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Jagger's Cody Application


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[=] Steam Name [=]

[SR] Delta Δ | Jagger [VA].

[=] RP Name [=]

Foxtrot Commander Gregor | 212th XO Jagger | 21stGM SM K Ahbo

[=] Steam ID [=]


[=] Battalion or squad you are applying for [=]

212th Battalion Commander Cody

[=] Experience [=]

I was one of the large handful of players who began their journey on Icefuse, then made the transfer over to Synergy during the whole fiasco. But since this was years ago, there’s nothing special to really mention. I also won’t be speaking about other experiences like jedi as I wanted to focus on my 212th experience for a 212th position. I spent a bit of time (1 week – 1 month) in most battalions, getting a feel until I landed into 212th for life. I have around 2 years of experience being in the 212th, so I am confident I can step up to the plate of becoming BCMD.

  • 212th SMB/WO (Went from WO --> CPT for my hard work)
  • 2ndACO Parjai member
  • Pilot Lead Oddball (First Oddball on the server, created the initial pilot program [with the help of Scottish Jimbo] for the server. Shoutout to Koval for making it happen all those years ago)
  • Ghost Company Gearshift
  • Foxtrot Group Lead Gregor
  • Two-time 212th Executive Officer
  • Veteran Admin
  • Best known as “TR 2ndACO Parjai CMD Oddball”


[=] Why should you become a Battalion Commander? [=]

As my experience shows, I’ve had extensive experience in the 212th over the past 2 years. I know this battalion very well. I’ve climbed the ranks, and became XO twice. I’ve been through thick and thin, golden times and dark times. I believe I have what it takes to make the best decisions in the interest of the battalion. I’ve recently helped with many internal affairs with the 212th, and I believe everything is well and fine. I see problems as an opportunity to help the battalion grow. From what my fellow peers and comrades tell me in the 212th, they fully support me and believe I should become Cody.

I’ve also worked with many individuals from different battalions across the years, developing a long-bonding relationship across the server. 501st, 327th, 187th, SOBDE, 91st, 104th, 21st, RANCOR, Jedi – you get the point. Part of my goal in becoming BCMD is SYNERGIZING all the battalions as much as possible – working with others for fun, intuitive roleplay and gameplay experiences. We should work together as a community.

[=] Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad? [=]

Yes I do, I actually made a comprehensive summary of 212th lore listed below: 

212th Assault

  • Commander

    • Cody

      • CC-2224

      • Was close friends with CC-7565 (Rex)

      • Commander of 7th Sky Corps

      • Participated in Alpha-17

      • Loyal and No-Nonsense Commander

      • Cautious Trooper

      • Brilliant Strategist

      • Great Close Combat skills

        • Incorporated body slams and kicks in close quarters

      • Incredible marksman

      • Disliked commonly used armor

        • Kamas

        • Pauldrons

      • Instead used

        • Vibro blades

        • Jet packs

        • Laser sights

      • Had a sense of respect for Clones who considered him his friend

      • Ingrained loyalty to the Republic


  • Battalion

    • They were marked with orange stripes

    • Specialized in:

      • Invasions

      • Frontal Attacks

      • Besiegements

    • Often deployed alongside the 501st Legion

    • Used vehicles such as:

      • AT-AP

      • AT-RT

      • AT-TE Walkers

      • LAAT Gunships

      • Nu-class Attack Shuttles

  • Battles

    • 1st Battle of Geonosis

      • Spearheaded the attack

    • Umbara

      • Spearheaded the Republic ground attack

      • Fought the 501st who were in ‘guerilla armor’

