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Gears' Chancellor Palpatine Application


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Steam Name:


RP Name:

Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda

RP Rank:

Vice Chancellor

Steam ID:


Why should you become Chancellor Palpatine?:

For the Past 4 Months I have dedicated my time to the Galactic Senate as Mas Amedda. In these months I've finished the majority of what I've set out to do with only the small things to be done. The Galactic Senate is in a stronger position and continues to progress, with that I feel its in a good position that me moving upwards would not leave a power vacuum with me vacating Mas Amedda. 
I have previously had a lengthy time within High Command and gained a lot of experience from it. What would be different this time is as Mas Amedda I was able to be better at overseeing instead of micromanaging every factor. For the position, It would be best used if it was overseeing and advisory and not stepping in on everything and letting the factions actually breathe.
I wouldn't be able to have learned this without taking up the position of Mas Amedda, as in my past I was known to overstep boundaries, but since then I have improved how I approach things on the server.
So in conclusion, With my prior experience, My Work as Mas Amedda and the growth that I have had in the past months, I feel I'm ready to take up a bigger position and can excel in it.

Do you understand the lore of the Republic Military?: 

Monday - Sunday: 2PM - 8PM EST

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:

212th Attack Battalion - PVT to LTC

In Chronological Order

Sentinel Gatekeeper
Jocasta Nu
Military Advisor Shaak Ti
Grand Master Yoda (2 Terms)
ACE Lead
Anakin Skywalker

Longest TRO on the server (14 Months)
Head Admin (8 Months)
Director of Clone Wars (10 Months)
Community Management for a brief moment.

Galactic Senate
Senator Gume Saam
Chief Military Advisor
Senior Senator
Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda

What do you feel the role of the Chancellor is?:

The Position of Chancellor has now changed, with it now only overseeing Senate, Bounty Hunters and the Jedi Order. It would be the job of Palpatine to ensure that these factions remain healthy and to see that their leads are able to reach their goals. Chancellor Palpatine should be in an advisory role towards the leads, giving input on changes and suggestions and using their own experience to help them out.
In cases that a faction is struggling to keep numbers there is in outstanding issue that needs fixing, the Chancellor should be able to step in to assist in this issue and fix the big issues that may arise.The Chancellor should also hold these Leads to a High Standard and take any necessary action if the Leads are falling behind on their role as Faction Lead.

Chancellor Palpatine is a part of High Command, therefore he is required to do the duties that come with that, This includes but not limited to interviews, command meetings and discussing changes and improvements to the Grand Army. He would also be required to be a helping hand in bigger projects that High Command may have and be able to work with all other High Command members.
Uniquely for Palpatine, He would also have the task of keeping the representation of the Senate alive and make sure information and issues are communicated towards all of High command, if anything does arise. 

As Chancellor he should be keeping the relations between his own factions strong and also outside his circle of influence. He should deal with any issues when relations break down and make sure that everyone is willing to work with each other if the opportunity arises. Chancellor Palpatine should be putting  communication information across his factions if it comes from other factions or even from High command. The Chancellor should also remain transparent on his changes and the ideas he may have

Lastly, As Chancellor Palpatine, I believe I would have an obligation to be the leading force for RP and the serious aspects of it. I should be a leading example when it comes to that. The Factions that Palpatine overseas also have a lot of reason to be a leading example of RP as well and he should be influencing others to a more serious form of RP. This echoes the current opinions of High Command, as they are currently pushing for a better roleplay experience. 

Do you have a microphone?: 

Where do you want the Jedi, Senate, and Guild to be at the end of your term?:

Jedi Order

The Jedi Order has a new Yoda settling in, I want to ensure that he sees out his plans and achieves his end goal in the order. In the past I served 2 terms as yoda and I believe this experience will help him not make the same mistakes I did in the past. I want the Jedi order to have a good High Command that can assist the Grand Master and have a strong council, additionally I will work on any ideas that can drive interest and numbers within the order.

