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im gonna say it

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t h e s e r v e r i s f u c k i n g d y i n g

first off i want to say, ive played this server for two years. Made friends on this server. Met people i now consider family and gone through some depressing shit while playing this server, During that time ive noticed alot of flaws and of course. what server doesnt have them? 

Aidsfuse? money whores

Superior? .. Money whores


Bluntly the founders need to be more active and step it up outlining it specifically 

Ron. Ron is a fucking cry baby and has made so many bluntly false statements about battalions and the server making false statements on CG and ranting to myself and one of my friends for TWO FUCKING HOURS about the server rules and why he shouldnt have been arrested for RDM even though he killed someone with a lightsaber rifle and addmited it. he as a founder asked me multiple times what the rules were during that arguement, while also making statements about the rules and (false ones) about RDM and why he shouldnt have been arrested. thats not how a founder should act in my opinion and while i do respect the work that ron or anyone in the high-staff/director/founder roles have done im simply outlining things that i believe to be wrong with the server

Joah. Joah from my experience is childish with his perms as a founder and owner and has abused them in the past to ban people for 2 seconds as memes or getting on droideka jobs and mass RDMing to anime music and while its funny at times. Still not what a founder should be doing

Jackson. I cant talk about jackson, Ive never met him and hes not given me a reason to speak ill against him

Zim. Zim is the good founder on this list, during the time he was in the owner spot filling in for joah shit got fucking done. suggestions went through, He kept his word. He was active. made models, helped staff, did fucking everything, the dudes a legend 



The community needs to stop being fucking toxic (Ironic i know)

But from people force naming their names to intentionally be a fucking 4 page document on why they are the kool kids to people having full on arguements in OOC to even then having members that break rules and dont get banned from people making mistakes that shouldnt be made even though your needed to this community 

(scribbles. to name one) 



stop making servers! 

Focus on CWRP stop having side projects that arent needed when your main server is fucking dying





Ect. you need to focus on CWRP. Set rules in fucking stone make sure battalions dont get unfair treatment and make sure things arent broken constantly. The prices for perma weapons are actually insane, None of them are worth their price for their output as a usable weapon, 21st losing their trooper job without warning. CG getting fucked left right and centre 24/7 ect. fixing certain vehicles that are broken, Y-wings have no sound CG laat is still fucked and apparently causes crashes, Fox's description being busted. jobs not having guns they should, (21st not having westars, Thire not having ARC weapons) On top of all of that you fucked already existing weapons and made them literally unusable. Z6 is horrible now because you run out of ammo before you even get up to full speed. DC-15s is literally storm trooper aim and is dogshit, DC-17s being all over the place as far as aim and damage goes, founders saying to make server suggestions then promptly fucking denying the server suggestions and never touching on it again, saying hundreads of times that map rotations would become a thing yet with everything else nothing comes of it,

I loved this server and i still do hold a place for it in my heart and i know alot of other people do and ive asked most of all of my friends from this server and they've all said they give synergy till the end of this year if that, this isnt something only the founders can fix. its gonna take all of us to work together and fix this shit. Once CWRP is fixed THEN you go out and do shit. But the money thats going to ARK and rust servers could go to a new server box. Get LSF on the server something that everyones wanted for awhile 


Finally i know everyone has a life everyone has family to tend to and particularly so in this time, but for how long this shit has been going on and for how many people ive heard say it, Its time to fix this server and get it back to what it was, what it could be. to the founders specifically if you say something, Keep your word on it. If you say something it should be fact if you say your gonna do it fucking do it. Dont just say you'll do it and 2 months later have people wondering where that update is..

theres a reason "SoonTM" and "June 1st" are memes on the server


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Autism made me do it.

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In regards to other servers I agree, I personally don't feel like having an ARK and Rust server while CWRP is barely getting over 60-70 during primetime. Sure, we've the virus going on. Yes, people got real life issues during this pandemic. But CWRP has been the frontier of Synergy Roleplay. It gets updated, it get maintenance don't get me wrong. However, if we spread the small player base (that I see we currently have) throughout 3 different servers, the main frontier is gonna fall. That being CWRP. Who knows. I love this server. I love the people in this server. This is just my honest opinion and input on this. However, it would be an absolute crime to not acknowledge the work that HAS been done. New Jedi system, weapon reworks, maps being rotated. All of this is good on the founders and development team, however. Things have just gotten stale recently. Perhaps it's just from this whole pandemic going on recently. 

I just saw the part about CG getting fucked left right and center. Ngl, no....it really hasn't been. I've literally made 3 suggestions and all of them SO FAR have gotten positive reviews. Does that mean they'll get passed? No. However, it's a step in the right direction and I personally feel like I've strengthened relationships with not only other battalions but with high staff and higher ups on the server. (Have only talked to Chambers once in person but it went alright). Ron was right, we needed to get off of that CG island we were on and honestly, it's paid off in the long run.
Once again, Stay Incredibilies all.

