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Andrew's Grand Master Yoda Application


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Steam Name: Torres | Synr.gg

RP Name: Master of the Order Mace Windu

RP Rank: Master of the Order

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56345544



Coruscant Guard:

When I first joined the server back in 2017 right before New Years, I decided to try out CWRP as I was taking a break from Arma III at the time. When I joined Synergy, I decided to join CG at the time which was run under Puck, and from there, that is when I started my adventure. In the following months, I worked with the many BCMDs like Xaze, UneJamMut, Panzer to improve CG and bring reform to how CG operates which by the looks of it now was successful across the server. My history with CG I’d admit has been rocky with a demotion, in there from LTC to 2LT but I accept the demotion reason and funny enough I guess? Since that time I was nicknamed with the meme “Captain Inactive” by fellow CG as I decided to main Naval/Jedi at the time. Regardless, I helped CG with implementing the first interaction of Riot Troopers.


So back in February or March of 2018, I started enjoying Naval to the point It started influencing my activity in CG which led to what was already stated above. With that, I believe I had a good influence on Naval’s Development with the Freck, Esitt, and Skeeti’s navals at that time. I accomplished a lot during my time through Naval’s History, for example, reforms to the ATC Program, Infrastructure, Officers, and promotion of activity and cooperation with the help of the aforementioned Admirals. Fast forward, I was granted Honorary Commodore for my dedication to the Navy and I continued to assist the Navy where I could, providing my opinion when asked.


Jedi Order:

Same as Naval, I had a real slow start to Jedi as I was already maining Naval and Jedi. The turning point I think was when I started seeing the presence of the many lore characters at the time, which influenced me to start thinking about what I could do in Jedi. Since by this time I was barely active in CG, I took a jump at being a Jedi being a 501st Sentinel Padawan at first until on my 14th try of Temple Guard trials I passed and I loved being a Temple Guard. During my time as Temple Guard, I enjoyed it very much and have a lot of memories from when we had to defend the council chambers which were located in the BUnks area of this Venator we were on. I started rising through the ranks with a good Friend we all know, Freck and we were both Sentinel Managers at the time however Cin Drallig at the time felt as if it were better for me to move over a TGM slot which I accepted. At the time Temple Guard was a Sub-Branch of Sentinel which allowed individuals to still progress through the hierarchy of Sentinels and by this time, I no longer played Clone and was managing both my Naval and Jedi so I took a leap at being Gatekeeper for ether Freck or Arcann can’t remember but it was a fun time managing a large branch which has taught me some valuable experiences. By the time I achieved Master was in May and I just mained Jedi from that point on helping where I can which lead me to go for one of most characters I’ve had fun with because of the people I played with which was Obi-Wan Kenobi. I really enjoyed my time as Kenobi with Perri, Striker as the two Cody's I had worked with. Also, I got the chance to be Sentinel Lead and it was a good experience, taught me some leadership qualities of being a major lead. By September or October Lighig got Yoda, Zyner got Windu and I decided to move on to give someone else the chance of being Kenobi so I went for Shaak Ti however I only stayed as Shaak Ti until November 14 for when I was promoted to Mace Windu by Lighig. Sadly, my time as Windu was short as I CWRP Director while also creating MRP with the Founders which led to my resignation in Mid-December.




Back in March, I decided to return to Synergy because of a few bad experiences I had the previous months which made me want to return and just have some good old fun with some peeps. Lucky an old peep named Freck had returned with me which further cemented my reasoning. This time around I decided to try to play a Clone which led me to decide to join 501st since I wanted to give Torrent Company a try. During my time in the 501st, it was pretty fun on the clone trooper side of things and I would say I was one hard-working NCO. I was able thanks to Mitchell regaining my ARC Status and being able to be 501st, which led me to want to be Fives for a little.


