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The current State of the Jedi Order

State of the Order  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you think the current state of the Jedi Order is?

    • Good
    • Bad
    • Mehhh

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  • Poll closed on 03/29/2021 at 11:30 PM

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Hello it's ya boy skinn- Stormzy/Yoda,

So, I have been trying to receive feedback from people on the server in regards to how the Jedi Order is. I was trying to get people to open up to us and try to give us suggestions/criticism but few people didn't want too. The Council has been trying to improve the Order to make it enjoyable for everyone but instead of focusing on what we see as problems we wanted to know what you guys saw as problems. 

Edited by Stormzyyy
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Im sure this will be a civil discussion 

  • Disagree 1
  • Funny 6

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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I mean listen from an outside perspective it seems fine but I’ve heard from lots of Jedi mains that it could be better however it could also be worse, nothing is truly great because everything can be improved on so ya I mean just improve on what’s there 

Certified Giga Chad


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I didn't react with a "No" but will still leave a couple words in here.

Jedi itself from the outside, whenever I look in the discord looks fine, I see trials happening often, people logging shit like Combat Lessons etc. 

However when I did two Jedi events, one on main and the other one on the event server i have noticed that people go to it, but only like 1/3 stays till the end. 

I have also noticed that whenever i look in the tab menu i see only a couple people actively playing on their jedi with most of them being Masters.

I feel like that if u guys tried to create some RP for everyone, special operations, give them a purpose to play on their Jedi except from afking on it just to receive a bigger amount of credits than they would on their clone. I would try maybe using their branches and doing a mission where everyone would have a different task based on their branch. Also what could make people play Jedi more often is them being assigned to a Battalion, and getting stuff to do with the Battalion. Personally myself while being in a Leadership position of a Battalion i have noticed that when we have a Jedi of ours on the battlefield it is way easier to complete a task that was given to us, due to them basically working as tanks, as well as some of them using force powers to help the troopers move up to a place where they wouldn't get in their own. With the operations i am 100% there are Game Masters who would gladly do one for you, as long as u give them an Idea. Battalions host trainings, participate in events, encounters, get deployed - that gives a opportunity to a Padawan or a Knight to go with them, learn something new as well as enjoy the time they spend with the battalion. 

Note: not sure if this helps, i haven't been into jedi for like 2 years now :)

  • Friendly 1

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Jedi for the most part is and has been bogged down by petty Garry's mod politics. Half the time your council bends the knee to powerful people on the server and takes there word as gospel instead of thinking for themselves. I see many yodas promise something new and fresh and that usually entails a council and master wipe that resets everything and stops any progress from happening. Then the exact same things the previous 3 today do happens again and then wipe repeat and so on and so forth. There is also the distinction that I've seen is Yodas being afraid to EO things, and instead you guys get stuck in 3 hour meetings. 

Edited by justuscloud5
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pretty sure i did one of ur feedbacks stormzyy, but i will say it again (i voted meh as in not bad but not good either) there has been instances where jedi's just RP as siths from the petty younglings saying stuff like "Imma rip out ur blood and use it on my crystal" to Jedi Masters Exploding (you know who i am talking about) Enemy Agents (Players not NPCs)

I mean i have no problem with some people RPing falling a little to the darkside which is understandable and i'm sure in cannon there were instances of jedi's doing....(even in the series) over the limit stuff. But somethimes it gets to a point where it seems some people are just RPing as SIth instead of Jedi's and i am not talking about shadows mind you.

From my point of view there has been some recruitment but sometimes i see less and less people going for consulars and or dead schools (there was 1 time when i was online sometime ago when a jedi master needed some help and a clone medic had to step in and help cuz there was no consulars online, and we were asking for at least 1 hour)

Also i see sometimes some people break the rules and when they are told to not do so again, they lay low and do it again after a while, which makes me think that either the punishments are not good enough or there's a lax of it (being either they don't get punished cuz of various reasons or the punishment is not enough to make them stop breaking the rules)


The last thing i will say is that regarding RP altrought i see alot of it sometimes, and they are very good they quickly get overshadow by the awfull ones, or bc of reasons unknown to me they tend to be Looooooong RP situations that make people quit and move on with either being AFK or doing something else.


also i am sure this isn't ur fault but i when i was online one day i could hear the jedi doing executions in Citadel from Brig...and boy those squishy noises brought me nightmares...


If you guys wanna talk about those things send me a text here or in discord (i don't have a PC atm so i am using this office one for it...and no can't download TS in it)


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From most encounters I have experienced with Jedi and from that most recent Jedi Deployment Jedi don't really act like a Jedi, I feel like they should be more mature and responsible on how they act around clones and Event jobs. Most of the time they usually goof around and do random shit that Jedi would never do. 
I think Jedi should overall just act more mature though and I feel like engagement needs to be worked on again because there are a lot of times when Jedi just jump in front of all the clones and stops them from shooting because they don't wanna accidently shoot them in the back.

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From what I've seen. There is little to no incentive for playing as a Jedi. It seems like you all are striving to hard to match the clone system (merit req's as an example) and I think Jedi should be independent from all that jazz. People come to Jedi, not to grind for months and months to say "hey I am now a knight 6". They go to Jedi to chill tf out and RP. RP that has practically never been encouraged by Jedi masters/leadership. Through the means of events or really anytime in game. In addition I rarely see councils build upon the previous decisions and changes of the last ones. It seems like the response is simply to wipe clean instead of pushing for positive change.

Tbh, I think an outreach style program for Jedi within battalions would be more beneficial than an actual means of "progressing". To me it seems kind of redundant, its like having a 3rd clone. Lore Jedi rank equivalencies are all fine and dandy but I think below that it should be simply RP based. This would encourage Jedi's taking more of an advisory/leadership role rather than them worried about some shitty rank equivalency that doesn't mean jack in the long run.

Finally, battalions should have more of a say in the selection, picking, and removal of lore Jedi (imo it should get to the point where they have nearly all the say).

Jedi General = Jedi side

Lore Jedi = Battalion side

BCMD's applied and were chosen for a reason. To regulate their battalion. The fact they don't have direct control in whether or not to keep or remove a lore jedi is astounding to me.

  • Agree 7

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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13 minutes ago, Unkindled said:

From most encounters I have experienced with Jedi and from that most recent Jedi Deployment Jedi don't really act like a Jedi, I feel like they should be more mature and responsible on how they act around clones and Event jobs. Most of the time they usually goof around and do random shit that Jedi would never do. 
I think Jedi should overall just act more mature though and I feel like engagement needs to be worked on again because there are a lot of times when Jedi just jump in front of all the clones and stops them from shooting because they don't wanna accidently shoot them in the back.

With this being said, we try to push a bit more of a passive type of roleplay kinda thing but everyone on the server prefers "pulling the trigger" thought this is happening, we are trying to come up with different ideas to push for more of a jedi like rp. It's also another thing since instead of it being a "Serious" or "Semi-serious" its not more of a roleplay how you want so we can't strictly make it to where we are gonna be up their ass 24/7 which would lead to a less enjoyable thing in my eyes honestly.

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42 minutes ago, Lord Thegan said:

pretty sure i did one of ur feedbacks stormzyy, but i will say it again (i voted meh as in not bad but not good either) there has been instances where jedi's just RP as siths from the petty younglings saying stuff like "Imma rip out ur blood and use it on my crystal" to Jedi Masters Exploding (you know who i am talking about) Enemy Agents (Players not NPCs)

I mean i have no problem with some people RPing falling a little to the darkside which is understandable and i'm sure in cannon there were instances of jedi's doing....(even in the series) over the limit stuff. But somethimes it gets to a point where it seems some people are just RPing as SIth instead of Jedi's and i am not talking about shadows mind you.

From my point of view there has been some recruitment but sometimes i see less and less people going for consulars and or dead schools (there was 1 time when i was online sometime ago when a jedi master needed some help and a clone medic had to step in and help cuz there was no consulars online, and we were asking for at least 1 hour)

Also i see sometimes some people break the rules and when they are told to not do so again, they lay low and do it again after a while, which makes me think that either the punishments are not good enough or there's a lax of it (being either they don't get punished cuz of various reasons or the punishment is not enough to make them stop breaking the rules)


The last thing i will say is that regarding RP altrought i see alot of it sometimes, and they are very good they quickly get overshadow by the awfull ones, or bc of reasons unknown to me they tend to be Looooooong RP situations that make people quit and move on with either being AFK or doing something else.


also i am sure this isn't ur fault but i when i was online one day i could hear the jedi doing executions in Citadel from Brig...and boy those squishy noises brought me nightmares...


If you guys wanna talk about those things send me a text here or in discord (i don't have a PC atm so i am using this office one for it...and no can't download TS in it)


We are working with trying to fix this Edge lord act the jedi have been putting on from changing the trial, from masters leading by example, to simply if we see it we correct it "roleplay wise" to revaluating there roleplay

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44 minutes ago, Guac said:

From what I've seen. There is little to no incentive for playing as a Jedi. It seems like you all are striving to hard to match the clone system (merit req's as an example) and I think Jedi should be independent from all that jazz. People come to Jedi, not to grind for months and months to say "hey I am now a knight 6". They go to Jedi to chill tf out and RP. RP that has practically never been encouraged by Jedi masters/leadership. Through the means of events or really anytime in game. In addition I rarely see councils build upon the previous decisions and changes of the last ones. It seems like the response is simply to wipe clean instead of pushing for positive change.