Edited by Centurion
Say something I didn't see before and had to add on it
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Was a Fox I guess. Just an old Synergy vet.
Explore roman centurian GIFs

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This is true, *insert gif of red forman saying your a dumb ass here*

Edited by Ping
I can't insert images
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Imma be real, I get it, u liked playing on the server. But its a gmod RP server. If you feel like the founders ain't doing their job, well too bad. Posts like this wont change shit. They've been done before lmao. If it's so shit in your opinion. Leave and it wont bother you


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  • Founder

Baby raging is no way to solve problems. This post demonstrates a blatant lack of maturity and knowledge.  Maybe you should try rethinking your approach and educating yourself on how to inspire change. Also, seems like most of these issues are arising from the CG due to the fact that you guys didn't get weapon strippers in the last update. Grow up. 

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8 minutes ago, Square said:

Baby raging is no way to solve problems. This post demonstrates a blatant lack of maturity and knowledge.  Maybe you should try rethinking your approach and educating yourself on how to inspire change. Also, seems like most of these issues are arising from the CG due to the fact that you guys didn't get weapon strippers in the last update. Grow up. 

First off this isnt raging this js me making a detailed post to start a discussion second the entire ladder half of my post is me outlining things that i think can help. So read next time and third no. This isnt just about CG 21st. Du. And any battalion with pilots and z6s are affected.

Autism made me do it.

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  • Founder
1 minute ago, Holo said:

First off this isnt raging this js me making a detailed post to start a discussion second the entire ladder half of my post is me outlining things that i think can help. So read next time and third no. This isnt just about CG 21st. Du. And any battalion with pilots and z6s are affected.

This post is full of toxicity and intentional creation of drama. If you would actually use your brain and formulate some sort of thought for positive change this entire post would be structured in different way. This post only highlights your immaturity and inability to handle a serious thought. 

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This is about you Holo. Because you have made a poor choice in saying this about the server.

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  • Retired Founder

Why talk to us directly, when you can just explode :D. Sounds good.
If you don't have the respect to speak to me directly, instead of an indirect call-out, I don't have the respect to even entertain this post.
I'll take my childish insecure, permabanning idiot self out of this post from here (unleash the memes).

But thanks for your concern.


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  • Retired Founder
4 minutes ago, Joah said:

Why talk to us directly, when you can just explode :D. Sounds good.
If you don't have the respect to speak to me directly, instead of an indirect call-out, I don't have the respect to even entertain this post.
I'll take my childish insecure, permabanning idiot self out of this post from here.

But thanks for your concern.



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But in all seriousness the forums isn't the best place to talk about this kinda stuff and acting unprofessional about it isn't going to solve anything. Wither you believe it or not people who you talk shit about tend to dislike you and your ideologies. Would have just been better to message Joah and ask to speak to him or any server leadership for that matter. Plus you cannot blame them for attempting to branch out to other games and form sub-branches of the community. Its just bad bushiness not to. GMOD is dying as a whole and Synergy will go with it once it fully dies, so why not extend the life of the community as a whole and expand it to other games.

Edited by Agua164
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Null-5 "Prudii"

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1 minute ago, Joah said:


This is gonna turn into a good meme thread.

Already is bro, just wait for the shitposting to begin

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Me sitting here just trying to repair CG's image when legacy and present CG makes forum posts about the server without actually ways to fix it: 
Love you Holo but this could've been written a lot better than it was. 

Edited by Centurion
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Was a Fox I guess. Just an old Synergy vet.
Explore roman centurian GIFs

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Just now, Centurion said:

Me sitting here just trying to repair CG's image when legacy and present CG makes forum posts about the server without actually ways to fix it: 

Thats the way this community is. Sucks but Legacys think they own the place. :/

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Null-5 "Prudii"

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@Holo I'm working on a few theories on why we are seeing lower numbers but i'll give you hint.

From what I have found:

Due to the increase in time available by many players mainly in the EU and NA I formulated that the equation for the problem being:

y = a(1–b)^x


"y" is the final amount remaining after the decay over a period of time

"a" is the original amount

"x" represents time

The decay factor is (1–b).

The variable, b, is the percent change in decimal form.

I have a a concluding theory that reason for the current drop we are seeing is that most people played for record hours almost having 110 players past 4 PM in over 2 weeks. As this surge was not usual but it was caused by quarantines and what not. What I seem to leading at is that people are simply burned out since the estimated hour increase was well over 100+ hours per player over the course of those first 4  weeks is causing people to become disinterested and playing different games to satisfy their habits. I expect a bounce back within 2 weeks to a month. But only time will tell.

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2 minutes ago, kojak said:

@Holo I'm working on a few theories on why we are seeing lower numbers but i'll give you hint.

From what I have found:

Due to the increase in time available by many players mainly in the EU and NA I formulated that the equation for the problem being:

y = a(1–b)^x


"y" is the final amount remaining after the decay over a period of time

"a" is the original amount

"x" represents time

The decay factor is (1–b).

The variable, b, is the percent change in decimal form.

