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Slak's Doom Reapplication


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Steam Name:




RP Name:


Commander Doom / Slak






Battalion or Squad you’re applying for:


Doom’s Unit


How many terms have you’ve held the position?:


1 Term


Why do you wish to maintain this position?:


I want to maintain this position because there are still things that DU as a whole needs to be helped with and touched upon. As I’ve stated previously I want to keep working with this battalion till I think I have done what needs to get done. I feel that my time with DU hasn’t yet come to an end and I will keep on putting out the work that is needed for this battalion in order for it to maintain its stability within the server.


Current Availability:



Monday - Friday(EST): 4pm - 9pm

Saturday - Sunday(EST): 4pm - 10pm



Monday - Friday(EST): 12pm - 10pm

Saturday - Sunday(EST): 12pm - 11pm

Discord ID:



What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:


When I first started my term I was left with a battalion that was in an entirely different state that I think any BCMD wouldn’t want. I was left with a battalion that didn’t have much numbers, a roster that no one knew how to operate, a discord that was totally unorganized, a bunch of documents that weren’t used and needed fixing, a bare bones officer core, branches that needed to be fixed, Havoc Squad not being in the best state, Promotion Requirements, etc. All of the things that I have just listed is all of the things that I have fixed within my three month term. Some things are just being monitored and just need to stay that way so any issues don’t occur again. But to go further in depth of what I’ve done within my first term is here is an in-depth list.



 When I first achieved Doom, I had at least 1-3 people on daily after Fred’s leave. Which was a pretty bad start. I started bringing people back to a state of activity and wanting to come back to play the game. Before I even got Doom the activity started to spike. The battalion grew after a week and shortly after we averaged 10 people on a day. We maintained this activity for about 2 months straight and it isn’t even the summer yet. Although I will admit the battalion’s activity has dropped a little bit going into my 3rd month, even though we still average at least 6-12 people on a daily basis depending on the time zone.


Documents / Discord / Logging

I have fully organized the entirety of the Doom’s Unit email into an orderly fashion and also the discord returning back to a state of not having channels that are completely useless and where the discord is actually usable and readable. When it comes to Logging I have made it a very easy and accessible way for all of DU to easily log things and quickly log them so you aren't drained with millions of things to log. 


Officer Core / NCO Core / Enlisted Core

I started my Doom term with 3 Active officers, 1 Commander,  0 SNCOs, a few NCOs, around 10 Enlisted. Right when I got my term the recruiting spiraled up. I basically had an entire reset of a battalion, within my 3 weeks of a term I had at least 10-15 NCOs, 5 SNCOs, 15-20 Enlisted, 5 Active Officers. The point where I am getting at here is rebuilding the battalion and each and every core in the battalion. At this point of time I am at the point where my HC and I are just monitoring the individual cores of the battalion.


Havoc Squad

With Havoc Squad, during my term with all of the new additions of Models, and Loadouts, there have been a lot of changes to make it a more of a professional and strict Squad. Overall within my term there has been a lot of changes regarding rules, tryouts, and logging systems.


What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:


For my second term for Battalion Commander Doom, I plan on trying to improve the DU as a whole on this server and how it is looked at has a battalion on the server. I want to improve the relations with other Battalions and especially the Specialized Battalions. The reason I feel that this is a necessity is because you can get a battalion to work from the inside, but that doesn’t mean people will think it works from the outside. I want to ensure that people don’t look down on the battalion as a whole and no one is being mistreated, in order for this to work there are going to be some guidelines and regulations that will have to be worked on and followed. Here are some examples:



The main trait I look for in every single trooper is one that I expect for each and every one of my troopers, this is professionalism. Professionalism is very important, it ensures that you are keeping a higher standard, not only that but staying at a professional state can improve yourself in every situation you get caught into. Higher standards decrease the amount of toxicity, arguments and dramatic situations that anyone of my troopers get into. This can only be practiced by myself and my officers setting it and improving the trait ourselves.



Another standard that needs to be upheld is being mature. In order to be mature you need to know how to handle situations without escalating the situation itself. This is something that I am willing to push for myself including and not just my battalion. Being mature is being the better person in the situation you are being placed into. You are not feeding any fuel to the fire, you are simply just trying to resolve it. Just because I list this doesn’t mean that only my Battalion has to work on it, I may also have to work on these traits to better myself as a person. 



All of the things listed with Professionalism, Maturity, and Hosting Joint training are also standards that not only I want my battalion to uphold but also for myself as a person. I am still a teenager and still wanting to enjoy my years as a young individual, but also want to uphold certain standards to not only better others but also myself.


Communication Issues

Communication is something that I have been trying to fix with DU. The big problem of communication is with people feeling uncomfortable with going to a higher ranking since you think you will get in trouble for breaking Chain of Command (CoC) by doing so. I want to get DU comfortable with the idea of following that CoC and ensuring their issues are being brought up instead of thinking that you are getting ignored.


Communication Solution: 

The solution to this problem is simply to talk to each and every person in the battalion 1on1. For example: Warrant Officer. WO in DU is a position that is used to ensure that if the NCOs or the Enlisted have any questions they go to the WO and the WO will report it to DU HC. When I said that lower rankings are scared to go to higher ranking officers they will most likely not be afraid of a WO. The reason is, they will see it as the NCO that just got WO is now trying to help us, so there is no reason to be afraid of communicating the issues to the WO. To solve the problem with the officers not communicating to the higher ups. I already started to work on a solution within my first term of being Doom. The HC has been having individual meetings with the Officers. We have tried to fix any issues that come to hand and so far have been working perfectly fine.


Joint Trainings

The last thing to improve is Dooms Unit’s unity on the server by getting to know other battalions and trying to make friends other than just ourselves in the battalion. In our current officer core we try to get one Joint Training a week at the very least, I want to raise that standard higher than it currently is through more joint training. I want to integrate a friendship between the Specialized battalions and try to build it back together. Earlier in my term Myself and the CG HC have tried to patch the rough relationship of DU and CG, I feel that they have improved slightly since then, but still need work in order to be as cohesive as possible. 


Do you understand if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Yes, I do.


  • Agree 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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+1 He did the impossible, did something we thought he couldn't do he turned DU around.

  • Friendly 1

Records I hold: Fastest time to return and resign 4 minutes | Most returns and resignations 6 Times 

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Personally had a bad time with Slak in DU. He was being a real ahole to a lot of returning old DU members. He changed rules just to make it a bit worse for us and never trusted us. Won't deny he has done a decent job keeping DU alive. Still gonna have to -1

Edited by Skore
  • Disagree 2
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16 minutes ago, Skore said:

Personally had a bad time with Slak in DU. He was being a real ahole to a lot of returning old DU members. He changed rules just to make it a bit worse for us and never trusted us. Won't deny he has done a decent job keeping DU alive. Still gonna have to -1

Thank you for your honest feedback and concerns. I just want to address this issue that you listed in your response. At the beginning of my term a lot of legacy members were coming back, most of them coming from the old ages of synergy. Now my response to this was to just set them to a restart instead of giving them the legacy ranks(PVT). The reason was since I didn't have much of an officer core nor any SNCOs, I didn't want the battalion to have a lot legacy members in high positions since the battalion needed to see a new generation which would later come a newer battalion outlook and which made the battalion has active as it is now. The battalion wasn't in a very good state at that time and wanted to take a slower take at the issue and not just filling positions right away. Not saying that I didn't like you guys but since you haven't played in a while myself and the current officers thought that was the most appropriate approach to the situation. Even then, about half of the old members that returned stayed even though they started at Private. 

Another point  that I would like to point out. The legacy was changed as a whole through out the entire server. The issue was addressed not only in Dooms Unit but in all battalions. I made this very clear to all current Legacies at the time when these changes were made.

Edited by Slak
  • Agree 2
  • Winner 3

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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-1 i feel that allowing you a second term as doom will only harm the battalion.

No matter what i say here will only look like an old member crying about change. That's not why i'm -1ing, when i rejoined after rancor myself and old members of the battalion that had returned where targeted by yourself and your current command. You have removed people from havoc squad and BL'ed them for trying out for SOBDE. You have made members feel bad for wanting their BCMD on. Your activity from what i have seen has been shaky at best, granted i give everyone the benefit of the doubt due to time zones and stuff. However, allowing you to continue build a toxic culture where people don't feel safe and want to play and are planning their exit if you are to get a second term is not a good sign and i can't support that. When myself and other older members returned it was clearly targeted and not following the current rule set in place at the time before the legacy change. Yes all things a subject to BCMD change and choice ,however, on more than one occasion you have shown a double standard to punish and reward people. 

