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Everything posted by Comics

  1. You're considering DU in the short term. This is a defence you could give for any battalion low on numbers, that's why it's not the real issue with DU. DU isn't a battalion you can fix, replace , or repair. It is a bad idea that has snowballed into a beloved battalion. It looks cool and it sounds cool but it isn't special. it doesn't serve a role or hold a place that makes it reasonable to continue the existence of. DU doesn't have a job, we aren't asking for a different DU we're asking for no DU and no replacement, at least not a replacement for DU's role. DU has a lot of people in it and has a lot of people who care about it but that isn't enough to keep it going(91st, 327th, 187th, RM, 38th, Senate Commando, Covert Ops). DU has not got enough lore to make it fun to interact with like 212th or 501st, it doesn't hold special RP that makes it fun unlike CG, it doesn't have a special structural makeup which makes it unique like RANCOR or 21st, and it doesn't have a special role which is interesting like 104th or 41st. It truly is a nothing battalion that doesn't really justify it's existence beyond the fact it exists. This circular logic would mean it would never make sense to remove anything unless it was an enormous detriment to the server like the CIS. But then we'd be stuck with things like Grey Jedi or Naval Jedi who are sort of pointless entities who don't really hold any role but are kept around because it makes some people happy. DU is pretty much the only battalion in which we don't really have a special reason to keep them beyond them being a battalion with members. All others (a few may struggle) quite firmly justify there position as I've already stated. So why doesn't DU have to do the same thing?
  2. I think a lot of people are emotionally involved in the existence and creation of DU. A lot of people see this as a community they are a part of. It's hard to actually want to seriously consider the removal of so many hours of love, hard work, and true friendship. There are a lot of memories and amazing memories created by DU for members of said battalion. But it simply cannot be ignored, DU truly does not hold a place within the server. Now this isn't about the members, or anything to do with anyone who's ever joined the battalion. And I think a lot of people are trying to muddle the ideas of the people of DU and the actual battalion itself. Looking at the place and function of DU it just doesn't fit in at all. It's a shield battalion? But what sort of battalion would want to be locked to such a boring and slow role? The answer is no one because DU doesn't play a defensive role in the server. No one does, which is generally a larger issue of people being unwilling to play their role but that doesn't seem like an attitude that's easy to change. The solution to such an issue is definitely not making a battalion more suitable to said role because we all know players only want to go on the offence. The loss of the Z6 was 100% absolutely justified but it was also when DU lost pretty much their only good feature. They were the OP ass blasting batt that got a big fucking gun and shields making them the ultimate assault force because they were all heavies. But they are no longer this, their shield doesn't mesh well with any other class except heavy. How does an ARF trooper even make good use of a shield if they're constantly on the move? It simply just isn't a strong loadout. When you aren't playing defensive or using a Z6 it is simply not that useful. This is why DU was better before they lost their gun (deservedly) and why the DS trooper is actually pretty useful. People keep bringing in people and the drama of which DU seems to ooze like a wound that can't heal. People will claim a wipe or reset may solve this sort of issue. But 21st, & RANCOR did not make any gains from their wipes and ultimately became a husk of their former selves. SOBDE was fundamentally changed and lost the most toxic features but is still holds many characteristics it's "wipe" was supposed to resolve. Battalions simply cannot be wiped to change, they either are murdered in the process or sink into old habits with a new coat of paint. But we kept around these 3 stated battalions because the server would be a lot more complicated without them. 21st has a more uneasy position but it's undeniable the server would struggle without RANCOR or SOBDE. DU, sadly, does not hold any position like this. It is a shield battalion and it's not even very good at that because why would you want to be. It doesn't matter about the people, wiping it has never done anything to fix anything. 187th was popular, so was 91st, and 327th. Yet they were all ripped up and all parts removed. These battalions never worked in the server and we have seen them far too often fall into disarray and fail to keep up to their regimental brothers. None of them held a place and were simply 2nd place at all times to the better choice. 