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Forseen's Omega Squad Niner Application


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  • Retired Founder

Steam Name:

[SR] Forseen [HA]

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Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

Omega Squad Niner


As some of you may know, before this community was created, the original 70-100 members were from Icefuse Networks prior to an issue that was held there. As majority of the CWRP player base moved across as did the work that all of these members had achieved. I will be listing what my achievements on Icefuse were, but will not be speaking about them as these are almost over 2 years old now.

  • Icefuse:
    • BCMD Bacara.
    • Division Leader (Solo Director equivalent).
    • Executive Liaison (In charge of intel team).
    • BCMD Rex.
    • Delta Squad Scorch.
    • Omega Squad Atin.
    • Omega Squad Fi.
    • Foxtrot XO.
    • Ion Team Leader Climber.
    • Foxtrot Squad Leader Gregor.
    • Mutliple Jedi Master positions, including mostly Anakin Skywalker.

I will be discussing my experience in the community in my roles and will color the different roles in green, in case you would like the "tldr" version.

Upon the server launching I transferred across from Icefuse and was given the position of Head Administrator within the community. As a Head Admin, I made sure to enforce the rules that were written by the Directors as closely as I could to what was written and provided on the forums. I also helped behind the scenes by creating documents and working on coding of things such as the High staff roster to work on automation.

Upon transferring out of an SO BDE position on Icefuse I was granted the position of Fixer in Delta Squad and stayed in the position for a few months until there were internal issues within RC and specifically my squad that deterred me from wanting to remain in the position. This was the last time I can actually remember holding a position within SO BDE / RC, however I have always tried to keep tabs on SO BDE.

One night chilling in a channel with Joah and some of the other original Founders, I joked of the idea of a Trouble in Terrorist Town server, little did I know that Joah and the Founders took this as no joke and the next day asked me if I would like to Direct the server and help develop it. Little over a week later I held the position of TTT Director however I still held a position as a honorary Head Admin on CWRP. Obviously as this was a new concept and idea for Synergy Roleplay we started with quite a small team,  however as the Director I created all the documentation needed to set up the server. Unfortunately the popularity of the TTT server was mostly within the Founders and people trying to get Joah to notice them, lol, and the server ultimately failed.

During my time as TTT Director I also had the amazing privilege of becoming the First Admiral Yularen on Synergy, in which I enlisted the help of some respected and highly regarded members of the community to create a strong structure to the Naval system that was improved from what we came from in Icefuse. Unfortunately there were issues with the person that preceded me in the position and I became the "Third" Admiral Yularen and had to fix all the issues that were created.

Upon my return to CWRP, I was granted the rank of being a third CWRP Director along with Billiam and Zander. We all worked hard in this position to move the community and the staff team into a new era, by recreating documents such as the server rules and creating standards in which were required to be followed to make processes within the staff team smoother. As Billiam moved on from his Director position, it fell to me and Zander to continue working and training up the next set of Head Administrators to be as strong as he and I were to continue to improve the staff team. Upon receiving new employment and lowering his available hours, Zander stepped down from Director to allow Jackson to move into the position. Jackson and I stayed partners together for almost 6 months as we work really well together and move the staff team into a really strong era. Until finally I got caught up with University tightening up on me and had to move on for the time being.

Upon my return, I made a joke to Joah about reopening TTT in which we had agreed to try the server again with me once again gaining the position of TTT Director, long story short the population once again wasn't there and ultimately failed and upon returning to CWRP for a while reaching the rank of Jedi Master again and working on other positions such as reaching officer ranks in 501st, I eventually had to move away once more as life started crashing down on me again.

Finally, I returned again, into a new era with new players within the community and found my fun on the server again, I joined the RANCOR battalion and was grinding as trooper under Dragon when he was Blitz, and saw some issues coming up in the Specialized Regiment in which due to my previous experiences I felt I had the ability to help solve. So I went out on a limb and got waived and applied for the Specialized Regimental Commander position and actually got it. Within this role have worked extensively with the battalions under me and assisted in multiple situations ranging from, but not limited to, the Dooms Unit activity issue (which at the time was very poor) to the GM and SO merger into the 21st Nova Corps that we know today. As the Specialized Regimental Commander, my main focus was roleplay and activity as main priorities throughout the regiment and kept up to date with all battalion affairs, whilst allow the Battalion Commanders to run their own battalions as much as possible.

