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Xaze's Recon Regimental App


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Steam Name: Xaze

RP Name: Battalion Commander Fox

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:54098310

Regiment you are applying for: Recon Regimental



This Server:


Battalion Commander:

As BCMD for the CG I did a lot of improvements, reorganization and stabilization. My first act as was to organize the regiment, and really change the fundamentals of what it’s like to be a CG. I completely scraped all of our documents, had Gene make us a new roster, and past down my ITD to our now Captain Andrews. With the help of our commanders they completely redesigned our style, and organization within the docs. Anything we do now requires some form of documentation. Furthermore we started a training program for the troops. Now every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we’re busy doing training, and teamwork building.


My second action as BCMD was stabilization. This is something CG Hasn’t had in a long time. I bought was a sense of security within our battalion which helped our stabilization, it brought a new feel to our legion.One of the ways I did this was making sure every soldier felt that he/she had a voice. We held a vote/meeting the day I applied for Fox, I made sure everyone knew my position and made sure they knew what CG was to become if I got Fox. They completely agreed with me, and now CG is an extremely close battalion. This was enforced by teamwork training, we grew closer together as a team. Now our guys play together on other games such as CS:GO, or GTA.


My third major action as BCMD was general over improvements/enforcing chain of command/Respect. This included implementation of our training program, formations, and overall building relationships.



When I was a commander of CG, I made most of my preparations for any and all changes that were to come when someone was to run for BCMD. I made a lot of major changes as commander. Unfortunately I didn’t have the full authority to completely change the CG yet, so I held it together. Working by my side, Commander Noodless, and Commander Reaper helped me to give partial stabilization. Sadly it was hard to keep since a lot of people were unfit for the position they were in. This was more of a testing period for anything and everything that I was going to implement.


Other Servers:


On most servers there is a general, it’s basically the Marshal Commander of this server. I’ve been this position on a number of servers, and could write a three page paper on every improvement I’ve done. That being said I don’t want to waste your guys time, so I’ll go into small details about major improvements I’ve done in the past.


Daily trainings, regimental improvements, and leadership trainings were just a few major things I’ve done and perfected on other servers. From an imperial era server to a Clone wars server. I’ve been in a lot of different changes. I was majorly known for helping to improve commanders, and a generally good person to have in charge on all of these servers.



I’ve only been Grand Master Yoda on one server. My time was brief but effective. I took swift and precise movements when setting up jedi to succeed. I took no off days, and put the correct people in place. Zim was my order master at this time, and we made the council amazing. First we actually put in a system for jedi to get promoted, and established a hierarchy. The next action was to make everything lore friendly. With our knowledge of the movies, clone wars, and google we transformed how the entire council looked.


Ending Note:

I don’t want it to look like I’m inflating my App, so I’m going to end my experience here. If you would like to know more about my past and what I’ve done feel free to poke me on ts.

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I want to become Recon Regimental Commander for a plethora of reasons.My first and foremost reason is to help the 91st. Usually on servers I join recon battalions, and was very close to joining 91st when I was cloned in kamino. Instead I joined CG with Zim, and WatermelonWolf and have been there ever since. I’ve worked with alot of 91st that have transfered into the CG, and feel as if I could completely turn around a cursed regiment. My initial action would to sit down with Buzz, and talk about how we can improve and systems we can implement within the 91st. I want them to grow closer as a team.


My next step as Regimental Commander would be to have our battalions intermingel. I want them to get to know how each battalion/commander works. This will allow each and every trooper to know exactly what their position is and how they can improve. Aswell this would help deployments. An example of this would be if 41st got deployed with rancor, each commander would understand their role of the deployment.


Other than that I would sit down with each commander and work with them on a personal level to improve there battalion. I WILL NOT Force anything to happen to an already thriving battalion, but if I and other commanders feel that something is wrong within a battalion I will be swift to action. My goal is to have the most thriving regiments under me, and I know I can achieve this goal threw my work ethic.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Yes, heres some base lore about each regiment:


  • Commander Gree or CC-1004 worked under Yoda and was killed by him.

