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Another Doom App - Slak


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RP Name:


Doom’s Unit Major Slak


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Battalion or squad you are applying for:


Doom’s Unit Commander Doom













PVT>CPT(Support Overseer: In charge of MEDs, ARF, ENGs, and PLTs)

Within the 187th I was always urged to keep on working harder so my battalion will not be removed. I always strived for the battalion and wanted it to continue a stable path. This taught me dedication, courage, and leadership.


21st Special Operations(1st) 

2ndLT > MAJ(ARCO and MEDO)

In the 21st I learned quite a lot from others and was growing in an environment of older individuals, which really reflected a high amount of Maturity on me. I worked extremely hard for SO to always ensure that others would be satisfied with my work. Within the 21st I learned a heavy amount of maturity and respect from those who were above and below me.


41st Green Company(1st)

CSM>CMD(ARCL and GCL Commander Faie)

My time in the 41st is very important to me. Within 41st I earned my first appointment of HC. During my time as CMD Faie, I learned a lot. I made quite a lot of mistakes which helped me grow above and beyond them. But if anything I learned that, if the idea that you want to put into place is not what everyone else wants, you have to fit something that does.


21st Special Operations(2nd)



41st Green Company(2nd)



RANCOR Battalion(Alpha-Class ARC)

2LT-1LT (MEDL and Aven)

As my time in Rancor I immediately got into Alpha-Class ARC. I served under Brooklyn and he helped me alot on learning what it means to be a leader and he really helped to encourage myself to go for a position like Doom. Without this experience I would be nowhere on this server. This helped me grow from me fears of others looking down on me.


Doom’s Unit (Current)- 7 Months

CSM > Doom > Jedi 1LT > MAJ(ARC, Crush, Tiplee)

In Doom’s Unit I learned a hell lot of things. I first joined under Maddoxx’s term and got into HS Crush. The first thing I noticed is the extreme lack of maturity and activity in DU. I really wanted to help. I had left DU on my trooper and gunned for Tiplee and achieved it. At this time I was serving under Fred. During Fred’s term he taught me alot when it came to becoming a mature teenager and teaching me how to lead a battalion from his past experiences on other servers. 

In the next month DU really started to struggle. At this time it was just Po and I as CMD+ and 1-2 other officers and a couple NCOs. As only Tiplee I really started to encourage a lot of other people to start getting on and really started to develop a team or as I called it…. a family. 

I applied for Doom and got the position and immediately started fixing things with my HC and very few officers. The battalion had gone from 7-15 people on the roster actively on the server. To 20-30 people on the roster who are active. 

Overall I learned how to lead a Battalion, work with what you are given, rise from that, working with others, maturity, dedication, and respect.


212th Attack Battalion

Major > Lt. Colonel Gregor

My time in 212th I find very vital to myself as a person and how I like to use as an example of  my “Perfect World” of a battalion. When I first joined 212th I just came off of my Doom term so was not as motivated but once I saw Foxtrot, I really wanted to be the one to change the squad into something better. Foxtrot was very stagnant when I came into play. I quickly became part of the squad and soon enough I was leading it. I led the squad from being an inactive and not very motivated squad to something better and mentor to the rest of 212th. 



1st - Recruit > CPO(Chief Flight Officer)

2nd - Recruit > PO(Chief Medical Officer)



Youngling > Knight VIII(8)


Guardian Manager (1st)

Guardian Instructor

Temple Guard Manager

Guardian Manager (2nd)

Commander Tiplee

Weapon Specialists Manager



Clan Leader x2(Current)

Guild Cabinet Member


Why should you become Battalion Commander?:


I believe that me becoming Doom would be the best for the battalion. I know I am the best candidate for the position and know I can get the job done from the previous experiences. Someone needs to be the person to get the ball rolling and I will be that person again. I am coming to make a change for the battalion, for the better. I have a set amount of goals that can benefit this battalion, not only do I know I have set goals in mind, but the support of the officers and other members. 


