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Bacta last won the day on April 24

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  1. i made dire squad btw @Brooklyn fucks with this suggestion heavy
  2. i made this event hope u guys liked it ❤️
  3. you would make a really good kit fisto +1
  4. The cycle of synergy community members claiming every map BEFORE was really good for RP and that RP is dead on the server is comical at this point 💀
  5. +1 finally someone with fucking balls of steels can finally get this guy. Here is some of the lessons i learned that i hope kaiser can learn. @KaiserNeiner No fucking warnings on this server, this is a hardcore fucking GMOD server for people like us, dont try to ruin it with your mingy behavior dude. No fucking getting into LAAT, your barely trained and frankly just a bad driver let real fucking pilots get it, not only do you take over CG you wanan take Pilot job next? No fucking spawning in lightsabers at all, we get it bro you were rahm kota! but no one fucking cares geek, how about you use your ARREST BATON and stop being biased/favortism I have had personal issues with kaiser before so im glad someone can finanly speak out against him, during high staff meeting kaiser would constantly talk about "Making Synergy Great Again" he made it such a hostile work enviorment one meeting i screamed and cried @JamesBrentthe silent minority stands with you brother
  6. First Synergy Version of Anaxes is one of the best maps for Gming
  7. Watch The Batman/Crisis on Two Earths stay safe homie, you were pivotal
  8. +1 It amazes me that balzin still hasnt gotten a applicable position tbh at this point, his influence on the server is obviously something to be seen, he will most likely be a good yoda.
  9. this should lowkey be insta accepted @KaiserNeineruse your power for good +1
  10. I think this is was mainly cause of @blazinassistance with setting up their jedi program
  11. how does this change plan on effecting @Marvellegacy as managmanet
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