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[Accepted] Flowers Ban Appeal


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Name: Flowers
Steam ID:
Ban Reason: says "Bye <3". Most likely spamming / trolling / ban evading / RDMspacer.png
Date of Ban: February 7th
Length of Ban: Permanent
Staff Member(s) Involved: zen, forseen, square
Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: I was given a chance to play on the server before being permanently banned. I joined the 41st as a Jet Trooper and made it to the rank of Corporal. I seriously role played and was permanently banned with a very vague reason, without minging whatsoever.
Evidence to support your claims: Many people on the server liked me a lot before I was permanently banned. I never minged once when I played seriously, and had no intention of doing it. I have a bad reputation that I sweeped under the rug, and tried to forget about. Apparently my past was not forgotten, and I never got to speak to any admins before I was removed indefinitely. I think I proved that I am reformed because I was able to join a battalion and climb ranks quickly. I'm sure zen knows, I have made many family shared accounts, some with the full intention to RP, but were banned even before I could fully load in. I just want to be able to play on the server without worrying about being banned at any moment.

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Forum Admin

-1.  You weren't banned without reason, pretty sure you and your friends even uploaded this shit to youtube about you guys trolling on synergy. Your reasons you stated for your ban are spot on and just you thinking you did nothing wrong proves the point that you shouldn't come back just yet. 

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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I’d like to hear from @Forseen@Zen @Squarebefore voting full. But this appeal doesn’t read well. It reads like you feel like you did nothing wrong and are just a good boy caught at a bad time. If I know anything about forseen is he’s not gonna throw down the perma Willy nilly. Hell you even admit to breaking rules by ban evading to play. If you really are reformed then why did you default to ban evasion to play instead of just appealing first 


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2 hours ago, Conrad said:

I’d like to hear from @Forseen@Zen @Squarebefore voting full. But this appeal doesn’t read well. It reads like you feel like you did nothing wrong and are just a good boy caught at a bad time. If I know anything about forseen is he’s not gonna throw down the perma Willy nilly. Hell you even admit to breaking rules by ban evading to play. If you really are reformed then why did you default to ban evasion to play instead of just appealing first 

I'll give context but I ain't voting to completely stay out of this.    

Several months ago,  There was a group of people whom were actively raiding the server and causing non-stop issues.   It led up to several of them spamming connecting / joining messages on event server and main server which had names that were extremely racist. 

Flowers was one of them.  

I can't speak if he genuinely wants to be part of the community.  Granted they haven't been on awhile until recently and he did post a ban appeal after I suggested it.   This is completely up to y'all at this point. 

Edited by Zensras

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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-1 Honeslty if you didn’t go out and spam I’d be all for it, but you came and spammed like a little kid who got his toys taken away and acted like a child by coming back and just spamming non stop becuase you prob have free time to complain and try to ruin things for us, so I mean if I were you I’d take some time and go touch grass and come back at a later time because you fail to recognize what you did wrong and I mean no offense but I wouldn’t be surprised if you came back and spammed if this got denied but that’s just me and if I expect that and others prob do than you know you prob ain’t ready

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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I'm glad you took responsibility for your actions LMAO

maybe if you actually pretended to care or be remorseful for your actions instead of pretending to be some victim of a accidental ban
You can't get away with this by feigning innocence. Honestly it's a kind of pathetic excuse to try and weasel your way out of guilt

This community is built on 2nd chances but you only get 2nd chances if you're willing to admit you did wrong.

-1, heres hoping you can learn what responsibility is or learn to just fuck off

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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23 minutes ago, Comics said:

I'm glad you took responsibility for your actions LMAO

maybe if you actually pretended to care or be remorseful for your actions instead of pretending to be some victim of a accidental ban
You can't get away with this by feigning innocence. Honestly it's a kind of pathetic excuse to try and weasel your way out of guilt

This community is built on 2nd chances but you only get 2nd chances if you're willing to admit you did wrong.

