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Bana's Rancor BCMD Application [Waived]


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Veteran Admin

Steam Name: Banagite

RP Name: Colt

RP Rank: CPT

Steam ID: 76561198122494542

Battalion you are applying for: Rancor Battalion


Inside of Rancor:
I have quite a bit of experience as a higher up in my battalion. In my experience of the Rancor Battalion I have been CPT for 56 days now and counting and have made my way around the battalion a decent bit and know quite a lot about its ins and outs. I learned quickly how important ARC training is and what it means to host them. After learning how to host said training myself, I learned how to shadow said tryouts and teach WO+ how to do them as well.

Within Rancor's regiments I have gone from HVYO, learning how to be a HVY trooper first of all and also being able to teach others how to be a HVY trooper. After being HVYO I went to HVYL while I was a SFC and learned what it meant to be in a leadership position within Rancor. After being HVYL for not too long I became the battalion's REGL while still SFC, as the regimental lead of the battalion I learned what it was like being in charge of not only 2-3 people but large amounts of them whether they in the battalion were a higher rank than me or not, and I have learned a lot from it, and learned a lot about the people around me through it. Regimental lead has also taught me what it means to have others rely on you for answers and then of course being able to answer those answers with the utmost confidence and knowing I have the right answer to their questions.

Rank wise my time being a junior enlisted was very short and I believe I got into the NCO core within a week or so. As an enlisted I learned from the current NCOs at the time what their responsibilities were and how I would have to do the same as an NCO. As a NCO doing things like training often was something that I looked forward to doing every day. Recruitments were even better because with every recruitment it had another chance to create another active member of the Rancor Battalion and grow the battalion.

When I finally got the opportunity to join the officer tea, as a WO I finally got to learn about the inner workings of the battalion and what actually went into making the battalion run. As a WO I learned how to host ARC trainings and how to more effectively task out things to the people around me and how to gain their respect. I also learned how to do roster work as a WO as that one of my main jobs. I also began doing doc work as a WO, adding docs and editing old docs to ensure they were up to date and that they were still of quality. After getting promoted to LT I continually hosted ARC trainings on my own and without needing a shadow, and entertainments/trainings in general. I gained more experience with this and was also able to learn how to do battalion relations through this experience and was able to of course get better relations with other battalions through this experience. When I finally moved up to CPT I no longer had any mentors other than my own current CPT's as within the battalion as we had no one above the rank of CPT, with this I learned how it was managing a battalion from one of the higher seats within and doing this without having someone above me telling me what to do or asking me to do things, of course this does not mean I did not ask for advice from previous people in Rancor because I for sure do and will continue to ask for advice from those around me. I used the rank better the battalion and finally being able to bring officers from our NCO core and training them how to do their jobs. I always made sure and continued to make sure that those I am promoting are right for the job and I can think could actually bring positive into the officer core of Rancor. I am also heavily involved in decision making and discipline as a CPT and MOST OF THE TIME, one of the final decision makers in them. I learned most of what I know from being an officer in Rancor. CPT has taught me the struggles of battalion relations like I mentioned before, I have learned how hard it is to keep battalion relations high and making sure we are not having issues with any specific group or people on the server. 

Inside of 212th:
I have learned quite a lot from people like Kaiser & Finn who are working inside of a battalion that is much larger than my own and that has a lot more to focus on inside said battalion. I joined this battalion on my Jedi and eventually earned the position of Bultar Swan of Ghost Company and SFC. This new experience of being inside of a subunit that I have not been a part of before helped me learn how we can operate together in things such as deployments while being in multiple calls and being in a smaller group. Shortly after getting the position of Bultar Swan I applied for and got the position of Ghost Company Officer, being a part of another group that does special tryouts like ARC training/tryouts gave me another taste of what higher ups look for in a trooper/person. After getting this position I got the position of Obi-Wan Kenobi, with this position I gained another CPT position and learned how it was like managing Jedi within a battalion and helping out with a larger battalion making big decisions within it. After that I got promoted to Major within the battalion. I learned how high command worked within a battalion, and how it was like acting as a high command within a battalion. In this position I take more of a background approach mentoring those below myself and making sure that they are doing their jobs properly. I have learned how to designate tasks to other people by being in the 212th from both above and below, I have also learned how to closely work with command members while in the 212th.

