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Jovanovic's Mas Amedda Application


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Steam Name: Jovanovic

RP Name: Senior Senator Aang

RP Rank: Senior Senator

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79667671




My time as a senator has been relatively short, however very eventful. When I first became senator Aang, the only RP tool available to senators was to walk around as your named character, creating roleplay and being kidnapped. So that’s what I did. For two weeks uninterrupted I logged at least an hour on my character every day, creating roleplay and giving a catalyst for multiple events and encounters revolving around negotiating with me or kidnapping me. (This is partly thanks to Bacta, who did an incredible job supporting Senate RP by engaging with myself and other senators.) Whilst two of the other four senators were logging the minimum time required and the other two hadn’t logged on, I was logging ten to twenty hours a week on my senator, engaging others in RP with every minute of it.


Engaging with other battalions:

I would often ask different battalions if they would like to escort me on a stroll, either creating passive RP or giving GMs an excuse to create a small patrol or encounter. DU, 212th, 501st, 21st, and 104th would often be the subject of these requests, numbers allowing. 

During this time, I also became involved with the Coruscant Guard, regarding their diplomatic services. Because of a lack of senator activity, the DS had been at an all time low, and oftentimes didn’t even guard senators when they were on base. Once again this is not necessarily the fault of the former DSL, but a result of the practical uselessness of it caused by the lack of senator activity. I went to Odric to speak about how to fix this problem, and to his immense credit he was very accommodating. I suggested allowing me to become an outreach of sorts to the diplomatic service, and he agreed. I also recommended a new Diplomatic Service Lead, as the position was empty at the time, and he took it into consideration. I looked forward to working with a new DSL to grow DS again, regardless of how much of a grind it would be. Later that individual was added to the position of DSL and absolutely blew my expectations away, completely reworking DSL into, from an outsider’s perspective, easily the most active part of the battalion. I did not, in any way, have to step in to help, which was a massive success on the part of CG and the DSL — I would like to think I had a part in that as senator.

  I also interacted with the BH guild a decent amount, at least compared to most Republic roleplay. I’ve posted bounties out of my own pocket for roleplay use (IE, images to present to the military oversight committee) as well as directly hiring multiple bounty hunters for various reasons. 


Senior Senator

Later in his term, Robb had multiple real life issues and stresses to take care of which limited his ability to implement and enforce plans he had made. Because of this, he assigned me to senior senator to implement these plans and make the senate function.

Being a senior senator is perhaps the most I’ve ever accomplished in such a short time. Despite being a senior senator for just over a week, I was able to implement many ideas Robb had had that he had not been able to implement, and come up with ideas of my own to take the place of senate functions short-term. I created and implemented the functions of three senate committees, assigned every senator we had to a committee and several battalions, and succeeded in getting two more active senators into the senate. Thanks to their efforts and I’d like to think my direction and example, the senate has been thriving in a level of activity previously unseen, and is on the way to actually affecting the server as more than an event job faction. Unfortunately while being a senior senator I’ve had less opportunity to create RP in game due to writing up proposals for the senate (as well as this app) and studying for finals.



I’ve been in DU for a relatively short time, however in that time I’ve engaged with DU, putting in the work necessary to become a MSG. There’s not too much else to say for this section, except that I’ve enjoyed my time and believe I’ve held up the standards expected of a DU NCO whilst holding my other positions. 



I was the most active NCO in the 41st for a time period, and helped with the significant growth of the ARF Branch. I made it to the rank of WO and implemented and ran the OCS program, to help discover potential officers in the 41st in a time when the 41st was desperately lacking quality, active leadership. I served as an active, engaged WO for a period of a few weeks. The OCS program was later removed by the next Gree.




