam Name: Bane | Synergy

RP Name: Bane/Trapper

RP Rank: 212th Executive Officer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:458597577

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 212th Commander Cody

21st PVT-CMD
21st was my first Battalion. The friends and frustrations I met as a member of 21st really defined my work ethic and my attitude as a leader. I joined the server to look around and probably leave within an hour. As a CT, I was checking out battalions and got stopped by a rowdy mob of galactic marines. Bacara walked up to me and said “You’re in my neighborhood, Buddy”. I was tried out and in my Maroons an hour later. I took the 21st code of conduct to heart, and worked my ass off to prove myself as an NCO and as an Officer. The most frustrating period of time during this was as CSM, when most of the Officer Corps was completely inactive. 


21st JT-JTL

I was unfortunately the last JTL before they removed jet troopers from almost all battalions. In 21st at the time, the entire battalion had to vote for a candidate to fill a position. I was granted both. 21st JT was unfortunately a struggling unit, due to 21st’s lack of numbers. I spent my time trying to revamp tryouts, I made an entirely new tryout that had little time to be used, and add members to my subunit. The most important thing I learned here was patience and learning to temper my expectations. 


When I became an officer in 21st, I was offered the position of REGO. REGO, for battalions who dont have this position, serves as a learner and an assistant for managing all regimental work within the battalion. While the REGL would focus his attention on larger issues with the regiment, reviving a regiment, etc, the two REGOs would focus on helping or managing the other regiments. I held this position until 1stLT. I was made REGL and given the rank of Captain shortly after. This is really where I learned my work ethic. Most of the intel work and doc work I learned how to do was as REGL. This enabled me later on to stand out from candidates for other positions.

I spent a short time in SO, but I learned a lot in that period. The biggest thing here was Teamwork. Qal drilled his SO troopers mercilessly, constantly running stealth trainings and forcing us to think outside of the box. We were often given targets to take down, monitor, or apprehend. Every time we failed, we learned to communicate better and work as a team.

21stKU, Trooper, Charger, and Keller

21stKU is largely where I learned to be more diplomatic. My time as a trooper taught me what it was like to be a role model for the first time. Having new troopers look up to myself and the few other members of my unit was a completely new experience. While only minorly, my words had actual weight for the first time, something I would learn much more intimately as charger. It was around this time that Matra returned to the server and was made Keller.
As Charger, I had real authority for the first time. I was a Captain mentoring under Matra. It was in this capacity, as the XO of a subunit, that I really began to understand what it means to work with High command. We were constantly in touch with our BCMD, at the time it was Castle/Dyn. And we were making major overhauls to KU. We reinstated tryouts, (Myself, Misfit, and Matra spent countless hours on dupework), and were in the process of negotiating for the reinstatement of GMACTs. Matra and I were extremely passionate about reinstating GMACTs. To us, it represented a core piece of 21st culture that made 21st unique from other battalions. After several debates, we were allowed to build them on a trial basis. With help from Qal and Paladin, they were completed and reinstated. For a short period of time the Novacorps trooper was used again and Galactic Marine was made “Special” again. I also made my first mistakes here as Charger. I learned that a loose tongue can cause major issues for a battalion, especially if you are passionate about your argument. It is very easy to slip up and say something easily taken out of context or convey a statement with the wrong meaning. I quickly learned to be more measured.
My time as Keller was genuinely uneventful. KU was mostly filled out under me, thanks largely to my charger at the time, always being there to help me out, and 21st was doing relatively fine. I went from Maj-CMD in this period. I really learned about delegation of work here. Towards the end of Castle’s term, not much was happening in terms of major shifts for the battalion or drama. Our numbers were low but we had a consistently active playerbase. About a month after receiving CMD, and after making sure the battalion was doing well, I left to 212th.  

212th MAJ-XO

My time in 212th has been slammed packed with projects. In the six months since I have been a member, I have been in a myriad of positions. I have been in Ghost Company Twice, I have done more officer work than I can remember, I have been in 2ndAC once, I went from ARC-ARCL, I was a REGO, I created supplementary ARC trainings for 212th use, I created an in game squad system for deployments, I started the document standardization process by creating the cody email, I helped Finn make the new format for 212th documentation, I helped create a COMMS RP guide with Desmond (soon to be rolled out), Am currently reworking the tryout, Am Writing a new Officer handbook, and I create dupes for use in 212th trainings.  I have made many connections in 212th and have made many friendships. Out of all of my time on Synergy, 212th has been the most fulfilling and the busiest. 



Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I should become BCMD because of my passion for 212th. The only thing I really care about at this point is seeing the battalion I love continue to flourish. My career in 212th has been completely based around attempting to make something already great better. I love the people in 212th, I love the lore, and my time in this battalion has made me a much better leader than I once was. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes. The 212th attack battalion was a clone unit within the 7thSky Corps. It was led by Marshal Commander Cody and Obi Wan Kenobi. It had two major subunits, Ghost Company and 2nd Airborne. Ghost company was a special operations recon unit made up of Cody’s most trusted troopers. They often took on reconnaissance missions or other tasks deemed to be too difficult or dangerous for other troopers. 2nd Airborne was a Paratrooper unit made up of skilled Clones trained in High altitude aerial drops. Some major battles: The Battle of Teth, The battle of Christophis, The battle of Ryloth, The first battle of Felucia, The second battle of Geonosis, The battle of Umbara, and The Battle of Utapau 

Availability: Almost always on discord
In game It varies, but generally 7pm EST to 12amEST

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: | Executive Officer Trapper has played for 1466:41:00.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: This is probably the hardest question to answer. Due to the work of the people who have come before me and much of the work I participated in during my time in 212th, the battalion suffers from very few of the issues that other battalions deal with. We have a relatively consistent player base, Our intel work is highly automated, Our documents are standardized and owned by the Cody Email, much of the day to day work has been made trivial or irrelevant. 212th is one of the most well organized battalions on the  server. There are, however, a few things I would like to see done in my term.
Battalion Relationships

One of the places that 212th has struggled with is our image. During the beginning of Mater’s term, unbeknownst to us, 212th was having a problem with minginess while the Officer corps was offline. We have done a lot to mitigate this issue, and from what we have understood we have done a good job, but our image is still recovering. Specifically, I want to strengthen the relationships between 212th and 501st, 41st, CG, and SOBDE. I have begun hosting joint training sessions within ATK and have met with the HCs of 501st, CG, and 41st. 


Long term members
As a CMD in a large battalion, I can confirm that numbers only matter if you can hold on to those numbers. We currently have an inactivity issue. Large portions of the battalion are taking breaks, which we consider to be healthy, but that puts a large dent in our battalion performance. I feel the best way to counter this is to focus on creating long term 212th members out of recruits vs trying to fish as many as we can. I plan to do this by encouraging NCOs to practice recruit follow through, hanging out with new recruits and putting them through trainings and sims that require no/a small amount of staff involvement for ease. 



Roleplay is something Mater and I have been trying to encourage for a while now. We do this by giving out merits for good roleplay, cracking down on disruptive rp or failrp, etc. With the help of Desmond, we created a comms RP guide. I plan to largely lean on this by distributing it to everyone in the battalion, starting at the New recruit level. Beyond this, I plan to encourage RP by staying in character in game as much as I possibly can. I am rewatching many episodes of the clone wars to try to start shaping my RP to be more like cody. 


Rebuilding the SO Corps

Our SO corps has few, but very insightful and dedicated members, this is largely because the entire last generation of our Senior Officers being sent up to commander positions. I plan to keep a close eye on the Officer corps and move up officers as soon as they show they are ready to take on greater responsibilities. 


Giving NCOs more responsibilities/Fixing NCO activity

One of the big conversations in 212th has been giving SNCOs more responsibilities to help them stand out from regular NCOs. I plan to give more responsibilities to SNCOs by creating leadership opportunities in game and in OOC/discord. The squad system I created will be in full circulation for this reason soon. We also recently experimented with a “Platoon” system recently. Although it flopped, it has taught me a lot about what to expect and what kind of systems work when giving SNCOs more responsibilities. Based on these experiences, I will be creating more systems to test for this purpose. NCO activity has been down due to elden ring, school ending, lego starwars, and the server being slow in general. I have actively raised merits for the hosting of and participation in entertainments/trainings. I will be incentivizing the Officer corps to motivate and encourage people to both get on and do creative/out of the box entertainments for the battalion to help people get on more often. 

212th Jedi Program

Jedi across the board are under utilized. Few Jedi work well with clones, and acting as a battalion Jedi can be very frustrating. By the end of my term, I want to leave a training system in place that maximizes the efficiency of the Jedi and teaches Jedi and clones to work with one another better. To this end, I’m currently hashing out the details of this program with our leading Jedi

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Rebuilding Ghost Company

GC is in a bad position right now. I am currently working with GC high command and the future GC high command to formulate a plan to improve server presence and rebuild their numbers

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes


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Former: A lot of shit dude

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+1 +1 +1

Bane has been nothing but an amazing commander since ive came back to the server and the battalion, he is easy to talk to and to approach, whenever I have a  question or an issue I go to Bane and I get a reply within the hour.