-1, heres hoping you can learn what responsibility is or learn to just fuck off

I must have worded my appeal incorrectly. I am fully aware of all of the actions, and I am not trying to “weasel my way out of guilt”. I take full responsibility for everything I have done, from MRDM to spamming the server with join messages. I was a part of all of it and I will not deny it. What I was trying to say in my appeal is that I know what I have done, I take full responsibility, and I would like to move on from it. I am confused why you are so hostile towards me, sorry about my poorly made appeal.

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so, just looking through 212th Blacklists, you got in trouble in January of 2020, then in September of 2020 you came back with a group of friends and minged. You also seem to think that it's ok to minge on some accounts and be real on others.


I think the worst thing is the meme. It's not even in the proper format. 


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|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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3 hours ago, flowers said:

I must have worded my appeal incorrectly. I am fully aware of all of the actions, and I am not trying to “weasel my way out of guilt”. I take full responsibility for everything I have done, from MRDM to spamming the server with join messages. I was a part of all of it and I will not deny it. What I was trying to say in my appeal is that I know what I have done, I take full responsibility, and I would like to move on from it. I am confused why you are so hostile towards me, sorry about my poorly made appeal.

I'm hostile because not only are you clearly someone who has been a pain in our arse for fuckin' ages but you also needed to be told to be sorry and accept responsbility

And I don't know about you but you needed to be prodded by us to actually admit to all the annoying & foul things you've done. Wonderous all this detail that magically did not appear on your original appeal message despite you having clear and in-depth knowledge of all your actions. These facts alone is a clear indicator you don't really care at all.

I think the community has suffered enough of your actions, and you couldn't even man up enough to be sorry by yourself
the -1 remains stronger than ever

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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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2 minutes ago, Comics said:

I'm hostile because not only are you clearly someone who has been a pain in our arse for fuckin' ages but you also needed to be told to be sorry and accept responsbility

And I don't know about you but you needed to be prodded by us to actually admit to all the annoying & foul things you've done. Wonderous all this detail that magically did not appear on your original appeal message despite you having clear and in-depth knowledge of all your actions. These facts alone is a clear indicator you don't really care at all.

I think the community has suffered enough of your actions, and you couldn't even man up enough to be sorry by yourself
the -1 remains stronger than ever

I understand your frustration but please try and keep it chill brother

  • Disagree 1

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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3 hours ago, flowers said:

to spamming the server with join messages.

Are you the dude I paid 50 bucks to stop? Lmao

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
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2 minutes ago, Craigary said:

Are you the dude I paid 50 bucks to stop? Lmao

Hold the L kid : ReactionMemes

Also -1

Edited by Sixta
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I am only going to state an opinion rather than vote, I think you should structure your appeal to be more “appealing” or in reality understanding where you went wrong, although I believe everyone deserves another chance. I think you could’ve expressed that more. But for future reference just noting that, wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors. Also professional about the appeal. 👍

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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His picture says he is reformed though.

In all honesty, you know what you did and you have done it more than once. This isn’t one of those things where you just did something not fully understanding what you did. Stay gone -1


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Let’s be real here. We as a community +1 commander applications that look WORSE than this. But I have a question. Eclipse said you have been doing this since 4 years ago. Why should we believe you now?

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

Let’s be real here. We as a community +1 commander applications that look WORSE than this. But I have a question. Eclipse said you have been doing this since 4 years ago. Why should we believe you now?

I’ve been on the server for 2 years at most but that is besides the point. It’s like getting your drivers license for the first time, it’s really exiting and all you want to do is drive around and have fun. This is the equivalent to minging for me. It was funny at first, but gets repetitive and boring. I came to realize that role playing actually was fun, so i’m looking for another chance at that.

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16 hours ago, flowers said:

I’ve been on the server for 2 years at most but that is besides the point. It’s like getting your drivers license for the first time, it’s really exiting and all you want to do is drive around and have fun. This is the equivalent to minging for me. It was funny at first, but gets repetitive and boring. I came to realize that role playing actually was fun, so i’m looking for another chance at that.

I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I mean shit if you get banned again then bye bye! But I hope you have actually changed. +1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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So.... The bans have been wiped as of today... so this appeal is now invalid.. so.. enjoy the server :)

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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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