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Nade's Commander Cody Application.

Nade Jones

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Steam Name: [SR] Nade Jones [HA]


RP Name: GC ARO Alpha-96 Commander Waxer


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58484750


Battalion or squad you are applying for: 212th Attack Battalion



212th 2ndLT to Commander (2019)
After MilitaryRP flopped I took a break from the server for a few months and upon my arrival I set out to join my home battalion and help them out, Striker was Cody when I joined back which made me happy as in 2018 Striker was always my 2nd hand man and to see him surpass me in the Battalion brought me great joy and motivated me further to rise up the ranks so I can lead the battalion alongside him, During the time I have been back, I've seen a new 212th a 212th that has surpassed the old one and from what I can see its better in every way as opposed to the 212th I used to know. I rose up the ranks and picked up the same positions that I once held a year ago (GC lead and ARCL) once acquiring these positions I knew everything that I had to do and brought GC and ARC to their peak having both constantly full and even having to kick out inactive members due to the demand being so high. Everything was pretty good in the battalion but nothing lasts forever and one day during the reapplication of Striker there was a divide in the battalion as Bro decided to apply against striker, Striker and Bro were most experianced long term members of the battalion nevertheless that week was very tense people were saying a lot of dumb shit and alot of drama evolved from those applications, I myself didn’t support Bro because I believe that Striker was already doing an amazing job, but upon his appointment I learned to accept it and actually found out that I misjuided the situation as Bro did an amazing job as taking over and keeping everything stable from Strikers departure since then I have tried my best to do my part in the battalion in order to keep things smooth and aid him.

212th Advanced Recon Overseer (2019)
My most recent Accomplishment in the 212th, after a long time as GCL and ARCL I was given the opportunity to run for ARO which is an overseeing position over the Advanced Recon regiments, this position involves handling the Lead of the ARC, ARF and Ghost Company 2 of which I’ve been a former leader off so I was able to get accustomed to this role quite naturally and continue to support my regiments to make sure they can be the best they can be.

212th Ghost Company Lead (2019)
After a while in the battalion I rose up to GCL, I redid the trainings required to join Ghost Company, the tryouts and gave Ghost Company an image and identity which to me was severely lacking, under my lead Ghost Company was pretty much always filled with amazing candidates who are flourishing in the battalion today.

212th ARC Lead (2019)
I became ARCL pretty quickly when I returned. ARC is all I know it's all I’ve ever been so as soon as I got ARC I implemented a bunch of trainings to help train people and prepare them for Selections and Leadership as well as reinstating a 212th ARC Code of Conduct underlining how an ARC trooper should act and behave in order to encourage ARC troopers to help newer players and overall make the battalion a better place.

Staff (2019)
The week I returned to Synergy I applied for staff, Since then I have worked back up to HA, during my time as staff I have used my previous HA experience to aid myself and those around me, I’ve been a HA for something like 7 months now and Its something I know like the back of my hand, I have no plans of resigning from staff and I hope I can continue in the staff team for a very long time and hopefully become a position of significance on the server in the future, I really like this community and I enjoy helping those around me so keeping motivated is never an issue for me.

Gamemaster Manager
My most recent staff accomplishment, I earned the rank of Gamemaster manager due to my work as GMO, From this position I am continuing to oversee the gamemaster program and make sure the GMOs are doing their job to ensure a more immersive and higher quality of events on the server.

Alpha ARC
When I returned I had the opportunity to attend eARC trials, after attending for the first time I was awarded eARC. The 2nd time I ran it I was award an Alpha Designation for my skill and awareness as well as good leadership in battle.


MRP RUS Military Police Commander 
I applied for the Military Police commander of Synergy MRP server from launch, this was one of my more enjoyable experiences as I was able to pick 2 men to aid me as officers in my battalion We had to create rosters, regiments pick the right people for each position and although this is my only real experience  as a Battalion Commander, I have shown that I am perfectly capable of not only running a battalion but also complete starting one up, My RUS MP was by far the most active branch on the Russian side which enabled a minge-free environment.

