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Guac's Specialized Regimental Application


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Forum Admin

Steam Name: Guac | Synr.gg

RP Name: 3rd Systems Army 7th Sky Corps Foxtrot LEAD CC-5576-39 Captain “Gregor”

RP Rank: Battalion Commander

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:180837896

Regiment you are applying for: Specialized Regiment





Learning the way of the server. Understanding how to communicate with others and take responsibility. 2 WO terms proved fruitful as the NCO corps during this time was booming. Worked directly alongside HC to promote an active, encouraging, safe, and unique environment, that I believe 212th has harbored to this day. As CMDR, I pushed for open communication, delegation of responsibility, and what I believe is the most important factor of all… fun!


Through my time in the 212th I achieved a few sub-unit lead positions. In 2ndAC, I worked alongside Barlex and my Parjai squad to promote fruitful RP and ensure a standard of strictness within the unit, providing members at the time with an open flow of communications through a well oiled CoC. As Gregor, working alongside my squad was, I can say, one of the best experiences I have had on this server (@bacta @moose @naz). This opportunity proved to be humbling, as I finally achieved a grasp as to what felt so burdening on me for so long…. Progression. I was a fiend for progression, once I achieved Gregor.... The progression stopped. Giving me insight as to what I was really playing here for… the community. 

5/02/2020 - 3/28/2021



Youngling-Council Member

Jedi has been quite the ride for me during my time on the server. While the structure was confusing, I offered insight and input wherever I could, providing those around me with as much comfort and info as possible. While I wouldn’t consider myself a Jedi “main”, I certainly feel as though I have learned some of the most valuable information as I could during my time within it. Asking questions, receiving criticism, taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture, all lessons I believe I have learned and re-solidified during my time in this faction.


Republic Commandos:


Where do I start? SOBDE has, and I believe, will be my home for a long while. The laughs and joy I have shared with people in this battalion, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. That’s the quality SOBDE has taught me the most, how to have fun. How to take, what many would call, a shitty hand and have fun with it. Building the tryout dupes, giving insight as an officer, talking and RPing with other members; it has all been so much fun. During my time as Commander, I have managed to uphold the standards of RC within my squad, and when I applied for BCMD, my battalion. I have done what I believe a BCMD should, and completed most of want I wanted to in my current term.

5/24/2021 - X/XX/XXXX


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I personally believe I can and will offer valuable insight to each battalion if granted this position. My extensive and far reaching experience knows no bounds. Having staked my claim within each of the regiments, attempting to help build relations and speak my piece when it matters. My work ethic within my battalion goes unsaid. Whenever a comment /or opinion is needed, I make sure I offer insight whenever and wherever. Adjusting dupes and internal structure in a moment's notice, to the benefit of the battalion. Being able to vary and tailor my approach to any given situation in order to have every come to at least a satisfactory conclusion.

During my time as HC in 2 battalions and Master in Jedi, I have honed and developed my advisory skills. I have shown myself to remain level headed in stressful and important situations. I use my past mistakes and faults as experiences, then tailor my response to any given situation using them. Different situations call for different responses, and I give no hesitation when carrying out what I believe is proper judgement.

I am known for being able to give honest and accurate input in all forms. I do not stifle my judgement if it sacrifices the quality of any one battalion. Serving in many “Command” esc roles, I have honed the ability of the hands on, and hands off approach. Both of these serve as a necessity in the regimental position.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Yes, I will spare you all the time of reading a paragraph on each battalion, paraphrased directly from the Wookiepedia.


Weekdays: 4ish-10pm EST
Weekends: 2-10pm EST

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

212th PVT-CMDR | 212th ENGL | 212th ARC | 212th 2ndAC-2ndACXO | 212th Foxtrot ENG/MED/EOD/MKSM/JEDI/LEAD

501st CPT | 501st TC Hawk

Jedi Youngling - Council Member | Jedi Etain Tur-Mukan | Jedi Eeth Koth | Jedi Quinlan Vos | Jedi 41st Lead | Jedi Consular - Consular Master | Havoc Squad Jedi  | 212th Jedi  | 501st Jedi 

Navy Recruit - CPO (I could be wrong) | Naval Lore Character Derel | RSB Agent

Senator Bail Organa | Senator Aang

Bounty Hunter - Marshal | Bounty Hunter Informant Overseer (someone PLEASE inquire about this position)

Staff New Admin - Senior Admin | Staff GH - GM - GMO

RC-50 TECH Guac | Omega-22 TECH Atin | Omega-09 LEAD Niner | Foxtrot-36 LEAD Gregor


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

If there is a time to start reading, its now


Solidifying the role of CG in the server, having conversations between HC and High Staff as its utility going forward. Work directly alongside CG HC to develop a stable and useful relationship with other battalions. Speak to members of High Staff to ensure rules are being upheld by CG and Staff alike. Provide CG with the support they need throughout my term, looking at the arrest / bail guidelines that have been set out already, and ensuring all is updated.