Jedi Order (again):

In addition to wanting to try the Clone Aspect of the server, I also started maintaining somewhat of a presence in the Council again. There were some new faces and a few old ones. However, I wanted to experience the many changes the order has undergone through the years for which I was not playing. At first, I was dedicating myself to Temple Guard until I wanted to support the 501st Jedi Program which led me to move my Jedi to 501st, to assist Cronis, Beast with Jedi related things in the battalion. I’d admit it was a slow start but, I eventually AGAIN started being more active in Jedi and I noticed that sentinels were having some issues with leadership, Sentinel Lead was open so I decided to main Jedi Again while trying to maintain a good percent on my Clone however that failed. I worked to improve the Sentinel Leadership as well, not make it so hard for the managers to host trials, in my eyes I think I was successful in bringing the branch into a more positive state however at the time, Skylur and Wynter were leaving which led Gears to be the new Yoda. Few days after Gears' promotion to Yoda, he decided that he would want me as his Mace Windu and I accepted as I wanted to continue to support the Jedi positively.


Why should you become Grand Master?: Since becoming a Master back in May of 2018, I’ve always tried pushing myself to better myself, others, and any entity I am involved in. I’ve had the privilege of holding multiple leadership positions whether it was in Jedi, Naval or Staff, I think the times for when I held these positions like Mace Windu, Rear Admiral and Director have taught me valuable lessons of being a Leader however it has also taught me that in the case of Jedi, there are issues which need to be addressed and worked on. With this experience in mind, My immense amount of dedication, work to both Synergy and the Jedi can show for itself and I wish to steer the Jedi more towards individuality, noticing dedication and recognition of mistakes but most of all transparency. With this in mind, I feel as If I have the best qualities supported by the immense amount of experience I have to push the Jedi in a new direction. Becoming Grand Master of the Order would allow me to effectively push myself, the Council, and Jedi as a whole. 

Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?: Yes

Availability: Regardless of “availability” I am always reachable through Discord and Teamspeak. I’m usually on the server during these times unless doing something else that day

Weekdays: 2pm EST - 9pm EST

Weekends: 1pm EST - 11pm EST  


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Staff Related: New Admin - Overseer (1st Time) | Admin - CWRP/MRP Director (2nd Time) | TRD, current TRM again | GH - GMO 2x

Clone Related: CG PVT-LTC Stone | 501st PVT-SGM Fives

Naval Related: MIDN - Rear Admiral Tarkin (2018 ranking) | CFO/ITD/Infrastructure

Jedi Related: Mace Windu 2x | Shaak Ti | TGM | Sentinel Lead 2x | ACE Lead


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?: 

By the end of the term, I am wanting to have a successful Council along with having active leadership in the many branches. Furthermore, I am wanting to ensure that all branches have the option to criticize their leadership and ensure that they are able to continue voicing their opinions and concerns. A few issues I do want to address and find solutions for by the end of my term.

  1. Having to do Trial RP to be noticed as Knight to be considered for Master

During my time as Mace Windu since returning, I have noticed especially as of late an increase of essentially trial rp. If you don’t know what trial RP is, it's simply when a branch manager hosts a massive amount of trials. Sadly, trial RP is the only way for an individual to be noticed for Master. My plan to address this would try opening up the standards of who we look at for a master and looking at individuals who would fit a “criteria”. In addition to opening up the standards, I also want to work with Clone High Command and the Council to start opening up the possibility of Knights taking a leadership role in their battalion Jedi core. With opening up Knights taking up leadership positions in a Battalion’s Jedi Core it would allow the Knight to work on his/her Leadership as well present to the Masters that this individual is taking up a leadership position. It can also increase the utilization of “Jedi Commander” as currently, Lore Characters are the only real individuals to get Jedi Commander.


  1. Lack of Jedi entertainment outside of Events

Since returning, I have noticed a lack of players being active on their Jedi outside events and when Jedi are specifically called for by the Clones. To address this issue I would work with the Council, the Gamemaster Program to start providing more opportunities for Jedi to interact with each other outside of events and trials. One simple solution would be us as Masters actively being on the server working with a staff member if they aren’t one already to place small objects and sending small teams of Jedi or even a Jedi w/ a Clone to complete small objects on the many planets we have. In addition to this, I would love to see Jedi have a more roleplay centered while maintaining an active presence for when we get event server deployments whether it is by a Master that is a GM or just a GM doing one for us. Furthermore, I would work with some lore nerds to come up with a Pre-Set list of encounters/events that would focus on Jedi entertainment