I spent a significant amount of time on my Jedi throughout my time on the server, but what I’ve put the most effort into has certainly been the consular branch. When I first joined Jedi I immediately joined a battalion, and then the day after joined the consular branch. A day after that I was a sage and a knight, and was offered the position of sage manager. I accepted, and alongside Cyan and Logic helped the consular branch grow. Progress was slow, and I didn’t do much other than host trials. A couple weeks went by and I was added to the position of caretaker of first knowledge (SGML). As SGML I advocated for many of the older, inactive sages to be wiped, which Cyan later did. Afterwards I held several trials a week until sage was almost completely full of active members. A short time later Cyan resigned, and I went for the position of Consular lead. Logic — the only other consular leadership at the time — decided not to apply for the position, and agreed I should go for it. After getting consular lead, myself and Logic ran the branch for a couple weeks until Logic resigned to focus on real life. I ran the consular branch as the status quo — I suggested a few things, none of which were accepted, but I didn’t attempt to change anything major. For the most part trials remained the same and the structure of the consular branch remained static. For many weeks to come I ran the branch essentially alone, (at least, as far as leadership is concerned) trying out different leadership and managers and different methods, and was left with no long term, reliable managers that I decided to make leadership (until Stix, at the end of my time as CL).

Despite not changing much of anything, the consular branch flourished like it hadn’t in months. Looking at the players online at any one time, most unnamed Jedi were almost always consular when they had been a rare sight before. For a long time I was the only branch lead, TGL, SL, ACEL, and GL being empty for extended periods of time. This contributed a great amount towards the growth of the consular branch, and from an internal perspective it seemed like a large majority of active, new Jedi were Consulars. In my opinion, this greatly expanded the Jedi order’s ability and willingness to RP on average as most new Jedi were approaching situations with a consular mindset, willing to roleplay, be peaceful, and use the force. My time as consular lead is certainly the most effort I’ve put into something on this server, and I would say my largest single contribution so far. 


104th | Eeth Koth

I was not as involved in battalion Jedi as I’ve been in the consular branch, however I’ve still made sure to stay engaged with the 104th, and remain active on the server as Eeth Koth. I got the position of Eeth Koth a couple weeks after becoming a Padawan, and have remained as him since. I’ve kept up activity with only a single LOA. 

I joined the 104th the day I got jedi padawan, getting a tryout with the Plo Koon at the time, Lelouch. While his activity was sometimes lacking he was a great friend, and was willing to let me do what I needed to help the 104th Jedi. A week or so after joining 104th I got wolfpack Jedi, and then a week after that was when I got Eeth Koth. I recruited multiple active Jedi to the 104th, and made the 104th the most active Jedi battalion on the server alongside Lelouch and Clutch, who joined a few weeks after me. I’ve been under 2 (almost 3) Wolffe’s now, and while there were times I did not like parts of the 104th, I’ve remained an active part of the battalion my entire time there. When I received the position of Consular lead my 104th jedi activity often took a backseat to the consular branch. This coincided with Clutch taking Plo Koon, and 104th Jedi activity dwindled. After a long time Clutch has recently moved to TGL and left Plo Koon.Because of this, I became Jedi lead and have started slowly rebuilding 104th Jedi, though at the moment I’ve placed more focus on irl finals and the senate.


Why should you become Mas Amedda?: 


When I first became a senator, I was the only senator to put in more than the minimum quota each week. Though I can understand why, every other senator in the senate was either entirely burnt out or inactive. I stayed active for a few weeks, creating roleplay in game and working with multiple factions including the CIS and the CG to give the senate some extra roleplay, hence creating roleplay and something to do for the entire server in the process. 

After these few weeks, I was made senior senator and was given the ability to execute the ideas that Robb had had, and my own, so long as I informed Robb of my decisions. I took to this position with a state of urgency, implementing several new functions for senators to perform, writing up several proposals, passing them through the senate, getting two new active senators within the faction, opening up voting so senators could have a voice, and speaking with each and every senator about plans for the future, and any input they had. 

Robb was instrumental in setting down the baseline and infrastructure for allowing me to do what I did, and the efforts of DS, CG, and all of my fellow senators cannot be discounted, however I would like to think that I am personally responsible for the recent influx in activity and roleplay in the senate faction. 