SOBDE Regimental Commander
After a term as Niner I ran for REG Commander, as most SOBDE Reg’s I did not enjoy the position nevertheless I tried to complete a full term only to be cut a week or two short due to the opening of MilitaryRP where I decided I wanted to dedicate my time. During my term as SOBDE Regimental Commander I helped oversee the implementation of Outreach I abolished SOBDE hosted Tech and EOD trainings in return for mandatory Outreach trainings as well as created a SOBDE Rules and regulations document, this document would clear up any queries and make sure to outline the boundaries of what SOBDE were meant to do, I also tried to bring back Arligan Zey as the SOBDE Jedi General as well as support the addition of Iri Camas, otherwise most of my work was just overseeing the SOBDE Squads which usually run themselves so I didn’t have to make that many drastic decisions.



Omega Squad Niner
One of the most enjoyable positions during my stay here at Synergy, I held this position for a single term and during my appointment I felt my squad made significant progress. During my application, I promised I would do 6 things before my term ends they were: 1. Improve tryouts (the day I got niner I fully remade the entire tryouts as well as build a dupe for it from scratch) 2. Fill the squad (during squad member resignation I've proven I can fill the squad even recently after Cross Resigned as Fi I was able to fill the squad almost exactly 6 hours after he resigned) 3. Improve Relations with the community (I've put 100% effort into managing my squad so they are in good relations with the community, I don't condone any type of malicious behavior that may damage our reputation and I've hosted an anonymous survey to see what the community thinks of us which resulted in mostly positive results) 4. Increase cooperation with other battalions (Implementation of  RC outreach, I’ve tried my best to communicate with BCMDs about the terms of RC Outreach and get it implemented later in my Regimental Commander term) 5. Increase roleplay incentive (I always mentored my members about the in-depth lore of their characters and how they should be roleplaying them, Omega squad started using Mando’a more frequently as a result of this) 6. Discourage Elitist behaviour (I am 100 percent certain during my term I destroyed any traces of elitism in my Squad, its not acceptable and I'm happy with the squads in the past and how they've displayed themselves as humble and non elitist amongst our brothers) A major implementation that I've introduced into Omega squad is the named jedi Etain Tur-Mukan, I created lore based tryouts for this positon and its a good way for someone to spend time with SOBDE without having to pass tryouts as well as opening up a plethora of roleplay scenarios. Towards the end of my term I aided the RC Outreach, I was quick on the ball from when it was introduced, Having quickly set up and talked with the corresponding I was able to get Omega Squad into the RC outreach fairly quickly.



Foxtrot - CPT to XO
After leaving 104th I told myself I was gonna join Foxtrot so I can spend time with my former Battalion, After failing a few times I joined CO and for some reason it gave me a confidence boost and right after I finished CO tryouts I went for Foxtrot and got it first try, Since then I've been in the Squad aiding Bazoo and helping other squads in our required trainings. After getting to LTC I was promoted straight to XO as Bazoo's right-hand man, Bazoo has trusted me with completing tryouts and I've hosted many, dedicating multiple, hours a day just to find our next brother. I've been in for a very long time longer than most of the current standing RC Squad members excluding Squad Leads and I believe due to my extended experience in SOBDE both as an Foxtrot XO and SOBDE Squad lead I am ready to move up the chain of command

212th - PVT to XO (2017- 2018)
When I first joined the server I was fished by a 212th NCO who invited me to tryouts right after my CC training, from the day I joined there was something about the battalion people such as Audio, Hazard and BlackMamba were people who I looked up, they created a friendly environment and I knew that this is a battalion I wanted to devote my time to. So from the day I joined I played countless hours each day trying to impress my higher-ups by devoting large amounts of time to the game mode, after some time I got SGT and aided the battalion, myself Alfa and Gunner broke the battalion recruitment record of 92 recruits in one week, that was 212th at its peak and I was proud to be part of it, seeing 30+ 212th on made me proud of my battalion and motivated me further, After some time at CSM I received a double promotion from CSM to 1stLT and I was commended as the battalion's future. I  invested a lot of time and effort into both Ghost Company and ARC and quickly rose up the ranks as an officer often being promoted as soon as the cooldown ended and very soon I found myself as a senior officer and eventually a commander. After Perri became BCMD he chose me as his XO, I stayed in the position for 3 weeks or so before leaving, this decision was very hard because I stayed in the battalion for 5 or so months now, I still feel guilty about leaving, I feel like I failed Perri by taking this decision.

