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Egg's 41st Commander Gree Application (Waived)


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Steam Name:
Derp Derpidy Derp Derp

RP Name:
41st EC MoH SSG MED Egg

Steam ID:

Battalion or squad you are applying for:
41st Commander Gree

Icefuse: PVT-Gree
I began my journey as a wee private on just another server like anyone else, and running down the halls of this mysterious venator, I discovered a battalion called the 41st Elite Corps. I went into the bunks, I passed my tryout, and unknown to me, began a very long journey through SWRP and the battalion itself meeting many people and learning many things along the way. I honestly cannot tell anyone an actual reason as to why I stayed with them and never went to anyone else, maybe I am just clingy and have some issues that I have to work out but this battalion was special to me and I felt some determination to make this place my home and to make my own unique mark upon it and the people in it. As I rose through the ranks, I put in my work as friends and people I knew left and moved onto different things and meeting new ones along the way. During my time as a lower officer, our commander went fairly inactive due to staff duties and just not having the drive to deal with things anymore. During most of his time being inactive, a small group of us put in countless hours to make plans and work on docs to help make the battalion into something that we could be proud to call ours, because it was. The 41st was our battalion and we worked as hard as we possibly could to keep things going to make sure the battalion would be able to survive. Once I took over as Gree, our small group of 5 ran into a few speed bumps including disgruntled officers deleting docs and mingey recruits, which we tried our best to overcome and we mostly did. Throughout the time on Icefuse as the leader of 41st, the battalion as a whole changed and evolved into its own unique entity which gave people a place to feel welcomed and have a home on the server. In the end of the time when we set the server on fire and had a loyal following that came to Synergy to help build the battalion and the server.

Synergy: Gree
 After we left Icefuse in a raging dumpster fire and formed the server we currently played on, the battalion started out small with a few members sticking around to keep the good things going and try and continue building something that was uniquely us. After a few months, most of the original members had moved onto bigger things in high command, staff, and Jedi but, I stuck around to try and keep our legacy and dream alive. After another few months, the battalion hit its strides and was one of the largest on the server. During this time, we managed to get the main part of the battalion added to the server which was the EC while also managing to have GC as our subunit. After another 2ish months, I commissioned and paid for the Green Company and Gree models that the battalion currently uses out of my own pocket to have them be something that the battalion would be proud to wear around the server and members would strive to be apart of the Green Company. During my time leading this battalion, I have tried my best to lead it in positive directions while also trying to encourage the members in the battalion to branch out and explore what they enjoy doing to make the battalion better and to try and leave their own mark on it, and I hope to do that again. 

Intel Deputy Director and Intel Director (under Venom and Zeik respectively):
After about 6 months of reevaluating things in my lifeAs IDD with Derv as director, we created and updated the roster and a variety of other documents to help things be a bit more organized and much more current with members and active players. We also rebuilt the almost non-existent intel team to have active and hard working members within it and kept things running efficiently behind the scenes. After Venom resigned, and Zeik took over as Gree, I was given the position of Intel Director and was in charge of keeping things running smoothly. I left primarily because of a disregard for communication between managers, officers, and myself when it came to creating and maintaining docs. As managing and maintaining the docs of the battalion being a large part of the job that I was tasked with and new ones being created faster than I could keep up with them because I was not being properly informed, made me feel unneeded, so I left to not just take up an important position in the battalion.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I believe that the battalion is in need of a BCMD and I think that I have the experience and willingness to fill that position. This battalion has been my home for multiple years and I believe that there are things that can be greatly improved within it currently. It is running, but it is not reaching its potential, and I believe that I have the experience, drive, and willingness to have it be the best and be respected once again. There is currently a group of dedicated officers in this battalion that are hopefully willing to share my vision for this battalion to be truly great. I have put countless hours into this battalion’s planning, organization, documents, models, and the members themselves. This battalion needs a leader, and I believe that I can be that leader once again.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?
I sure hope so

I am available anytime I am not at work, but I am almost always available through discord. I am pacific time, so I am more regularly on later in the night after I get home from work.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?
Since the beginning with around a 6-7 month hiatus to readjust myself in life, school, and work.

Do you have a microphone?
Most of the time, I do have a microphone.

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?
I want this battalion to once again be a role model for the server, whether it once again being a fighting force in pvp or to be promoting RP throughout the server with medics, engineers, and regular scouting patrols around the base. If I were to get the position of Commander Gree, I would like to focus on several things such as:

Promoting and rewarding RP within the battalion and the server- Recently, throughout the server, I have noticed some lacks in actual quality passive RP around the base and server. I would like to encourage Medics and Support troopers, as the medics and engineers of the battalion, to promote passive RP throughout the base and with base ops by doing passive medical rp check ups and regular checks on the base and its systems to create a better and more immersive environment throughout the server.

Cutting down on the unnecessary bureaucracy within the battalion- Structure is very important within a battalion, but I believe that there is such a thing as TOO much. I plan on cutting down on certain things within the battalion to cut down on workloads for intel team, improve efficiency, and bring more attention to the larger issues that are present within the battalion. When too much red tape is present, focus is drawn away from more important things that require the most attention to keep things running efficiently.

Maintaining relations with recon battalions- Each battalion in the recon regiment is unique. Each specializes in certain things and if all the battalions are able to work together and actually learn from each other through various trainings and participating in various forms of passive RP, the regiment and server as a whole.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?
I fully understand, and I will try my best to not go inactive.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?
I understand 

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+1 The best choice for Gree, this man was the most ambitious and revolutionary  commander ever to bless Synergy. He is a hard worker and will make 41st the best battalion on the server. I can't see anyone but him as Gree, if you put this man as BCMD you will see postive results!