Do you understand the lore of the Galactic senate?:




Discord: Almost all the time, not available when I’m asleep

TeamSpeak: I am on TeamSpeak often from about noon to midnight most days (this often depends on my sleep schedule), and am available to answer any questions or speak over any concerns.


Varies from day to day, from 3-7 hours between my characters per day. No significant change on weekends. 


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

41st WO 



Senior Senator

Growing the consular branch significantly as consular lead

Being a longstanding Jedi lore character

Revitalizing 104th Jedi during the beginning of my time there

Achieving 104th Jedi lead

Reworked roster systems for multiple branches in the Jedi order

Helped with intel and roster work significantly within the 104th


What do you feel the role of the Mas Amedda is?: 

Obviously at a base level, Mas Amedda’s role is to be the CO of the senate — to keep its members held to its standards and maintain activity. However I believe the main role I will be playing as Mas Amedda is expanding the role of the senate until it encompasses what I feel is a comfortable position, where senators can be engaged in multiple forms of roleplay. My main challenge and responsibility will be helping the senate grow into a full faction with its own identity that will be able to positively affect the server, and speaking with the correct chains of command to implement such changes. 

On a secondary note, I also believe it is the role of Mas Amedda to work with other high command to carefully consider the future of the server as a whole, and keep bearing as to their position of influence within the server. 

Do you have a microphone?: 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: 



How do you plan to improve relations between the senators and the server?: 


I believe that the senate should be an overreaching part of the server in general, not being consolidated in one type of roleplay or group of individuals, but having an effect on almost every part of the server. Because of this, the senate also needs to outreach into virtually every unit in the server. I’ve already begun implementing this by assigning senator liaisons to every clone battalion in the 3 main regiments. Once the senate has become more stable in its active state, SO and even Jedi outreaches can be implemented. 

One thing my predecessor recommended was the addition of regimental representatives, which would do the senate liaison’s job for them. I think it’s also important to keep this option viable in case senators are given more responsibilities than is ideal, and we can allow all battalions to be represented while still allowing senators to work on other, senate side things instead of keeping up with said battalions. 

Another project to help relations between the average battalion and the senate is our “problems” system. Senators are charged with taking problems from their battalions and presenting a roleplay solution to the senate. This could be as simple as allocating more funding to a specific cause, or as complex as starting an entire campaign, deploying a battalion or even entire regiment to deal with a specific issue like a lack of supplies.

I also intend to make the senate almost entirely transparent. If you join our discord (which can be found in our TeamSpeak channel) you will see the bills we have proposed, what they would do, and our discussion of such bills as well as past bills which have either been passed, or failed (again, you can see all past bills on our roster, which is public in our ts channel). You can also see us discussing committee action proposals to send various battalions either additional equipment or on a deployment for a specific mission, or a variety of other roleplay related things. 

Lastly, senators being active, in game, creating roleplay and involving various other factions (even or perhaps especially those not within the republic such as the guild or CIS) in roleplay helps to build rapport with every faction on the server, and improve their opinion of the senate. 


Do you understand that your position has a three month term?: 



 If you have any questions please reach out to me on Discord or TeamSpeak. I will also be glad to answer any questions in the thread below. 


Goodbye, everyone. 

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-1. Your reasons for being removed in 41st I cannot ignore. Manipulation, powerplay. You as well as the band of arma buddies made a mockery of 41st and caused a ton of infighting. I cannot endorse you running for any position. I won't go into detail because haha strike. But no.

  • Agree 1
  • Informative 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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On 4/30/2021 at 5:43 PM, Bleach said:


You were removed from the 41st for Witch Hunting if my memory serves me right.

Not fit for the position if you ask me.


On 4/30/2021 at 5:46 PM, Brooklyn said:

-1. Your reasons for being removed in 41st I cannot ignore. Manipulation, powerplay. You as well as the band of arma buddies made a mockery of 41st and caused a ton of infighting. I cannot endorse you running for any position. I won't go into detail because haha strike. But no.

Question. Would like your side of events before voting.


Your response is not enough for me. I would like your actual side not just "i don't agree with it". Please elaborate publicly i would like it stated for the public record.

