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Kase last won the day on March 28

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  1. 3/3/3, good lil passive, kinda got cucked by the stuff goin on
  2. W SOBDE, kinda a pick outta nowhere so W, gotta clap it up for the boys <33
  3. 4/4/5, amazing event
  4. Kase

    Holocron Heist

    4/4/4, a good old fashion shoot em up
  5. 2/3/5, Stop banning jetpacks on main server events <3 especially when its just a basic shoot em up event.
  6. 2/1/4 Here's my gripe, as 212th 2ndAC, our main goal is boarding and we like to pride our self on getting there quick and efficient and do EOD rp as quickly as we can but also properly. It makes our job difficult when we do our EOD RP, our Boarding RP and then get 30 droids spawned on us that kills us while we are waiting for you to take our ticket even though our RP is done. It's also not fun killing the same droid over and over again when you respawn it after we kill it, that quite literally prevents our entire RP and now we don't feel motivated to board when we have to spend 20 minutes killing the same droids.
  7. +1, My short live time in 21st showed me that he truly cares about his members and wants 21st to be as good as it can get, I can only hope 21st and 212th relations will continue to be great!
  8. Honestly, I think making the civi faction like a little pocket for DarkRP style of play isn't a bad idea cause it creates that societal feeling for the planet that we would be occupying and it creates quality RP scenarios for some of the other groups on the server. For example, Naval and CG could do warrants for arrests, check for smuggling and drug operations, conduct patrols. Groups like 41st could do recon portions or offer translation for Naval when it comes to alien members. This could also make way for groups and factions to form naturally based on shared interests like they have somewhat with the current way Civi is set-up, you could have a PMC group who can be bought out for store security, you could have hitmen be bought to take out targets and allow these people to slowly build up rep based on how sucuessful they are at their job, drug cartels whos whole thing is to sell drugs and keep their drug operations under wraps, allow shop owners to do a ban on military personnel in their establishment through the jedi order/Naval and have CG enforce it So many different ways the Civi faction could be done if it was treated like a lil DarkRP pocket and their own little community. Now for my cons, it would have to have a lot of ground rules and it could be hard to deal with during events and such if people are trying to roleplay while an event is going on. I could think of a few solutions for these but again, it would take a lot of work and would most likely required an entire rework on how civi works. Also the big thing is that it would take time for the society to actually build up and get proper leadership/rules and that could ultimately kill any current groups and players in Civi. (Turning it from a Bounty Hunter guild, to an actual Governing body, maybe operating as like a board of people. Like for example, Member of Commerce which establishes rules on business and etc)
  9. Kase

    The Crates

    5/5/3, had to force myself off that first portion but the rest was fine
  10. 5/5/5, hunter droid is ass
  11. Kase

    Bugs Be Large

    4/4/4, love those late night events
  12. Kase

    Op Carthage

    4/4/4, vultures man
  13. Ah welcome to the party my friend, It has been a long time coming.
  14. +1, This message has been paid for by Nexus.
  15. +1, This message has been paid for by Gator.
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