I really believe Bane is the right fit for Cody and has a bunch of amazing ideas to better the battalion.

Best of luck my friend, I believe in you and I will always support you every step of the way <3



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spacer.png  Tingle Tribe

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Havent seen you much on the server but i believe the position you are currently is due to your hard work and dedication you've put into the battalion. In my eyes you are a great fit for cody. And wish to see alot more from you!


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22 minutes ago, Bane said:

During the beginning of Mater’s term, unbeknownst to us, 212th was having a problem with minginess while the Officer corps was offline. We have done a lot to mitigate this issue, and from what we have understood we have done a good job, but our image is still recovering.

I think it’s unbelievable the issue went unnoticed. The problem was huge and the whole server saw it. It’s really hard for me to believe it wasn’t noticed, and to be honest you didn’t do anything about it until it got too bad and 212th hasn’t really recovered from this (in their image wise). 

This is gonna be a -1 from me. I don’t really think you have the skills necessary, in terms of patience and friendliness, to be a BCMD especially with a battalion like 212th. Any time I have interacted with you or seen interactions with you, you have a very arrogant attitude and you can come off as very hostile.


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Bane's been an amazing XO within 212th, and has been helping every member, no matter their rank, subunit, position, regiment, etc. The ideas he has for the battalion are great, and can be done through his leadership and charisma.

Best of luck to you, Bane!

I was the leader of the Dogma Balls movement

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7 minutes ago, Hanz said:

I think it’s unbelievable the issue went unnoticed. The problem was huge and the whole server saw it. It’s really hard for me to believe it wasn’t noticed, and to be honest you didn’t do anything about it until it got too bad and 212th hasn’t really recovered from this (in their image wise). 

This is gonna be a -1 from me. I don’t really think you have the skills necessary, in terms of patience and friendliness, to be a BCMD especially with a battalion like 212th. Any time I have interacted with you or seen interactions with you, you have a very arrogant attitude and you can come off as very hostile.

I cannot remember a time when you or I have ever seriously interacted. I have been made aware by the people in my battalion that I can come off as overly serious, stand offish, and that it can be hard to tell when I am joking. When I was first told this I began to, and am still trying to, make myself more personable and to be more friendly. I’m sorry about my bad first impression, but if you ask the people I have had the privilege to work with in 212th they’ll dispel this image. Regardless of whether or not I get the position, I sincerely hope that I have the opportunity to change your mind.  I am here to make friends and have fun, not play for power or upset other people. My DMs are open if you have specific criticisms you wish to share

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Former: A lot of shit dude

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Bane has been a power house of a worker in 212th almost to a Bacta level. He carried out what I need him to every time I depended on him, he found issues where I could not, he had creative ideas that I would never think of, and he knew when I was wrong and was not afraid to tell me.
I was a stagnant Cody who was there to be an active BCMD, keep the ship floating and to fix minor things. Our core structure works very well, why change it? But after 3 months of me at the reigns 212th needs someone who will advocate good changes and I believe Bane will fit that suit very well. Its the circle life of Codys!

34 minutes ago, Hanz said:

This is gonna be a -1 from me. I don’t really think you have the skills necessary, in terms of patience and friendliness, to be a BCMD especially with a battalion like 212th. Any time I have interacted with you or seen interactions with you, you have a very arrogant attitude and you can come off as very hostile.

To respond to this I will say that it can be hard to tell when Bane is teasing/messing around (which he does a lot). But as I became very close with Bane it was so obviously clear what was teasing and joking compared to his normal attitude. As I'm sure his relationships within 212th are only gonna get better as he continues in HC; being Cody or not. Bane cares deeply for 212th and never had intentions to make anyone feel like he was being mean towards them and when I was brought to his attention, I immediately saw him working to improve that skill set on this server.

I'm certain that he will do well and carry out things that I never did and I am excited to see what he'll bring to the table in 212th. Good luck brother ill be around!


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Former: Parjai MEDO Captain Four | Parjai MEDO Major Bear | 2ndACC Commander Barlex | Commander Cody

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+1 this guy knows what hes doing from what i see and he would make a great cody best of luck 

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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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+1 Bane is really dedicated 212th XO and I think he is the only person who can take the position of Cody. I love working with you and along side of you and hopefully continue that moving forward. 



