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The Moose

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Everything posted by The Moose

  2. Hey guys what’s going on it’s your boy Moose 😂
  3. Just thought I’d say Hey guys! How’s it all hanging with everyone?
  4. I remember when Freck took over from the previous Admiral and the amount of work he put on to fix it, they applied for Admiral and I -1’d them due to that fact, I know see that this was a mistake. I left the server around serveral weeks after he became admiral and he wipe..... I’m pretty sure he’s been staring at the same wall since I’ve left.... +1
  5. This is a -1 for me. Although the interactions I’ve had with you, when you retired from admiral, you should have seen the scramble. Nothing was in order for the next admiral to simply pick up where you left off. Naval was changed for the better I feel when you left, starting off from @Freck getting everything in order and making naval a better place to be. I joined the server with you in Admiral, and quite frankly I’d see you in other positions just not something that is already struggling kinda....
  6. The Moose

    Just Void

    Fair Quotes. Ive put in for the Void. Ill work on myself before I do something like this again. My apologise guys.
  7. The Moose

    Just Void

    Thought Id have a go. Need to work on a few things for myself before I do this! The people have spoken! Have a great day
  8. No it isn’t. It’s a ‘I cAnT sLeEp At NiGhT cAuSe I’m A bAd PeRsOn PlEaSe FoRgIvE mE’
  9. Hell no. This is the chance for this guy/girl whatever it calls itself now, to re-evaluate their lives and realise what a cunt they’ve been, and how stupid this was. They arent getting forgiveness, they tried to ruin people’s lives, minged, wasted Admins times, and they think a simple apology an my ‘friend told me to do it’ attitude and the ‘I don’t expect forgiveness’ to try and act innocent. And people want to tell them, this is their chance.
  10. Also Shadow Company, is sacred to me. Saving it twice. Get it out of your name. SC was a family you aren’t a part of :).
  11. I know Ryx well, you tried to fuck him over and did nothing to stop your friend, I know Ching well and you did nothing to stop fucking him over.... your friends minge on the server and you’ve done nothing to stop them. please take a long look at your life if you are 17, and think was it worth it?? The answer is no. The community doesn’t want you here. You abosule Cum Bubble. Now go make someone else miserable by framing them -1.
  12. ‘We were roleplaying’ What being fucking idiots with 1 brain cell to share between you?? -1
  13. +1!! I’d also like to have a word with you when you are free next!
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdLq9QAm_ak Enjoy
  16. Is ThIs uP bEfOrE yOu CaN aPpLy?? sEe YoU oN tHe FoRuMs!!! I never ever wanted you to leave my SO rebuild that I did..... but now I can see you doing great things +1
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