Tbh, I think an outreach style program for Jedi within battalions would be more beneficial than an actual means of "progressing". To me it seems kind of redundant, its like having a 3rd clone. Lore Jedi rank equivalencies are all fine and dandy but I think below that it should be simply RP based. This would encourage Jedi's taking more of an advisory/leadership role rather than them worried about some shitty rank equivalency that doesn't mean jack in the long run.

Finally, battalions should have more of a say in the selection, picking, and removal of lore Jedi (imo it should get to the point where they have nearly all the say).

Jedi General = Jedi side

Lore Jedi = Battalion side

BCMD's applied and were chosen for a reason. To regulate their battalion. The fact they don't have direct control in whether or not to keep or remove a lore jedi is astounding to me.

If you want to remove a lore Jedi from your battalion please use our Master Report! Or fill out your battalion Jedi Report :) ! 

Edited by JaBaku/Brax
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Forum Admin
4 minutes ago, JaBaku/Brax said:

If you want to remove a lore Jedi from your battalion please use our Master Report! Or fill out your battalion Jedi Report :) ! 

My point is that I believe that DIRECT control should lie within the battalions High Command. I don't think that the council should have a decision in it. More of an advisory role if anything. Nothing that another forum would fix, again just my opinion.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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13 minutes ago, JaBaku/Brax said:

If you want to remove a lore Jedi from your battalion please use our Master Report! Or fill out your battalion Jedi Report :) ! 

It's our lore position. It doesn't matter who is Obi Wan or Anakin to the council, just who is a general.

In battalions it really does matter who is taking one of our Lore positions. Battalions should have direct control over who holds the name. None of this round-about shite to avoid the issue.

3 minutes ago, JaBaku/Brax said:

What is your BCMD thoughts on this? @Guac

Why would this even matter? It's his opinion not his BCMDs. But I'm sure BCMDs would be happy with more security and control over who holds their General spot

Edited by Comics
  • Agree 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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53 minutes ago, Guac said:

From what I've seen. There is little to no incentive for playing as a Jedi. It seems like you all are striving to hard to match the clone system (merit req's as an example) and I think Jedi should be independent from all that jazz. People come to Jedi, not to grind for months and months to say "hey I am now a knight 6". They go to Jedi to chill tf out and RP. RP that has practically never been encouraged by Jedi masters/leadership. Through the means of events or really anytime in game. In addition I rarely see councils build upon the previous decisions and changes of the last ones. It seems like the response is simply to wipe clean instead of pushing for positive change.

With the merit system, it was mainly implemented so that people have things to do on the side. So instead of people AFKing or standing around B-hopping etc the merit system is to provide you guys with an opportunity to do different things.


54 minutes ago, Guac said:

Tbh, I think an outreach style program for Jedi within battalions would be more beneficial than an actual means of "progressing". To me it seems kind of redundant, its like having a 3rd clone. Lore Jedi rank equivalencies are all fine and dandy but I think below that it should be simply RP based. This would encourage Jedi's taking more of an advisory/leadership role rather than them worried about some shitty rank equivalency that doesn't mean jack in the long run.

The battalion jedi is already an outreach program?


55 minutes ago, Guac said:

Finally, battalions should have more of a say in the selection, picking, and removal of lore Jedi (imo it should get to the point where they have nearly all the say).

Jedi General = Jedi side

Lore Jedi = Battalion side

BCMD's applied and were chosen for a reason. To regulate their battalion. The fact they don't have direct control in whether or not to keep or remove a lore jedi is astounding to me.

Now this, correct me if I'm wrong but Yoda was chosen to oversee the Jedi/Jedi HC meanwhile the BCMD were chosen to regulate the Clones, correct? This is by no means a battalions lore job/position but a Jedi Lore position/job.

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3 minutes ago, Comics said:

It's our lore position. It doesn't matter who is Obi Wan or Anakin to the council, just who is a general.

In battalions it really does matter who is taking one of our Lore positions. Battalions should have direct control over who holds the name. None of this round-about shite to avoid the issue.

Not quite your job, this topic was spoken upon before and this is a Jedi job. Yes, the person on the job might be working with the 212th but it is still a Jedi jurisdiction. If the person is not being productive, Contact the High Council.

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6 minutes ago, Comics said:

It's our lore position. It doesn't matter who is Obi Wan or Anakin to the council, just who is a general.

In battalions it really does matter who is taking one of our Lore positions. Battalions should have direct control over who holds the name. None of this round-about shite to avoid the issue.


I mean if you don't think they are fit for the battalion to lead you can Simply demote them as of Batt Rank like I don't get why y'all want more power, 

Edited by JaBaku/Brax
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8 minutes ago, Comics said:

It's our lore position. It doesn't matter who is Obi Wan or Anakin to the council, just who is a general.

In battalions it really does matter who is taking one of our Lore positions. Battalions should have direct control over who holds the name. None of this round-about shite to avoid the issue.

Why would this even matter? It's his opinion not his BCMDs. But I'm sure BCMDs would be happy with more security and control over who holds their General spot

But We do, Thank you for your Feedback we will be discussing this!

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5 minutes ago, JaBaku/Brax said:

I mean if you don't think they are fit for the battalion to lead you can Simply demote them as of Batt Rank like I don't get why y'all want more power 

6 minutes ago, Stormzyyy said:

Not quite your job, this topic was spoken upon before and this is a Jedi job. Yes, the person on the job might be working with the 212th but it is still a Jedi jurisdiction. If the person is not being productive, Contact the High Council.

8 minutes ago, Stormzyyy said:

Now this, correct me if I'm wrong but Yoda was chosen to oversee the Jedi/Jedi HC meanwhile the BCMD were chosen to regulate the Clones, correct? This is by no means a battalions lore job/position but a Jedi Lore position/job.

This all just goes around the issue. I shouldn't have to get permission to remove someone from my only lore general spot. 

Yoda should have control over who gets to be a general. Whoever Obi wan or Anakin is doesn't matter to you as long as they're a general (Shaak Ti is an exception due to their specific responisbilities). But the battalions involved do care who their Obi Wan is. There is only 1 Obi Wan in the 212th but there are technically infinite General spots in the order. 

Battalion Generals are the Battalion's lore spot. The General rank is the Order's. Battalion should have final say over who holds the positions because it affects them far far more than it does the order. You can keep those guys as generals, there's no rule against it, they just should not remain within the battalion.

These roundabout solutions don't fix the fundamental issue of Jedi without Battalion's ability to actually remove one of their key lore jobs.

I would see some compromise in the section of them being removed from general in the order, since you need a certain rank to be a lore general.

8 minutes ago, Stormzyyy said:

The battalion jedi is already an outreach program?

Jedi have a rank in the battalion Outreach don't. That's the key difference. Out reach help, Jedi currently acted like fully fledged members.


Edited by Comics
You can swap out Obi Wan for any other battalion general
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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27 minutes ago, JaBaku/Brax said:

What is your BCMD thoughts on this? @Guac


Again, I never said I was speaking on behalf of my battalion nor BCMD. These are MY opinions and mine only. They neither reflect on my opinions of my battalions current lore jedi. I think Luther does a fantastic job in his position.


24 minutes ago, Stormzyyy said:

With the merit system, it was mainly implemented so that people have things to do on the side. So instead of people AFKing or standing around B-hopping etc the merit system is to provide you guys with an opportunity to do different things.

I appreciate and actually admire the effort to do so. But the merit req's I don't really think had that intention. From an outsiders perspective it seems like less of an entertainment centered program, and more of an implementation to keep people on the job doing tryouts and such. i don't think that's the best way to keep jedi on the job.


24 minutes ago, Stormzyyy said:

The battalion jedi is already an outreach program?

Read below^

16 minutes ago, Comics said:

Jedi have a rank in the battalion Outreach don't. That's the key difference. Out reach help, Jedi currently acted like fully fledged members.

24 minutes ago, Stormzyyy said:

Now this, correct me if I'm wrong but Yoda was chosen to oversee the Jedi/Jedi HC meanwhile the BCMD were chosen to regulate the Clones, correct? This is by no means a battalions lore job/position but a Jedi Lore position/job.

If that is the case I don't think that a lore jedi should have any rank equivalency in a battalion unless the BCMD see's fit to give them one. I get that this is a bit of a radical opinion but I believe this would benefit relations between the 2 factions and have jedi seem more of a separate entity from clone. imo rn it seems as though jedis are just clone with sabers.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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17 minutes ago, Comics said:

This all just goes around the issue. I shouldn't have to get permission to remove someone from my only lore general spot. 

Yoda should have control over who gets to be a general. Whoever Obi wan or Anakin is doesn't matter to you as long as they're a general (Shaak Ti is an exception due to their specific responisbilities). But the battalions involved do care who their Obi Wan is. There is only 1 Obi Wan in the 212th but there are technically infinite General spots in the order. 

Battalion Generals are the Battalion's lore spot. The General rank is the Order's. Battalion should have final say over who holds the positions because it affects them far far more than it does the order. You can keep those guys as generals, there's no rule against it, they just should not remain within the battalion.

These roundabout solutions don't fix the fundamental issue of Jedi without Battalion's ability to actually remove one of their key lore jobs.

I would see some compromise in the section of them being removed from general in the order, since you need a certain rank to be a lore general.

Jedi have a rank in the battalion Outreach don't. That's the key difference. Out reach help, Jedi currently acted like fully fledged members.


