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Give Ghost Company Cloaks


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Name: Bane


If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

Add or Change: Add the cloak weapon/tool to the ghost company jobs
(Any job modification requires all this information)

Job: Waxer, Boil, Ghost Company ARC, Ghost Company Pilot, Ghost Company ARF, Ghost Company Heavy

Slots: Waxer has one slot, Boil has one slot. GC ARC Has three slots, GC Pilot has three slots, GC ARF Has three slots, GC Heavy has three slots

Description: GC is an Elite Stealth Recon battalion. If there were an option for a skill based stealth system, I would be suggesting that instead. This is just the best and easiest option I know of for GC to fulfill their role in the battalion. With how NPCs work, any in depth recon is essentially impossible. I am not suggesting they be able to see cloakers. They would essentially be used for Recon exclusively. 

Model: N/A
(Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu)

Weapons: weapon_camo_sr
(If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu))


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Former: A lot of shit dude

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-1, you can already go stealth, not sure you need these cloaks to make that happen. 

I think it should largely be kept to the small groups who in lore could actually do this since it's such an OP power. Doesn't make sense to expand GC in this sort of way but I see what you're going for


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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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-1 Not a fan personally. Maybe if GC was like a really small unit like 5 troopers. Even then I would be on the fence.


i am literally captain tukk

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+1 Since SO isn't a thing and thus won't take away from any sub-unit, I think Ghost Company would utilize it perfectly. Stealth is difficult in Gmod. It can be done, sure, but it's only most engaging when you have a GM hand-holding the entire thing. Even then, stealth and the rules of it often become muddled during events

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Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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+1 i may be GC, but i still wish to say this. if u cant get it for everyone why not suggest it for GC ARF, boil, and waxer, that way it can stick to like 4-5 people. since its unfortunate that SO is gone and I think we should have it in GC. that way clones have a way to at least be able to cloak, besides the only way republic getting jedi shadows which not many people go for since everyone mainly goes for guardian or consular from my experiences. this way it at least gives ARF a bit of a buff, since it hurts due to the fact that perma weapons exist and makes ARF obselete. because why be ARF when u can be a sniper with a jet pack and reach better locations while the rest of ARF are confined to the Ground. I don't think HVY should receive it since they are a loud and proud kinda group specializing in making noise.,or GC pilot since pilot is already strong in itself, and maybe GC Arc due to the fact they also get scouting priority like ARF. a lot of the time recon doesn't exist in events and everyone rushes to OBJ so Arf or ARC have no opportunity's for Recon at all. keep in mind SO is now gone and the GAR does not have any cloakers besides jedi and even then those shadows I don't see often online, or doing what they can to flank or surprise the enemy instead just become reduced to living shields like every other jedi does.

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Look, as former SO i disagree with this for only a few reasons, SO was a team that was mostly built for all Special Operations, from espionage to stealing data, down to assassinations., They were stealthy . Ghost Company in lore is an infantry company, this means you specialize in frontal attacks and small scale fights. While they may play a stealthier role on Synergy than in lore, You guys have a Heavy job which kinda goes against the stealth ideal. Adding onto this, The only time we REALLY cloaked was when we were extracting hostages and executing the hostage takers. Neither of those are jobs for Ghost Company. I dont see GC getting very much mileage from cloaking and while i could be wrong i think i have a fair understanding of when cloaks will be used and when they won't be. -1. If you made a suggestion for perhaps a job or two i might +1 that as it makes for a much more diverse roleplay style that may be found in a company such as GC

  • Agree 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
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2 hours ago, ApocTrooper said:

-1 Love you bane but it is perfectly possible to fufill that Stealth roll without Cloaks.


2 hours ago, Comics said:

-1, you can already go stealth, not sure you need these cloaks to make that happen. 

I think it should largely be kept to the small groups who in lore could actually do this since it's such an OP power. Doesn't make sense to expand GC in this sort of way but I see what you're going for



1 hour ago, Pronto said:


I appreciate the fact youre looking for ways to improve 212th. But you dont need equipment for that. Just some training, imagination and some ingenuity. 

