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About EODmanKarl

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  1. Name: Karl Staff Rank: Senior Admin Are you VIP?: Sadly Date: 4/23/24 Reason for leaving: Soul sucking server and I don't have fun. Farewells: Reborn the goat
  2. +1 He's Lebrons sunshine
  3. Name: Karl Who helped (If applicable): None Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): 104th,21st, and 501st were tasked on a mission to investigate a series of tunnels. Once entered they were met with many Battle droids. Ultimatley the battalions ruled to be on top and ended up blowing the tunnels! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: None Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  4. Name: Karl Who helped (If applicable): Ryan Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The CIS had taken a ship away, eliminating all civilian life on board, The 501st Legion, 21st Nova Corps, and 41st Elite Corps, were tasked with fighting the CIS forces. Ultimately the GAR came out on top and this lies another victory for the GAR! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: None Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  5. Alrighty, The "fuck ton of droids" that you spawned was a very large factor of why this event was so bad. The way you wanted it to work was the no care generic ending of a deployment. With all due respect as a fellow GM this was not only not very creative, but you quite literally ruined the deployment to get it over quicker. You had many ways to adapt to this situation besides spawning a hundred droids in brig. Not to mention you still didn't justify or talk about the fact that you gave an EJ a rocket launcher and broke GM rules. You could have not only kept cad bane in custody, you could have taken multiple approaches instead of out right spawning way too many droids from 1 POD to the point where people were getting stuck inside them. At least take the effort to put four or three and make it look like they were drilling through the venator. You could have attacked separate parts of the venator like the Engine room and shut the power off, or you could attack the HMC. At the end of the day you are trying to claim you adapted to it well but I am not the only one saying this but what you did had ruined the deployment for many. I am sorry if this has come off harsh I mean it with the most respect I can give as well as criticism as I am a GM myself and want to better the events on synergy. Not to mention you made a reason for the commando droids " blasting literal BLAST DOORS open with a rocket launcher" Which they shouldn't even have in the first place. Then when people called you out for it you actively didn't respond to it the right way. No offense but this alone ruined the deployment for me.
  6. 1/1/1 You tried, but I rate harshly for you to read this and improve. The utapau part was good, it was a enhanced deployment shoot em up but it kept us entertained. What I didn't like was that you forced cad bane to escape. Obviously we can not kill him but you could have kept him in custody. You tried to say it was your only option but it wasn't. Following that you threw multiple commando droids at us which wasn't an issue, the issue sits where you gave an EJ a rocket launcher, something ultimately outrageous and shouldn't be done again. Once again you forced most likely about 120 B1 Droids out of 1 pod to the point where people were getting stuck in a sea of droids that made no sense. Ultimately I hope you can improve with your future deployments and endeavors. Reason I rated the server performance is rated so low is that tick at numerous times dropped to 4.9 and I had soft crashed once.
  7. 4/5/4 Very good event cant wait to see what you do next!
  8. Name: Karl Who helped (If applicable): None Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Outpost was occupied by CIS forces, 501st Swept in and saved the day! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: None Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  9. 1/1/5 To classify a shoot em up as an event is one thing, but to have a hunter continue leave spawn and instantly start killing us is another. Server performance was fine but honestly one of the least enjoyable "events" I've played in the longest time.
  10. +1 This dude has been amazing ever since I met him, and I know he can cook with staff
  11. Thanks for the question, I hope to clear the confusion. I had no intention of attending nor was planning too attend the tryout. My major and I were talking to each other until he said it was time to wait for Echo tryouts, following that I joined the channel with him and stood near him in-game. I then lined up with him (jokingly), close to a minute later those hosting the tryout joined and said "are you really leaving Rex for Echo?" I sarcastically answered "yes I totally want Echo more than Rex." After that Rohan had joined and said "hope your ready for the interview", Following that I believe I said something jokingly back to Rohan as all altercations I have had with him has been friendly and jokingly. After this it was nearing the time for the actual tryout to start, and since I didn't plan on attending I didn't want to make the tryout go on longer than it needed as it would only cause the attendees more pain. And I believe the following night Rohan had joined the channel that I was in and had asked me if I really left the Echo tryout because he said there was an interview, so I then explained to him I was joking and didn't plan on attending. I do plan to run again, even if I do not get it this time around as I do plan to stay and keep bettering the 501st.
  12. Firstly thank you for +1ing! If I were to not get the position I would still stay in 501st as it's truly been my home ever since I joined synergy, I still would push for the changes I want to make with the next BCMD. And would still express what I believe should be done. But I still plan to keep 501st running no matter what.
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