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Everything posted by Gator

  1. Gator

    Gator ROA

    Name: Gator Steam ID 32: STEAM_0:0:223537785 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): June 13th - June 19th Reason: I have been incredibly burnout for the past couple of days, and I feel like I need a breather before doing anything else. I feel sick and have a headache whenever I get on to do anything. After this ROA is up I will 100% be motivated to do events and deployments. I can't wait to come back stronger Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  2. 5/5/5 Wasnt there, just wanna give you a good rating :)
  3. 4/4/5 Could be a bit confusing on whjere the event was. Good event overall
  4. 5/5/4 Got laggy during the mygetto map, but otherwise amazing
  5. Gator

    Holocron Heist

    5/5/5 fun fun :)
  6. Gator

    Gators GM App

    Name: Gator SteamID: 76561198407341298 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 900+ From 1-10, how would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 9 Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I would be coming back to the GM team again, I left due to College kicking my butt and not being able to keep up with the Quota. With College out I hope to make some more amazing events and deployments and can’t wait to help the server in everything. I have had so much time to cook up some stuff. Encounters to Deployments and I am so excited to test them out and see what people do. I am also returning to bring up the standard of events again due to the past few events having rather bad GM work and being boring. I plan to bring amazing and fun events this summer. This summer Nexus and I are going to be running this server in a week with events. We are gonna be the dream team and keep everyone on this server incredibly active and having fun all the time. Do you understand that you will be removed from the program if you are inactive?: Yep I don't know if you can post old docs but here are some of my old ones: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xmlQtUXjQtF5Aj6Zrh6HZTYMNdWSLrIH1yv3KUAyxtE/edit#heading=h.8c66iltlettm https://docs.google.com/document/d/1osuDUem2oM0sqvYtzzzZ7mXrbBXlZVj7MDOPWzg4MRg/edit#heading=h.me2fcbl2eky6 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OMuq2Gbf1phTLobWYvT0t69_rmldzkkQ5mKpj6kj1QA/edit#heading=h.7miany8vdaet Actual Application docs: Event: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xgrEtSve11Qv5SiHidVHgtUvOgmHMrfJr9sr-TSyLbU/edit#heading=h.b0hsomtbmlw3 Deployment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DpIMlAZ0qvN9YW1CwF_sosE95Nuq-TGDT3hDgH5FzRs/edit#heading=h.rrilzlz1j1t8
  7. Goth Girl Village @KaiserNeiner This gonna be it for real
  8. 5/5/5 Had so much fun with the new idea
  9. 2/3/4 Thank you for making an event, but it was not really clear what to follow, 85% of the server was just shooting droids, try to keep a story for the bigger part of the server
  10. Gator

    Zombie outbreak

    5/5/5 Thanks a lot!
  11. Gator

    Map Poll

    Onderon Honestly Correlia feels confined, do what Kaiser said and make a map rotation throughout the year PLUS WE CAN GET A BIGGER MHB AGAIN
  12. 5/5/5 Thank you for hosting, you make great and fun events. Sucks that people dont rate the AAR
  13. Gator