I have a a concluding theory that reason for the current drop we are seeing is that most people played for record hours almost having 110 players past 4 PM in over 2 weeks. As this surge was not usual but it was caused by quarantines and what not. What I seem to leading at is that people are simply burned out since the estimated hour increase was well over 100+ hours per player over the course of those first 4  weeks is causing people to become disinterested and playing different games to satisfy their habits. I expect a bounce back within 2 weeks to a month. But only time will tell.


Null-5 "Prudii"

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So I have lived through many of these posts. Many have made good points, and a lot of them have made awful points, yet theirs always something similar about all of them. You guys always complain. Why not go to the people responsible for the server. I swear if you people would just go to the directors or the founders. They will listen. I have had my doubts about the community too don’t get me wrong, but I don’t make posts about it like this. I’d rather go to people and talk about it, or better yet. Make a suggestion. Those 50% of the time work.  

It’s all about communication. Stop bitchin and just start doin. 

Fuck that took a ton of brain power

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Former: Liaison


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I thought he was gonna say something else:monkaHmm:

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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My favorite part about this shit post is that it turned into a shitpost and it's gonna get flooded for a good while and suggestions and other stuff are gonna get lost for a good bit until this shit blows by lmao my ass off






also who gonna make a gulag meme about this lolol

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Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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3 minutes ago, Marvel said:

My favorite part about this shit post is that it turned into a shitpost and it's gonna get flooded for a good while and suggestions and other stuff are gonna get lost for a good bit until this shit blows by lmao my ass off






also who gonna make a gulag meme about this lolol


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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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2 minutes ago, Centurion said:

@Craigary Ngl that last one made me laugh. While it is unfortunate that this is the stereotype we've received, I'd hope I'm at least making some visual attempt to remedy this and to change it.

Of course! Those memes aren’t directed towards all of CG y’all are good apple, it’s the bad apples that do bad boy things.

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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15 minutes ago, Marvel said:

My favorite part about this shit post is that it turned into a shitpost and it's gonna get flooded for a good while and suggestions and other stuff are gonna get lost for a good bit until this shit blows by lmao my ass off






also who gonna make a gulag meme about this lolol




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1 minute ago, Mitchell said:


That’s not the gulag!

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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Fucking hell. 


As the chief debater in OOC I defend myself in being mildly toxic and calling people out on dumb shit otherwise it won't change.


But these emotionless rants don't work. Most member who get removed for rubbing someone wrong usually do this (Logic to name one).  

People saying about talking to them directly. .e oeraonally have only seen Joah on the server rarely and Dill occasionally.         

But that's cos of my GMT big boi timezone.

But yeah, the server is dead cos no events happen and the system go fucking over. That's what messed the server up, not batt changes (though the removal of 91st, 327th and 187th definitely was a bit fucky)  but server entertainment changes.

CG has always felt ignores, but CG have notoriously just sat on there island ap to speak with there important job and just stayed. GM was similar, most batts are. GM changed when we became the 21st and I told the stuck up people to fuck off.

Yes the Westar, DU Z6, my Nova Corp trooper, my clone minigun was taken away. But we have just done suggestions in a hope to get "some" back.

I ain't gonna do a rant here to much bit yeah, tall to a Director or someone and see where it goes or make suggestions.


My closing statement is why the fuck did we change the GM system/what happened to it after christmas as it was good before 2020, well better.


I'm truly here for these memes now thou.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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Wow all i can say is wow this thread had me at first i was like eh some decent points but holy yikes my man this is not the way to do it. Yes we are struggle to get players on and new ones to join its just the fact of life. It's not the server is dying you need to take the blinders off and realise that GMOD as a whole is dead and dying and has been for a good solid year ish. With the announcement of GMOD 2/ whatever the fuck its called once its fully out eventually the first people to make the transition over there will get players till the rest of the communities make the jump as well. 

Now onto your part about the founders, like my man let's just take a look we will start at the top. Joah dude he fuckin owns the place mans can do what he wants this is his wife to abuse in a drunken state and then buy a house, Jackson if you have actually spoken to jackson you would actually realise that he is the small step child in the corner watching the father beat the wife and waiting for his nuggets, he ACTUALLY cares about what goes on and making the right changes. Yes he may make some dumb ones like the 3 hour long events (sorry gamer its kinda dumb, but i see your point). Ron the ugly step mom of all the split memes and what not who has generally done a decent job at helping improve QOL on the forums, TS, Shop etc, if the man's wants to open his own rust server and slap SYNR.GG in front of it who gives a flying fuck, yes people will go and play also it will bring new players to the community but dude that shit gets like 5 people max, so let's calm down. Zim is the first child of joah and just wants his nuggets as well but he is the code monkey so thanks for what you do gamer. 

