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Ja'Baku's Yodas App


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Steam Name: 



RP Name: 

Mace Windu or Warrior Master Ja’Baku


RP Rank: 

Master of the Order


Steam ID: 




Mace Windu

Jedi General x2

Kit Fisto

Guardian Lead

Ace Lead

Guardian Manager Lead x2

RC-Warrant Officer/Grey RC Squad LEAD

Special Operation Major


Why should you become Grand Master?:  

Ever since Early 2018 when I first joined the server, and I have always mained jedi every time I’ve played on  the server. When I came back in December of 2018 and worked up through the ranks and became Master, during Heart’s Yoda term, I put many hours into the order through countless meetings, training and trials all in order to show my dedication to the order. In January 2021 I came back and mained Jedi once again by helping to restructure the Guardian branch. I have continued with this hard work up to my current rank of Master of the Order. I truly love helping the order, and putting in hours trying to produce roleplay and help develop improvements for the order and server as a whole. I want to keep helping by being the Spearhead of change that I have been but with the greater authority of Grand Master.

Through my time as windu I hope I have left a great mark on the server, and I wish to continue this during my yoda term. I want to focus on changes for the Order that will hopefully run smoother than the current system and stay for a long time. My primary focus will be on fixing the Jedi and Clone Relationship. As of the current relationship on the server I see constant disrespect from both sides and I want to change that and make it more like the show where the Clones Respected the Jedi and the Same for the Jedi to the Clone troopers. I want our Jedi to have a relationship with their Clones like Anakain and Rex did where we have an equal understanding. Thesechanges can be arranged from Roleplay to Meetings and allowing BCMDs to have a Say so with who gets Appointed there Jedi General of their battalion. I plan to revamp Battalion Jedi and make it more rewarding for building and helping that battalion Since we are Generals in the Clone Wars. In my term I plan to make Shaak Ti play one of the biggest roles in the Order as I believe  job has been misused and I want more than a form to be filled out as a Jedi report. I want to see roleplay with Shaak talking to the RCMDs and BCMDs pushing RP for the troopers and establishing that relationship. I also want to push for a better structure to help padawans move up through the Order and revamp our Knight and Padawan system to make it more rewarding for both sides to RP and move through the Order. 


Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?: 




All Week either between 12pmest-5pmest then from 8pm-1pm est


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:  

Mace Windu

Was a Jedi General twice

Was Granted the First Unnamed Knight to be Given The Title of Warrior Master 

Was the First Unnamed Master to Be granted Battle Master 

Received the Title of Jedi Commander

Helped Rebuild and Re-work Guardian Skills as Guardian Lead

As a Knight implemented the Jedi Strike Team into the Server

RC-Warrant Officer and Grey RC Squad lead


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?: 

  1. I want to see the relationship between Jedi and clones improve and become more meaningful. Details on this can be seen above.

  2.  I want the Order to have a Full council where our meetings are more than 5 minutes and where the Votes matter. I want a more clearly defined structure that is helpful for those who wish to move up as a jedi,  I want to see and feel that I will have a Full council that all feel like they can run for Yoda and Give the directors hell because they wouldn’t know who to pick because they are all Solid and well rounded candidates.

  3.  I also plan to push a Revamp of the Jedi Council changing the Ranking Structure a bit and giving them more meaning besides a title. Right now the ranks feel a little too similar to the knights 1-5 system, I believe each rank should be meaningful and have clear expectations/powers/permissions outlined.

  4. FInally I play to make some changes to lore characters. I want to make sure all of the master jobs are utilized to promote roleplay, as well as change how we do knight lore jobs a bit. An idea I have is the introduction of more none job lore positions. These positions won’t be run by a trial like job ones, but will be able to be picked up by players a lot easier as an introduction to roleplay before going for more important named characters.


How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?: 

With the New Ranking Structure, the plan is the ranks to help reward Jedi for helping with branch work and to help make the rank hold meaning instead of a number. Iif it works like we hope we might make small adjustments and work out the kinks of it. The ranks also help us decide who we pick for assignments for the order either for RP or who we can trust with anything within the branch. But we also will look at the lower ranks and see what they need help with in a RP aspect.