Because these are the only -1’s that have any substance, I genuinely want you to recommend how my troopers are supposed to fulfill their role as a Stealth Recon unit with the way NPCs work on the server. As it stands, entire deployments or events need to be shaped to any unit designed to do recon. This, for obvious reasons, does not work well for main server events. The idea here is that their use would be severely restricted. 

-No combat cloaking
-No cloaking on base for any reason on any defcon

- No taking actions while cloaked, (i.e. hacking, no infiltration, etc). 

-Cannot enter combat from a cloaked state or within combat range

Their role would be totally restricted for use in recon. What I’m after here is not invisibility, but the no target effect. Other servers solve the GC question with cloaks, and as far as I know it’s the only tool outside of a tool gun that can enable no-target. If there are other tools that can enable no target for either a temporary basis or what have you please let me know, I’d like to look at them. The reason I suggested cloaks to begin with was that the development required is minimal, it needs no testing, it does what GC would need it to do, and is within their role and remit on the server. This isn’t a “I want my troopers to be SO” thing, if droids didn’t pretarget you through a wall or the floor of a dupe and annihilate you the moment you bring down a rayshield I wouldn’t feel the need to suggest this. If there genuine stealth around droids outside of staying out of their blaster range, which is a relatively large area, I’d be all over it. I don’t even mind bringing it down just to the recon troopers, (Waxer, Boil, and the three ARFs), who would receive this ability. What I am asking for is enabling GC to do what they’re supposed to do versus having them have no way to do so because of the way NPCs work.

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Former: A lot of shit dude

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Forum Admin
8 minutes ago, Bane said:

-No combat cloaking
-No cloaking on base for any reason on any defcon

- No taking actions while cloaked, (i.e. hacking, no infiltration, etc). 

-Cannot enter combat from a cloaked state or within combat range

I do not see how these types of restrictions could be upheld. As it stands, there are many issues with the VERY lenient cloaking rules we have now. I understand your intentions, and your want for Ghost Company to serve as "Stealth Recon", but this justification could be used for a large population on the server on top of Ghost Company, all of which have stronger "lore" supporting their unit as stealth reconnaissance. Recon will always be an issue on GMOD due to its limitations. I just cannot justify catering to one specific sub-unit so their lives can become easier, while not doing the same for all else.


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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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1 hour ago, Mystic said:

Look, as former SO i disagree with this for only a few reasons, SO was a team that was mostly built for all Special Operations, from espionage to stealing data, down to assassinations., They were stealthy . Ghost Company in lore is an infantry company, this means you specialize in frontal attacks and small scale fights. While they may play a stealthier role on Synergy than in lore, You guys have a Heavy job which kinda goes against the stealth ideal. Adding onto this, The only time we REALLY cloaked was when we were extracting hostages and executing the hostage takers. Neither of those are jobs for Ghost Company. I dont see GC getting very much mileage from cloaking and while i could be wrong i think i have a fair understanding of when cloaks will be used and when they won't be. -1. If you made a suggestion for perhaps a job or two i might +1 that as it makes for a much more diverse roleplay style that may be found in a company such as GC

I missed this one. GC in lore is meant to be like the First Recon Marines. While they engage in straight fire fights, their goal/purpose is recon on enemy positions/deep recon into enemy positions. GC also deals with hostage exfil/negotiations. As you will read in my other response  the proposed implementation has nothing to do with infiltration or hiding from other players, but genuinely doing their job as Reconnaissance troopers. People are misinterpreting this as “212th wants new thing” versus the reality of 212th wanting to find a solution that enables them to do their jobs correctly. 


Former: A lot of shit dude

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1 minute ago, Guac said:

I do not see how these types of restrictions could be upheld. As it stands, there are many issues with the VERY lenient cloaking rules we have now. I understand your intentions, and your want for Ghost Company to serve as "Stealth Recon", but this justification could be used for a large population on the server on top of Ghost Company, all of which have stronger "lore" supporting their unit as stealth reconnaissance. Recon will always be an issue on GMOD due to its limitations. I just cannot justify catering to one specific sub-unit so their lives can become easier, while not doing the same for all else.


