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Titan Base

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Did anyone else think Titan Base was one of the better maps Synergy used. Other than some major flaws, like the skybox, optimization, etc. I kind of wished I would've played on it longer because Anaxes got kinda boring after having it for a year. Even though this one is custom made for synergy, it's still Anaxes. I know the founders spent a lot of time, dedication, and money on this map, so I'm not saying we should switch maps just giving my opinion.

Edited by Rickle
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:pepe5head:im retraded:pepe5head:

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1 hour ago, Black said:

Endor all the way

Endor was sick as well, that was another good map. The terrain was good on endor, the skybox was good, the bases were good, etc. I wish I had played on the maps the full time they were out because they only stayed for a shirt amount of time. I mean Endor lasted a little longer

:pepe5head:im retraded:pepe5head:

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3 hours ago, Rickle said:

Other than some major flaws, like the skybox, optimization, etc.

Other then not being able to use ships, the skybox, no courtyard, no area outside base, the small planets, the very repetitive nature of the planets, the boring atmosphere of the planets, not having any players, having boring and repetitive events, the perma weapon system being completely broken, the HMC being outside the base(only thing i didn't like about the base itself), Being horrible and mind boggling depressed to get on the server every day and try everything I could to make it a fun place at the detriment to my own mental health. I mean really besides all that I remember Titan base fondly.

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Titan Base sucked, and I still think it does.  The reason why I'm a firm Anaxes fan boy is because we got the original map only a couple months after Season 7 of Clone wars was announced.  We instantly got into it at the same time the show the server is loosely based on was also introducing it, which was major.  Now we have similar features that Titan base has with much more space.  It might get stale sometimes but there's always something that can be done on Anaxes.  It also seems to be one of the most optimized maps we've played on. I will continue to fanboy probably until S&box officially releases.

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1 hour ago, Conrad said:

the HMC being outside the base(only thing i didn't like about the base itself)

See I actually liked this as it made it a little easier for events and actually forced the GAR to spread out more. I also liked the ventilation systems that lead into the base and created opportunities for the enemy to sneak in (which would be awesome for BH).

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3 minutes ago, Forseen said:

I also liked the ventilation systems that lead into the base and created opportunities for the enemy to sneak in (which would be awesome for BH).

Facts, this combined with the front and back entrance actually made it a little bit difficult to stop people from entering. One thing I feel our base is missing is really the only way in is MHB unless you have the GM fly in to press to button to open SHB. Vents when?


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I honestly liked the actual base however, the outside parts were kinda ass. the base was pretty sick because it made sense (apart from HMC being outside). the BCC could be locked down meaning any infiltrators trying to get in couldn't just cloak and walk up to BCC. the vents added a good way for said intruders to get into the base and move around it. the base design was honestly pretty good but the map was ruined by its depressing atmosphere, tiny sky box, no outposts and other stuff that Conrad already mentioned.

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11 minutes ago, Taz said:

Imagine a vent system around Anaxes!


Also, the outside parts were absolute dogshit, the base itself was super fucking cool though which is why I loved it. I also am probably being a bit nostalgic because those were probably my most fun times on the server.

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:pepe5head:im retraded:pepe5head:

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3 hours ago, Conrad said:

Other then not being able to use ships, the skybox, no courtyard, no area outside base, the small planets, the very repetitive nature of the planets, the boring atmosphere of the planets, not having any players, having boring and repetitive events, the perma weapon system being completely broken, the HMC being outside the base(only thing i didn't like about the base itself), Being horrible and mind boggling depressed to get on the server every day and try everything I could to make it a fun place at the detriment to my own mental health. I mean really besides all that I remember Titan base fondly.

I think a lot of the hate towards titanbase is built off of the server being in a poor place at the time of it's implementation. It was sort of easy to use the map as a scapegoat for server issues, because it's always been easy and why wouldn't we do that.

the real issues of the base were just it not having that big of an outside and the planets seeming a little boring (only due to a lot of overuse in events). Anaxes is fucking huge but it's all just empty space, it feels just like nothing. I think the outside and the other planets are great but the base itself is so vast and useless. Titan base was compact and it felt like no space was wasted; the environment was interactive with both RP & proper use areas; you were usually forced out of bunks unless you were AFK (less of a problem now-a-days). 
I think some of the base design looked great, the only thing that let the inside base down was the small doors but everything else worked great. I think Brig, Medbay, & the BCC entrance were all very well designed with lots of additional area for both RP and genuine use. I think the vents were a great addition, sadly were made annoying by how many fucking Commando events there were. BCC could be locked down; HMC was huge and also separated but not a million miles away. The base was functional but also forced us to move about and cover a lot of areas.
The issues were just the outside being small, I wish it was made bigger cause it was genuinely fucking annoying cause you couldn't do any mission into it. 

