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Senior AR Commander Gene's Marshal Commander Application


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Steam Name:

[SR] Gene Starwind [OVS]



RP Name:

Senior AR Commander Gene / Gunnery Major Commodore Gene / Shadow K V Gene / Spec Ops JT PVT Starwind


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):

Gene Starwind (STEAM_0:1:4826954)


Brigade you are applying for:

Marshal Commander for the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic.



I have about 4024 hours logged in Garry's Mod 98% of which has all been Starwars Roleplay.

(On Icefuse Networks)

Naval - Admiral Yularen, Commodore, Commissioner Of Activities (Rejoined)

RC- Darman(CPT) Niner (CMD)

GM - XO,(Rejoined) LTC 4th Airborne Company Overseer > Commander Bacara 

Kellers Unit - COL Jet Leader

187th - MSG

Spec Ops - SGT


Jedi - Knight VIIII Consular Seer, (Rejoined) Jedi Guardian Knight I


(Synergy Roleplay CWRP)

Senior Attack & Recon Commander 

Attack Regimental Commander

GM - Battalion Commander Bacara 

Naval Fleet - Gunnery Major Commodore

Jedi - Shadow Sentinel Knight V 

 41st SCT PVT 

Spec Ops JT PVT


(On Other SWRP servers)

ST - Commander Fox

ARF - Commander


91st - 1stLT

Spec Ops - 2ndLT

212th - 2ndLT


501st - SSG

89th Flight Corps - SGT




Why should you become a Marshal Commander?:

I feel that if given this opportunity that I can make the Grand Army here at Synergy flourish and bring on a new chapter of "Serious RP". I feel that as of right now Synergy portrays that we are serious roleplay, when in fact most of the battalions on the server are not serious. I feel that if we get Synergy roleplay into the serious server it was meant to be that all around everyone will be having more fun and more in depth events and immersion to the server. I feel that if we are serious that our events would actually hold meaning instead of just pointing troopers in a certain direction and telling them to shoot at a million clankers. If we all work together and try to make this change I can assure you that your time here on synergy will be more meaningful and more immersive. With the right mindset and the right attitude we can achieve this, with more enforcement on the minging and rule breaking we will be bringing in a new crowd of people that only play on serious servers, and we can have the in depth immersion that everyone is seeking for in the first place. I feel that if I become the next marshal commander that i can help all of the battalions underneath me to a better state than when I first start my term.


Do you understand the lore of the Grand Army?:

Yes i understand the lore of the Grand Army and will prove it in my interview.



M-Sat 6pm-2am i work a job that requires me to be there 40-50 hours a week.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


Senior Attack & Reconnaissance Commander

Fresh off the regimental spot I got one step closer to my goal. I took my spot as Senior commander and got to work immediately. I met with each of the battalions under my control and addressed their current problems and found ways to fix them. I reviewed every single battalions roster and main documents and provided a fresh template for the battalions to work with. Most of the battalions I had met with were using documentation that was made 6 months to a year ago and were extremely out of date or inaccurate. After making new rosters for each of the battalions, even the ones that I had no power over, I took the next step and made sure that Intel teams were set up to maintain the documents that I had given them and explained how the documents work and how to keep them up to date and accurate. My time as Senior commander has really let me experience the server in a different light, I now understand the inner dealings of each and every battalion, and have actively met with them and continued to help them throughout my term as Senior with what ever problems may arise. I feel that in my Senior term I have done the most growth out of any of the positions here at Synergy as far as how I address certain issues and how i can find ways to deal with them appropriately.

Attack Regimental Commander

My time as attack regimental commander had taught me alot of important lessons that i took for granted as a BCMD, as attack regimental I understood what it meant to have more than one battalion under your control. New to high command I didn't really know what to do at first so I did what I do best I started building. I started on a 7 planet dupe series that shuttled off clones to different planet-side missions that they would have to complete. each battalion was graded and scored based on the completion of the mission, how many troopers they lost, how long they took to complete the mission, and if they completed it in the allotted time. The first dupe I made was Nar Shaddaa it took me over 6 hours to complete, when I first introduced it to the battalions they loved it and the idea of it, their feedback on the first simulation was the driving force on why i needed to complete all 7 planet dupes. throughout the missions I would evaluate each battalion on how they did and from week to week see the improvements they made. The organization started to form within the battalions as they began to understand that these missions were 100% serious and that they were being graded on it and was there for all the battalions to see.  As we progressed to the end of my term I had gotten through 6 of my 7 planet dupes when the server switched thier prop packs to not include the mass effect props which most of my dupes used heavily. As for my time as regimental I kept a log on how all the battalions did throughout all the training's and can be seen here in the link below.


Naval Fleet

When I joined Naval Tarkin/ Archer was Admiral, the naval was a fun place to be and had a bunch of experienced players in it unfortunately that didn't last long and tarkin became inactive. after he got removed from admiral i applied for it and got it. the state of naval was sad, there were 4 active members when i took admiral and tryouts were non existent. with max and technodad as my right hand men we reformed naval and made new rules and tryouts, and gave naval a sense of purpose on the ship. Before long naval was alive again and training and tryouts were happening daily the state of naval had turned around for the better. But before I could really stretch my legs as admiral odessey demoted me out of the spot. but this isnt where the story ends, Max went on to be admiral with the ideals we set in place and expanded naval in a way that i had never seen, three branches were added and now naval had duties as engineers medics and quartermaster. at the end of max's term naval was in a good state this was around the time i rejoined naval. Technodad now took the Admiral spot and i stepped back into naval, i helped techno with whatever he needed and decided to take on the title of Commissioner of Activities. As COA it was my job to check in with every battalion and see how the state of their battalion was doing. along with this i would run simulations for the battalions to engage in, and training they requested through the meetings i had. but if it weren't through the efforts of techno max and myself naval wouldn't be what it is today.

Galactic Marines 

I feel that my time as Bacara has come to an end, after a year and a half of being Galactic Marines I finally feel what i set out to do when I first joined the regiment is now complete. I have watched GM grow from just me and Dill back on icefuse into the serious and strong regiment it is today. Back when I first joined GM i was originally a 187th trooper all the other battalions were alive and active and then there was Dill. Dill literally made up GM back in the day he was the only trooper that stayed true to the GM colors, seeing as I was getting bored with 187th I decided to take a leap of faith. I tried out for GM and Dill hosted my tryouts, I remember being nervous but also thinking of how great the lore is in GM and what they do for the republic. After completing my tryouts i finally was in and my main goal was to breathe life back into GM. With just me and dill active and the high command spotty, based got Bacara, 12 hours later he got perma banned and GM was back to being commanderless. We set out to remake GM from the Galactic Memes of the old days into something new and fresh, we remade the documents we redid the tryouts and more and more people started joining. Dill eventually became Bacara and the regiment flourished. With a new Commander and more people in the regiment I felt that what I first set out to do was starting to work. Dill eventually moved on and Medic took the Bacara Spot, with a new commander came new rules and stricter policy's within GM. the battalion was feeling alive at this point people were on daily we respected each other and treated one another like family it was something I never experienced with any other battalion. We eventually became bigger so much so that we were beating all the other battalions out on active numbers. Eventually Medic Moved on and became high staff and Forseen took the Bacara spot. With new members being inducted daily and more people in the regiment we looked to see what can be added into the unit, the answer was Kellers Unit. With a ton of lore backing it we put in the request to have it added and it got approved This is about the time that I got downed by Odyssey removed from my staff naval and jedi positons and I basically quit playing G mod for about 3 months. When I came back Number was Bacara, GM was in a bad spot with inactivity and numbers the overall state of GM was not what i remember it to be when I left. Eventually Number's inactivity led to his removal from Bacara, at this point I felt it was my time to take GM onto the track it is today. I applied for Bacara and got the spot, I remade all of the battalion documents along with all the training associated with the battalion and refreshed the tryouts and put new rules into place. these core rules were what me and dill sought to have back when i first joined GM. With new rules in place we made the move from icefuse to Synergy. The entire battalion switched over and our numbers skyrocketed. with the new tryouts and rules the battalion had a sense of serious rp and a sense of family once again i felt home. Fast foward to today Galactic marines are over 50 active members strong and 10 kellers unit active the core rules are now the values that each trooper exercises every day in the server. At the end of my leadership here in GM i can honestly say i am proud at the current state of the unit and feel like once i move on the high command will keep the battalion alive and the core values intact.