  • Usually on he Venator known as Tranquility(Luminara’s Venator)

  • Green Company is 41st main subdivision


  • Commander Colt,  fought in the battle of kamino and managed to hold his own against grievous

  • Specifically oversaw the training of new Clone Cadets on Kamino

  • Blitz was one of the only ARC to survive the battle of Kamino


  • Neyo, or CC-8826 was known as the master of WAC-47(a pit droid)

  • Led by 3 jedi, Stass Allie, Adi Gallia, and Mace Windu

  • Work with 212th, and 501st in an abundance of missions

Spec Ops:

  • Specially trained to move quickly and detect cloaked enemies.

  • Blackout, Jet and Spark are only notable members

  • Blackout got to fly the first experimental invisible ships with anakin



Most days, any time really.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


-CMD of CG

-Flipped a Battalion Around in little time

-Established CG relations with our regiments


Do you have a microphone?:

Uhhh…. Yes.


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:


I want my regiment to be at the top of the world, success to be all around. Hopefully If I get this positions, I can truly help build relationships within our regiment.


Otherwise my main objective by the end of my term is to have all my battalions not just running but thriving, and as I promised with CG I will get this done If I’m put into this position.


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

Outline of what I plan to do:

  • Sit with Each Commander and discuss what’s happening with there battalion

  • Focus on 91st and improve the regiment as a whole

    • Organization

    • Stabilization

    • Training Program

  • Establish a program to help keep our commanders focused on improvements

  • Help with any Doc work need within the battalions

  • Organize most of the battalions

    • Note this will only be if the BCMD approves

  • Most of the Improvements will be achieved/known as they come


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes.



Doesn't CG Currently need you?

No, I built CG so they don’t even need a fox. With our current system even if they happen to fall in the same pit again, it’ll never be as bad. I restructured the general CG so it’s not focused on power either. No one power hungry will/should target CG. They won’t get very far.


Didn’t you just become Fox like last month?

Yes, I completely understand this concern, and I’ve already spoken to all the commanders of the Recon Regiment. ¾ were completely okay with me appling, and understood what I was going for.

Any other concern that’s commented I’ll address here.



Edited by Xaze
Uhhh Spell Error
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GM Leadership

+1 as a member of CG, I can see what he can do as REGCMD. +1200_s.gif

Edited by Crimson
Forgot something



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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So i know you lead cg well but this seems more of a hunger for power to me and besides the fact your specalized not recon so ima  -1 this 

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Just now, woeny23 said:

So i know you lead cg well but this seems more of a hunger for power to me and besides the fact your specalized not recon so ima  -1 this 

It's genuinely not, personally I understand how it looks like a powerplay. I really just don't like the position I'm in, I only went into fox to fix the CG. I'm usually an ARF on most of the servers I play, not security. I also talked to all the commanders in those battalions 3/4 of them where completely okay with me running. I made sure none of them had any issues, and would be completely fine with it.

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  • Coordinator
3 minutes ago, Xaze said:

It's genuinely not, personally I understand how it looks like a powerplay. I really just don't like the position I'm in, I only went into fox to fix the CG. I'm usually an ARF on most of the servers I play, not security. I also talked to all the commanders in those battalions 3/4 of them where completely okay with me running. I made sure none of them had any issues, and would be completely fine with it.

If you dont enjoy what you do you can switch around i just dont see this fit for u if you dont like being fox

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-1, I totally Disagree with the change of regiments, specifically the job of a CG to that of a Recon. I can understand if you tell me that you were in a position on another server, but you weren't on here, and I think that it is important to be in the regiment you apply to. Also I would ideally like all of the commanders that are in the regiment to be okay with you being their regimental commander.

Let me rephrase, I would like it they fully agreed that you should be commander.

Edited by Nyon
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+1 I personally think you're a person who I think should get the chance, you're organized and more than successful. You have my back up at all times Mr. Xaze

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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Just now, woeny23 said:

If you dont enjoy what you do you can switch around i just dont see this fit for u if you dont like being fox

Well, if I get put into recon I'd be in a better position to help those battalions in need. That's why I applied. Regimental is as an overlook, and not directly involved I personally like, but at the same time, I can take action. I also don't want to deal with the politics of getting a higher rank in a battalion again.

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5 minutes ago, woeny23 said:

If you dont enjoy what you do you can switch around i just dont see this fit for u if you dont like being fox

With the work he's done in general, i seriously believe he is ready for this position. He is extremely understanding and can do alot as a REG if he gets this. 