There were good reason to dislike titanbase, no map except venator extensive is perfect, but I feel this anti-nostalgia towards the map is born less out of a hatred for the design of the map and more a yearning for a more prosperous server. Titanbase had some great upsides but it's easy to forget those because using it as an excuse to hate on that specific era of synergy is really easy.
I too hated this era and I too once hated this map, but looking back and seperating the time from the map puts a more reasonable perspective on a decent base map


You could complain for hours about how much of a fucking head ache anaxes has been and can be. How there is a million unused rooms, miles of space between every player, a sluggish walk from one place to another, that horrible render distance issue, and how the outside has very little variation apart from all those fucked up floating trees. 
Troops only stand in CY & MHB, they'll go to SHB as long as there's already an invasion there. There's no reason to move about anaxes cause we have the best defensive position possible, why leave a big fucking hangar with a huge fuck off door. Anaxes is slow, static, and empty; people enjoy going to other planets cause it means we don't have to spend anymore time in anaxes standing around.

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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10 minutes ago, Comics said:

Titan base was compact and it felt like no space was wasted; the environment was interactive with both RP & proper use areas; you were usually forced out of bunks unless you were AFK (less of a problem now-a-days).

A reason why my only complaint about the base was the HMC placement. I've said it before, I'll say it again, the physical inside of titan base replacing the inside of anaxes base, but with everything else remaining the same would be a great map.

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53 minutes ago, Conrad said:

A reason why my only complaint about the base was the HMC placement

Turning off/on the HMC was a fucking chore. It may of been slightly more minge proof but a simple press of button just made things easier.

Synergy wasnt "ready" for Titan Base. I agree with comics when it was other issues that were at hand. But i feel you need some edits to Titan first before even considering it to come back. 

I feel Naval underutilized what they had. From the Gas Pipes, Sanitation and all sorts. They were kinda just "there". Anaxes is big... too big at times but the planet choices we have are much better than the ones we had on titan. 

I dont think we are gonna satisfy the masses all the time. However.. with the state we are in now, synergy is very healthy, time will tell if we can take a few risks. This is always a interesting subject to talk about, but sometimes i feel we will never get a definitive conclusion.

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I like small bases, actually. They're much better than large ones cause they force that tight-knit interaction and community and all that. I just didn't like the entire map surrounding the base. It was super un-fun as a Game Master, and super un-fun as a player too. Anaxes is an amazing map, I'd just rather the base be a bit more compact. I wouldn't want to go back to Titan Base though.

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I got like super heavy nostalgia for the map cause it was so fun for me playing it. 

I think the only good part about Titan Base was the actual base, i hate the anaxes base personally, but everything i feel is a upgrade of what we have, most of the maps at Titan base really sucked, i get PTSD to that snow map.  The reason why i love the inside base is cause of how crowded everything was, i was playing synergy at its LOWEST, 30+ players with a 40 peak if i remember  (IT was so bad) but it still felt fun cause there was people around so close to each other, Anaxes base even with 60 people looks so empty. If we could replace the actual base part i would be a fan, smaller shit makes people interact with each other more, (Same reason why Venators also work). 

Edited by Bacta
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I miss Endor. ;-;

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We were gonna keep it as a surprise but might as well tell you all now. We will be introducing gm_flatgrass into a main server map rotation in the coming update. Hopefully this will provide you guys with a fresh new scene in which the server will thrive in. Super excited to see what kind of creative scenarios you guys will make with this new map!