      • Waxer died

      • 212th succeeded in taking the capital

      • 212th ended the Battle of Umbara by destroying rogue forces

    • Utapau

      • Took 2 battalions, 212th and 211th Attack Battalion

      • Fought on the 11th level of Pau City

      • Suffered massive casualties

        • Due to superior numbers of droids

      • Where they received Order 66

    • Battle of Christophsis

      • Where they captured the traitor Slick

    • Battle of Teth

    • Battle of Ryloth

      • Ghost Company was tasked to destroy proton cannons

    • 2nd Battle of Geonosis

      • Tasked with the central charge

      • First to land on Geonosis

      • Unable to provide support to the 501st and Galactic Marines

      • Cody sent Waxer and Boil to save General Kenobi

      • Lined up their AT-TE’s and LAAT’s in a circle for defense

      • 212th successfully held off the droid forces

      • Suffered massive casualties

      • 212th did not participate in the attack on the Capital

    • Sarrish

      • Led by Clone Commando Gregor

      • Successfully pushed back the enemy, for the time being

      • Suffered massive casualties

    • Cato Neimoidia

      • Assisted by Squad Seven

  • Extra

    • Consisted of multiple divisions

      • Ghost Company

        • Assisted General Kenobi during the Battle of Ryloth

      • 2nd Airborne Company

        • Jumped into huge battles

        • Wore special helmets to assist with jumping

      • Parjai Squad

      • Foxtrot Group

        • Led by Gregor

    • Had multiple named Clones

      • Barlex

      • Boil

      • Gearshift

      • Longshot

      • Trapper

      • Waxer

      • Wooley

      • Gregor

        • Republic Commando Squad Leader


[=] Availability [=]

I have recently finished University and 1 part time job (I was full time uni + 2 jobs), so I will have much more time to play. However, I am still a busy individual with an adult life. I have a job (also in the process of looking for a new job), pay bills, have family issues (it’s insane), have a social life, and work on many different hobbies/side projects (E.G. Gym, writing, meditation, reading, etc). As such, I will be around often enough, but not 24/7.

Simply put, I have a life outside of GMOD.

[=] Sample Schedule: SUBJECT TO CHANGE [=]

Note: This is availability, not times I am always on. This shows you possible times I’m able to hop on if needed.

Monday: 5pm – 9pm EST

Tuesday: 5pm – 9pm EST

Wednesday: 5pm – 9pm EST

Thursday: 6pm – 9pm EST

Friday: 6pm – 9pm EST

Saturday: 12pm – 9pm EST

Sunday: 12pm – 8pm EST

Once again as a disclaimer, there are days I may take off/take a break from GMOD. For example, might not be on much over the weekends if I’m hanging out with IRL friends. Or simply want to play other games and not burn-out from GMOD. I’m much more focused on consistency and being able to complete my term at a steady pace.

[=] Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay? [=]

I have been on Synergy Roleplay since the launch of the community server! Fun fact: In the first week, I trained somewhere around 52~ CCs to the server. This may sound unbelievable, but the server was extremely lively with new faces every hour because it was a popular grand opening. I’ve had to back out and attend to IRL commitments/issues such as University and mental health problems, but overall I’ve been around for quite some time.

[=] Do you have a microphone? [=]

Yes, I have a microphone.

[=] Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term? [=]

My goals for the battalion are as follows:

    • Evidently, especially with a large battalion, many recent issues have stemmed from lack of proper communication. This will be my main goal to encourage seamless communication among all branches of the battalion, to ensure a strong team that can overcome any problem.
  • Decentralized command
    • Working on chain of command, in addition to placing more people in leadership positions to get more work done. This will also ensure its not the same person having to carry/do all the work. The ideal situation is for me as BCMD to be able to take a 1-week LOA and the battalion proceeding as if nothing happened.
  • Imbalance of ranks (i.e., lots of senior officers but few junior officers)
  • Lack of proper implementation
    • The 212th has lots of information and resources, but they’re not used to their full potential. This has been improving recently, but I want to keep it going.
  •  Officer productivity
    • We have no requirements for officers to complete, but they should still be held accountable. I want to continue fair officer evaluations to ensure every officer is fulfilling their duty and upholding responsibility to maintain a strong officer corp.
  • Roleplay
    • 212th has been doing a good job following through on roleplay, but I’d like to see more initiation. I will be working to get more troopers (NCOs/Officers) to lead more roleplay scenarios that want to keep people wanting to come back for more. 212th XO Jagger roleplay was successful overall – the entire server loved it!

Simply put, the 212th is in a very good spot. I want to upkeep high maintenance, so the battalion works as a well-oiled machine filled with great individuals. The 212th has some of the best people I met – everyone is friendly and passionate about the battalion, so I want to drive that passion of ours forward.