Also, my experience out matches every trait of mine. I have an extreme amount of experience on this server and my experience in my actual life that leads me to be a successful and capable leader. I have always had a huge drive to get this battalion in a position of stability. Although I have not been in the battalion for the biggest time, I know this battalion like it is my own two hands and I have encountered enough and experienced enough situations and battalion affairs to know where the battalion needs to be and how to have it succeed. 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:


Yes, Doom’s Unit was led by Commander Doom alongside Jedi Generals Tiplee and Tiplar. They were known for fighting in the battle of Ringo Vinda with 501st and Anakin Skywalker. Within the Battle of Ringo Vinda, Tiplar was shot by CT-5385 “Tup” due to a malfunctioned chip. Doom’s Unit was known to use M3 Bulwark Blast Shield with a Z-6 rotary blaster.




In-game / TS

Weekdays: 3:00pm - 9:30pm EST

Weekends: 12:00pm - 10:30pm


Weekdays: 12:30pm - 11:00pm

Weekends: 12:00pm - 12:00am

Discord ID: Trixster#8413


Estimate of how long you’ve played on Synergy Roleplay?:


| DU HWS Major Slak has played for 5138:57:14.


Do you have a microphone?: 


Yes, I do.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:


First of all, I want Doom’s Unit to be in a stable enough position to where the amount of drama, internal issues, Officer / NCO core falling apart, and the stature of the battalion not being at the bottom of the barrel. I want the battalion to not suffer from these issues, Doom’s Unit is very fragile when it comes to issues and concerns such as the ones listed and need to be treated by the right people. Which is why I know I can fix them to where it won’t be an issue. 


That being said, I also want the position of WO to be a better and more organized position within the battalion to where it does not have to be changed by every single Doom. The Senior Officer Core has little to no responsibilities, something to make them more unique other than just overseeing the Junior Officers. Having the Senior Officers communicate on which officer is doing good work and which are lacking and how to help that person. Having the requirements set to a perfect positioning to where the next Doom doesn’t have to mess with them anymore. The main focus for the next generation to just be focused on keeping the battalion organized and alive.


For a more in depth on what I want to get done within my term of Doom. I will list every MAJOR change I plan on implementing. Before I list them I have talked to a few Commanders / The past Doom / Officers and NCOs about these changes and seeing how they see them fit into DU or not. So without further ado:


  1. Senior Officer Responsibilities: My first idea to the list is the change of the Senior Officer Core. Now the senior officers only consist of 4 people. Flip, Blackpink, Coal, and I. The only responsibilities we currently have is to oversee the Junior Officers and ensure their job is being done. Even then we can’t do much. My overall plan for the Senior Officers is to give them more of a responsibility in the battalion, having them do things that sometimes a Commander would do, in some people’s eyes. Such as; Interviews, Allowed to put another Junior Officer up for promotion, evaluating Junior Officers, and training other officers. Now this may seem like a lot of responsibilities for one group of people, but in reality this is not much. In my eyes the Senior Officers are the ones who are getting ready and trying to improve themselves to get ready for a Commander position and that is what they should be doing if they want to have a good work ethic. These responsibilities will allow that to occur, and really think that any Senior Officer should have a mindset as I just stated.


  1. Warrant Officer Change: Now, Warrant Officer. The WO in DU is a very distorted position. You hold it for 2 weeks with not many responsibilities, and try to be the first person to be there for the NCOs and Enlisted Troopers, fair enough, but not good enough. The WO position should be that gap between a Good Officer and a Perfect Officer. The WO in my eyes is the one that is tested on their ability to lead. Now that's why it should be more of; can you lead the NCOs / Enlisted to being more mature, professional and respectful so that they can become officers. That is what I envision in my perfect world. As well, I really plan on encouraging an extension of time to the WO position, this would allow the WO to have more of a timeframe to show what they are made of. Instead, if you have them on a limit of 2 weeks then it would force them to get things done in a short matter of time, causing more issues.