Aight so, Outreach is literally the same thing as Jedi in your battalion.
You have no direct control over them and you can give them perms as you see fit.
Jedi don't have a rank in your battalion, only what perms you give them, just like SOBDE. (Ex: Shaak Ti is a CPL in Rancor atm.)

While yes battalions should have their voices heard about who becomes a general, ultimately they are a JEDI and as such fall under jurisdiction of the JEDI order. They are allowed to remove or assign a master to any battalion that is willing to take them. This includes named masters like Obi-Wan. Because they have no actual rank within your battalion the order should keep their ability to move named masters when it is necessary.

Just now, Guac said:

If that is the case I don't think that a lore jedi should have any rank equivalency in a battalion unless the BCMD see's fit to give them one. I get that this is a bit of a radical opinion but I believe this would benefit relations between the 2 factions and have jedi seem more of a separate entity from clone. imo rn it seems as though jedis are just clone with sabers.

@Guac That's literally how it works, Jedi have no ACTUAL rank within your battalion. They are only outreached to battalions.

Edited by Mitchell
  • Confused 1



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@StormzyyyTotally down to talk in TS if u want. Don't wanna get more negative rep cause these 5heads don't know how to have a conversations :Pepega:

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Just now, Guac said:

If that is the case I don't think that a lore jedi should have any rank equivalency in a battalion unless the BCMD see's fit to give them one. I get that this is a bit of a radical opinion but I believe this would benefit relations between the 2 factions and have jedi seem more of a separate entity from clone. imo rn it seems as though jedis are just clone with sabers.

Just pointing out the BCMD decides what rank the Jedi gets. Rancor for instance gave Shaak Ti CPL(Somewhere around the enlisted)

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3 minutes ago, Stormzyyy said:

Just pointing out the BCMD decides what rank the Jedi gets. Rancor for instance gave Shaak Ti CPL(Somewhere around the enlisted)


4 minutes ago, Mitchell said:

While yes battalions should have their voices heard about who becomes a general, ultimately they are a JEDI and as such fall under jurisdiction of the JEDI order. They are allowed to remove or assign a master to any battalion that is willing to take them. This includes named masters like Obi-Wan. Because they have no actual rank within your battalion the order should keep their ability to move named masters when it is necessary.

I think these statements are a bit disingenuous to the actual worth of lore Jedi to a battalion. Like we should just forget about em or something. It's a bit annoying when people seemed taken aback when I want to have authority as apart of my high command to ensure the quality and worth of these people in relation to the EXTREMELY IMPORTANT position they will be taking. I don't care about people's rank as a jedi, thats why I said I wanted to separate the 2. I care about the influence and image that they will bring.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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2 minutes ago, Mitchell said:

Aight so, Outreach is literally the same thing as Jedi in your battalion.
You have no direct control over them and you can give them perms as you see fit.
Jedi don't have a rank in your battalion, only what perms you give them, just like SOBDE. (Ex: Shaak Ti is a CPL in Rancor atm.)

While yes battalions should have their voices heard about who becomes a general, ultimately they are a JEDI and as such fall under jurisdiction of the JEDI order. They are allowed to remove or assign a master to any battalion that is willing to take them. This includes named masters like Obi-Wan. Because they have no actual rank within your battalion the order should keep their ability to move named masters when it is necessary.

No they very much hold a rank. Jedi literally went around trying to get us to institute jedi into our rank structure. That is very very much a thing & they work far differently to Outreach.
Outreach had a rank they were equivalent to but that was just for basic permission, they did not get promoted, & did not work as a fully fledged member of that battalion. Outreach meerly helped out sometimes or tagged along for an event. Jedi are full members of that battalion & have a rank which they will get promoted through.

The point is not Battalions controlling who is the rank of general or who is in the council. I want battalions to have direct control over who holds their lore position.
Once again, who is Anakin or Obi Wan does not matter to the Order, as long as they are a general it doesn't matter. But Obi Wan is a 212th character, he cannot be removed from 212th by anyone except the order. He is permanently attached to 212th like Boil, Waxer, or any other 212th lore. So why should anyone else control that. Obi Wan is a 212th job with a Jedi Order Rank. This isn't about the Jedi rank in the battalion it's about them BEING IN THE BATTALION. 212th cannot kick obi wan out the 212th, 41st cannot kick Barriss or Luminara, 501st cannot kick Anakin: Jedi council control who is in the battalion, who holds those key lore positions.
These two should've completely divorced giving battalions control of who their lore general is while having the order retain power over who is in their council.

Battalion controls who is their General (obi-wan, Anakin, ect). Jedi order controls who is the RANK of general.

  • Agree 4

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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28 minutes ago, Comics said:

I want battalions to have direct control over who holds their lore position.

Its not their lore position, its a Jedi lore position. Their duties to Jedi always come first.



30 minutes ago, Comics said:

But Obi Wan is a 212th character, he cannot be removed from 212th by anyone except the order. He is permanently attached to 212th like Boil, Waxer, or any other 212th lore. So why should anyone else control that. 

No, Obi-Wan is a Jedi character. Also, he is not 'permanently attached' Stormzy is able to take Obi-Wan away from 212th as again. He is not a part of the battalion and shouldn't be because he is a JEDI first and foremost.



33 minutes ago, Comics said:

This isn't about the Jedi rank in the battalion it's about them BEING IN THE BATTALION. 212th cannot kick obi wan out the 212th, 41st cannot kick Barriss or Luminara, 501st cannot kick Anakin: Jedi council control who is in the battalion, who holds those key lore positions.

You can literally make their permissions to be PVT if your BCMD wished. Or you could talk to the Yoda to voice your concerns.


35 minutes ago, Comics said:

These two should've completely divorced giving battalions control of who their lore general is while having the order retain power over who is in their council.

Literally Comics, the only reason you said as to why this should be the case in your paragraph and a half long response is that "Obi-Wan is a 212th lore character!" which is objectively false. None of your arguments made sense and completely ignore how things work on the server. I'm not going to bother responding further as I can already tell you are just going to keep going in circles and not actually provide any thoughtful insight except for the fact that you want to control everything.

  • Winner 1
  • Informative 2



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@Mitchell I wrote it in the simplest terms possible. So I'll try again because you clearly are not choosing to understand.
I'm going over the same points because you are failing to understand. 

Obi-Wan as a character is attached to the 212th & is only ever attached to the 212th. You cannot take Obi-Wan (as a character) from the 212th. He is forever a position within the 212th no matter his rank.
The rank of Jedi General is Rank given to Jedi within the Order. It does not matter who Obi-Wan is to the order, as long as that person is a General that's all that really matters.

Therefore, Obi-Wan as a character is a 212th position whereas the general rank that occupies the spot of Obi-Wan is a jedi position.
The rank is Jedi, the character is battalion.

Therefore, the Jedi should control the jedi rank of said person, while the battalion controls who actually is that person.
Batts would prefer Order to run selection of Generals for the position (cause that's a lot of work that Jedi are better at) but Order should require express permission, form the battalion, to grant that Character to said Jedi.

All these systems of demoting them through Jedi rank & reporting them to the council just goes around the fundamental issue.

Battalions should be able to remove their lore jedi without consulting anyone.
We can remove Jedi being permanently attached to their lore battalion, and that would technically solve the issue. But that's not what people want. 

I will iterate this once more
Within the Jedi order: it does not matter who holds what specific character (Obi-Wan, Anakin, Mundi, ect) as long as they are serving as a General within the Council.
Within the battalion: it does matter who holds a specific character (Obi-Wan, Anakin, Mundi, ect) as they are a fundamental unchangeable* position within said battalion. 

*You can remove a battalion jedi from it's attachment & that would work to solve this issue but you still need council permission to do that & I don't think anyone wants to remove lore attachments


I cannot make this any simpler to understand. This is as pure as I can put it without talking like a reception teacher.
If you somehow come up with the same questions I have very very very clearly answered then there is no hope for you.

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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4 hours ago, Guac said:

They go to Jedi to chill tf out and RP. RP that has practically never been encouraged by Jedi masters/leadership. Through the means of events or really anytime in game. In addition I rarely see councils build upon the previous decisions and changes of the last ones. It seems like the response is simply to wipe clean instead of pushing for positive change.


My first response after seeing all these responses have me rolling on the floor.

So lets talk about Jedi permissions in battalions:


Battalion commanders can assign the rights and privileages to each battalion stated on that particular document. You can even assign the authority of the Jedi General in question, Let's take obi wan for example. 

  1. Obi-Wan Kenobi

    • Authority of Colonel (can progress to XO)


That is his current setup with the extra curricular attached permissions that are yadda yadda blah blah whatever. 

To sit there and say that BCMDS should have more control OVER jedi matters or whatever is laughable. You wouldn't want us jedi to control you directly and messing with your shit now would you? Oh wait...In lore and in the series, jedis were generals and commanders and ACTUAL LEADERS over clone troopers and their myriad number of battalions during the war. Jedi Generals had even the authority to order field executions(Don't forget the General Krell episode, It specifies that stuff in particular)

1 hour ago, Comics said:

I wrote it in the simplest terms possible. So I'll try again because you clearly are not choosing to understand.
I'm going over the same points because you are failing to understand. 

Obi-Wan as a character is attached to the 212th & is only ever attached to the 212th. You cannot take Obi-Wan (as a character) from the 212th. He is forever a position within the 212th no matter his rank.
The rank of Jedi General is Rank given to Jedi within the Order. It does not matter who Obi-Wan is to the order, as long as that person is a General that's all that really matters.