Oh regarding the updates we have had 2 major ones in 2020 already and that's about a lot more than the previous year i can tell ya that much. So if you look at it i would say about every other 2 months there has been an update and that leads to 2 Updates a quarter and there are 4 quarters in the year so that mean 8 updates in 2020 that's about 7 more than 2019. Yes, some things are a bit broken still and need more testing and tweaking but that's why you can do your part of not crying on the forums and actually playing, join staff, join intel, etc make a positive impact not some shit like this. 

spacer.png Please lets refrain from making these posts and unite as a community for a posotive change to help better us as a whole 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Dunno why any of you are gonna try and make civil discourse, it's a meme thread don't even try. People are here for the memes and rep

Leave the long rambling to commander applications

Edited by Comics

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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1 hour ago, Dennis said:


Wow all i can say is wow this thread had me at first i was like eh some decent points but holy yikes my man this is not the way to do it. Yes we are struggle to get players on and new ones to join its just the fact of life. It's not the server is dying you need to take the blinders off and realise that GMOD as a whole is dead and dying and has been for a good solid year ish. With the announcement of GMOD 2/ whatever the fuck its called once its fully out eventually the first people to make the transition over there will get players till the rest of the communities make the jump as well. 

Now onto your part about the founders, like my man let's just take a look we will start at the top. Joah dude he fuckin owns the place mans can do what he wants this is his wife to abuse in a drunken state and then buy a house, Jackson if you have actually spoken to jackson you would actually realise that he is the small step child in the corner watching the father beat the wife and waiting for his nuggets, he ACTUALLY cares about what goes on and making the right changes. Yes he may make some dumb ones like the 3 hour long events (sorry gamer its kinda dumb, but i see your point). Ron the ugly step mom of all the split memes and what not who has generally done a decent job at helping improve QOL on the forums, TS, Shop etc, if the man's wants to open his own rust server and slap SYNR.GG in front of it who gives a flying fuck, yes people will go and play also it will bring new players to the community but dude that shit gets like 5 people max, so let's calm down. Zim is the first child of joah and just wants his nuggets as well but he is the code monkey so thanks for what you do gamer. 

Oh regarding the updates we have had 2 major ones in 2020 already and that's about a lot more than the previous year i can tell ya that much. So if you look at it i would say about every other 2 months there has been an update and that leads to 2 Updates a quarter and there are 4 quarters in the year so that mean 8 updates in 2020 that's about 7 more than 2019. Yes, some things are a bit broken still and need more testing and tweaking but that's why you can do your part of not crying on the forums and actually playing, join staff, join intel, etc make a positive impact not some shit like this. 

spacer.png Please lets refrain from making these posts and unite as a community for a posotive change to help better us as a whole 

Uhm good sir I believe you are forgetting Indox, Jek :pepeLaugh:, and sparks. The late term abortions that still wander the hills of this settlement howling in the wind. But most importantly you forgot german man Dill

Edited by justuscloud5
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  • Retired Founder

CG In-game



CG on the forums






*posts Fox resignation blaming CG issues on Founders with little to no detail*


*posts Staff resignation saying he can't do what he wants with no further detail*


*posts leaving thread trying to stir up drama, only gets one page of responses*


"ok that's it, im gonna say it"



On 4/4/2020 at 12:25 AM, Holo said:

Well.. Its time i go,



4 hours ago, Holo said:

t h e s e r v e r i s f u c k i n g d y i n g







3 hours ago, Holo said:

First off this isnt raging this js me making a detailed post to start a discussion second the entire ladder half of my post is me outlining things that i think can help. So read next time and third no. This isnt just about CG 21st. Du. And any battalion with pilots and z6s are affected.


On 3/28/2020 at 8:05 PM, Holo said:

Battalion: Coruscant Guard

RP Name: Fox | Holo

Date: 3/28/2020



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5 hours ago, Holo said:

t h e s e r v e r i s f u c k i n g d y i n g

first off i want to say, ive played this server for two years. Made friends on this server. Met people i now consider family and gone through some depressing shit while playing this server, During that time ive noticed alot of flaws and of course. what server doesnt have them? 

Aidsfuse? money whores

Superior? .. Money whores


Bluntly the founders need to be more active and step it up outlining it specifically 

Ron. Ron is a fucking cry baby and has made so many bluntly false statements about battalions and the server making false statements on CG and ranting to myself and one of my friends for TWO FUCKING HOURS about the server rules and why he shouldnt have been arrested for RDM even though he killed someone with a lightsaber rifle and addmited it. he as a founder asked me multiple times what the rules were during that arguement, while also making statements about the rules and (false ones) about RDM and why he shouldnt have been arrested. thats not how a founder should act in my opinion and while i do respect the work that ron or anyone in the high-staff/director/founder roles have done im simply outlining things that i believe to be wrong with the server

Joah. Joah from my experience is childish with his perms as a founder and owner and has abused them in the past to ban people for 2 seconds as memes or getting on droideka jobs and mass RDMing to anime music and while its funny at times. Still not what a founder should be doing

Jackson. I cant talk about jackson, Ive never met him and hes not given me a reason to speak ill against him

Zim. Zim is the good founder on this list, during the time he was in the owner spot filling in for joah shit got fucking done. suggestions went through, He kept his word. He was active. made models, helped staff, did fucking everything, the dudes a legend 



The community needs to stop being fucking toxic (Ironic i know)

But from people force naming their names to intentionally be a fucking 4 page document on why they are the kool kids to people having full on arguements in OOC to even then having members that break rules and dont get banned from people making mistakes that shouldnt be made even though your needed to this community 

(scribbles. to name one) 



stop making servers! 