From here, I felt as though I could pass on the work that I did within the Specialized Regiment to all battalions and the entire community in general and applied for the highest position in the community and roughly a week later received the position of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. As Palpatine I focused more on fixing the Senators and creating systems that are still in place today, such as the Public Senate Discord server. I enlisted some great Role-players through extensively hard tryouts and put strict regulations and procedures in play to ensure the smooth running of the Senate. Then I spoke with Qal who was the Marshall Commander at the time and spoke with him about how we can increase standards of all battalions. During my time as the Chancellor I worked quite closely with SO BDE, including helping them make a few of their protocols and to make RP smoother within the server.

Whilst in the position of Chancellor I also worked throughout the Temple Guard branch of the Jedi Order and once more acquired the Rank of Jedi Master, and became Kit Fisto and attached myself to Doom's Unit to continue to assist the battalion as much as possible. Soon after my Palpatine term finished, I found myself in the position of Anakin Skywalker once more and was working thoroughly with the 501st's Jedi program in which still has my systems in play today, almost a 8 months later.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I believe as per above I have plenty of experience, both inside and outside of SO BDE/RC, to be able to lead the squad and do so well. I have been recently speaking to members of SO BDE and have been discussing how the day to day operations are going within SO BDE and have come up with a few points that I would be able to work on in conjunction with other leaders within the regiment.

These are;

  1. Outreach Program
    • Upon discussion with members of SO BDE leadership, relationships with the public and SO BDE are at an all time high within Synergy Roleplay due to members within the outreach program. I feel as though this could possibly be further developed to be more of it's own program rather than something that's similar to the way Battalion Jedi work.
  2. Activity
    • Whilst activity is quite good across SO BDE right now, there has been a complaint about not having as many things to do on the server due to being smaller groups. This causes people to be bored and start to burn out faster. I would like to try and remedy this by creating things to do on the server for members within my squad, starting with training with the squad, with other squads, and running trainings with/for battalions and going as far as talking to 21st about potentially having a larger role within Tech & EOD training.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes I understand the lore of Omega Squad, and would not be applying if I didn't.


Although I am Australian, our time-zones are different but similar, roughly 14 hour difference. In the coming future I have nothing on for the next 2 months.
In Feb I begin university in which I will be able to play during the morning (early afternoon EST) then be available on Discord until roughly 8-9pm EST before returning home to get back online.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I have been playing Synergy Roleplay since the launch of the community, I have had a few periods of time where I have been absent due to outside issues & commitments, however I have been around for majority of time of the server. For roughly to first 6-8 months of the community, there was no time tracking system.

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I have a microphone, it is however wireless and sometimes needs charging! :(

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

My goal for the Omega Squad after my term is as follows;

  1. Ensure activity and standards are a high focal point of the squad.
  2. Ensure the squad is filled with members that are always striving to be better and give a good reputation to SO BDE and themselves within the community.
    • There are already top-notch people in the squad, I would like to ensure these people are the best versions of themselves for the community/squad and if they choose to move on, I will be looking to fill the squad with people of a high standard or enforce that a high standard be something that they are always striving towards.
    • This is the standard I would most like to persist past my term ending.
  3. Maximize relations with all battalions, especially other squads.
    • As stated above, from my knowledge and discussing with members of SO BDE, this is already quite good. However I would like to evaluate and ensure that relations are at its best.
  4. Create procedures to be followed to ensure the longevity of proper squad operations post my term as a squad lead.
  5. Maximize Roleplay and Military standards throughout the squad.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I definitely understand and while I hope that someone will discuss my activity with prior to removal, I understand if I am removed for low activity should my activity die off.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Yes, I have worked with term limits before and am well aware of the procedures.



I welcome all feedback, especially negative feedback, however if you are giving me a -1 on this application I would really appreciate it if you give me a reason as to why. Also, if you would like to ask me some questions to help you make your decision, feel free to @ me so I can reply as fast as possible to answer your question.

Also, I have discussed going for this position with members of SO BDE and have the approval and support of the following members.

  • Radius (Corr)
  • Blood (Darman)
  • Skylur (Atin)
  • Crimson (Etain)
  • Harte (SO BDE Regimental Commander)
  • Craig (Hunter)
  • Marvel (Fixer)
  • Pancakes (Wrecker)
  • Duck (Jaing)
  • Cronis (Mereel)
Edited by Forseen
Forgot some people
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At the time of this Application forseen is the only option. But that isn’t a bad thing, he will do a great job as niner.