Navigate RC through their place and responsibility on the server. Provide the RC with a direct line of communication to the rest of High Command. Solidify their purpose within SPEC and provide support to their HC as we do so. Take a hands-on role within the transition to a new BCMD, ensuring all standards are upheld. 


Rancor as it stands, is not in the best of positions. By working alongside Rancor, incentivizing and promoting RP as the SPEC REG, and adjusting structure as I and others see fit, I believe activity can be restored. The first step in this matter is to evaluate with HC, what truly is the issue, what the Battalions feels is the issue, and what I can do as a regimental to assist in quelling these issues. Rancor in itself is a self-sustaining battalion. By re-incentivizing the perks of such a battalion, we ensure that Rancor may be returned to its once elite status.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I could lie to you all, and pretend that this regiment has little to no flaws, outline an unrealistic plan, and in the latter half bring up “iNtErBaTtALiOn TrAiNiNgS” (@every regimental application ever). However, I value communication and honesty far too much than to do that, so following is a realistic amount of goals I have set for myself and the regiment that is feasible within a 3 month term.

 The wants and needs of my own, do not directly correlate to what is able to be done. What I want is for SPEC to be able to have stellar relations between themselves, and for myself to act as a bridge between them and the rest of High Command. However, I understand this is a push needed to be made on all fronts in order for it to happen. This push starts from the top up, encouraging the High Command of each battalion to always be creative, support them and their ideas, and provide as an open forum for opinions.

By directly engaging every member of SPEC, PVT to Battalion Commander, I believe I can make a real difference in attitude and communication. Many battalions feel locked out from one another due to the sheer differences posed within the regiment. The job of SPEC REG, I believe, would be to quell that worry and doubt, while opening lanes between each battalion, ensuring their ability to communicate with one another. At the end of my term, I would like my regiment to be in a place where differences are put aside, and focus is set on achieving goals set by battalion HC’s.

I want my regiment to feel as though they can openly communicate with the GM Team. As it stands, with the awkward place the SPEC battalion has been put in, the GM Team has quite the issue with regimental deployments. By working alongside the BCMD’s and GM Team, I can serve as an advisory role to the Team, allowing for the BCMD’s to focus on enjoying the deployment, not having to worry about their battalion's enjoyment. This would look like the individual deploying, running ideas by me, to ensure that all parties are satisfied. 

Finally, and put very simply, I want to lead the SPEC REG to what I, and many others, know it can be.

Do you understand that if you go inactive you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:



  • Winner 1
  • Dumb 3

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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  • Optimistic 1
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Forum Admin
2 minutes ago, Cannon said:

-1, I think you're a good person but finish your Gregor Term first

im about to get mass dumbed by SOBDE

Cannon, I appreciate your concern, but it is not needed as RC is in quite a stable place as it stands.

  • Agree 2
  • Pay Respect 1
  • Confused 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Forum Admin
3 minutes ago, Misfit said:

-1 i have no doubt that you would be good for the position but brodie you just got gregor not to long ago lmao sounds slightly hungry

I am around a month and change into my term, as of now RC, as stated previously, is in quite a good position. I don't think it is any sort of secret that the Specialized Regiment has been missing an active presence in High Command for months now. I am applying with only the best intentions, and am quite concerned as to why you would assume the worst. Spec needs that driving force, that glue, that is supposed to hold each battalion together. It sure as hell ain't gonna be perfect, but I will do my best. Hope that cleared things up.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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+1 After a nice talk with you. I feel sitting as a BCMD alongside you, that you are the one for Regimental. I did think about it but you are the better choice if you ask me. Spec. Needs Help and your the guy

Also if you get it don't make me RP 

  • Agree 1

The guy that plays on a roleplay server but hates roleplay

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You guessed it


he's able to handle the immense mass of stupidity that is SOBDE, often being the one to throw on talk power and explain why he needs us to reign it in or stop something all together. Despite this he actually knows how to have fun and is able promote a good environment for the members of SOBDE. 