Do you have a microphone?:

Yes i have a Logitec G430 that works perfectly.


Where do you want the Grand Army to be at the end of your term?:

I feel that the battalions I control should be in a better state than when I take my term as marshal, I feel with the right mindset, training and simulations we can make this server into the "Serious" roleplay server we portray it to be. Right now I do not see Synergy as a serious RP, only a few battalions practice this and have people in them that are 100% in character all the time. now this does not mean I want you guys to be in that mindset, I want to see the server crack down on the minging and rule breaking and be more on the serious side of RP. I feel that if given this position that I can help promote a sense of serious RP, and get battalions more organized and get all the inner battalion dealings sorted out and delt with in the appropriate way. I feel with the right mindset, orginization, and documentation the battalions can progress to a point that we have never seen here at Synergy. 


How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?:

I feel that documentation makes a battalion stronger, with the right information given to new troopers they can understand the lore of their regiment and understand the inner workings of their battalion and get more indepth with the roleplay here at Synergy. Along with strong documentation comes organization, with a proper team to maintain a battalion and keep the activities and documents up to date and current make for a stronger battalion overall. As far as the relations between the regiments I plan on re working the priorities given to the high command and make sure that the senior and regimental commanders are actively engaging in their battalion and doing something to help them rather than sit in their position and wait for their term to be up. I feel that if we have active regimental commanders and senior commanders that actively do simulations, training's and physical training that the high command can get more in depth with the players of each regiment and understand how they work and what they love to do inside their respective battalion. If the high command is strong and has good relations with each of their battalions they control i believe that we can really gear synergy into the next chapter of its time here on Gmod and make it the best star wars roleplay server out there. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes I completely understand that if I become inactive I will be removed from the position of Marshal Commander.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your senior commander rank?:

Yes I understand that I must re-apply once my term is over to maintain the rank of Marshal Commander.

  • Agree 4

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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  • Coordinator

-1 after hearing all of this

Edited by woeny23
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I have read through this document and am sadden, not for jealously, not for anything so petty, it is because when I joined GM I was able to know my regimental commander Gene more, and see him a lot. He gave us good training Sims, he had a strong interpersonal relationship with GM and his regiments, however when he was promoted AND the battalions shifted under different categorizations not under him, I have been unable to ascertain any form of his awesome training, encouragements, or advisory toward our battalion due to his dedication of helping the battalions under him. I do envy the battalions that he became in charge of because I knew they would have the best chance of actually growing, and overall become greater. Now he goes even further up the chain of command, in such a post, he may be able to assist in a grander fashion then before, taking time, training the regimental commanders and seniors to overall improve the garrison on the ship.

In the end, with all the knowledge I know of him, that may even seem biased. I do approve of his tenacity towards good works for the army, his competence in understanding what battalions can utilize to improve themselves, and his level head that is always desired. That the only sad note is that I will not be able to have another great regimental like him.  So, in sum, my approval will be for his increase of station towards Marshal.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -Signed with respect

                                                                                                                                  -Lieutenant Colonel Smokes of the Galactic Marines

Edited by TR GM 4thHRHL CSM Smokes
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2 minutes ago, Korm said:

What are your plans for Null as Marshal Commander?

I mean, we don't really listen to you or anyone besides Papa Kal, but... I wanna know.

I plan on having your respective regimental and senior commanders meet with you guys more regularly and start running exercises and simulations to test your skills on the battlefield and help improve relations between your battalions and the other battalions here on the server.

  • Agree 2

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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So imma -1 this, not based off of who you are but something you've done and your activity.

1.You tried to enforce a document into a battalion that didn't need it(keeping it vague to keep the bullshit to a minimum) and then stated "If you don't get it done I will get someone who can. The High Command might reconsider the BCMDs leadership for that." 

If higher ups would like to know details of this situation is, please contact me and I will explain the situation.

This my way or highway statement, in my opinion, is the worst form of leadership. 

2.Also your activity here doesn't show much either. If you were on LOA, we don't know when staff are on LOA due to it now being on the staff discord rather than a public place, you may void the activity portion.

Edited by Medic
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1 hour ago, Medic said:

So imma -1 this, not based off of who you are but something you've done and your activity.

1.You tried to enforce a document into a battalion that didn't need it(keeping it vague to keep the bullshit to a minimum) and then stated "If you don't get it done I will get someone who can. The High Command might reconsider the BCMDs leadership for that." 

If higher ups would like to know details of this situation is, please contact me and I will explain the situation.

This my way or highway statement, in my opinion, is the worst form of leadership. 

2.Also your activity here doesn't show much either. If you were on LOA, we don't know when staff are on LOA due to it now being on the staff discord rather than a public place, you may void the activity portion.


As for my activity most people that talk to me on a daily basis knows i was out of a job since a week before christmas. It had gotten to a point that if i didn't find a job soon i wouldn't be able to keep on living where i was staying. I took the LOA to find a new job and i have found one. As for me playing ARK on my LOA.. well all i can say is that i enjoy playing other games and decided to take the LOA and step back for an entire week and not log into GMOD.  Honestly though Medic, what I do on my LOA shouldn't have to be publicized to the world. i didn't need everyone knowing my situation and therefore i posted it in the staff LOA section rather than the forums. When i came back from my LOA i had 19 hours in the past 2 weeks i think by your gyazo it proves the fact that ive been active since my LOA has been up.

As for me "forcing" a battalion to use new documents i never forced it upon them and quite literally the high staff told me to weed out the "billiamizim". the documents they had been using was over a year old along with that there was a lot of inaccurate info on the roster itself and no space to leave comments as far as activity or strikes or recommendations, their old document quite literally had a name and a date attached to it and that was it. Alot of the recruitment trackers and the graphs they had were not kept up and updated regularly. I spoke at great lengths with joah, forseen, jackson, Mamba, Crys, Gearshift, Cblake, and the rest of the 212th high command as to why they needed to change things up in the 212th. it wasn't until recently that 212th actually had ownership over thier OWN documents and discord. literally the whole thing could be erased and they would have nothing and no backups for them to reference to since the owner of their documents no longer plays on the server and at a whim could delete it. I spent hours with them working with them on this new document trying to help them get a hold of their battalion and get their documents secured. and im pretty sure the "Higher Ups" already know about this.


  • Agree 1

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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7 minutes ago, Patrick said:

Naw I kid +1
(Dont forget to still do those weekly battalion simulations)


too bad they got rid of the mass effect props im prob going to rebuild them just havent had time yet

  • Agree 1

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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3 hours ago, Gene_Starwind said:

As for me "forcing" a battalion to use new documents i never forced it upon them and quite literally the high staff told me to weed out the "billiamizim"

I call bullshit :)

We're moving to the new doc because we were forced and most of your arguments there are just invalid and I can go into a lot of detail. This is not my response to the app just yet but it does summon what's coming. I'm not gonna let it become dramatic and I won't rant and/or flame but I have criticism, COMING SOON ON SR FORUMS!

Edited by BlackMamba
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before I begin I want you to know, I have nothing against you and I think you are a great guy and I am not meaning anything as disrespect to anyone.

I have been around for a while and I have seen many battalions rise and fall and rise again. Just because someone can make docs does not mean they are a good leader or a good commander. Yes organization helps but all battalions have a certain way they run, when you come in and start changing things around and trying to do things that the commanders don't need or want, it messes up the whole battalion. I have run my battalion for almost an entire year while using the same docs and tryouts and I will admit that we are not the most serious battalion by a long shot but when you came to me with a whole new roster, and I did appreciate the offer for new docs but I did not want them or need them and when I told you that you seemed to get a bit flustered and confused.

My second point: Getting involved in battalions that don't really need it and micromanaging. I believe that High command should only really get involved in the inner workings of a battalion if they ask for it or really truly need it. With the sims, those are great because they keep people occupied and battalions are able to practice and improve what they need to practice and improve on, such as communication but when you start going through the battalions telling the BCMD how to do their job and run things even though it is already running fine, issues and conflicts arise. 

I'm no high command guy but as a commander when people start going through my stuff, telling my people how to do their jobs, and acting like I don't know what I am doing it makes me angry and I am pretty sure it makes other people angry as well.

TLDR: You get involved in the wrong ways, even though intentions are good, and when someone doesn't want it to be that way, you get mad.


  • Agree 7
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-1 reasons outlined by Medic, though if you're out of a job then why do you still have 200~ hours in total in those last two weeks, with 3/4 of them being ARK?

