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Everything posted by Comics

  1. I was honestly going to +1 but this really changed my opinion on the whole 21st tbh. The way you really broke down how the battalion needs to change and why mystics cannot do it just puts a lot of things in a better perspective. gotta really hand it to you for this. While your application has a major focus on experience and a lack of large plans I can see how you're a good candidate. I would warn you that Merit/requirements can create burn out in NCOs and also often leads to Officers becoming lazy as they no longer have those hard requirements they need to achieve. overall, if you stay weary of requirements and ensure you keep a motivated and hard working officer corps I think you'll do fine +1
  2. I love venators too and I think it is truly under utilised by the current player base. I hate anaxes and I think everyone pretends they don't hate it aswell cause that shit is boring as fuck. So I disagree with removing or reducing it's use at all. but if you plan to reduce it go all the way -1, just go full balls and remove it 1 day is nothing
  3. Name: Comics Suggestion: When you get a dm make it so the bell notifications don't get updated from this to this Why should we implement this? reduces clutter on the forums and separates post notifications from message ones Also a redundant feature to have the message notifications if it still has them in regular notifications How will this improve the Forums? Isn't this the same question? Clutter and seperation
  4. +1, not only do you seem capable and motivated but your plans on having the marshal increase relations with other factions like naval and bh sound great
  5. What's that thing Palpatine said? Ironic I think it was. This honestly seems like you're a little butt hurt over something that was resolved and seems to not be a pattern of behaviour at all. It's sorted and as far as we're all aware hanz hasn't pursued it any further. Maybe just move on? +1, while you're a guy who jokes around a lot you seem extremely mature when it comes to BH things. You seem to know your shit and care about where BH is going so I see you as a great candidate deserving of interview
  6. People complain every time Med or Eng is wiped. This isn't because they hate change this is because they getting retrained for nothing. This is the big issue with the suggestion, people don't want it wiped because every wipe changed nothing and promises made here don't seem to be changing anything like that either. Yeah it's not the "end of the world" but it's just not preferable. No one is claiming it's the end of the server, this is just a lie lmao it's a public form, and he asked for opinions. If it's a useless change why would we support it? If it changes nothing but wipes a bunch of people why would the public be in favour of it. If the suggestion was open about the good reforms it was making people would probably easily support it. But it seems like another classic RANCOR wipe with no change at all. Extending the trainings would look good to us if they said what the contents would be. W&T seems to have been turned into 2 days but what are 3&4 there's no information I can see. It just seems all cosmetic, of course people are gonna oppose a wipe if it adds nothing. Everyone wants RANCOR to change and improve their training but this just doesn't seem to be fixing any of these issues
  7. The point of a suggestion is to get a specific idea added to the server. Making the actual contents of the suggestion happens before you make the post. The idea is usually finished when the post is made. You should ask people. there's a reason similar suggestions cannot be posted within 60 days of each other, it's because once you make a suggestion you get the community to vote on this idea and this idea only. This is not a feedback forum, this is asking the community if they want this idea added. I think it probably would've been smarter to make a general post about changes to ARC and feedback since it's not something the community has the right to vote on. Then once that was sorted make a suggestion about doing the wipe. Cause you're mixing the wipe suggestion and changes feedback
  8. Rancor BCMD try not to wipe ARC trainings challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) You say it's not a wipe but it is effectively a wipe. They need to do all the trainings except Selections which means it's basically just doing the whole new training. I don't see a difference except a larger frame of time to do it. This is a wipe and I think it's a bit dishonest to frame it as not being one. I also don't really see how this is much different, I dunno maybe I am insane but it sounds like more W&T with extra SIMs/Tests on top. I don't think anyone who goes through ARC training does it for the training, they do it for the job and you can pump the hours and time spend listening to some guy read off a doc but people don't go to trainings to learn shit. They go to trainings to be able to do stuff. maybe it will be more involved and interesting than some bloke just talking at you but I still don't think that gets rid of the underlying fact people do trainings for the reward, not to learn shit. This sounds like change for the sake of change, this doesn't seem to be addressing any of the actual issues I've heard people complain about it just seems to prolong the time for which people have to endure already very unpopular trainings hard -1 on the recerts, that is a wipe stop saying it's not I am undecided on the whole new system but I cannot see it ever making ARC troopers any better. It feels like any attempts at this from RANCOR will create more dislike towards ARC shit in general. so leaning -1 -1 on ARCT. Just let them pass the program then give em it. Seems completely pointless to award people before they've even finished Just a question, did you ask ARC from other battalions or people who are trained in general if they had criticisms of the system or even possible suggestions for improvement? It'd be nice to hear you talked to the community rather than made an idea purely from inside RANCOR hc.