Therefore, Obi-Wan as a character is a 212th position whereas the general rank that occupies the spot of Obi-Wan is a jedi position.
The rank is Jedi, the character is battalion.

Therefore, the Jedi should control the jedi rank of said person, while the battalion controls who actually is that person.
Batts would prefer Order to run selection of Generals for the position (cause that's a lot of work that Jedi are better at) but Order should require express permission, form the battalion, to grant that Character to said Jedi.

All these systems of demoting them through Jedi rank & reporting them to the council just goes around the fundamental issue.

Battalions should be able to remove their lore jedi without consulting anyone.
We can remove Jedi being permanently attached to their lore battalion, and that would technically solve the issue. But that's not what people want. 

I will iterate this once more
Within the Jedi order: it does not matter who holds what specific character (Obi-Wan, Anakin, Mundi, ect) as long as they are serving as a General within the Council.
Within the battalion: it does matter who holds a specific character (Obi-Wan, Anakin, Mundi, ect) as they are a fundamental unchangeable* position within said battalion. 

*You can remove a battalion jedi from it's attachment & that would work to solve this issue but you still need council permission to do that & I don't think anyone wants to remove lore attachments

Reporting Jedi lore positions to the council or even to Jedi high command is a great way to remove someone as they can put a blacklist on that character for said reason for that specific someone. I understand the premise of wanting more control over your battalion but in the sense of the jedi, but it really shouldn't be that way as it is a council decision. My advice is for someone to be a battalion rep or the bcmd can do it, and talk to the jedi council on a regular basis. Make them understand your BATTALIONS feelings on an individual. Let's take me for a moment, I wanted to go for obi wan and i made the council aware of it, But i was also informed someone else wanted to and i did not really interact all that much with 212th. I spent only a little bit of time with them and asked their thoughts on it and they gave me their honest answer. I took it to heart and decided not to go with it and instead leave for a much needed break. 

Basically what im saying is, yall lack communications on all fronts. This definitely was an issue during my time and it still is today. You aren't totally wrong comics, but you aren't totally right either. I would love to see all the BCMDS that have jedi programs running actively engaging the jedi leaders on a daily or at least weekly basis. Instead its "submit a form and well maybe get back to you" or nothing really happens but complaints.

Also before someone sits there and says "well why didnt you fix it back then?" Rome wasnt built in a day you fucking dent baby. That shit takes time and people willing to put forth the effort and a lot of yall dont have that "time" or "patience". Not all, Just enough.

Edited by Maverick
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1 minute ago, Maverick said:


My first response after seeing all these responses have me rolling on the floor.

So lets talk about Jedi permissions in battalions:


Battalion commanders can assign the rights and privileages to each battalion stated on that particular document. You can even assign the authority of the Jedi General in question, Let's take obi wan for example. 

  1. Obi-Wan Kenobi

    • Authority of Colonel (can progress to XO)


That is his current setup with the extra curricular attached permissions that are yadda yadda blah blah whatever. 

To sit there and say that BCMDS should have more control OVER jedi matters or whatever is laughable. You wouldn't want us jedi to control you directly and messing with your shit now would you? Oh wait...In lore and in the series, jedis were generals and commanders and ACTUAL LEADERS over clone troopers and their myriad number of battalions during the war. Jedi Generals had even the authority to order field executions(Don't forget the General Krell episode, It specifies that stuff in particular)

Reporting Jedi lore positions to the council or even to Jedi high command is a great way to remove someone as they can put a blacklist on that character for said reason for that specific someone. I understand the premise of wanting more control over your battalion but in the sense of the jedi, but it really shouldn't be that way as it is a council decision. My advice is for someone to be a battalion rep or the bcmd can do it, and talk to the jedi council on a regular basis. Make them understand your BATTALIONS feelings on an individual. Let's take me for a moment, I wanted to go for obi wan and i made the council aware of it, But i was also informed someone else wanted to and i did not really interact all that much with 212th. I spent only a little bit of time with them and asked their thoughts on it and they gave me their honest answer. I took it to heart and decided not to go with it and instead leave for a much needed break. 

Basically what im saying is, yall lack communications on all fronts. This definitely was an issue during my time and it still is today. You aren't totally wrong comics, but you aren't totally right either. I would love to see all the BCMDS that have jedi programs running actively engaging the jedi leaders on a daily or at least weekly basis. Instead its "submit a form and well maybe get back to you" or nothing really happens but complaints.

Yeah yeah I've heard it. You're saying the same thing as everyone else to avoid the actual point of the post.

I am not arguing about their power in battalions merely their position as that lore character. So stop bringing it up lol

secondly, I want that DIRECT control over the position. I want BCMDs to not have to go through anyone to get rid of these people. I don't think in any situation a BCMD should have to go to anyone else to remove someone from their battalion, it should lay completely within their powers. There is no reason Council should have that control over those positions.

I think the current appointing system works fine, as long as Council is forced to get explicit permission from the battalion. 
I am only concerned with the removal of those positions. No one should be stand in the way of a BCMD removing someone.

If they fuck up the process then there's consequences just like there are for removing anyone else on poor reasons. There is not a single reason in the world the Council should have more control over someone's position in a battalion than the actual BCMD.
It doesn't matter if there is a way to get around it there should be direct control with the BCMD, not the council. No amount of forms or reports is ever going to change that fact. You either need to give power to BCMDs or this problems will continue to exist.

  • Winner 2

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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2 minutes ago, Comics said:

Yeah yeah I've heard it. You're saying the same thing as everyone else to avoid the actual point of the post.

I am not arguing about their power in battalions merely their position as that lore character. So stop bringing it up lol

secondly, I want that DIRECT control over the position. I want BCMDs to not have to go through anyone to get rid of these people. I don't think in any situation a BCMD should have to go to anyone else to remove someone from their battalion, it should lay completely within their powers. There is no reason Council should have that control over those positions.

I think the current appointing system works fine, as long as Council is forced to get explicit permission from the battalion. 
I am only concerned with the removal of those positions. No one should be stand in the way of a BCMD removing someone.

If they fuck up the process then there's consequences just like there are for removing anyone else on poor reasons. There is not a single reason in the world the Council should have more control over someone's position in a battalion than the actual BCMD.
It doesn't matter if there is a way to get around it there should be direct control with the BCMD, not the council. No amount of forms or reports is ever going to change that fact. You either need to give power to BCMDs or this problems will continue to exist.



Ok fine, You get that direct control and i want Jedi General+ to recieve the ability to order full executions on clones. Since in lore they had that authority, it only seems right. Since you wanna talk about impossible bullshit.

  • Funny 1
  • Confused 1


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5 minutes ago, Maverick said:



Ok fine, You get that direct control and i want Jedi General+ to recieve the ability to order full executions on clones. Since in lore they had that authority, it only seems right. Since you wanna talk about impossible bullshit.

What sort of statement is this? I want power to control all members of a battalion in the hands of the BCMD, not matter where those battalion connections come from.

You're comparing it to a lore thing. You're just trying to make out my ideas out to look stupid because you don't have anything to say back.
I've made my points & I've made them very well. All I've had is the same 3 questions and statements I've answered several times. 

If this is the attitude Jedi are going to have towards suggestions and criticism I don't think they'll ever progress past being "Meh". How about you actually take this seriously and put some thought into what you're saying because you're setting a pretty horrific example for how to deal with outsider's criticisms.

I can't see any of you actuallly bringing up anything new, especially on the forums. So I'm not gonna send anything else no matter how many "youreWrong.pngs" you have. I've made my points and you guys need to make some new ones.

Edited by Comics
  • Winner 2

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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4 minutes ago, Comics said:

What sort of statement is this? I want power to control all members of a battalion in the hands of the BCMD, not matter where those battalion connections come from.

You're comparing it to a lore thing. You're just trying to make out my ideas out to look stupid because you don't have anything to say back.
I've made my points & I've made them very well. All I've had is the same 3 questions and statements I've answered several times. 

If this is the attitude Jedi are going to have towards suggestions and criticism I don't think they'll ever progress past being "Meh". How about you actually take this seriously and put some thought into what you're saying because you're setting a pretty horrific example for how to deal with outsider's criticisms.

I can't see any of you actuallly bringing up anything new, especially on the forums. So I'm not gonna send anything else no matter how many "youreWrong.pngs" you have. I've made my points and you guys need to make some new ones.

 Most of the Council doesn't agree with this , there is no "Other points" you tried arguing this before at this point you're beating a dead horse drop it and enjoy the rest of your night

  • Confused 1
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7 minutes ago, Comics said:

What sort of statement is this? I want power to control all members of a battalion in the hands of the BCMD, not matter where those battalion connections come from.

You're comparing it to a lore thing. You're just trying to make out my ideas out to look stupid because you don't have anything to say back.
I've made my points & I've made them very well. All I've had is the same 3 questions and statements I've answered several times. 

If this is the attitude Jedi are going to have towards suggestions and criticism I don't think they'll ever progress past being "Meh". How about you actually take this seriously and put some thought into what you're saying because you're setting a pretty horrific example for how to deal with outsider's criticisms.

I will say for the forum mods, that i am not trying to flame anyone but offer up my opinion, but ill say this:

Stop acting like a victim, You aren't very good at it.