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+1 My first day on Icefuse was the same day Egg first got promoted to Commander Gree. He and I didn't know it yet, but we became good friends throughout our Star Wars RP playing time. I was alongside Egg when I was Barriss Offee, Yoda, and I was even under him when I was in his battalion as an officer. Egg was the best Battalion Commander and Gree there has ever been. Something that made Egg the best Battalion Commander is that he knew how to make the server fun for those who were in his battalion. He truly knows how to run a successful battalion.

Edited by Dargon
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In my time on both icefuse and Synergy I've never really encountered another person with as much presence as Egg, and it showed through most of his work, including the friendships developed as a result of said work. I definitely want to see how well things go this time around, as both a previous member of 41st, and as a current Recon battalion member.

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+1 Egg is a fantastic commander, and should be again, he led the 41st with distinction for the longest time, he knows what 41st needs to thrive and succeed, I mean, he was Gree for over a year, over a year of leading an active battalion with commanders who have gone, very, very far in the server because he developed and supported them, if that doesn't show he is a fantastic leader, I don't know what does.

Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore - "Pressure makes diamonds, Ease makes decay"

2 time Rancor BCMD, 3 time Commander Havoc

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+1 absolute top notch man. I was an NCO in 41st on icefuse when this man was first promoted to Gree and I have stuck by him since. When it comes to being loyal to your battalion and loyal to the lads in it this guy is literally and irrefutably #1. He was my Gree when I was a 41st officer, when I was a regimental (Both times) and then when I was Yoda and every single time I saw him work hard, care for his lads, and run the most stable battalion in the history of Synergy. This guy is an excellent leader, a caring and top notch dude, and someone who knows what 41st needs to succeed and be a strong battalion on the server, and I can think of no one else who could better fill the position of Commander Gree.

Edited by Llama/Yoda
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Egg is beyond a reasonable doubt the best commander that I have ever had the honor to serve under. His careful guiding hand has led the 41st for almost 2 years straight, and had ushered it into a perfect state. The errors of previous high command wrongfully ended it, and thus the 41st's legacy. However, with the return of the Big Nate Brown, I have the absolute faith that he can restore the 41st back to glory, and give the battalion its time in the sun.

Without Egg's guidance and advice, I would not have made it as far as I have in any regard, as Egg has constantly been a supporting beam through not only my High Command ventures, but through each of this server's great leaders. Whether it be giving me a home as I ran the army as Marshal, or when Llama was developing and founding our modern Jedi order, Egg was always there with a sensible, reasonable mind. He has served as an advisor to me, and a mentor in my times in command, and even TO THIS DAY continues to help advise me on problems. If there was one man I would turn to, and many others would turn to as well, it is Egg.

His leadership is UNPARALLED   to anyone else. He had the longest, and I would argue most successful, commanding run of any person in Synergy. His wisdom and careful navigation of the politics of Synergy allowed him to turn the 41st into a powerhouse of activity, professionalism, and general fun. His 41st stood as a paragon of success, with constant numbers and great leaders, cementing his legacy as one of the finest. Under his leadership, he has also fostered some of the best leaders we have ever seen across the server. Many of the finest staff members and faction leaders came out of the 41st. So in terms of effectiveness, Egg's record is a testament to his success.

His loyalty to the 41st is unquestionable, and his dedication and conviction can be seen through his time in the battalion. No other person has had the same level of dedication that I have seen from Egg, with 2 years of service, and 1 and a half of those being as BCMD. He has shown that he wants the success of the battalion. He served as such an iconic character, that even the server owner has referred to Commander Gree as Egg. He is the only man that I, and many others, could ever see as Gree.

To conclude, Egg is the best and only candidate for the position of Gree, and I without a doubt have the full faith and credit in Egg. This man can run this battalion back into the sun. He can make this battalion strong again. He can make this battalion active again. He can make this battalion fun again.

He can Make the 41st Great Again.


Edited by Washington
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Egg. A man of excellence. A man of true culture, amazing humour and overall an amazing leader. Egg is a true warrior, the people's warrior, fighting for the rights of those who have been falsely banned, and fighting against favouritism.

Egg isn't applying for the BCMD Gree position for his own gain, Egg is applying for the BCMD Gree position to bring the 41st back into reality, and transform it back into the humble, welcoming home that it once was to very many people, a home of memes, dreams, and fighting machines.

Egg is a well respected member of the community, Egg will attract many people into the 41st because Egg is truly the definition of excellence. Egg going back into the Gree position is in my opinion one of the best things to happen to the server, Egg has always respected the community and will continue to do so, BCMD positions should be filled by those who are respected but also able to show respect.

Egg ticks every box on the "BCMD Material" Checklist.

Egg knows how to structure documents, tolerate the intolerable, motivate the unmotivated, and give the people what they want, and further give the 41st what it needs.

Egg is a walking, talking, 41st lore machine, a great leader has a great mind, and there has been multiple examples where Egg has shown great leadership, this has been shown through multiple Battalion v Battalion events where the 41st have potentially been viewed as the "underdogs". Egg has also shown amazing leadership throughout his time in the Jedi Order, making it to Council and giving his opinions on very important matters.

Egg is also a former member of High Staff, Egg was always organized, and had his assignments done to the best of his ability, this is something you need as a BCMD. You need to be organised, you need to manage your time, otherwise things will fall apart. Egg is very good at maintaining order within the hardest of times, and as BCMD, Egg will be able to do this and help others to also learn this amazing trait of his.

Egg is very strong on his morals, he knows right from wrong and Egg is very good at moulding players who could potentially be seen as "mingey" into hard working, committed roleplayers. Egg coming back into the BCMD Gree position will give the server the roleplay it deserves, with Egg knowing the character of Gree very well.