I also think you'll probably end up micromanaging battalions too much and that's really just not a good idea IMO.


Edited by Faoeoa
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-1 You need to learn to let BCMD's run their battalion the way they want to. If it's working for them, don't try to fix it. Why fix what's not broken? If you can say you won't try and force people under your thumb, then I will change my vote. You are a great guy to talk to and have fun with, but not a great guy when it comes to gaining more power. This is a game, not a real life military, nobody wants to be forced to do stuff on a game.

Edited by Kurama_Senpai_
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4 hours ago, Egg said:

but when you start going through the battalions telling the BCMD how to do their job and run things even though it is already running fine, issues and conflicts arise. 


4 hours ago, Egg said:

I'm no high command guy but as a commander when people start going through my stuff, telling my people how to do their jobs, and acting like I don't know what I am doing it makes me angry and I am pretty sure it makes other people angry as well.


4 hours ago, Egg said:

when you come in and start changing things around and trying to do things that the commanders don't need or want, it messes up the whole battalion.

Egg, I 100% agree with you and I don't think I could've said it better than you. 

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Finally back from school and can reply. It's my time to shine.

Gene, you know that I like you as a friend and I've had multiple time just sitting with you in a channel, laughing and joking and it was fun. I have NOTHING against you as a person but I do have issues with the way you try to lead battalions that are under your lead but are not your battalions... Speaking personally from the 212th point of view, the battalion is owned by, first of all, me, as BCMD Cody, then by the CMDs, officers NCOs and all members. We work our asses off day in and day out for the 212th and we manage it we run it SUCCESSFULLY (yeah, it's not perfect but nothing is perfect in this world). I was told by Zander and Joah that I was put as BCMD Cody because they trust me to run the battalion but the way you treat me as a BCMD (and I see more people thinking that way) it shows me little to no trust even though the 212th is a fine battalion that is doing just ok. And believe me that if I would need help I would ask for it, just like I did when I needed help from Joe when he was the ATK REG Commander and just like I did when I couldn't lead the 212th officer meeting and wasn't sure if my CMDs could to so I went to you and Core and asked for help. I'm not a part of high command but I know that I'm right when I'm saying that this is when you should step in, that and when someone is breaking rules. I believe that it's not only you that is doing that, I felt it coming from the current ATK REG Commander Jackson and I'm really not happy about it and I really feel like you just care about things going your way and try to change stuff that you don't even need to care or worry about but just because you don't like it, it has to be changed. Just like the members of my battalion they're not gonna like every single decision I make and same for high command, they will not like every change that I make but that's when you gotta realise, it's the battalion I run so if I fuck up it's my problem, let me do shit my way, PLEASE. I feel that you but not only you have gotten in my way of leading the 212th (without me breaking any rule) way too often recently and I don't like seeing this getting higher in ranks, getting more power and eventually you would be able to do whatever the fuck you want. With all that explains I'll go into a point with a lot of points in it that I have.

Medic asked me to tell him what we were told when we were asked (forced) to change our roster document and I sent him EXACTLY what you said, and I quote:
"If you won't do this, I'll find someone who will" which is threatening me with a demotion just because you have the power to without me breaking any rules and just because I didn't want you to "fix" something that isn't broken. Adding to that, after I tried to tell you to let me keep our old document which escalated into a heated argument you said "after all this it makes me think that I need to reconsider your leadership" which just made me have a "what the fuck?!" face and almost made my 2ndLT @bryzord (Coleman/Goldie) almost explode, he started freaking out because he knows that the way I lead the 212th is working just fine and as much as I was mad I had to tell him to calm down so he doesn't get himself into trouble. Now, yeah sure I didn't blindly follow your "offer" (more like order) to move the new roster but how does that make you "reconsider my leadership"? Sure, good soldiers follow orders but good leaders stand strong and hold their beliefs firmly so I wasn't gonna give up on something that I didn't want to get rid of. About the whole "Billiamsm" thing you said, sure, I hate what Billiam did after his removal and I told him I think he's a dumbass several times for what he did but you ignore the fact that he was one of the best Codys we've ever had, he had great work ethic and great leadership abilities and when I talked to Zander, Forseen, Joah and Jek they all agreed with me that what Billiam did after is removal is RETARDED but he was a hard worker and he did some good stuff (which he ruined when he was removed) but if we keep a document that was used during Billiam's time as Cody doesn't mean we're "Billiamising" or whatever you wanna call it. This roster was created by former Commander Cody "Maloik" who was a great Cody and I'm sure Joah knows him, it was passed to people such as XO Plague, XO Gopher (great people) and eventually was passed to Billiam. Yeah, Billiam added some averages and graphs but it was not HIS document, it's, in fact, Maloik's if you really want to title someone as the first owner of it. We had about 3 weeks that we were lacking in terms of intel but a new roster won't fix it (unless you have an automatic roster, which is not the case). if the intel team doesn't do its job no roster will work. Moving on to your argument of "the document was more than a year old", well yeah, but it was updated and redone at least 8 times in this year and a half and was maintained constantly by our Intel team. We had a fuck up, all you had to do is just tell us "fix it" and we would fix the Intel team. As I said, a new roster is not the change that will make this better and you would understand that if you had experience in the 212th just like I do which is why I'm leading it and not you, you got power over it through other battalions and not you change our long-lasting programs because it's not what you're used to, which by the way, there's an easy fix for that as well. Ask us how to use our roster and I'll explain and then you'll know how it works but no, that's not good enough. Last night the CMDs worked for hours setting up the new roster so I won't throw their work to the trash so we will transfer soon but we've done all this unwillingly. Also, yeah you told us that if after 1-2 weeks of the new document if it doesn't work we can move back, that's just spending our time recovering weeks of data again and again which is just dumb so sure. You went one step towards us, but only after we were forced to step 10 steps towards you. And don't lie to me or anyone saying "you offered the 212th to switch documents" because when I told you "can we not move" you just told me no at the end of the day and when I tried to tell you that I really don't want it you started threatening me with a demotion. So that's forcing, not offering. So everything I covered here is lies, power abuse, and a lot more issues that I can't give a short name too but I do not see someone who does all that as a Marshal CMD. 

Even if you do get this position, I'm asking you, please fix all the issues I have with your current position. Don't ignore this. Trust the BCMDs unless we break rules and as Marshal CMD I hope that if you do get it you'll listen to me and not let those problems happen by anyone in high command. I'm not the only one having issues with that, all the -1s came from you touching too many stuff in battalions that don't need it and I really don't want a MCMD doing that. I'll happily take suggestions from high command but leave the final decision in my inter-battalion matters to me and don't force anything that I'm not asking you to do for my battalion upon me.


This is of course a -1 . I just don't think you can be a Marshal CMD because of all the reasons mentioned above. Good luck anyway and if the issues that I brought up will be fixed under you, which currently I'm afraid they'll only get worse, I'll come to you and tell you sorry and that I underestimated you. 


-212th Battalion Commander Cody/BlackMamba.

Edited by BlackMamba
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8 hours ago, Egg said:

before I begin I want you to know, I have nothing against you and I think you are a great guy and I am not meaning anything as disrespect to anyone.

I have been around for a while and I have seen many battalions rise and fall and rise again. Just because someone can make docs does not mean they are a good leader or a good commander. Yes organization helps but all battalions have a certain way they run, when you come in and start changing things around and trying to do things that the commanders don't need or want, it messes up the whole battalion. I have run my battalion for almost an entire year while using the same docs and tryouts and I will admit that we are not the most serious battalion by a long shot but when you came to me with a whole new roster, and I did appreciate the offer for new docs but I did not want them or need them and when I told you that you seemed to get a bit flustered and confused.

My second point: Getting involved in battalions that don't really need it and micromanaging. I believe that High command should only really get involved in the inner workings of a battalion if they ask for it or really truly need it. With the sims, those are great because they keep people occupied and battalions are able to practice and improve what they need to practice and improve on, such as communication but when you start going through the battalions telling the BCMD how to do their job and run things even though it is already running fine, issues and conflicts arise. 

I'm no high command guy but as a commander when people start going through my stuff, telling my people how to do their jobs, and acting like I don't know what I am doing it makes me angry and I am pretty sure it makes other people angry as well.

TLDR: You get involved in the wrong ways, even though intentions are good, and when someone doesn't want it to be that way, you get mad.