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+1 This man knows what he is doing. One of the best officers in this battalion and and so far has shown his willingness to help the other officers, NCO's and Enlisted that are in the battalion to make the group better as a whole. I think he has what it takes to become the BCMD



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Former:212th Goji CMD Oddball 212th BCMD Cody | ATK RCMD Quassont | Parjai-29 Ram'ser Current: 212th Oddball 2: Electric Boogaloo

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I supported you when I made you CMD so fast, you had a fantastic route and being active

My biggest issue is GC, since i have left I litteraly failed to see anything from Ghost Company, roleplay/a strong prescense, i see some people but I barely have seen any of the lore characters, Red Squadron the same way, the subunits have been on a downhill with the only subunit booming right now 2ndAC. The vital part of being a BCMD is the balance of subunits so i really hope you will be able to handle all 3 (Or remove 1)

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14 minutes ago, Whataburger said:


Just please don't be as stubborn as you where in the past

Good luck

Please DM me with more details, I’m always willing to improve if you have specific criticisms 

41 minutes ago, Bacta said:


I supported you when I made you CMD so fast, you had a fantastic route and being active

My biggest issue is GC, since i have left I litteraly failed to see anything from Ghost Company, roleplay/a strong prescense, i see some people but I barely have seen any of the lore characters, Red Squadron the same way, the subunits have been on a downhill with the only subunit booming right now 2ndAC. The vital part of being a BCMD is the balance of subunits so i really hope you will be able to handle all 3 (Or remove 1)

I’ve talked with GC command and they’ve recently had a massive leadership change with people who ate far more active and who are more driven to make GC work


Former: A lot of shit dude

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Some of the first times i interacted with Bane, I painted a bad image of him, when talking to others and having minimal interaction with you when i came back. However i got to know you, and respect you a lot. I think the grand majority of 212th know you well enough now and can see that you do take advice, and guidance when needed and can give it out pretty good too. 

I have told you this and i have also told you how much respect i have for you, and said how i am looking forward to see how you take the battalion. Especially with Jedi, and we have some fantastic plans set up for it. I genuinely can't wait. 

212th is and always will be a close knit group of people that know each other well. Over the past few months i have watched you develop into a player that has a perfect mix, in my opinion, of seriousness and "its a fucking game". You get shit done efficiently and have a lot of drive and aspiration to push the battalion to its full potential. I like what you have planned, and believe that you are currently and will be a great fit for the lead of this battalion. 

Awesome guy +1

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Discord: Mason#2710

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Forum Admin

I have had issues with you in the past, in particular with you coming off as overbearing and far too arrogant. This has obviously changed, however. Through seeing your interactions in-game and in discord, you have most definitely learned from people's issues with your leadership style, and I cannot wait to see what you do with this battalion. Good luck!


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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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4 minutes ago, Guac said:

I have had issues with you in the past, in particular with you coming off as overbearing and far too arrogant. This has obviously changed, however. Through seeing your interactions in-game and in discord, you have most definitely learned from people's issues with your leadership style, and I cannot wait to see what you do with this battalion. Good luck!


Thank you, if you have any advice for me I would love to hear it!


Former: A lot of shit dude

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+1 the best choice! so friendly!

Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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+1. Nobody else in 212th is at the level you are experience wise. Youre fit for the job.  Rest in Peace Mater D:  love you bane <3

Edited by Mystik
I love you :)
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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Bane has always been there in the background for me even when I first joined the 212th. As I progressed through the ranks I got to know bane a lot better, and his dedication to the battalion is quite outstanding. He always has great ideas and helps wherever he can. I personally think he would do great as Cody and I can't wait to see what he will do to make the thriving parts of 212th thrive further, and the tanking parts of 212th thrive.

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Head Admin

+1, good luck bane!

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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I like your application a lot. Your experience is mainly focused within 212th, but not to the point where it's your ONLY experience, which I think is great! I've never personally had any issues with you Bane, so I don't see why I can't give this an easy +1.

Good luck with your application, hopefully things will go well for you and the 212th.

Edited by Tec
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Future Dev Team Assistant
CT PVT Alpha-14 Tec
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky (For Real this Time), Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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You seem to have a lot of support from 212th so don't see a problem with it. Never really interacted with you much but I have been to a couple of your trainings way back and you had some amazing leadership talent, so good luck. +1

  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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I don't want to vote right now but I am pretty against NCOs getting more responsibilities. As far as I can tell Officers and Senior Officers don't really have any set in stone actual responsibilities since they don't have merits (which I don't think they should have) it just seems like they watch NCOs do all the work and do what Cody tells them to. So giving the mules of the battalion even more shit ontop of their infinite schedule seems pretty strange. I encourage making Officers pull actual weights instead of vague sort of goals

On 4/24/2022 at 4:59 PM, Bane said:

GC is in a bad position right now. I am currently working with GC high command and the future GC high command to formulate a plan to improve server presence and rebuild their numbers

This isn't a plan. It seems 212th always has this issue where it's incapable of holding up more than 1 sub unit at a time. I honestly don't have any suggestions but I think the "GC issue" is a larger one that 212th has suffered with since the server moved from peak. 