  • Agree 2
  • Disagree 2

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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2 minutes ago, Slak said:

Thank you for your honest feedback and concerns. I just want to address this issue that you listed in your response. At the beginning of my term a lot of legacy members were coming back, most of them coming from the old ages of synergy. Now my response to this was to just set them to a restart instead of giving them the legacy ranks(PVT). The reason was since I didn't have much of an officer core nor any SNCOs, I didn't want the battalion to have a lot legacy members in high positions since I like to see a generation and with a new generation comes a newer battalion outlook and which made the battalion has active as it is now. The battalion was in a very good state at that time and wanted to take a slower take at the issue and not just filling positions right away. Not saying that I didn't like you guys but since you haven't played in a while myself and the current officers thought that was the most appropriate approach to the situation. Even then, about half of the old members that returned stayed even though they started at Private. 

Another point  that I would like to point out. The legacy was changed as a whole through out the entire server. The issue was addressed not only in Dooms Unit but in all battalions. I made this very clear to all current Legacies at the time when these changes were made.

Understandable, however I feel like you refused to trust us in your battalion. I know I was pulled in a private call with you multiple times, just because you thought I was planning/was part of a coup d'etat, which is not true. I don't think someone who can't even trust members just because we were returning legacy isn't really fit to be a commander. You were also acting very ill-natured towards some legacy members for no reason. 

  • Informative 1
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+1 Cool guy, gave me and Peel havoc squad comms. Makes Minecraft Havoc Squad statues, and has done a great job with DU. In my time on the server I’ve never seen DU succeed like it is now. Keep up the great work and good luck.

  • Agree 2


Jedi Youngling

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41 minutes ago, Dennis said:

-1 i feel that allowing you a second term as doom will only harm the battalion.

No matter what i say here will only look like an old member crying about change. That's not why i'm -1ing, when i rejoined after rancor myself and old members of the battalion that had returned where targeted by yourself and your current command. You have removed people from havoc squad and BL'ed them for trying out for SOBDE. You have made members feel bad for wanting their BCMD on. Your activity from what i have seen has been shaky at best, granted i give everyone the benefit of the doubt due to time zones and stuff. However, allowing you to continue build a toxic culture where people don't feel safe and want to play and are planning their exit if you are to get a second term is not a good sign and i can't support that. When myself and other older members returned it was clearly targeted and not following the current rule set in place at the time before the legacy change. Yes all things a subject to BCMD change and choice ,however, on more than one occasion you have shown a double standard to punish and reward people. 

Thank you for your response and honest criticism.

I would just like to touch upon some of the issues you've listed here. 

1. Havoc Squad Removal: I would just like to address some rules that are stated straight from the current Havoc Squad Hand book. The Handbook consists of all rules that are to be followed by any Havoc Squad member.




1 a.) I have never once blacklisted someone for leaving / going for SO BDE

2. Activity: With my activity I have been on non sense hours for my 1st and 2nd month. Once I hit my 3rd month I will admit I have had a bit of a activity drop due to school. Which is why I took 2 LOAs / ROAs on my 2nd going into my 3rd month. This last week I've had 3 birthdays to celebrate causing me to not be on the server for the entire day since I had family over and cousins from others states. 



The rest of the issues that you've stated have been answered in my response to Skore.

Thank you for your time.

Edited by Slak
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 6

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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+1 I LOVE HAVOC SQUAD! Best Doom i've seen beside Jayarr...


Edit: DU isn't a laughing stock. At this point in time this is the most I've ever respected DU. I can be quoted many times calling DU a "nursery battalion"  but recently I've kinda grown to respect you lot, and that's probably due to the leadership.

Edited by BigZach
  • Agree 2
  • Funny 1


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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+1 Slak has revived DU in a way that I really haven't seen before. The last time I have seen numbers this good was back in the beginning of Owen's term. He actually did what he wanted to and managed to keep the battalion intact and trusting each other while doing it. We're actually like a family in DU rn. There's no trust issues and for the first time in half a year, I feel like I can trust my High Command again. Slak is without a doubt the best candidate for the position at the moment. When he fucks up, he isn't a hypocrite about it and doesn't shrug it off like it never happened. He got AOSed one time and let the officer core freely PT him. That's what I like about Slak. He doesn't really have an ego and he's a good guy. He didn't let old legacy members come back and get officer ranks that would have them outranking 90% of the battalion when the battalion didn't really have an officer core, which was the right thing to do imo. DU has benefitted from it in the long run, look at our officer corps now. There has also been a surprisingly low amount of drama in the battalion. This server loves drama for whatever reason, and I haven't really seen that much of it in DU recently. We had some minor problems a month or two ago, but they were handled pretty promptly and now we're chillin. Rn, I just don't really see anyone as fit for the job as Slak. 

TL;DR: Slak 2nd BCMD term pog 

  • Friendly 1
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Forum Admin

+1, fucking pried DU out of the ground and MED revived it

  • Friendly 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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+1, no questions asked. 

I'd like to explain with a short narrative. I first joined DU almost exactly 3 months ago, and the battalion was dead. Po was our CMD at that time, and the only other leadership consisted of Slak (Jedi Lead), Tucker (on LOA) and Willy (also on LOA ?). The rest of the people in the battalion were a couple of NCOs and a CPL. 

Around a week after I joined, Slak got BCMD. He started pushing people to recruit, started implementing a solid command structure, and reached out to the people in the battalion to make it better. I spent a little over a month putting in what time I could (2 hours everyday, never missed a day) to follow Slak's initiative and revive the battalion. By the time that month was up, we had attracted around 4 junior officers (transfers), on senior officer (Dennis, also a transfer), and had an assortment of NCOs. A month later, the batt is full with thriving regiments, plenty of active members, and a real presence on the server. While yes, a lot of us put in work, this work was all guided by Slak. 

Time and again, when I have brought issues or topics to Slak, he has taken the time to take me aside and talk to me about them. Some people in the batt grumble about him being unavailable, but I see that as them bringing their issues to him, getting answers they don't like, and then being dissatisfied with the answers. I personally have only seen responsibility and respect from Slak in and out of game. 

I have utmost respect for Slak, especially since he uses his free time to put up with our stupidity. Good luck my man, you got this. 


  • Agree 1
  • Friendly 1

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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+1 DU has been thriving. Keep up the great work!


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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+1 I will not lie about this. I see a shitload of the Dooms Unit more than what I am used to seeing. I always remembered DU as the battalion that could never keep people interested in it for it to be considered a top battalion. Now, its the opposite, it contends with the bigger battalions on numbers which is good to see. Call me biased idc but this is probably the best DU has been for quite sometime.

  • Friendly 1

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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+1. DU has always been known as a shithole battalion. Literally a place to go if you wanted to shoot up Debrief. In my opinion, no one has ever made it as active as I've actually seen it since I've rejoined. You and your team have really defied expectations and shown what a battalion can become, regardless of its lack of lore and character base. Although you got legacy piping at you, I believe what you did (from reading) should've been done in the server months ago. If it isn't broken, don't fix it.

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Let me start this off by saying, DU is a big battalion and it keeps getting bigger and with that, you need really good leadership, which I don't see, whenever I see du, either they're cleaning up what someone else started or you guys just do something random. Either way, you guys don't shine other than showing that your numbers. Also on top of that, you guys are Laughing stock, you guys take the saying "All publicity is good publicity" literally, 212th always shouts you for no reason and I don't know if you guys take it seriously or it's a joke. Either it tells you that they don't care you did good or bad, but this just shows that's you don't care about your battalion. Lastly high command and Senior officers, the only active high command is willy, and even then he doesn't do anything either. Also with senior officers, it seems as though you moved them up because you need to fill in space rather than them earning it. To finish it off, from everything I have gathered, it seems like you guys are without substance and don't add anything useful to the server.  -1

Here is some tips:
1.Instead of focusing on Recruiting you should focus on hosting trainings and reevaluate everyone place in the battalion
2.I would say work with battalions, it helps not only your battalion but theres too and shows whats wrong with yours and theirs and can help them work to fix it problems.
3.Ask people what they think of DU

  • Agree 1
  • Confused 6

The Clover Crew Member


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36 minutes ago, Starfox said:

1.Instead of focusing on Recruiting you should focus on hosting trainings and reevaluate everyone place in the battalion


36 minutes ago, Starfox said:

2.I would say work with battalions, it helps not only your battalion but theres too and shows whats wrong with yours and theirs and can help them work to fix it problems.


36 minutes ago, Starfox said:

3.Ask people what they think of DU

Thank you for responding to my application and giving honest criticism. 

I would like to state that one of my main points for the reason of running for another term is, Joint Trainings. This is a point I made in my application a point I will re-state in my response to you. I want to try and achieve a better relationship with DU and the other battalions on the server, specifically the Specialized Regiment. During my first term we have gotten around a total of 15-20 joint trainings with a wide spread of each battalion. I would say that this needs to be worked on, in which is why it was stated on my application. (Also the entire 212th thing is just there own joke of Havoc Squad. I cannot speak for them.)