Inside of Jedi Order:

While inside of the Jedi Order when I was Bultar Swan I focused a lot on battalions instead of Jedi branch things. I had experience under other Obi-Wan’s and learned my responsibilities as a battalion Lore Jedi. I then got promoted to Master through battalion work when I got Obi-Wan, through this I got more experience of managing groups of people and hosting another type of training (youngling trials). I still focused on battalion Jedi stuff and increasing activity and numbers within my battalion's Jedi core. I have helped create and add my opinion to rule changes within the Jedi core which has helped me understand the bigger picture and what it's like changing a rule for a very large number of people.

Inside of BH Core:
While I was not in the position of Guild Marshal for long in this position I have learned yet again another side of the server that I did not know about before. Learning a new set of rules for a new position helped me gain more knowledge on what kind of things were allowed inside of being a Bounty Hunter and what of course was not. I could use my knowledge easier in RP situations whether I am on my BH or not, for situations like people cloaking on the base or situations involving base pass/base permits. Speaking of base permits I earned a base permit that I see very limited people able to do, through the 41st BCMD Gree at the time who was Gurk, and was “contracted” to them on my BH. (and no this was totally not luck) This was just another experience of working with a battalion, though not getting to see most of the insides of the battalion but still getting to work with another group of people and experienced command members.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I believe that I should become Rancor BCMD for many reasons, one of the most important qualities of being a Battalion Commander is being an active member not only on the server but also within the community and I believe right now that I am fulfilling that to the utmost. I also believe that with the pace Rancor is going at right now, we are going to become a larger battalion and a more active one. As Rancor becomes more active it requires different things, one of those things like I mentioned above is an active leader in the battalion and I think that I can become that active and strong leader within the battalion. I do believe that I have great plans that could also make Rancor more popular and with the way Rancor higher ups are at the moment it is a very small and stagnant group and I believe there is need for change within it. Of course as a BCMD I would also do my best to fill the currently vacant positions as we have a lot of higher up and lower lore positions that are not being filled. I really just want to hit the ground and get things running for the battalion as a whole, right now everything we do is a very long process and is quite inefficient with the amount of permissions we need to go through, I would like to help fix this by making it easier to make changes and making them of higher quality and not rushed out changes. I want there to be someone that others can look up to because there really isn't that top person besides a few of our officers. I think as BCMD I could solve a lot of issues, one being the fact a lot of our officers are losing motivation to do anything within the battalion because they think they are rank locked or cannot progress within the battalion and as a BCMD I could fix this issue, not by promoting people just to promote them but actually seeing the work and dedication the officers are bringing to the battalion and promoting them based on that. If it continues being this way people will lose motivation and leave and I would like to fix this before it becomes a larger problem. Using the position of BCMD I feel like I could help the battalion grow and make sure people actually want to play and be around because an active and good leader can help that heavily and boost morale just by having that leader. I would also like to do the other side of that by making sure those that do not want to help the battalion and are only bringing it down, are not around because there are some of those around. Another reason I think I am the right person for the job is because firstly within Rancor right now I am probably one of, if not the most experienced person in the battalion. I also am one of the most dedicated people within the battalion trying to better it everyday. I am someone who gets everyone’s opinions and takes them into consideration and that is something a leader should definitely do. I believe I am quite good at mediation between battalions and people and making sure battalion relations stay good. At the end of the day I think I can help increase the number of people within the battalion and  just in general making the battalion a better place to be and have fun. I want to be in this position because as BCMD I can accomplish these things and solve many issues within Rancor, not just by myself but with those around me and by using the rank of BCMD to just aid in this process.. At the end of the day this has been one of my goals for a long time and I believe I am the right person for this position.

Monday / Wednesday / Friday - After 12 PM EST
Tuesday / Thursday - After 3:30 PM EST

Weekend = Until 7 pm EST and after 9 pm EST

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
6 Months

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

Battalion as a whole:

I want the Rancor battalion to be first of all fully prepared for a new leader and have many good candidates from within the battalion. I also would like the Battalion to be one of the most active battalions on the server of course. With being one of the most active battalions on the server comes disorganization and minging so in turn I will make sure there is a solid command team in place to prevent this from happening. I would like a responsible officer core that is able to lead NCOs and enlisted down the right path of being good troopers and future officers. As a battalion I would love it if Rancor was big enough for officers to have no reason to get burnt out over things such as ARC trainings as we have enough people to host them that there would be no reason to make people host them and people would volunteer not only because they want a promotion within the battalion but because the battalion needs it. One of my goals for this would also be to have most if not all lore positions filled and held by the right people. I want Rancor to be a BOTM contender by the end of my term as well, being able to do it without me having to be there. I will have this accomplished by keep activity up within the battalion, training those who are below me in rank to be able to hand situations that they normally would have no idea how to solve. I would also make sure those who are in the officer core by the time the end of my term comes around are the right people and that they deserve and actually want to be there and actually worked for said position. I would train people enough in ARC trainings where they can make decisions on case to case situations, on things like when to fail people and to not be soft about it but also being respectful about it and explaining them the reasons why. I will also make heavy emphasis on trainings to keep peoples retention within the battalion because inevitably if there is nothing going on trainings wise people will either just be afk all day or they wont even bother to log on.


I would of course like Alpha designations up and running smoothly by the end of my term, to do this I would work with our current Alpha leadership team and getting things all set up and hopefully getting permission to host them. I would at the very least like to have some people in Alpha leadership whether that be Alpha or Fordo, and of course these positions filled with the right people in said positions. They should be an actual elite unit by the end of my term because right now at least server wise are not looked at as a very elite battalion because of previous reasons, this will be done by making sure the people who get into Alpha are the right people and making sure that those who prove not to be the right people are promptly removed from their positions. Alpha right now is in a very good place because of Iceman and its current leadership, and I do see it Alpha going well for an extended period of time, I would like to see Alpha around the same as it is right now with the right people in the right places and everyone is dedicated to the battalion and subunit which currently I see that being the case.


I would like TU to have an actual specialization by the time I am at the end of my term, I want them to actually have a use within the battalion during deployments and events. This specialization will of course be reconnaissance, TU is supposed to be a unit that is focused on recon and right now they are nowhere near fulfilling their specialization. Right now TU is being used as a regular trooper, just with different colors and armor, this by the end of my term will not be true. I will accomplished by putting a trustable and competent Trauma in place and of course by putting Trauma's unit on there own missions, whether that be during set up events or deployments, or I have mini events made for them to have fun and to flourish. Of course I want TU to have their lead full which is Trauma himself, this person would have to be someone again of quality and be willing to put a lot of time into Trauma's unit. Our most recent example of a good Trauma and a Trauma willing to put in the time and work for the sub unit was Blank and he still helps work on docs and the such for TU.  With the new addition (MAYBE) of ARF jobs, TU will be able to excel whether that happens during my term or afterwards. TU will be put on special missions and they will hopefully have enough members by the end of my term to be put in a separate VC’s and be able to function on their own. TU should be a unit that is functioning from within and like Rancor’s moto, without relying on outside support. 

Officer Core:

I would like the officer core to be in a stable place while having their numbers be stable as well. We have no command team at the moment so I would like to have a command team in place by the end of my term. As BCMD I could make this happen, again putting the right people in the positions.  I would also like all of our overseer positions full, those being ARCL, REGL, and SUBL. These are generally new positions that need the right people in them for them to run smoothly. I would like this to be true by the end of my term. I will have the officer core stable during my term by of course like I say again and again having the right people in the right positions, making sure people are doing their jobs and making sure I do not have to micromanage what they are doing and they can do it on their own without being asked to. I will of course make sure to teach those who are below myself in rank on how to be an officer or how to be on the command team because that for most people is not something that comes naturally and takes a lot of time to nurture. Not just time but also perseverance within the officer core is important to make sure it is stable.


All in all I really just want to see Rancor flourish, and I believe as BCMD I can majorly accomplish that goal. My activity will continue to be what it is right now which is quite a lot I must say. I will continue to do what I believe and those around me believe is right for the battalion, keeping it alive, making sure people are having fun, and making sure things are stable and running smoothly. I will make sure to improve the battalion and not just the battalion but those within the battalion, to the best of my abilities and to make Rancor great!

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:
Yes I do.

  • Agree 3
  • Winner 1

Current : Rancor BCMD Blitz TRM  Questmaster Veteran Admin
Former : Obi-Wan Kenobi | Bultar Swan | Guild Marshall Rancor CMD Colt | Rancor BCMD Blitz  Rancor Alpha-09 CMD Bana |SG WO Jayfon

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Hard +1. 

I love both applicants but i've been watiing for your BCMD application since you were a wee SGM/WO. 
Your dedication to RANCOR in these times has been unmatched and you have been here since hte last Blitz. 

You deserve the position and the experience that comes along with it. 