I understand your concerns, so I will pose a question to you. What is a better solution than what I am proposing? If, for example, the droids on the new map will behave more realistically or in a way that allows for stealth without cloaks I also see no need for GC to have them. If there is a tool or swep that grants something like temporary no target outside of a tool gun that would work way better for what GC does. How would you go about keeping them to their role without bothering every Gm and GH that hosts an entertainment to include something just for recon subunits?


Former: A lot of shit dude

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Forum Admin
13 minutes ago, Bane said:

I understand your concerns, so I will pose a question to you. What is a better solution than what I am proposing? If, for example, the droids on the new map will behave more realistically or in a way that allows for stealth without cloaks I also see no need for GC to have them. If there is a tool or swep that grants something like temporary no target outside of a tool gun that would work way better for what GC does. How would you go about keeping them to their role without bothering every Gm and GH that hosts an entertainment to include something just for recon subunits?

Continue with what every other recon group on the server does. Have trainings and simulations discussing and demonstrating its importance, reach out to a GM or two (the guy running your regimental deployment) and attempt to get them to give you a reconnaissance portion, etc. You cannot expect every entertainment to fit and cater to your sub-units specific needs, however it is possible to attempt to contact a GM and help them support and entertain your troops.

Your "solution" is that which would fix your problems, and create a plethora of other ones for people to deal with.

I think a better utilization of your time would be ask the community, gather the recon groups, talk with GM leadership, and develop strategies to keep these unique game play aspects prospering within your sub-unit. It feels as though this is poor substitute to any real change.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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-1 bruh moment

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Head Admin

lol -1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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With the removal of SO i feel mixed on this suggestion, neutral for now but leaning towards -1.

Edited by Seabass

 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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-1 No

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Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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-1 reasons stated above

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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This just makes 0 sense to me. -1 Sorry man. Maybe write up a lore page for Ghost Company saying they have cloaks, you might have a chance.

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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Unpopular opinion but +1

His reasons are solid, and to me his defense is solid. A stealth section, especially with the removal of a large stealth section (SO), should get cloaks.

Sure, it seems like they're asking for more, but GC isn't that huge. 2AC is the entirety of 212th right now, so I don't think using GC's size as a reason not to is especially valid. At least not with the removal of another stealth unit.

Cloaking devices are a little OP sure, but it's not like he's asking to give them to all of 212th, or all of 2AC. He's asking that his stealth sub gets stealth gear and I support that.

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Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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4 hours ago, Lovestruck said:

Unpopular opinion but +1

His reasons are solid, and to me his defense is solid. A stealth section, especially with the removal of a large stealth section (SO), should get cloaks.

Sure, it seems like they're asking for more, but GC isn't that huge. 2AC is the entirety of 212th right now, so I don't think using GC's size as a reason not to is especially valid. At least not with the removal of another stealth unit.

Cloaking devices are a little OP sure, but it's not like he's asking to give them to all of 212th, or all of 2AC. He's asking that his stealth sub gets stealth gear and I support that.

i agree with u earlier i mentioned that if this doesnt go through a better alternative if bane still wishes to fight for it which i recommend is just leaving cloak to GC Arf, boil, and waxer that way it limits it further SO had 15 slots for cloak and GC has 13 and nobody complained about SO having it and im now suggesting that only like 5 units in GC have it  because i dont think heavy or pilot should have it and its up in the air for me to decide if GC arc should have it as of the case right now i dont see many jedi shadows on as of late as well they are the only option for cloak the GAR has now on the server and even they barely get on from my experiences or do anything with cloak to flank or assist the team instead from the very few that ive seen it comes down to them being the usual shields that we use jedis for

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bruh what is this, Mind as well give Green Company them as well while you're at it. -1 

6 hours ago, shadowlegion11 said:

jedi shadows on as of late as well they are the only option for cloak the GAR

Omega Squad also have cloaks. 

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  • 3 months later...

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