Bounty Hunter

Working with the Bounty Hunter, I'd like to reduce the initial hostility that is given to them. I'd like to see people more open minded when they are base and not push away RP opportunities. I'd like there to be more transparency on base passes and how they are achieved, as well as encouraging more people to create contracts.
Bounty Hunter admittedly I will need to ease myself, being 1 of the 3 Factions that I haven't invested much time into, this means I will be working with Bounty Hunters High command to quickly get me up to speed and work on the issues that they have. Not having much experience within Bounty Hunter however does come with its positives. As Palpatine I can give the initial outside perspective of Bounty Hunter and give feedback on how they are perceived.

Galactic Senate

With the Galactic Senate I will ensure there isn't a Power vacuum upon me getting palpatine. If I were to get the position I would already have someone in mind to promote to Senior Senator to keep the Senate going until a Mas Amedda is appointed. The Galactic Senate run under me has improved tremendously and is in a strong position, there is always room for improvement and I want to steer the Senate in a direction that they can experiment with new ideas and improve the overall RP experience.
If the Senate is able to remain in the state it is in or even in a better state, then they remain as a strong faction and I want to make sure they can achieve their goals. 

How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?:

To set a baseline I want to ensure that the factions I oversee hold no bad relations with any section of the server and be open to work with them all.
When it comes to me and my own personal relations, I will continue to stay in contact with all BCMD+ whenever I would be needed, I would also ensure my personal relations with CG Remain Strong as the RP within Palpatine and the Coruscant Guard is always a staple when it comes to the position.
The Senate on regular occasions reach out to Battalions to work with them in training and events and I want them to be more open with the information they gather from that and use for their committees. The Senate is always looking forward to exploring new ways of interaction and I would encourage them to try new things. Additionally, the Senate's Relationship with CG must remain strong and they are crucial to the Senate's Protection.
With Bounty Hunters I've previously talked about the hostilities that they receive and also give, I want them to be more welcomed on to the base and engage in more RP, along with their bounties to be more accessible. Lastly Contracts are a unique system on the server and I would love to see a lot more contracts so that it can create a better connection with all parts of the server.
Jedi always strive to have a strong Battalion Jedi program, The Jedi Order have a Military Advisor I would give feedback to them on things that I see. If there were any issues between Battalion and Jedi I would make it my priority to solve these issues and strengthen the relations between them.

How do you plan to improve relations within the VIP factions?:

With Chancellor Palpatine's new role, It gives a great opportunity for the 3 Factions to expand on their relations with each other. This is why I will explore ways for each faction to interact with each other.

Senate and Jedi

The Senate and Jedi already have reasonable relations, We currently have 2 Jedi Diplomats that work with us and have benefited us in committees greatly. I'd like to encourage the Senate to explore more scenarios to do with Jedi, I believe the senate already do well with interacting with Battalions and the same can be done with the Jedi

Senate and Bounty Hunters

When it comes to Bounty Hunters, Mas Amedda, The Loyalist overseer and the Chief Military Advisor can contract Bounty Hunters. This system is currently not being used, scenarios are very specific when a Senator would contract a Bounty Hunter or a Clan, But Senators could bring them on base to engage in RP and create a more friendly relationship they have with Bounty Hunter, which was previously in a rough place.

Bounty Hunters and Jedi

Jedi and Bounty Hunters did previously have some relations with them contracting Bounty Hunters but this did not really go much further than them just being contracted. I believe its up to the current yoda if this is a system he would want to bring back, but as far as relations go it's making sure that they are not hostile with each other and remain open with working together. You don't always need to work with other factions but as long as you door remains opens there's always an opportunity for it.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your position of Chancellor Palpatine?