-1 can't look past some of the things i've seen and heard here. You might be turning over a new leaf with senate but its just too recent.

Edited by Conrad
  • Pay Respect 1


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+1 one of the reason to for me to actual play fucking Bounty Hunter

  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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5 minutes ago, Bleach said:


You were removed from the 41st for Witch Hunting if my memory serves me right.

Not fit for the position if you ask me.


2 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

-1. Your reasons for being removed in 41st I cannot ignore. Manipulation, powerplay. You as well as the band of arma buddies made a mockery of 41st and caused a ton of infighting. I cannot endorse you running for any position. I won't go into detail because haha strike. But no.

Hi! So obviously, this was going to be a large topic, so I just want to address it right away. 

Of course I believe that my blacklist reason was false, and I've gone to both the directors and liason team about it. I understand nothing I can say will really change anyone's mind as it's a he said/she said situation, however I'd like to think that I've been able to prove in my actions since then I'm here because I want to help the server. If you'd like to talk about it at all, my DMs are always open. 

Goodbye, everyone. 

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5 minutes ago, Conrad said:


Question. Would like your side of events before voting.


Your response is not enough for me. I would like your actual side not just "i don't agree". Please elaborate.


So, it's hard to phrase this without attacking/accusing people of things, and I of course don't want to do that, so I'll try to explain it the best I can with that in mind. 

A few old friends of mine joined the server, and later convinced me to join the server as well in the 41st. We liked the current Gree, Wren, and wanted to support him in running for another term, alongside quite a few other people in the 41st. He did not end up with a 2nd term, and Cloud was put in place as the next Gree. 2 of my other friends had left the server a couple weeks before this, and Jay, another friend, was looking to transfer out because of the generally hostile environment, while I decided to stay. A couple days after he got Gree, Cloud pulled me into a channel and informed me we were all blacklisted from the battalion for powerplaying. 

Since then I've messaged directors, got a screenshot of a message which led Cloud to this decision, and challenged it with both Wolfro and the Liason team. In the end it was determined enough to at least allow the blacklist to stand. Since then I've continued on the server as a Jedi, DU, and Senator. Again, I would hope my actions since then would at least prove I'm not simply here for power or rank. 

  • Winner 2

Goodbye, everyone. 

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I was there with the whole situation with 41st. I someone got muddled in the situation within 2 days of joining back the server. Do I feel some what responsible for how the narrative of Jov being portayed as some kind of master mind manipulator, yes. But I was conflicted with what was going on. Jov didn't really do anything wrong in 41st and I was there and saw it first hand. It was just a bunch of newer players who didn't like the idea of how they percieved Eggs joining into the battalion. Jovonavic didn't even try to get an officer fast track. Wren gave him WO to run OCS and he wanted to run OCS anyway at his normal rank which was like SGM at most. The whole Jovonavic situation seems to be based on one perspective and was just vague accusations. It's hard to justify any manipulation of a minor. Jov has kept his head down been a good Battalion Jedi and probably one of the best senators I've seen in a huge minute, as good senators are few and far between. 


Edit: I would also like to take responsiblity for the warped perception of the Odinsons that Jovonavic and many 41st had during the end of wrens term. After I stopped caring about the whole 41st Apps my perspective on the whole odinson thing cared but that couldn't undo the percieved damage to their repuation among the newer 41st at that time which would include Jovonavic. I kinda feel responsible for how toxic the situation turned out on both ends, while I was unknowingly fueling some bs.