212th - Ghost Company Lead (2018)
I joined Ghost Company at the rank of 1stLT and after a week was granted GCS, I made the new ITG documents (required to try out) and even built the dupe for ITG so that granted me the rank of GCO. After Perri got Cody the ghost company leader position was open and he granted it to me, When I received the position I managed to change a few things such as make completely new tryouts for ghost company and I built a dupe which took around 4 hours to build as well as review some of the lore names and change them to be more lore friendly, otherwise I kept the squad running and attempted to fill all the slots. Ghost Company was my passion when doing tryouts I set the standards VERY high and I was proud of what I have created.

212th ARC Lead (2018)
I was an ARCO under Ruzom and I'm gonna be completely honest, Ruzom didn't have a shit about the ARC program and constantly ignored not only his duties but also his ARCOs, I basically ran the ARC program from the ARCO position using whatever power I had and for me ARC was something you had to earn and you should be proud to  wear so when I got ARCL I completely revived and reviewed the entire 212th ARC Program, I created an extra step to becoming ARC which consisted of a lore and combat scenarios written test, the discord which I made contained all the information you need to know regarding ARC, what you have to do to become an ARC, what each training consists of and what you should do to prepare for it, I even introduced a 212th ARC Code of Conduct, and an unofficial rank structure within ARC, Throughout my time I only have a single ARCO who was striker, we worked together often and ran the system smoothly, when I left 212th he was given the ARCL position.

212th Advanced Marching and Discipline Officer (2018)
As a CSM I was told in order to progress I should make myself stand out so I created a huge 5-page program which involved a series of advanced marching drills which ensure a smooth transition from a march into things such as formations or other complex turns and working and marching around the environment which meant a more professional look, Unfortunately this system was purely a concept and very soon I found myself in an officer position which meant I had no time to continue this project

212th Pilot Trainer (2018)
From the moment Hazard got Oddball (pilot lead) I gained interest in the wings program (the name for the 212th pilot program) I was selected as one of the 4 first Pilot trainers to help kick off the pilot program, and I did so. The Wings program exams and physical tryouts were long and hard but were enjoyable at the most time, I held this position from the moment I got it until I resigned from the batt as a whole.

212th Heavy Trainer (2018)
For a very brief moment in between my ARC training, I was a heavy trainer. I believe I contributed a lot to the Heavy Regiment I remember a day when we had all our 10 heavy slots full and everyone was on at once, It was a beautiful sight

212th Leadership Camp Instructor (2018)
Around when I was a 1stLT the Battalion introduced a system which you had to go through to become an Officer this was known as leadership Camp, I was chosen as one of the first to instruct this camp.

104th COL
Once I decided I needed a break from 212th I shortly joined 104th as I wanted a change of pace, this battalion was more active during eastern hours so I was able to play abit earlier with the majority of people, this battalion was basically a destresser for me, I had less responsibilities and was able to play again without much stress I didn't achieve much here although I helped Ryan with his 104th ARC program as I lent him some documents I made for 212th ARC. After a couple of weeks I resigned to CT PVT and went for Foxtrot.

Covert Ops PVT - PVT
This is awkward, As soon as I finished my CO tryout I went for Foxtrot and got it first try... 

212th Jedi General Obi Wan Kenobi and Eeth Koth
I've been in Jedi from the day I got VIP, I was a Padawan for months because I  clone, after a while I decided i wanted to play Jedi actively so I was promoted to Knight after achieving my Knight recs, From the days you could be in a branch as a Padawan I've remained a consular and have stayed in this branch since I've reached a Knight rank, once I became a knight I've actively helped my branch and battalion grow via hosting and helping in trials and after getting to Knight 6 I was recommended to be a master, 3 weeks later I did my Master Trials and was granted the rank of Jedi master, I served as a Jedi master for 2 further weeks before going for Jedi General Eeth Koth and attaching myself to 212th my former battalion. After a while I went for Kenobi and lead the 212th Jedi Program from there.i.


Jedi Guardian Lead Manager
After departing the consular branch I joined guardian and offered to help elijah as a Lead manager after some time I was given Lead Manager of the Guardian branch

Jedi Consular Manager
Due to my loyalty to the  I was awarded with the Consular Manager position which allows me to host Consular Knight trials and find the next generation of consular.branch

Jedi ACE Squad Lead
Jedi ACE is another one of my Achievements which I've obtained within the Jedi Order, It pronounces me a Jedi ACE an able skilled Pilot within the order, I was granted Pink Squadron Lead which enables me to lead a group of 4 Jedi Pilots as well as hosting my own ACE trials which I already have multiple times.