Another extremely valid point being brought up is the fact that forseen is an HA, and there’s a high chance of being burned out, however There’s been plenty of BCMD’s and SL’s who haven’t burned themselves out and forseen is a very trusted individual. All it takes is proper planning. Without a doubt forseen has this. +1 stays. 

Edited by Craigary
  • Agree 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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Forseen. I do not doubt your experience outside of SO BDE or inside of it. Although, I'd rather see a current member of SO BDE apply for the position. A lot of Squad Leads have burnt themselves while being High Staff because they have their priorities fucked.  Omega in my opinion is currently is operating as the best and most active SO BDE squad; Therefore the current state of the squad doesn't need changed. It's been a long time since you were in SO BDE and a lot has changed, Your experience does out weigh most although, It's a different ball game actually running a Squad instead of a battalion or a regiment, or whatever it may be. This is a very lenient -1. As I'm just worried about the whole idea of "outsider" running for it, furthermore the idea of you being Head Administrator also might ruin the whole experience for you. I wish you the best of luck in the application process; Although my overall opinion may change in the future. 

❤️ you. 

**Edit**   Changing to a +1. Good luck dude.

Edited by Tinovious

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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  • Retired Founder
1 minute ago, Tinovious said:

Forseen. I do not doubt your experience outside of SO BDE or inside of it. Although, I'd rather see a current member of SO BDE apply for the position. A lot of Squad Leads have burnt themselves while being High Staff because they have their priorities fucked.  Omega in my opinion is currently is operating as the best and most active SO BDE squad; Therefore the current state of the squad doesn't need changed. It's been a long time since you were in SO BDE and a lot has changed, Your experience does out weigh most although, It's a different ball game actually running a Squad instead of a battalion or a regiment, or whatever it may be. This is a very lenient -1. As I'm just worried about the whole idea of "outsider" running for it, furthermore the idea of you being Head Administrator also might ruin the whole experience for you. I wish you the best of luck in the application process; Although my overall opinion may change in the future. 

❤️ you.

I appreciate you for taking the time to actually explain your -1 and I completely understand your reasons for this. I can say that this won't be the case however actions speak louder than words and I hope to be able to convince you of this should I get the position.

❤️ you too.

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Would've really liked for you to talk to the rest of the squad leads instead of this just popping out of no where especially seeing as you're not in SO BDE; we're a very close bunch, which is why I would've liked to see you talk to the rest of us especially seeing as one of your main goals according to your app is to improve relations, that's not a great way to start. At the end of the day, you can do what you want when you apply, but distancing omega from the rest of the brigade isn’t gonna improve any relations. I've also seen too many Squad leads who were HA's get burnt out and resign early for me to +1 this. Feel free to prove me wrong though.

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-1 I’m gonna be honest forseen. You a cool guy, but you really jump around a lot. I’ve seen you in around 4 battalions in the span of a month or two. I can’t see you really being a squad lead for your term, As well as I agree with what both Tino and Sniff said. I don’t have anything against you either way, and I hope all goes best

Edited by Pythin
New Post

Former: Liaison


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  • Retired Founder
1 minute ago, Pythin said:

-1 I’m gonna be honest forseen. You a cool guy, but you really jump around a lot. I’ve seen you in around 4 battalions in the span of a month or two. I can’t see you really being a squad lead for your term, As well as I agree with what both Tino and Sniff said. I don’t have anything against you either way, and I hope all goes best

Other than 3 days in Rancor, which I returned immediately, I have spent the entire last 3 months as a member of 501st. Whilst I welcome your feedback I don't see how that is jumping around...

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Forseen pulled me aside and spoke to me about his desire to run for the SL position. While I was a bit worried about it at first, I still gave him my go-head. As the passive-aggressive MED Lead of Omega Team Omega Squad XO, I've been under him before and I know for sure that he's competent enough to manage the Three Stooges.

The only thing I'm sincerely worried for is activity considering the differing timezones.

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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15 hours ago, Forseen said:

Other than 3 days in Rancor, which I returned immediately, I have spent the entire last 3 months as a member of 501st. Whilst I welcome your feedback I don't see how that is jumping around...

sorry I just got some more info. I thought you were in both  rancor, 501st and 41st. But i I got that you were in both. Either way I still keep my -1 do to the reason of why you left to rancor, and came back to 501st, and I just think that someone in the Regiment should run. 