A clone BCMD has full control over all of his CLONE TROOPERS. A Clone BCMD can i believe remove nonlore jedi for whatever the reason stated. A clone BCMD has full control over his own battalion but must still answer to RCMD, MCMD, and the Chancellor. The Council makes decisions on who gets what lore because it is not just a battalion side, there are other things that are part of it. After all it is a JEDI MATTER. However, Despite it being ONLY a jedi matter, It has to affect battalions and the battalion commanders and troopers under that bcmds command opinion and thoughts is taken into account. It is ALWAYS taken into consideration or it should be at all times. Masters should gather the opinions and use that to make a more informed decision. Whether or not "everyone" uses that practice is entirely up to them, as it falls under common and common courtesy. 


Also you cant really lump my "attitude" with others as i am speaking from experience.


I wont be adding anymore, i think i made my point.

Edited by Maverick


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I think the current way of picking lore jedi is alright. I told Stormzy in TS already, but as long as the battalion HC is part of the discussion, and any issues/reservations they have are being listened to, then things are fine for now. 

  • Agree 2

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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1 hour ago, Finn said:

I think the current way of picking lore jedi is alright. I told Stormzy in TS already, but as long as the battalion HC is part of the discussion, and any issues/reservations they have are being listened to, then things are fine for now. 

For all lore characters currently they have to get permission. For Knights the battalion can be there to witness the trial and for Masters they must go to the battalion HC before joining.

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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(This is probably going to be my last word on it before I finally put the #RemoveJedi meme to rest because it's genuinely starting to cause problems)

Now I want to say that with the efforts of the current council, the Jedi Order is a much more healthy beast than it was before. My issues with Jedi span numerous little reasons that ultimately lead up to the big picture that many things about them are very uninspired.

Jedi players are bored. It doesn't have that same sense of community that being in a battalion has. When you're looking at Jedi as a big picture, it's a secondary faction that only certain people main. I can confidently say that there has been a more tight-knit group forming nowadays, but even then, it's nothing like being a clone (or hell, even a BH). You'll hardly ever see a Jedi channel being utilized as a hub for common Jedi players for any other reason than to do trials.

When you see a Clone Trooper Officer, everyone knows who it is. Everyone identifies him by his clone character. When you see a Jedi, they're either defined by their clone or they're just flying under the radar. Even the most well-known Jedi (currently people like Orion, Jabaku, Stix, etc.) struggle to get actual notoriety around the server, and because notoriety is a big thing when it comes to representation and leadership, Jedi tend to fall short on picking good leaders to run the faction.

Instead it devolves into the numbers game that still goes around. The leaders don't know how to BE leaders so they focus on the numbers. How many trials has this person done? How many Padawans has this person burned through? How many times has this guy been elected as Manager of the Week? Boxes all ticked! Master material!

It just turns into a perpetual cycle by those who only know how to mess with the system rather than people who genuinely would do well. People who only know how to abuse numbers are people that can't handle situational things. Bring a new Jedi Master to deal with a disciplinary issue and you'll need at least four more, counting how many of them it takes to screw in a light bulb. Or in some cases, Masters get involved with situations that another one is handling so they can look good. For the longest time, this was the norm. Jedi was a contest to see how big-dong you could be in comparison to the Jedi next to you. Not an environment suited for the largest VIP faction on the server.

There's very little respect for Knights and Masters in general when it comes to chain of command because of how clones act (controversial opinion, sometimes clones are the worst group of people on the server). Jedi just don't demand respect because no one knows them. Battalions neuter their Jedi Corps to make Knights SNCOs when they're supposed to be Officers. All the while, the Jedi Order always seeks to take the least offensive route possible and subsequently are either useless even in RP situations or are walked over no matter how hard they try.

Even their events don't ever stand out. Try and point to a Jedi event that didn't involve a Sith Lord and a holocron/artifact. There's no originality. That's what Jedi struggles with. They try too hard to be a piece of a puzzle with the clone battalions instead of being their own thing. Clones would function fine without Jedi and I was convinced of this for a long time to the point where I genuinely thought that Jedi would be better off as event jobs at times.

You can't make Jedi good by integrating them with Clones. You can only make them good if they become a respectable entity by their own right.

Will probably have more to say later. It's 3am so it's not all coming to me yet.

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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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Right, so I am somewhat or a jedi and clone guy now so ill give what I know.

A lot of people don't seem to know how to get merits or are bored by the process of getting Branch Manager and doing trials. I know we did clear this up but not very well. The term entertainment is used which has 200 meaning but most assume event or encounter. 

RP wise, the Jedi on the server act more like Sith, more likely to kill something or someone then be diplomatic and often attack first, which goes against the jedi code of peacekeepers and not soldiers.  

Obviously this is an RP server and the rules have gotten very very lax meaning you can almost do anything and get in no trouble. Which I disagree with as I enjoy rp and the current system seems to have incentives people to no RP on an RP server.

Also  as a whole, the server is at a weird impossible of players. Not many new players join and most only stay for a while. The same 60 players are on most days which increases and decreases with day and time. 

Putting it bluntly, and a TLDR.

Server is stagnate on a player growth standpoint. RP seems to be frowned upon by those doing the rules in an attempt to make the server a more open space for everyone. Jedi amd to an extent clones, act like Sith/Imperials.

Ja'Baku is Master XD.


love you Ja'Baku :3

  • Agree 3

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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55 minutes ago, Venom/TJ said:

Guys Didn't you know that Obi-wan became a Jedi when the 212th battalion was made, He wasn't a Jedi before then. So therefore he is attached to the 212th only not the Jedi Order. Gosh guys, Educate yourselves :FeelsTastyMan:

It all makes sense now!!

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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Honestly Ratio said it the best. He said what I have tried to communicate for along time but due to my... lack of eloquence i've always struggled to express it. The Major issue with Jedi has always been how it fits into the server and its lack of identity within the server. This often stems from how clones react and treat Jedi in RP as lower class and neigh worthless unless you are "My battalions lore jedi" then they are just treated like property of that battalion.

I think a very simple summary of all of this is If I were to ask a BCMD a question about their battalion they would be able to give me the answer then and there no matter the issue. With Yoda I don't think that could be done no matter the person in the position due to the amount of clutter within the Jedi order issues that stem from tonnes of little issues mainly lack of control then that filters into communication and everything else I hope this post goes into my issues and what we can do to maybe change things.


The Council doesn't really help this by once someone becomes a master then a lore master instead of building a community and working within the Jedi they are shipped off like soldiers on the draft to work for a battalion. Even though they became a Master to help the Jedi. This the creates tension and strain between the clones and Jedi aswell because the Battalion work is meant to be a optional programme built for keeping Jedi entertained by doing Battalion stuff. The main issue is then people see this as a avenue to progress within the Jedi but it simply isn't really because outside of reports there is no consistent way of tracking someones work. And we all know how we love to fill reports out. But the truth is Battalion work does not assist the order it only benefits the battalion or the Individual and doesn't really bring anything to the order outside of PR (which usually doesn't mean much due to how low the opinion of Jedi is anyway). The only rewards for Battalion work really should be the Jedi commander title. I understand how that might annoy clone players on why isn't  my best Jedi friend not being rewarded for helping the clone faction by the Jedi Faction? 

It is simply that they are two separate entities  and because the current channels that reward things like Jedi commander are hardly utilised (that being the Commander reports) Means that the few notable rewards arn't given out due to the lack of communication from the clone side generally speaking. I understand that may frustrate people but due to the size of the Jedi order and the lack of man power and availability the Jedi can not check in constantly and do the leg work for rewards that do not directly affect their faction due to the amount of running around that would entail. The Jedi trust people to bring the information about issues positive or negative.


Personally I am of the opinion the Jedi order needs to be drastically scaled down and be a more controlled and manageable faction. I have expressed this a few times the Ranks within the Knights are unnecessary and should all but be removed. Ranks only should exist if they add something and that something should be some kind of responsibility and if that isn't present it should be removed. I feel that is easily translated to clones too.

I feel that the Jedi order is broken at the core and I do not feel that this is a fault of this leadership but it is a issue that has existed for years but because its easy its ignored.

One is that is The availability for players who have been gone for years to be aloud be gone for those prolonged periods of time and to have the ability to just come back after to years and just have their position back (I am not talking any kind of honorary/legacy but any random person who passed their respective trial) just because they passed it. Now imagine if a battalion did that. If a battalion didn't control who was marked as active and removed those people. The logistical nightmares that would cause in just the communication alone on new rules and changes within the order. I believe thats why Knights and padawans arn't really given any responsibility or are seen as valuable because they are a nigh unlimited amount of them who can just return one day and have technical power so in response the Jedi order have never really given Knights or padawans power or responsibility.  The reason I know something like that hasn't been done before is because it would require a hard Jedi wipe so that the Jedi could be built back up and be able to manage its members. I Know that a few people have attempted to do it by cleaning the rosters but that doesn't help because all it takes is for someone to vouch for someone not on the roster to get their position back because so few people simply are willing to say no.

The truth alongside that is if the Jedi did do a wipe the slate clean to help fix the order the likely blow back would be enormous because everyone wants to be entitled to their Jedi because they paid for it (which is fair enough) but it does cause the issue of not knowing the people within the Jedi order all that well because of the amount of people who make a Jedi because they want to play on it now and again and not main the thing because they want to main their naval or clone or have to hold a activity standard there or they face removal and don't want to sink time into the Jedi. because if you wanted to do all three and keep a activity standard you could be hard pressed to do so.


ANOTHER MAJOR ISSUE IS How bloated and divided the order is because of the lack of communication stemming from the first issue. The communication and standard of what a Jedi is all over the place and this is due returning players constant changes lack of logging people adding in fluff and pointless "changes" that just clutter the Jedi order left right and center. 