Well by having constant communication between the branches and making sure the Branch Overseer job is being utilized at it’s full intent making sure those who deserve praise are being appointed and those who are discouraged will be spoken to and helped to fix any future problems, Also with using the Council of Reassignment we will utilize our masters with experience to help those branches that Struggle .


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: 


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Ja'baku, we have talked a lot these past couple of days. The ideas and plans you have are things that I think can all help the order out insanely. You being willing to talk as much as you have with me and bounce ideas off each other has been great to see and this kind of openess is something I think is super important in a yoda. Letting your masters have ideas and act on them is one of the best things. Good luck.



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+1 good guy. Knows what he is doing. Just don’t disappear

by the way your formatting is dog shit

Edited by Brooklyn
  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 even though you didn’t gimme my credits 

  • Funny 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Ja'Baku certainly has ideas and a drive to help the Order. No doubt there.


Been talking with him for a while now, as part of the big four, and I think he can and will continue forward with some ideas we have talked of and had in the works which will help better the Order.

I have been and will continue to work with him and the rest of our Council. Confident that he has the drive and experience to be Yoda, but will want to hear  that voice.




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6 hours ago, browargame said:

 I want the Order to have a Full council where our meetings are more than 5 minutes and where the Votes matter.

Vague. Length of the meetings are not necessarily the issue so much as the end result of the vote in question. If you want time, you have an entire week to create discussion in the discord and discuss about the vote before bringing to official discussion in the meeting. You could use that entire week to make things more efficient.

1. How do you plan to ensure that stable communication survives during your 3 month term?(Between masters and the rest of the players if you can.)

6 hours ago, browargame said:

I want to see the relationship between Jedi and clones improve and become more meaningful. Details on this can be seen above.


6 hours ago, browargame said:

Through my time as windu I hope I have left a great mark on the server, and I wish to continue this during my yoda term. I want to focus on changes for the Order that will hopefully run smoother than the current system and stay for a long time. My primary focus will be on fixing the Jedi and Clone Relationship. As of the current relationship on the server I see constant disrespect from both sides and I want to change that and make it more like the show where the Clones Respected the Jedi and the Same for the Jedi to the Clone troopers. I want our Jedi to have a relationship with their Clones like Anakain and Rex did where we have an equal understanding. Thesechanges can be arranged from Roleplay to Meetings and allowing BCMDs to have a Say so with who gets Appointed there Jedi General of their battalion. I plan to revamp Battalion Jedi and make it more rewarding for building and helping that battalion Since we are Generals in the Clone Wars. In my term I plan to make Shaak Ti play one of the biggest roles in the Order as I believe  job has been misused and I want more than a form to be filled out as a Jedi report. I want to see roleplay with Shaak talking to the RCMDs and BCMDs pushing RP for the troopers and establishing that relationship. I also want to push for a better structure to help padawans move up through the Order and revamp our Knight and Padawan system to make it more rewarding for both sides to RP and move through the Order. 

This is good on paper but the question i have is can you provide an example of how you would go about doing something like this?(Meetings are a good way to get information on important topics, but meetingrp is...sometimes neglible and doesn't ALWAYS produce the best results.)


6 hours ago, browargame said:

An idea I have is the introduction of more none job lore positions. These positions won’t be run by a trial like job ones, but will be able to be picked up by players a lot easier as an introduction to roleplay before going for more important named characters.

Can you provide more of an description off what you said here? 


@browargameas an individual you do have a certain...Unique perspective and i respect it. In my opinion i feel like you need to be challenged more so this is me asking for additional information before giving my vote. Some people take this particular position too lightly and dont consider the repercussions of each action. I look forward to your responses.