  1. Officer Core Changes / Officer Core Development: The officer core needs a big change of representation to the battalion. What I mean is, having a more simplified way to shed professional, mature, respectful, and dedication to the NCOs. Although I really want the WO to have that signification of a job, all officers should at least try it. This would allow a more well behaved and enhanced future of an officer core and senior officer core. Not only that but the way you act is the way people preserve you as a person and the position you hold.


  1. Officer Requirements Change: Now for Officer Requirements. I really think that requirements for officers are very stagnant in the battalion for the main fact that recently a lot of officers have jumped ranks quite a lot. Right now the only set of ranks that has requirements, is the Junior Officer core. The main reason that I am proposing this idea is mainly because the officer should not  have to read off a chart of requirements of what to do, instead being trained and focusing on how to better the battalion and later being promoted for their work ethic. In the end the only thing I would plan on raising is the TIG for the officers at the very least, due to the fact of how fast some officers can get promoted. Last of all, disallowing any type of rank skipping outside of WO, to me this is very self explanatory but for further detail, it really just causes issues internally and could stop the officer from experiencing things that they might have seen in that rank they skipped.


  1. Activity: Now I am going to put this very blatant here. The biggest way to make others be active is by having the leaders of the battalion be active. That is why I plan on dedicating myself to be active day by day and fighting for this battalion. I know that this works from past experiences. If you don’t believe me, I got Foxtrot Active, DU Active, and 41st Active when I was Faie.


  1. NCO Requirement Change: For the changing of NCO Requirements. The NCO Requirements just need to be more organized and changed to a way where someone can’t just sky rise through the ranks. The simple way to do this is just by increasing the # of whatever requirement needed for that rank. This would be a highly talked topic in the battalion and making sure that everyone has a say on the change and a agreement.


  1. NCOs Incentives: Now this topic seems very confusing at first but will make sense once you read this. I want to create incentives for an NCO to work. This only works if the WO idea goes into play. But I have no doubt in any of my ideas. The incentives I would create are things that are enjoyable and get the player closer to the battalion and just gaining more morale. The incentives I am willing to create, continue or rework are the following; Trooper of the Week(WO Incharge), Trooper of the Month(WO Incharge), Trainer of the Week, and Intel Member of the Week(ITD/D Incharge). This would allow the WO/ITD/D to have a responsibility of picking who gets what for what they are incharge of. The rewards would either be, A. Credits or B. Recommendation.


  1. Havoc Squad: I saved the best for last. Now Havoc Squad at the current moment is not in the best position right now due to the lack of activity. The current Brimstone has already spoken to me several times on the issue. Now the only way I see possible for Havoc Squad to become active is by setting incentives. The incentives I am willing to talk with Cuzzo with is, hosting more training, getting deployments and getting side missions with just Havoc Squad. This would create a greater amount of people wanting and encouraging Havoc Squad overall.


Do you understand if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: 


Yes, I do.


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: 


Yes, I do.

Edited by Slak
  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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THE ONLY DOOM I KNOW! since I joined the server, and he invited me into DU with open arms so thats a fat +1 for me 

  • Friendly 1

Former:   41st 2ndLT  John , Havoc Squad Acid,  2ndAC SUPO John  Current: Delta 6-2 Pvt Scorch


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Aren't you doing the same thing that you thought @Dennis was going to do after your term? 

Let the current members run it. Give them the chance

  • Agree 3

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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8 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

Aren't you doing the same thing that you thought @Dennis was going to do after your term? 

Let the current members run it. Give them the chance

Thank you for your feedback and totally agree with you. The main reason I applied was mainly because I had been still working with DU just not on my Clone but on my Jedi still. I was hesitant at first for what you just said of giving others a chance, but there are clear issues and have been keeping in touch with Flip while his term and I have made it clear to Officers that I can help and I felt the need for me to go for the position. Otherwise, I can completely see where you are coming from but from my standpoint, I know how to fix the issues and know that my work can fix them, and I feel that I can spearhead the issues for the battalion. 