Edited by Pythin
Look at New Post

Former: Liaison


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-1 I think you should prioritize your HA position a lot more. You are an awesome dude but I think that you have so much on your plate at the moment that you should focus on what you got now. Also not saying you would be a bad Niner, on the contrary I think you would be great, however to be in the position you should be able to put your heart and soul into making sure OS remains active and healthy. Maybe I'm wrong or maybe not but it's my opinion. I love you my guy and good luck.

Edit: Changing to +1, due to response. Please prove me wrong Forseen. I want you to succeed.

Edited by kojak
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  • Retired Founder
31 minutes ago, kojak said:

-1 I think you should prioritize your HA position a lot more. You are an awesome dude but I think that you have so much on your plate at the moment that you should focus on what you got now. Also not saying you would be a bad Niner, on the contrary I think you would be great, however to be in the position you should be able to put your heart and soul into making sure OS remains active and healthy. Maybe I'm wrong or maybe not but it's my opinion. I love you my guy and good luck.

Thanks for the feedback and I see where you are coming from, however I am currently not involved in most of the branches of the community.. I am Head Admin which is realistically 2 meetings a week of roughly 1 hour each on the same day & Intel Deputy-Director, which is 1 meeting every second week. Which means, I have more time than most of the HA/VA/SA's do outside of meetings and to put into the server. Other than this, the occasional staff interview which takes 30 minutes here and there but they are usually spread pretty well across other HA's too.

I have also been working for the past week to be able to assist Sanchez in automating as much of the HA stuff that can be automated to make it easier and faster at meetings and to manage the staff team. Meaning now I have more time than ever and more time than a decent amount of people.

Edited by Forseen
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+1 good guy. Did great leading 501st for a time, I think you'll do a good job. Good luck!

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 I think Omega would be good under Forseen

   We'd have 2 People for each Timezone , Skylur/Ratio For Primetime + Forseen and I when we can. Forseen/Me For The EU/Asian Times When there are a few People.

    Plus Forseen Has been Hopping here and there. I get it....People won't trust him as much but really Give him a good squad and a structure he'll be fine with. Then Maybe he'll stay with us. 

   Secondly, Niner is my end goal Just not right now I'd like to Learn from a good Niner. I was planning to Learn from Neptune but he Resigned but I think Forseen would be a good leader for the squad. Only time will tell

  Just Don't bring us down forseen...Or I'll do what ratio suggested and AOS you. I'm Serious about this squad Like I was serious about trying my hardest in the 21st.

Omega Three-Six "Darman"| "Blood for the Blood God!"


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+1. I will just flatly start out with, Im bias. You could consider me heavily bias as Forseen and I have been close friends on Gmod since we were even high staff on IFN. Now I will admit Forseen does not have CURRENT RC experience but he still does have RC experience. Forseen was one of the first RC members(If I remember correctly he was Fixer.) on synergy. I will admit the start up of SOBDE on synergy was shaky but foundations of current RC can still be found from each of the squads that were here at the start. Forseen has been RC with me multiple times, so although currently he might not have the mind of a squad, it wont be hard for him to get back into it. If I had to be honest some of the best RC squad mates ive ever had were Alistar(None of you remember him), Dragon and Forseen. These guys were great members of RC. Although Forseens time as RC has long past, he still has helped in other roles of the server. Im not worried about Forseen maintaining activity on RC and high staff, he never has. If anything I had more problems on activity then he did. Even if his hours drop, if some calls him out on it, he will take that to heart and really try to improve. Something I couldnt do.

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+1 This isn’t the first time an outsider has applied for an SOBDE SL Position

both basically have the same experience and I think forseen should be given a chance too


“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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  • Retired Founder
12 hours ago, ISNIFFPROPANE said:


Would've really liked for you to talk to the rest of the squad leads instead of this just popping out of no where especially seeing as you're not in SO BDE; we're a very close bunch, which is why I would've liked to see you talk to the rest of us especially seeing as one of your main goals according to your app is to improve relations, that's not a great way to start. I've also seen too many Squad leads who were HA's get burnt out and resign early for me to +1 this. Feel free to prove me wrong though.

To be honest, this just sounds like a circle jerk. I can understand you being close as leads, but -1ing someones app just because they didn't ASK or get your PERMISSION is kinda dumb. If someone had any rifts with you, or differing of opinions, this mentality leaves no room for any new ideas or changes.