Edited by Scribbles
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-1 You are not even in the same regiment as them and KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM. You are in Specialized and are ST. All you know about the Recon Battalions are if they are bailable or unbailable lmaaao. You are doing good as ST Commander and you just got it. Don't be leaving already fam.

Edited by Jorrdan
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2 minutes ago, Nyon said:

-1, I totally Disagree with the change of regiments, specifically the job of a CG to that of a Recon. I can understand if you tell me that you were in a position on another server, but you weren't on here, and I think that it is important to be in the regiment you apply to. Also I would ideally like all of the commanders that are in the regiment to be okay with you being their regimental commander.

I talked, and made sure all the commanders were okay with it. The one commander that didn't fully agree was still generally okay with it. Two of the Four Commanders posted on my app already(Tofu(Rancor), and Buzz(91st)). 

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1 minute ago, Xaze said:

Well, if I get put into recon I'd be in a better position to help those battalions in need. That's why I applied. Regimental is as an overlook, and not directly involved I personally like, but at the same time, I can take action. I also don't want to deal with the politics of getting a higher rank in a battalion again.

You don't want to deal with the politics of getting into a higher rank in a battalion yet you're going for REG? I personally think a BCMD from Recon would be better suited than CG's BCMD... -1

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GM Leadership
1 minute ago, Jorrdan said:

-1 You are not even in the same regiment as them and KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM. You are in Specialized and are ST. All you know about the Recon Battalions are if they are bailable or unbailable lmaaao

To be fair, even though he is not in recon, it doesn't take long to learn to lore and if he is dedicated to the position I'm sure he asked the COs if he could and do fine in the position. And for not knowing anything about them, you clearly did not read the post.

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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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Just now, Llama/Yoda said:

-1 I would rather see someone from Recon move in there who is going to be more motivated to work for the Recon Regiment battalions. - Llama

But you see, Xaze is motivated. And he's extremely all for helping them out, improve where improvements are needed. He knows Each battalion well by growing relations with CO's of them. Besides, the CO's of each battalion  seem to be all for him being REG. 

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3 minutes ago, Crimson said:

To be fair, even though he is not in recon, it doesn't take long to learn to lore and if he is dedicated to the position I'm sure he asked the COs if he could and do fine in the position. And for not knowing anything about them, you clearly did not read the post.

Not knowing anything about them as in how their battalion runs and their needs. Atleast if someone who is applying that is FROM a Recon battalion they would know mostly how the recon battalions work etc where Xaze knows nothing about the recon battalions because hes in specialized.

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Alright Im not really here to -1 or +1 because I understand both sides of the story here. Personally I think Xaze is hardworking because I see him almost everyday on the server as well as he is alwas putting in work to make the battalion better than it already is. He is always trying to implement new training and courses to help the battalion be more self sufficient. Although he is NOT in the Recon category I do not think that is why you guys should be giving -1s. If you give him a -1 it should be because you do not like how he operates or handles himself. If you say you dont want him to do this because he is a CG then you should either rethink your vote or your reason. He has already taken steps of getting feedback from the battalion leaders. If he is willing to change and adapt to another way of playing then you should hear him out and give him a chance.

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See everyone -1ing this for "Not in the recon section" But that doesn't mean shit. People who are unqualified get positions on the server all that time, WIth xaze, or "Fox" i find him suitable for the position, sure he may be in CG and not in like 91st or some shit but. Like everyone put on nightmares app "Give him a chance". 

+1 From me dog.

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-1 I fuckin love you, Xaze - you're the best thing that's happened for CG in a long ass time in my honest opinion, though I personally think you should be going for Specialized reg, not Recon; you don't know the ins and outs of those battalions enough.

@WaterMelonWolf the difference is between this and Nightmare is that Nightmare was Jedi Master for one year and applied for a JEDI-related branch, he has dealt with issues in the Jedi Order for a long ass fuckin time - Xaze does not have the ins and outs of the Recon battalions in my honest opinion, and my support is being held for someone else who I believe might be running for the position - 104th, 41st and 91st operate a heckuvalot differently than CG, especially in attitude and their responsibilities.


Edited by Faoeoa
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So I'm gonna throw my hat into this firestorm...