  • Winner 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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There are many a things I think when I hear of a Gears application. Many a past times of which I reminisce and consider how you've gotten yourself in such a place. I personally have both my doubts about your ability but more so your intention. I always felt somewhat that your time in senate was only 50% for the actual good of the senate. I felt much of your time was spent trying to prove yourself worthy of a higher position. Most clearly shown by your enormous disappointment in the reduction of Mas' rank to that of BCMD. I felt you were more disappoint it lost the ability to apply for Palpatine and act as a member of HC rather than it losing it's representation within HC. Now while you have done good things for the senate, I am in no denial about you being one of the most active Vice Chancellors to date, I did always wonder if you ever cared about the senate or saw it more as a method of furthering yourself.

I understand your intentions in High Command are likely quite novel and beyond what you have described, I can easily imagine you leveraging your position to push for changes that you see would benefit the server and some of it's parts. I can respect that and I understand you are somewhat of a fierce campaigner upon that of which you care maybe too much about. Being the leader of such completely separate factions with little to nothing connecting them creates a very loose job I think you're just leaping at the chance to push to it's potential, I do respect that. But I fear you may lose sight of what the new position is about, the factions. Upon losing this sight you will quickly find yourself acting almost as what chancellor once was as opposed to what it has been turned into. Something which could seriously harm factions as they remain completely neglected by HC as it continues to fight over the macro.

I know this is retardly long but in summary I just want to be assured that you're not going to abandon the factions and especially the senate to pursue sweeping policy within High Command. You are very capable but I could see you quickly losing sight of your own position and place leaving behind your job to go all in on server wide RP changes. I hope you can keep your head straight but I can never be certain. 

+1, don't get too caught up in HC drama

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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+1 Gears has been a great leader in the Senate, having great increases in activity both in Senate and Senate Guard. His ideas and passion for the server really give me hope for the direction he will take take with being the first Palpatine in this role. Best of luck Gears!

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Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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-1 as a Director and leader in the community, you were a very difficult partner to work with, 

You often argued for your opinion completely unwilling to compromise or find a common ground, or even to acknowledge the value in what other peoples opinions were.

I recall one particular instance when trying to find a compromise with the staff / GM changes (during the mandatory GM shift). You and Jova just argued for far too long unwilling to give ground on anything and it took Mavelle, me and the directors at the time to hash out an approach that everyone reluctantly agreed to.

Also the previous regimental changes are an example of this (now I may be misled here as I have also heard a rumor that the founders told you not to accept this). Many people put forward the idea of having something similar to what we have now the sector army system and you were the point man that shut that idea down (once again possibly because of people above your head but that was never formally told to me)

Overall, you were a toxic leader to work with many times and despite your dedication to this community I don't think you are the right person to be "The leader" as Palpatine. I think you would serve much better in a supervisory roll. Perhaps as a second or third in command with others around to balance ideas. 

Not trying to cause any issues so don't take this out of proportion.

I am talking strictly of my experiences with you as a leader. Not trying to insult you as a person or cause some sort of flame war it's GMOD...


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former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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I’m not going to give a +1 or -1 until some of these answers on your app are elaborated on, for the question of how you’re going to improve relations within the GAR, id say elaborate more because we’re talking about the GAR and you bring in bounty hunters in when they aren’t apart of it and half of that is about CG and Senate, as well, no real plan is provided.

I would like to know what exactly you have planned to actually carry out your job correctly and efficiently instead of saying I’m going to do this and that because, anyone can say that, since most of the server pop plays as a clone which is apart of the GAR I would say that is the section which should be getting a nice planned layout for how you plan to interact with sectors and battalions and as well, and I’m talking about you directly as chancellor, not you sending senators to do the work for you.

also I’m curious as to how the senator has improved under your leadership since not all of us are involved with senate affairs or the way it’s run.


“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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1 hour ago, Daytona211 said:

I recall one particular instance when trying to find a compromise with the staff / GM changes (during the mandatory GM shift). You and Jova just argued for far too long unwilling to give ground on anything and it took Mavelle, me and the directors at the time to hash out an approach that everyone reluctantly agreed to.