Pretty much this


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Some of the same reasons as mentioned by Egg, Mamba & Medic, as well as you've never really interacted with my Battalion so I don't see why you'd be our Marshal. Always better to go to individual people before getting the role rather than introducing yourself after getting it.

Edited by Zyner
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4 hours ago, Kurama_Senpai_ said:

-1 You need to learn to let BCMD's run their battalion the way they want to. If it's working for them, don't try to fix it. Why fix what's not broken? If you can say you won't try and force people under your thumb, then I will change my vote. You are a great guy to talk to and have fun with, but not a great guy when it comes to gaining more power. This is a game, not a real life military, nobody wants to be forced to do stuff on a game.


3 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Finally back from school and can reply. It's my time to shine.

Gene, you know that I like you as a friend and I've had multiple time just sitting with you in a channel, laughing and joking and it was fun. I have NOTHING against you as a person but I do have issues with the way you try to lead battalions that are under your lead but are not your battalions... Speaking personally from the 212th point of view, the battalion is owned by, first of all, me, as BCMD Cody, then by the CMDs, officers NCOs and all members. We work our asses off day in and day out for the 212th and we manage it we run it SUCCESSFULLY (yeah, it's not perfect but nothing is perfect in this world). I was told by Zander and Joah that I was put as BCMD Cody because they trust me to run the battalion but the way you treat me as a BCMD (and I see more people thinking that way) it shows me little to no trust even though the 212th is a fine battalion that is doing just ok. And believe me that if I would need help I would ask for it, just like I did when I needed help from Joe when he was the ATK REG Commander and just like I did when I couldn't lead the 212th officer meeting and wasn't sure if my CMDs could to so I went to you and Core and asked for help. I'm not a part of high command but I know that I'm right when I'm saying that this is when you should step in, that and when someone is breaking rules. I believe that it's not only you that is doing that, I felt it coming from the current ATK REG Commander Jackson and I'm really not happy about it and I really feel like you just care about things going your way and try to change stuff that you don't even need to care or worry about but just because you don't like it, it has to be changed. Just like the members of my battalion they're not gonna like every single decision I make and same for high command, they will not like every change that I make but that's when you gotta realise, it's the battalion I run so if I fuck up it's my problem, let me do shit my way, PLEASE. I feel that you but not only you have gotten in my way of leading the 212th (without me breaking any rule) way too often recently and I don't like seeing this getting higher in ranks, getting more power and eventually you would be able to do whatever the fuck you want. With all that explains I'll go into a point with a lot of points in it that I have.

Medic asked me to tell him what we were when we were asked (forced) to change our roster document and I sent him EXACTLY what you said, and I quote:
"If you won't do this, I'll find someone who will" which is threatening me with a demotion just because you have the power to without me breaking any rules and just because I didn't want you to "fix" something that isn't broken. Adding to that, after I tried to tell you to let me keep our old document which escalated into a heated argument you said "after all this it makes me think that I need to reconsider your leadership" which just made me have a "what the fuck?!" face and almost made my 2ndLT @bryzord (Coleman/Goldie) almost explode, he started freaking out because he knows that the way I lead the 212th is working just fine and as much as I was mad I had to tell him to calm down so he doesn't get himself into trouble. Now, yeah sure I didn't blindly follow your "offer" (more like order) to move the new roster but how does that make you "reconsider my leadership"? Sure, good soldiers follow orders but good leaders stand strong and hold their beliefs firmly so I wasn't gonna give up on something that I didn't want to get rid of. About the whole "Billiamsm" thing you said, sure, I hate what Billiam did after his removal and I told him I think he's a dumbass several times for what he did but you ignore the fact that he was one of the best Codys we've ever had, he had great work ethic and great leadership abilities and when I talked to Zander, Forseen, Joah and Jek they all agreed with me that what Billiam did after is removal is RETARDED but he was a hard worker and he did some good stuff (which he ruined when he was removed) but if we keep a document that was used during Billiam's time as Cody doesn't mean we're "Billiamising" or whatever you wanna call it. This roster was created by former Commander Cody "Maloik" who was a great Cody and I'm sure Joah knows him, it was passed to people such as XO Plague, XO Gopher (great people) and eventually was passed to Billiam. Yeah, Billiam added some averages and graphs but it was not HIS document, it's, in fact, Maloik's if you really want to title someone as the first owner of it. We had about 3 weeks that we were lacking in terms of intel but a new roster won't fix it (unless you have an automatic roster, which is not the case). if the intel team doesn't do its job no roster will work. Moving on to your argument of "the document was more than a year old", well yeah, but it was updated and redone at least 8 times in this year and a half and was maintained constantly by our Intel team. We had a fuck up, all you had to do is just tell us "fix it" and we would fix the Intel team. As I said, a new roster is not the change that will make this better and you would understand that if you had experience in the 212th just like I do which is why I'm leading it and not you, you got power over it through other battalions and not you change our long-lasting programs because it's not what you're used to, which by the way, there's an easy fix for that as well. Ask us how to use our roster and I'll explain and then you'll know how it works but no, that's not good enough. Last night the CMDs worked for hours setting up the new roster so I won't throw their work to the trash so we will transfer soon but we've done all this unwillingly. Also, yeah you told us that if after 1-2 weeks of the new document if it doesn't work we can move back, that's just spending our time recovering weeks of data again and again which is just dumb so sure. You went one step towards us, but only after we were forced to step 10 steps towards you. And don't lie to me or anyone saying "you offered the 212th to switch documents" because when I told you "can we not move" you just told me no at the end of the day and when I tried to tell you that I really don't want it you started threatening me with a demotion. So that's forcing, not offering. So everything I covered here is lies, power abuse, and a lot more issues that I can't give a short name too but I do not see someone who does all that as a Marshal CMD. 

Even if you do get this position, I'm asking you, please fix all the issues I have with your current position. Don't ignore this. Trust the BCMDs unless we break rules and as Marshal CMD I hope that if you do get it you'll listen to me and not let those problems happen by anyone in high command. I'm not the only one having issues with that, all the -1s came from you touching too many stuff in battalions that don't need it and I really don't want a MCMD doing that. I'll happily take suggestions from high command but leave the final decision in my inter-battalion matters to me and don't force anything that I'm not asking you to do for my battalion upon me.


This is of course a -1 . I just don't think you can be a Marshal CMD because of all the reasons mentioned above. Good luck anyway and if the issues that I brought up will be fixed under you, which currently I'm afraid they'll only get worse, I'll come to you and tell you sorry and that I underestimated you. 


-212th Battalion Commander Cody/BlackMamba.

I agree with all of this opinions. I have read all of them and i agree in 95%. Thats true. You need to let BCMD's let run their battalions. -1. sorry gene.

Edited by Black
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First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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8 hours ago, Egg said:

before I begin I want you to know, I have nothing against you and I think you are a great guy and I am not meaning anything as disrespect to anyone.

I have been around for a while and I have seen many battalions rise and fall and rise again. Just because someone can make docs does not mean they are a good leader or a good commander. Yes organization helps but all battalions have a certain way they run, when you come in and start changing things around and trying to do things that the commanders don't need or want, it messes up the whole battalion. I have run my battalion for almost an entire year while using the same docs and tryouts and I will admit that we are not the most serious battalion by a long shot but when you came to me with a whole new roster, and I did appreciate the offer for new docs but I did not want them or need them and when I told you that you seemed to get a bit flustered and confused.

My second point: Getting involved in battalions that don't really need it and micromanaging. I believe that High command should only really get involved in the inner workings of a battalion if they ask for it or really truly need it. With the sims, those are great because they keep people occupied and battalions are able to practice and improve what they need to practice and improve on, such as communication but when you start going through the battalions telling the BCMD how to do their job and run things even though it is already running fine, issues and conflicts arise. 

I'm no high command guy but as a commander when people start going through my stuff, telling my people how to do their jobs, and acting like I don't know what I am doing it makes me angry and I am pretty sure it makes other people angry as well.

TLDR: You get involved in the wrong ways, even though intentions are good, and when someone doesn't want it to be that way, you get mad.


I completely agree with Egg on this one. Gene you’re a good guy and I know that but when it comes to a marshal commander spot I feel like you are not the right person for the position. -1



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+ FUCKING 1 Nobody better for the job, you are one of the more well organized mature members of the community, and one battalion getting upset over not wanting to change things for the better should not whitewash all the great things you have done, 90% of the docs around were created or you assisted in the creation for a reason, I guess if someone does not want to accept your assistance that is to their own detriment. Best of luck my boy.