To better explain what I mean by bloated is over the years the Jedi order has just added and added to itself kind of like the image I posted below. Things Guardian is struggling as a branch! "Quick lets add Jedi snipers, titles, four new trials, three new sub branches take control of weapon specialist " So and so fourth Usually the issue is lack of communication between the lead and the branch. The lack of interaction of those within the branch like getting together doing events together chilling having fun with one another. Instead of addressing accrual problems people blindly add things to the branch or want change how they work or take control of a new and shiny gimmick under the false impression that will fix the issue. A new toy does not help in the long run as any battalion who adds a sub unit to join in their battalion. Short term it helps but long term people loose interest in the new thing because that was never the issue. People get bored because they are not proactive and doing something. So what should you do? Play together, RP together, Make shit up and do it entertain yourself and your friends.

This issue usually stems from leadership of a branch wanting to make some kind of impression on the position. Leave their mark that kind of thing. For examples Botanist under Targeev or the dozens of times Healer, Seer, Prophet have been a thing within Consular. Usually these things end up like bad fads where they are nice for a time and work well with the person who implemented the system and for those who come later down the line who do not have the same passion or real care for those systems they become cluttered and a mess which then needs to be cleaned up by the council later down the line but due to miscommunication or returning players these get messy as everyone wants their fifteen minutes. Often these systems get purged then two new leads down the line someone says I've got a awesome new Idea and it will be the thing that the council has just finished purging. The most recent example is titles within branches. Where they caused confusion and lacked a consistent way to achieve them so they were removed. Then a new lead came along and wanted to have them added as they thought it was a good idea and wanted to use them and it created a stir as the process of removing it was still in recent memory so the Council being jaded allowed it but without really routing the issue. This is not a fault of the Consular lead as they were unaware of the removal. 

My point is that there is alot of useless fluff the gets added and removed on a near constant basis and this is something that needs to stop the Jedi needs to focus on what it wants to be. It can not be everything so it needs to be simplified and instead of adding things we need the Jedi to be stripped bare and reworked. Then it needs to decide what it is essential and what is not what do the branches need to survive and what do they not need at a council level.

 Currently the Jedi order lacks direction, I would argue it always has.

RP is the most important thing to me but not to others. Diverse RP matters more to me than restricting RP avenues not into anything like full blown Sith but Jedi were never perfect there has never been a "ideal" Jedi who responds to the code perfectly so people should be allowed to act out so long as it is in RP. But with that tangent aside the Issue with direction stems from the greater server but also the fact that there is no consistent view of what It means to be a Jedi on the server from both a OOC and IC perspective. To me the Jedi should be focused on RP and the responsibilities that come with that in RP such as being the Generals and Commanders of the army and that means handing out orders to troopers and coming up with battle plans and operations. But due to attitudes on the server should a Jedi do any kind of RP that commands or takes point that isn't fighting a Sith or just absorbing blaster blots they are disrespected or dog piled on in most encounters. This is due to everyone wanting to be the one in charge and having control over just respecting each other in RP.

Alternatively some would say that trials and the technical aspects of ranks titles power and leadership is the most important things (which I vehemently oppose) is the thing that should be valued as it is the only thing that is a reliable way of tracking people actions currently. That largely stems from the lack of interaction within the order due previously mentioned issues.

In conclusion the Jedi council needs to decide what is the most important thing to them. RP or the trials,  maintenance and the OOC structure of the Order.



Statement: The council needs to be more structured and a cleaner chain of command within the Master corps. That and it suffers all the failings of democracy and bureaucracy so it lacks strong structure and leadership/ chain of command.  -> video explaining the point a bit better than me,

Q). A major concern is RP of Jedi and how they act.

a). This is a issue across the bored on the server not solely on the feet of Jedi and those who try to RP or experiment are often shut down personally I think we should encourage it more so long as it is in a in character situation and it is not mingey. A large problem with defining how Jedi should stems from peoples interpretation of as they do vary quite widely from person. Just like real life its up for interpretation.


Q). A constant complaint is having nothing to do in off time and that Masters should provide things to do.

a). We are working on a system to create stuff to do. But we can not hand hold every individual if you want to do RP and be entertained then you need to start making a effort yourself as there is only so much the Order or game masters can do. The best way I recommend doing this is RPing within a friend group doing your own RP.  Examples of people who do this are Dennis, Snadvich, Baron, Chrome so on and so fourth. If you can't RP your chosen role or can not do something with it then the question should be why are you that role.

Q).  A constant Query is how do I become Master or how are they selected?

a). Every Master is currently a Case by basis and the truth is there is not any one standard some have got it through their attitude, trials, RP, Branch leadership or a combination of all mentioned elements. The Council do need a better standard for what It means to be a master how to achieve it but alot of the pit falls of selecting potential masters is that the council does not often know the candidates all well outside of trials. Whether that is the individuals work ethic or general personality or how they problem solve. 



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13 hours ago, Maverick said:

I will say for the forum mods, that i am not trying to flame anyone but offer up my opinion, but ill say this:

Stop acting like a victim, You aren't very good at it.

A clone BCMD has full control over all of his CLONE TROOPERS. A Clone BCMD can i believe remove nonlore jedi for whatever the reason stated. A clone BCMD has full control over his own battalion but must still answer to RCMD, MCMD, and the Chancellor. The Council makes decisions on who gets what lore because it is not just a battalion side, there are other things that are part of it. After all it is a JEDI MATTER. However, Despite it being ONLY a jedi matter, It has to affect battalions and the battalion commanders and troopers under that bcmds command opinion and thoughts is taken into account. It is ALWAYS taken into consideration or it should be at all times. Masters should gather the opinions and use that to make a more informed decision. Whether or not "everyone" uses that practice is entirely up to them, as it falls under common and common courtesy. 


Also you cant really lump my "attitude" with others as i am speaking from experience.


I wont be adding anymore, i think i made my point.

I'm not acting like a victim. You're not making any good points or even adding to the discussion. 
None of the points you made were even original.

If you want Jedi to be attached to battalion (like most people do) then you have to hand control to BCMDs, that should be the trade off. 
You & your jedi friends keep saying the same thing over and over again and none of it justifies the order holding control over members of a BCMD's battalion. In no way should an outsider group control anyone inside of a battalion. the BCMD was awarded their position in order to control the members of their battalion but the order seems insistent on keeping their grasp onto power for no reason. 
I've said this 4 times but it seems none of you are capable of reading comprehension. It's seriously concerning when the leaders and faces of the Order are incapable of seperating the lore character from the rank & position in the order.

You keep iterating the same ideas and points I have already shown to be false. You keep pivoting to focus on irrelevant things to make yourself look smart.
You are yet to actually address the inconsistency in Jedi's power of BCMD's positions: you just claim "oh it's the Jedi's spot so like we should run it". yet you are to provide any evidence that who Obi-Wan is actually affects the Order and especially more so than the battalion involved.
You cannot keep iterating the same "it's our job" idea because I've already debunked that about 3 times. You're clearly not reading or understanding, so I do ask you to really think about what I'm saying and really think if it matters to the order who is what general. 

Master's can gather their opinions for their own general spots, they should have no power in the way of a BCMD clearing his lore positions.
I don't care what the Order requests people to do, or their standards for lore generals. It's not your battalion so you shouldn't have the final say on who remains in that position (barring someone actually being removed from general). Battalions won't touch your rank structure, they should just be able to control their lore spots.

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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21 hours ago, Gears said:

Im sure this will be a civil discussion 


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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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I think all the people are missing one thing that comics is not saying and that y'all keep bringing up. You say "Just make the X Lore Jedi a PVT" or "Shaak-Ti is a CPL in Rancor" Its not about the rank in the battalion its about the impact that the Lore Character has on the battalion. I loved fighting along side Anakin in the 501st and I never really had an Active one. If they made him a PVT he would be on even less bc who wants to be involved in a Battalion where the BCMD thinks you deserve the Lowest rank possible (unless you are brand New). So again, Its not about the Rank they have its about the RP and imact the name of someone Like Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi have.

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i think every battalion with merit systems are dumb which happens to include jedi cause they got merits

also you should pull masters from the knight 5+ that are active and committed jedi not just the random elder knights who rarely get on

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i have a crush on Zendaya

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Basically what Ratio and Gadget said. To add more to Gadget's point on how the server doesn't incentivize RP, I truly believe it's all because of the "RP however you want to" path the server takes rather than make it serious or semi-serious. I fundamentally disagree with this for various reasons, as it only serves to harm roleplay rather than promote it.

See, it's hard to roleplay as a proper Jedi if the Jedi or Clone next to you thinks with their weapon rather than doing the actual roleplay. The efforts of doing RP are for nothing because the outcome is the exact same in the end, no matter how good your RP is. No one is really ever punished for acting out of character unless some extreme Fail RP occurred. Everyone does their own thing and the people that are getting shafted are the ones putting in effort with their characters.

People would rather take shortcuts because they can and they are rewarded the same as someone who roleplays.

If the server was actually serious or semi-serious, the expectations of people's view on RP will change. There would be a clear standard of RP the people on the server must follow. But because of how the server is, everyone's standards and expectations are different from each other. On top of that, people who RP have to deal with those who just choose not do, or their abilities are very weak. If you force people to act like they should, obviously their RP abilities will be better. Nothing is worse than seeing someone do amazing RP with a person, and the other party just not having the ability to follow up on it.

