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Everything posted by Zeus

  1. Zeus

    Life day booms

    +1 was a fun event had both Passive and shot them up i love blow Ships up
  2. Fucking +1 Gene has been the one that has made alot of battalions better in my eyes he has change GM and made it better and i think if other people allow him to help them out more. The sever would be better and all this BS with people say hes force then into using New docs he made is fucked. i'm just saying people are -1 him off of what others had said he has earn this rank and if other people just want to walk with everyone else is most people are saying -1 because they read what 2/3 people has to say and not thinking for there own.
  3. Name: Mag/Zeus Length:well be off for around a week Reason: Family Issues
  4. RP Name: TR GM 4thRL Commander Zeus Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:92754843 Age: 18 Gender: Male Timezone: UTC+10 Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I have been on the Sever when it started out i see Staff come and go I always heard how they had fun. I always on when there are no other staffs on so i want to become a staff so when the Sever is down low there well always be a staff on. As i am living in Australia and around the main time i get on there are not that many Staff on. I always like to be able to help people out with what every they need. I have able to get a little Feels of how most staff work and got to see how to do it. In all i want to become a Staff so i can help most people out and just to be able to give a helping hand. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I finish High School so my time is more free. i live in Sydney were i grew up my whole life. I am a Man who likes to go out and have some fun with my friend and i also like help out as much people as i can. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes i was a Moderator on Icefuse Sever. Are you a TR? Yes i am a TR on the Sever
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