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8 minutes ago, Tomas said:

+ FUCKING 1 Nobody better for the job, you are one of the more well organized mature members of the community, and one battalion getting upset over not wanting to change things for the better should not whitewash all the great things you have done, 90% of the docs around were created or you assisted in the creation for a reason, I guess if someone does not want to accept your assistance that is to their own detriment. Best of luck my boy.

The problem with "One battalion" not wanting to use the docs is he threatened demotion to the BCMD, who should ultimately be in charge of running his battalion the way he wants it to be run. If he just asked, and allowed the BCMD to say no then all would be fine.

Edited by Kurama_Senpai_
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10 hours ago, Egg said:

before I begin I want you to know, I have nothing against you and I think you are a great guy and I am not meaning anything as disrespect to anyone.

I have been around for a while and I have seen many battalions rise and fall and rise again. Just because someone can make docs does not mean they are a good leader or a good commander. Yes organization helps but all battalions have a certain way they run, when you come in and start changing things around and trying to do things that the commanders don't need or want, it messes up the whole battalion. I have run my battalion for almost an entire year while using the same docs and tryouts and I will admit that we are not the most serious battalion by a long shot but when you came to me with a whole new roster, and I did appreciate the offer for new docs but I did not want them or need them and when I told you that you seemed to get a bit flustered and confused.

My second point: Getting involved in battalions that don't really need it and micromanaging. I believe that High command should only really get involved in the inner workings of a battalion if they ask for it or really truly need it. With the sims, those are great because they keep people occupied and battalions are able to practice and improve what they need to practice and improve on, such as communication but when you start going through the battalions telling the BCMD how to do their job and run things even though it is already running fine, issues and conflicts arise. 

I'm no high command guy but as a commander when people start going through my stuff, telling my people how to do their jobs, and acting like I don't know what I am doing it makes me angry and I am pretty sure it makes other people angry as well.

TLDR: You get involved in the wrong ways, even though intentions are good, and when someone doesn't want it to be that way, you get mad.


-1 due to Mamba and Egg

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5 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Finally back from school and can reply. It's my time to shine.

Gene, you know that I like you as a friend and I've had multiple time just sitting with you in a channel, laughing and joking and it was fun. I have NOTHING against you as a person but I do have issues with the way you try to lead battalions that are under your lead but are not your battalions... Speaking personally from the 212th point of view, the battalion is owned by, first of all, me, as BCMD Cody, then by the CMDs, officers NCOs and all members. We work our asses off day in and day out for the 212th and we manage it we run it SUCCESSFULLY (yeah, it's not perfect but nothing is perfect in this world). I was told by Zander and Joah that I was put as BCMD Cody because they trust me to run the battalion but the way you treat me as a BCMD (and I see more people thinking that way) it shows me little to no trust even though the 212th is a fine battalion that is doing just ok. And believe me that if I would need help I would ask for it, just like I did when I needed help from Joe when he was the ATK REG Commander and just like I did when I couldn't lead the 212th officer meeting and wasn't sure if my CMDs could to so I went to you and Core and asked for help. I'm not a part of high command but I know that I'm right when I'm saying that this is when you should step in, that and when someone is breaking rules. I believe that it's not only you that is doing that, I felt it coming from the current ATK REG Commander Jackson and I'm really not happy about it and I really feel like you just care about things going your way and try to change stuff that you don't even need to care or worry about but just because you don't like it, it has to be changed. Just like the members of my battalion they're not gonna like every single decision I make and same for high command, they will not like every change that I make but that's when you gotta realise, it's the battalion I run so if I fuck up it's my problem, let me do shit my way, PLEASE. I feel that you but not only you have gotten in my way of leading the 212th (without me breaking any rule) way too often recently and I don't like seeing this getting higher in ranks, getting more power and eventually you would be able to do whatever the fuck you want. With all that explains I'll go into a point with a lot of points in it that I have.

Medic asked me to tell him what we were when we were asked (forced) to change our roster document and I sent him EXACTLY what you said, and I quote:
"If you won't do this, I'll find someone who will" which is threatening me with a demotion just because you have the power to without me breaking any rules and just because I didn't want you to "fix" something that isn't broken. Adding to that, after I tried to tell you to let me keep our old document which escalated into a heated argument you said "after all this it makes me think that I need to reconsider your leadership" which just made me have a "what the fuck?!" face and almost made my 2ndLT @bryzord (Coleman/Goldie) almost explode, he started freaking out because he knows that the way I lead the 212th is working just fine and as much as I was mad I had to tell him to calm down so he doesn't get himself into trouble. Now, yeah sure I didn't blindly follow your "offer" (more like order) to move the new roster but how does that make you "reconsider my leadership"? Sure, good soldiers follow orders but good leaders stand strong and hold their beliefs firmly so I wasn't gonna give up on something that I didn't want to get rid of. About the whole "Billiamsm" thing you said, sure, I hate what Billiam did after his removal and I told him I think he's a dumbass several times for what he did but you ignore the fact that he was one of the best Codys we've ever had, he had great work ethic and great leadership abilities and when I talked to Zander, Forseen, Joah and Jek they all agreed with me that what Billiam did after is removal is RETARDED but he was a hard worker and he did some good stuff (which he ruined when he was removed) but if we keep a document that was used during Billiam's time as Cody doesn't mean we're "Billiamising" or whatever you wanna call it. This roster was created by former Commander Cody "Maloik" who was a great Cody and I'm sure Joah knows him, it was passed to people such as XO Plague, XO Gopher (great people) and eventually was passed to Billiam. Yeah, Billiam added some averages and graphs but it was not HIS document, it's, in fact, Maloik's if you really want to title someone as the first owner of it. We had about 3 weeks that we were lacking in terms of intel but a new roster won't fix it (unless you have an automatic roster, which is not the case). if the intel team doesn't do its job no roster will work. Moving on to your argument of "the document was more than a year old", well yeah, but it was updated and redone at least 8 times in this year and a half and was maintained constantly by our Intel team. We had a fuck up, all you had to do is just tell us "fix it" and we would fix the Intel team. As I said, a new roster is not the change that will make this better and you would understand that if you had experience in the 212th just like I do which is why I'm leading it and not you, you got power over it through other battalions and not you change our long-lasting programs because it's not what you're used to, which by the way, there's an easy fix for that as well. Ask us how to use our roster and I'll explain and then you'll know how it works but no, that's not good enough. Last night the CMDs worked for hours setting up the new roster so I won't throw their work to the trash so we will transfer soon but we've done all this unwillingly. Also, yeah you told us that if after 1-2 weeks of the new document if it doesn't work we can move back, that's just spending our time recovering weeks of data again and again which is just dumb so sure. You went one step towards us, but only after we were forced to step 10 steps towards you. And don't lie to me or anyone saying "you offered the 212th to switch documents" because when I told you "can we not move" you just told me no at the end of the day and when I tried to tell you that I really don't want it you started threatening me with a demotion. So that's forcing, not offering. So everything I covered here is lies, power abuse, and a lot more issues that I can't give a short name too but I do not see someone who does all that as a Marshal CMD. 

Even if you do get this position, I'm asking you, please fix all the issues I have with your current position. Don't ignore this. Trust the BCMDs unless we break rules and as Marshal CMD I hope that if you do get it you'll listen to me and not let those problems happen by anyone in high command. I'm not the only one having issues with that, all the -1s came from you touching too many stuff in battalions that don't need it and I really don't want a MCMD doing that. I'll happily take suggestions from high command but leave the final decision in my inter-battalion matters to me and don't force anything that I'm not asking you to do for my battalion upon me.


This is of course a -1 . I just don't think you can be a Marshal CMD because of all the reasons mentioned above. Good luck anyway and if the issues that I brought up will be fixed under you, which currently I'm afraid they'll only get worse, I'll come to you and tell you sorry and that I underestimated you. 


-212th Battalion Commander Cody/BlackMamba.

-1 Mamba said everything right there ^^^

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-1 for the reasons stated above. I appreciate you helping out with our docs, however if this

5 hours ago, BlackMamba said:


Medic asked me to tell him what we were when we were asked (forced) to change our roster document and I sent him EXACTLY what you said, and I quote:
"If you won't do this, I'll find someone who will" which is threatening me with a demotion just because you have the power to without me breaking any rules and just because I didn't want you to "fix" something that isn't broken.