I'm gonna bullet point my reasons for why I feel as I do:

  • Xaze, you've so far been a good Commander Fox, and have done great work within CG. However, I feel that your work is not done for CG, and that if you were to leave, it could revert to its old ways. 
  • It is true you do NOT need to be in the Regiment you apply for (which I heavily disagree with), with these lads you NEED to be with them and know them. This isn't just a battalion you join and work your way up. These people need to know you, respect you, and be willing to follow you. As far as I've seen, you do not have these traits.
  • I personally do not believe you are ready for such a big step up at this time, your reasons seem to reflect you simply want to move up.
  • To address what appears to be your main goal, is the 91st. Instead of trying to climb over everyone else, just join the 91st and try to help them.

Overall, I give this a massive -1 


I remain,

                      Attack and Recon Senior Commander Washington

Edited by Washington
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Sorry Xaze, we talked about this, but I personally think someone from Recon should go for it. I know that you’d probably do well in the position, but it’s better for someone that knows Recon better, such as a current CMD or BCMD. You also told me you’d wait a few days, yet you applied the day after you told me this. 

I love you dude, but -1.

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One of the ways I did this was making sure every soldier felt that he/she had a voice. - Xaze

+1 Can definitely attest to this! During my time serving under Xaze I felt free and still continue to feel free to approach him about any concerns or qualms that I may have, and I think being approachable is a key point! Xaze is definitely organised enough and has the leadership qualities to nail this role and although Xaze has been a good BCMD for CG... we're not dependant on him, those concerns are unfounded.. there are plenty of capable people for the torch to be passed on to :P 

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Big ass +1 to this Xaze has been nothing but a strong leader. He is an influential well spoken commander and deserves this role more then anyone I can imagine. While he may not be in a "recon regiment" He always seems to know what to do in every situation and keep the peace which is exactly why he could fix CG so quickly and easily. Those who put a -1 don't have enough experience with Xaze. The only people that can 100% judge if Xaze is capable of this role are his brother's in the CG, while this may sound biased they are the only ones who fully know them and know how much he can do and how great of a person he is Xaze is not only an excellent leader but such a fun person to be around and I guarantee you half of the battalions on synergy cannot say that about their BCMDs. Thank you - Asando  

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I have come out of the shadows to post on this app just because why not.

So, let's get down to the brass tacks.

When did having to be into a regiment mean you could not be a regimental hello?

It's not rocket science to know what a regimental is, I mean hell, I know a few good lads of mine previously on this server who became a Regimental even though they had never been in the battalion they were going for, and the same applied to BCMD of a battalion that people have not been in.

That's just the first point I wanted to make.

The second point, Powerplaying.

Commander > BCMD > Regimental of another group = Powerplay?

Well sheet, I guess everyone on this server fits that description then.

Let's be real, Xaze is a new person to this current group of battalion he may be Regimental for, ok, but that is not a valid reason to -1 an app.

He has been on Star Wars RP for 4 years and more, and he has held the position before, so after hearing that 50% of these -1's have just be nullified.

And, may I point out, the valid reason would be, have you been a Regimental before, or have you have experience in leader such a mass group of people.

Well, the answer would be yes, he has had his owned server, he has run a community, and he is currently BCMD Fox and he has been a Regimental before on other popular servers, come one, what more experience did you want.

I think it comes down to the point of, a new guy is coming into a group of battalions who would rather have their own friends be in that position, we know this is how it goes, that by definition would actually constitute to the very definition of favouritism.

"the practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group"

"unfair support shown to one person or group, especially by someone in authority" i.e, the leader of those battalions.

Now, I am not stating this may be the case, because if I do, I can guarantee that the lynch mob that always forms out these kind of statements will want to cut my nuts off.

Having said that, let's give him a chance then, if Xaze can not perform his job to the standard that is expected, then he will be removed from the position.

I do hope that, more calmer and more forthsighted heads prevail, and that we can all come together as a community, rather than "it's a guy we do not know" and you try and kill his app.

He has the experience, give him a chance as I guarantee the majority of you would not be in the current positions you are in, if someone had not given you the same chance with your positions.

Let's see what happens shall we.

+1 but in green.

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soooo imma pre-face this with a snip it from the requirements.