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+1 hear me out take yoda out and make Mace the Master of the Order 

Edited by KillJoy

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Forum Admin

+1, talked too you many times about jedi. You are incredibly blunt and aren't afraid to speak your mind. You recognize the mistakes and faults of your own and others and are quick to correct it, more than past yodas can say.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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  • Management


You seem like you have the Jedi Order’s best interest in mind and I can see you doing well with the position

Good luck!


i am literally captain tukk

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13 hours ago, Maverick said:

Vague. Length of the meetings are not necessarily the issue so much as the end result of the vote in question. If you want time, you have an entire week to create discussion in the discord and discuss about the vote before bringing to official discussion in the meeting. You could use that entire week to make things more efficient.

1. How do you plan to ensure that stable communication survives during your 3 month term?(Between masters and the rest of the players if you can.)


This is good on paper but the question i have is can you provide an example of how you would go about doing something like this?(Meetings are a good way to get information on important topics, but meetingrp is...sometimes neglible and doesn't ALWAYS produce the best results.)


Can you provide more of an description off what you said here? 


@browargameas an individual you do have a certain...Unique perspective and i respect it. In my opinion i feel like you need to be challenged more so this is me asking for additional information before giving my vote. Some people take this particular position too lightly and dont consider the repercussions of each action. I look forward to your responses.

I plan to utilize the agenda where we wipe the Agenda on Monday and allow Suggestions to come through until Thursday or Friday and allow Masters who will not make the meetings to put there Vote in the discussion channel, But we will Vote the Day of the Saturday Meeting instead of it being a skim over  where we read the agenda, I want the Masters to go ahead and read the agenda intead of the day of the meeting so they should already have there opinion thought out, with the system we have now we only get "+1 I think this is a great idea!" So in that standard it will make things run smoother and faster if we just did it the day of the meeting.

Well I plan to utilize discord to help monitor commination between masters on a daily basis, but the meetings every Saturday is help Vocalize the Complaints or Concerns from the Masters and I plan to utilize the new Branch Master ranks to make sure they host regular meetings for their branch to help with any complaints and suggestions there mangers and knights/padawans have. Also I plan to keep the Suggestion Form and regularly check it on a weekly basis

I already spoke with Deku on this ulitlizng the Relationship between Shaak and the MCMD and to Help Shaak conduct more fluent rp with with being with Battalion Joint Training and have Regular meetings with the RCMDs and Masrhall and having a Higher Presences in the Command Discord, I beleieve Shaak should be in constant contact with the BCMDs as well instead of just sending a Form out and really establishing a relationship, I think it is very embarrassing if I hear a BCMD that doesn't even know who Shaak is.

With the Lore none named lore Jobs I plan to implement a Form stating the Name of the Named Knight/Padawan: Current Rank: Lore:, I want named knights/padawans to make sense who will be in the server for example Tyzen Xebec is a easy job to have who is a Zabrak they go through the form steps a Master Reviews it and approves it they change there name and body groupers. Now if they put a Name that doesn't make sense if it's Luke Skywalker a master will deny it.


Edited by browargame
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On 7/30/2021 at 10:48 PM, browargame said:

FInally I play to make some changes to lore characters. I want to make sure all of the master jobs are utilized to promote roleplay, as well as change how we do knight lore jobs a bit. An idea I have is the introduction of more none job lore positions. These positions won’t be run by a trial like job ones, but will be able to be picked up by players a lot easier as an introduction to roleplay before going for more important named characters.

I think that could be messy personally due how hard it is to regulate anything on Jedi. But really if you want the RP stuff to flourish we'd need to work on the quality of the RP in the master corps and make it so that is the priority then divine what qualifies someone as a good RP'er and what counts as good rp for the character in question. As you can see that turns into a rabbit hole in and of itself. 

You know me I support ya and am willing to help ya wherever you need.

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+1 good luck to both in their plans



  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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59 minutes ago, Hanz said:

When I first saw this app I thought I was going to -1 due to your activity, but I really like your plans. I think both Candidates will be fine for the position!

You probably don't see me much due to I am active from about 12-4 o'clock then I have clients from 4-8 Then I get back on, I normally range from 50-60 hours ever 2 weeks of activity, then like 10-12 of AFK 

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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