To answer if I thought that Dennis is doing what I did. That is not what I am doing. I asked everyone before I had applied. Made it clear to the officers that I want to go and they supported me. Not only the officers but some of the NCOs.

Edited by Slak

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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This ain't it chief. 

I get that the other two candidates aren't decent picks, though! 


A statement in your resignation upon resigning from Doom and the server. You said so yourself, you were stressed with being a BCMD, that someone is more deserving of the position, and that DU is in a great place, plus school, health and family. All in all Slak, what's changed?

I get that DU is your baby, and you want to be there for it in absence of a BCMD. Although, just because two other candidates are going through the process and aren't eligible should force your hand to come back and torment yourself for another three months. If DU is still in a good place; like you said. Someone will rise to the occasion. I just hope if you're wanting to go through with it, you don't neglect yourself or the battalion.

-1 for now.

Now I'm not judging your app, or the things you've done. You did a great job as Doom before, just a concerned dude I suppose.

Edited by Tinovious
  • Agree 1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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2 minutes ago, Tinovious said:

This ain't it chief. 

I get that the other two candidates aren't decent picks, though! 


A statement in your resignation upon resigning from Doom and the server. You said so yourself, you were stressed with being a BCMD, that someone is more deserving of the position, and that DU is in a great place, plus school, health and family. All in all Slak, what's changed?

I get that DU is your baby, and you want to be there for it in absence of a BCMD. Although, just because two other candidates are going through the process and aren't eligible should force your hand to come back and torment yourself for another three months. If DU is still in a good place; like you said. Someone will rise to the occasion. I just hope if you're wanting to go through with it, you don't neglect yourself or the battalion.

-1 for now.

For the resignation, I had done that because of the current situation with my family, we all had been inflicted with Covid and couldn't continue to run for BCMD nor be a BCMD. I had to take an extensive LOA for 2 weeks or so. Also, at that time in my term I was being bombarded with school work, at this point of my life most of my grades have raised since I am actually going to school now and only have one class to worry about. The main reason why I was struggling with my term in my 3rd month was because of IRL causing me to not be there which affected the battalion down the road internally. 

But now Summer is approaching and my freedom from personnel affairs are fading. Which allows to be more free in game. 

My plans now and the way I plan on running things are completely different compared to what has happened in my 3rd month of Doom. 

Thank you for your response.

  • Winner 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Just now, Slak said:

For the resignation, I had done that because of the current situation with my family, we all had been inflicted with Covid and couldn't continue to run for BCMD nor be a BCMD. I had to take an extensive LOA for 2 weeks or so. Also, at that time in my term I was being bombarded with school work, at this point of my life most of my grades have raised since I am actually going to school now and only have one class to worry about. The main reason why I was struggling with my term in my 3rd month was because of IRL causing me to not be there which affected the battalion down the road internally. 

But now Summer is approaching and my freedom from personnel affairs are fading. Which allows to be more free in game. 

My plans now and the way I plan on running things are completely different compared to what has happened in my 3rd month of Doom. 

Thank you for your response.

Fair enough mate! I'll change to a +1. Good luck.

  • Friendly 1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Forum Admin

Whether or not I believe you should take the position over current members isn't my provocative. You're plenty competent, +1

  • Friendly 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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+1 I see Slak as the best choice for Doom right now.

Good luck man, and make sure you remember what did and didn’t work during your last term. 

  • Informative 1

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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+1, I kinda realized that most of the problem from your last term were from me, as I wasn't that good with communication. And you still fucking revived DU, which like how tf.

Edited by BlackPink
  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1
  1. Current: DU Sentry Knight Tiplar | Ex: Intel Deputy Director and Major in DU.


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On one hand,  This is the DAY after you left 212th to rejoin DU.   I just find it really sudden that you instantly drop an BCMD application after coming back.

On the other,  You've done good shit and said you wanted to fix shit.   


I'm conflicted.  Very conflicted.  

Edited by Zensras

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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8 hours ago, Zensras said:

On one hand,  This is the DAY after you left 212th to rejoin DU.   I just find it really sudden that you instantly drop an BCMD application after coming back.