187th couldn't beat 2ndAC, 91st was always behind 41st, & 327th could never match either 501st or 212th. They served no purpose, they had no place. DU sits in the same place. Popular with the people but fundamentally flawed. The people who has served DU I heavily advise you consider what you wish to tie your name to. Do you want to be a badge on a decaying corpse or do you wish to be a plaque on a distinguished grave. Because it becomes quite clear it's unlikely there is a synergy in which DU remains alive. And to the people who are not in DU you should consider how you discuss something people sunk months or even years into. There is passion and brotherhood weaved into these battalions so it matters that we treat it with respect. we are weighing up the aspects and quality of a battalion not it's people. There is no defence that can justify the continued existence of DU as a battalion only justifications for a battalion to exist. We can get DU on it's feet but it still won't be a fun battalion to interact with as it truly doesn't have a unique place in the server. Unlike other battalions there is no way to reform DU as this is the only way DU can exist, as a regular battalion. It just doesn't justify it's own existence. DU should not be removed because you dislike the people of DU. It should be removed because it does not function. +1, it sad to see that some creative ideas must come to an end I also suggest moving the shield to heavy, where both things may find an actual place to be useful
  3. I would -1 but I can't find the sad emoji png so I wouldn't have an argument +1
  4. 1.2k andy here and I was thinking about replying but it was just mid
  5. Jagger was cracked too but wicked was smth else. Hope he took those skills to the IDF
  6. I can't speak about experiences within the server that got me super into CWRP because I don't think it's about CWRP. I think it's about the community, and I think I can remember this old ass time in early synergy in Mamba 212th. I was on holiday with my shit ass laptop that ran GMOD at about 2 frames and we had this one night were a load of 212th had a huge brawlhalla competition and honestly it was maybe the happiest I had ever been in the community ever. Nothing to do with CWRP but it's at least something that reminds me why I was so engrossed in synergy, it's literally all I played for 3-4 years. I think the addiction to CWRP doesn't come from the gamemode but how that gamemode accentuates community feelings. battalions are usually hold a core of close knit friends with an larger group of less involved friends. And that's honestly what makes it so great, it makes nerdy cringe shit seem fun cause you're doing it with regular ass people you actually like. Explaining CWRP to someone who doesn't play it makes it sound like the most boring shit, like we listen to 14 years olds about Air traffic control but the shit is fun cause the community is fun. The only other super memorable shit I can recall is getting Cody. NGL I screamed my fucking soul out, I think my parents thought I had a stroke or smth.
  7. It's either bottomless clip or a way higher accuracy This MF cannot hold down anything and has 0 range. That's the real issue, in CQC this thing fucking shreds and is pretty unstoppable, but you can't move that far with it and they can hear that reload Giving it range and or a far larger mag would make it far far more useful. But it's not that dogwater to begin with, people just never use it in the right situation cause CQC seems to never happen
  8. it's seems like you have genuinely no idea what you want. I dunno maybe come up with an actual idea that doesn't go completely against server balance before you start making suggestions You seem to think magically adding random shit to your subunit will fix it's failings and that's just not true at all. I think you're better off approaching High Command & the GM team to see how you can expand the role of cloaking within the server. the GM team might even appreciate you bringing along some ideas for events or encounters which require cloaking to happen. It is the only group except Omega who can cloak so clearly it is an extremely unique subunit, I don't think forcing it in line with 2ndAC or WP is gonna save you it'll make it far less appealing probably. -1, this is some in house batt shit ngl
  9. +1, you've been by far the best mas it's not even close to a competition
  10. Me trying not to get banned after seeing IP in the title of a forum post
  11. This is pretty unprecedented behaviour too. I don't think anything else on the server holds such a high punishment Community bans seem to be relegated to those who cause extreme issues within the community, with almost all of them having resounding overall support from everyone around. However this seems like a big jump the community does not support. Which is weird you would ban in the name of the community against most the communities wishes Honestly this way of tackling this "issue" seems to only be promoting the issue. You're just making them more popular because no one agrees with such weird rulings.
  12. Question: Why is the leadership team so set against jokes around IPs? Comments/Concerns: This is a serious question because it seems like a bizarre thing for all of leadership to be so set on punishing so very harshly. As far as I can tell it has almost 0 community support. It just seems a weird place to draw such an extreme line. It seems to be super sudden and out of no where change. I think it may help the community or at least myself if we understood why leadership is so heavily opposed to this specific joke. Staff Member you're asking: Any of leadership so director+ Additional info: This isn't like me calling it stupid or complaining I am genuinely curious. And maybe it can help some people make sense of why all the action is so extreme
  13. +1, you went out to a lot of people and I got respect for that. CG is pretty unpopular so seeing you taking these steps to make that good change makes me hopeful for you full support for jhonny
  14. Comics