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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Veteran Admin

+1 Best person i can think of for the job
Good luck my friend

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Current: BOOM
Former: 501st BCMD Rex 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | Veteran Admin Game Master Manager | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma GCO CPT Waxer | GCO SUPL Wooley 2ndAC Parjai

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I love both of you and know you will both do good in the role. But you have been there consistently for Rancor as long as I have been in 501st. I'm so happy you have been allowed to apply for this position and I wish you the best of luck. 

My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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9 hours ago, Mystic said:

Hard +1. 

I love both applicants but i've been watiing for your BCMD application since you were a wee SGM/WO. 
Your dedication to RANCOR in these times has been unmatched and you have been here since hte last Blitz. 

You deserve the position and the experience that comes along with it. 

Pookie forced me too :D


I am Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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Head Admin

INSANE +1.Bana is single-handedly the reason I have only ever been in rancor since I joined the server in august. You have more than proved you deserve BCMD. Good luck!

  • Agree 1

Current: Palpatine

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze | Walon Vau Yoda x2

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Head Admin

+1 first of all, now here’s some yapping


I can not describe what Bana has been for 212th in words, however I’m going to try. Since joining the battalion, Bana has been one of the most dedicated Jedi I have ever seen, and made a name for himself as a rock in terms of how reliable and trustworthy he is. He has pulled himself up to rival past Obi Wans, such as @Atlex @Guy and @FYKO who all have left an amazing example for Bana to learn from. The 212th is blessed to have had Bana as our go-to Jedi as long as we have, and I’m saddened that he might not be around as much after he’s accepted for BCMD. He has EARNED his MAJ rank in the battalion by effort and love for the 212th, and would be considered for a commander spot if we weren’t full. If he wanted to, he could go for 212th BCMD one day. He has the full support of the 212th for this position  


Bana is by far the best choice for this role. He’s seen the good and the bad of two of the largest battalions on the server, and I have no doubt that he’ll take his experiences and bring Rancor to a level of excellence that I have only seen when Brooklyn was BCMD. He has been the leading factor in positive battalion relations between Rancor and 212th, and has done everything that 212th command has asked, and to my knowledge, has done everything that High Command has asked for Rancor. 


Good luck in your interview. Your hard work, dedication, and overall loyalty to Rancor and to Synergy as whole should be rewarded. 

  • Friendly 2

       Zeros          Clutch



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+1 .... . / -.-. .- -. / ... --- -- . / - .. -- . / -... . / .- / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- . .-. / -... ..- - / .. / .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / -.. --- / - .... .. -. --. / .. ... / -... . ... - / ..-. --- .-. / -... -.-. -- -.. / .- -. -.. / -.-. .- -. - / .-- .- .. - / - --- / ... . . / .-- .... .- - / .... . / -.. --- . ... .-.-.-

Edited by Vibin
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+1, man has shown dedication to not only Rancor, but the 212th and Jedi as well. He has real dedication and I want him to go farther now

Current: 212th Ghost Company MAJ Wooley

Former: Ahsoka Tano, 501st WO, 212th REGA, 212th ARCO, 212th SUPL x3, Ghost Company XO/Lead

Commander of Wooley Company


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+1 there is no better man for this role, Bana has carried the engagement and activity for Rancor for a a long time now! I can't speak for what he has done in Ramcor but I can speak on his time in 212th as a Senior Officer, this man has worked wonders. 


If I believed I'm Jesus this would be him! 

  • Friendly 1

Former Waxer | Former Boil | Former and first Wyler | BCMD Cody (FIRST IRISH & WELSH CODY)

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+1 Only person for the job

                               Current: Havoc ARC Overseer / Rancor MAJ  

                Ex: Alpha-22 Aven Sage Manager



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as much as i want him to stay a captain forever +1 Bana knows what he's doing, when I was in rancor I felt that he was the best choice for BCMD

Former: 187th ARCO, DU ARCO x4, DU ARCL x2, 501st ARFL, Prudii Skirata, Alpha-22 AvenAlpha-98 Nate Current: DU 1stLT GreenBean


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+1 Literally the face of Rancor, when you seek of Rancor you think of Bana. Man is on every day, and deserves Commander of Rancor. 


"Continue to learn and Grow." - Commander Tetra 2023

Current: Clone Trooper

Ex: Improcco Company Lead Gett, Improcco Company Nye, Green Company Officer Draa, 104th ARC

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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