On the other,  You've done good shit and said you wanted to fix shit.   


I'm conflicted.  Very conflicted.  

A valid point and from your Point of View I would think the same thing if I was you, so let me clear that up.

To answer this, I have had a non-stop trend with DU for about 7-8 months now. I have had always had a position here and either helping or leading the battalion. I will say, just because my clone was in 212th doesn’t mean I was helping or suggesting things on Jedi, even then my main focus was my clone. At this very moment I pursued DU since my goal in the end is to help, guide, lead, and dedicate myself to what needs to be fixed, and right now that is DU. I have really fortified my ideas and constructed them from what I think is right for the battalion and everyone’s opinions. Even though my time as clone may be limited from the current time I was recruited doesn’t neglect the fact of what needs to be done.


Overall, appreciate the response and concerns. 

Edited by Slak

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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2 hours ago, justuscloud5 said:

Is this because Dennis cameback?

Hi Cloud, just to clear this up, this is not because Dennis, if you want more clarification I go into a lot more detail over TS.

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Seeing what you've said about your family stuff I'm really happy for you and I hope your family is well with no long term effects. We know you can do that job so I think you at least deserve to bring your ideas to the interview stage.

  • Friendly 1


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6 hours ago, Wren said:

Slak will do an Amazing Job!



Dennis joined 2 hours after this was posted

Actually, Dennis joined as legacy then Slak joined as a LTC then Dennis really joined as a 1stLT.

  • Confused 1
  1. Current: DU Sentry Knight Tiplar | Ex: Intel Deputy Director and Major in DU.


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Head Admin

+1 Slak explained his plans very well in TS to me personally and any questions I had were able to be clarified. Good luck, Slak 😁

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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So im gonna state this here, this is what occurred during slacks first term as doom from my perspective while i was in DU and after i left.

After my term as BCMD Colt i rejoined DU when there was no BCMD, slak approached me about applying when he was tiplee at the time. I told him with the battalion suffering after a stretch of poor BCMDs and my experience with him as an alpha arc in rancor he should apply. I informed him that i would join back to help and vibe around and do what i needed to do. 

Shortly after Slak got BCMD a handful of older members came back to help the battalion as it wasnt in a good spot, most of them being good friends of mine where targeted and harassed by slak due to him for whatever reason "not trusting" them. He then had @Cyan his commander at the time pull them into a private TS and interrogate them as to why they had returned and why they were in my private TS. @Skoreand @AllMightySquee and @Maddoxx.

All that aside during your term as BCMD you had many times where you age really showed. A few members where frustrated and voiced their concerns to another officer and instead of talking to them or trying to solve the problem you instantly PERM BL'ed them. After posting them in the command discord and two regimentals confronting you about it did you end up going back on your decision due to being called out on it. A days later after this you took an LOA and then resigned. 
You don't have the needed professionalism, maturity, integrity or skills to run a successful battalion. The battalion may have been active but it was one straw away from all breaking down and everyone leaving. This seems like the most odd and strange power grab i have seen in a while. LTC and Gregor in the 212th and to leave and rejoin a battalion that has 5 possible people who can run for doom?? Kinda a yikes moment to me. -1

  • Funny 1
  • Informative 3

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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21 minutes ago, Dennis said:

So im gonna state this here, this is what occurred during slacks first term as doom from my perspective while i was in DU and after i left.

After my term as BCMD Colt i rejoined DU when there was no BCMD, slak approached me about applying when he was tiplee at the time. I told him with the battalion suffering after a stretch of poor BCMDs and my experience with him as an alpha arc in rancor he should apply. I informed him that i would join back to help and vibe around and do what i needed to do. 

Shortly after Slak got BCMD a handful of older members came back to help the battalion as it wasnt in a good spot, most of them being good friends of mine where targeted and harassed by slak due to him for whatever reason "not trusting" them. He then had @Cyan his commander at the time pull them into a private TS and interrogate them as to why they had returned and why they were in my private TS. @Skoreand @AllMightySquee and @Maddoxx.