[=] Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? [=]

Yes, I understand that if I go inactive, I will be removed from my position. However, I sure do hope I’m spoken to if my activity is of any concern. After all, I’m a very reachable person – especially over discord.

[=] Do you understand that your position has a three-month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank? [=]

Yes, while it will be my first term position, I believe I am aware of the procedures and will ask in detail if there are any questions. I can also adapt accordingly.  

[=] Note [=]

I have put a lot of effort into this application, so I would highly appreciate constructive feedback. Anything from advice, concerns, supporting statements, negative observations, and so on. Simply put – if you are putting a +1/-1, I would like to see a (at least decently written) reason as to why. If you have any questions or would like to hear more before making a decision, you may @ me so I can reply to you. Thank you.

Edited by Jagger
  • Winner 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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GM Leadership

+1, Known you for a while now since I return. You will do amazing.

  • Friendly 1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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12 minutes ago, Alec said:

Did you like have this ready in your backpocket cus its been like 30 minutes lol. but +1 good app and ive seen you be active and mature

I already discussed this with Nade before he resigned and prepared in advance, he also said I should do it haha

Thanks for the feedback.

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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Just now, Jagger said:

I already discussed this with Nade before he resigned and prepared in advance, he also said I should do it haha

Thanks for the feedback.

Ah fair. Well it just strengthens my opinion if even the formed BCMD supports you


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Hi Jagger, 

Any chance you can add "Reed" to the list of lore names, thank you.

All jokes aside, this is probably one man who knows what he is doing and how to approach the current situation with the 212th for sure. Although one thing that is a shame, is you wont be going at your true potential as you can't be that harsh towards people on the internet these days but its the way the cookie crumbles. I spoke with you recently and gave some tips n tricks, reassured you with some decisions and I think you will make a fine Cody.

Compared to most members of the current 212th line up you have by far the most experience under successful and good cody's much like billiam, but you also have a vast experience with Cody's that aren't that great. So I think you could easily pull it off and turn it back into former glory.

You my friend have my +1

  • Friendly 1


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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  • Management

Holy Fuck +1

  • Friendly 1


i am literally captain tukk

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Excellent Gregor, really nice and genuine guy. You got this man!

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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idk dude you're not really active
















+1 good commander, will be good cody (although I will say the lore part of the application probably shouldn't star with "allow me to demonstrate", cause that could easily just be from wikipedia. just the first sentence is weird to me, thats all.

Edited by Finn
  • Agree 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Thigh High Connoisseur|


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If this man does not get Cody, then there is something wrong with this world, this man has pushed me so much and got me to the position i am now, i owe so much to him, The Biggest +1 i will ever give.

  • Friendly 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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17 hours ago, Dreams- said:

Hi Jagger, 

Any chance you can add "Reed" to the list of lore names, thank you.

All jokes aside, this is probably one man who knows what he is doing and how to approach the current situation with the 212th for sure. Although one thing that is a shame, is you wont be going at your true potential as you can't be that harsh towards people on the internet these days but its the way the cookie crumbles. I spoke with you recently and gave some tips n tricks, reassured you with some decisions and I think you will make a fine Cody.

Compared to most members of the current 212th line up you have by far the most experience under successful and good cody's much like billiam, but you also have a vast experience with Cody's that aren't that great. So I think you could easily pull it off and turn it back into former glory.

You my friend have my +1

I'm going to try and improve on that. While we might not agree with everything, I would always appreciate advice from you my friend dreams. 

Edited by Jagger

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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14 hours ago, Finn said:

idk dude you're not really active

+1 good commander, will be good cody (although I will say the lore part of the application probably shouldn't star with "allow me to demonstrate", cause that could easily just be from wikipedia. just the first sentence is weird to me, thats all.

Ah I see what you mean now, thanks

This is why you are Intel director LOL


"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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2 hours ago, XGears said:

If this man does not get Cody, then there is something wrong with this world, this man has pushed me so much and got me to the position i am now, i owe so much to him, The Biggest +1 i will ever give.