I think this instance came alot down to both me having very strong opinions and not willing to budge both of our points of view. I feel it didnt help from atleast how I saw it, neither of really liked eachother (which is ironic now cause hes working our bots in Senate and I dont think there is any ill will between us anymore). This was during the time where I committed 1 Year of non stop admin work (even during more LOAs) and just get way.. WAY too invested into the system which just caused me to one big twat that lead to my removal.

To touch on my removal, It took a hell of a lot of time for me to come to terms with this, to be knocked off the totem pole, doing work to suddently just doing nothing was a hell of a struggle for me. But this benefited my own personal growth, It let me reflect on my time as Director and Management, Pin point my mistakes and understand the self destructive path I went on.

Jump forward to coming back to server, I took a new path within the seante. It helped me learnt when its right to step in and when it isnt, how to see different points of view and work on compromising when it comes to issues, My time right now being below others and taking a role outside of staff was a massive shift for me, let me imagine what it would of been like If I was under myself, It gave me alot of regret in my time, sometimes questioning if did any good at all. I dont think there will ever be a time I dont apologise over and over for my time as Management.

When I did come to terms with my time as Director and Above I wanted to better myself and learn how to do things differently and be better. Mas Amedda has helped me so much and honestly cannot be happier with the work I done and also the change in myself.

1 hour ago, Daytona211 said:

Also the previous regimental changes are an example of this (now I may be misled here as I have also heard a rumor that the founders told you not to accept this). Many people put forward the idea of having something similar to what we have now the sector army system and you were the point man that shut that idea down (once again possibly because of people above your head but that was never formally told to me)

This is a bit of a blur, so if some of this is

a bit rough, then sorry.

As far as I remember there were a few conditions. The 3/3/3 was initially suggested but in a different organisation, I could go through all the chat logs, but it take alot of work for very little. I know Defense was a no go for them, which was one of the suggested titles, I certainly remember less traditional regiments which is what we have now was denied. 

I was in founders TS Channels throughout all of this, going back and forth with every idea someone brought up to get feedback and working with them on what they feel is the best option, We didnt thankfully come to a conclusion on that suggestion. But I do question for myself, This new regimental system was approved and it makes me wonder If I was leaning too far into the founders opinions, with them being my superiors and not taking in what the community wanted (Which I know is a touchy subject). 

That suggestion was a clusterfuck overall. The conditions were clear and I had myself repeating what ive said over and over after a new person comes in, caused alot of fustration for me and going back to my time as Management, I was way too invested that it just made the worst of me. 

1 hour ago, Daytona211 said:

Overall, you were a toxic leader to work with many times and despite your dedication to this community I don't think you are the right person to be "The leader" as Palpatine. I think you would serve much better in a supervisory roll. Perhaps as a second or third in command with others around to balance ideas. 

I do find this comment interesting actually. For the majority of my time as Mas Amedda, you might aswell as said I was in a leading position, I had no Palpatine, I had no HC Position in my Faction and was reporting directly to the Directors (However quick shoutout to Xaze for being fantastic in communicating with us). Palpatine obviously, is a much bigger responsibility, a role that I would take as Advisory and overseeing, A role that is below Directors, who would be my superiors.

It has been Over 8 Months, Since my hiatus from the server and with all ive said, ive worked hard to give my own personal growth and I understand that some people will never ever want me to be in a High Command position ever again, But that doesnt mean I should stop trying to prove my self everyday. Your comments were enlightening, Thank you.


Edited by Gears
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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Day sums it up pretty much. Also your brief time in management was a lot of rank and title pulling. 3 Months as Mas isn't enough for me to believe that has changed. @Conrad@DekuThat was a pretty lit Commander Meeting amiright?