All that aside during your term as BCMD you had many times where you age really showed. A few members where frustrated and voiced their concerns to another officer and instead of talking to them or trying to solve the problem you instantly PERM BL'ed them. After posting them in the command discord and two regimentals confronting you about it did you end up going back on your decision due to being called out on it. A days later after this you took an LOA and then resigned. 
You don't have the needed professionalism, maturity, integrity or skills to run a successful battalion. The battalion may have been active but it was one straw away from all breaking down and everyone leaving. This seems like the most odd and strange power grab i have seen in a while. LTC and Gregor in the 212th and to leave and rejoin a battalion that has 5 possible people who can run for doom?? Kinda a yikes moment to me. -1

Alright I would just like to address some of these concerns.

When I talked to you about going for Doom, you immediately said to leave battalion and let it die. You were very negative about the Battalion and had no intentions of encouraging me to fix the battalion, all that did was made me think the opposite. That encouraged me to make a change and be the better person. Once I applied and achieved Doom you had joined a couple days before that. The only reason I was skeptical about anything was mainly because of what you'd told me the day I told you I might apply for Doom. Even then when you decided to come back, you instantly DM'd me asking to lead Havoc Squad again not even acknowledging the fact that I had already put someone in Brimstone the hour before that. Even then asked for 2nd IC of HS. This really urged to me to keep an eye on you since you were asking for positions and talking down on the battalion I wanted to fix.

To address some of the issues that had happened during my term. Some of issues consisted of Drama and toxicity. Now most them were mainly stemmed down to communication  issues which I've already worked towards enchancing, (example: I had made it clear to every officer and some NCOs I wanted to go for Doom and again. I communicated my ideas to the and made sure they wanted those changes.) The issues that had happened, DU and the people involved have all grown upon and we are all now willing to make a bigger change, brining it up again will only cause more issues. 

21 minutes ago, Dennis said:

You don't have the needed professionalism, maturity, integrity or skills to run a successful battalion. The battalion may have been active but it was one straw away from all breaking down and everyone leaving.

The fact that you label my term as a very unprofessional and immature is really appalling to me. I really cracked down on any type of immature behavior but I made sure that there is a difference in having fun on the server and being immature. There was always times where we had controlled fun. I always ensure that my battalion/squad or subunit is the most professional and has the best skills to possibly run the unit. I have grown up in a very strict family so I have always been taught how to mature correctly and when to have fun and when to be serious. 

All in all, thank you for your criticism.

Edited by Slak
  • Agree 1
  • Winner 2
  • Informative 2

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Since we want to take conversations out of context lets just show them
unknown.png start of convo (i didn't ask to take back havoc squad or demand it as stated) that's what i wanted to do was help it and voiced my dislike with how it had been running. 

unknown.png convo continued 

unknown.png end of convo

unknown.png pt 1

unknown.png pt 2

unknown.png pt 3

unknown.png just to show that this is a relevant time and real here is one on me during my time in 21st while i was playing alot of star citizen.



Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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8 minutes ago, Dennis said:

unknown.png pt 1

unknown.png pt 2

Last thing.

I have talked to those who wrote this. And those who wrote this are totally supporting me and we have made our ends even. Instead we are on track and willing to work as a team and not worried about the past.

All the issues that were listed here are things I fixed in my time in 212th and fixed my shit. I really cracked down on my mistakes and now know what I did wrong in my term. Will do everything to just make sure to have the battalion to the best stability.