-212th Battalion Commander Cody/BlackMamba.

 is how you will act as a Marshal Commander I can not in good heart and mind give you a +1. 

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I'm gonna go and +1 this but there are two things I'd like to mention regarding you.

1. You've been rather inactive as of late but you said you needed to find a job so that's understandable

2. I believe you attempted to enforce a promotion system on all battalions under your control and the system that I strongly disagree with

Overall I'd say you're the best man for the job you and I just see differently on things - Acorn/Rex

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32 minutes ago, Mr.Acorn said:

2. I believe you attempted to enforce a promotion system on all battalions under your control and the system that I strongly disagree with

And that's exactly what I'm talking about. Doesn't matter that it's against your will.

Edited by BlackMamba
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-1 You were asking me everday when I was LTC in DU if Jayarr wanted the docs that you made and that you "aren't forcing it on anyone" YET YOU OBVIOUSLY WERE. You said that Jayarr's roster was "bad" and that he should switch. Its a roster. You shouldn't be making battlions that AREN'T EVEN UNDER YOU change their roster. Jayarr said he didn't want to change and you asked me 2 DAYS in a row if he wanted to change to your roster.

Stop trying to change people's shit when they aren't even under your command.



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Not really a +1 or -1 but I think that BCMDs should be trusted to run their battalions how they want and should not be micromanaged. If people are gonna micromanage battalions then they might as well become get rid of the BCMD role. Again I do not know if there will be micromanaging but it's a good assumption. Also for SOBDE you did kind of force the documents since everyone said that the one's we had then were fine and we liked them but it wasn't a huge deal since you allowed us to have ownership of the new one.

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Neutral on this. I was orginally +1 for you Gene. However I do not have clear defined proof, but If it is true I do not like that you went behind my back and constantly bugged DU. Asking them once is fine, after wards take it to me and I will have a full out conversation with them to see what is better about their current doc than the one you want them to use.

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  • Founder

+1 Stand By for a massive Edit incoming

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GM Leadership

+1 Great guy and has done a lot for me and my reg so very supportive.



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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I have know Gene for quite some time, and I think he would do a great Job given the chance.

All these people shitting on Gene, especially from the 212th and not anyone else.

Even though the 212th has its own problems that, even you Mamba need to fix, I find it quite funny that all the issues you bring up, actually existed with the 212th when I was in the Battalion from when I first joined, to the point you has a massive Officer revolt.

And these problems stemmed almost 7 months ago.

As Tomas has said, hits the nail on the head.

+1 my sun, go out and bring the change.

Edited by Stahl
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1 hour ago, Stahl said:

I have know Gene for quite some time, and I think he would do a great Job given the chance.

All these people shitting on Gene, especially from the 212th and not anyone else.

Even though the 212th has its own problems that, even you Mamba need to fix, I find it quite funny that all the issues you bring up, actually existed with the 212th when I was in the Battalion from when I first joined, to the point you has a massive Officer revolt.

And these problems stemmed almost 7 months ago.

As Tomas has said, hits the nail on the head.

+1 my sun, go out and bring the change.

Retracted messege.  I took it to forum pms 
-212th Head Commander CBlake 

Edited by CBlake
no need to start stuff on Gene's App
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1 hour ago, Stahl said:

Even though the 212th has its own problems that, even you Mamba need to fix, I find it quite funny that all the issues you bring up

Uh hello? Have you read any other -1? I didn't realize that JBFox, Egg, Woeny etc. are 212th, very very interesting.


1 hour ago, Stahl said:

actually existed with the 212th when I was in the Battalion from when I first joined, to the point you has a massive Officer revolt.

How is this relevant to the app? Like at all? The 212th never mentioned their own personal internal issues, they were discussing genes effect on them


1 hour ago, Stahl said:

All these people shitting on Gene

I've looked at these complaints, look INTO them, and they appear valid... so I guess people only see what they want to believe

Overall  please know what youre talking about before ya post <3<3

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3 minutes ago, Washington said:

Uh hello? Have you read any other -1? I didn't realize that JBFox, Egg, Woeny etc. are 212th, very very interesting.


How is this relevant to the app? Like at all? The 212th never mentioned their own personal internal issues, they were discussing genes effect on them


I've looked at these complaints, look INTO them, and they appear valid... so I guess people only see what they want to believe

Overall  please know what youre talking about before ya post <3<3

thank you. I felt like I was gonna start getting flamed or causing drama so I am retracting my messege and took it to forum pms with Stahl

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Fucking +1 Gene has been the one that has made alot of battalions better in my eyes he has change GM and made it better and i think if other people allow him to help them out more. The sever would be better and all this BS with people say hes force then into using New docs he made is fucked. i'm just saying people are -1 him off of what others had said he has earn this rank and if other people just want to walk with everyone else is most people are saying -1 because they read what 2/3 people has to say and not thinking for there own. 

  • Agree 3
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9 hours ago, Zyner said:


Some of the same reasons as mentioned by Egg, Mamba & Medic, as well as you've never really interacted with my Battalion so I don't see why you'd be our Marshal. Always better to go to individual people before getting the role rather than introducing yourself after getting it.

Also not 212th


5 hours ago, Jorrdan said:

-1 You were asking me everday when I was LTC in DU if Jayarr wanted the docs that you made and that you "aren't forcing it on anyone" YET YOU OBVIOUSLY WERE. You said that Jayarr's roster was "bad" and that he should switch. Its a roster. You shouldn't be making battlions that AREN'T EVEN UNDER YOU change their roster. Jayarr said he didn't want to change and you asked me 2 DAYS in a row if he wanted to change to your roster.

Stop trying to change people's shit when they aren't even under your command.



Also not 212th

There are a total of about 4 or 5 battalions being represented (DU, 104th ish, 41st, RC, with the discontent of what Gene has done here. It is "not only 212th as you said but many other people that have never even touched 212th and even the situation for mamba being threatened to be removed from his battalion simply because he didn't want new docs should be enough to help you see that there are more things at play here than "212th being butthurt." I don't mean anything negative but you saying "this is just 212th flaming." These are issues and qualities that should not be present in the Marshal Commander.

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1 minute ago, Zeus said:

Fucking +1 Gene has been the one that has made alot of battalions better in my eyes he has change GM and made it better and i think if other people allow him to help them out more. The sever would be better and all this BS with people say hes force then into using New docs he made is fucked. i'm just saying people are -1 him off of what others had said he has earn this rank and if other people just want to walk with everyone else is most people are saying -1 because they read what 2/3 people has to say and not thinking for there own. 

Heres the thing Zeus. Its not only that he "Force others to use docs" he also constantly bugged battalions outside of his Power. This is why my opinion changed. I had high hopes for Gene. Then I found out Gene Proceeded to ignore the structure. If he wanted to mess with anyone in Specialized or SOBDE, then he could of went to Jax/Baxter then myself then Core.(Chain of command in order). However he ignored that and instead stepped outside his Regiments

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Alright, Gene, you are a good person and know what you are doing as a Senior Commander currently. You've helped the Coruscant Guard get back on its feet in terms of us having correct documents and stuff. I'll like to thank you for that part. But I do think its time to start looking for alternatives to your "System" and how you wanna place it in other battalions. All Battalions have there owned respected opinion of what they want to do with there documentation, they should be allowed without disturbance to sort it out which way they think will work for the battalion. Instead of forcing battalions to adopt your system being honest, needs a remodel either way you should work with that certain battalion to come up with a better system that will fit there needs. 

If I recall correctly, you had come to CG Command wanting to place the Galatic Marine Promotion System. Respectively we are the Coruscant Guard, not the Galatic Marines. Their system might work for them, but not us. This is a prime example of what @BlackMamba is mentioning in his long post. 

I will give you a +1  but realistically, you need cope on how battalions wanna function and work with them, instead of "threatening" or going against them. 

I've Said my Peace

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11 hours ago, Zeus said:

Fucking +1 Gene has been the one that has made alot of battalions better in my eyes he has change GM and made it better and i think if other people allow him to help them out more. The sever would be better and all this BS with people say hes force then into using New docs he made is fucked. i'm just saying people are -1 him off of what others had said he has earn this rank and if other people just want to walk with everyone else is most people are saying -1 because they read what 2/3 people has to say and not thinking for there own. 

I'm thinking for myself. If Gene is going to continue his attitude that it's his way or the highway, then I do not want him as my Marshal Commander. End of story.