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7 minutes ago, Square said:

We were gonna keep it as a surprise but might as well tell you all now. We will be introducing gm_flatgrass into a main server map rotation in the coming update. Hopefully this will provide you guys with a fresh new scene in which the server will thrive in. Super excited to see what kind of creative scenarios you guys will make with this new map!



i am literally captain tukk

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48 minutes ago, Square said:

We were gonna keep it as a surprise but might as well tell you all now. We will be introducing gm_flatgrass into a main server map rotation in the coming update. Hopefully this will provide you guys with a fresh new scene in which the server will thrive in. Super excited to see what kind of creative scenarios you guys will make with this new map!




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20 hours ago, Comics said:

I think a lot of the hate towards titanbase is built off of the server being in a poor place at the time of it's implementation. It was sort of easy to use the map as a scapegoat for server issues, because it's always been easy and why wouldn't we do that.

the real issues of the base were just it not having that big of an outside and the planets seeming a little boring (only due to a lot of overuse in events). Anaxes is fucking huge but it's all just empty space, it feels just like nothing. I think the outside and the other planets are great but the base itself is so vast and useless. Titan base was compact and it felt like no space was wasted; the environment was interactive with both RP & proper use areas; you were usually forced out of bunks unless you were AFK (less of a problem now-a-days). 
I think some of the base design looked great, the only thing that let the inside base down was the small doors but everything else worked great. I think Brig, Medbay, & the BCC entrance were all very well designed with lots of additional area for both RP and genuine use. I think the vents were a great addition, sadly were made annoying by how many fucking Commando events there were. BCC could be locked down; HMC was huge and also separated but not a million miles away. The base was functional but also forced us to move about and cover a lot of areas.
The issues were just the outside being small, I wish it was made bigger cause it was genuinely fucking annoying cause you couldn't do any mission into it. 

There were good reason to dislike titanbase, no map except venator extensive is perfect, but I feel this anti-nostalgia towards the map is born less out of a hatred for the design of the map and more a yearning for a more prosperous server. Titanbase had some great upsides but it's easy to forget those because using it as an excuse to hate on that specific era of synergy is really easy.
I too hated this era and I too once hated this map, but looking back and seperating the time from the map puts a more reasonable perspective on a decent base map


You could complain for hours about how much of a fucking head ache anaxes has been and can be. How there is a million unused rooms, miles of space between every player, a sluggish walk from one place to another, that horrible render distance issue, and how the outside has very little variation apart from all those fucked up floating trees. 
Troops only stand in CY & MHB, they'll go to SHB as long as there's already an invasion there. There's no reason to move about anaxes cause we have the best defensive position possible, why leave a big fucking hangar with a huge fuck off door. Anaxes is slow, static, and empty; people enjoy going to other planets cause it means we don't have to spend anymore time in anaxes standing around.


anyways, SLG and Extensive are superior to all, and then Endor would come in there too for actually base map

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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2 hours ago, Piff said:


anyways, SLG and Extensive are superior to all, and then Endor would come in there too for actually base map

Endor was dog shit, that base is just horrible to traverse, fuck that stupid laggy map


Do not group the godliness of Venators with the filth of bases

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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On 10/7/2021 at 9:34 AM, Comics said:

Endor was dog shit, that base is just horrible to traverse, fuck that stupid laggy map

Endor was good just the base was dog shit, if we could have anaxes base on edor that would be sicko mode with a larger outside too NGL id play the shit out of it

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1 hour ago, Dennis said:

Endor was good just the base was dog shit, if we could have anaxes base on edor that would be sicko mode with a larger outside too NGL id play the shit out of it

Give me Revamped outposts, A Revamped Base 2/3 the Size of Anaxes base. A Drilling outpost that isnt propped but in the map, a Jedi temple like the one we have now. The Sith Temple changed to a Bounty Hunter Sanctuary and just make the terrain better traversable. THEN.. Then your going somewhere.

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Endor will always be Peak IMO. The base wasn't great, but it got the job done. The actual planet was top tier though. It was huge, there were multiple outposts, and it actually felt more active. Having multiple planets is nice on Anaxes, for sure, but having people off on different planet segregated from the main base just doesn't feel the same as on Endor, where you could fly a LAAT from the Base, to each outpost, to the Temple, to the Ewok Village, and have each one hosting a different event/encounter. 

While other maps might be more optimized, or have more stuff, nothing will beat Endor's absurd space it had.

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9 hours ago, Mantis said:

Venator extensive is where it’s at

over rated

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Edited by Marvel


i am literally captain tukk

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