  1. Masters

Since returning to Jedi High Command in April we have conducted “Master Evaluations” up until the Council wipe of 6/24/2020. While the issue has been solved for the time being, I am wanting to look for a more permanent or long term solution other than wipe machines or evaluations. If I were to be granted the position of Grand Master, in addition to more opportunities for Knights to be noticed for Master, I also want to have a set citera that a Master will be graded on. In addition, I am wanting to ensure that all Masters are held accountable for their actions with this in mind, I am wanting to establish an actual 1 strike system. There will obviously be mess ups here and there that might be minor but going forward, being a Master is a privilege and with that privilege comes with responsibility. Being a Master does not grant one an automatic vote. 

With this all being said towards changes to our Council I also want to bring more opportunities to the Masters to be able to prove themselves. Masters are supposed to be active leaders and not sit in the back doing nothing, if granted the position of Grand Master I wish to establish set roles & responsibilities of which can be granted to any Master. This will give these Masters the opportunities to improve themselves and display their skill sets.


With that being said there are a few things which I do want to accomplish with the rest of the Masters by the end of my term

  1. Look at a way of doing a proper merit system for Knight Promotions, and possibly replacing needing 10 recs as a Padawan with merits

  2. Continue to improve relations with Battalion High Command and the working of Named Jedi including their involvement

  3. Ensure that there is a purpose of being a Master, also setting possible roles that will enable masters to have additional responsibilities

  4. More Transparency

  5. Evaluate the purposes of all branches, sub branches.

  6. Creating more opportunities for Knights, Padawans to take initiative and promote roleplay

  7. See how we could improve the Master-Padawan System


How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?: An idea I have slowly started working on since the end of June has been promoting cooperation of all Jedi alike in small strike team missions. During these missions, Jedi as Clones have already been doing would go to a planet/outpost etc to complete an objective with their fellow Jedi/Battalion members. I wish to continue this idea and expand on it with the rest of the staff members in/out of the Council. Furthermore one idea i have been messin with would be creating a similar thing that Bounty Hunters have been doing but for Jedi “Mission Board”. This would allow Jedi to complete missions set out by Masters + and the reward for completing said mission could result in credits, merits and a rare crystal like purple or pink. 

Doing this would promote action, roleplay and most of all, activity for all Jedi who decide to take part. It would allow for individuals to interact outside of trials no matter what trial it is as well give opportunities to do things on your Jedi besides Trial RP. I see it as a benefit for branches as this idea could further expand for branch specific missions or the need for branch-cooperation when it comes to working with each other. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I understand

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: I do


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Huge +1


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GM Leadership

+1, You and me have talked about this so I will not state my opinion. Good luck.



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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+1, A OG homie. The issues on the council can be blamed on you just as much as andrews, but along with that so can the successess. As i said on gears's app the successess recently have made the order look well to me. And that falls on both of you. I believe only the interview can decided which person deserves this position more.


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Forum Admin


I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Edited by Stockings
Changed Position after reading later replies.

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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-1 I dont like you 


Edit: This isn't meant to be funny.

Edited by BigZach
Kinda awkward now that he reacted to my post. But the I dont like you thing was pretty funny fuck
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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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1 hour ago, Cronis said:

-1, understand you have just as much responsibility as Gears for the many situations leading up to now

Let’s not let people blind side us.

cronis said it well

not to mention you came back and quickly rose through ranks to windu, Among other things such as how situations were handled and how you got towards the end of mrp blinds me from +1’ing your application at this current time.


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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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-1, seem like a good Windu

what Cronis and Craig said.

I think gears should finish off his time. Seems kinda unnecessary for you to need to be Yoda to get any of this stuff done.
Seems like one of those situations where someone doesn't do anything because they don't have the position yet, despite having the power>

I don't know much about jedi tho, so I could be wrong

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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Thought this was gonna be in the off topic area when i first opened it lmao.


+1 for sure.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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So a few questions for you and they might possibly answer them for a few others as well. 
1. How do you plan to foster leadership within the jedi order?