36 minutes ago, Starfox said:

Lastly high command and Senior officers, the only active high command is willy, and even then he doesn't do anything either. Also with senior officers, it seems as though you moved them up because you need to fill in space

The last thing I want to talk about in your response is this comment. I can't speak for each and every one of them but the best I can do is just defend the statement and state my POV. There is 6 total Senior officers+ not counting myself. Each and every one of them is being watched for activity given that those positions are the most important. Now what I will say here is each and every one of us are on  together or on at separate times. I organized the Commander Core to a point where we are all on at one point of the day. Willy - Lunch hour(EST), Flytape and Myself(Only two that are on at the time) - 4 - 9pm EST. Harsh "Late Night" - 9 - 12ish pm EST. Also, I will say, I didn't just fill positions because of the hell of it. It was because they worked there asses off to deserve that position. As the battalion grew it needed more leadership. That should go for any Squad / Unit / battalion or an Organization. Finally, To clear something up. Each and every CMD+ has a say in ever decision. And I don't know where you got Willy does nothing or Willy is only person doing things, but this battalion wouldn't be in a position of where it is now if he was doing everything. The Officer core is a team to benefit the battalion and will work as a unit not just one person doing everything. That goes for Senior Officers and Battalion High Command.  

Edited by Slak
  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 1
  • Confused 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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38 minutes ago, Starfox said:

212th always shouts you for no reason and I don't know if you guys take it seriously or it's a joke. Either it tells you that they don't care you did good or bad, but this just shows that's you don't care about your battalion

I would like to come in with a 212th perspective,  A couple 212th people sparked the Havoc Squad meme, it sparked with Otter as gambit and since then we have done alot of meming, I would say it has been useful as it has massively increased our relationship with DU | 212th to the point where both of us work alot together in joint trainings/events.  I think i can say out of all the battalions we have worked with Havoc Squad the most  since the meme of HS.

Most of 212th highly respect DU because both parties have been treated well and work together great. Same way we sometimes make jokes of HS they also make some jokes at peel, its friendly batter 

Edited by Bacta
  • Agree 2
  • Winner 3
  • Friendly 2



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53 minutes ago, Starfox said:

Also on top of that, you guys are Laughing stock, you guys take the saying "All publicity is good publicity" literally, 212th always shouts you for no reason and I don't know if you guys take it seriously or it's a joke. Either it tells you that they don't care you did good or bad, but this just shows that's you don't care about your battalion

This is not the case whatsoever. From another 212th perspective, 212th and DU have a great relationship at the moment. We will frequently do joint trainings with them and always have a good time working with them. We've made sure the jokes are fine with the current Brimstone but in no way does that show that "they don't care about their battalion". Havoc Squad and Dooms Unit are not looked at as "a laughing stock" by any means and in my eyes are currently some of the best groups on the server. 212th has a lot of respect for these groups and just yesterday we had 3 212th members take several hours building a Brimstone statue in Minecraft for the sole purpose of getting HS comms. They did this so that they can RP with HS more often since they enjoy working with them. I can guarantee you that Slak cares about his battalion just as much if not more than any other BCMD, and by no means are DU "a laughing stock". If the worst that you can say about a battalion is that it gets pointless shoutouts in DB, then that battalion must be doing pretty good.


  • Agree 2
  • Winner 3


Jedi Youngling

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If someone else wants to run for Doom, they are more than welcome to. What I've noticed is that people like to give their "opinions" of battalions, but most of those opinions aren't their own, instead it's from what they heard from someone else. This is a senseless and dangerous cycle when it comes to voting, as it clouds actual facts with hearsay.

As a member of DU, I can honestly say that the battalion has improved dramatically under slak from where it was when I first got back on the server. +1

  • Agree 5


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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1 hour ago, Starfox said:

Let me start this off by saying, DU is a big battalion and it keeps getting bigger and with that, you need really good leadership, which I don't see, whenever I see du, either they're cleaning up what someone else started or you guys just do something random. Either way, you guys don't shine other than showing that your numbers. Also on top of that, you guys are Laughing stock, you guys take the saying "All publicity is good publicity" literally, 212th always shouts you for no reason and I don't know if you guys take it seriously or it's a joke. Either it tells you that they don't care you did good or bad, but this just shows that's you don't care about your battalion. Lastly high command and Senior officers, the only active high command is willy, and even then he doesn't do anything either. Also with senior officers, it seems as though you moved them up because you need to fill in space rather than them earning it. To finish it off, from everything I have gathered, it seems like you guys are without substance and don't add anything useful to the server.  -1

Here is some tips:
1.Instead of focusing on Recruiting you should focus on hosting trainings and reevaluate everyone place in the battalion
2.I would say work with battalions, it helps not only your battalion but theres too and shows whats wrong with yours and theirs and can help them work to fix it problems.
3.Ask people what they think of DU

Thank you for your outsider perspective on the battalion. 

I will try to address this piece-by-piece. You make a very nebulous claim that DU is always cleaning something up or doing something "random." According to our training log in Discord (where everyone logs their official trainings) we have done 12 trainings over the past 4 days. These do not include our "random" rp related activities - for instance, we'll put a dupe down and hold HMC, requiring an ID or a base pass to move through. These are legitimately fun times - we get to talk to each other and hang out as a group very casually. Obviously your experience is anecdotal, but from the above I can objectively tell you that you have a skewed perception of the battalion. 

Secondly, the good 'ol "laughing stock" argument. I used to have this insecurity about DU as well - when I first joined the server around 2 years ago, DU was considered the place to grab a quick heavy whitelist and shoot up debrief. Once again, I can objectively tell you that this is no longer the community's perception of our battalion. The source of evidence is close at hand - simply take a look at the +1s on this very application. DU is now viewed as a laid-back but serious and active battalion. We have a great group of people who are very dedicated to their roles. I'm sure if you took the time to get to know us (I've never before seen you on the server; could be timezones or could be you having a different name) you would realize the very same. 

I think the 212th have already addressed your shoutout thing. I agree with the 212th members - our relations with their battalion has never been better. 

In terms of your last point - I have been on every single day for at least 2 hours for the past 2 months. I took a month long LOA from Dec 21st to Jan 21st to take my MCAT, but besides those times, I have only missed being on the server one day (I had a physics test two Thursdays ago late in the evening). Willy (our XO) is on every day at a different time from me, and Flytape (our other commander) has been on LOA for a week or so to go to his sister's wedding. Nero (a Major) is on every day as well - I know because I see him everyday when I play. The same can be said for Skitz (LTC) who is an absolute machine when it comes to activity. We have all worked together to create a thriving regiment (in my case), a solid disciplinary outline (Willy's case), a great infrastructure (in Slak and Flytape's cases) and overall a solid and well-oiled battalion experience. 

In terms of contributions to the server, we do what every other battalion does everyday. We show up, we RP, and we make some fun experiences for everyone. We have gotten most CCs trained per battalion for a couple weeks now (someone double check this, please). We have a large number of staff members who put in the time to provide other people with the good experiences they can later look back on and revel in. Your remarks reveal that you lack crucial information about our battalion. Please read this and gain an understanding of the true nature of our battalion. 

As for your tips: 

1) See again the trainings we have hosted just in the past 3 days. We have also been recruiting well alongside trainings. Minges don't make it far - they don't pass the tryout or they leave after realizing we don't take shit from anyone. Alternatively, they join and stop minging (I know this to be the case from a personal example of someone in the battalion now). We have 11 recruits in the past 5 days. 

2) We have worked extensively with the 212th and CG. We are pushing for more joint trainings, especially with other Specialized Battalions - this is in Slak's app. 

3) I personally have brought up the reputation issue you've cited here to both our Spec Reg CMD and the Marshal CMD - both have given us advice with how to deal with it, and we've been implementing their advice to great success (again, evidenced by the +1s on this app). 

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 2
  • Informative 1

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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The times I have been on server DU has been active. I have kept up with the server and have seen DU’s growth. Im proud to see one of my old commanders kicking ass. So +1 keep it up.


(P.S. still wish you ran for gree after my term, but this works :peepoLove:)

Edited by Bruise
  • Friendly 1

- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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+1 you litterally revived the battalion, good luck


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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3 hours ago, Harsh said:

Thank you for your outsider perspective on the battalion. 