Focus on CWRP stop having side projects that arent needed when your main server is fucking dying





Ect. you need to focus on CWRP. Set rules in fucking stone make sure battalions dont get unfair treatment and make sure things arent broken constantly. The prices for perma weapons are actually insane, None of them are worth their price for their output as a usable weapon, 21st losing their trooper job without warning. CG getting fucked left right and centre 24/7 ect. fixing certain vehicles that are broken, Y-wings have no sound CG laat is still fucked and apparently causes crashes, Fox's description being busted. jobs not having guns they should, (21st not having westars, Thire not having ARC weapons) On top of all of that you fucked already existing weapons and made them literally unusable. Z6 is horrible now because you run out of ammo before you even get up to full speed. DC-15s is literally storm trooper aim and is dogshit, DC-17s being all over the place as far as aim and damage goes, founders saying to make server suggestions then promptly fucking denying the server suggestions and never touching on it again, saying hundreads of times that map rotations would become a thing yet with everything else nothing comes of it,

I loved this server and i still do hold a place for it in my heart and i know alot of other people do and ive asked most of all of my friends from this server and they've all said they give synergy till the end of this year if that, this isnt something only the founders can fix. its gonna take all of us to work together and fix this shit. Once CWRP is fixed THEN you go out and do shit. But the money thats going to ARK and rust servers could go to a new server box. Get LSF on the server something that everyones wanted for awhile 


Finally i know everyone has a life everyone has family to tend to and particularly so in this time, but for how long this shit has been going on and for how many people ive heard say it, Its time to fix this server and get it back to what it was, what it could be. to the founders specifically if you say something, Keep your word on it. If you say something it should be fact if you say your gonna do it fucking do it. Dont just say you'll do it and 2 months later have people wondering where that update is..

theres a reason "SoonTM" and "June 1st" are memes on the server


Honestly, You've had one time encounters with all the founders. I have had multiple conversations with all of them(Except for @Square, who you forgot existed in your list and has also put in countless hours in the DEV side of the server).

Let me go down your AIDS list,
First off
Ron; He barely gets on the CWRP server, yes when he does he sometimes minges, however most of the time when hes on he enforces strict RP, attempts to get the server active with events, or even rebuilds the commons area so it doesnt look fucking barren. Something that ATM is of course barren once again. I hated Ron over on IFN because the dude overstepped his fucking boundarys however over here he mostly lays low and does shit from the background. The dude has revamped the website so many times. Has revamped the shop. Has kept up with TS suggestions and helped to improve the TS management. Has properly gotten a team together to manage the forums so that Toxic posts aren't as prevalent as they were back when Synergy first opened. The dude has helped with so many technical aspects out of G-Mod to the point that he really is the Technical guru of our community.

Joah; Joah often minges or fucks around on the server, however more often then not he will host big events or do activities on the server in which keeps the server very entertained. "He shouldnt minge around on the server BLAH BLAH BLAH" Hell nah. If he was a head-admin I would feel this way. You know why? B/c Head-admins are more of the "Face of the community" The higher ups you should be seeing the most are Head-admins, so head admins will be the ones that set the reputation for the server. Owners/Founders act more like minges b/c they do all the behind doors shit IE Developing the server so ofc they dont want to fucking be 100% serious. Not only that if you ask the player base more than half will say that its pretty entertaining when founders Joah/Zim/Etc minge around on the server and just do random shit for the player base. As long as they arent Mass Rdming or encouraging rule breaks, I really dont give a shit what they do as often more than not It makes my time on the server more enjoyable.

Jackson & Square; Since you dont really talk to Jackson and you completely left out square, both dudes are the ones doing major development ATM on the server(From what Ive heard). Jackson and Square test all new suggestions quite a bit, as the final phase of suggestions(Again from what ive heard) is founders testing it then it goes through Approval of Joah. Both dudes have put a shit ton of development into the server.

Zim; You basically already said it, dude is like the big papi of server development and when he touches a project more likely then not it gets done, and he basically goes beyond what was suggested and puts his own ideas into it that helps to amplify the suggestion.

Community; Ngl I some what agree the community has turned toxic. I remember when channels were open more. Now every battalion has become a cult that likes themselves in their channel and doesnt communicate with other battalions. OOC toxicity? More often then not you have staff such as myself or Head admins who when we see flaming in OOC we will warn people to STFU if not they will get muted. We have server rules describing OOC toxicity, so if you feel someone is being toxic in OOC, make a ticket. It will get handled. Let me ask you when you see someone flaming in OOC what do you do? Nothing you just watch from the sidelines. Most of the community just watch two members flame each other without intervening which is honestly disgusting.(Also some of you may mention im toxic in TTT, and yea thats true, cause I fucking like to banter when its a gamemode primarily about killing other people)