2. How do you plan on changing the opinion of players about jedi ranks? Such as if i see anything below a Jedi General they kinda mean fuck all but thats me.

3. How is your plan different from others in a way that should warrant you from getting it over the others, than the generic " i want to help fix things?"

4. What is your plan on fixing sub branches being basically useless, as a long time shadow i find it of zero use to play jedi right now, as the current forms / options i have are quite limited. Such as bringing back cross branching, etc... as ratio stated it was meant to bring full customization to your jedi, i don't see the point in 30 default sages running around, all jedi were different and did better in different things why not bring that back?

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Thank you for the opportunity. @Dennis

"How do you plan to foster leadership within the jedi order?"

There are many ways for a leader to foster leadership. As stated in my 3rd point regarding Masters, I wish to continue and/or open opportunities for Knights, Masters alike to display their skills in a leadership capacity no matter if it's in the branch work they decide to do or a new route wish I look to develop up with High Command, Battalion Work. In addition I am wanting to ensure that we have a strong group of Masters as well as Jedi High Command that can be both, effective in showing the lower ranking Jedi that we are confident, competent and united in what we do and be held accountable accordingly. 

"How do you plan on changing the opinion of players about jedi ranks? Such as if i see anything below a Jedi General they kinda mean fuck all but thats me."

I do see your viewpoint regarding this, it has always been a struggle to find some meaning for Knights, Padawans. I do not know if you forget the Master rank, but they are essential to the Jedi when it comes to leadership regardless of if its in a Branch, Battalion or simply during a event. Padawans will and for always be the concentrate in the Jedi because without them, we won't have people progress up to Knights, Masters etc. They are vital to the activity and continued progression of Jedi. The Council has been pushing for additional responsibilities and possible opportunities especially for Padawans to obtain.

Knight Initiate, Knight and Knight Adept are the ranks that make up the base of "Jedi Knight" currently. These individuals are proving themselves that they have what it takes to continue their progression in Jedi. Knight of Branch, Knight of X I view as a more seniority position where these individuals show their capabilities as most times I see KoB and KoX being put up for Master more than KA, K, KI.

Changing an entire playerbase's opinion (if it is felt as you said) will be difficult and no easy task. However, I personally do not see an issue regarding the Knight ranks as they are able to do things that Padawans cannot. In addition, in certain battalions as you may know like 501st allow certain Knight ranks certain permissions and abilities that their lower ranking Knight may not have. With all this stated, I do not see myself having any current ideas that may change your opinion however, this is why we have a Council to discuss these sorts of opinions with. 

"How is your plan different from others in a way that should warrant you from getting it over the others, than the generic " i want to help fix things?"

In my application I have listed 3 Issues that I have seen myself and addressed them accordingly. I have also listed 7 additional items of which I wish to complete with the Council however, I am not as focus on them as I am on the three issues I gave a response too. 

"What is your plan on fixing sub branches being basically useless, as a long time shadow i find it of zero use to play jedi right now, as the current forms / options i have are quite limited. Such as bringing back cross branching, etc... as ratio stated it was meant to bring full customization to your jedi, i don't see the point in 30 default sages running around, all jedi were different and did better in different things why not bring that back?"

In my 5th point in the "Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:" question, I did state I do want to evaluate the purposes of all branches with all also including sub-branches. Let me go in more detail. 

Cross Branching was a touchy subject and my personal opinion good & bad. The good as you stated can promote individuality in the Jedi which I would like to see, as it would increase roleplay, activity of not only Jedi but also the possibility of sub branches. The bad is the moderation of the abuse as it is difficult to catch without proactive Masters and the help of fellow Jedi as well Clones to support us in doing it.

The Shadow Tree as a few Shadows have stated feel as the skill tree should be re looked at and possibly be looked into for a re balanced. This I do support and wish to expand it across all of the skill tree however, the obvious concern is if it would be allowed. If this isn't a option then the more likely choice would be cross-branching. I have started already working on decreasing the restrictions on force powers such as Force Absorb to start out with. 

This issue is something I do want to work on and hopefully solve by the time the 3 months are up. I do wish to work with the Council heavily regarding this. 