I thought about this a little bit ago, but if Sith were actually added back, I would actually see some damn good Jedi RP. That's because a Jedi has to act like a Jedi whenever they encounter a Sith. If their RP is less of a Jedi and more of a Sith, than obviously that's a problem. People would know about that pretty fast. Chances are, they would actually join Sith so they can do the roleplay they want to do. The standard between Sith and Jedi is very cut and dry. Sure you can have your own unique character, but there is a very clear line you can't cross when you RP as a Sith or Jedi.

Sith aren't being added back anytime soon, so the solution falls down to the server's standard of roleplay. You can't have a middle ground with this sort of thing, and as lovely "RP however you want to" sounds on paper, it does not fundamentally work to benefit the server. I've thought about this for a while now, but I realize now, without a doubt, it hinders Jedi the most.

Also, in my opinion, RP is WAY more rewarding than shooting shit with your gun, or using your lightsaber. Shoot em' ups are very forgetful.

Edited by Johnson


Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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I mean I outlined a lot of my feedback when I submitted the form, both when it was first pushed out under Forseen / Maverick and again when it was pushed out by Stormzy. Aside from what I said there, I agree wholeheartedly with what has been said by Ratio and others in this post.

I think the simplest way to voice my opinion about the Jedi Order is that I have held the position of Bardan Skirata for just over 5 months now. I have never entertained the idea of leaving Bardan to pursue any other position in the Jedi Order. I have never wanted to progress to Master, I have never wanted to leave Bardan and continue to play on my Jedi. When I leave Bardan, I have every intention to simply start maining my clone again. Being an active, engaged Jedi right now is based almost entirely on what battalion you associate with and whether or not you enjoy spending time with that battalion. There is no Jedi Order, there are just Battalion Jedi. 

Given that the Merit system fails to such an extreme degree at rewarding Battalion Jedi, it's no surprise that hardly anyone but trial-spammers actually get promoted. I progressed from Knight III to Knight V solely because I was a sage manager hosting dozens of rounds of sage trials per week in an attempt to fill the sage branch back in the Fall. And once I filled sage, I had no drive to host anything ever again. And I still don't ever want to host a trial again. 

I'll end this before it gets too rambly... but yeah. The Jedi Order just lacks any real identity as itself.

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2 hours ago, Chumbus said:

also you should pull masters from the knight 5+ that are active and committed jedi not just the random elder knights who rarely get on

We do not randomly choose Elder Knights. If we were, we would have had people who aren't active. I had chosen people I believed were capable and gotten feeedback from my Jedi High Command and Directors at the time. We don't just pick people but have to take into consideration what they can provide.

1 hour ago, Foxey said:

Given that the Merit system fails to such an extreme degree at rewarding Battalion Jedi, it's no surprise that hardly anyone but trial-spammers actually get promoted. I progressed from Knight III to Knight V solely because I was a sage manager hosting dozens of rounds of sage trials per week in an attempt to fill the sage branch back in the Fall. And once I filled sage, I had no drive to host anything ever again. And I still don't ever want to host a trial again. 

We are currently working on a way to stay away from trial merit gaining. We spoke about it during the recent public meeting. It will be announced soon as a trial and error run.

Edited by Stormzyyy
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1 hour ago, Foxey said:

There is no Jedi Order, there are just Battalion Jedi. 

The Jedi Order just lacks any real identity as itself.

I wholeheartedly agree with these statements. This is the main reason I quit Jedi and haven’t planned on returning 

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2 hours ago, Foxey said:

The Jedi Order just lacks any real identity as itself.


7 minutes ago, Sinister said:

I wholeheartedly agree with these statements. This is the main reason I quit Jedi and haven’t planned on returning 

Can you both go more in depth with this? Possibly give a suggestion or something we can use as a possible "Stepping stone" or something to go further with?

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1 hour ago, Stormzyyy said:

Can you both go more in depth with this? Possibly give a suggestion or something we can use as a possible "Stepping stone" or something to go further with?

I will take some downtime during classes tomorrow to put some ideas together and send them your way.

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8 hours ago, Johnson said:

I thought about this a little bit ago, but if Sith were actually added back, I would actually see some damn good Jedi RP. That's because a Jedi has to act like a Jedi whenever they encounter a Sith. If their RP is less of a Jedi and more of a Sith, than obviously that's a problem. People would know about that pretty fast. Chances are, they would actually join Sith so they can do the roleplay they want to do. The standard between Sith and Jedi is very cut and dry. Sure you can have your own unique character, but there is a very clear line you can't cross when you RP as a Sith or Jedi.

Time to make another suggestion.

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|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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18 hours ago, Stormzyyy said:


Can you both go more in depth with this? Possibly give a suggestion or something we can use as a possible "Stepping stone" or something to go further with?

It’s a mentality shift that needs to start with the council and trickle down to the player base.

I’ve been gone for about a month so i’m not caught up with any recent changes you’ve made. From what I do know, the current Jedi “play-style” is when you hop on your job you’re supposed to find a battalion to be with 24/7, and then occasionally participate in some branch stuff or a tournament. If you don’t have a battalion, there’s nothing happening. 


I personally don’t enjoy that at all. I enjoy playing on a Jedi to interact with other Jedi, or do “Jedi Things”. If I want to join a battalion, I have a clone. There really is no easy way to shift the mentality, nor do you really have to. It’s a different style of the Jedi Order that’s been used in the past, and this is all just my own opinion. If you want to make a change, try to work with the council on ways that Jedi of every tier can interact with each other without just forcing RP. If you try to force a new system down the chain on people that they don’t want, it’ll just crash and burn.


Shoot me a DM on here or discord if you want me to explain more, I’m not sure if I explained that well or not 

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To be honest, from what I noticed when I mained Jedi for a month or so, people only really licked their way up to who was Yoda, who at this stage is Stormzy. I'd go into my branch channel and realise no one would be really talking unless it was like Rocksteady and some really low level knights, and everyone else would be sat waiting for someone who could promote them to get on. I think Elder Knights are given way too much credit and should be wiped like the rest of this bullshit legacy, it's ridiculous that returning players are given priority over ranks because they are more well known over others who work their asses off to prove themselves only to be shut down. 

I think the Merit system is really vague and leaves little to no exploration outside of "master can decide this and that". I think Jedi should be a little more open and the merit system expanded upon. You can really only gain merits from helping trials and stealing new padawans from trials to train. Oh and as well as gaining them from being branch manager of the week (which by the way is completely biased from what I've seen). I've literally seen people get branch manager of the week who have done less than 3 trials a week get branch manager just because they talk to the leads more than others. 

Elder Knight is a pretty pointless rank and should really just be forgotten and pushed with the rest of the ranking structure much like regular battalions. I mean you don't see legacy troopers calling themselves "Veteran Soldier" and getting free ranks because they have a good chat or two. Literally Jedi right now is the number that comes after the "Knight" written in your name and the battalion you work with. That's why some battalions have more Jedi than others, because some are literally more fun to play with than the majority. The way the Jedi run literally might as well be just promoted by their BCMDs just because of how little interaction there is with the Masters past the rank of Knight. 

I feel like you can promote and wipe as many Masters as you want, but at the end of the day, the Jedi order in its current state will always be just a group of friends running something that has little to no interaction past a couple of rules and a few trials here and there. People who genuinely love Jedi would get more of a kick out of whitelisting for Jedi and staying a Padawan forever and just RPing with their battalion over actually working their way up to becoming a Master and doing Jedi RP. There is no Jedi RP and it is not encouraged. I don't see why, when you have no basis for Roleplay in your own section should you control the members actions or their progression within it, it makes no sense. I feel like Jedi way back when had such a higher purpose and right now it doesn't feel the same. 

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2 minutes ago, Ket said:

I think Elder Knights are given way too much credit and should be wiped like the rest of this bullshit legacy, it's ridiculous that returning players are given priority over ranks because they are more well known over others who work their asses off to prove themselves only to be shut down. 

ehhh not really true. People who have experienced the shit before know what to do when they return. The only advantage and key word is "experience." People also need to come out of their shells and be more vocal instead of taking a sideline or backseat. It takes more than just telling the masters, you need to show it, you need to prove it. Its not the masters job to pay every second of attention to one individual. They are to watch everyone. 

5 minutes ago, Ket said:

I think the Merit system is really vague and leaves little to no exploration outside of "master can decide this and that". I think Jedi should be a little more open and the merit system expanded upon. You can really only gain merits from helping trials and stealing new padawans from trials to train. Oh and as well as gaining them from being branch manager of the week (which by the way is completely biased from what I've seen). I've literally seen people get branch manager of the week who have done less than 3 trials a week get branch manager just because they talk to the leads more than others. 

Ok the first part, Not true, we have posted numerous announcements, made statements on the merit system during jedi wide meetings and i believe even countlessly explained to anyone who would ever bother to message a master directly, the benefits and drawbacks to the merit system itself. There are i think 25 different ways to gain merits and its up to the individual to utilize his own time how he sees fit. How do you gain merits you ask? Stand out. Make yourself known. Be all you can be.

On the point of being more open, I would think hosting jedi wide meetings and discussing what happens in council meetings and what gets passed as well as changing policies to see who got what is pretty damn open. Again this falls under the message a master for any information as they are qualified or should be anyways to answer any questions that may come up. that need for secrecy we used to have? Has gone down significantly. You guys are more in the know, so long as you pay attention to whats being said in announcements than you used to be 6 months - 2 years ago. 

