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Everything posted by Comics

  1. +1, unironically might be the first like decent Mas Amedda who's made good work of the position. The Senate has always been up in the air and it's always sort of had meh leaders, you seem to be pretty proactive and purely concerned with Senate dealings without being overbearing. you did use the wrong app format tho. Steam Name: RP Name: RP Rank: Steam ID: Experience: Why should you become Mas Amedda?: Do you understand the lore of the Galactic senate?: Availability: Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: What do you feel the role of the Mas Amedda is?: Do you have a microphone?: Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: How do you plan to improve relations between the senators and the server?: Do you understand that your position has a three month term?
  2. You must never have met Sugga but on the real. Your application is actually an application, you write substance into it and gave justification. this isn't some jerk off of your achievements you clearly show a desire to continue a 501st legacy, you know you don't need to be revolutionary yet that doesn't cripple your app. You seem to know what you're doing and I can see you being a great example. +1
  3. I remember when this was suggested and the solution was to give the VA tag channel key. I see no reasons VAs should have powers in a channel higher than a BCMD or Channel Admin I think it's aggravating as a BCMD not being able to move certain staff cause I see no reason they should hold that power in my TS channel but HA+ kinda have an excuse being high staff, VAs don't have that justification and are far more numerous. +1
  4. I would die on that hill too but thanks, I think you're quite a nice person & I enjoy your company. @Bacta I think you're a good breathe of fresh air for the community
  5. @Dinaric @Logic You guys were gone too soon </3
  6. hey I like 2017 reddit memes too
  7. Literal no name, who the fuck are you???
  8. This MF started a roast thread and immediately folded at the first sight of criticism
  9. Try not to pick the literal worst models ever made challenge (impossible) +1, phase I sounds alright but please pick something besides these weirdly fat models
  10. can't wait to show you people real music like video game soundtracks & anime openings
  11. maybe some of the best content ever made in the internet age, glad I've got some fellow ERB enjoyers here are some of the best ones so far (season 4-5 is peak imo) the best one ever made is defo this -
  12. Cope & Seethe Generally I hate only people coming back to save us, it sets a bad record and creates this culture of new players never being expected to grow into leaders. I am happy to make an exception here because I think there's genuinely no other option. And I don't think any of us think the current leadership is doing well at all +1, I trust you a lot freck, let's hope this is the last time you do this
  13. Man who could've guessed, Dennis taking advantage of a weakened faction to take control and assert himself some saviour. How many times do we have to go through this with you and your horrific leadership. You killed CIS in the water by refusing the give it up after you provided nothing to it for months, RANCOR & the server was fully unified against that report and you were barely saved by a technicality. 2 factions you were promised to fix & bring greatness to. You served as a Base Ops commander once before but as we've seen Base Ops was only saved around the time Bro & Freck began it's actual recovery, really puts into question your legitimacy to be a naval Leader. Not the mention you went from PO3 (reinstated rank of old) to CAPT, purely awarded on what was a whim of hope you'd "train" a better generation, of course you used this to your advantage to snake your way into another applicable position. Let's also not forget your fucking suggestions to remove navy, you've spent more time trying to get navy removed than you have being an actual leader of it. Your app is bare bones and says pretty much nothing, a majority is taken up by you patting yourself on the back with all these hollow titles which generally garnered through large bouts of failed leadership. This is one of the most egregious power grabs I've ever seen in time in synergy, you only waited this long so you didn't have to gain the legitimacy of a waive. I like how there's 0 mention of any work you've done so far, likely due to a lack of any. I don't like to place ill will onto people but you've got a solid track record of holding nothing but ill will & incompetent command aimed at gaining titles. -1, one of the most incapable leaders naval has ever seen. A power grab of this kind shouldn't be acceptable in any way, shape, or form. I'm very tired while writing this so it may be a little ramble-esque.
  14. Bigzach hit the nail on the head, this application is literally nothing. You might as well have just said "I am XO i want to be BCMD" I feel you have made no effort to put yourself out there or truly make yourself seem a good candidate, no matter how secure an application may be it should never be considered guaranteed by anyone. There's no mention of work you've done already in DU which would prove your record. you've made mention of being capable because you have Command Support so wouldn't suffer with a power struggle which is a really strange thing to mention cause we wouldn't expect one either way so why bring it up? You've only mentioned 2 issues, which have fine solutions but how do you plan to continue to work of Dennis, we don't know his plans so you should be explaining how you're going to keep that going and even bolster it where needed. This is just a vapid app, anyone can write this for any battalion it just proves nil. -1, if you can't make an effort for an application who says you'll make it for a battalion. This is nothing against you, I don't think we've had more than 2 interactions, going off this as a stranger I have no idea about DU and the application makes it seem like you don't either.
  15. please stop necro-posting, I will contact forum mods if you do this again +1 tho
  16. "Currently: Retired :) | Resident Mets Fan | First EVER Medal of Maxwells Recipient" - 🤓
  17. 146 South Ave, Gretna, FL 32332
  18. not sure you're the guy to be taking shots at doomed projects, Mr Dooku
  19. -1, dude you see jedi gunning it with 2 double bladed lightsabres shooting magic crystals which could kill god. But you draw the line at people hopping around? It's not even like good for anything but moving faster when we aren't getting attacked. I feel like there are more emersion breaking things to focus on and unironically this might actually harm the exprience for a lot of people cause a pretty huge amount of players bhop for like down-time fun. Taking that sorta seems like a way to drive up AFK numbers and make people get off the server way more
  20. What are we gonna do for fun if we can't bhop?
  21. Thank you MikesBallsack2. we will be missing you Thank you for winning florida for Bush in 2004
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