Edited by BigZach
  • Friendly 1


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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54 minutes ago, Jovanovic said:

I was the most active NCO in the 41st for a time period, and helped with the significant growth of the ARF Branch. I made it to the rank of WO and implemented and ran the OCS program, to help discover potential officers in the 41st in a time when the 41st was desperately lacking quality, active leadership. I served as an active, engaged WO for a period of a few weeks. The OCS program was later removed by the next Gree.

if memory serves me correct "cloud is the odinson to go" was what was said before i put my gree app up. Your OCS program was literally a program to float you and your friends to the top of the battalion and i was completely stripped of everything once you guys became officers and the officer wipe instantly coinciding with your groups promotions lea me to believe something was fishy and I began to dig. After many discussions and digging your friend desmond came into my channel the day beforehand and said i caught him and reese red handed in the powerplay attempt, but at the time I couldn't say anything about you then I got the message about everything. Your entire in the battalion was causing chaos and lynch pinning yourself into wrens inner circle and constantly undermining anyone who wasnt your friends, the entirity of the time was factionalism and witch hunting and a near civil war in the 41st. You were the main perpetrator of the officer wipe if I am not mistaken and tried to convince wren to make Desmond GCL when he was neither an officer or did green company tryouts. You would constantly report me for my minor inconsistencies during this time and then when it looked like I was most likely gonna be gree you sucked up to me. With OCS you, reese, desmond, and Jay used the OCS program to take advantage of a 15 yo and climb the ranks as well as starting drama and witch hunting several people, namely on wrens application for gree for anyone that -1d him and the witch hunting of the Odinsons out of the 41st, and then the second i became gree i saw a different face of you, where you refused to go against my points and began to suck up to me, after being very opposed to me.

TLDR you are lying about what happened, you lied about the OCS program on your app and what happened to you in 41st as you are permanently blacklisted and the first person to be perma blacklisted on the new server perma blacklist log, you witch hunted me and my friends. You lied to the high staff team and are now lying on your app not saying that you were perma blacklisted or why7 you left/got kicked out of the 41st and nearly ruined the first month of my term. -1

  • Winner 7
  • Informative 2
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From what I've seen, I think you'd do good. (I don't know everything about the 41st shit, but I know enough to not take either side at face value. Because of that I'm not really factoring it into my decision).

  • Friendly 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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-1 ima be honest here, I can not support you going for this position, with the whole 41st issue and the attitude issues I have seen from you before I just do not see you being a good fit in this position at all.

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Just now, Jovanovic said:

Hey! Could you please elaborate on these attitude issues so I know how I can improve?

As far as I am aware, you have already been told about said issues once or twice but some of the other Masters. If you really want to know, the main one I am talking about is when you were arguing about the meaning of double or nothing with me and being blatantly rude to me, calling me an idiot, dumb, and a retard at one point. There is a difference in calling someone these things in a friendly way and saying them in a hostile intent. This is as far as I will go in my response as I don't want to cause any sort of drama.

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Just now, Luther said:

As far as I am aware, you have already been told about said issues once or twice but some of the other Masters. If you really want to know, the main one I am talking about is when you were arguing about the meaning of double or nothing with me and being blatantly rude to me, calling me an idiot, dumb, and a retard at one point. There is a difference in calling someone these things in a friendly way and saying them in a hostile intent. This is as far as I will go in my response as I don't want to cause any sort of drama.

Hi, to clarify, no, I was not spoken to about these issues.

Other than that, I'd just like to say I would never call someone those names in a hostile manner over something so arbitrary. I'd just like to say apologies, then, that any comments I made were taken that way.  

Goodbye, everyone. 

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16 minutes ago, Luther said:

As far as I am aware, you have already been told about said issues once or twice but some of the other Masters. If you really want to know, the main one I am talking about is when you were arguing about the meaning of double or nothing with me and being blatantly rude to me, calling me an idiot, dumb, and a retard at one point. There is a difference in calling someone these things in a friendly way and saying them in a hostile intent. This is as far as I will go in my response as I don't want to cause any sort of drama.

Well to be honest this sounds a lot like you're overexaggerating, i heard from a master that you got him on a bad watch week cause of him simply calling you dumb, im not going to say who, but this is the most overexaggerated shit i've seen.

as well, for the time being im not voting until i get more input from others since i personally dont know enough at the moment to decide

  • Agree 1
  • Funny 1
  • Informative 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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6 minutes ago, Piff said:

Well to be honest this sounds a lot like you're overexaggerating, i heard from a master that you got him on a bad watch week cause of him simply calling you dumb, im not going to say who, but this is the most overexaggerated shit i've seen.

as well, for the time being im not voting until i get more input from others since i personally dont know enough at the moment to decide

That was not the only time I have seen attitude issues from him, but you are in no place to speak on this issue, clearly you don't have the whole story and were not there.