Edited by Slak
Added somethings
  • Winner 8

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Hey man, so once you got Gregor you had two open spots in it. Two former members of DU managed to fill those spots. One of them even passing on the first time they went to tryouts. Being in Foxtrot for 2.5 years and I have never seen once a person pass on there first try, and tryouts have been generally the same for the last few years. There is always going to favoritism in the community I know, however it just feels like to make a change to move away from it has to start at the top and being in the a BCMD position and still showing this level of it just don't sit right with me. Honestly it made me pretty fuckin mad when I heard about it but I let it go because I was no longer involved with the squad. Nothing on the members that you recruited to, I think they are chill dudes. However once you hear that foxtrot is going to be removed you jump ship and put up a DU BCMD app? Man I know you are good guy and I recruited you into foxtrot, but fuck you are breakin my heart. What would happen if DU start to go down the shithole? How did the 212th change you like ya said? I really want to support you man but just the current circumstances and situations previously listed in application I just can't support it.

Edited by Moose
changed response to a +1 in comments further down.
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Money Moves

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I’ll give you a +1

Although some of the -1s have some valid points and some petty points I feel you did fine during your last term and have tried to improve since then. Good luck


i am literally captain tukk

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3 hours ago, Moose said:

Hey man, so once you got Gregor you had two open spots in it. Two former members of DU managed to fill those spots. One of them even passing on the first time they went to tryouts. Being in Foxtrot for 2.5 years and I have never seen once a person pass on there first try, and tryouts have been generally the same for the last few years. There is always going to favoritism in the community I know, however it just feels like to make a change to move away from it has to start at the top and being in the a BCMD position and still showing this level of it just don't sit right with me. Honestly it made me pretty fuckin mad when I heard about it but I let it go because I was no longer involved with the squad. Nothing on the members that you recruited to, I think they are chill dudes. However once you hear that foxtrot is going to be removed you jump ship and put up a DU BCMD app? Man I know you are good guy and I recruited you into foxtrot, but fuck you are breakin my heart. What would happen if DU start to go down the shithole? How did the 212th change you like ya said? I really want to support you man but just the current circumstances and situations previously listed in application I just can't support it.

Sorry man right now it has got to be a -1.

Alright thank you for your concerns.


I would like to address that no one passed first try, if I had access to the logging, @Pog, I can say that both members took 4+ tries. Diplo, 4 rounds. Sarius, 10 rounds. I had multiple witnesses to testify that no favoritism was included in these decisions, @Willyworm1@Caidoon @Fenrir. I spoke to some people that thought there was favoritism involved. Won’t name any of there names but will say I addressed it and made sure it was CLEAR there was none. Even then I still had very close eyes and equal opportunities for each person and no matter what mistakes they made in Foxtrot they were dealt professionally.

 To address me “jumping ship” I have made it very clear before that it was not just jumping over board to just get a higher position. And even then everyone one that is / was in foxtrot, they’re also disappointed in the decision of Foxtrot’s removal. But yet, most of us went to 212th for Foxtrot, that is pretty self explanatory. I left because I found myself useless there since I felt me being in 212th after that big of a removal would not only hurt me but affect my activity. Which is why I was asked and wanted to help something that had started my journey on the server.

212th has helped me several ways. They handle things a totally different way than I was used to previously. They hold things to a more professional and higher standard, something that I really looked up to. In which is why I really was attached to the battalion and Foxtrot. I wanted to make an impact, which I believe I did within Foxtrot, you may disagree, but myself and others think otherwise. I plan on taking a new take on things and stop worrying about what I should’ve done in my last term and what I can do now. 


Edited by Slak
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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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3 hours ago, Moose said:

Hey man, so once you got Gregor you had two open spots in it. Two former members of DU managed to fill those spots. One of them even passing on the first time they went to tryouts. Being in Foxtrot for 2.5 years and I have never seen once a person pass on there first try, and tryouts have been generally the same for the last few years. There is always going to favoritism in the community I know, however it just feels like to make a change to move away from it has to start at the top and being in the a BCMD position and still showing this level of it just don't sit right with me. Honestly it made me pretty fuckin mad when I heard about it but I let it go because I was no longer involved with the squad. Nothing on the members that you recruited to, I think they are chill dudes. However once you hear that foxtrot is going to be removed you jump ship and put up a DU BCMD app? Man I know you are good guy and I recruited you into foxtrot, but fuck you are breakin my heart. What would happen if DU start to go down the shithole? How did the 212th change you like ya said? I really want to support you man but just the current circumstances and situations previously listed in application I just can't support it.