That being said, while i'm glad you recognize the state that SPEC is in I would like to know more on the specific side on how you plan to improve SPEC internally. There is a division between SOBDE, Rancor, and CG (not really your fault theses 3 have nothing in common and usually have different attitudes). But as you know engaging every member of the regiment is difficult and leads to burn out because of the "revolving door" effect where you get to make a connection with someone and then 3 more people come in when that person leaves and obviously there is only 1 of you which makes this hard to manage.

I think by far the hardest thing you will need to manage is this inner dynamic and communication which you did address is the biggest problem but how you will solve it is a bit bare (this makes sense since it's not just a regimentals job to fix this it is everyone from BCMD up primarily)

The biggest advise I can give you in solving this is engagement. You said "Inter-battalion trainings" as a meme but things that promote this regiment wide engagement are usually the solution to this problem. Give people a reason to want to be in the regiment and want to work with each other in the regiment. As currently in SOBDE I don't see a reason why we are paired with Rancor, and CG  but if we had a sense of regimental pride and connection I may feel differently 


Good luck Guac you always have my / SOBDEs assistance in this if you need it.

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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Forum Admin
10 hours ago, Daytona211 said:

That being said, while i'm glad you recognize the state that SPEC is in I would like to know more on the specific side on how you plan to improve SPEC internally. There is a division between SOBDE, Rancor, and CG (not really your fault theses 3 have nothing in common and usually have different attitudes). But as you know engaging every member of the regiment is difficult and leads to burn out because of the "revolving door" effect where you get to make a connection with someone and then 3 more people come in when that person leaves and obviously there is only 1 of you which makes this hard to manage.

Thanks for the response and feedback. As far as internal changes to support the regiment and increasing cohesiveness, a great first start is being that leader that I know this regiment needs. Regimental is one of the only positions that can cause and influence roleplay by simply existing in such a leadership position. Bi-weekly regimental meetings / updates amongst ourselves may serve as the communication and trust factor to further our relationship as battalions. I am hoping with the recent changes to the GM regimental deployments will help bond us together as well. As for more specific internal change, I firmly believe both RC and Rancor are quite self sufficient in nature. Both needs their HC to exist in an outward manner, and recruitment to simply happen. I believe working alongside Rancor HC in particular to establish a set of standards within the battalion that are to upheld by all members, will develop the sort of accountability that has been lacking in the past. With CG and RC being relatively stable, I currently am not looking at any internal / structural changes, besides re-looking at how arresting is done with CG HC and High Staff.

The revolving door as you mentioned is a fact of the matter, but not exactly what I meant by "engaging". I have known quite a few regimentals to limit their own roleplay / ooc engagement to the officer ranks and higher. Citing my application, this will not be the case as long as I am in this position.  

Hope this answered your questions!!

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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yeah I just finished reading the google doc it looks good to post 



19 hours ago, Cannon said:

-1, I think you're a good person but finish your Gregor Term first

im about to get mass dumbed by SOBDE

yeah but why lol? you can't just say he should do that an offer literally 0 reasons as to why. No one else has stepped up to the plate and SOBDE is in the best spot out of all the Spec batts. Do you want him to just sit around for 2 months not doing anything while he's got all these ideas to help boost the regiment? 

If he applied at the end of his term everyone would be saying "why didn't you apply earlier, SOBDE was in a great spot but you let the rest of the regiment falter when you could've gone for reg"

Edited by Comics
  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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+1 I AM A BIG FAN OF GUAC. As one of his commanders i truly believe he'll be able to fill this spot. SOBDE as it stands right now does not require him to continue on his term and it's for the better of the server to have a stable SPEC RCMD especially one to go help Rancor right now.

Edited by Lyonaxis
  • Friendly 1


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+1 good luck you will need it

  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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I straight love everything about this app


+1 Guac, you have great goals and the mind set to accomplish it

Current Ranks/Names Held: Torrent Company Captain Boomer (Resigned), Senior Senator Gume Saam

"Surround yourself with people that care about you. You're the reward. Don't go seeking for others approval. If someone disrespects your advice without hearing it out, cut them mfs out your life. They aren't worth your time."      ~ EmBark

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On 11/30/2021 at 3:38 PM, Guac said:

By directly engaging every member of SPEC, PVT to Battalion Commander, I believe I can make a real difference in attitude and communication. Many battalions feel locked out from one another due to the sheer differences posed within the regiment. The job of SPEC REG, I believe, would be to quell that worry and doubt, while opening lanes between each battalion, ensuring their ability to communicate with one another. At the end of my term, I would like my regiment to be in a place where differences are put aside, and focus is set on achieving goals set by battalion HC’s.