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3 minutes ago, Luther said:

That was not the only time I have seen attitude issues from him, but you are in no place to speak on this issue, clearly you don't have the whole story and were not there.

I mean i did get details, i got details from a master who witnessed the situation, and spoke about it and if you had an issue with him, you should bring it up prior and not hold it to yourself and bring it up when it benefits you cause if you dont say anything than he wont know anything, and if he himself doesnt know anything about it you of course didnt say anything, so regardless of me having enough details or not, keeping things to yourself helps no one.

  • Agree 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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1 minute ago, Piff said:

I mean i did get details, i got details from a master who witnessed the situation, and spoke about it and if you had an issue with him, you should bring it up prior and not hold it to yourself and bring it up when it benefits you cause if you dont say anything than he wont know anything, and if he himself doesnt know anything about it you of course didnt say anything, so regardless of me having enough details or not, keeping things to yourself helps no one.

This is my last response as I don't want this to go any further but, this is not the first time I have brought up these issues and this gives me no personal gain what so ever, so I don't know what you are talking about.

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+1 last mas fully supports you, as well you revived senators from being completely dead. Who cares about something you did 3 months ago from my experience with your work and determination  in the 104th I feel you will do well in this position.

  • Friendly 1

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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Head Admin

I do not know you at all, but I'm voting purely going off of the comments about the past with the 41st I am gonna put in a -1. Either way, good luck.

  • Disagree 1
  • Funny 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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I'm not gonna post an opinion on this I'm just gonna share my experience.

He's done some fantastic work in Senate and is trying his very very hardest to push it to a better more important place. Your work is probably the single thing keeping Senate in the server and you've got some insane drive to keep it going to a better place.
I cannot speak on your wishes for Mas or why you want to go for it. I cannot speak on your time in the 41st.
But I can speak upon what you've done for the senate and the things you're allowing us to achieve. Whether you would be a good Mas isn't up to me, because I just don't know.

Criticism him on his behaviour in 41st all you want but make sure to actually look for what he's doing for the Senate.

Also don't be inconsistent in your shitty views. You can't write off behaviour from 3 months ago, that may be seriously indicative of inability to lead, if there's no evidence their morals have changed at all. Time doesn't mean anything unless they actively try to evolve and learn.

Edited by Comics
  • Agree 2
  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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This running will be interesting to see how it plays out. I will come down to how you portray the character and complete the duties that needs to be completed. I personally don’t think we’ve interacted too much,  but from what I hear on this thread. You are a good senator but have had issues with your clone character. 

I’ll give you +1 as seeing people state you have done well as a senator, and I hope to continue with it. Learn of the past events within the 41st and try not to do what members of the battalion are stating you did. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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Hey, I was in 501st when Desmond and his friends, the guys involved in the 41st civil war, tried to take over that battalion. I saw what they did, and I warned people in the 41st when they all went there. I cannot remember if you were involved in the 501st situation specifically but I know you were there and heavily involved in the 41st one. I am now in 104th and you are out Jedi Lead. I have been told by multiple people based on your history with 41st to not trust you but I have mostly ignored it and agreed with your promotion to Jedi lead. Will you be able to handle 104th Jedi Lead, Eeth Koth, trying to get master (90% sure you said you were trying to get it), and Mas Amedda? Also some of these issues others have with Attitude I have seen as well, but it mostly seems like jokes. Sometimes just remember others might not think it is a joke. I will respond when you answer my main question which I underlined.

  • Informative 1


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I was once a senior senator and understand the time and dedication it takes to hold the position with little activity from Mas. I also believe in giving people more opportunities just as people have given me. You have done an ok job as 104th Jedi and you have done an ok job on your senator. With that being said I am going to give you a +1 and hope if you do get it you are more active then the last few that has held the position because they did good as senators but they did not as Mas.