"Stop making servers"
Ok first off, more often then not each founder is handling their own server. But almost Always they all have there attention still on CWRP with atleast 2 still being tasked with the CWRP server.
MRP? Server died pepega
SCPRP? Servers development got halted basically and full attention went back to CWRP
Rust? Shut the fuck up. You dont play the rust server. None of the players their are even from CWRP basically. The Rust server is all based from pure Rust players. Shit ive even gone into the profiles of some of them and some of them dont even own GMOD. OH NO HOW DARE RON MAKE A RUST SERVER. HE SHOULD PUT HIS ATTENTION BACK TO THE..... ? Oh YEAH THE FORUMS/TS/SHOP , OH WAIT HE ALREADY DOES THAT. PEPEGA
Ark? Only two of the like 5 founders are focusing on ARK, however from what ive heard its basically mostly Korm and Square handling the Ark's development now. (So once again, its not all the founders. Almost as if each founder is doing their own thing will some still focus on CWRP).
TTT; on god Zim really hasnt had to do much for TTT, he took alot of files from the old TTT server and alot of the TTT development is very easy, as TTT is a gamemode you can just slap together.

So with that all being said, honestly I prefer not having all the founders working on the CWRP server, want to know why? Have you ever tried to do a project where 5+ people have their hands in the fucking pot? Its aids, everyone is always stepping over each other. Having one or two primary members focusing on the project makes it go alot smoother without having to worry about what other members are doing on the project.

"Make rules set in stone" Lmfao the Directors just did a whole new rule list that was in need of revamping due to new stuff in the server. They had 5+ members of the community look for loop holes/etc in the rules doc.

"Price for perma weapons are insane" Almost as if so that its not too pay too win. Almost so that if you buy a perma weapon you have a slight advantage but you are not a one man army. Lmfao. Not only that they upped the credits on NPC kills, which honestly the amount of credits from killing NPCS is insane.

"21st Losing their trooper job" I havent really heard much about this topic so I can not say.

"CG getting fucked" Im not even going to discuss this, almost half of the server is tired of yalls bitching about how yall got fucked when its just things such as Handcuff's or Weapon Checkers/Strippers. What is this really gonna do for yall? We already Bind people or pat them down. This will change it from RP to actuality. Yes it will make it a little immersive, but its not enough to the point where you can say "CG are getting fucked". Null Got their special weapons taken away. We are now basically a Battalions Marksman class or Heavy class/etc. Do you hear us bitching? No. Plenty of battalions have gotten fucked yet for some reason we dont bitch as loud as CG.

"Fixing vehicles" Honestly I dont know if anyone in the Dev Team or founders really have worked on assets such as vehicles. Zim is a modeler basically from what I remember. However I do know they are working to implement new vehicles onto Event server that have Corresponding AI to them. If you want vechiles fixed, suggest a solution or atleast give a developer that can help to fix the solution. Random:"ME WANT FIX NOW"  Intel:"Ok how? Do you know anyone that could possibly fix the problem?" Random: "ME WANT FIX NOW!"

"Jobs not having weapons, GM not getting Westars" First off 21st should not all have Westaars, at some point the server decided that all of GM used westars however if you look at any movie, or episode,etc. You see their primary weapon of use was the DC-15A. Yes the primary users of the Westar were ARC and GM however a fraction of the GM used westars. The GM basically use a few marines using westars to justify all marines getting westars. This is why I believe galactic marines should instead suggestion a specialized trooper job to get the westars.

"Thire not getting weapons" Oh hey look another bug that I didnt find on the Bug report page. PEPEGA

"Z6 Being trash" For 154 bullets you get that max RPM. The only reason the z6 feels bad is because it hits like a fucking BB gun, BUT HEY LOOK SOMEONE ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH THE RIGHT ROUTE AND SUGGESTED IT GET BUFFED. OH LOOK AT THAT ITS DOING VERY WELL IN SUGGESTIONS. WHO WOULD OF THOUGHT.

"DC-15S is trash" Wow, you really dont know how weapons work. You probably are the same type of person to attempt to cross map people with a shotgun. Think of it like this the DC-15S is a SMG where the DC-15A is a rifle. In close quarters the S is better want to know why? Hold C on the gun. Look at that it does 75 DMG per shot. It basically destroys anyone in close quarters but sucks at further than like 30+ meters.

"Map rotations" I mean the current maps we were going to rotate to "Endor and extensive" are fucked. But hey look some nice venator suggestions have been made (AND PROPERLY TESTED OMG). Maybe we can make a suggestion to have those in the rotations instead.

"Money could go to a new server box" I mean if youve been paying attention at all to what the founders have been saying(Which you dont. You just nod your head cause you dont care about the technical talk). Clay(Mods) Was working to do a custom server box however complications came about. So they had to order a prebuilt server box, in which is having to be tested. If you use anything without properly testing it, please do not go into the IT field.

"Keep your word, dont do stuff 2 months later" I mean if you pay attention, most of the things that get put off for 2 months is due to complications. IE server box or lightsabers. Lightsabers update was put off for so long because King david's support team is fucking aids and a shitty team that basically acts like indian Tech support. Im sorry to say it, but its kind of like the real world. Shit happens. Complications arise.