If you or anyone else reading this would like some more clarification or have any questions feel free to post and/or contact me through Discord/Teamspeak. 

P.s if the grammar is bad, I am responding at 4am.

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-1 I don't think you would be right for the job. You take personal vendettas into account when they shouldn't be. You also handle situations the wrong way. One situation is when you outright called me out in front of the entire Ace branch for something I did not know before hand. Instead of @ing me in the chat you could have private messaged me saying to transfer ownership of the documents to Gears since Yoda has to have ownership of them all. You humiliated me in front of people for something that could have been handled privately. I don't want this type of person to be my next Yoda.

Edited by Titanium_Satan
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+1 with some hesitation, it seems you have some personal things to work on but hey so did I and so do others but you can only improved once they are brought to your attention. 

However good luck with the app and if your accepted the interview. 

  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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-1, From the start I've heard word going around about you actively working to diminish gear's reputation in a ploy to get Grand Master for yourself, That alone would be why I believe you shouldn't get this position, but I also have seen first hand how you take personal bias and vendettas into account, as you had blacklisted me shortly after I brought up the point of you should be wiped too. You have proven to me that your only goal has been to get Grand Master, no matter the cost to those around you.

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After confirming with Mitchell to ensure there is no liability, I will address these and bring forth some information. 

On 7/17/2020 at 7:21 PM, Cronis said:

-1, understand you have just as much responsibility as Gears for the many situations leading up to now

 Yes, I do as the 2nd in Command of Jedi have the same amount of responsibility as the #1 in regards to how Jedi is currently. Understand and especially regarding the recent Master wipe as a example. I did support doing a Master wipe however, the way we would go about it I opposed nevertheless I had to support the decision and move along. If you want to talk more in-deph and/or get more information regarding these situations feel free to msg me. 


51 minutes ago, Deathtiger said:

-1 i am not going to repeat what everybody else has said but i agree with Cronis, Also you killed a CT the other day 

The situation happened Yesterday, it was accidental and I did not think it through. I actually had turned myself in to TG and contacted a HA. Nevertheless RDM is RDM and rules are rules.  it is what it is :FeelsWeirdMan:

Edited by Andrews
  • Winner 4
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Head Admin

-1, I think that Cronis and Satan laid out the reason for me.

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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13 hours ago, Andrews said:

 Yes, I do as the 2nd in Command of Jedi have the same amount of responsibility as the #1 in regards to how Jedi is currently. Understand and especially regarding the recent Master wipe as a example. I did support doing a Master wipe however, the way we would go about it I opposed nevertheless I had to support the decision and move along. If you want to talk more in-deph and/or get more information regarding these situations feel free to msg me. 


From my understanding you supported it in the beginning but towards when it was actually going to happen you backed out and started to oppose it. This seems fishy to me. For someone who was hard set to wipe masters you changed your mind pretty quickly.

As well as what do you mean the way you would go about it? A wipe is a wipe there should be no discrimination on who it is.

Edited by Titanium_Satan
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12 hours ago, Titanium_Satan said:

From my understanding you supported it in the beginning but towards when it was actually going to happen you backed out and started to oppose it. This seems fishy to me. For someone who was hard set to wipe masters you changed your mind pretty quickly.

As well as what do you mean the way you would go about it? A wipe is a wipe there should be no discrimination on who it is.

As I said, I did support it. There two options of how to do the wipe. 1 was to do what which was ultimately done |  2. Specifically remove individuals and keep Thoses who were hard working. 

I see nothing fishy about someone changing their mind as it happens all the time. I’m not going to sit there and support the removal of people from their positions to serve a point of “a warning.” To all when there was no need to give a warning in the first place to same as there were already doing fine (speaking about the Masters which were considered to be hard-working at the time).  Yes, thoses who were deemed to be hard-working were reinstated within the next 72 hours. 


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Clank/Targeev and Satan’s stories are enough for my -1. I understand you and Targeev made up after everything, but even then the situation should’ve never happened.

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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-1 from what I’ve heard and been told you have played it safe with every big decision, playing half in half out trying to protect yourself for your app -1 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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