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   Let me start this off with some words as Oxen the Galactic Marine RL and Keller under Bacara/Gene. 

There are few people on this server that I feel could lead troopers out of a wet paper bag. Gene was one of those I believed in with the raw potential to lead and his ability to use rational thought and wait for it..... COMMON SENSE.....  There were literally two reasons I left Icefuse for Synergy. 1st was Joah, he impressed the shit out of me during the very limited exposure I had of him, and Gene, recently promoted with GM's backing to Bacara.  In all the months in GM he was Bacara, (about 7) we found common ground in every aspect of what the Galactic Marines should be. What was needed to strengthen and promote roleplay and professionalism.   When Gene became our Reg Commander, no issues, nothing but support and no conflicts on my role and authority as Bacara and his authority as Reg Commander.

As Head Admin:

   Gene has bounced back after an issue with a toxic gamer/streamer. Gene was a VET ADMIN and from what I saw as a new admin/admin, Leadership within the admin program failed him which resulted in his demotion.  Gene bounced back and proved to all Admin he is mature enough to move forward, learn from it and grow as an individual.  I believe that quality in a person is why Gene is now a Overseer (past VET ADMIN).  He has been stellar in his ability to create content for battalions, build, and create new options for battalions which could transform them into something new (not necessary better).

As Current Battalion Commander Bacara:

   I personally would not want anyone to come into my battalion and threaten or try to enforce any change I felt was not right for the battalion, especially from someone outside of my direct change of command.  That being said, I would ask questions about it and see why they feel it is better than what I got or why they think it would make my battalion better. 

If I am a BCMD that does not look into possible changes from those players with experience, I AM FAILIING MY BATTALION.  The attitude of "This is my battalion and I run it as I see fit" is TOXIC and incorrect. IT IS A FAILURE IN LEADERSHIP and an obvious lapse in being a MENTOR.   I am not saying you have to take the changes offered, but you should give it a good look at it and TALK to your battalion about the possible changes and get feedback. 

If you are not working to get you troopers in a position to take over leadership I am very sorry for the players under you, because all you are doing is holding onto the power and not allowing others to grow and excel with the battalion and become the possible future BCMD.

NOBODY is perfect, I believe GENE will learn from this and take it to heart if he decides to continue to run for Marshall Commander and gets confirmed for it.

We have reporting documents, websites and TS authorities to discuss issues with anyone from founders on down. Use them and let ADMIN, Directors and Founders deal with them.


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2 hours ago, Oxen said:

NOBODY is perfect, I believe GENE will learn from this and take it to heart if he decides to continue to run for Marshall Commander and gets confirmed for it.

Honestly, I left the last part of my -1 for that. I said that if he does get it and improves on the problems I've had with him at his current position I'll go to him, tell him sorry and that I underestimated him. I still do not change my mind because I feel like this is a situation where actions need to be paid for and the past can't be changed. I REALLY hope that you're right, I have nothing against Gene as a person and I would love to see him as Marshal if he fixes what he has done to me, to my battalion, and it appears that to other BCMDs and battalions as well. Yet if he doesn't, I really don't want those issues to get more power and get higher in the ranks (as explained in my -1).

-212th Battalion Commander Cody/BlackMamba

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For reasons that I went over with @Jackson and a couple of other high commands I am not going to respond to any responses on this application, if you have questions as to what happened or as to if these accusations are 100% true or not, my office as it always has been is open and so is my steam feel free to message me in private or on the game and I will be willing to discuss any issues you or your battalion might have. Other than that I will be honoring my word to Jackson and abstaining from responding to any and all comments here forward on this application until it is either denied or moved to pending as to not cause more drama within the community. 

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Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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On 1/24/2018 at 3:53 AM, Egg said:

before I begin I want you to know, I have nothing against you and I think you are a great guy and I am not meaning anything as disrespect to anyone.

I have been around for a while and I have seen many battalions rise and fall and rise again. Just because someone can make docs does not mean they are a good leader or a good commander. Yes organization helps but all battalions have a certain way they run, when you come in and start changing things around and trying to do things that the commanders don't need or want, it messes up the whole battalion. I have run my battalion for almost an entire year while using the same docs and tryouts and I will admit that we are not the most serious battalion by a long shot but when you came to me with a whole new roster, and I did appreciate the offer for new docs but I did not want them or need them and when I told you that you seemed to get a bit flustered and confused.

My second point: Getting involved in battalions that don't really need it and micromanaging. I believe that High command should only really get involved in the inner workings of a battalion if they ask for it or really truly need it. With the sims, those are great because they keep people occupied and battalions are able to practice and improve what they need to practice and improve on, such as communication but when you start going through the battalions telling the BCMD how to do their job and run things even though it is already running fine, issues and conflicts arise. 

I'm no high command guy but as a commander when people start going through my stuff, telling my people how to do their jobs, and acting like I don't know what I am doing it makes me angry and I am pretty sure it makes other people angry as well.

TLDR: You get involved in the wrong ways, even though intentions are good, and when someone doesn't want it to be that way, you get mad.




What my dad said. As a former icefuse high command (I know it's not the same so I apologize) I can tell you that the more I micro managed battalions without need the more they pushed back and resented me. I had to micro managed du and 327th because at the time they were dead but 104th and 41st back in the day were fine and I tried to avoid touching them. I recommend taking some more time to learn when to step in and change something in a struggling battalion and when to leave a healthy one alone. 

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There are a lot of reasons that you could be a good fit. However the reasons, most of which stated above and a couple of others not mentioned, such as enforcing a prejudice of RC and Null within your battalion because of one person, out way the benefit you could provide. At this point I would rather see the position left open until someone else can come along than have you in the position.


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Reading most of the others I gotta say a few things. pulling a quote is one thing. Having proof of the quote is another. Mamba or Cody, Said Gene was forcing him to switch docs when I was there when he asked a few commanders, "Try it out dont like it switch back its a format" now, How much of that could be change and altered if i had 4 people backing it up? Opposed to a Picture or screen shot. My point here is Cody pulling a quote is a case of "His word against mine" Example if it isnt obvious. I could go grab for example. Commander keller, and say " last night when talking to keller he said "You're so fucking stupid it hurts my head and im going to ban you" Now. If i said it as a 2ndLT with NO OTHERS hearing it. Id be told to fuck off. but if i grabbed a full battalion and we said this. he would be demoted. Its an example of a Power Play. 212th shouldn't really be -1 this for him "forcing them to change their docs" because if he was trying so hard. You could have brought it to a Head Admin stating your case. From talking to him, hes a level headed dude and fun to talk to with some of his fucking one liners. his activity on another game shouldn't be labeled as a bad thing for hes typically in team speak and can be contacted when ever he is needed. He handles thing in my OPINION a mature fashion and that is why Mr.Gene here has my fat 


Edited by WaterMelonWolf
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Before I make my opinion, a strong suggestion for these applications would be to limit a 1 reply per person. The constant responses back and forth from members waters down the application. I would request we make it a strong 1 reply and it can be edited if they need to alter or add more. 


Anyways, Gene I have limited interaction with you and have seen issues with others and batts in general. However, I do feel you take a good mindset with most of your decisions. Sometimes things go awry but the intention I believe is always wholesome. You have my +1 but I would agree I think you could go forward with the understanding of when assisting someone or a group that you should first look at what it is they need and offer ideas. 

Best of luck and I hope all this feedback helps you in the future. 

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6 hours ago, WaterMelonWolf said:

My point here is Cody pulling a quote is a case of "His word against mine" Example if it isnt obvious.

Then you assume I'm lying? You can go ask my 2ndLT Coleman/Goldie, he was there throughout the whole conversation. After I was forced to say yes and switch because if I wasn't gonna say yes I would probably be removed from my position, I asked Gene "if this doesn't work, can we switch back?" and he agreed but it's still ridiculous because it means we would need to transfer information from one document to the other again and again, wasting our time. That is it. If you think I'm just trying to fuck Gene over and lie then you're completely wrong, as I explained, if he fixes the issues I have with the way he acts as the current A&R SNR CMD I'd love him as MCMD but I don't know if he'll fix those issues I've had with him and that's why I -1ed.

6 hours ago, WaterMelonWolf said:

hes a level headed dude and fun to talk to with some of his fucking one liners.

Also remember, I said I have nothing against Gene as a person, he's a great guy and fun to talk to, I agree with that but I don't see him fit as the MCMD because of the acts that were mentioned by me and others, as Egg mentioned, it's not only 212th, it's 41st, DU, 104th and I might miss more battalions.