Sorry man right now it has got to be a -1.

Had to come out of the gulag to speak to this one.

3 hours ago, Moose said:

Being in Foxtrot for 2.5 years and I have never seen once a person pass on there first try, and tryouts have been generally the same for the last few years.

Under Jake, the man who was Gregor after you, @Bleach passed first try. That same tryout took me 9 attempts, @Naffen 30, @TheCyan 25, @BadDog 15, and probably more people that I can’t recall.

This is petty. To insinuate tryout favoritism because someone passed quickly? People can intrinsically be good at the mindless shit that’s in tryouts. Ask @Bleach. Slak was also the Gregor after you, and when he got these members, he was too new to Gregor to have changed anything, and you and him ran almost an identical tryout. 

3 hours ago, Moose said:

However once you hear that foxtrot is going to be removed you jump ship and put up a DU BCMD app?

The place on the server that he has dedicated time to for the past few months is being wiped from existence. It’s not like he’s jumping ship because his squad left and he didn’t want to rebuild, or that he was burnt out. He left because there is no future for the squad, and he wants to go somewhere on the server that he has been in the past and has enjoyed. This is a perfectly acceptable reason to leave. He can’t build a future in foxtrot anymore.


3 hours ago, Moose said:

What would happen if DU start to go down the shithole?

Let’s ask the members of 187th, 91st, 327th that question. They can’t stay in their battalion if it gets removed. If DU dies and he leaves, then this point is valid. But this example is fundamentally flawed due to the fact that he has zero control of foxtrot going. I’m sure all the members of 212th support and understand his position. Hell Jake and I said we would have left 212th if not for foxtrot. If you join a battalion to be in a subunit and dedicate your time to making it the best, if it gets removed despite it being proud and full, what other option do you have?

Love you moose, but this just isn’t fair criticism.

Slak, you were a bit rough around the edges for a bit, but you always gave things you dedicated your time to your all. If Dooms unit wants you as Doom, you have my full support. If they don’t, that’s a damn shame.

Also fuck you Naffen for dumbing me just because I @‘d you 😂

Edited by Shockpoint
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If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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Aight @Slak Looks like I had heard some false information and I want to apologize for making some false accusations. Personally I am still heated from the announcement that Foxtrot was getting removed and it should not have effected something like this but to my mistake it did. Most of the members that have been in Foxtrot know it is a sad time. After reading your response and seeing how you have changed in the 212th. I am changing my response to a +1. Good luck and again I apologize.

Also @Shockpoint thanks for coming back from the dead to kick my ass, rip foxtrot.

Edited by Moose
  • Funny 2
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Money Moves

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Based of your experience, and support from DU I will support this app.


However some of the comments concern me, can you tell me how have you improved and what have you learnt from the past situations?

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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10 hours ago, Black said:

Based of your experience, and support from DU I will support this app.


However some of the comments concern me, can you tell me how have you improved and what have you learnt from the past situations?

Sorry it took me so long to reply. Just saw your question, the purple blends in, lol.

Anyways, the way I improved after my time in DU, was just talking to those that were offended and disagreed with what I had done in my term. We talked about things that really could've helped and things that could've been better. After that knowledge I really put that into play in my time in the 212th. When I started to lead Foxtrot I was really ensuring that I was playing it the way I should've when I was Doom. 

The Issues that I fixed, well here they are. The main issue was during my 3rd month of my term. I let a lack of communication slip past. As I couldn't be on much as had to take 2 LOA's from GMOD on my 3rd month I really had a huge lack of communicating things to the rest of the battalion. I relied heavily on my HC which caused most of them to get burnt out. That was the main issue that caused a stem down to some drama. The Drama was handled gradually but took me a lot of time and management to fix. Overall really taught me how to correctly take control of situations and lead a battalion out of a pit hole of a drama crisis. 

  • Informative 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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