    7 years later

    5/5/5 Thank you so much for hosting! Lost of fun!
  14. Good by old friend. Thanks for being there always Have a happy time wherever you go!
  15. Steam Name: Gator - gatorskins RP Name: Ghost Company Lead Wooley RP Rank: MAJ - Major Steam ID: (64) 76561198407341298 - (32) STEAM_0:0:223537785 Battalion you are applying for: 212th Attack Battalion - BCMD Cody Experience: 212th PVT - MAJ When I first started in 212th, I was quickly acquainted with the 212th and grew relationships inside the small community. I hit NCO and was introduced to all the inner workings of a the large battalion such as leading, tactics, and building relationships with the people around me. My time as an NCO was a very weird stage where I was moving forward with no real goal, but I knew that all I wanted was to get as high as I could. I planned on moving forward with everything I had. I worked hard and eventually hit WO and was introduced to the officer corp. I was a little hesitant on what to do but moved forward with it. I gained experience in the officer core in handling discipline, making sure that entertainments were keeping people engaged, and running everything behind the scenes. At attaining the rank of SO I finally understood the importance of backline work, and being able to have officers and fellow SOs push for certain tasks, such as recruitments and CRs to grow our numbers. Evaluations of officer hopefuls and working to get people promoted were some of the most tedious, especially with the officer revamp that Kaiser did a while back. Overall I am incredibly happy with how far I have gotten and I plan to push for a lot of problems that need to be fixed and I have the experience to push for that type of need. Ghost Company GC - GC Lead I know that usually, people do not put in their experience with subunits, but I have to say that being a part of Ghost Company has been half of what my improvement has been over this past year. Saint, my fellow 212th, was the first person to get me interested and pushed me into Ghost Company. When I joined, I eventually got interviewed for a GCO position. I hosted probably over half a dozen tryouts before I went for the GCXO position after Misfit got GCC I earned the GCXO position and with my help, Misfit was able to change Ghost Company majorly. Not just with the GCO positions, but with everything else as well. I conducted dozens of tryouts and interviewed plenty of people for GCO positions over the 7 months that I was a part of GC High Command. Eventually, Misfit finally went for the position of BCMD and got it, for which I worked to receive the GC lead position. Eventually, through hard work getting the position I was able to push for more interesting stuff with GC Since February, which was also the map change, I have revamped nearly all of the documents for Ghost Company including the Tryout Doc, GCO interview, and GCXO interview. Kaiser, when he was still in 212th, made the GC dupe for us before the turn of the map so we would not be scrambling for a new dupe so we were well versed in that department. I made new Waxer/Boil Tryout dupes to fit the new map and theme of our tryouts. I have lead Ghost Company, in my Opinion, incredibly so far and I can take that experience and apply it to the entire battalion as BCMD. I was able to revive portions in Ghost Company with the implementation of amazing GCO's I have been able to make GC the most active subunit in 212th. Other experiences: SUPL x2 ARCO REGA 501st WO (Ahsoka) Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I have a clear vision of what I would like to do if I were to make BCMD. One of the most crucial parts in running anything, be it a business, or group is communication. I believe that we could vastly improve in the communication part of our command system. Rarely does SO, Officer and NCO’s overlap in responsibilities. I wish to overlap some of that so that people who are confused and do not know what to do is able to get the questions answered that they need. Making sure that communication is the working properly and being effective between sub-groups is a complete neccesity Making sure that people are engaged is a priority number one that should be going through the officer's minds whenever they are on the server. “Are we doing anything? If not, let's do something” Is something that I always think about when I am sitting in a channel doing Bunks Hop RP hoping for a gamemaster to host an event. Having the motivation to hop on is half the battle for any player who plays on Synergy. No one is going to want to hop on when they just sit there for an hour doing anything. I have a very clear and good plan for if I were to become Cody, and it's to push for entertainments and engagement in between the TS and in-game. Have talks with people, get to know people, have actual conversations with people. Heck, we could even play games other than synergy that would strengthen the community that Synergy has already provided. The officer corp can become really awesome or really unmotivating. Especially when people get frozen in a rank that they stay in for months. People want to know what is happening, and what they can do that will boost their standing in the 212th. Players hate being stagnate and not knowing if they are going to be moving up will eventually push people away. I have a plan to help my officers and NCOs know what they are doing that is helping them. I plan to have one on one talks with everyone in the officer corp, and I will regularly attend NCO meetings to put my best foot forward in knowing that I can always be approached. I will always talk with people about Regimental, Subunits and in general server topics if people want to talk. The biggest thing a leader can do is always be approachable and be willing to talk to anyone about anything. I think that one of the biggest things that drove Kaiser and