"Server is dying" I saved your first statement for last. Gmod itself is dying. Its a dying game. Ive been here on Gmod since 2012 with 8100+ hours clocked in it. These last few months have been the worst for gamemodes such as SWRP, because the most recent Gmod Update fucked up garrys mod quite significantly and has caused more crashes then normal. I will bet most of you have just quit the server saying "Im tired of this crashing fuck the server" without doing research. I have gone into the Gmod official community and have made constant posts to help relieve these crashes, but then again yall dont go out of your way to find your own fixes, you just think its the server. Welp nope its the game itself. Its a 16 year old game running on a 16 year old engine. The game is destined to be shitting itself by now.

Also PS; if you want stuff to be put into the server faster. ACTUALLY TEST YOUR SUGGESTIONS, RUN YOUR SUGGESTION BY MULTIPLE PEOPLE, LOOK FOR SPECIFIC VALUES/NUMBERS THAT MAY HELP THE DEV TEAM. You know how hard it is to take someones suggestion going "ADD THIS" then having to test it, then having to balance it to make sure the server doesnt shit itself. If you actually calculate and work out possibly values to your suggestion. Or possibly bugs to your map. It makes it so much easier to develop or work on.

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Head Admin
6 hours ago, Holo said:

Z6 is horrible now because you run out of ammo before you even get up to full speed.

Your Z6 seems weird.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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3 hours ago, Dennis said:

Jackson if you have actually spoken to jackson you would actually realise that he is the small step child in the corner watching the father beat the wife and waiting for his nuggets, 

Actually funny af bro I died at this

13 minutes ago, Unkindled said:

To put it blatantly the forums and server used to a lot more toxic than what it is now lmao this is nothing compared to what it used to be.

*Vietnam flash back to 2018* 

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Ugh... people type too much on the forums. Too long...

But this is definitely a hot take. Took balls but probably should have been a rant for someplace private.

Now you got people typing essays on why you're wrong and how they're smarter than you. Headaches.

Edited by Ratio
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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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I swear this is entire post is gonna make me break down. There are attempts not only by myself, but by my XO, by Bro the new Operations Regimental Commander, to actually bring back the image the Coruscant Guard once had. I fucking take a step forward, then something like this happens that could've been handled so much better if done with logic rather than emotion, and I get knocked flat on my ass and have to restart. I honestly need to rant or vent to people not about "how CG gets fucked left right and center" about how CG fucks ITSELF left right and center. Like I try...I honestly do. I've taken @Ron's advise and expanded CG from this little fucking island we had ourselves on. Honestly once I fucking did it and actually looked around and realized, "Huh, this is working a lot better than anything else I've seen done in awhile." The only other person I've seen progress of this degree in regards to relations is with fucking Ratio. Why? Because instead of fighting off the people trying to invade the "CG island" and actually realized, their just offering help to get us OFF said island. I've made so many more friends in the server just because I expanded out and talked to people. Sure there are people with a hole in their ship, a knife behind their back, but that's a rare few. 
I've taken community ideas of passive RP like @Chambers TSA RP and guess what? It's actually fucking fun, sure some people don't like it, but that's not the majority. Hell when my CG were busy and I was running the checkpoint alone, I had DU detain a man and search him for contraband. Hell I had my own trooper searched by another battalion when his ID wasn't good. And not only did my own trooper enjoy it, but DU enjoyed doing it as well. Like these small things make a impact. Yet all of it goes straight down the drain with shit like this, especially when people say stuff like this.

2 hours ago, Duck said:

"CG getting fucked" Im not even going to discuss this, almost half of the server is tired of yalls bitching about how yall got fucked when its just things such as Handcuff's or Weapon Checkers/Strippers. What is this really gonna do for yall? We already Bind people or pat them down. This will change it from RP to actuality. Yes it will make it a little immersive, but its not enough to the point where you can say "CG are getting fucked". Null Got their special weapons taken away. We are now basically a Battalions Marksman class or Heavy class/etc. Do you hear us bitching? No. Plenty of battalions have gotten fucked yet for some reason we dont bitch as loud as CG.