-212th Battalion Commander Cody/BlackMamba

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-1 *edited now i read this* Ye man, its not cool u trying to get people demoted or getting mad because they dont use what they dont need. id say leave it a bit.. i remember when llama first got reg he tryed to do just a bit to much with the 41st and the playerbase in 41st didnt like that so they would get mad at him, reason being is because they were fine at the time and didint need help... soon after llama stepped back and helped out who needed help, which at the time was DU  i believe, and then we all got on fine (sept some salty people). Anyway ye man its still a -1 i just hope that u dont go against all these -1's and u actually  take them into account and learn from them. good luck though.

Edited by Flynn
just read shit and ye g
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9 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Then you assume I'm lying? You can go ask my 2ndLT Coleman/Goldie, he was there throughout the whole conversation. After I was forced to say yes and switch because if I wasn't gonna say yes I would probably be removed from my position, I asked Gene "if this doesn't work, can we switch back?" and he agreed but it's still ridiculous because it means we would need to transfer information from one document to the other again and again, wasting our time. That is it. If you think I'm just trying to fuck Gene over and lie then you're completely wrong, as I explained, if he fixes the issues I have with the way he acts as the current A&R SNR CMD I'd love him as MCMD but I don't know if he'll fix those issues I've had with him and that's why I -1ed.

Also remember, I said I have nothing against Gene as a person, he's a great guy and fun to talk to, I agree with that but I don't see him fit as the MCMD because of the acts that were mentioned by me and others, as Egg mentioned, it's not only 212th, it's 41st, DU, 104th and I might miss more battalions.

-212th Battalion Commander Cody/BlackMamba

You do know. If this was such a big issue you could have IDK. Made a report like I said, if he was actually doing what you said he would have been demoted or suspended. 

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12 minutes ago, WaterMelonWolf said:

If this was such a big issue you could have IDK. Made a report like I said

That's my point, I'm not trying to get him demoted and not trying to fuck him over. Also, personally I hate the idea of reports and I see them as issues and pointless. I just don't want him to go up, but don't wanna bring him down.

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-1 This doc thing he enforced was a little much and I have to support my battalions views on this. I like you gene but I don't like certain actions on this server for that I don't think your ready for marshal yet. @BlackMamba hasnt lied about anything here.

I wanted to add some extra bits to this and say dont micromanage battalions. Let them run.

Edited by Ruzom
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14 hours ago, WaterMelonWolf said:

Reading most of the others I gotta say a few things. pulling a quote is one thing. Having proof of the quote is another. Mamba or Cody, Said Gene was forcing him to switch docs when I was there when he asked a few commanders, "Try it out dont like it switch back its a format" now, How much of that could be change and altered if i had 4 people backing it up? Opposed to a Picture or screen shot. My point here is Cody pulling a quote is a case of "His word against mine" Example if it isnt obvious. I could go grab for example. Commander keller, and say " last night when talking to keller he said "You're so fucking stupid it hurts my head and im going to ban you" Now. If i said it as a 2ndLT with NO OTHERS hearing it. Id be told to fuck off. but if i grabbed a full battalion and we said this. he would be demoted. Its an example of a Power Play. 212th shouldn't really be -1 this for him "forcing them to change their docs" because if he was trying so hard. You could have brought it to a Head Admin stating your case. From talking to him, hes a level headed dude and fun to talk to with some of his fucking one liners. his activity on another game shouldn't be labeled as a bad thing for hes typically in team speak and can be contacted when ever he is needed. He handles thing in my OPINION a mature fashion and that is why Mr.Gene here has my fat 


I respect the man and +1 him. But how about you stop talking out of your ass

 Mamba wanted to point out why he -1 he has the right to do that.  All I'm gonna say is. Keep your post on why you want to -1 or +1 it's posts like that causes issue. Plus I'm the Commander well Head Commander working on the said tracker mamba is speaking of lol 

-212th Head Commander CBlake 

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3 hours ago, CBlake said:

I respect the man and +1 him. But how about you stop talking out of your ass

 Mamba wanted to point out why he -1 he has the right to do that.  All I'm gonna say is. Keep your post on why you want to -1 or +1 it's posts like that causes issue. Plus I'm the Commander well Head Commander working on the said tracker mamba is speaking of lol 

-212th Head Commander CBlake 

Me saying without proof, Its irrelevant. Respect cody for his rank sure. But the drama and hate going around its through the roof. me saying "wheres the proof" got a shit ton of hate. My apology's. I thought i was aloud to handle things with my own thoughts and ask for proof rather then run around and go off of everyone's opinions and statements. 

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Well, since I am quite new to the community, I'm not sure whether my vote makes a difference or not as I am not very familiar with everyone here as they're not with me. But I'd still like to point out my opinion.

So I've read your application throughoutly. From what I've understood from it you're very experienced and been with the community for a very long time. A lot of people on the community like you. You even rebuilt a battalion (well, not from dirt but you get what I'm saying) and you also helped a lot of people enjoy their time on the server from what I've seen from most of the replies on this post. Those alone would be enough for me to +1 this, but I also read the remainder of the replies and there are some imporant people who got very valid points.

I believe if someone was able to get to a position, especially a high one (such as commander) they must be capable of leading, and leadership requires said person to be capable of knowing their men and guide them accordingly to rules and laws as well as their own beliefs in order for their regiment to thrive. Very specifically in Mamba's (just so happens to be my commander as well) instance this is the case. His men like him and are happy of his leadership. I have no doubt that guys in GM also share same views on you as we do for Mamba in 212th. But MCMD is the highest position one could get in GA and for one to apply for such position they must have no major (or even minor) problems with others, most importantly commanders. 

I think it is widely known that witnesses are the least trustworthy of evidence, but I also think Medic, Egg, CBlake and others are not bullshitting. I trust their word. Best thing I can do is to hope that they're actually as trustworthy as they seem. 



-Please disregard any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors if there are any, English isn't my main language and I have a headache that's killing me.-

Edited by ZT Death
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I’m sorry, but can we close this. This has just been a bit much, especially with the back and forth between everyone but the applicant. Yes he said that he’s going to not respond further to the comments here. So can we have this application go to pending please. 

On a different note, I am going to +1 this application. My experience with him has been a positive relationship, now and when I was FOX. When I heard that my IT team and Gene has helped changed our doc. Now when I heard that this happened, I wasn’t completely happy, because this would be CG’s 4th roster since September. This also happened without my concent didn’t help the situation. But once I talked to Gene, and knowing that I can return to my the old doc if I wanted. But once I saw the doc, and say how easy it can keep things organized, I liked it and to this day, it’s being used. 


So with that, this is my 2 cents


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  • Retired Founder

Alright, I'm not here to +1 or -1 as this would put favoritism towards a higher position and undeniably would force a decision based on my opinion.

For those of you who are -1'ing or +1'ing and you don't even play on the server enough to understand how active or how some someone has changed makes your point entirely invalid. I really do appreciate people still browsing the forums and keeping up to date, but if you're not going to play on the server your opinion should not be accounted for. If you don't play here why even comment on these types of things. Most of the -1's I'm seeing are from a 212th perspective rather than the entire server. However, I may be overlooking something, as this is not my place. But I stand firm on the fact that if you don't play on the server don't give an opinion because you're giving an opinion of what you saw from someday MONTHS AGO. This is completely biased, It's like voting for Hitler when he was a great guy then realizing your mistake later. This is not a good idea. You should keep your opinions in an unsaturated vote. You can always give an opinion but if you don't play on the server, don't -1 or +1 as you don't see the current person who is applying for the position.

Best of luck for your Marshal Commander Run ~ Keep the flame to a minimal or I will ban you for 48 hours ~ I've read some comments on here that are questionable at best and shouldn't be said at all. Again, open opinions are great ~ Best of luck Gene.

Hope you guys are having an excellent day, Please take care.

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Just now, Jek said:


2 + 2 is 4 minus 1 that's three, Quick Mafs, Everyday Jek's on the block, Smoke trees. See that girl in the rust, that gurl was a trapperz, when the girl goes patpatpat your dick was ducking.

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Just now, Joah said:

2 + 2 is 4 minus 1 that's three, Quick Mafs, Everyday Jek's on the block, Smoke trees. See that girl in the rust, that gurl was a trapperz, when the girl goes patpatpat your dick was ducking.



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