What do you actually intend to do to facilitate the communication you're proposing? What actions are you going to take to encourage battalions to interact with each other or at least acknowledge one another. During my time as BCMD, I got to listen in on a lot of groups that would shit talk SOBDE for how they conducted themselves, shit talked CG for either being too strict or not strict enough, and now Rancor is going to need the support more than ever with effectively almost all branches of command having resigned. So how do you plan to work with these battalions to either remove or mitigate these negatives images that have come from outside their battalion? Additionally, do you have plans to improve relations within the regiment which could translate to deployments. Obviously all of spec play vastly different roles on the server, but they're still stuck together regardless.

Until answered, will give -1 since not allowed to sit neutral.

Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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2 hours ago, Dyn said:

What do you actually intend to do to facilitate the communication you're proposing? What actions are you going to take to encourage battalions to interact with each other or at least acknowledge one another. During my time as BCMD, I got to listen in on a lot of groups that would shit talk SOBDE for how they conducted themselves, shit talked CG for either being too strict or not strict enough, and now Rancor is going to need the support more than ever with effectively almost all branches of command having resigned. So how do you plan to work with these battalions to either remove or mitigate these negatives images that have come from outside their battalion? Additionally, do you have plans to improve relations within the regiment which could translate to deployments. Obviously all of spec play vastly different roles on the server, but they're still stuck together regardless.

Until answered, will give -1 since not allowed to sit neutral.

You don't need to vote if you're asking a question, just so you know.

Edited by Conrad
  • Funny 1


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Forum Admin
2 hours ago, Dyn said:

What do you actually intend to do to facilitate the communication you're proposing? What actions are you going to take to encourage battalions to interact with each other or at least acknowledge one another. During my time as BCMD, I got to listen in on a lot of groups that would shit talk SOBDE for how they conducted themselves, shit talked CG for either being too strict or not strict enough, and now Rancor is going to need the support more than ever with effectively almost all branches of command having resigned. So how do you plan to work with these battalions to either remove or mitigate these negatives images that have come from outside their battalion? Additionally, do you have plans to improve relations within the regiment which could translate to deployments. Obviously all of spec play vastly different roles on the server, but they're still stuck together regardless.

Until answered, will give -1 since not allowed to sit neutral.

This communication, or lack thereof, was a fault of all of the SPEC BCMD's, including myself. Many battalion operate in a secluded manner, which is usually stifled by the existence of a SPEC REG, of which there has been none for months now. As stated previously, having bi-weekly / semi-weekly regimental meetings / get togethers to ensure updates are being given as well as support. Maintaining those open reigns of communication requires trust, and that trust is developed over time so I don't expect things to change immediately.

As far as the "shit talking". This is Synergy, no matter how well or poor, how nice or mean, there will always be people who hold grudges. That is fine, however I will not tolerate those opinions being relayed outwardly. As far as the image developing from the outside in, there is once again, not much I can do to alter it. My goal and priority is always going to be SPEC battalions first. I will hold no judgement back from those within the regiment, and I firmly believe by "cutting the weeds" I can passively change outward opinion just by attitude and health of each battalion. As far as direct influence on image, by instituting something like a feedback form for the entirety of SPEC, that way others may give their input as to members, systems, comments, etc. I can only work with what I get, and unfortunately, majority of this negative feedback is never relayed to the BCMDs.

For the point of relations in direct correlation with the regimental deployments, by working alongside the BCMDs as well as the GM Leadership Team (of which I am apart of both), the current resolution is that all SPEC regimental deployments will be treated as "attack" missions henceforth, until the GM team in correspondence with SPEC HC can develop a plan / strategy to evaluate and re-conceptualized what we will do with the regimental deployments, to better suit each battalion.

I hope that answered your questions. If anything was left unsaid please feel free to reply.


  • Confused 1
  • Dumb 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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8 hours ago, Guac said:


I feel a bit wishy washy about some of the specifics, but I think overall you seem to know what you're about to get yourself into. I only hope you're ready to commit fully to the position and to ironing out the issues with some of the trouble bats. Along with that, there isn't really a better candidate and as you've said there is definitely a need for a strong RCMD for Spec right now. Hopefully you can handle it and avoid the burnout. +1

  • Informative 1

Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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Before I +1 or -1 Got some questions.  Follow up questions will be Green to prevent Cluster

1. The Communication issue that 501st has had for awhile now have been tried to been fixed by several BCMDs now, With your Ideas presented what makes us positive that these ideas can be stuck to? 