  9. Civilians actually have 0 right to enter a Military base, if we really wanted we could always kick them out but we don't because it's fun to have them around it brings more interesting dynamic. The same thing is applied to a ship, sure the procedure is a little more taxing but is requesting docking permission really that much of an ask? I'm not sure naval is willing to kill encounters just to be ATC dickheads so you could probably pretty easily get a market flown into the ship, or have a busted ship need repairs. Maybe have a shanty town in the asteroid field. There are clearly options it seems like the GM team isn't used to venators for encounters, as it probably does require a little more prep. The idea that bases are not extremely limiting doesn't seem to play out because you agree every event is the same so either both base and venators limit creativity or it's something on the player-side It seems weird to say this but players are absolutely raring to do some shit, and they're not gonna shoot down some RP because they don't wanna give boarding perms. otherwise they'd kick all non-military off base
  10. genuine request, I would like you to explain out loud how the venator is more limited than the base. Cause I hear it all the time but I don't think I've ever seen anyone explain why so I'd just like to know the issues GMs encounter? Maybe I am out the loop but main server events seem to also be all extremely similar and stale. I can't imagine this is exactly very tied to the map being a base or venator because every event on titan had droids in MHB and then maybe commandos. It just seems like logic that doesn't exactly follow through. And you can't include things that are map specific like other planets or a temple (since those can be on either). just compare a base map and a venator and how one is better for GMs than another Overall I suspect once moving to a base the server has gotten extremely accustom to a base setting with some sort of outdoors, (no matter how shit or tiny) and expanse for BH alone. Jedi temple is just as disconnected and awkward on both current maps. I think people feel a little trapped on the venator, despite being probably around about the same walkable space as the venator, all the ups and downs, hallways and tighter spaces makes it feel more like a cage. Anaxes is pretty spacious and empty so it feels really big and sort of casts this illusion of a lot of walkable space. People like this open air feeling and these cramped spaces venators emulate probably push people to the same place (the few wide open areas) which used to be pretty good for passive RP but I'm not sure people do anything except Bhop and AFK during down time (me included) so it feels sort of pointless. Anaxes at least lets us have an excuse for not talking and it's because everyone is really far away from each other. It also doesn't help this is maybe one of the worst venator maps I've ever had to bear witness to.
  11. I don't want to vote right now but I am pretty against NCOs getting more responsibilities. As far as I can tell Officers and Senior Officers don't really have any set in stone actual responsibilities since they don't have merits (which I don't think they should have) it just seems like they watch NCOs do all the work and do what Cody tells them to. So giving the mules of the battalion even more shit ontop of their infinite schedule seems pretty strange. I encourage making Officers pull actual weights instead of vague sort of goals This isn't a plan. It seems 212th always has this issue where it's incapable of holding up more than 1 sub unit at a time. I honestly don't have any suggestions but I think the "GC issue" is a larger one that 212th has suffered with since the server moved from peak. very much against this, I would fully suggest don't even try any sort of squad system at all. Focus on what makes 212th work like it's primary sub units. This will never and has never worked. It's a neat idea but it's not gonna play out how you think 212th is extremely stable and I honestly think doing nothing would keep it well ahead of everyone else so I won't -1 because I find it hard to imagine someone who seems as competent as you would manage to fuck it up like even that much. I just wanted to add some of my thoughts on your ideas.
  12. personally, when I was staff the training was cancer and at peak 2018 it took TRO+ pulling maybe 16 people, who were all fake AFK, before they got a trainer. People don't like doing it lol and forcing staff to act a block for minges is sort of cruel. We just let staff ban them when they're annoying they shouldn't be forced to torture themselves with 10 minutes trainings with brainlets -1
  13. +1, while not my first choice I think your plans are pretty great. The RSB stuff looks fantastic. Whether or not you get it I wanna see you pushing for these changes cause they're great ideas
  14. +1, I think you're a great leader and an upstanding guy. Can't imagine someone serving better than you
  15. Great guy, it was nice to see you back even if it was short. best of luck, buddy
  16. You saying disease like she got cancer. Bro she's got spot baldness, her disease is being bald. People make fun of hairlines all the time like why is she suddenly the line. We don't deck people for making jokes at receding hairlines. But to be fair to him, it's the first time he's kept a guy out his wife's mouth
  17. She's cheated on him so much they've had to say they're in an "open marriage"
  18. does he have to defend his wife's boyfriend too?
  19. +1, you've moved Rancor to a better place which is great to see I think you continuing your work will only improve the sitting of the battalion
  20. This is exactly what they did last time, and it didn't pan out. Why would we let this happen again? it's needless bureaucracy. And you are picking ARCLs by making a mandatory "competence verification" you do get to choose but only from a battalion's selection. If you make it optional or VETOable it will never be used as battalions are never going to choose to let Rancor have a say. It's either over controlling or useless in both cases bad There's no compromise to this system and it's weird you even think this is a solution to some issue you aren't eluding to. Do you think current ARCLs are incompetent and if so why is that RANCORs responsibility to fix in other battalions?
  21. This is an immediate -1, RANCOR struggle to upkeep your current ARC schedule. This is overreach beyond belief and I can't see any BCMD ever agreeing to this. You train people you don't run other battalions. You don't understand the role of RANCOR BCMD from this alone. This was removed to prevent RANCOR power abuse over other battalions. Allowing a small team of RANCOR leaders to choose how each battalion runs their ARC is ridiculous overreach. How is any way does this improve the sever except bringing RANCOR more power and creating more bureaucracy of which other battalions will quickly come to despise. Jesus Christ, I'm all for optimism but this is just like fantasy
  22. +1, can't wait to send people massive ZIP bombs
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