"Regimental Commander positions are applicable to those who have a minimum of 1 months experience as a Commander or higher within a battalion & hold a current position of Lieutenant Colonel within a battalion or unit for a minimum of 1 week (You do not have to be in the unit you are applying for as long as you still meet the requirements for applying.) "

This man i personally feel is ready for anything all you guys "-1" his app due to him not being in the regiment, doesnt mean he has no knowledge when it comes to those battalions. i have spoken with xaze several times and every time he is respectable and mature in all the dealings i have had with him. He knows how to lead a battalion and he ACTIVELY does training for his battalion. This alone is something I barely see from any of the other battalions, he goes out of his way to do training with pretty much every other battalion on the server and does above and beyond the work for a normal BCMD. To the people that are -1 this application without even knowing the person or what he does for his battalion or regiment i honestly ask are you -1 this just to go along with what everyone else is saying or are you actually doing it because this is how you feel. Either way i believe Xaze deserves a chance and that is why i am  +1 this application. Best of luck to you Xaze and i hope you bring fresh and new ideas to the regiment if given the opportunity.



Marshal Commander Gene

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Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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I really have no say in this as I hardly know Xaze and I don't really know much with what's going on inside his battalion, and if he's doing a good job or not. I'm sure given the chance you may be able to be a great reg, maybe a bad one. I don't know. Not letting anybody else's comments sway my opinion I gotta stay neutral.

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Xaze is a Grade A Super Duper amazing commander. I've known Xaze for almost two years now and even was an admiral while he was a general and I have to say that during that time he was probably one of the best leaders I've seen on a star wars server. He would be an amazing Recon Regimental Commander.


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Big +1 

I'll just restate what a few people have said so far. Just because Xaze has not been in a Recon regiment on this server does not mean he isn't capable of filling that position.

Xaze is a very fair and respectable leader. He has turned around the CG for the better. I can definitely see the Recon section benefiting with him at the helm. Active training with other battalions, better organization, and revamped leadership are just a few examples of what Xaze has done for the CG. He has an extensive list of qualifications and I can confidently say that he has put those to use within fixing the CG. Xaze is extremely active as a BCMD and puts his fellow CG first and always has their back. 

Edited by DangerRanger
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As much as I like you as a person, I have to -1. I respect you are a bcmd and I think you are a great person to be around. I don't think CG needs you, I just don't like that you are switching regiments to something so far away. It's probably the only regiment that I think is just too far from CG to switch to. I like that you got the commander's approval and such from all the recon battalions, but if you had run for SOBDE regimental commander last week, I know I'd be wondering what you thought you were doing, even if you did ask me. If this were for specialized regimental I'd support you all the way, but it isn't your regiment, so I'm sorry but -1.

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+1 In my time from the beginning as a PVT to now being a 2LT of CG you have been there and have been my guide. I don't think I would have made it this far without you and with all you have done for CG I think you're ready. CG has been given so much opportunity from Xaze as BCMD. We train together, play together and have fun. We participate in events more and as a whole the CG have been trained to handle more tasks than ever.  Xaze has more than what it takes to be a leader or a regiment let alone a single battalion.

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-1 your not ready for the position 



2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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Becoming a regimental commander is a big step, becoming a regimental commander in a regiment that you are not even a part of makes no sense even if it is allowed in the rules

If you want to help a battalion then... Join the battalion? Makes alot more sense.

I really just don't like the position I'm in " - Then .... leave? If you say CG is built to run without a Fox, then leave, help 91st. Get to CMD, and run for Recon Reg.... Seems more logical AND  It A. looks less like a power play and B. Looks ALOT better on you as an applicant for this position.

As the Admiral, I don't only look after the Fleet, I tend to check in on battalions. 91st is doing 1 - 1 Transfers to Major which means you wouldn't even get that much of a low rank if you left Fox to assist them.


You are an excellent leader, and you know how to take other's opinions into consideration. 

You have fully made CG into possibly the best CG I have seen in a while.

I like you Xaze, and I believe you will do great in whatever position you get put in.