Egg is very good at making decisions, he will think thoroughly before putting people in positions, and will always put the battalion first, the battalion will always be Egg's main concern.

Egg will never fail to let any of you down, he knows how to lead, he stands for what he believes in, and he stands besides his brothers in battle. Egg is made for the BCMD Gree position.. Heck, the BCMD Gree position used to be called BCMD Egg. Egg was Gree for so long because we all knew he was the best for the 41st, when he was removed we saw a downwards decline in the battalion. This just shows how good Egg is at keeping a battalion together, through thick and thin.

Egg going back to the Gree position will be a huge gain for the server.

Egg will never give you up, Egg will never let you down, Never gonna run around and desert you.. Egg will never make you cry, he will never say goodbye.. Egg will never tell a lie and hurt you.

+1 Egg is the only person I will ever see as Gree. You got this brother ❤



Edited by Freck
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When you joined back in April you were given the rank of Sgt due to being blacklisted by Logic. You complained about that and said how Grum was targeting you when in reality he was the one that allowed you back into the battalion. 


On June 13th you resigned from ITD because you said “everything I’ve done has been undone and 41st is just another copy and paste battalion”  so do you still think that or nah? 

The 41st has been working hard to get away from the image of being a “minge battalion” they were so famously known for being during your terms. 



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Clearly a man that can bring this copy paste battalion to heel and give it a sense of originality and purpose among a server that lacks roleplay in most aspects.

The actions of Grum locking him at SGT and refusing to allow even the BCMD to promote him was a shame.

There is no man who can be more even handed then him, and not giving him the shot to fix tbe battalion is a mistake.

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I never really had a good image of 41st when you were around.

A few questions:

What makes you think that you have developed enough with your management skills. 

What explicit problems do you see?
Why are they problems?
What will you do to fix them?

How has 41st ever been a prominent role model to the server?

Thanks for reading biggun. Quote this or @ when/if you respond.



"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Huge -1

First Off, I barely even know who you are. You decided you would simply pop in the general chat one day and tell everyone that you are applying for gree. We barely even know you, and what you want to do. When I first joined the Battalion it was impossible to do anything intel wise because you would never answer your private messages. You did extremely sloppy as an Intel Director and the Intel Team was slacking, BIG TIME. Whilst we tried to implement more Intel members and get more NCOs and Officers to work, you sat there and didnt help at all. A week later, you resigned and said "41st isnt the same". People came into the Battalion and actually did the work that needed to be done. For example: Filling up Officer branches, creating an ACTIVE Intel team, doing trainings and actually creating an active Battalion. Egg, I barely know who you are. As the current lead for this Battalion I can tell you that none of our officers even know you. I encountered you for the first time ever earlier yesterday and you barely talked at all. Yes, I acknowledge the fact that you have been Gree about 8 times already, but it aint it. From the amount of what I have heard, 41st was extremely mingey when you were a BCMD. As stated before as well, you have barely talked to any of us before, and you have barely been on the server the past week. These people have no clue who you are, and you have not familiarized yourself with newer officers and NCOs. If you havent seen already, this Battalion is filled with a different set of people. I can admit that 41st is completely different then other Battalions I have been in. I find myself having a lot more fun here then anywhere else. I am afraid you are going to destroy the hard working officers and the projects we have now and make the Battalion into your own fun house. Egg, you got extremely upset over us pinging sergeants over the officer report form, which only happened 2-3 times every 2 weeks. My encounters with you havent gone well, and this feels like a hostile takeover. The other candidate is a lot more fit for this position then you currently are. 




Edited by Razen
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Doom the Boom

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I dont even know who you are -1

i dont know who you are, simple as that. i ever since i heard you were running for gree you never even joined the channel and tried to meet your battalion. it honestly seems like your trying to change everything thats happening within the battalion. now i know your previous gree and all for 1 year and  nine months, but its time for somebody else to have a chance at turning it into something great! it may not be your image of the battalion but for all the people within the battalion right now... this is about them and their future within the battalion. you could be great! but i dont think you should get it, hang out with your battalion more and then this may be a plus 1


Edited by Fallout
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-1, Look its nothing personal but i think youve had the throne way too many times. Also ive read some of the other replys and i dunno you seem to have changed for the worse my man. This isent an attack and you can take all of this with a grain of salt if youd like but im gonna have to stay with my answer

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Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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I've only seen you on the forums and never ingame.     It speaks volumes that you just walk in and go "I'mma go for Gree" without even getting to know your current members in the battalion.     


EDIT:  You can dumb me all you want, but you know I'm right.   How exactly are you gonna "fix" a battalion when you don't even know the members in your battalion nor does the battalion know you?   

Edited by Zensras
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Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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1 minute ago, Arroyo said:

@Razen @Sixta @Hayley

Giving people Dumb and disagree reactions to people who +1 isn’t going to change others opinions. Stop doing it 

Where did I give a dumb reaction?????


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12 hours ago, Arroyo said:

@Razen @Sixta @Hayley

Giving people Dumb and disagree reactions to people who +1 isn’t going to change others opinions. Stop doing it 

You should say the same for @ttv.TheMedicTV dumbing everyone who -1's .

In regards to this app, I'm Neutral.  I think the other candidate is better at the current moment, but I think Egg's rank restriction should be removed as well.


Edited by Stockings
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People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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To the people who don’t know who’s Egg is, Egg was the best goddamn BCMD this server has seen by having over a billion fucking terms running the 41st at peak performance, the shear fact that this man rose from the ashes of his previous BCMD terms and actually decided to become 41st BCMD EGG again is fucking heroic, if you really want to see 41st go back to being a fucking powerhouse, trust me when I say trust Egg.

+1 Let’s go mountain man, take them home.