Jedi Healer
Although technically I don't hold any responsibilities within the Healer branch It is something I had to achieve by attending trials back when I was a Padawan

Jedi Sage
Myself and Kendrys passed sage trials and have been named the first Synergy sage duo, when I got Sage it opened up more RP scenarios and possibilities and I enjoy it very much.

Unfortunately, my Naval Career has been short, I played for a while with the intent of rising up the ranks up until the map change in which I found Naval boring so I resigned, I think I only really reached PO1 although I did devote a lot of my time to trainings and the QM Branch

Naval Quartermaster Officer
Due to my time as a Quartermaster and the dedication I put towards the QM branch via trainings etc I was awarded the QMO Position in which I shadowed QMIs and continued my QM work.

Staff (2018)
I've been a staff member since January and I've rose up the ranks all the way upto Head Admin, I've always been part of each Branch and actively done work within the 2 Branches, staff work has taught me a lot and I've experience a lot of Scenarios where I've been tested for my patience and I believe scenarios like this will aid me in becoming this position.

Gamemaster Officer
I've been gamemaster from the moment it was available to me, I did resign for 3 weeks due to exams but ever since I came back I've been making events and achieved the Gamemaster officer rank within the branch.

Trainer Manager
Trainer branch was one which I spent ALOT of time in, I got TRO when I was an Officer in 212th and I dedicated a lot of time and effort to it which helped me stand out and progress to Trainer Manager.

Senate Commando SGT
this is a good meme but I reached the rank of SGT under Dargon and It was fun while it lasted.

Senator Lux Bonteri
I was Lux for a couple of months and It was pretty fun interacting with the troopers from a non-military perspective, I used to roleplay alot on the job, I enjoy roleplay and I hope my roleplay capabilities carry on from my senator to the position I'm applying for.

Senator Bail Organa
After 3-4 months as lux I decided i wanted a change of character so I was able to switch to Bail Organa, I really enjoyed playing on my senator as it is a change of pace from a trooper or jedi.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

Where do I start? 212th is my home, ever since 2017 from when I joined this battalion I knew this was a place for me, I have risen up the ranks and even when I departed 212th I just had to maintain a connection with my former battalion whether it be via Jedi or Outreach in SOBDE I never really severed connections with 212th, I’ve served under 5 Codys and how different each person's style of leadership is, I am a deep reflector and I believe due to experiencing other people in the Cody position has enabled me to gather the best traits of each person and created a perfectly balanced style of leadership, Stern when I have to be but otherwise friendly and cheerful, I want 212th to carry on being the huge family it has always been but at the same time there is a line that I want to draw which is to act appropriately when needed, I do admit I am a more lenient leader and tend to somehow overlook certain things due to my friendly nature which may be both a good and a bad thing but this position is one which shapes and molds you into a more serious leader, certain behaviour in the battalion just is not tolerated and even when reviewing Commander Cody in lore you can tell just how “by the book” and serious he is but at the same time maintains a good relationship with his brother such as Rex who he often jokes around with more so I have a big role in enforcing the rules on the server which I believe can carry over to my duties as Cody. I believe I am the most experienced candidate not only due to my former experience but due to my more recently time in the battalion as I have proven to really care about this battalion with the sacrifices I make to ensure the battalion is in tip top shape, I believe 212th does currently have some underlying issues and I am already thinking ahead of how I would deal with them if given the chance and I really do hope I’m given the chance to show how great of a Cody I can become, I am very confident in my own abilities and also that the people of the battalion will support me.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Of course


I am free on weekends and Mondays completely, I do attend college in the weekdays but due to time zones it won’t affect my activity because I’m at college during morning hours (during server downtime) I do tend to get all my assignments completed during college hours due to the campus being so far away from my home so that means nothing will come in the way of my duties on the server.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: my highest achievements on the server are as follows:

  • 7 Months as a Head Admin including former experience as a Trainer Manager and current Gamemaster Manager