Not to mention, and this is for bounty hunter. I was severely against a "MCMD" over the factions, reason being, not 1 person will understand all of them at a given time. Not to mention I don't want to see any ideas "forcefully suggested" and have it kill Factions. CIS being the biggest parallel here. While BH would most likely never get removed, I don't want to see it be controlled or killed. I can't trust you with that.

While this next point is purely opinion, I can see a lot of your effort being put into Senate and Jedi. I see a lot of your opinions being put into Senate and Jedi. Reason I state this is because you would auto deny suggestions you didn't like. Without vote or regardless of voting.

I like talking with you in channels and such, it's a good time. But I think staying away from the High Chair will be a lot better for you. If Senate really is doing well, go a second term. I would +1 that in an instant.


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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1. I wasn't around for everything Day and Brooklyn mentioned. I am willing to give you a shot since that was awhile ago. You're doing well in the Senate right now, so i wish you luck in your interview and hope that the issues brought up won't be issues you face.

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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4 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

Day sums it up pretty much. Also your brief time in management was a lot of rank and title pulling. 3 Months as Mas isn't enough for me to believe that has changed. @Conrad@DekuThat was a pretty lit Commander Meeting amiright?

Not to mention, and this is for bounty hunter. I was severely against a "MCMD" over the factions, reason being, not 1 person will understand all of them at a given time. Not to mention I don't want to see any ideas "forcefully suggested" and have it kill Factions. CIS being the biggest parallel here. While BH would most likely never get removed, I don't want to see it be controlled or killed. I can't trust you with that.

While this next point is purely opinion, I can see a lot of your effort being put into Senate and Jedi. I see a lot of your opinions being put into Senate and Jedi. Reason I state this is because you would auto deny suggestions you didn't like. Without vote or regardless of voting.

I like talking with you in channels and such, it's a good time. But I think staying away from the High Chair will be a lot better for you. If Senate really is doing well, go a second term. I would +1 that in an instant.


The Commander Meeting was by far my biggest embarrasment of being a utter jerk. 

I can understand the issue with 1 person not understanding all of them. From experience of the 3 Factions that are overseen, Bounty Hunter is actually the one I have the least of, but as ive said in my Application, this gives me an outside perspective on the factions and actually gives me the oppurtunity to learn from them, I would carefully take the time to work with Bounty Hunter on any concerns they have, but with how unique that faction is how you get up in to those positions, I would have full faith in what they feel it right, All I want to do with them is making sure that they arnt being pushed away by others and get the chance to do what they set out to do. 

Your opinion of auto denying things, it has been a thing of my past yes, From my mistake of council of 13 to the denying Jedi Commander being in the Command Discord. I do find it interesting that you have said ive forcefully suggested something that killed the CIS (forgive me if im wrong on that), But I cannot recall a time I forced something upon the CIS. When it comes to the Senate, The things that I passed through without any gauging "opinion" would be my Committee Revamps and the Activity increase, The Committees were never used and I already had talked about activity increase in my Mas Amedda application. 

There was actually some concern on the Activity quota, People thought 6 hours was too much, I swallowed my own pride that day. Some wanted no activity required at all and some actually were fine with the current requirements. I came to a compromise there, I require Committee work and 3 Hours, since then Committees now flourish and activity is still majority being met.

When it comes to right now when Senators suggest anything, We usually do it through a "bill" system. We had 4 Actual bills within the last 2 Months, Bill #0020 was allowing Senators using bigger weapons due to the new droids, something that i was really against, But it passed so I let it through cause thats what they wanted. On the other side there was a bill that was denied that I wanted passed, but again I let the Senate choose on that. Any suggestion that I did "auto deny" was that if I didnt High Command approval or it didnt actually work. All this with suggestions is how Im going to approach matters as Palpatine, If the Senate, Jedi Order or Bounty Hunter have something that comes directly to me, I will go with the flow of what they want. The only times I would be hesitant would be if the community would be uneasy on it or HC Around me have their reserved opinions, Either way I would still fight for a compromise or a change of mind set so that the faction can get something out of it, My other time would be a clear suggesiton that would be damaging to their own faction, as judged by others.