Follow Up - What makes you able to fix these problems that the previous BCMDs couldn't?

2. With the "TC Wipe" A lot of 332nd members went to TC, how can you ensure 332nd wont die like TC did?

3. When you talked about the 501st Jedi Leadership, there has been 1 major concern for the Jedi leadership and that is you really only have 2 Jedi in 501st that I know of, one being Anakin and the other Ahsoka. How are you as a BCMD going to fix the Jedi Program and make other Jedi want to be apart of the 501st?

4. You talked about a Disconnect from TC and High Command. As you are currently the TC how are you going to make sure there isn't a disconnect with the Next TCC?

5. In the previous statement, you said the "State of the Battalion is kind of weird, Our future is bright but we could easily die again with a Lazy High Command" What is currently wrong with the current High Command and how are you going to fix these?

Follow -up: You stated that the Communication is not going to be fixed with a "lazy high command" Are you planning on revamping the High Command, or bringing in new Commanders? If you plan on bringing in new Commanders how are you going to ensure they are not lazy?.

6. What currently makes you a better candidate then the other individual?

7. You have stated that when you were a 2ndLT you were not mature and that was holding you back from progressing, But you then stated your Maturity improved in and outside the server. Currently other believe you have not improved enough yet, could you explain in more details how you have improved your Maturity?

8. When Nova resigned, he stated that he didn't realize how much work the job of a BCMD is and he also stated he wasn't ready for the position, what makes you ready for this position as BCMD? Do you understand what your taking on? How will you balance both the job of a BCMD and IRL?

9. I assume you are aware that the 501st Reputation hasn't been the been the best lately, how are as a BCMD going to fix the Reputation?

10. With the "TC Wipe" you were a TCO at the time, but you also stated that TC and HC Had a disconnect. Were you apart of the decision to wipe TC? and what were your thoughts on the situation at the time as a TCO?

11. What are your opinion currently on the state of both TC and 332nd, and what are the current issues in these sub units?

12. What are your opinions currently on the Regiments in 501st and are there any issues in the regiments?

Follow-up: How are you going to work with the REGL to ensure all regiments are in good shape?

13. Currently what is your opinion on Trainings within 501st?, do you guys have regular trainings or irregular?.

14. How are you going to better Battalion Relations with other Battalions outside of the Attack Regiment?

15. What are current thoughts on the Reserve Roster?

Follow-up With your LOA/ROA rules and the Reserve Roster is meant for indefinite LOAs, are you still going to implement the Reserve Roster? are you going to remove it? and if a Officer goes on reserves with your Rules will they be removed etc.?

16. Another question regarding communication, With Phaser being Ahsoka and equal to a Commander, he has shown his frustration with being left out of the loop and 332nd things aswell, How are you as a BCMD going to ensure everyone is on the same page and if not how are you going to get on the same page? you stated weekly Officer Meetings, but will they be Weekly? or will they be Bi-Weekly because you have previously had "Weekly Battalion Meetings" That have gone from Weekly to Bi Weekly. And how are you positive they will fix the communication issues?


Thank you in advance for answering these questions, and if you somehow get this position I wish you the best of luck.

+1 guac is awesome!

  • Agree 1
  • Funny 4
  • Winner 2
  • Informative 1
  • Optimistic 1
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Just now, Caidoon said:

Before I +1 or -1 Got some questions.  Follow up questions will be Green to prevent Cluster

1. The Communication issue that 501st has had for awhile now have been tried to been fixed by several BCMDs now, With your Ideas presented what makes us positive that these ideas can be stuck to? 

Follow Up - What makes you able to fix these problems that the previous BCMDs couldn't?

2. With the "TC Wipe" A lot of 332nd members went to TC, how can you ensure 332nd wont die like TC did?

3. When you talked about the 501st Jedi Leadership, there has been 1 major concern for the Jedi leadership and that is you really only have 2 Jedi in 501st that I know of, one being Anakin and the other Ahsoka. How are you as a BCMD going to fix the Jedi Program and make other Jedi want to be apart of the 501st?

4. You talked about a Disconnect from TC and High Command. As you are currently the TC how are you going to make sure there isn't a disconnect with the Next TCC?

5. In the previous statement, you said the "State of the Battalion is kind of weird, Our future is bright but we could easily die again with a Lazy High Command" What is currently wrong with the current High Command and how are you going to fix these?