  • 15+ Months experience as a Synergy staff member

  • Experience in High Command

  • Experience in a Battalion Commander position

  • Former 212th Executive Officer and current COL

  • Plenty of Experience in 212th branches including ARCL(x2) GCL(x2) and current Advanced Recon overseer

  • Jedi Council Experience

  • Almost 2 year Synergy Player

  • SOBDE Experience


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:: At the end of my term I would like to accomplish the following:

  1. Solve any issues concerning the Officer Corps of 212th (there has been a recently history of the Officers of 212th not attending to their duties, the 212th itself has probably the most officers on the server which makes some people think they do not need to pull their weight)


  1. Oversee the progress of Foxtrot Squad, Ghost Company and 2ndAC and attend to any needs in order to enhance the quality of candidates in those positions as well as the overall fun and experience that can be had in those positions.


  1. Ensure relations between Ghost Company and 2ndAC  remain civil (due to history of bad blood between the two companies.)


  1. Enable the battalion to be able to run itself at the absence of a Cody (Utilize all positions of power in order to split the workload, I know Codys in the past have been overwhelmed with work and during my term I wish to make it easier for future Codys to be able to run the battalion by having less on their hands)


  1. work on improving 212th’s image on the server, eliminate any mingy stereotypes or impressions by being less tolerant when it comes to rule breaking. (can be hard due to the 212th being one of if not the biggest Battalions on the server)


  1. Establish good relations with all battalions in the Attack Regiment and enable constant joint trainings are being conducted in order for them to become natural to the battalion (I have spoken to a few of the leaders in the attack regiment mainly 501st due to the bond that previous Rexs and Codys have had on the server)


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

Thank you for reading if you have any questions, concerns, feedback or criticisms please post them below.


  • Winner 2



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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Now that's a man


  • Friendly 1
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+1 his TS pic is finally coming true 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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  • Friendly 1

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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Best Niner! +1

  • Friendly 1


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After seeing Nade's comment and speaking to him about it a little , I'm chaning my -1 to  +1ing.    He's still a good boy and I'm happy that he's going for Cody.     

Edited by Zensras
I forgot to change my vote, so yeah.
  • Disagree 4

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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18 minutes ago, Zensras said:

1)  The minging issue:

We had several incidents recently where a person was yelled at for reporting a problematic member.   I don't know how true these claims outside of what you told us and a report that was given to me from a person that was a senior officer.   Our officer core has done a great job trying to stamp out minging in the battalion.   Problematic CTs get watchlisted/blacklisted the moment they do something stupid

I don't personally believe we are having an issue with Mingyness, the reason I mentioned this is because I first played during the "golden age of 212th minginess" and for a very small minority who played back then could still percieve 212th that way so 212ths image is always going to be a major priority of mine regardless if its something we are currently experiancing or not.


18 minutes ago, Zensras said:

Big problem here mate,  
Our support regiments are slowly dying.  ARF/ENG is mostly dead due to people just going for 2ndAC.   Regiment leaders are getting frustrated at this.   2ndAC was in trouble several months ago, but now it's stabilized quite a bit.   GC is also full at this point.   Foxtroxt is doing pretty good right now as well.

I'm not say that ARF/ENG dosen't need help but when looking at that kinda stuff reastically its not something a battalion commander can fix DIRECTLY,  for example ENGs have been dead since Mamba that was 4 Codys ago and I do not want to make promises that I won't be able to fufill, Obivously as a BCMD you may aid those regiments INDIRECTLY by choosing the right people to lead those regiments but at times its abit more complicated than that. The reason I mentioned GC/2ndAC is because they both have a hierarchy which is more than just a ENGL and ENGO for example and that means it needs to be monitored more than just a regiment, positions such as SUPO and ARO do exist which get elected by commanders to make sure someone can oversee the respective regiments but due to the size of 2ndAC/GC it requires a little extra attention from the BCMD and his team, As I've stated in the first question above just because I'm promising to aid 2ndAC/GC dosen't mean its in a bad spot it just needs to be constantly monitored to avoid situations where it could get bad. As for Foxtrot, its still fairly and theres still alot of ground to cover.


18 minutes ago, Zensras said:

3)  Enable the battalion to be able to run itself at the absence of a Cody 

Currently,  CMDs take a lot of the workload when Cody is absence.    The problem is it can be overloading at times which causes some CMDs to get burnt out.    It's not exactly a secret.  