I will try to address this piece-by-piece. You make a very nebulous claim that DU is always cleaning something up or doing something "random." According to our training log in Discord (where everyone logs their official trainings) we have done 12 trainings over the past 4 days. These do not include our "random" rp related activities - for instance, we'll put a dupe down and hold HMC, requiring an ID or a base pass to move through. These are legitimately fun times - we get to talk to each other and hang out as a group very casually. Obviously your experience is anecdotal, but from the above I can objectively tell you that you have a skewed perception of the battalion. 

Secondly, the good 'ol "laughing stock" argument. I used to have this insecurity about DU as well - when I first joined the server around 2 years ago, DU was considered the place to grab a quick heavy whitelist and shoot up debrief. Once again, I can objectively tell you that this is no longer the community's perception of our battalion. The source of evidence is close at hand - simply take a look at the +1s on this very application. DU is now viewed as a laid-back but serious and active battalion. We have a great group of people who are very dedicated to their roles. I'm sure if you took the time to get to know us (I've never before seen you on the server; could be timezones or could be you having a different name) you would realize the very same. 

I think the 212th have already addressed your shoutout thing. I agree with the 212th members - our relations with their battalion has never been better. 

In terms of your last point - I have been on every single day for at least 2 hours for the past 2 months. I took a month long LOA from Dec 21st to Jan 21st to take my MCAT, but besides those times, I have only missed being on the server one day (I had a physics test two Thursdays ago late in the evening). Willy (our XO) is on every day at a different time from me, and Flytape (our other commander) has been on LOA for a week or so to go to his sister's wedding. Nero (a Major) is on every day as well - I know because I see him everyday when I play. The same can be said for Skitz (LTC) who is an absolute machine when it comes to activity. We have all worked together to create a thriving regiment (in my case), a solid disciplinary outline (Willy's case), a great infrastructure (in Slak and Flytape's cases) and overall a solid and well-oiled battalion experience. 

In terms of contributions to the server, we do what every other battalion does everyday. We show up, we RP, and we make some fun experiences for everyone. We have gotten most CCs trained per battalion for a couple weeks now (someone double check this, please). We have a large number of staff members who put in the time to provide other people with the good experiences they can later look back on and revel in. Your remarks reveal that you lack crucial information about our battalion. Please read this and gain an understanding of the true nature of our battalion. 

As for your tips: 

1) See again the trainings we have hosted just in the past 3 days. We have also been recruiting well alongside trainings. Minges don't make it far - they don't pass the tryout or they leave after realizing we don't take shit from anyone. Alternatively, they join and stop minging (I know this to be the case from a personal example of someone in the battalion now). We have 11 recruits in the past 5 days. 

2) We have worked extensively with the 212th and CG. We are pushing for more joint trainings, especially with other Specialized Battalions - this is in Slak's app. 

3) I personally have brought up the reputation issue you've cited here to both our Spec Reg CMD and the Marshal CMD - both have given us advice with how to deal with it, and we've been implementing their advice to great success (again, evidenced by the +1s on this app). 

I would like to thank you for going into depth with my vignette, but I would like to address, that you guys do training those training but, I am confused about what type of training you guys did. Also when I meant random things, I was talking about when events start you guys are mostly AFK and by the time you guys come to the battle were halfway done, withholding down HMC and BCC, I think it was a great idea, but you guys don't do it often and with the current situation with bounty hunters, I don't know why you guys wouldn't do this more often like in BCC or Brig. This would not only create more RP with BH, but it would also help with defensive situations.

Secondly, with laughing stock, it was most pointed at havoc squad, because there is a special part of Doom unit, but whenever I see them, they don't try and be special in their ways, but just seem like normal troopers with a slightly better kit, and to me, that's what's it laughing stock, you guys need to be more unique. And in events, you guys don't shine out either, so I would say try and find ways to show that you guys mean something. Like if there is a commando droid in the base, you guys need to down bcc, stopping him from harming the naval.
Also with 212th, I don't why you would support someone who just incriminated themselves, and Please tell me why you think shouting out subunit for a joke is a good thing. Also to top that off, I learned that shouting a subunit/battalion that wasn't there at an event is aosable. And so I ask you again do you still think it's a good idea to shout out someone who has 0 reasons to be shouted out?

For Activity, I have seen you maybe 3 times in the last 6 months (I am Aven aka Alpha-22), and have asked at least 10 people including some people in du and they say they haven't seen you or just seen you once, and I understand if you play late at night, but late night, I don't count because most of the time most of the prime time has passed and there isn't anything happening. Also with willy, I ask you other than making decisions behind the scenes, what does he do? Flytape he is on LOA, Nero I mostly see him on BH, Skitz is probably the most active officer I have seen and I see him leading the battalion.

I will admit, I was a bit harsh on the contributions to the server, but I still think you guys do more training than events, I roughly counted 15 events/encounters in the last 4 days, and so that would mean there is a lot of times you guys were in training rather than events, which shows me than maybe you don't need to have that many trainings. And as a TRO, I greatly appreciate your battalion with CC training.

The Clover Crew Member


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-1 Personally haven't had many good interactions with DU, especially with those in Havoc Squad. I can go to more specific members in a dm but not putting names here. I do wish the best of luck Slak with your interview if you make it.

  • Informative 1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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17 minutes ago, Starfox said:

I would like to thank you for going into depth with my vignette, but I would like to address, that you guys do training those training but, I am confused about what type of training you guys did. Also when I meant random things, I was talking about when events start you guys are mostly AFK and by the time you guys come to the battle were halfway done, withholding down HMC and BCC, I think it was a great idea, but you guys don't do it often and with the current situation with bounty hunters, I don't know why you guys wouldn't do this more often like in BCC or Brig. This would not only create more RP with BH, but it would also help with defensive situations.

Secondly, with laughing stock, it was most pointed at havoc squad, because there is a special part of Doom unit, but whenever I see them, they don't try and be special in their ways, but just seem like normal troopers with a slightly better kit, and to me, that's what's it laughing stock, you guys need to be more unique. And in events, you guys don't shine out either, so I would say try and find ways to show that you guys mean something. Like if there is a commando droid in the base, you guys need to down bcc, stopping him from harming the naval.
Also with 212th, I don't why you would support someone who just incriminated themselves, and Please tell me why you think shouting out subunit for a joke is a good thing. Also to top that off, I learned that shouting a subunit/battalion that wasn't there at an event is aosable. And so I ask you again do you still think it's a good idea to shout out someone who has 0 reasons to be shouted out?

For Activity, I have seen you maybe 3 times in the last 6 months (I am Aven aka Alpha-22), and have asked at least 10 people including some people in du and they say they haven't seen you or just seen you once, and I understand if you play late at night, but late night, I don't count because most of the time most of the prime time has passed and there isn't anything happening. Also with willy, I ask you other than making decisions behind the scenes, what does he do? Flytape he is on LOA, Nero I mostly see him on BH, Skitz is probably the most active officer I have seen and I see him leading the battalion.

I will admit, I was a bit harsh on the contributions to the server, but I still think you guys do more training than events, I roughly counted 15 events/encounters in the last 4 days, and so that would mean there is a lot of times you guys were in training rather than events, which shows me than maybe you don't need to have that many trainings. And as a TRO, I greatly appreciate your battalion with CC training.

Well hello there, I will start by saying that pretty much every time naval call defcon 3, we go in HMC and hold security. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Even if we miss most of the action, we still hold it. Secondly, As a past Havoc Squad member, I will say that Havoc Squad are held at a higher standard than all DU, they need a minimum amount of hour online per week. Even a minimum amount of training hold per weeks. For when you said that shouting out a battalion/sub-unit for when they are not there, what, are you going to AOS them every time too ? I will also add that Harsh play every day, without even missing one, from like 9pm EST to perhaps 11h30pm. When an event start, we stop our training and go to the event.


Edit: Doom's Unit is also a night battalion, we have more member online during the night then during the day. A lot can happen during late night, even if you don't like that fact.

Edited by BlackPink
  • Agree 3
  1. Current: DU Sentry Knight Tiplar | Ex: Intel Deputy Director and Major in DU.


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4 hours ago, Pog said:

This is not the case whatsoever. From another 212th perspective, 212th and DU have a great relationship at the moment. We will frequently do joint trainings with them and always have a good time working with them. We've made sure the jokes are fine with the current Brimstone but in no way does that show that "they don't care about their battalion". Havoc Squad and Dooms Unit are not looked at as "a laughing stock" by any means and in my eyes are currently some of the best groups on the server. 212th has a lot of respect for these groups and just yesterday we had 3 212th members take several hours building a Brimstone statue in Minecraft for the sole purpose of getting HS comms. They did this so that they can RP with HS more often since they enjoy working with them. I can guarantee you that Slak cares about his battalion just as much if not more than any other BCMD, and by no means are DU "a laughing stock". If the worst that you can say about a battalion is that it gets pointless shoutouts in DB, then that battalion must be doing pretty good.