And I'm gonna keep pushing you to get even more better - but not so much to where you get burnt out and pushed off a cliff haha 

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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2 hours ago, Neptune said:

HUGE +1 Jagger is probably one the greatest members of the 212th that I have ever seen and a pretty good friend too, I believe that you're gonna do great. Only problem that I have is that I heard you're probably gonna be a on a big ROA for the next month.

I put in a 1 month ROA because I will have stuff going on that is on and off

for example, this weekend = guests visiting/sleeping over

next weekend = friends visiting + dnd night

on the 13th, I am going in for surgery so I will probably need a few days to myself

After that (Mid-Late Jan) I will be on as normal, just prob find some time for myself due to work/gym/reading/playing other games, the typical stuff.


Thank you for the support Neptune, it means a lot coming from you (and everyone else)


Edited by Jagger

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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I would like to start this by saying that I am a Commander of 212th on another Server, while that's not to pull Rank, I think it's safe to say I'm a 212th Boyo at Heart. Despite him saying that he doesn't want to mention his work as a Jedi, I would,  although I'll keep it brief. If you were to tell me Jagger and Ahbo were the same person five minutes ago, I wouldn't believe you, not just because his Jedi has a really thick accent, but because it feels like a different person. I don't have any worry about him staying in character as Cody, and I'm looking forward to seeing him as Cody. 

I don't think there's any questioning his Loyalty to the Orange Stripes, something i'm glad to say, however I am worried about how 212th will function on SR. This could be me, coming from a 212th with a bit of an in your face culture than a lot of other 212th's i've seen, however 212th hasn't really popped out to me on SR. In Regards to Functionality, I don't just mean in Combat wise, but more so, Strategically [501st tends to make the Initial push, 21'st Boards, 187th Paratroops, DU defends, Rancor works with Main forces or as Heavy Recon]. It'd be great to see 212th helping 501st make some Big pushes, although it's a shame to see the lack of TX's you guys get here. 

Overall, Jagger strikes me as a friendly person, not only eager to help his own Battalion, as well as others. His Professional stature, while keeping the Warm Demeanor is something that most Cody's, if not all should aspire to have. While my experience with 212th has been far more limited than I'd like, it's sadly led to me not being able to meet the Previous Cody, however Jagger is difficult to miss. 

While not everyone can have the Super Power of being oddly active on Gmod Servers that I've somehow obtained, Jagger is often there, whether as Ahbo, or as his XO. Often it's hard to play as a Lore Character, because despite being something that you've worked hard to Obtain, and something that you've clearly earned should you get the Position and hold it, it's hard for it to feel like it's your own. Jagger, has a habit of making his Characters, feel like his characters, whether through Atmosphere. I look forward to seeing Jagger's spin on Cody, how he'll make the character his own, how far 212th will go under him, and I'm confident that I'll get to see it. Good luck Jagger, I doubt you'll need it. 

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+1, easy choice. He has done great work in helping me and continuing the Foxtrot program, was also one of the great members of the 212th and has seen and shown great dedication, hard work, and determination to put the battalion in a good place!

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12 hours ago, Dubz said:


I would like to start this by saying that I am a Commander of 212th on another Server, while that's not to pull Rank, I think it's safe to say I'm a 212th Boyo at Heart. Despite him saying that he doesn't want to mention his work as a Jedi, I would,  although I'll keep it brief. If you were to tell me Jagger and Ahbo were the same person five minutes ago, I wouldn't believe you, not just because his Jedi has a really thick accent, but because it feels like a different person. I don't have any worry about him staying in character as Cody, and I'm looking forward to seeing him as Cody. 

I don't think there's any questioning his Loyalty to the Orange Stripes, something i'm glad to say, however I am worried about how 212th will function on SR. This could be me, coming from a 212th with a bit of an in your face culture than a lot of other 212th's i've seen, however 212th hasn't really popped out to me on SR. In Regards to Functionality, I don't just mean in Combat wise, but more so, Strategically [501st tends to make the Initial push, 21'st Boards, 187th Paratroops, DU defends, Rancor works with Main forces or as Heavy Recon]. It'd be great to see 212th helping 501st make some Big pushes, although it's a shame to see the lack of TX's you guys get here. 