Branch manager of the week is decided by branch leads who inform the Branch overseer and he announces them and awards your merits.  I'd suggest talking to your branch leader.

12 minutes ago, Ket said:

Elder Knight is a pretty pointless rank and should really just be forgotten and pushed with the rest of the ranking structure much like regular battalions. I mean you don't see legacy troopers calling themselves "Veteran Soldier" and getting free ranks because they have a good chat or two. Literally Jedi right now is the number that comes after the "Knight" written in your name and the battalion you work with. That's why some battalions have more Jedi than others, because some are literally more fun to play with than the majority. The way the Jedi run literally might as well be just promoted by their BCMDs just because of how little interaction there is with the Masters past the rank of Knight. 

I could see wiping the elder knights but at the same time, never forget the hard work they used to do. Not every EK gets a position or "rank back" just because they are well known, however i will not deny that it has happened before. I can't speak on every situation, only what i know. In reference to legacy troopers, maybe they dont call themselves veteran soldiers but i have seen plenty of examples of people coming back and getting major/2ndLT or some other rank after being back for 5 minutes. Its up to the bcmd to choose if they keep it of course. Just like its up to the council or yoda who keeps their shit whatever the case may be.

Also a jedi being promoted by a bcmd really makes no sense unless you want to change thier permissions in the battalion rights document.

17 minutes ago, Ket said:

I feel like you can promote and wipe as many Masters as you want, but at the end of the day, the Jedi order in its current state will always be just a group of friends running something that has little to no interaction past a couple of rules and a few trials here and there.

You have no idea how hard it is to remove the friend group mentality. You have no idea in reference what its like to lead a different style of roleplay that has to Co-Exist with another style of Roleplay. Sure i could go and wipe the masters, but if im going to do that, i want it to be for the right reasoning. Now i don't keep up to date on how stormzy runs the order but id like to think things are just a bit better now than even during my term as yoda. I respect your opinion but i think you should consider more openly about what goes on behind the scenes and you can literally ask any master.


20 minutes ago, Ket said:

People who genuinely love Jedi would get more of a kick out of whitelisting for Jedi and staying a Padawan forever and just RPing with their battalion over actually working their way up to becoming a Master and doing Jedi RP. There is no Jedi RP and it is not encouraged. I don't see why, when you have no basis for Roleplay in your own section should you control the members actions or their progression within it, it makes no sense.

This boils down to people actually wanting to do the work and making it known. Just about(not all) every master has worked their ass off or done enough extraordinary shit to make it worth being promoted to master. I look at todays population of jedi and i watch the way they respond and i see people lacking the motivation purely because they just cant be bothered to get involved because "meh whatever im just chilling". Not always the case but its happened enough to convince me. And believe me, some of the masters try to get people involved and motivated but people want results wayy to faster or too soon and dont have patience.


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45 minutes ago, Ket said:

I think the Merit system is really vague and leaves little to no exploration outside of "master can decide this and that". I think Jedi should be a little more open and the merit system expanded upon. You can really only gain merits from helping trials and stealing new padawans from trials to train. Oh and as well as gaining them from being branch manager of the week (which by the way is completely biased from what I've seen). I've literally seen people get branch manager of the week who have done less than 3 trials a week get branch manager just because they talk to the leads more than others. 


First off, Merit system, we are currently actively trying to improve it. This means, taking feedback whenever we can. My masters and I are always trying to ask for feedback and me especially but I never do. We recently came up with a new way to earn merits which is still in its Trial and error state(mission board) which we announced yesterday. Second, Manager of the week is biased? First I heard of this. It is currently on hold while Lie(Branch Overseer) reworks the Manager of the week. We also are implementing a system for Managers to earn merits for hitting Quota. 


49 minutes ago, Ket said:

the Jedi order in its current state will always be just a group of friends running something that has little to no interaction past a couple of rules and a few trials here and there.

Currently, it is not a couple of friends as the decision wasn't strictly on me. I had gotten feedback from my high Command and Directors at the time before instating people to it. I don't just go pick people I know, some of the current Masters weren't my "Friends" until I got to know them better. I had to remove people I called my friends from Master for reasons. If that isn't enough, than I don't know what to tell you.


51 minutes ago, Ket said:

People who genuinely love Jedi would get more of a kick out of whitelisting for Jedi and staying a Padawan forever and just RPing with their battalion over actually working their way up to becoming a Master and doing Jedi RP. There is no Jedi RP and it is not encouraged. I don't see why, when you have no basis for Roleplay in your own section should you control the members actions or their progression within it, it makes no sense. I feel like Jedi way back when had such a higher purpose and right now it doesn't feel the same. 

Now, currently we are trying to push roleplay, I don't know where this came from honestly. I have been asking people for ways to improve it and have been talking with my Council Members about us pushing it to pave a path for Jedi so they don't have to be too reliant on us when it comes to roleplay. Plus with the current "Roleplay how you want" I am trying to push people to have their own character backstory for how they are instead acting of insisting they have to do it a certain way because honestly, if I do that than all of HC should push it on everyone especially when clones "rp" with Jedi its just talking down on them or something dumb

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On 3/30/2021 at 4:33 PM, Maverick said:

ehhh not really true. People who have experienced the shit before know what to do when they return. The only advantage and key word is "experience." People also need to come out of their shells and be more vocal instead of taking a sideline or backseat. It takes more than just telling the masters, you need to show it, you need to prove it. Its not the masters job to pay every second of attention to one individual. They are to watch everyone. 

Ok the first part, Not true, we have posted numerous announcements, made statements on the merit system during jedi wide meetings and i believe even countlessly explained to anyone who would ever bother to message a master directly, the benefits and drawbacks to the merit system itself. There are i think 25 different ways to gain merits and its up to the individual to utilize his own time how he sees fit. How do you gain merits you ask? Stand out. Make yourself known. Be all you can be.

So, I'm not a Jedi main, but I've had a Padawan/Knight for a long time, so I've seen a lot of Jedi leadership. And I have an issue with these 2 statements in particular.

First off, you should Never assume a returning player knows what to do when returning. Rules change, procedures change, the mindset of the Order changes fairly quickly (the multiple master wipes in recent memory have seen to that). Trusting legacy members more than the current people in your faction is how we ended up with so many issues with the clones the past few months. 

Secondly,  the current Jedi merit system is almost entirely subjective. Not sure how public the system is, but of the 25 things you can do for points, 15 are selected by individual Jedi, and 10 are Trials/tests. None of which help the average Jedi just trying to have fun on the server. Currently, the merit system is being used to force certain behaviors/actions, which is like, the opposite of the point of a merit system. I shouldn't have to divine what I'm supposed to do in order to impress a master. It should be clear to everyone without having to ask every meeting.


Edit: Thank you Maverick for dumbing me for responding to you. Truly a mature and respectful member of the community!

Edited by Finn
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|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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17 hours ago, Finn said:

Secondly,  the current Jedi merit system is almost entirely subjective. Not sure how public the system is, but of the 25 things you can do for points, 15 are selected by individual Jedi, and 10 are Trials/tests. None of which help the average Jedi just trying to have fun on the server. Currently, the merit system is being used to force certain behaviors/actions, which is like, the opposite of the point of a merit system. I shouldn't have to divine what I'm supposed to do in order to impress a master. It should be clear to everyone without having to ask every meeting.

Okay, I said it before but currently we are working on changing the merit system. Or at most altering it so that people can strafe away from “trial rp” or whatever it is you call it. We are trying to push for a more “leadership” and/or roleplay for people to impress us. Like I mentioned to people at meets, you can spam trials, but that’s no way to be “looked” at for master. I tend to make meetings so that people can give feedback for everything we do, or possible changes as people are “shy” to bring it to us in DMs or a form. We continue to try to push for change but we can only do what we think as most people tend to not speak up. We’ve had recent issues where people would “complain” to people but wouldn’t bring it up to us. Me personally speaking, changed it in a way. We’ve had people start coming or you know, voicing themselves. Imma stop here as I’m at work, if you have anything else put it here or feel free to DM me! They always open :) 

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2 hours ago, Stormzyyy said:

Okay, I said it before but currently we are working on changing the merit system. Or at most altering it so that people can strafe away from “trial rp” or whatever it is you call it. We are trying to push for a more “leadership” and/or roleplay for people to impress us. Like I mentioned to people at meets, you can spam trials, but that’s no way to be “looked” at for master. I tend to make meetings so that people can give feedback for everything we do, or possible changes as people are “shy” to bring it to us in DMs or a form. We continue to try to push for change but we can only do what we think as most people tend to not speak up. We’ve had recent issues where people would “complain” to people but wouldn’t bring it up to us. Me personally speaking, changed it in a way. We’ve had people start coming or you know, voicing themselves. Imma stop here as I’m at work, if you have anything else put it here or feel free to DM me! They always open :) 

That's fair. I see a lot of people complaining, and not many trying to fix it (myself included). Respect for trying.

  • Winner 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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  • Management
3 minutes ago, Turtle said:

no merits

merits are pretty cringe

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i am literally captain tukk

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all my teams SUCK — it's confirmed. adrian peterson is a teenage...

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former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: on the toilet

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7 hours ago, Stormzyyy said:

and get promoted for being friends with Council Members? Things like this are being discussed upon already just an fyi

That's always been a thing with Jedi. I mean that's how a real job works, if you get good with your managers you probably will get promoted. 

Former Positions: 

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