    Void I'm Done

    -1, you didn't talk to 1/2 of the regiment which makes up about 90% of it's members I also think it's funny how you want to make RANCOR and SOBDE work together but you were so bad at getting CG to work with anyone you moved them to Operations I can't see you being a capable RCMD at all especially not for such insanely separate battalions which you know nothing about
  15. Comics

    dead Sith

    10/10 - Arguing with Sith in OOC was probably the best bit
  16. Dude you want like 212th=501st numbers as 21st shooting for the stars is an overstatement Scared of BCMD??? if you're scared of this then why even make the app LMAOO. -1, you just don't seem confident in yourself at all. that's not really what we need in a BCMD
  17. +1 are y-you really a ga-ga-gamer g-g-g-girl??? 😅😅😅 that would be so cool for the community lol lol lol
  18. People don't wanna be soldiers they wanna be cool. Listening to people is lame, that's the basic lesson. People don't wanna play their role they wanna always be in charge. I think the easiest way to get better RP is to just tell BCMDs to stamp their foot down and be commanders in RP. Most regulars would never talk to their BCMD casually, they either feared them and or had the highest level of respect for them. I think BCMDs being more commander like in game would probably increase the likelyhood for the player base to follow suit. PVTs don't run off on their own yet individual players are valued far more highly than squads of troops. We need two changes: stronger more central leaders (RP wise), and events wish punish people running off on their own We need people falling more in line behind their BCMD and people being more accepting they aren't a machine in of themselves but are a cog in a larger one. People seem to forget PVTs aren't super soldiers and that CMD+ are actually leaders. They need to start stepping into their roles because I rarely see any difference between the too except how much more headstrong higher ranks are usually imo it's the best way to kill main-character syndrome. Plus this would bring a nice divide between OOC TS where everyone is friendly and more down to earth, and a more serious actually RP-oriented in game experience Although I would look into how battalions would treat each other, I personally don't want 41st Officers screaming at naval recruits or smth. Maybe keeping people more in line with their batts could help this foreseeable issue
  19. I think the merit system streamlines and addresses a lot of the issues requirement systems faced. Requirements truly had become outdated by 2019-2020 and were a artefact of older times. They just weren't up to scratch in the numerous things of which someone could do to interact with a battalion. I think flat faced saying merits sucks just disregards the reason why everyone uses them, it's just sort of ignorant to refuse to acknowledge the reason almost every battalion or other group uses at least a merit derivative. But it does feel a lot like a crutch sometimes, 212th used to have a huge issue of spending multiple hour+ meetings slightly adjusting merit points to get the most effecient layout possible as if fucking 14yr old timmy from Nebraska is gonna really do the maths and isn't just gonna slave away for a week doing only recruitments and the most shit arse trainings. The reason everyone uses it is because officers get it way easier, it's pretty free from bias, & it unironically feels pretty rewarding to get some of those points. But it doesn't train someone to become an officer, it doesn't teach NCOs anything except that they are a slave for all the batt's manual labour, & it creates a huge divide between officers and NCOs. Sergeants are the prole who slave away to actually keep a battalion afloat, and Officers are this high class of people who pretty much just sit around on their arses and tell people what to do. Merit's hugely put everything to the NCOs and remove any work an officer might have to do. That's the biggest issue they cause I'd like to see people create a half-decent replacement cause merits are significantly better than requirements and mamba-style do it when you feel like it is ripe for abuse in this day and age. This idea that merits make the game seem like work is kinda silly cause all systems do this, someone has to recruit, do regimental work, do sub-unit shit, do trainings and all this other dull boring monotonous shit. The system works just about fine, it doesn't cause huge amounts of issues and I see this as a fundamental issue with the way battalions deal with work loads We need to tackle the issues of Officers doing fuck all and NCOs getting the lump sum. NCOs do everything and that's what you all care about, not the actual system at play. Merits sort of highlight this issue rather than creating it.
  20. I didn't think pensioners paid taxes?
  21. I think many consider pride in one's accomplishments to be a sign of arrogance, I agree with no such notion. The work one has done for the community speaks volumes for their character. I see no reason to take sole credit, but being able to confidently speak upon your work and ability creates confidence in your character. It is not upon faith or those who have worked with you to decide your path, only you can prove your own worth. However I can understand your reservations to speak in confidence of your own work. I think your should credit yourself as a part of a team which a lot of the document lacks. I suppose you would suit a less direct role, at least in relation to leading people directly. I expect you know how to handle to rest as your work as a shadow BCMD seems to indicate some hands off leadership ability. So it makes sense to +1
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