Hey current Brimstone here. Thank you Longshot and Bacta for giving your perspectives. These Havoc Squad jokes that have been popping up lately have been nothing but fun for the people in HS. Ive already talked to everyone in Havoc Squad and made sure these jokes didnt offend or bother anyone in HS. If they did I would obviously take action and try to put an end to the jokes. But the thing is they dont, HS knows no one in 212th makes these jokes with bad intentions. These jokes have brought 212th and DU soooo much closer. At the end of the day the jokes are in good fun, dont hurt anyone , and have brought two groups closer than they ever have been before, so with all of that considered I dont see the problem.

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1
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+1 Before you became BCMD, most of my interactions and feelings with DU were negative. But now, none of that is true and I couldn't be more happy. I hope to see you keep doing what you're doing. It is a joy to work with DU nowadays


Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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18 minutes ago, Starfox said:

I would like to thank you for going into depth with my vignette, but I would like to address, that you guys do training those training but, I am confused about what type of training you guys did. Also when I meant random things, I was talking about when events start you guys are mostly AFK and by the time you guys come to the battle were halfway done, withholding down HMC and BCC, I think it was a great idea, but you guys don't do it often and with the current situation with bounty hunters, I don't know why you guys wouldn't do this more often like in BCC or Brig. This would not only create more RP with BH, but it would also help with defensive situations.

Secondly, with laughing stock, it was most pointed at havoc squad, because there is a special part of Doom unit, but whenever I see them, they don't try and be special in their ways, but just seem like normal troopers with a slightly better kit, and to me, that's what's it laughing stock, you guys need to be more unique. And in events, you guys don't shine out either, so I would say try and find ways to show that you guys mean something. Like if there is a commando droid in the base, you guys need to down bcc, stopping him from harming the naval.
Also with 212th, I don't why you would support someone who just incriminated themselves, and Please tell me why you think shouting out subunit for a joke is a good thing. Also to top that off, I learned that shouting a subunit/battalion that wasn't there at an event is aosable. And so I ask you again do you still think it's a good idea to shout out someone who has 0 reasons to be shouted out?

For Activity, I have seen you maybe 3 times in the last 6 months (I am Aven aka Alpha-22), and have asked at least 10 people including some people in du and they say they haven't seen you or just seen you once, and I understand if you play late at night, but late night, I don't count because most of the time most of the prime time has passed and there isn't anything happening. Also with willy, I ask you other than making decisions behind the scenes, what does he do? Flytape he is on LOA, Nero I mostly see him on BH, Skitz is probably the most active officer I have seen and I see him leading the battalion.

I will admit, I was a bit harsh on the contributions to the server, but I still think you guys do more training than events, I roughly counted 15 events/encounters in the last 4 days, and so that would mean there is a lot of times you guys were in training rather than events, which shows me than maybe you don't need to have that many trainings. And as a TRO, I greatly appreciate your battalion with CC training.

Hi Starfox, thank you for the clarification. I don't mean to drag this out - I just want to make sure that all of the facts are laid out on the table. 

Firstly, like with every other battalion on the server, our trainings are logged with a training type. That makes it very easy to see exactly what trainings we are doing. We have everything from CIT breach and clear, custom dupe PvE SIM, planetary offensive/defensive, CQC against CIS, PvP 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and even 5v5 when we have a lot of people on (usually every weekend). Most of these trainings (excepting PvP) have some kind of roleplay element included - be it TECH RP, EOD RP, a hostage scenario, a wave based clearing, etc. 

These trainings always push the boundaries of what we can do in game, and all are intended to prepare us for events on the server. When we go into events, there are no surprises because we do so many trainings. Our trainings are there to give us a fun time while also giving every member some practice with the things they will encounter on the server. 

Your comment about holding HMC vs. BCC or Brig seems very nitpicky and targeted at us in a hostile manner for whatever reason. HMC is our battlestation. We are not responsible for the BCC on defcon 3 nor are we responsible for the brig. When we are on Defcon 5 and set up a checkpoint, we sometimes choose to do so in BCC instead of HMC - you've surely seen this. If not, I can only assume you don't play between the hours of 7 pm EST and 12 am EST, as there have been multiple days during which we have done this checkpoint system in BCC. 

Again, I am confused as to why you are so adamant in your thinking that Havoc Squad needs some disrespect. During events, Havoc Squad is normally responsible for specialized duties - they often operate with DU (as after all, they are a part of DU), but for big deployments or events where we have enough people on, we split Havoc Squad off of the main battalion. Each member of HS has to pass an extensive RP oriented tryout, and each one is extremely competent at their main RP designation. Ex: Pipes is very very good at MED RP, and also has experience with TECH and EOD like every other HS member. 

The situation with 212th members shouting us out is nothing but genuine. I am a former 212th member myself, and personally know and can vouch for most of 212th HC today. If their members were sarcastically messing with HS instead of being genuine, the shouting out would have stopped. Leche and Finn would have dealt with it immediately. As you can see from what other 212th members have directly commented here, they are being genuine (see: Pog's comment). They genuinely like and respect Havoc Squad, and this is coming from their own words. 

In terms of activity, I know that you are objectively wrong. If you're Aven, I've seen you multiple times, and your XO (Mitchell) can confirm that he has seen me in game every day, as we have interacted in OOC and over Comms multiple times. As for the "10 people" who have said that they haven't seen me, either this is a gross overexaggeration (that, at this point,  is what i suspect) or you have talked to 10 people who don't play between the hours of 9 EST and 1 am EST (when I get on). I am a college student and have work to do everyday. I cannot afford to get on before that time, but I am on everyday. Literally ask anyone in DU and they will vouch for that. 

Willy is on frequently in game. I don't get to see him much because we are in different timezones. He makes decisions both in game and out of game. He is also our disciplinary lead, and makes frequent changes to discipline as needed. I personally have participated with Nero during at least one event every day (he gets on around the same time as me). He play on his DU during events. Skitz is very active, and does a lot for our battalion. We appreciate him and he knows this.

As for your last point, I think you are being unduly harsh towards us for no clear reason whatsoever. 

You seem to have no understanding of what DU does on the server, both in game and out of game, as is evidenced by your comments. You provide no evidence for your arguments, yet continue to pursue the idea that we are somehow doing something wrong and are not deserving of respect.

I would appreciate it if you tried to be a little more open to the idea that battalions can change, and that DU has changed for the better. Thank you. 

  • Winner 4
  • Confused 1

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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Yo ima be honest, I've always thought DU was kinda smelly, but they seem to be much less smelly lately. And my Battalion enjoys hanging out with you guys, so you have to be doing something right. 



Just please for the love of god help your people to grow up a little. Words push them more than a light breeze would.

  • Agree 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Slak slak slak slak....


The least I can say.... I'm impressed being quite the outside perspective here. You've done what few people can do and thats revive a battalion and not just any battalion, but a battalion that has a bad history of mingery and goof off's. You did what i tried and failed to do before... uh... *things*.... yeah... before things happened. 

Hell I still remember my first interaction with you when you were a GH when those were still a thing. I didnt paint you in a positive light after that. But my recent contact and interactions with you showed me you very highly matured and show more professionalism. Even when those things happened i still held a very soft spot for DU ever since then and it sadden me to hear about some of the state of affairs DU had been in. 

Everything I hear. Everything I've seen. Hell everything I smelled brought a small smile to me. Maybe i can see it in action one day. You have my immense support.



  • Agree 1
  • Friendly 2
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1- Nothing Against you but I think a new doom could help with a lot of the current issues and bring new ideas to the table. The only argument I hear from everyone else is that "we are active" when that's not the only thing to be looked at. 


Edited by SkiTz
Re wording
  • Agree 3
  • Informative 1

Former: Doom's Unit Commander, Havoc Squad Brimstone

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20 hours ago, BlackPink said:

Well hello there, I will start by saying that pretty much every time naval call defcon 3, we go in HMC and hold security. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Even if we miss most of the action, we still hold it. Secondly, As a past Havoc Squad member, I will say that Havoc Squad are held at a higher standard than all DU, they need a minimum amount of hour online per week. Even a minimum amount of training hold per weeks. For when you said that shouting out a battalion/sub-unit for when they are not there, what, are you going to AOS them every time too ? I will also add that Harsh play every day, without even missing one, from like 9pm EST to perhaps 11h30pm. When an event start, we stop our training and go to the event.


Edit: Doom's Unit is also a night battalion, we have more member online during the night then during the day. A lot can happen during late night, even if you don't like that fact.

Now to add to my first point, which I will since I'm out of DU now. One of the commander is one of the most toxic members that we have in DU, and HE IS COMMANDER. Pretty much every officer meeting we were talking about toxicity, but strangely enough, when he goes on LOA, we don't talk about it. Coincidence, I think not.