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-1 He literally joined back for 3 days, was active for 1 day, then goes into general and applies. Many people have left since he was last within the battalion. Its crazy to think someone can just waltz back in and apply for Gree. What I think is he should've got to know us and the new battalion before he started to apply.





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Would like to add something, all of you new people saying "I dont know you" is probably because you have no context of how remarkable this man was at his job.

You should all try to see past the "new image" of things, as sometimes previous editions are better than the current.

Egg is 100% your man for the job.


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5 minutes ago, Freck said:

Would like to add something, all of you new people saying "I dont know you" is probably because you have no context of how remarkable this man was at his job.

You should all try to see past the "new image" of things, as sometimes previous editions are better than the current.

Egg is 100% your man for the job.


Being remarkable at a position he was in the past doesn't make it right to jump at it without even getting a sense of how the people are in the battalion. 



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Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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3 minutes ago, Zensras said:

Being remarkable at a position he was in the past doesn't make it right to jump at it without even getting a sense of how the people are in the battalion. 



Who are you again? LOL

Egg knows that battalion better than anyone in there at the current moment. 

Surely you want the best for the battalion?

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+1 Egg my boy you helped a lot of people especially me while you were away, you know what’s wrong and how to fix it do good work papa. 

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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38 minutes ago, Freck said:

Would like to add something, all of you new people saying "I dont know you" is probably because you have no context of how remarkable this man was at his job.

You should all try to see past the "new image" of things, as sometimes previous editions are better than the current.

Egg is 100% your man for the job.


Couldnt have said it better.

Big +1.

I l o v e  e g g 

Also to add something, 41st is in a very difficult position. Both CMD apps made by CMDs in the battalion were denied, and I believe Egg can reign in the battalion

Edited by Shockpoint
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If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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Man y’all don’t know anything about the absolute chegg you say he comes back for 1 week, or 2 weeks or has been back for a couple days but he tried to come back into 41st to help when Venom was Gree and got nothing but disrespect which is sad. Y’all are making the argument that he has only been here for a certain amount of time, that he’s a minge and if that’s the case you have only been fed fat lies, or he’s only here to steal Gree because he wants power. 1. As for certain amount of time Egg have proved himself in the past that he is more than capable of being a BCMD and can be dedicated to the position even running for 41st BCMD for almost 2 years. (Some of you make the argument he’s been here for a certain amount of time but as of recent others have made it to high command with a certain amount of days on the server and got upvoted to hell so what’s the difference.) 2. Egg is aware that before 41st would do things frowned by the community and I believe eggs intention is so that won’t happen. 3. Some people in the past or even some present will always want power and when they get power they show their true colors. For years of being on the server when Egg was still Gree i’ve never seen him as a power grabbing person or else he would have took his high command position previously but instead stayed Gree and kept 41st at great numbers. If I had to guess the reasons of coming back to get waived for Gree I wouldn’t assume instead try talking to Egg instead and clear up things with him instead of making accusations.

Edited by Derv
Yall need to cool it with the dumbs bruh shit yall dumbing without context
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Egg was one of the longest running commanders on the server, 41st was it's peak when he was in charge. I do agree that Egg should make an impression on the current members of the 41st and the best way to do so would be to get Commander and show exactly how well he can lead. I'm not here to point out all the issues within the 41st but I do believe that Egg is the best hope they have of becomming legendary once again.

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-1 from myself. You left, then came back out of nowhere and said "I'm applying for gree" Times have changed. Things are different. You shouldn't be allowed to just come back and be put into the BCMD position when there are other more deserving of it. Spend some time with the NEW 41st and get to know us first before you just try to become our BCMD. If you're looking to tear apart your entire battalion and cause unrest and distrust of command, coming out of nowhere and taking power is the best way. I understand you may have been gree for like two years, but during the times I saw you as BCMD 41st was nothing more than a minge battalion that was kept alive because you had friends in high places. I simply can not and will not stand as a part of 41st while you are in command egg, I'm sorry but times have changed and you just coming back isn't going to sit right with me.

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You only recently rejoined and now you want BCMD? No, go on and be in the battalion and actually know the structure of the battalion you've been away from. Then apply when the people of the battalion support you not just by popularity. Also this "Dumb" post given to people who disagree is not necessary nor needed.  

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6 hours ago, Sixta said:


When you joined back in April you were given the rank of Sgt due to being blacklisted by Logic. You complained about that and said how Grum was targeting you when in reality he was the one that allowed you back into the battalion. 


On June 13th you resigned from ITD because you said “everything I’ve done has been undone and 41st is just another copy and paste battalion”  so do you still think that or nah? 

The 41st has been working hard to get away from the image of being a “minge battalion” they were so famously known for being during your terms. 



Uh I’m going to say that’s not 100% true as I did an EO to let Egg into the battalion against the wishes of Grum and Logic...

there was some concerns that he would “usurp the authority of Logic” or some shit but there was absolutely not evidence and it was mostly paranoia.


I was speaking to @Egg in @Freckdiscord as he was asking why he had been blacklisted from the battalion which led to me removing the unjust blacklist

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17 minutes ago, Carter said:

Uh I’m going to say that’s not 100% true as I did an EO to let Egg into the battalion against the wishes of Grum and Logic...

there was some concerns that he would “usurp the authority of Logic” or some shit but there was absolutely not evidence and it was mostly paranoia.


I was speaking to @Egg in @Freckdiscord as he was asking why he had been blacklisted from the battalion which led to me removing the unjust blacklist

I can confirm that what Chambers is saying is true. It is my discord server after all 😂


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+1 2 year BCMD 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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The server zoomers may disagree but I find it funny how they -1 because he just came back. I mean shit some of the same people +1'd someone else a couple weeks ago with a similar story because it wouldn't effect them. You may not want him but you might need him in the long run.