If you want to see the examples of these bills or the times Ive done a EO, Im more than happy to give you those, The majority of it is available in the Senate Discord.


  • Winner 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Imma be 100% honest

My gut feeling wants me to -1, i feel your intentions with going for this position is not pure in the slightest, seeing the reaction of Mas being demoted and the actions the senate have taken led me into me being extremly pessismetic (some might say  opinionated and erratic),  


But i do look back on synergy and see Gears positive, regardless of his management run his term as director went well, the server was in a upwards trend and no one can deny it,  with experince in Jedi and now senate i think you would actaully understand how to fix factions effectively,  seeing you on the server actaully roleplay is good as all 3 of these factions desperately  need more of RP opportunities  as that is what HC needs.



Edited by Mazen
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1 hour ago, Piff said:

I’m not going to give a +1 or -1 until some of these answers on your app are elaborated on, for the question of how you’re going to improve relations within the GAR, id say elaborate more because we’re talking about the GAR and you bring in bounty hunters in when they aren’t apart of it and half of that is about CG and Senate, as well, no real plan is provided.

I would like to know what exactly you have planned to actually carry out your job correctly and efficiently instead of saying I’m going to do this and that because, anyone can say that, since most of the server pop plays as a clone which is apart of the GAR I would say that is the section which should be getting a nice planned layout for how you plan to interact with sectors and battalions and as well, and I’m talking about you directly as chancellor, not you sending senators to do the work for you.

also I’m curious as to how the senator has improved under your leadership since not all of us are involved with senate affairs or the way it’s run.

When it came to the question about relations with the GAR, I was told by Director Luther that just meant everything. So thats why Bounty Hunter is included in there, Even Senate isnt technically apart of the GAR.

So if your talking about what I has palpatine would be doing with the Battalions and Sectors, I will use the RP in my role to engage in all scenarios that will arise, I want to use my position as a positive force to the server and welcome all kinds of RP, I will take apart in trainings and simulations and I have my presense clear. For my role as High Command I would be focusing on issues Battalions or Sectors have with the factions I oversee and Vice Versa, EX - If a Battalion has had a bad experience with a Master or even a group of Jedi, I would work on getting the parties involve to work things out. to flip this around I would do the same if a Faction is being hostile towards a particular group as well. Overall Palpatine isnt a cushy desk job, It to be out and about a creating a positive experience, I will be proactive through out the server. I also think alot of what you said here might have been aswered in my additional replies to others.


So im going to list out a few key points of what Ive had in my application and tell you how its improved the Senate.

Increasing The Activity of the Senate

Said before but we have increased activity overall and it led to people doing more committee work.

Defining The Role of the Committees

Each Committee now has its own definiing purpose and 2 of the 3 Factions actually have work done wthin them, the only committee thats strugling is loyalist and its a lack of interest, there might need to be a relook at that. Before my time as Mas Amedda there was No Committee work, Now there is some.

Senate Guard and Commandos

This did not plan out how Id originally like it to be, but finally after taking time away from it, We came back to a fresh start on it and we have Senate Guards walking around with us. there are however some growing pains and thats something that needs to be ironed out. But big appreciation to the Senators and HoS working on that.

Transparency and Communication

I initially spent every week giving a Discord Server Wide announcement of what we were doing, but it was better to just come out with an announcement when any change was made at the time and not expect weekly posts of "same shit different week". But ive made it known when anything changes and been open to the majority of our work.

Keeping firm contact with High Command

Man this one was rough. Ive had High command members ive butted heads with but overall today, Im really with how High Command has talked to us and give feedback, Ill say it again, Xaze has been fantastic as MCMD. I even have the current Admiral willing to work with us on a bigger project, its amazing.

