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Everything posted by Comics

  1. 327th is a family, they are brother and sisters in arms. If you want to be a part of it and if you want to be treated like one of them -- then do what it takes do be one of them.
  2. -1 If you have a Star Wars Clone Wars RP server and not DU there's a BIG problem. Just gonna be honest
  3. :/ this is a little insensitive, can you think about the people who are suffering in this great time?
  4. I want it back because I liked when Palpatine had to explain why he had a bright gold lightsaber hanging from his waist at all time
  5. -1, the intercomm isn't very earrapey, I don't see how it's an issue tbh? just spawn the intercomm it tells people when you start and end talking. Does the intercomm cause lag? doesn't everything cause lag? How would you keep it to 1 planet? are the maps not on top of each other? If it's a radius won't it go upwards the same distance sideways making it impossible to talk to all of anaxes without talking on other planets? This just seems very unnessacery
  6. I think the whole point is CG do this because it sort of just always made sense to do it. They're literally military police so it makes sense they would arrest people who break rules. It's like the whole idea is CG are like a neutral arbiter who just mindlessly do what the rule directly states with little thought behind it, they arrest when there is an AOS and that's it. I dislike the idea of CG personally investigating if an AOS is valid because I don't think they are staff and so I don't know why they would be able to make a decision as if they were staff. I don't think anyone has a real issue with CG or TG arresting people, it's more convenient than staff usually because they're always on the ground usually pretty near the problem, and they also can be stationed around in places arrests are more likely (which they don't do anymore sadge). They have always functioned well as a group who does arrests and I personally don't think that is a place of contention in the server. Arresting people is very easy and requires little genuine training. CG aren't really trained to do staff sits, they just do the arrest which is maybe 3 buttons. I also don't know if Staff want this responsibility either, seems a strange one to tag on, since structure is so loose in Staff it might take longer to actually have someone arrested as members put it off expecting someone else to do it. CG are all in 1 channel and basically scream "I;LL GET IT" in game and in TS and it's solved that quick. I think what people hate the most about CG is their ability to force RP and the way they actually RP. It seems to just attract a very certain type of crowd who are extremely interested in forcing people to do things for them. CG is the only battalion you can't really say no to RPing with or try to get away from the situation because they will detain you. This makes a pretty harrowing situation in which you're forced to do unfun RP because if you don't they'll force you in a cell and if you don't comply they will actually AOS you. This is at least my problem with CG, it's like a battalion that can do BH RP with everyone on the server. I find it hard to what to interact with them when they're either always being rude or trying to force you to comply to their RP. Also, if you think CG get hate for arresting, why would we give that to staff instead? Like the server sort of doesn't like staff that much, just yesterday the VAs were getting flamed for removing whitelists. Do you think they should get more responsibilities which you claim lead to more hatred? Like it's adding an unwanted additional responsibility to a more decentralised team (in game). seems like a good way to make people like staff less and want to be staff less Also battalions need to relax policy on arrests. I don't think an arrest should be any automatic type of removal from anything. Yeah maybe if you RDM but failRP is so broad it basically is never a serious thing. People allow CG to really affect their positions in battalions not by CG choosing to overreach but because battalions are lazy in disciplinary procedure. CG are only the issue RP wise, arrests are honestly mostly not an issue they attribute to.
  7. > Asks not to put synergy in his steam name > "Put it in your name or resign" > Resigns
  8. +1, Bacta said great stuff about you and if I trust anyone it's the guy who promotes me
  9. This isn't a trial of bacta, dumbass. You can momentarily be funny and still be unfunny overall. Like I'm sure even Hitler did some nice things but that didn't really make up for it This isn't the oj case, you need to give up the villain.
  10. Any interaction with the accused stands as proof
  11. You just admitted guilt, shameless. I vote guilty, this mf is so annoying
  12. +1, can farm rep + whataburger deterrence
  13. +1, they gonna run out of officers to let run for rex soon
  14. the only drama anyone wants here is you resigning
  15. I don't know how I am supposed to explain this to you. Can you just read the post? can you read any criticism anyone has. A majority of the community are complaining about exactly these issues. There is no communication, there is nothing from higher ups. Things just happen with a blank silence in between. It's not hard to acknowledge these things. The community is basically screaming for you to be more open and communicative and not treat it as some big joke. The community would think content is coming out if you made it clear that it was. We have Jad and Jayarr running PR for the founders who seem to not even be apart of our community anymore. You can't get away with cheap shots at real criticism like in 2017. The community clearly isn't on the founders side anymore, you can't win them over with these epic comebacks. All you had to say is explain why your personal communication is the way it is, what your thinking and why you take the actions you do. But no you have to try and own this Staff Sergeant who was annoyed the founders seem to not even know they own the server.
  16. did you need to log your own LOA? and log it like you weren't the one who posted it?
  17. have you done one of those funky bootstrap computer scans? it takes hours but the results are legit tells you everything about your fucked up hardware, spotted my fucked up RAM that kept blue screening my PC
  18. Yeah I am only in it for the rep, and yeah I am a danger when left unmonitored
  19. I feel like this wouldn't really be a surprise anyone, not like I'm exactly being secretive about my preferences
  20. +1, you've done good work in the past and this application looks very promising for the 510st's future
  21. it's literally a drawing, I thought you were more into the sad pathetic crowd?
  22. I was pretty confident on my vote already but whataburger seemed to have an extremely strong opposition to it so something really bad must be up. But he's not elaborated at all and so I'm just going to assume it's either completely false or pretty baseless I was extending an olive branch to see what all the fuss was about. Sounds like it's pretty much nothing +1 you've got an actual future lined up for the senate, which is a nice change for once. I was kind of tired of it being used and abused, wallowing in a vacuum of irrelevance and no shows. You have plans and really extensive ones at that. They also are plans you seem to be willing to fight for till your dying breath which is something I can get behind. In fact this sort of revolutionary rhetoric of proudly pushing ones agenda because he knows best reminds me of a certain someone plus this means Gume Saam will open again
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