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People be acting like it takes years to learn a "new" system in a battalion Lmao. Learning how a Star Wars RP battalion works takes no time nor skill at all. 


+1 - While I didn't exactly like the way Egg ran 41st at the time of his command, I can thoroughly say he has the experience in which no others harness on this server. 


He is also isn't an idiot who either thinks it takes two years to learn a battalion, nor does he lie.


Best of luck Egg. Bring glory to the coinslot once more.

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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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Thank you for your questions I will try and answer your them to the best of my ability.

5 hours ago, BigZach said:

What makes you think that you have developed enough with your management skills.

After being removed without ever actually being told the specific reason really makes you think about EVERYTHING you did wrong, and there were certainly a few. I think after several months of hard reflection on how I failed in my previous tasks, while also communicating some members both past and present on the server on how they would have gone about things differently. They gave me something that I seemed to be lacking after so much time in the same position, perspective. 


5 hours ago, BigZach said:

What explicit problems do you see?
Why are they problems?
What will you do to fix them?

One problem that I have noticed is the amount of figurative red tape when it comes to doing some things. Don't get me wrong, I really like a lot of the structure that has been implemented but I believe that there is such a thing as TOO much structure.

These are a problem because, like I brought up in the app, it hinders overall efficiency in the battalion and causes other issues to not be fully addressed because certain people are not around to deal with the situation. It also creates a lot of extra work for people to do which leads back to the other points of hindering efficiency and taking focus away from larger issues because people are stuck doing tedious paperwork.

I would try to fix these issues by first, trimming away some areas, so more focus can be centered on keeping morale, numbers, and battalion skill in a good place. Also, by slimming some of these things down, the work ethic of the battalion as a whole will improve because there are less hoops to jump through when trying to accomplish a task.

6 hours ago, BigZach said:

How has 41st ever been a prominent role model to the server?

41st, at least to me and people that I communicated with outside the battalion, was a prominent role model in my eyes during PvP tournaments and some deployment events. Getting 2nd place, only behind RC both times in Core's BvB and the first official one. They were able to adapt to any situation in front of them and handle it efficiently and effectively. Another area is through aspects of Roleplay in the server. I would try and encourage any form medical and engineer RP that I could whenever I could with Naval and sometimes other battalions would get involved. Also through translations. Translations are an interesting thing to handle because there are many ways to go about it. We went through wikis and found ways that actual translations were done and made a quick guideline on how to do them for when translations were needed. Each battalion member is unique, and is here for a different reason which is why they should have access and be encouraged to chase whatever kind of roleplay that they joined this server for, and this is what I tried to do with 41st.


I hope I answered your questions well enough. If I did not, I am sorry.


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-1 just recently came back to the 41st and hasn't spent much time with the people within 41st. Also I have no idea who he is. Talks about "problems" within the 41st but the way I see it there is nothing wrong within the 41st. The battalion is stable and running efficiently.

Edited by ConnorS
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Okay. I don't think people understand the qualities of what a BCMD needs to have a maintain.

A BCMD can adapt to any situation thrown at him, whether it be new faces, new battalions systems, or criticism to an extent. All in which are the main factors brought up in this application. I see it as unfair and unjust to -1 him due to the soul fact that you don't know him. Hell, I don't know a good chunk of some officers for most battalions and have probably only interacted with them once or twice. Does that automatically discard any form of experience or work they have done?

Egg has shown and proven that he can go above and beyond in the past, and that's what baffles me to the point where people think the fact that he pops out of nowhere to run for BCMD is wrong. He has experience. He knows what to do. He knows what it is to be a BCMD and to adapt to anything. Things like this happen, and are extremely easy to get used to. I personally haven't talked to egg much, but I'm not blinded enough to let it pass by with all the things he's done. If he wants to make a battalion good again and wants to work with people to assure that, that's morally right and nothing should cause negativity from that.

I remain with no vote until interview, but I just wanted to point it out how crazy it is that people are gonna -1 this for these reasons. Open up, realize he has what he needs and by no means in morally wrong, and try to think about it. I can't sway your vote, and you by all means are obliged to have it. But try and understand it all. -1 for true reasons you have seen in the past, such as any situation that had any drama involved as an example, not for these reasons that he might change somthing. Change happens.

The only thing, the singular thing, that I can possibly worry or express myself over, is the fact that I hope you have the ability to recognize the bad before it drops. Or atleast deal with something before it has the chance to rise. I know jefferson and all these people weren't easy to recognize, but try and explain to everyone how it is and how you may not have known, etc. I wish you luck.

Edited by Jayarr
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@Egg     One of the main reasons logic blacklist you was because he hates you with a passion for this reason I dont know but, logic was just yesterday was talking about how much he dislikes you 

Ok now for a direct question that could really clear up some things 

Firstly I would like to address something that I've been thinking about for quite awhile it seems that many of the people that changed the battalion (zeik basically all of high command that was from the 104th) seem to be worried about you undoing all of the work that they did if you could please tell us what you plan to change and why im sure this will soften the fears of alot of people that have made these changes to the battalion 

Edit. I will say something else once one of these director bois messages me back reeeeeeeeeeee

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I would like to add something but let me say this when @Dragon was applying for gree he wasn't even in the battalion but the race was close he was qualified and a good leader 

I dont get this argument that he should be in the battalion longer because the changes he understands and was the longest standing gree of the server and BCMD dragon wasn't even in the battalion and still almost got gree so please moving forward please focus on something regarding his leadership capabilities and not the fucking time hes spent in the battalion because as it stand right now egg is more qualified then the other candidate

If your going to say that he needs to connect with the battalion more let me say this 

has the battalion so much in this time that its unrecognizable if so then the arguement can be made why?

this is my piece please no dumb   

Ok i take it back please dumb me I thought that comment would bait people into dumbing me but I was wrong please get my rep back at -69

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Let it be known this I was the person that brought up to high command that the 41st CMD's were mingy and it felt like egg was doing nothing to curb this problem. I was mad and felt like they were untouchable so I was thinking and I was like you know what egg should be removed and I contacted high command made my case and I was then told to leave the channel (it was my channel omegalol) they discussed and the next day egg was removed they were the reason at that time that the 41st was considered the "mingy" battalion it wasn't it was just a few people that made it seem that way they were the reason egg was removed It was egg own niceness that got him removed 

Tldr. Shitty CMD's not caring about how it affected egg got him removed 

If egg has reflected about his time as gree then I think because of his failures he will make a great gree 

@Egg im sorry I hope that you could still not hate me.