Whenever we say something to Slak, like how he could become a better commander or some shit like that. It might work, but after a few days it will be back to normal, nothing changed. Willy, what has he done since he became XO, I don't even know and I'm ex-Captain in there. "Oh he is Disciplinary Lead". And ?? The handbook hasn't changed from the look of it, the one who actually apply discipline in the batt are Officer, Senior Officer and Harsh. Slak might do that sometime, but you can also hear him slamming his desk while he is giving the PT. The rumor (might be wrong, but I feel like it's right, I wouldn't be surprised), that Willy only got XO because he was ex-BCMD, and Slak was looking for an XO that was exactly that.

Battalion morale is at an all-time low. I never saw a battalion with a morale so low. "DU is doing quite good". Yeah, all I see are NCO complaining that the requirements are too high, why, cause they are. I will compare with 501st requirement, they are easy as fuck. Here are the requirements for a 1SG going to SGM. "4 event lead, 7 event participated, 2 training lead, 6 training participation, 14 recruit points". Now we need to say that training lead/participation is kinda very easy. But event lead is hard when you NEED to give event lead to lower NCO. 14 recruits point is equal to 7 actual recruits (each recruit is 2 points), or 3 hours and 30 minutes (15 minutes per recruits points). Insane amount of time for a game to be honest. CSM is even worse. "6 event lead, 9 event participation, 4 training lead, 8 training participation, 18 recruits point". So 4 hours and 30 minutes. The thing is that all actually add up at the end. Only for SNCO, you need like 12 hours of soft recruits (doing advert bind but not recruiting anyone). Fucking insane. Here for the recruits point for the NCO. They need 36 of them. So yes, (36*15)/60 = 9 hours. 9 hours + 12 hours of recruitment if you are unlucky with recruitment (and trust me, we are).

Now the officer requirement. Great idea if you ask me, it just needs to be used. When an officer is promotable, no one will promote him unless he speaks about it. When I was promotable, I waited but no one actually cared. "Just ask for it"'. But you can get a PT for asking for promotion, 3 Gregor laps or 30 grammar squats. So no, we don't like asking for a promotion. 

Last paragraph (I hate writing long things omg), the WO application. We had 2 apps which I will not talk about, but have been denied. Then a few days later (perhaps more), I learned that one of our best SNCO has also applied for WO, but he got no word for it. Slak didn't even say that he actually received it(he might have ignored it, Slak has done that to me a few times). I asked in our super officer chat, but as always, this is going to be a Commander decision, and the officer will be the last one to learn, pretty much at the same time as the NCO/Enlisted. Slak also said that it would be a Senior Officer/Commander+, but I feel like it would still be a Commander's decision. I feel like Slak doesn't trust his officer core at all.

So after all, I will -1 that.

Edited by BlackPink
  • Agree 3
  • Disagree 1
  • Informative 3
  1. Current: DU Sentry Knight Tiplar | Ex: Intel Deputy Director and Major in DU.


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13 minutes ago, Cox said:

@SkiTz @BlackPink @Scp-049 Ive got to ask this but did any of yall actually bring this to Slak? Or the RCMD you have who is there to help?

As the RCMD that's here to help let me say this, I tried. a majority of these issues have been brought up to Slak by myself and members of DU, he hosted a meeting on the subject last week ( 03/04/2021 ) where DU members sat down with Slak and the XO and went over issues. I then was told by these members things had improved for a day or two but then Salk had returned right back to the " status quo " as it would so be. His refusal to improve or work on the issues resulted in multiple SNCO and Officers leaving DU where I have just finished up hosting meetings with them and current DU members to try and get a better understanding of how this all went so sideways so fast. But after listening to them give their side I can't in good conscience say I fault any of these members for leaving. 


so a TLDR is they did Cox, it just didn't help. I accept this as a failing on my part as a RCMD as it is also one on DU Command as a whole. 


(Please note this will be my only statement on the matter publicly as I can not vote on this app and don't wish to start a long convo chain. Just message me on discord if you have questions.)

  • Disagree 2
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 1



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7 hours ago, BlackPink said:

Now to add to my first point, which I will since I'm out of DU now. Flytape is one of the most toxic members that we have in DU, and HE IS COMMANDER. Pretty much every officer meeting we were talking about toxicity, but strangely enough, when he goes on LOA, we don't talk about it. Coincidence, I think not.

Whenever we say something to Slak, like how he could become a better commander or some shit like that. It might work, but after a few days it will be back to normal, nothing changed. Willy, what has he done since he became XO, I don't even know and I'm ex-Captain in there. "Oh he is Disciplinary Lead". And ?? The handbook hasn't changed from the look of it, the one who actually apply discipline in the batt are Officer, Senior Officer and Harsh. Slak might do that sometime, but you can also hear him slamming his desk while he is giving the PT. The rumor (might be wrong, but I feel like it's right, I wouldn't be surprised), that Willy only got XO because he was ex-BCMD, and Slak was looking for an XO that was exactly that.

Battalion morale is at an all-time low. I never saw a battalion with a morale so low. "DU is doing quite good". Yeah, all I see are NCO complaining that the requirements are too high, why, cause they are. I will compare with 501st requirement, they are easy as fuck. Here are the requirements for a 1SG going to SGM. "4 event lead, 7 event participated, 2 training lead, 6 training participation, 14 recruit points". Now we need to say that training lead/participation is kinda very easy. But event lead is hard when you NEED to give event lead to lower NCO. 14 recruits point is equal to 7 actual recruits (each recruit is 2 points), or 3 hours and 30 minutes (15 minutes per recruits points). Insane amount of time for a game to be honest. CSM is even worse. "6 event lead, 9 event participation, 4 training lead, 8 training participation, 18 recruits point". So 4 hours and 30 minutes. The thing is that all actually add up at the end. Only for SNCO, you need like 12 hours of soft recruits (doing advert bind but not recruiting anyone). Fucking insane. Here for the recruits point for the NCO. They need 36 of them. So yes, (36*15)/60 = 9 hours. 9 hours + 12 hours of recruitment if you are unlucky with recruitment (and trust me, we are).

Now the officer requirement. Great idea if you ask me, it just needs to be used. When an officer is promotable, no one will promote him unless he speaks about it. When I was promotable, I waited but no one actually cared. "Just ask for it"'. But you can get a PT for asking for promotion, 3 Gregor laps or 30 grammar squats. So no, we don't like asking for a promotion. 

Last paragraph (I hate writing long things omg), the WO application. We had 2 apps which I will not talk about, but have been denied. Then a few days later (perhaps more), I learned that one of our best SNCO has also applied for WO, but he got no word for it. Slak didn't even say that he actually received it(he might have ignored it, Slak has done that to me a few times). I asked in our super officer chat, but as always, this is going to be a Commander decision, and the officer will be the last one to learn, pretty much at the same time as the NCO/Enlisted. Slak also said that it would be a Senior Officer/Commander+, but I feel like it would still be a Commander's decision. I feel like Slak doesn't trust his officer core at all.

So after all, I will -1 that.


7 hours ago, SkiTz said:

1- Nothing Against you but I think a new doom could help with a lot of the current issues and bring new ideas to the table. The only argument I hear from everyone else is that "we are active" when that's not the only thing to be looked at. 



7 hours ago, Scp-049 said:

-1. Slak you are a good person but some of these issues in the battalions are so simple to fix but you completely disregarded what we said and moved on with you own ideals. 

Thank you for your responses.

Now I would like to say some things to clear it all up. We had meetings after meetings after meetings where we all asked as an officer core of there are any issues. Nothing was brought up and you all just sat in silence assuming no issues were brought up. I did individual meetings and especially skitz, you didn’t say anything no issues. Instead you went to a captain and they had to tell me. So instead of bringing up issues you then played the telephone game and tried to create drama by bringing it up to higher ranking people(Maddoxx). After all, most of you had issues because you weren’t getting your way of things. That was the Commander+ outlook of it and how the rest of us saw it. In the past We solved the issue as me and Willy. But the point still stands where you guys were being hypocritical about every issue you listed. Instead of you guys wanting to bring up the issues you all just left the battalion instead because of your own major communication issues.

Also Blackpink. There was 5 applications for WO. Not like you would know or even care but, the commanders always have first look on things like that. We have our opinions and then move on down the chain. I know since you jumped right to Maddox about issues you clearly don’t understand the Chain of Command, but that is how we work on things.

