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Everything posted by Comics

  1. KU is full, DD is not. KU can't accept more members and is by percentage fullness more active KU has even had to deny some applications due to being full, not sure there is any subunit counter balance to make up for as both subunits are so small in size, both max out at 11 (KU is sticking to 8 rn)
  2. lyonaxis, I do quite like you, however I don't find you to be a particularly inspiring leader. You've not really explained how any of your plans are going to work you just sort of saying you're going to make things good. Seeing your past time as BCMD of SOBDE I can't say I am very confident in your ability to be a BCMD in a less than stable battalion; Mazen is done a good job but I don't think you'd be able to keep it going. Maybe if the battalion were in a more stable position you could be good but I'm just not sure it's in a place where it can take that gamble yet I mean you won't even give up shaak ti despite GM likely being quite the handful. You just don't seem ready to take a BCMD position right now, you're not hands on and you don't seem awfully committed. apologies but -1, I just don't think you would be a strong leader than GM needs
  3. Thanks for giving me a shot at HVYL!
  4. +1, FYI is the only person I've ever seen actually using it
  5. Can't believe there are 2 sets of parents who actively made the choice to name their kid ian, that's gotta be some sort of child abuse
  6. that's dedication -1, maybe don't harass people
  7. +1, if they want a sub unit then it should really be rhe green ones who get fucking slaughter lol It's absolutely better than havoc squad by miles. Not sure about people dick riding lore this much, like everyone soyed out at Alpha arc in rancor but that has 0 link at all they're both just arc groups. I'd prefer if DU just wasn't on the server its basically a characterless black hole lore wise and personality wise. But if they're gonna stay I'd rather have a real sub unit not some soy fanon where everyone is epic and awesome and looks like shit Exactly what purpose is that? being a subunit for a unit that doesn't have any lore sub units. I wonder why havoc squad is hated maybe it's because it's not real and it has all the cringe fanon shit that everyone hates. Horn company might not have any connection but I honestly don't think that many people truly care about a deep actual connection through lore, they just want the groups to actually exist. When you're trying to build a sub unit for dooms unit, which is a battalion neither of us want on the server, you sort of have to do desperate things. If we're gonna have a sub unit, which seems to be true because why would DU ever give that up, and we're forced to keep DU wouldn't it be better if the sub unit was real and not some cringe fanon?
  8. @Marvelhow did he harass people?
  9. Comics

    Order 66

    I gotta be brutally honest, I fucking hated this event lol. Some of it was cool, some of it being specially on the bits that @Mavelle was doing ahsoka RP for. gameplay 2 - Literally just RDM which gets old very fast especially with how extremely absent any real organisation was. To call it game play is sort of a strech care and effort 3 - I think some of it was well made and thought out, I think a lot of it was not. There was a real mixed bag so i honestly can't say it was awful, what shone most was once again Mavelle as Ahsoka, the specs of RP I saw was okay but it was so spread Server Performance 2 - the server was absolutely struggling due to no fault of anyone involved I don't think anything was ever spawned at all. However, the server still shit itself not as bad as that day 1 zombie event but still pretty bad. It hit some real slideshow shit at some points I dunno how much time and effort really went into it, from what I could feel it felt a lot on the spot and not in the bacta way where it all comes together. It felt on the spot like how all order 66 events are, not very well
  10. +1, you'll do great but it's not like you could make it any worse!
  11. +1, you've come really far toaster. See you fitting this position very well
  12. This was the one thing you wanted to ask us about?
  13. Can't wait for the update to be finished!!!
  14. Is it like much of a competition, the chief gets absolutely wiped
  15. I think necroposting is more about like resignations, I didn't think posts in general discussions, forum games, or off topic got Archived? I think it was introduced because people like monty would always post on super old resignations of members who came back as le epic troll and it just happened to much the founders banned it I mean I would support it but Not for month old resignations and stuff along those lines. However I'm not sure the rule exists for anything except that, it's certainly not enforced that way anyway so +1 ig
  16. wild asf typo spotted, announcement discarded regiments picking their own name sucks. I wanna have a permanent name for these groups, you know a unifying name so the job doesn't keep having to get it changec. The name should signify what unites them not what le epic cool bad ass name the battalions can come up with. Sure ask battalions what they think when you plan to change them but it's always gonna get ran through directors anyway because they won't let shit like "imperial regiment" pass or whatever
  17. I only got 1 thing to prove red is clearly superior:
  18. Comics


    then why did you rate the preformance 5? also whataburger you forgot to include the 3 categories of what the 3 numbers are rating
  19. they need to fill their whitelist removal whitelist
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