If I am reading this correctly you are stating that there is currently too much work on the Commander's hands already? In that case all I can say is it comes down to the person in the BCMD and how good they are at micromanaging, splitting the workload not only to Commanders but other positions the problems concern such as REGL, ARO, SUPO etc and utilizing senior officers are all a good way to spread the workload without the BCMD or commanders getting burnt out.


Thank you for the queries I hope I answered your questions if you have any more please ask away



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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Oh shit, its happening....




+1 knows what he's doing and knows all the problem and how to deal with them accordingly

Kick the officer corp in the nuts, I was gonna remove all my inactive officers when I was Bacara, they soon woke up XD.

  • Friendly 1

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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Is that Boil? +1

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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2 minutes ago, Hawky said:

-1 youve acted pretty mean twords me in the past and ive seen you been mean to others

I don't think I've ever spoken to you? please elaborate.



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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49 minutes ago, Hawky said:

-1 youve acted pretty mean twords me in the past and ive seen you been mean to others


5 minutes ago, Hawky said:

You have trust me ive been here for a year and half  im the original draco 

To be fair if I spelt like that I would expect to be bullied.


  • Funny 3
  • Friendly 1

Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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7 minutes ago, Hawky said:

You have trust me ive been here for a year and half  im the original draco 

No idea who you are sorry :/

  • Funny 1



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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Veteran Admin

Reeeeee insta +1 

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A long time ago we had our issues with one another, you as SOBDE REG me as DU XO but that is where i started to earn respect for you as well. We were both extremely passionate about what we were doing and talking about and at the end of the day that earns so much respect.


Massive +1


You always put 110% effort into what you do and this wont be any different.

  • Friendly 1

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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As current BCMD of the 212th I have watched over recent and past work of Nade within and outside the battalion. Inside the battalion as my time as BCMD, he has pushed supported and lead the Ghost Company, proceeded to do great work within the 212th ARC regiment, AND has shown such great work to become our Advanced Recon Overseer. At this moment I am proud to say he is past qualified for this position and should fit in greatly! 


  • Winner 1
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This guy is one of the hardest and dedicated working member I know, cause when he sets his mind to something he gets on that ASAP. He is also quite approachable which I know cause there are some things I even talked to him about. And most importantly he very much knows what hes doing, he knows how to deal with disciplinary problems he knows how to resolve dire situations to a peaceful conclusion, and that I believe is something that is obviously needed in a BCMD position: Decisiveness which he has demonstrated a number of times. Nade, good luck on getting it my friend :)

  • Friendly 1
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+1 Good Luck

  • Friendly 1

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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-1 application was too long, I ain't got time to read that.


tbh I don't know you too well outside the past few months you've been here in 212th, but I've never had any issues with you, and you seem to to a good job of running AR. Just please don't make a bunch of drastic changes, I feel like the battalion has finally gotten stable for the majority of the regiments. Also try and be slightly less loud, sometimes you break my eardrums ❤️



  • Friendly 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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+1 I mean in Lore Commander Cody was very highly regarded and I believe he was considered to be a Marshal Commander. If your experience doesn't scream for this position to live up to its lore potential, then I would love to see one that can do better. The best part about your app honestly was reading it and getting flashbacks to the good old days , You are approachable
You Are Experienced
You are vetted
You are the most genuine people I have met and I personally would love to see you as the next cody

  • Friendly 1
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+1 The Right man for the Job, Did a great job in Ghost Company as of Recent

  • Friendly 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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I don't think there is much to say, everyone else here has said whatever is necessary. You're a solid guy, you are a hard worker, and I believe you are fit for the position.

I'm looking forward to serving with you, Nade. This is the most solid +1 I've given on a Cody App since 2016. 

Also as friends, lets have more of those nice non-SWRP talks like music, college, etc.


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"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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@Nade Jones i watched ya come up the ranks . Even had the chance to promote you a few times. And i don't normally say this but, you are more than ready to take the crown of 212th.  Good luck, ill be here to see ya thrive. 


Former Commander Cody | CBlake

Edited by CBlake
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Current: 212th ARFO LT Blake
Former: 212th Battalion Commander Cody | Synergy Roleplay Model Developer

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