THIS shit. This right here. I will stand by my men, but when they act like little babies and rant on the forums, IT DOESN'T FUCKING HELP US AT ALL. If anything, people are going to look at us exactly as @Duck said. Little Whiny Bitches with a fucking baton in our hand. I'm not trying to turn my back on my own guys. But I believe stupidity should be called out, especially for myself. If some feel like I've turned my back on them know I have not. But please, take a moment of consideration and realize, "Hey Others have been fucked too. It's not all fucking about us." I will admit I've talked shit, I've gossiped, I've said things that I look back on and go..."What the fuck was I thinking?" Or "I'm just whining like a little bitch." I'm not perfect, no one is. But I know not to use emotion into responses or throw temper tantrums in the heat of the moment rather than logically think a response over. (I see that and here I am ranting using my emotions cause I need to before I break down.) I'm not looking for a pity, I'm not trying to be like, "Oh CG aren't like this." Cause these kind of posts are only strengthening the stereotype of "Whiny bitches on the forums and in game". 
"CG doesn't get anything oh my god." Grow the absolute fuck up and let me tell you a story. WE got an ARC job. WE get a buff unlike a majority of battalions. WE got new models before anyone else. (Correct me if I'm wrong on this.) We've gotten a good amount of things from the server. And currently what I'm actively suggesting on the forums is doing well. Instead of just thinking it over and being like, "It's just gonna be insta denied." If it does it does! Yeah I would love for it to go through, to be accepted. What battalion or person doesn't want additions to their arsenal? For their ideas to be recognized? But throughout my time in CG I've only seen a few Fox's actively suggest things for us. And guess what. They went through. Not all but stuff happened! It was changed!
I think I'm done. Personally I feel like this post is my fault because he said he was gonna do it and I didn't stop him, and that's what killing me the most right now. Hopefully I can sleep now. Just please. This goes for all CG and legacy alike, stop with this....I beg of you. We need to take the step together. I don't want to spend my term focusing entirely on getting off my ass and focus more about leading us forward. 
Stay Incrediblies all. 
-BCMD Fox | Centurion

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Was a Fox I guess. Just an old Synergy vet.
Explore roman centurian GIFs

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Unlucky man, your post became a meme, always next week :HYPERS:


but fuck me Ron and Joah up ya game :pepeLaugh:

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Damn we really be out here.

The real question is: Has the Rust server wiped again???

But in all seriousness, I’ll be honest when I say I’m severely disappointed and quite frankly a little pissed off with you @Holo . 

With out a doubt you have your own opinions and you have a right to express them. But fuck me dead you’ve completely gone at this the wrong way. Furthermore, as a former Fox, setting up a bad image for CG entirely.

In the topic of this... post, GMOD is like 13 year old game my guy. I’m not saying the server is dying because quite frankly it ain’t, it’s just boring from time to time when there is no events happening. Plus with everyone in lockdown I’m sure more players have been jumping on the server. Fuck some oldies like Andrews are back. 

However, like I said, GMOD is a very old game and while the server isn’t dying or dead not many new players will be hoping on GMOD. A lot of players will be recycled from other communities or from an older time of the server. That’s all. 

Shit when this community split from Icefuse, everyone thought Icefuse was gonna die and now it has 3+ servers with its CWRP hitting full captivity some days, as far as I’m aware. (which is 128 players)

And if I’m being honest any further. Just fucking delete this post and save what little dignity you’ve left CG at this point. 

Imagine trying to build relations and actually change something for the better, just to have someone go on and cry about something completely out of his control. Undoing progress that was for the better? Yikes, just imagine. 

Edited by Anders0n
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I'm gonna have to do my own forums rant









About why the fuck you American bastards write your dates wrong. Day month year, like the rest of the world, not month day year you weird ass yanks 

Edited by Gadget
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What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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I go to bed for the night and I wake up to the second biggest crybaby throwing a rager on the forums. Grow the fuck up, Synergy has been around for almost 3 fucking years; we’ve had our hardships and activity drops but here we are, still standing. You complain about us branching out into different games that touch COMPLETELY DIFFERENT COMMUNITIES. The Rust server does fine, Ron successfully branched out and had new players who never heard of our fucking GMOD server, Zim’s TTT server pops off every often and it’s a fun time, it’s not our fault that you fuckers don’t know how to role play on the CWRP server and get bored, shut the fuck up. And ARK, don’t get me started on ARK, it brought back LEGENDS, people who don’t even play on CWRP anymore, leave them the fuck alone and let them play with their dinosaurs.


And also, where the fuck do you see an SCPRP server from us? I’d love to know because I’ve been waiting just as long as you have for it, eat not just my cock, but my balls too.



- biggest crybaby bbstine



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Saying that the founders don't care is a total shambles...  They're actually chill people that want what's best for the community.  Each founder have their own speciality when it comes to being in their professional field as you got joah who is in general a great leader, you have zim and ron who are like coding geniuses and square that know how to administrate to a higher degree. You just need to chill and relax because your post is not constructive at all and will achieve absolutely nothing. 


I got some tips for you when you want to vent out to the founders: 

1. Be respectful 

2. Show constructive criticism

3. Make sure your argument is valid

4. Come up with a solution

5. work together to solve the problem


Simple 5 tips for you... Not hard to follow.  

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Wanted to avoid this thread the hawk, but I can't sleep and I'll put down SOMETHING without writing a goddamn essay like other people.

criticism is good but when it goes and makes more drama than actual solutions,  it's a problem.  nothing is perfect and you cannot please everyone.     I've been around the block enough to know this myself.   

People say it's useless to talk to founders about shit like this (ron maybe because he'll give you a 10 minute rant about how many retarded messages he gets about LUA or how you wasted his time lmao :peepoLove:),  but if they didn't care about it at this point then they would have packed the bags long before.

also:  Garry's Mod has more people right now this month alone thanks to covid-19.  Yay I guess? 

also @Comics rust meme kills me.


Edited by Zensras
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Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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