Edited by Deathtiger
Fixed Typo
  • Friendly 1


The Wannabe's Corner | qipaos: Knightfall trailer aesthetics (x) ...

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57 minutes ago, FatherHanz said:

Hey, I was in 501st when Desmond and his friends, the guys involved in the 41st civil war, tried to take over that battalion. I saw what they did, and I warned people in the 41st when they all went there. I cannot remember if you were involved in the 501st situation specifically but I know you were there and heavily involved in the 41st one. I am now in 104th and you are out Jedi Lead. I have been told by multiple people based on your history with 41st to not trust you but I have mostly ignored it and agreed with your promotion to Jedi lead. Will you be able to handle 104th Jedi Lead, Eeth Koth, trying to get master (90% sure you said you were trying to get it), and Mas Amedda? Also some of these issues others have with Attitude I have seen as well, but it mostly seems like jokes. Sometimes just remember others might not think it is a joke. I will respond when you answer my main question which I underlined.

Hey, so just to clarify first, I was not involved in the 501st situation at all, have no context for it, have never been in the 501st, and was not even a part of the community at the time. I didn't hear about it until after I was blacklisted from 41st. I was also barely involved with that group of friends at the time, as I'd not been in the arma unit for years, which was also the case for another one of my friends. The most interaction I had with them during that time period was trying to teach them how to trade, as they were all looking to get into it. That was the largest interaction we'd had for a good year until they asked me to join this server, and join the 41st.


Also, slightly concerned about the attitude issues part but im glad it mostly came off as jokes. If you wanna dm me later so I can make sure I come off better, that'd be awesome.


And lastly, I've recently resigned from order work, and am no longer attempting to go for a position of master. That being said I plan to hold up Eeth Koth and 104th jedi lead, and can't see it being an issue remaining sufficiently active on both. Obviously if it at some point does become an issue, Mas will be my #1 priority and if necessary I will resign from Eeth Koth and the 104th, though I'd prefer to not have to do this.


Thanks for pointing out constructive points and allowing me to respond, I appreciate it.

Edited by Jovanovic
Spelling, clarification
  • Informative 2

Goodbye, everyone. 

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Forum Admin

The issues brought up in this application, as far as I am aware, happened months ago and have 0 correlation with his Senatorial activities. I am glad someone is stepping up to assist in the senator program and I truly hope you, Jovanovic, feel as though you changed from the experience you have had in 41st. I am sure the directors will keep a close eye if you are accepted, good luck.


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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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+1 I don’t know the details of anything that happened in 41st, but I’ve only seen good things from you as a senator and Eeth Koth. Good luck, and I am glad that you have been able to grow from what happened in 41st

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Jedi Youngling

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-1 Can’t look past the 41st situation. 


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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+1, wasn't there for that whole 41st situation nor do I care, the past is the past, Growth and Development. Also can't thank you enough for the DSL recommendation.

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Current: Alpha-12 | Former: GMO | Mr.Built Different | RC-1136 Darman | RC-3222 Atin

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+1 I have seen him change from what happened in the past.

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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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As a 41st member who watched the entire situation break apart and seen both sides of the situation through and through, I can attest that this time in the 41st was not a very fun time. The battalion essentially split in half with two sides as soon as the BCMD applications opened. For the two weeks leading up to the application process many secret little meetings were held amongst certain members supporting specific sides when only Cloud or Wren were online. Ultimately, we all know who got the position and when a certain chain of information was recieved, actions were done accordingly by Cloud. I WILL NOT take sides on who was right or wrong in this situation as in my opinion both sides were definitely not doing good things. What happened in the past should stay in the past. If Jova had simply just given up on Synergy after the incident in the 41st, I wouldn't be writing anything after this.

When I joined jedi, Jova completely convinced me to become a Sage and now months later I'm a consular manager helping out in the Jedi. When I first stepped into the Jedi, I really didn't care to try doing anything because all my expectation dropped as soon as I become a Padawan but we can leave that topic for another forum post. Jova convinced me to RP on my jedi and stick around and honestly looking at it now, he was the main reason why the consular branch performed so well for the past couple months. From my perspective, Jova held the consular branch and Sages up during his time as leadership and lead by example in the Jedi. 