Also @Coxthey went straight to Maddoxx

Late Edit: Now too clear another thing. You guys also comment how there was a major case of drama in the battalion. The only reason why there was any drama was mainly stemming from you guys not telling us any issues that you had. Than once you didn't tell us anything it would get into a bigger problem which than led to one huge officer meeting where we all had a talk, and you still brought nothing. Blackpink, you said you had no issues during that meeting, Petrie you said you had no issues, SkiTz you said you had no issues other than that whole situation when you were Brimstone. My point is you are creating an ass load of drama by not brining anything up to us and instead bringing up to Flip, a Captain and Maddoxx.

Edited by Slak
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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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+1 From me. Wasnt gonna vote originally, but after seeing the recent -1's from ex DU members, and speaking with multiple people, I thought I should share my perspective from Slak's term. First things first, obviously Slak cant please everyone, but he sure as hell can try as long as your DIRECT with him. The mans not a wizard he cant help with problems he doesnt know about. Im my expirence with Slak any problems I had, I would bring up to him and he would take the appropriate steps to solve them or assist me in any way he could. Slak is defiantly dedicated to DU and without a doubt deserves a second term. If theres any questions/anything anyone wants me to elaborate on pm me. (:

A wise man once told me you cant tell a horse from a donkey unless someone tells you which ones which. 

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+1 from me. Du had went through awhile there were there was a lot of hostility. I became the middle man because people trusted my opinion and knew I wouldn’t be one sided. So they came up to me about some issues that needed to be addressed. So I spoke with slak and Willy about the issues at hand and suggested we had a meeting about it. To which we did. Problem  with that is, the issues that were brought up to me personally, wasn’t brought up by the individual. Which defeated the whole purpose of this meeting. But from there on stuff seemed to get better. Then we get blindsided last night. You have to understand is nobody is perfect. People make mistakes. It’s about owning up to those mistakes and moving forward. Slak isn’t going to be a perfect BCMD. Only thing I would say is maybe have a XO who will be there and mentor you. Someone who can help you make those tough decisions and tell you when your messing up! Yes I am just a captain slak. But to others I am someone who will listen to them and take care of them no matter what. I will continue to do the for DU. If I see you doing something wrong I will call you out for it and help you fix it. We need to work together to ensure DU is in the right direction. Ask for your HC, SO and officers for their opinion when it comes to making decisions.

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17 hours ago, Harsh said:

Hi Starfox, thank you for the clarification. I don't mean to drag this out - I just want to make sure that all of the facts are laid out on the table. 

Firstly, like with every other battalion on the server, our trainings are logged with a training type. That makes it very easy to see exactly what trainings we are doing. We have everything from CIT breach and clear, custom dupe PvE SIM, planetary offensive/defensive, CQC against CIS, PvP 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and even 5v5 when we have a lot of people on (usually every weekend). Most of these trainings (excepting PvP) have some kind of roleplay element included - be it TECH RP, EOD RP, a hostage scenario, a wave based clearing, etc. 

These trainings always push the boundaries of what we can do in game, and all are intended to prepare us for events on the server. When we go into events, there are no surprises because we do so many trainings. Our trainings are there to give us a fun time while also giving every member some practice with the things they will encounter on the server. 

Your comment about holding HMC vs. BCC or Brig seems very nitpicky and targeted at us in a hostile manner for whatever reason. HMC is our battlestation. We are not responsible for the BCC on defcon 3 nor are we responsible for the brig. When we are on Defcon 5 and set up a checkpoint, we sometimes choose to do so in BCC instead of HMC - you've surely seen this. If not, I can only assume you don't play between the hours of 7 pm EST and 12 am EST, as there have been multiple days during which we have done this checkpoint system in BCC. 

Again, I am confused as to why you are so adamant in your thinking that Havoc Squad needs some disrespect. During events, Havoc Squad is normally responsible for specialized duties - they often operate with DU (as after all, they are a part of DU), but for big deployments or events where we have enough people on, we split Havoc Squad off of the main battalion. Each member of HS has to pass an extensive RP oriented tryout, and each one is extremely competent at their main RP designation. Ex: Pipes is very very good at MED RP, and also has experience with TECH and EOD like every other HS member. 

The situation with 212th members shouting us out is nothing but genuine. I am a former 212th member myself, and personally know and can vouch for most of 212th HC today. If their members were sarcastically messing with HS instead of being genuine, the shouting out would have stopped. Leche and Finn would have dealt with it immediately. As you can see from what other 212th members have directly commented here, they are being genuine (see: Pog's comment). They genuinely like and respect Havoc Squad, and this is coming from their own words. 

In terms of activity, I know that you are objectively wrong. If you're Aven, I've seen you multiple times, and your XO (Mitchell) can confirm that he has seen me in game every day, as we have interacted in OOC and over Comms multiple times. As for the "10 people" who have said that they haven't seen me, either this is a gross overexaggeration (that, at this point,  is what i suspect) or you have talked to 10 people who don't play between the hours of 9 EST and 1 am EST (when I get on). I am a college student and have work to do everyday. I cannot afford to get on before that time, but I am on everyday. Literally ask anyone in DU and they will vouch for that. 

Willy is on frequently in game. I don't get to see him much because we are in different timezones. He makes decisions both in game and out of game. He is also our disciplinary lead, and makes frequent changes to discipline as needed. I personally have participated with Nero during at least one event every day (he gets on around the same time as me). He play on his DU during events. Skitz is very active, and does a lot for our battalion. We appreciate him and he knows this.

As for your last point, I think you are being unduly harsh towards us for no clear reason whatsoever. 

You seem to have no understanding of what DU does on the server, both in game and out of game, as is evidenced by your comments. You provide no evidence for your arguments, yet continue to pursue the idea that we are somehow doing something wrong and are not deserving of respect.

I would appreciate it if you tried to be a little more open to the idea that battalions can change, and that DU has changed for the better. Thank you. 

This going to be the last time I write these stupidly long paragraphs

For Training it seems there was a lapse in my judgment, I do apologize for suggesting something that you guys already do, but with that being said for my opinion I think you guys are hosting too much training, and people aren't benefiting from people doing sims because they don't teach anything and seems like chore more than something to practice in my opinion because of their requirements.


Also with my comets about Defending bcc and Hmc, were only a suggestion, I didn't mean to hurt anyone or nitpick, I just simply gave some suggestions to help get noticed, but seems like you guys do it already when Defcon 3 is called, but that's not what I meant, I meant like holding it when its Defcon 5, just for passive RP. And simply wanted to see more of it.

This last thing I am going to say about the havoc squad thing, I just think it's complete satire, there is no reason for it and you just do it because u can, doing something because you think its funny is one thing, but when you do multiple times and don't even switch it up and it loses it meaning and just is annoying. Especially, if its breaking the rules. I see your points with havoc squad now, but I think I just don't see them rp and do stuff, so I give you that, thank you for enlightening me. 


With activity, I now you see that you are a late-night guy, with being late night there is pros and cons, cons are you don't get to see as many people as you would in the day and you don't get to be as many events as the day, and I think that is where the disconnect is. With pros, you got many active du and work together more. I don't play late at night and most of the time don't remember much of nighttime stuff. As for asking people, I will be honest, I went into multiple channels ints and asked people "How often do you see Du commander Harsh", Overwhelming of the people say they haven't seen ever, and maybe seen it once or twice. I did do this in the middle of the day and not the night, which isn't too fair, but that is where most of the people are. 


This is either 3 or 4 time of me asking him or you, what does willy do the public eye and most of the stuff he does behind the scenes any Senior Of[ficer or officer can do, because even Blackpink an officer and member to du, don't know what he does for the public, it seems like officers and high command are just put in because of space other than skitz and caidoon. And on top of that, it seems like there is barely any trust from what I can read.


I still stand by my opinion, you guys shouldn't be hosting that much trainings, with my time being on synergy I haven ever seen someone host more than 10 trainings in less than a week, Unless you guys have under lying problems with pvp and combat situations.



The Clover Crew Member


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4 minutes ago, Starfox said:

I still stand by my opinion, you guys shouldn't be hosting that much trainings, with my time being on synergy I haven ever seen someone host more than 10 trainings in less than a week, Unless you guys have under lying problems with pvp and combat situations.

Did I misread this? So now keeping your troopers entertained is a bad thing? I hope this was a typo.

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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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13 minutes ago, Guac said:

Did I misread this? So now keeping your troopers entertained is a bad thing? I hope this was a typo.