Misfit away from too many interactions was because of Chain of Command. Misfit and Kaiser were always the ones who would respond to anything whenever anyone asked a question or had a specific job that they needed to do. It can be exhausting at times, and I could see that. I plan on doing that, but I plan to have a balance in of itself where I am not always the person to go to, having a chain of command is vital for the availability of everyone and to make sure everyone feels like they are contributing to the battalion as a whole and are not becoming stagnant like I said before. I believe that I have the know-how to be able to plan for these events, to be able to have a Chain of Command that actually works and is not just up in the air. Availability: Monday - Friday 1:00 PM - 11:00 PM, Saturday-Sunday 10:00 AM - 1:00 AM. Always available in discord Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 1 year, I’d have joined Synergy around the start of May 2023 890 Hours on Synergy Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: Overall: I want the entire battalion to be happy and work together coherently and with no tears in leadership. I want this battalion to get back to the place that Kaiser left off from us. All the 212th members are happy to be on and it is not a drag to load up Garry's Mod and sit in TeamSpeak for hours wishing you could play another game. I want to make it so that people enjoy hopping on the server and are happy that they get to host entertainments and trainings for their fellow 212th. With Kaiser not being the flag behind 212th when Misfit took over and left for CG, it was incredibly hard to push forward with activity and really know what we needed to do with the loss of such a huge force like Kaiser. I want 212th at the end of my term to know how to survive without Kaiser and be able to pull off the same things he did on his own, but supplement that with an amazing officer team. I plan to train people and instill a sense of hard work within 212th members to employ the same tactics that Kaiser used in his 9 months as BCMD, and to use them effectivly. High Command: What I need High Command to be at the end of my term is self sufficient. Finn and the CMD that I will pick needs to be able to work off both me and the officer corp that we have employed. They need to be seen and effectively train the next Cody to take my place after my term is over. We can’t have what happened with Kaiser leaving happen again. We need to be prepared after every Cody term to make sure that the Hype train does not die off after one Cody enters as another leaves. We need people to look to when I can't be around. I plan for my High Command to be fully self sufficient in anything and everything Senior Officer Corp: The SO’s right now are pretty solid, but we need to build it to be stable as well. With only Gohn as Captain, we need to take some LT’s that are proving themselves to create a stable SO corp. I already have a few picked out and moving them up quickly will create a stable base for my run so that I am not overwhelmed by smaller things that can be handled by my senior officers. I plan at the end of my term to have a stable SO base to be able to run the battalion the same way I would. So in the week or so that we are coming up with the next BCMD, they can carry it themselves before it can drop off. Officer Corp: Officers are in a tricky situation right now, we have decided to go with an interview process instead of a hard cap on the amount of officers there are. Meaning that quite literally anyone can make it from SGM to WO if they pass the interview. This is not a bad thing though in my eyes, we can have many many people happy with where they stay in LT if they are doing the work that needs to be done. Although, all too often I find officers get there and don’t do anything after that. I plan at the end of my term to be able to have a consistent influx of new officers that are ready to take up the mantle of officer. I need officers who want the drive to become the next BCMD, and I want to instill the sense of loyalty that will keep people wanting to improve this battalion by the next BCMD NCO Corp: Most of NCO corp is just looking to have fun on the server that never really care to get to the officer rank. That is great, but they are our biggest corp so I play to encourage the entire NCO corp that they can still help by getting them to do Entertainments, Event Leads and hosting their own engagements without needing the Officers. By the end of my term I plan to have the NCO’s be able to be active without having to rely on the Officer Corp to entertain them. The officers are still there to get engagement from the NCO’s and below, but they won’t have to carry the whole burden by the end of my term. Enlisted: These are the newest people on the server, just from CT’s or other battalions. These are the most important people to focus on in my opinion. This is the turning point where they can be invested in this battalion., and this is also the point where they can turn to SGT’s. I plan to get the officer and NCO corps to really get these people engaged, because they have the least amount of loyalty in a sense of 212th. I really plan to get every single person that comes into the battalion be shown that they are heard and are actually having fun Ghost Company: Ghost Company as of right now is doing amazing, me and Nexus have been pushing for more activity and tryouts over the past 3 months. All of my GCO’s have been amazing and incredibly helpful throughout my GCC term. At the end of Ghost Company, I want the entirety of Ghost Company full and active. I want to emphasize the activity with Ghost Company, planning on trying to get GC entertainments specially suited for them so that they are having fun and actually want to be on the server 2nd Airborne Company: 2ndAC the past few weeks hasn't been great, but