Raising the morale of the Senate

When Mas Ameddas Demotion was slapped at him, along with the whole F4 fiasco, there was alot of thoughts that no one really cared for the Senate. But today, I cannot be happier with the mood thats in the senate, everyone is positive and everyone is talking, its honestly a brilliant enviroment.

Theres alot of inbetween, but to summerize, The Senate is honestly progressed so much in these last 2 months, Committees actually work, Senators are out and about, increasing presense and interacting and we have been even been given an ambitious task to do with the budgetary system and we got 2 senators hitting the ground running with that. I think even with all the Revamps and changes we made, there is so much more we can do and while in the past I as Mas was the only one doing it, today we have Senators taking their own initiative.

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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25 minutes ago, Mazen said:

My gut feeling wants me to -1, i feel your intentions with going for this position is not pure in the slightest, seeing the reaction of Mas being demoted and the actions the senate have taken led me into me being extremly pessismetic (some might say  opinionated and erratic), 

So I actually had a long chat with Conrad when this did happen, It helped me understand what led to it. For a Senator, it came off as instant and nothing was communicated, It really made me annoyed about how it was being approached and this was in the middle of us creating ideas to expand on the faction. 

But now 4 months in, I got the full infomation on how it led to that, Communication was going to the Senate, but none of it went directly to the Senators, We were in the dark and for us knowing nothing, It felt as if they were slapping us in the face and blamed the whole of High Command, but really.. The demotion was neccessary. I actually now understand its demotion and Ive worked myself just to get some regular communication with High command, which I feel ive now achieved, Sure ive dabbled with getting Mas back to RCMD, mostly just because I felt we wernt being seen (which today we are clearly seen). But I think Palpatine being MCMDish is the solution that removed any need of Mas being RCMD currently.

Edited by Gears

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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+1 iron bru

Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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2 hours ago, Brooklyn said:

That was a pretty lit Commander Meeting amiright?

I also recall this when it took place.  I don't particularly enjoy your behavior in high ranking positions from my previous experience with you as Management, Yoda, etc.


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People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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Undoubtedly +1

Strong leader, which is needed in a position like palpatine.


I wont go into specific's so arguments don't happen, but people using "I don't want you to be the top command" as a reason is kinda cringe, especially with Palpy and Marshall being equals now.

Also reading about examples of "toxic leadership" with no examples of such except for explaining you were shot down for an idea?
Leaders are humans, not robots.

  • Agree 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Hahahahahaha +1 as long I can keep being a Minge we good my guy

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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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as someone who has seen gears years ago and now is under him in the senate i've seen him be caring and guided me into senate next to listening to our concerns and he really boosted senate with the activity requirement and from what i've read he has changed from the stories that were said here. 

Just keep your head cool, don't get too deep into the drama and listen to everybody around you and im sure you'll do great things

+1 go get em tiger

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+1 Working with you in jedi was always a pleasure, do what you do best, and you will be fine as Palpatine.

- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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I don't play anymore so I can't judge how you are now but I found you in the past to be difficult to work with and, as a lead, not somebody who I particularly wanted to go to when I needed assistance that you could provide. This is really just how I personally felt, but I just don't think I could see you doing exceptionally well in the role because of this. I'd like to be proved wrong and think you could prove me wrong very easily, but I just don't know if you'd suit the role, especially with what the others who -1ed said.


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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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  • Management

oh I can vote on this

Ya know when I saw this I was definitely set on a -1 like some other people here however I delved deep and read your application and you know what you have done wrong in the past and it really seems like you understand that and you've grown from it, at least I hope. I haven't had many interactions with you since you've come back personally but in the past, like others, there were a lot of negative encounters with you. I think you deserve a shot to really prove you've grown from your past mistakes and you have plenty of experience in this particular set of groups that you would be leading. I think some of these -1s you are receiving are definitely valid however I feel some people here are just being childish. Hope you are able to prove us all wrong!

+1 After reading your app I believe you deserve at least a shot at an interview.

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i am literally captain tukk

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


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