I became Bail O(bama)rgana on a whim to see what the senate would be like. I was looking at the time to join something that would allow me to apply more complex rp in tangent with my Gamemaster responsibilities in game. When I joined and still to this day, Jovanovic practically runs the senate from my perspective. For the first time in my career on Synergy, I actually saw the Senate doing more than just existing on the f4 menu or running around in the MHB. If you join the PUBLIC SENATE DISCORD, you can see just what we have been doing and I can confidently say that mostly all of what we currently do is a result from Jova stepping up as a Senior Senator and actually placing infrastructure for the senate to rp. Mas Ameda is a senate position, Jova has done a ridiculous amount of work for the senate and I believe his actions as a Jedi and Senior Senator have shown that his character is not simply just some random dude powerplaying. He could've just left after the 41st incident and joined some other random SWRP server to rise in their ranks if he was interested in powerplaying. Jova puts in genuine work and I believe that he is the best candidate we have within the Senate to take the throne of Mas Ameda.

Lemme remind you the last time the world held grudges and profusely punished a country for their actions. The Treaty of Versailles can be accredited for most of the cause for WWII and all it took was just people to move on and treat others humanely. To the 41st, Jova fucked up and his actions were not ok. I would like to remind you that only hate broods out of hate, jova is putting in more hours of work in the Senate then any other senator and he deserves the right to be accredited the position for what he is doing in the Senate. Life goes on, people change and sometimes, people need to move on. Jova stuck it out regardless of what people thought of him and gave his best in each of his duties I have seen him attend to since. I ask you all to look only at one instance, one event does not define a persons character. I believe jova has proved himself over time that he is seriously trying to improve Synergy RP and honestly not too many people are willing to put in the same amount of time and work that he does. 

  • Winner 4
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I will not give my vote either since I'm working with him anyways and i'll be acting the same way I do regardless of if he is mas or just senior senator.

As it stands, I know that there are issues that have happened in the past, shit happens. Normally I would agree with the people that are currently -1ing right now, but that is not the case for me. Obviously people don't feel it's the right time for you, and some feel that it is. During Jovanovic's time in DU he was watched carefully because of his issue with 41st, and I can honestly say he has A. not caused any drama in the battalion, B. has been active even though he, like I, am balancing the new work ethic of the senators, and C. Made not indication that he has hostility to anyone at this point in time.

On the senator side, he picked Comics, Deku, and I off our lazy asses and is getting us more stuff to do, passing Bills, making proposals, working in new committees. Maybe It's just the threat of the senate being removed that got us into high gear, but even if that is the case, he led us while Robb was busy and made the senate numbers more active in general.

Now I know cloud very well and I trust his word on many things, that goes for a number of other players, but I believe that he won't abuse the power given if he gets this and that he will only improve the senate if he is the next Vice Chairman. Definitely there are people that can't forgive him for what he did, but are you all willing to give the power to a less experienced senator or someone outside the senate a position that would require them to intimately know the workings of the senate?

"Everyone deserves a second chance, no one deserves a third."

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Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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At the time being a Commander within the 41st under Wren. When you joined I was warned by 501st High Command to watch out for you and some others. When you were in the 41st you and a few others would mass -1 people's applications for Leadership positions within the 41st and you would mass +1 people within your little group of people who joined the 41st. After Cloud got Gree, you tried to Power Play your way up the ranks of the 41st. Cloud saw through this and removed you and many others because you tried to sneak your way up the ranks without anyone seeing. For this reason I will be -1ing. 

Edited by Grief
  • Winner 1



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+1 Jovanovic is the best person for this position and he has been putting in the work to improve the Senate and he has been working tirelessly. He is the best person for this position and while I understand that some people aren't going to be able to "look past" or "move past" the 41st incident, just look at what he is doing now. He is working hard

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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