recently I have seen some great improvements. Leadership has really taken the reins and pushed for more activity within the battalion. My plan is to install more leaders inside of 2ndAC and to push for more activity. I want to host entertainment and training for them so that they have more interactions inside the server so that they are more inclined to hop on and do more than just AFK. By the end of my term, I plan to push 2ndAC to be full and to be able to retain members constantly in game. Regimental Leadership: REGL was taken away in Kaiser's term because we all saw it as a “curse” or the “REGL curse”. I can see it from another point of view in the term “lonely at the top”. There's nothing else to go for anymore when you are at the top so people lose interest incredibly fast, and they eventually leave after getting the REGL position. I plan at the end of my term to have two stable REGA’s that can help the regiments incredibly well and fast so there is not much intervention. Jedi: Jedi is struggling right now to be honest. There are no active Jedi in our battalion other than Gohn who is our Obi-Wan. We constantly get new recruits for Jedi, but they are the secondary life inside of 212th with their Clone being the main. I plan to try and get some Jedi Mains who want to just play Jedi into 212th to have a stable base. At the end of my term is to have a stable Jedi base and have an Active Obi-Wan who is leading the charge of getting Jedi Recruitments ARF: ARF under Valkyrie is doing phenomenal. He is keeping an active regiment and I plan to continue furthering that. I plan to get ARF a better tryout and to have more entertainments that are mainly focused on ARF ARC: PJ is doing great and I am incredibly happy with what he is doing. I plan to get PJ to make an ARC tryout just on our past map. At the end of my term I plan for ARC to constantly be having ARC hopefuls going to ARC training and get their ARC certification. Heavy: Heavy is its own branch at this point now. Since Misfit made the decision to make all incoming 212th HVY, I think that the battalion has flourished. I plan to keep this change and to continue growing our HVY corp from here and to the end of my term Medic: We desperately need Medics in all of Synergy. I plan to get a bigger activity base with medics, such as entertainments, training and medic RP. I plan at the end of my term to have an active Medic Base with engagement flourishing Support: SUP will definitely get some love when I start to push for more activity with the regiments, Prophet is doing amazing with the SUP trainings and always keeping ot going whenever he gets on. I plan for the end of my term to push for more training with SUP. I also plan to talk with Naval about why SUP can’t PLT train anymore, seeing how it’s like pulling teeth to get a PLT training going. I want SUP to be active by the end of this and I plan to get engagement up just like the other regiments HVO: We have currently no HVO slots closed as of posting, so I plan to get specific people who are interested in HVO to continue with it. I am going to get regimental leadership involved to try and get new recruits into HVO to revive it where it once was Boarding Trainings: Boarding Training and Boarding in general are the pretty much the only thing that the 212th has going for it. I plan to get every officer on Board with hosting these and encouraging the NCO corp to host these as well. I plan to make it quick and easy and fun to host these trainings, because as of right now I see no incentive to actually do them. Money shouldn't be an incentive and I plan to change the way boarding trainings are run to make them more appealing to the younger ranks of the battalion Entertainments: Just like how I have been saying in the regiment tabs. I want entertainments, trainings, joint trainings, patrols, etc... to be flowing all the time at most of the day. I want to encourage NCO’s to do them as well, with the officer Quotas that are still enforced. At the end of my term I plan to have a sense of need to have entertainment and the like happening all the time. If you are doing bunks Jump RP, then how about you set up a sim room. That's the mindset I want with the entire 212th. Battalion Relations: I personally believe that 212th is seen in a good light. There may be some incidents with CG or other battalions that could paint us in a bad light, but I plan to rectify that. I want the 212th to be seen as one of the best battalions to join and is highly respected in this community. Communication: I want communication to be one of the biggest things that anyone thinks about by the end of my term. Communication is the key to success in anything. I want the officers to talk to the SO. I want High Command to talk to NCO’s. I want everyone to talk to everyone about something they need. Chain of Command needs to be followed if there is a problem that requires intervention from higher ranks, but I want all of 212th to be approachable in all likes. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
  16. 5/4/5 The 4 is that there were very very long streches of nothing to do. Try to always get people who want to do something, let them have something to do
  17. +1 Honestly good so far, like your app a lot. Probably should touch up on the actual implementation of most thingsz
  18. +1 Oh damn, hell yeah didnt know you were goin for it
  19. Gator

    protect nolan

    4/5/5 Honestly great event but I had to wait for about half the time waiting for admins. Lets speed it up next time
  20. Gator

    Gun running

    5/5/5 goodie goodie
  21. +1 Honestly, only from the trooper side, but he has been a big help in getting help from Jedi in Lore characters and others. I think he could really bring Jedi closer to Clones further this time around
  22. +1 fix the sound, it was fun
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