Follow -up: You stated that the Communication is not going to be fixed with a "lazy high command" Are you planning on revamping the High Command, or bringing in new Commanders? If you plan on bringing in new Commanders how are you going to ensure they are not lazy?.

6. What currently makes you a better candidate then the other individual?

7. You have stated that when you were a 2ndLT you were not mature and that was holding you back from progressing, But you then stated your Maturity improved in and outside the server. Currently other believe you have not improved enough yet, could you explain in more details how you have improved your Maturity?

8. When Nova resigned, he stated that he didn't realize how much work the job of a BCMD is and he also stated he wasn't ready for the position, what makes you ready for this position as BCMD? Do you understand what your taking on? How will you balance both the job of a BCMD and IRL?

9. I assume you are aware that the 501st Reputation hasn't been the been the best lately, how are as a BCMD going to fix the Reputation?

10. With the "TC Wipe" you were a TCO at the time, but you also stated that TC and HC Had a disconnect. Were you apart of the decision to wipe TC? and what were your thoughts on the situation at the time as a TCO?

11. What are your opinion currently on the state of both TC and 332nd, and what are the current issues in these sub units?

12. What are your opinions currently on the Regiments in 501st and are there any issues in the regiments?

Follow-up: How are you going to work with the REGL to ensure all regiments are in good shape?

13. Currently what is your opinion on Trainings within 501st?, do you guys have regular trainings or irregular?.

14. How are you going to better Battalion Relations with other Battalions outside of the Attack Regiment?

15. What are current thoughts on the Reserve Roster?

Follow-up With your LOA/ROA rules and the Reserve Roster is meant for indefinite LOAs, are you still going to implement the Reserve Roster? are you going to remove it? and if a Officer goes on reserves with your Rules will they be removed etc.?

16. Another question regarding communication, With Phaser being Ahsoka and equal to a Commander, he has shown his frustration with being left out of the loop and 332nd things aswell, How are you as a BCMD going to ensure everyone is on the same page and if not how are you going to get on the same page? you stated weekly Officer Meetings, but will they be Weekly? or will they be Bi-Weekly because you have previously had "Weekly Battalion Meetings" That have gone from Weekly to Bi Weekly. And how are you positive they will fix the communication issues?


Thank you in advance for answering these questions, and if you somehow get this position I wish you the best of luck.

+1 guac is awesome!

I would also like to know before I +1 or -1

  • Agree 1
  • Informative 1


Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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Before i leave a vote on this one, I have a couple questions cause personally I don't see you ready, however you may change my mind

1) Being an Admiral is a harder job than it seems. You get a lot of power and u are treated like a Regimental Commander, you also get a vote in BCMD apps. Now here comes a question:

What is a regimental/admiral position to you?

2) I have had some issues with the way you act in game from time to time:

Can you please tell me how will you ensure that you remain professional, how in your eyes an Admiral should act:

3) "--Interaction--
The Navy hasnt always been in the best spot with communications with the community, with you guys. I wanna change that, as a community we should all get along and help eachother, and a naval member should treat it like a ship not a base, on a base you sometimes are on eachothers lips, on a Venator for example you are always on eachother their lips and there is no escape about it. I want the navy to interact with the community 
during and outside of events and not only in OOC."

This part is confusing, can you please explain what exactly do you want to change and how will you implement that?


"--A Plan--

When many people enter a leadership position, they generally are overwhelmed with the effort it takes to implement the change they want. I always like to be prepared for things like changes, it takes a simple plan and basic communications and meetings to get it starting, a plan always makes an effective leader."


you are talking about a plan, however the only thing u mention after is that you want more interactions and ensure all chiefs are doing their job properly. 

Is there anything else apart of your plan u didn't share in your app? If so can you please give us more detail on this one?

Thats all the questions I have so far, I will not vote until I get a response

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Jedi Youngling

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+1 he could do great and he doesn’t oh well he can get yeeted out. 

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Forum Admin
30 minutes ago, Freck said:

I have a question. 

As a Regimental Commander, how are you going to help increase relations with your regiment and the Navy? 

Great question.

To be 100% honest with you, I  had no plans to increase relations directly with the Navy, nor is that a priority if I were to be granted this position. However, if that were to be an avenue you as Admiral would like to pursue I would be glad to. I would be fine with directly engaging members of the Navy in RP, ensuring that they are being respected and jobs understood by my regiment. I think further details could be discussed if I were to be granted this position with you /or Senior Officer+ if you feel so inclined. Hope that answers your question.

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