On 4/24/2022 at 4:59 PM, Bane said:

The squad system I created will be in full circulation for this reason soon. We also recently experimented with a “Platoon” system recently. Although it flopped, it has taught me a lot about what to expect and what kind of systems work when giving SNCOs more responsibilities.

very much against this, I would fully suggest don't even try any sort of squad system at all. Focus on what makes 212th work like it's primary sub units. This will never and has never worked. It's a neat idea but it's not gonna play out how you think

212th is extremely stable and I honestly think doing nothing would keep it well ahead of everyone else so I won't -1 because I find it hard to imagine someone who seems as competent as you would manage to fuck it up like even that much. I just wanted to add some of my thoughts on your ideas.

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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+1 great dude to interact with and pretty solid application!

Edited by Hansen
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Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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1 hour ago, Comics said:

I don't want to vote right now but I am pretty against NCOs getting more responsibilities. As far as I can tell Officers and Senior Officers don't really have any set in stone actual responsibilities since they don't have merits (which I don't think they should have) it just seems like they watch NCOs do all the work and do what Cody tells them to. So giving the mules of the battalion even more shit ontop of their infinite schedule seems pretty strange. I encourage making Officers pull actual weights instead of vague sort of goals

This isn't a plan. It seems 212th always has this issue where it's incapable of holding up more than 1 sub unit at a time. I honestly don't have any suggestions but I think the "GC issue" is a larger one that 212th has suffered with since the server moved from peak. 

very much against this, I would fully suggest don't even try any sort of squad system at all. Focus on what makes 212th work like it's primary sub units. This will never and has never worked. It's a neat idea but it's not gonna play out how you think

212th is extremely stable and I honestly think doing nothing would keep it well ahead of everyone else so I won't -1 because I find it hard to imagine someone who seems as competent as you would manage to fuck it up like even that much. I just wanted to add some of my thoughts on your ideas.

1. The "Squad System" is an optional way of deploying large groups of 212th during deployments or large events. It's not a set in stone roster or group of people, the Squads are formulated from the people you have on hand. For example, if you have a large group of main battalion 212th, a large group of 2ndAC, and a full Parjai squad, we will split into three different channels while. Each squad is led by an officer/SNCO and has a Comms person who is coordinating with Cody/The XO/A commander/ etc. We have tested this several times and overall it's been fun and has made 212th more efficient. When an event is not compatible, we dont have enough people, or we simply dont want to deploy like this, we don't. 
2. We're trying to create more responsibilities for SNCOs that are both helpful to the battalion and do not take away from officer+ responsibilities. I am firmly against compromising any of the corps by siphoning away their work or adding busy work that doesn't help the battalion in any way. However, it was the SNCOs themselves that wanted to be defined from NCOs and be given opportunities to prepare them for Officer positions. 
3. At the time of writing the application there was no plan to be had. We, as 212th command, have consistently asked GC to formulate a plan to fix their activity and low numbers. When I finally got the GCC into a channel to talk about this, he has been gone due to verifiable work+personal issues, we took rapid action. The hierarchy of GC has been completely replaced. Inactive people in the subunit hierarchy, from XO on down, were removed from their positions and active people ready to move up below them were sent up. As XO, I have been largely focused on reforming 2ndAC's attitude and doing other large projects for the battalion. The approach I want to take with GC is the same 212th command is taking with 2ndAC, have the lead give us a list of goals that we supplement with what 212th command would like them to do, do everything we can to help them complete those goals, and then assess their progress from there. (This is on top of the typical/daily things that are generally up to GC to do. Trainings, little subunit specific events, etc). 
4. This relates to helping subunits, but Is also something I plan to do with the main battalion. I plan to use the position of Cody to do things I wouldn't as XO or a Commander. Subunits generally have a huge problem with battalion command stepping in an being invasive. Instead of taking that approaching and proverbially "putting the foot down", I want to take a page out of Bacta's book. I want to get into the habit of just taking over the event server while it's empty and deploying GC, Deploying 2ndAC, or sending the main battalion to fortify some base on another planet, etc. I want to use the RP potential of Cody to actively encourage roleplay in 2ndAC and GC, Get them to their trainings, and make the subunits seem more valuable to the main battalion/new recruits by treating them like they're special in RP. I want to be involved, not invasive if you catch my meaning. I feel like coming through as BCMD or XO and taking direct control is a last resort. I want to do everything I can before that point to improve GC's situation. 


Former: A lot of shit dude

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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