Forseen is highly qualified, and one of the few "High Staff" members I would be comfortable with balancing both HA and a CMDR/Lead position. He's been doing this for years now, has plenty of experience, and is currently one of the most active high staff members. I also agree, that if you get the position, you need to be careful and not burn yourself out and on the other hand, devote the necessary amount of time to both your Squad and High Staff duties.

  • Agree 3



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Okay lol Ron made an amazing point. He is applying for a BCMD position not a REG position and either way he doesn't have to speak to any lead really. I didn't talk to Fox or Bacara before I ran for Doom. I understand SOBDE is a tight close group but you're a regiment at the end of the day with  BCMD positions.


That being said +1 because I think he will do a fantastic job and simply -1ing someone based off of well how dare they not speak to us is ignorant.

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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+1 forseen can do it 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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+1 from my past experience, BCMD wasn't a difficult experience. I couldn’t imagine SL being much harder (IMO). I don’t see Forseen getting burnt out. This is coming from a BCMD who was burnt out after his term. Furthermore, i was burnt out not due to the work load of staff and all that other shit, but because i found another game that i enjoy a little more for the time being. I dont see the same happening to Forseen.

Edited by Father Michael
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After looking through what I said, and some of the comments you have said to them, and from what others have said. I don’t think you’d make a bad fit for niner.

+1 just Don’t leave like in Rancor. Stick with em and I think you’ll do fine.


Former: Liaison


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Head Admin

+1, I think reasons were explained well enough also I am lazy to type rn

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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4 hours ago, Ron said:

To be honest, this just sounds like a circle jerk. I can understand you being close as leads, but -1ing someones app just because they didn't ASK or get your PERMISSION is kinda dumb. If someone had any rifts with you, or differing of opinions, this mentality leaves no room for any new ideas or changes.

Like I said 

his app basically says his goal is to improve relations. I didn’t say he has to get my permission or approval but if you wanna apply from the outside and then go and talk to a select few that like you and then say your goal is to improve relations I’m going to -1 you. He doesn’t HAVE to do anything, but he’s the one applying so he can go about it however he wants. 

I also remember from when you were palpy your activity hanged on by a thread and I barely saw you until your term was coming to an end. And I can’t support you if I think this is going to happen again in omega. When you join SO BDE we tell you to prioritize your job there, instead of anywhere else on the server, and that your time should be dedicated to it. There is no “Balance” it’s either this or that especially with high staff. And calling someone retarded for being concerned of that is ignorant. 

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  • Director

+1 Hope you get it



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  • Retired Founder
1 hour ago, Skylur said:

I have a question. Did you just get CMD in 501st? And also why would you want to leave the 501st? But also +1 great man

I was originally Executive Officer of 501st whilst Kelso was Rex, the battalion was quite stable at the time and I had discussed with Sixta and Dragon about Rancor and wanted to help out and hang out with some old friends, however when I left for Rancor there were issues that were brought up within 501st and I returned back to the battalion to try and help work those issues out, I was given the rank of CSM upon joining as per the proper protocol of 501st, and then was promoted by Kelso to Major then the next day to CMD by Craig when the discussion of the 187th/501st merge was had.

I have discussed the application with Trad & Sanchez and I was allowed approved to post the application. As soon as I saw there were issues arising in 501st, that was the reason I moved back, however this time I have worked quite hard with @Sugga to ensure this will not be the case again and the 501st is in a very stable position at the moment with a lot of things being revamped and redone to ensure this.

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Foreseen knows what he is doing. People saying how being niner and HA is hard. Niner may be equivalent BCMD but a squad lead is hella easier than BCMD. 

BCMD you have anywhere between 20 to 40 people to manage, half of them always want to ask you something, there always seems to be a problem. 

Squad lead, have between 1 to 3/6 or so depending on squad, you all chill together and meme half the time (told this by ex members, so this is just information passed into me, may not be accurate) usually the someone in the server might not like you but you can just tell em to fuck off to an extent. All squads help each other, Reg is basically like a BCMD. Biggest worry is tryouts.


In before I get dumbed and abused for putting this comment

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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I can’t make this +1 cute because I’m on my phone but,

There are very little concerns with you going for this position. I was very glad to see you actually talking to members of SO BDE before dropping the application and I know you can do a good job in the position. All I ask from you is that you work with the rest of SO BDE and don’t make Omega distant. Other than that good luck and do a good job or imma slap you.

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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