I know for a fact this is going to get me hate but I think that it should be known 

RIP everyone loving sanchez 

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ok my issue is

He just recently Came Back I think he should play around on the server a little more rank up a bit more before he gets BCMD again

I understand he has a lot of love and I dont doubt his experience but shouldn't he at least be back for a little longer before applying again? I think he should rank up and see how the server has changed and interact with the new 41st members etc before applying to be their commander.  


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Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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1 hour ago, Sanchez Resident said:

Firstly I would like to address something that I've been thinking about for quite awhile it seems that many of the people that changed the battalion (zeik basically all of high command that was from the 104th) seem to be worried about you undoing all of the work that they did if you could please tell us what you plan to change and why

First, I would like to thank you for your question and I will try my best to answer it effectively.

Next, I do not plan on changing absolutely everything, just some things here and there that would help improve the quality of life of everyone within the battalion, and one of those things that I would specifically like to focus on changing is promotion requirements. I do not believe they are necessary and in some cases hurtful to the battalion. I believe this is the case because people in positions should not be required to do the job that they are in the position for. If the person has to be required to do the work, they should not be in that position in the first place. Promotion requirements also cause troopers to do things with no want behind their work, so the final product is generally inconsistent because the person would rather do something else to help the battalion. An example of this is how some troopers love doing tryouts while also not enjoying hosting training because they don't have a mic or they just don't have the knowledge or teaching abilities that other people may posses, and someone else is the complete opposite. Both troopers can continue to do their jobs and get promoted for actually doing quality work within the battalion and improving everyone in it in the process.


I hope I answered your question well enough. If I did not, I apologize


Lastly I would like to add to you specifically, @Sanchez ResidentI don't hate you and I understand and thank you for what you did for the battalion and myself. You tried your best with what you were left with but sometimes life gets in the way, and you should always choose real life over this game.

Edited by Egg
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+1, In my Opinion the battalion is not 41st, it used to be the oddball battalion and it’s far from that now. I liked the battalion because of it, Egg could fix it. The reason many don’t know him is because he’s a OG not new

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Regarding his leadership abilities, Im not sure how he is. Ive heard from previous 41st members that it used to be extremely inactive and mingey. We have tried our best to be steered away from being called the "minge" battalion that was once supported by Egg. This Battalion has more fun then any other battalion, whether its the constant RDM in bunks,our constant private deployments, us telling hilarious storys to each other around the campfire, or even playing other games together all the time. We have connected with each other extremely closely, and I cannot see Egg connecting with these people as we have currently. You have been gree so many times, and I feel as if you should give it a break. If I were to be completely honest this Battalion doesnt even need a Gree at the moment. Our steady officer core and Hard working NCO count have kept this Battalion above most others. My experiences with you havent gone well, me asking you questions about intel and you just ignoring me time after time, and members of the Battalion trying to contact you or get to you and no response was there. What 41st is right now is magical, and you are going to change everything. Officers will get lazy again, and Officer Branches will lack. Nobody wants that again, I can assure you that. Everyone that is in the current Battalion is having a blast in 41st. Why do you think we have so many numbers? People see the amount of fun we have and they want in. They see 41st as the Battalion you can join and lay back and have fun often. For you to step in and say "Yea guys im gonna take control of this Battalion again this isnt a hostile attack" is unbelievable. You have had your run at Gree, let somebody else have a chance.

P.S. Egg is not at a rank halt currently. He is free to do requirements/get promoted.

Edited by Razen
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Doom the Boom

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1 hour ago, Razen said:

Regarding his leadership abilities, Im not sure how he is. Ive heard from previous 41st members that it used to be extremely inactive and mingey. We have tried our best to be steered away from being called the "minge" battalion that was once supported by Egg. This Battalion has more fun then any other battalion, whether its the constant RDM in bunks,our constant private deployments, us telling hilarious storys to each other around the campfire, or even playing other games together all the time. We have connected with each other extremely closely, and I cannot see Egg connecting with these people as we have currently. You have been gree so many times, and I feel as if you should give it a break. If I were to be completely honest this Battalion doesnt even need a Gree at the moment. Our steady officer core and Hard working NCO count have kept this Battalion above most others. My experiences with you havent gone well, me asking you questions about intel and you just ignoring me time after time, and members of the Battalion trying to contact you or get to you and no response was there. What 41st is right now is magical, and you are going to change everything. Officers will get lazy again, and Officer Branches will lack. Nobody wants that again, I can assure you that. Everyone that is in the current Battalion is having a blast in 41st. Why do you think we have so many numbers? People see the amount of fun we have and they want in. They see 41st as the Battalion you can join and lay back and have fun often. For you to step in and say "Yea guys im gonna take control of this Battalion again this isnt a hostile attack" is unbelievable. You have had your run at Gree, let somebody else have a chance.

P.S. Egg is not at a rank halt currently. He is free to do requirements/get promoted.