Overall, Jagger strikes me as a friendly person, not only eager to help his own Battalion, as well as others. His Professional stature, while keeping the Warm Demeanor is something that most Cody's, if not all should aspire to have. While my experience with 212th has been far more limited than I'd like, it's sadly led to me not being able to meet the Previous Cody, however Jagger is difficult to miss. 

While not everyone can have the Super Power of being oddly active on Gmod Servers that I've somehow obtained, Jagger is often there, whether as Ahbo, or as his XO. Often it's hard to play as a Lore Character, because despite being something that you've worked hard to Obtain, and something that you've clearly earned should you get the Position and hold it, it's hard for it to feel like it's your own. Jagger, has a habit of making his Characters, feel like his characters, whether through Atmosphere. I look forward to seeing Jagger's spin on Cody, how he'll make the character his own, how far 212th will go under him, and I'm confident that I'll get to see it. Good luck Jagger, I doubt you'll need it. 

It may be narcissistic to respond to this, but honestly every single app for any position deserves this level of thought and written effort. I truly value this feedback as it makes it more clear what my strengths are to other people to expand/improve on. You also did comment on how 212th doesn't "pop out" much on the server -- and that's one of the things I'm working on. Simply put, a lot of people are lax/stagnant so I will push for my men to develop spirit and ferocity. That was part of the reason why I started doing XO Jagger RP recently (drill SGT beat people with a stick until they attack like wild lions). 

Once again Dubz, I highly appreciate this feedback. I value it and thus will open my DMs to you if you have any more advice/comments on the 212th from an outsider's perspective, while also being a 212th commander on a different server.

  • Winner 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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58 minutes ago, Jagger said:

It may be narcissistic to respond to this, but honestly every single app for any position deserves this level of thought and written effort. I truly value this feedback as it makes it more clear what my strengths are to other people to expand/improve on. You also did comment on how 212th doesn't "pop out" much on the server -- and that's one of the things I'm working on. Simply put, a lot of people are lax/stagnant so I will push for my men to develop spirit and ferocity. That was part of the reason why I started doing XO Jagger RP recently (drill SGT beat people with a stick until they attack like wild lions). 

Once again Dubz, I highly appreciate this feedback. I value it and thus will open my DMs to you if you have any more advice/comments on the 212th from an outsider's perspective, while also being a 212th commander on a different server.

I love to write, and I get what you mean, a lot of people want to give a +1 and add some feedback, but not everyone wants to give a big wall of text over it. You're not a Narcissist for responding to this, and I'm happy to have given a golden example. I'll go more in depth when I've woken up,  although I'm happy to play Adviser here as well. There are a couple glaring things, in regards to 212th, but I have faith, in you, and in 212th, to handle it. 

  • Friendly 1
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Wowee it's finally happening, I remember a time when we were both SGTs in the 212th on Icefuse competing against each other, good times.

You have been with the battalion for a long ass time and dedication like that shows yu can handle this position.

You have done an amazing job as Gregor and as a mentor in the staff team!

Time to join the long line of Cody's!


  • Friendly 1
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Plus-Fucking-One. This guy deserves Cody as he has the most experience out of the entire 212th Officer Core. He's the most hard working, focused, disciplined, encouraging, and fun guy in the battalion and that says something great about his character. Great app as well dude, really easy to read and provides clear facts and goals. +1 

Edited by Prophet. Jr
  • Friendly 1
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49 minutes ago, TacAssassin said:

Don't even need to read this. The fattest +1 I can give and is honestly the best person for the job.

You think people actually read these?

+1 though. Jagger's awesome, love the guy to death. No homo.

  • Friendly 1

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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Veteran Admin

+1 best choice for cody there is no-one and i mean no-one but you deserve it my guy

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Big +1the time taken to fill out this app is apparent compared to the other candidate. i feel that 212th is in a pretty bad state right now and needs a good strong lead to address the issues at hand and turn it back into the battalion that has the biggest pop on the server. 212th has the most whitelist's out of any other battalion on the server, but lately there has been a big drop in activity in 212th. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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