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  1. Name: Bana Who helped (If applicable): STEAM_0:0:437167343 (CheesedGod) Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Rancor and 21st took out a regular CIS base and found a drunk civilian within. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  2. For the little I talked to you it was fun! Have fun in retirement
  3. Damn Ollie, this sucks brother man. I love yah even though you are a bully. Please come back every now and then to talk to us.
  4. For an answer to this the reason it would look similar to another quest is cause I do not play BH so I don't know the quests they have. If I were to become a Questmaster of course I would go through and learn all the quests so I don't make duplicate quests and the such. For the faction that I would like to work with for quests would have to be Clones as that is what I play and I know best what the people who play Clones would enjoy the most. I don't know too well what people in the Jedi or BH would like too much so I couldn't make the best quality quests for them. Another Quest: Out of Drinks?! - After taking this quest it would take you to the cafeteria. After going to the cafeteria the quest would say "Seems the Cafeteria has run out of Drinks. Go visit the village!" - 1 30 Second circle to request PTL. - About halfway to Rakesh Village a circle would be there with the line "There is some rustling in the bushes, check it out." This would spawn 5 ish deathwatch in the tree's. - After dealing with these it would take you to the Bar in Rakesh to get a drink. A circle for 30 seconds - On your way back there would be a similar circle but it would spawn 1 high health deathwatch and that's it. - After getting inside main gate there would be a circle welcoming you back to base.
  5. Name: Bana SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81114407 | 76561198122494542 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 3456:10:03 Timezone: EST From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 3 Why do you want to join the Quest team?: Seems like a fun team to be apart of, I have recently enjoyed being a GM and hosting stuff and I was told that this is a very good way to continue that and I would love to help contribute more to the server. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Do you understand that you will be given a quota and assignments and failure to meet these can result in removal from the program?: Yes Please give an example of a quest type you'd like to create. Quest Name: Tyson's Fury - You go into the armory to turn in your gear. - All of your weapons are taken and you are given fists/gloves. You are given 400 health 100 armor. - There will be multiple circles along the way for the player to "warm up" their fists. (15 second circles maybe 2 or 3 of them) - 1 Circle for 30 seconds so the player can request PTL. - First Enemy will be in Nalhalla Village, it will be a Antlion with 250 health that they must kill with their fists. - Second enemy will be to the west of base in the water somewhere with another Antlion with 250 health. - Third Enemy will be at northern outpost will be a b1 droid with 250 health and no gun. - After the enemies are killed the quest will take you back to base and the armory and tell you to "put the gloves back in armory and pick up your guns" This will be the end of the quest. Antlion Health was tested beforehand so you can indeed kill 3 250 health antlions with 400 health and 100 armor and have a little leeway for newer players. This quest could be run at decent low server pop so no issues there.
  6. I am unfortunately of the same opinion of Danny, I haven't seen you do all that much since I've seen you and can't really rely on all the old heads saying you did good as Fox. If you had applied after getting higher up and showing off your abilities to the current individuals of the server I could've considered otherwise but right now I cannot in good faith gives this anything but a -1. The plans you had given me during our talk were just about making relations better and have us work closer together and seems it continues on your app. I feel like this is something anyone going for this position could say. (I am also very against old heads applying for high positions as NCO's without putting current work in)
  7. -1, I will not go into detail because I don't think its needed but if you add more things feel free to let me know and ill re look at this.
  8. Dude, bro DUDE BRO? FINALLY DUDE BRO? One of the easiest votes I have ever made on the server. You are the heart of the 21st. When you are on 21st goes crazy. +1
  9. Name: Bana Who helped (If applicable): STEAM_0:1:58570489 (Shakes) Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): 212th and Rancor cleared out a fuel refinery Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  10. 1. I have sat down and talked to multiple high command members of things that I need to better about myself and my battalion and have taken their concerns and worked with them, I have also talked to make high command members who were apart of the vote last time and tried to understand their reasoning better therefore I am not longer angry about it and again took a step beck and thought about them. Whether I get the position or not these things will never be talked about publicly again, and obviously avoiding happening even privately. 2. Of the issues within Rancor our main issues like you mentioned were activity and engagement, other than that we have had issues of drama and people creating problems within the battalion, of course a lot of that has already been dealt with but we are still dealing with some after affects and things spread within the battalion that are not true, such as things to do with promotional requirements or things to do with officers that I will not say here. 3. For the things I am unable to do as CMD that BCMD would let me do, like I said in my application there are not many if any things that I can't do as CMD that I could as BCMD. My purpose of applying for BCMD in this case is that the position is VERY helpful with the things I am trying to do. I am not going after the position just to have BCMD in front of my name. BCMD and more in particular the position of Blitz gives a big plus to morale and activity within a battalion, this is especially true within Rancor as I have experienced myself in the past. If you would like anything more clear please feel free to message me and we can have a conversation in TS!
  11. Thank you for the response 1. For my attitude after my denial I will be very honest and say you are right it was not the attitude someone should have even after a denial. I was angry and took it out too publicly while I should've done so by myself. Of course after that small amount of time and while I was on vacation I took a step back and thought about the things I said and how I could better myself and ever since have been trying to do those things for not only my battalion but for myself. Of course I can't take what I said back but every day I am trying to better myself so I can focus on leading the battalion. I also don't think I DESERVE the position per say but I believe that can do well with it and with the support around me I feel like that helps push me in the right direction. Of course being well liked doesn't mean you should get a position but I am trying my best to PROVE that I deserve the position instead of getting it cause certain people like me or don't like me for that matter. 2. For the lack of ARC standards thing I mentioned multiple times that maturity was a big issue. I was told I didnt uphold standards and that's it, not details into but I assumed it had a lot to do with the maturity of my battalion and how professional we were being. I can only guess what they meant by it but like I said when I took a step back and looked at what the issues really were those were some of the focus points I found. I know I majorly pushed it towards my troopers standards but we are the ARC battalion so I need to first repair the ARC BATTALIONS standards and then I can enforce server wide standards. No one is going to listen to a group of people who don't have good standards so I need to fix that problem first. Of course I won't be ignoring ARC standards while fixing my battalions standards as I have recently but like I said one needs to be fixed before people outside of the battalion will take what we say about ARC standards seriously. I hope this answers the thing you are confused about! If you need more details than what I can put in writing please hit me up and we can talk!
  12. TU was doing ok at the time of me releasing this statement, and generally is still doing ok now. Its just hard to keep it going ok for a while. I am working with TU and others in my battalion to make it more permanent. I understand your of wanted 1 subunit deleted from each battalion but I believe for now at least TU can keep going and get better. (I also cant delete a subunit) I am free to hearing more opinions on it though!
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