Man stop posting on here and trying to cause drama dang. Using big text won't get your point across this shows that the battalion  needs change 

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1 minute ago, Nightmare said:

Man stop posting on here and trying to cause drama dang. Using big text won't get your point across this shows that the battalion  needs change 

Giving my honest opinion here mate. Its what you are allowed to do on these posts.

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Doom the Boom

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3 minutes ago, Razen said:

Regarding his leadership abilities, Im not sure how he is. Ive heard from previous 41st members that it used to be extremely inactive and mingey. We have tried our best to be steered away from being called the "minge" battalion that was once supported by Egg. This Battalion has more fun then any other battalion, whether its the constant RDM in bunks,our constant private deployments, us telling hilarious storys to each other around the campfire, or even playing other games together all the time. We have connected with each other extremely closely, and I cannot see Egg connecting with these people as we have currently. You have been gree so many times, and I feel as if you should give it a break. If I were to be completely honest this Battalion doesnt even need a Gree at the moment. Our steady officer core and Hard working NCO count have kept this Battalion above most others. My experiences with you havent gone well, me asking you questions about intel and you just ignoring me time after time, and members of the Battalion trying to contact you or get to you and no response was there. What 41st is right now is magical, and you are going to change everything. Officers will get lazy again, and Officer Branches will lack. Nobody wants that again, I can assure you that. Everyone that is in the current Battalion is having a blast in 41st. Why do you think we have so many numbers? People see the amount of fun we have and they want in. They see 41st as the Battalion you can join and lay back and have fun often. For you to step in and say "Yea guys im gonna take control of this Battalion again this isnt a hostile attack" is unbelievable. You have had your run at Gree, let somebody else have a chance.

That "minge" battalion never existed when I was in SOBDE as RC I never saw his battalion as minges sure they made mistakes like a bunch of people have on this server but not minge. You are just another 41st that was fed the incorrect information and I think you should talk with Egg if you truly believe he is an evil to the 41st. As for "I cannot see Egg connecting with these people as we have currently" What in the absolute hell does that mean? Every time I ask Egg to play Rising Storm 2: Vietnam he always replies with "I can't getting on Gmod to be active with 41st" Egg is trying to connect with yall he doesn't even talk to me in game when he's on his 41st job.

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I know you're a very well-known dude among old heads such as myself, a good Gree and all that, But I'd like to see more of your activity and Work. You need to take some time to adjust to everything and ensure everyone is aware of who you are (Such as the people that say they never met you) Make your presence more known.

The 41st are in a good place for the time being, I Think you should just take some time and prove to everyone you really are coming back! Best of luck

Edited by Mist
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-1 My reasoning is that I know Egg has history on synergy but he just rejoined 41st and applied as a SSG while we have someone who a Officer rank who is applying for BCMD no offense Egg but I feel like we should be considerate of other who been in the battalion longer than you on top of that I was there when you use to be BCMD a year ago and we where called the minge Battlion of Synergy and we have recovered from that and are no longer called that I do not want to see history repeat itself I don't want you to ruin all the things we done to get rid of that title we where given I'm sorry but slender has my vote and unlike you he has plans for this battalion once he gets BCMD you just came back and out of the blue applied for BCMD as a SSG I don't know how this has happened and personally this is complete bs that you could get waived for the application after being inactive for months I really do not want you to become gree you will be the downfall of the 41st and everything we have done will be destroyed 

Edited by german6460
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-1 I rather have Slender be the CMD, also i see you were once cmd but i think we should move on. Viper does a lot of helpful things for the battalion and is a really nice guy, Slender is also active (like Viper) and does a lot of helpful things for the battalion. I've seen you on once or twice now the past few days. Also when you were CMD 41st was called the "Minge Battalion". I'm not a mean guy but a if you get CMD I've been hearing that some people would leave the battalion, its kinda weird how you barely know any of us and you're applying.

Yeah no.

Edited by KarmaBoi
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13 minutes ago, Arma said:

-1 he just left and comes back and applys for gree he isn't even most the most qualified plus he is only a SSG 

"Isn't even the most qualified"? LMAO. Egg has the most BCMD experience out of anybody else who has ever played the server by years, what you saying my guy.


 Try to not state an opinion if it's just plainly stupid and biased because you like Brooklyn more. 


Hey Razen would you not dumb me if I made the text size bigger? 

Edited by Chop
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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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7 minutes ago, Arma said:

-1 he just left and comes back and applys for gree he isn't even most the most qualified plus he is only a SSG 

He didn't "Just leave" he was removed without even really being told why, by people who seem to regret it, and one who isn't even around anymore. And was waived for a reason. This -1 train seems to be open to anyone regardless of whether they understand the context, or reasons for said removal or not. and not giving the guy a chance when his legacy rank is supposed to be officer+ but was removed is disingenuous. If i recall his removal wasn't even done through official channels such as a fully followed up report, that's about all i can say on this matter. 

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1 minute ago, Chop said:

"Isn't even the most qualified"? LMAO. Egg has the most BCMD experience out of anybody else who has ever played the server by years, what you saying my guy.


 Try to not state an opinion if it's just plainly stupid and biased because you like Brooklyn more. 

bruh sometimes experience doesn't beat  quality. At least Brooklyn is active, respected, and doesn't get pt for common sense

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50 minutes ago, Arma said:

Chop He has gone inactive for months then he comes back and gets pt for insbordanation Brooks has worked his way up the ranks for months and has earned his rank and the fact that egg can just come back and apply pissis me off


49 minutes ago, KarmaBoi said:

bruh sometimes experience doesn't beat  quality. At least Brooklyn is active, respected, and doesn't get pt for common sense

LMAO you guys are not listening. I pointed out the fact that Arma said he doesn't have experience. I didn't say that was all that mattered. Read my fucking post and try to improve on your spelling and grammar.