9 hours ago, BlackPink said:

Battalion morale is at an all-time low. I never saw a battalion with a morale so low. "DU is doing quite good". Yeah, all I see are NCO complaining that the requirements are too high, why, cause they are. I will compare with 501st requirement, they are easy as fuck. Here are the requirements for a 1SG going to SGM. "4 event lead, 7 event participated, 2 training lead, 6 training participation, 14 recruit points". Now we need to say that training lead/participation is kinda very easy. But event lead is hard when you NEED to give event lead to lower NCO. 14 recruits point is equal to 7 actual recruits (each recruit is 2 points), or 3 hours and 30 minutes (15 minutes per recruits points). Insane amount of time for a game to be honest. CSM is even worse. "6 event lead, 9 event participation, 4 training lead, 8 training participation, 18 recruits point". So 4 hours and 30 minutes. The thing is that all actually add up at the end. Only for SNCO, you need like 12 hours of soft recruits (doing advert bind but not recruiting anyone). Fucking insane. Here for the recruits point for the NCO. They need 36 of them. So yes, (36*15)/60 = 9 hours. 9 hours + 12 hours of recruitment if you are unlucky with recruitment (and trust me, we are).


For me atleast, making something a requirement can make enjoyable or unfun. When you have to do certain number of them. It becomes a chore like said, especially if you have to do it multiple times!

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10 hours ago, BlackPink said:

Now to add to my first point, which I will since I'm out of DU now. Flytape is one of the most toxic members that we have in DU, and HE IS COMMANDER. Pretty much every officer meeting we were talking about toxicity, but strangely enough, when he goes on LOA, we don't talk about it. Coincidence, I think not.

Whenever we say something to Slak, like how he could become a better commander or some shit like that. It might work, but after a few days it will be back to normal, nothing changed. Willy, what has he done since he became XO, I don't even know and I'm ex-Captain in there. "Oh he is Disciplinary Lead". And ?? The handbook hasn't changed from the look of it, the one who actually apply discipline in the batt are Officer, Senior Officer and Harsh. Slak might do that sometime, but you can also hear him slamming his desk while he is giving the PT. The rumor (might be wrong, but I feel like it's right, I wouldn't be surprised), that Willy only got XO because he was ex-BCMD, and Slak was looking for an XO that was exactly that.

Battalion morale is at an all-time low. I never saw a battalion with a morale so low. "DU is doing quite good". Yeah, all I see are NCO complaining that the requirements are too high, why, cause they are. I will compare with 501st requirement, they are easy as fuck. Here are the requirements for a 1SG going to SGM. "4 event lead, 7 event participated, 2 training lead, 6 training participation, 14 recruit points". Now we need to say that training lead/participation is kinda very easy. But event lead is hard when you NEED to give event lead to lower NCO. 14 recruits point is equal to 7 actual recruits (each recruit is 2 points), or 3 hours and 30 minutes (15 minutes per recruits points). Insane amount of time for a game to be honest. CSM is even worse. "6 event lead, 9 event participation, 4 training lead, 8 training participation, 18 recruits point". So 4 hours and 30 minutes. The thing is that all actually add up at the end. Only for SNCO, you need like 12 hours of soft recruits (doing advert bind but not recruiting anyone). Fucking insane. Here for the recruits point for the NCO. They need 36 of them. So yes, (36*15)/60 = 9 hours. 9 hours + 12 hours of recruitment if you are unlucky with recruitment (and trust me, we are).

Now the officer requirement. Great idea if you ask me, it just needs to be used. When an officer is promotable, no one will promote him unless he speaks about it. When I was promotable, I waited but no one actually cared. "Just ask for it"'. But you can get a PT for asking for promotion, 3 Gregor laps or 30 grammar squats. So no, we don't like asking for a promotion. 

Last paragraph (I hate writing long things omg), the WO application. We had 2 apps which I will not talk about, but have been denied. Then a few days later (perhaps more), I learned that one of our best SNCO has also applied for WO, but he got no word for it. Slak didn't even say that he actually received it(he might have ignored it, Slak has done that to me a few times). I asked in our super officer chat, but as always, this is going to be a Commander decision, and the officer will be the last one to learn, pretty much at the same time as the NCO/Enlisted. Slak also said that it would be a Senior Officer/Commander+, but I feel like it would still be a Commander's decision. I feel like Slak doesn't trust his officer core at all.

So after all, I will -1 that.


11 hours ago, Scp-049 said:

-1. Slak you are a good person but some of these issues in the battalions are so simple to fix but you completely disregarded what we said and moved on with you own ideals. 

Time for my turn to hit on these two comments on the application. First off I really do love how you two who were members for quite some time decide to bring this up at the end of a term and have been trying to get Slak, Willy, and I in trouble for stuff that you can't just fix within a day. Granted I don't disagree I can be toxic in game at times, but let me hit on that real quick for you Blackpink. Calling me toxic because you can proceed to say something about me and then only for me to respond with a sarcastic comment does not make me toxic. If we really want to go anywhere I can re-call several times where I would just join the channel and you would say some pretty fucking toxic things to me for no reason at all and same for Cuzzo too. You too always kept looking for stuff that you didn't agree with and never once brought it to anyone. You would just go in Skitz discord or a private call and just talk about the issue and to no avail of course they won't get fixed because you wouldn't bring it to anyone in HC or a Senior Officer who could help fix things. Also to kind of back track to me being on LOA toxicity was not only brought up for me but the battalion as a whole in the meetings. It was certain individuals that were physically mature enough to bring it to my attention that I started to get toxic once I became Brimstone. Which granted you cannot and will not be able to fix that on a dime. Also you can't always just assume someone's outside life is perfect to not even check on them to see if they are good or not. I never once yelled a Petrie whenever he had a moment where  he was in the wrong or whenever I had to pull him aside for also being toxic just like me. Instead I provided that we both work on it together and for the last 4 meetings before my LOA we never talked about any form of toxicity with the battalion so for that I know you are lying and just trying to make Slak and I look bad so please don't go starting things. Also we upped our requirements because of how fast people were getting promoted and we need to put a halt to it because you can't just have everyone get to officer super fast that doesn't make a battalion look good just makes them look like they are power promoting. Anyways just please try to refrain from blaming all of that on HC as well cause all OFFICERS agreed to raise them until a better solution was found. Anyways thanks for you oh so gracious feedback.

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1 hour ago, Starfox said:


This going to be the last time I write these stupidly long paragraphs

For Training it seems there was a lapse in my judgment, I do apologize for suggesting something that you guys already do, but with that being said for my opinion I think you guys are hosting too much training, and people aren't benefiting from people doing sims because they don't teach anything and seems like chore more than something to practice in my opinion because of their requirements.


Also with my comets about Defending bcc and Hmc, were only a suggestion, I didn't mean to hurt anyone or nitpick, I just simply gave some suggestions to help get noticed, but seems like you guys do it already when Defcon 3 is called, but that's not what I meant, I meant like holding it when its Defcon 5, just for passive RP. And simply wanted to see more of it.

This last thing I am going to say about the havoc squad thing, I just think it's complete satire, there is no reason for it and you just do it because u can, doing something because you think its funny is one thing, but when you do multiple times and don't even switch it up and it loses it meaning and just is annoying. Especially, if its breaking the rules. I see your points with havoc squad now, but I think I just don't see them rp and do stuff, so I give you that, thank you for enlightening me. 





Imma input my OPINION here, the fact with the trainings i will say this, Doing alot of trainings is fun, u can have fun in a training u can learn in said trainings and improve in trainings. For example when i was doing a joint training with DU (ME CG) there was maybe a PVT or SPC in it (it was 2 weeks ago i can't remember the ranks very well) and that person learned how to use a shield, how to Breach and Clear, What to do in combat situations like calling for a medic and telling him his health and going to the back to get healed. for many of us that's something we learn from TRAININGS bc that's what trainings are for...to train people, he now knows how to tod all of those things and when he goes to an event he will be able to experience it with a better light and not die in the next 30 seconds of is start (unless a GM pulls a orbital bombardment or a Ship kamicaze type of shit)

With the comment about defending BCC and HMC, i can understand not wanting to "Hold it" in defcon 5 that much as it would inevitable make that not many other people enjoy going down to, for example, HMC and try doing ENG training or ENG tryouts or ENG RP, they see a wall of shields in HMC all the time. It's actually good that DU has other people in their mind whenever they try to do something like that.

Now i know i fucked up some words here and there and most likely may have misunderstood what u meant but this is my Opnion, from what i could understand of what u are negativly stating.


Now for my opinion on @Slak(yeah i pinged yo sorry) from what i v seen so far the DU has alot of members, is very active, most of the time when i am online i always see them being online and i v seen Slak online as well. mabe not that much but that's bc i wasen't able to connect the last few days before my LOA happend. from what i can see in this forum is the same petty stuff as always a Civil war happening (part 3) ((yeah there were already 3 civil wars in the last month or so)) but from i can see from ur members overall they like what u are doing, the other BCMD like what u are doing, and i like what u are doing as well.


With that in mind the only thing i dislike is not about DU, is about one of ur members being a fan of that rat streamer qcz or soemthing like that. with that out of the way my vote is......(sorry for the meme at the end)



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Void my application. 


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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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