Therefore I shall remain


Best of luck on the Application

- Fleet Admiral Yularen - Freck

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28 minutes ago, WaterMelonWolf said:


Wow xD


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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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i don’t think that going for reg is a completely right move, including into a regiment that CG isn’t currently in. I want people to realize that when the rule that fox can go for any regimental, that was when CG was in a regiment all by itself. Now I know you have pulled together CG after how it was left and completed the full revival of CG. I applaud you for finishing the work that was needed. But realize that being reg for a group that’s aim is focused is gathering information and what ever else is needed in recon, sorry to those in recon I’m not entirely sure what else y’all do, and you are apart of a battalion who’s focus is to enforce the server’s rules and protecting VIPs is not what the recon regiment needs. Also I guess I have to agree on a point where you became Fox not too long ago, and having this revolving door with Fox has gotten old. To be honest with you and to the rest of the server, if I had more time to be active, including around the time I departed Fox, I wouldn’t have stepped down. But this isn’t the time for that. So with this I have to say -1.



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2 hours ago, Puck said:


i don’t think that going for reg is a completely right move, including into a regiment that CG isn’t currently in. I want people to realize that when the rule that fox can go for any regimental, that was when CG was in a regiment all by itself. Now I know you have pulled together CG after how it was left and completed the full revival of CG. I applaud you for finishing the work that was needed. But realize that being reg for a group that’s aim is focused is gathering information and what ever else is needed in recon, sorry to those in recon I’m not entirely sure what else y’all do, and you are apart of a battalion who’s focus is to enforce the server’s rules and protecting VIPs is not what the recon regiment needs. Also I guess I have to agree on a point where you became Fox not too long ago, and having this revolving door with Fox has gotten old. To be honest with you and to the rest of the server, if I had more time to be active, including around the time I departed Fox, I wouldn’t have stepped down. But this isn’t the time for that. So with this I have to say -1.



Unlike puck I actually read the app, and the time and dedication that is shown through what Xaze does in CG and shown in this app, is exactly what recon reg needs. Xaze saved CG from the ruins the previous BCMDs left the battalion in, and has gone above and beyond to improve CG in such a short amount of time, if thats not what recon reg needs to do, then heck I don't know anything. From what I personally seen from Xaze is dedication, patience, and organization, all of these qualities are what a reg needs. For people whom disagree because he is BCMD of CG, that shouldn't matter because the qualities of REG should be the same, plus honestly previous regs are all the same, and recon reg needs a change, and I believe that Xaze is the change they need. I know Ill get a lot of hate one for calling puck out and two for sharing my opinion, but this is one opinion I can't hold back for fear of getting hated. Xaze gets the big +1                                                                            Love, Heather

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6 hours ago, Heather said:


Unlike puck I actually read the app, and the time and dedication that is shown through what Xaze does in CG and shown in this app, is exactly what recon reg needs. Xaze saved CG from the ruins the previous BCMDs left the battalion in, and has gone above and beyond to improve CG in such a short amount of time, if thats not what recon reg needs to do, then heck I don't know anything. From what I personally seen from Xaze is dedication, patience, and organization, all of these qualities are what a reg needs. For people whom disagree because he is BCMD of CG, that shouldn't matter because the qualities of REG should be the same, plus honestly previous regs are all the same, and recon reg needs a change, and I believe that Xaze is the change they need. I know Ill get a lot of hate one for calling puck out and two for sharing my opinion, but this is one opinion I can't hold back for fear of getting hated. Xaze gets the big +1                                                                            Love, Heather

I did read the whole application, but I rather not point out the some of the information that was omitted and go into other situation that would make this thread into a toxic mess and just make things more deplorable. I  like xaze as a person and would rather keep my repose simple and straight to the point. So please, lets just be courteous to one another and just call out people for not a hell of a good reason. Ok, great.



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I originally said that I would be ok with you possibly running and I told you that people in the recon regiment wouldn't like it. Considering the fact that you do have experience but I as a BCMD in the recon regiment am looking after the men in my battalion first. I don't think that you are the one that would understand how the different battalions run and operate because you have never interacted with any of them unless you are arresting them or bailing them. Before I keep typing things and go off on a tangent I am just going to leave my -1 here.

-41st GC BAT Commander Gree

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Im actually going to +1 the reason for this, its instead of sitting back awaiting comments ive seen Xaze really trying to make an effort with Recon so that IF he gets the job he doesnt come in blind. I can already see the MASSIVE effort he is making, and would be excited to see what he brings. That being said Koval does have more experience and everyone know Kitsune from SO so you have stiff competition. Good Luck - SO Commander Moose

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