Edited by Chop
Had to change wording.
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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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1 minute ago, Vex said:

He didn't "Just leave" he was removed without even really being told why, by people who seem to regret it, and one who isn't even around anymore. And was waived for a reason. This -1 train seems to be open to anyone regardless of whether they understand the context, or reasons for said removal or not. and not giving the guy a chance when his legacy rank is supposed to be officer+ but was removed is disingenuous. If i recall his removal wasn't even done through official channels such as a fully followed up report, that's about all i can say on this matter. 

Either way, doesnt change Eggs past and current. The 41st was called the "Minge Battalion" when he was a BCMD. That is clearly a fact. He has come back and he is already receiving PT for Insubordination. This does not leave a good taste in my mouth at all. You are an oustide source of 41st, who hasnt seen too closely the inside of the Battalion. I dont trust Egg, especially the fact of him coming back and he still isnt as active as most Battalion Members.

Doom the Boom

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4 minutes ago, Chop said:


LMAO you guys are retards. I pointed out the fact that Arma said he doesn't have experience. I didn't say that was all that mattered. Read my fucking post and try to improve in your spelling and grammar.

You do realize 41st has been doing just fine without him right? We are not trying to become the Minge Battalion again, We are hard at work trying to recover from what we once were.

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1 minute ago, Razen said:

The 41st was called the "Minge Battalion" when he was a BCMD

Every single battalion that exists on this server has had this title before. It's a cycle chief, you're far too inexperienced to understand that. The 41st also had it for such a small amount of time, so your lies and slander about him and the state of his battalion are disgusting. Maybe you should actually have some knowledge of what happened before going around spreading your slanderous lies.

2 minutes ago, Razen said:

does not leave a good taste in my mouth at all.

What about the toxicity surrounding you? Hypocritical to be commenting on others faults, when you yourself were denied due to not only the community having no faith in you, but also just generally proving to be an untrusthworthy snake in the grass. Hypocrite,

4 minutes ago, Razen said:

You are an oustide source of 41st, who hasnt seen too closely the inside of the Battalion.

You don't need to see the outside of a battalion to understand that it is struggling. It is so evident that the current leadership is FAILING to keep it working. 


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23 hours ago, Egg said:

I left primarily because of a disregard for communication between managers, officers, and myself when it came to creating and maintaining docs. As managing and maintaining the docs of the battalion being a large part of the job that I was tasked with and new ones being created faster than I could keep up with them because I was not being properly informed, made me feel unneeded, so I left to not just take up an important position in the battalion.

We Pmed you many times saying oh yeah look at this and look at that but you never responded, After you left ITD people took over that took thought into people and responded to messages. I'm not sure if this was due to a problem but our BCMD said hey step up the activity or something like that and you didn't. You said you felt unneeded but we needed you but you didn't help us and your saying you felt unneeded. You said you were not properly informed but as I stated we messaged you multiple time and the only one you responded too was your ITDD.

Next, when you were Gree wasnt 41st known as "The Minge Battalion"? 


Edited by Vango

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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pretty sure he just got back on a week ago and i haven't seen him ingame except once as legacy for 41st this week, you have to work back for the position

you can't just show up again and want the position again because you were it for 2 years before


also during your reign of BCMD, there was drama with other recon battalions, specifically 91st, we don't want that again

you and your officers would also witch hunt on the forums a while back

Edited by Bolt


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Just now, Washington said:

Every single battalion that exists on this server has had this title before. It's a cycle chief, you're far too inexperienced to understand that. The 41st also had it for such a small amount of time, so your lies and slander about him and the state of his battalion are disgusting. Maybe you should actually have some knowledge of what happened before going around spreading your slanderous lies.

What about the toxicity surrounding you? Hypocritical to be commenting on others faults, when you yourself were denied due to not only the community having no faith in you, but also just generally proving to be an untrusthworthy snake in the grass. Hypocrite,

You don't need to see the outside of a battalion to understand that it is struggling. It is so evident that the current leadership is FAILING to keep it working. 


Thats the problem. First off there is no struggle in 41st, It is doing extremely well right now. What I have done along with the 41st Officers has only benefited the Battalion. I was denied due to people holding on to a situation in 104th that was dropped and dealt with. People hold on to things on the forums. And how dare you say our leadership is failing. We have plenty of good officers holding up everything. There is no major issues currently, and the fact that you say that makes you completely unknown to the Battalion. I care about the Battalion, and its doing very well right now. Also the problem was that Egg let the Battalion hold that title for far too long. It will not hold the title again. 

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Doom the Boom

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I'll give this a +1, but for the love of god a lot of y'all gotta stop with cult worshiping of the man. You did do a good job in the times where you really did show up and put you're all, but from my point of view and what I know, I feel as if you got way too comfortable in your position before and weren't exactly on your toes, which evidently would happen after the long service you did. I wouldn't say the battalion was necessarily mingey, but by god there was extremely leaking toxicity from those in the upper ranks of your command. I know you like to have fun as a BCMD and some times stretch things, but always keep on the lookout for those subtle problems that can become big.

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2 minutes ago, Jax said:

I'll give this a +1, but for the love of god a lot of y'all gotta stop with cult worshiping of the man. You did do a good job in the times where you really did show up and put you're all, but from my point of view and what I know, I feel as if you got way too comfortable in your position before and weren't exactly on your toes, which evidently would happen after the long service you did. I wouldn't say the battalion was necessarily mingey, but by god there was extremely leaking toxicity from those in the upper ranks of your command. I know you like to have fun as a BCMD and some times stretch things, but always keep on the lookout for those subtle problems that can become big.

Still neutral but this ^

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